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GCVI’s Tremain running to the NCAA on scholarship – GuelphToday

Tennessee Tremain has signed on to run track and cross country at Monmouth University in New Jersey

Almost four months after setting a world record for running a mile while dribbling a basketball, Guelphs Tennessee Tremain has signed on to run, minus the basketball, for the Monmouth University Hawks of West Long Branch, N.J., in NCAA track and field and cross-country competitions.

He signed his letter of intent in a socially-responsible ceremony earlier this month on the stairs outside Guelph CVI, where hes a Grade 12 student.

In general, the day and the ceremony was really, really amazing, he said.

I had my family show up including grandparents, aunts and uncles. I had a couple friends show up and a couple teachers which was really awesome for me because they're all the people who have supported me for so long and they're the ones who have gotten me to the point where I have these opportunities so it was really, really good to have them all there. The signing that I did is just as much attributed to the work I put in as to the work that they put in.

Recruiting and deciding on a university to attend is a little different in these current times as in-person visits to U.S. schools are out of the question.

It was sort of a little bit disappointing that I wasn't able to visit a school in person, but I definitely know that some of the schools I talked to and especially the one I'm going to really made it easy for me and they really did all they could so that I did get a full experience and experience I could have had if I was on some sort of live tour, Tremain said.

I have not been to the school, but I'm hoping that once all this COVID-19 situation simmers down a little bit and it gets a little bit less threatening to so many people and maybe the border's open, I'm looking to go and visit and see it as soon as possible. Of course, it's not that easy at this point. I've been on a sort of video campus tour and I've seen the campus from every single direction, every which way, online. I will be real excited to see it in person for the first time, but as of right now I have not seen it.

Tremain is a reigning OFSAA champion on the track when he won the junior boys 3,000 metres title when the Ontario provincial high school track and field championships were held at Alumni Stadium early in June, 2019. This years OFSAA championships that were to be held in Toronto were cancelled.

The 17-year-old is looking to concentrate on computer science at Monmouth.

I'm really into that sort of thing, he said. I'm also really into things like math and physics and that sort of thing. There is a particular computer science program at Monmouth University which sort of encompasses it all which I thought was really, really neat. I do love computer science, computer programming, computer ideas and concepts and I thought that was really good. Being able to be able to do that with taking a lot of math courses in my mind is just the perfect sort of course that I would like to take.

Yes, Tremain is a bit of a computer geek.

I definitely am, he agreed. I love working on problems and having problems in my head and being able to figure them out. In particular, computer programming where it's a lot of logic and concepts involved, that's right up my alley. I love having a problem being given to me and just working a while to try to think my way through it and solve it somehow.

While sports at school have been a no-go this year, Tremain has managed to get in a competition or two running for his Laurel Creek Track and Field Club.

Athletics Ontario hosted a couple of regional meets and they did a fantastic job with the COVID-19 protocols with social distancing and group numbers. It was really, really well done, he said.

We might have been sent out in groups of eight, I think, so I was able to get a little bit of competition in there. Still, it's not ideal and it's not generally what you'd be looking for in a season, but special props to my coaches, other coaches and the people setting up the meet for Athletics Ontario because it was really, really well run."

Tremain won the U18 boys race with a gap of more than 15 seconds to the second-place finisher. His Laurel Creek teammates combined to win the team title as the team had five runners finish in the top 13 and seven in the top 20.

I did pretty well, Tremain said. I did end up coming first in the U18 boys' in what would be the West Regional meet. Also our team for the U18 boys also won which was really amazing. It was awesome having all the guys running really well throughout the season and to finally put it all together as a team because everyone had been working so hard. It was just really amazing to see everyone sort of succeed all at the same time. That was really amazing.

Another thing really amazing for Tremain and all the other participants was just getting to compete.

Competition is just something for so many people, especially me, that really sort of gets you going, he said. It's something that inspires me and inspires a lot of people so to be able to actually compete for the first time in a while, it really got me excited and it got a lot of people excited. To have those opportunities for competition, especially at a time like this, it's just something that I was really lucky to have the opportunity to compete. It was amazing. I love competing and the way they set it up was incredible.

Now Tremain will concentrate on both his academics and athletics as he gets ready to begin his time at Monmouth.

To get ready to go, I'm going to continue to train with my club, he said. I'm going to continue to stay active and continue running and pursue everything that I'm excited and inspired to do and motivated to do.

In terms of school, I'm also a very academically-driven person and I really enjoy learning so throughout this final year of my high school, I'll be extremely engaged. There are several courses I have to take and am extremely interested to take. I feel like both athletically and academically, I'm going to stay super engaged because I'm motivated and inspired to continue through both of them. To get ready for going away next year, I think I'll be pretty prepared.

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GCVI's Tremain running to the NCAA on scholarship - GuelphToday

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The regulation of crowdfunding in Ireland – An update – Lexology


The regulation of crowdfunding in Ireland, and indeed a unified approach across Europe has been long awaited.

Due to the continued growth and development of crowdfunding across Europe over the past number of years the following pieces of legislation have been brought into effect to provide that much needed unified framework for the regulation of the sector across Europe:

The Regulation will apply from 10 November 2021, with member states being required to adopt and publish the necessary laws, regulations, and provisions to give effect to the directive by 10 May 2021, and to apply those measures from 10 November 2021.

Crowdfunding Service Providers (CSPs) covered by the Crowdfunding Regulation are excluded from the scope of the MiFID II Amending Directive, to simplify the applicable rules for CSPs.

Crowdfunding is not currently regulated in Ireland. Instead, some aspects of a crowdfunding platform services may be caught by various legislative provisions such as MIFID investment services or payment services, the Prospectus Regulations and/or the Companies Act 2014. The Regulations are a welcomed boost to the sector by providing for key investor protections, increasing investor confidence, and enabling CSPs passport their services across Europe.

Why are the Regulations necessary?

With the absence of a unified set of crowdfunding rules across the EU, this can lead to legal uncertainty and in turn discourage investment in projects. It is also a barrier to crowdfunding service providers offering cross-border services. For companies operating in smaller markets, it has limited their opportunities to benefit from investments by a large number of people.

Who do the Regulations apply to?

Donation and reward based crowdfunding models are not caught by the new regulations.

It will apply to all CSPs in respect of offers of up to 5,000,000, calculated over a period of 12 months per project owner; offers above that threshold will be regulated by MiFID II and the Prospectus Regulation.

A CSP may also be required to be separately authorised under the Payment Services Directive (PSD) where it is carrying out payment service in the course of providing the crowdfunding platform, unless the payment service will be performed by an appropriately authorised third party provider.

Does this mean additional protections for investors?

The introduction of the legislation will require CSPs to give investors clear information about any potential financial risks associated with a given project.. The legislation will ensure key investment information relating to the project will be provided by the project owner or the platform providing the service.

Authorisation and supervision of CSPs

A legal person who intends to provide crowdfunding services shall apply to the competent authority in the Member State where it is established for authorisation as a CSP as set out in Article 12 of the Regulation. CSPs will be required to provide their name, legal form, programme of operations, constitutional documents, description of their governance policies in relation to risk assessment, complaints procedure and business continuity. The CSP must also furnish details of the appointed management.

A fully reasoned decision must be provided by the relevant competent authority within three months of the application. Any authorisations must be recorded with the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) who will maintain a public register of all CSPs. Once authorised, CSPs will be supervised by the relevant authority on an ongoing basis and will be required to produce an annual report of their work to the relevant authority. If the CSP no longer meets the conditions for authorisation or is no longer providing services, authorisation can be withdrawn.

The Regulation also details the investigative and supervisory powers of Competent Authorities in relation to CSPs.

Operational requirements of Crowd Funding Service Providers

Investor protection

All information, including marketing communications as from CSPs to clients about themselves, about the costs, financial risks and charges related to crowdfunding services or investments, about the crowdfunding project selection criteria, and about the nature of, and risks associated with, their crowdfunding services shall be fair, clear and not misleading.

CSPs shall inform their clients that their crowdfunding services are not covered by the deposit guarantee scheme established in accordance with Directive 2014/49/EU and that transferable securities or admitted instruments for crowdfunding purposes acquired through their crowdfunding platform are not covered by the investor compensation scheme established in accordance with Directive 97/9/EC.

If CSPs apply credit scores to crowdfunding projects or suggest the pricing of crowdfunding offers on their crowdfunding platform, they shall make available a description of the method used to calculate such credit scores or prices. If the calculation is based on accounts that are not audited, that shall be clearly disclosed in the description of the method.

It is notable that the Regulation provides for specific protection for sophisticated and non-sophisticated investors, including whereby, the latter must undergo a suitability assessment by the CSP. The Regulation recognises that a sophisticated investor (e.g. an investment firm, institutional investors, large corporates etc) is aware of the risks associated with investments in crowdfunding projects, and therefore the barriers or checks that are applicable to non-sophisticated investors are not required. Such barriers or checks include a loss simulation exercise to show a non-sophisticated investor can withstand a 10% loss to their net worth (to be reviewed by the CSP annually).

The introduction of a pre-contractual reflection period may prove problematic in practice or require revisions to existing platforms, where non-sophisticated investors may revoke any offer to invest within 4 days of making an offer.

The requirement for a company raising funds (i.e. the Project Owner) to prepare an investment information sheet was to be expected and is good practice. The CSP must verify the accuracy of this information and where there are inaccuracies that are not addressed properly, the CSP must take steps to cancel the crowdfunding offer.

Administrative penalties

Member States shall, in accordance with their national law, ensure that competent authorities have the power to impose administrative penalties and other administrative measures including fines of up to at least 500,000 and take any other suitable measures for infringements of certain provisions of the Regulation.

A decision imposing administrative penalties or other administrative measures for infringement of the Regulation shall be published by competent authorities on their official websites immediately after the natural or legal person subject to that decision has been informed of that decision. The publication shall include at least information on the type and nature of the infringement and the identity of the natural or legal persons responsible.


The Regulations have been a long time coming and are a much-welcomed development for companies small and medium, looking to scale globally.

In August 2017, on foot of an invite from the Department of Finance for submissions for a crowdfunding regulatory framework in Ireland, Philip Lee was the only Irish law firm to address the consultation in full. Many of the issues identified in the Philip Lee submission and other industry submissions have materialised in the Regulation, including due diligence checks, the applicability of the Prospectus Regulations, suitability assessments for investors, the concept of a key information sheet and robust complaints handling processes.

Crowdfunding platforms that comply with the new rules and become authorised crowdfunding service providers may offer their services to potential investors across the EU under the EU passporting regime. This is a significant development for the sector, where Irish based companies using a CSP can have access to the European investment market via crowdfunding, and investors across Europe can have confidence in the sector and the CSP itself, where all players are adhering to the same rulebook.

Ireland is already a world leader in attracting foreign direct investment. To date, some of the most successful CSPs have operated from the UK under local rules. Given Irelands prominent position as a destination for doing business, coupled with Brexit and the challenges that local businesses in the UK will have in accessing the European market, the implementation of the Regulation in Ireland has the potential to pave the way for Ireland to be a global hub for the crowdfunding sector.

Article written with the assistance of Daniel Ryan.

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The regulation of crowdfunding in Ireland - An update - Lexology

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The global Crowd Funding market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.5% over the forecast timeframe of 2020 to 2027 – The Market Feed

This report titled as Global Crowd Funding Market, gives a brief about the comprehensive research and an outline of its growth in the market globally. It states about the significant market drivers, trends, limitations and opportunities to give a wide-ranging and precise data and also scrutinizes its growth in the overall markets development which is needed and expected.

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Companies Profiled in this report includes Crowd Cube Capital, Seedrs, Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, Fundable, CircleUp Network, MicroVentures Marketplace, etc.

The report also summarizes the various types of the Global Crowd Funding Market. Factors that influence the market growth of particular product category type and market status for it. A detailed study of the Global Crowd Funding Market has been done to understand the various applications of the products usage and features. Readers looking for scope of growth with respect to product categories can get all the desired information over here, along with supporting figures and facts.

In addition, increasing disposable income and stringent regulations in developed countries such as the US, Germany, France, North America, Latin America, Japan, Asia-Pacific, and India etc. for mandatory Online Photo Printing are other factors expected to drive growth of the global market to a significant extent over the forecast period.

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Key questions answered in the report include:

What will the market size and the growth rate be in 2027?

What are the key factors driving the Global Crowd Funding Market?

What are the key market trends impacting the growth of the global Crowd Funding Market?

What are the challenges to market growth?

Who are the key vendors in the Global Crowd Funding Market?

What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the global Crowd Funding Market?

What are the trending factors influencing the market shares of the Americas, APAC, Europe, and MEA?

What are the key outcomes of the five forces analysis of the Global Crowd Funding Market?

This report provides pinpoint analysis for changing competitive dynamics. It offers a forward-looking perspective on different factors driving or limiting market growth. It provides a five-year forecast assessed on the basis of how the Global Crowd Funding Market is predicted to grow. It helps in understanding the key product segments and their future and helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segments.

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The global Crowd Funding market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.5% over the forecast timeframe of 2020 to 2027 - The Market Feed

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Bitcoin analysts explain what’s next in the aftermath of BTC plunging to $16.2K – Cointelegraph

The price of Bitcoin (BTC) dropped sharply on Nov. 26 following a mass sell-off from whales. Data from on-chain data firms, namely Santiment, Intotheblock, and CryptoQuant, show heightened levels of whale exchange inflows.

Whales selling right under Bitcoin's all-time high, particularly when the market sentiment was overly euphoric, led to a massive drop. Roughly $1.8 billion worth of futures contracts were wiped out, as Cointelegraph reported.

Some exchanges, like Binance as an example, recorded $400 million worth of liquidations within merely several hours.

According to Santiment, whales sold quickly after Bitcoin surpassed $19,300. Many of these high-net-worth individuals sold so aggressively that they are no longer in the whale category of holding over 1,000 BTC.

The overleveraged derivatives market started crashing as soon as the price of Bitcoin saw a relatively minor drop. Eventually, BTC dropped to as low as $16,200 on major exchanges. Analysts at Santiment said:

Researchers at Intotheblock spotted a similar trend. The drop in the price of Bitcoin matched the moment when whales transferred 93,000 BTC into exchanges. When the price of BTC was at the yearly peak, 93,000 BTC were worth $1.8 billion.

Subsequent to the rapid crash of the Bitcoin futures market, the outlook on Bitcoin from traders and analysts remains divided. Some believe that BTC is headedfor a deeper pullback, possibly to the $13,800 support level. Others, however, say that buyers now have the incentive to bring BTC above $18,000 to tap the liquidity above.

The bearish case for Bitcoin in the near term mainly revolves around two things. First, during previous bull markets, BTC historically dropped 30% or more before seeing a continuation of the rally. If BTC sees a similar trend, that would mean a drop to at least $14,500.

Second, short-term investor activity is increasing as the price of BTC consolidates. In the past, a spike in the number of young addresses marked a bearish trend.

Cryptocurrency trader and technical analyst, Edward Morra, emphasized that previous bull markets saw multiple corrections that were even more severe, such as by 30% to 40%. Furthermore, the trader also said that the Fibonacci sequence 0.618 level is $13,500.

Based on the combination of these two data points, Morra explains that a drop to $13,500 would be a fantastic opportunity. He said:

Josh Olszewicz, a chartist and a cryptocurrency investor, meanwhile says that local Bitcoin tops usually occur when unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) aged one to three months reach 10%.

The investor notesthat it is currently at 8%, which has historically signaled a market top. He noted that similar to BDD, more young on-chain coin movements are generally bearish.

Nevertheless, the market sentiment around Bitcoin remains generally bullish. Many analysts that anticipate BTC to fall in the near term still expect the dominant cryptocurrency to hit an all-time high by the years end. Considering this, some traders are also optimistic about the short-term price trend of BTC.

A pseudonymous trader known as Byzantine General noted that the liquidity for Bitcoin is now in the $17,500 to $19,000 range. Liquidity emerges when traders in the futures market sway to one side of the market. Since the liquidity is higher up, it indicates that traders are likely shorting BTC and the liquidation prices of overleveraged shorts are located around $18,000.

Stop hunts and cascading liquidations can work both ways. If mass long contract liquidations caused BTC to drop on Nov. 26, short liquidations could trigger BTC to rally. Given that BTC/USD has dropped substantially in a short period, a relief rally is certainly possible. With liquidity near $18,000, the probability of this happening remains high.

Former Credit Suisse banker Mira Christanto added that the medium to the long-term outlook of BTC remains strong. She pinpointed the Bitcoin Difficulty Ribbon indicator, which suggests the price of BTC has been suppressed for a long time. The indicator signifies an acceleration of mining difficulty, which as seen in 2013 and 2016, marked the start of bull cycles.

Whale exchange deposits have continuously remained high throughout November, which was the main source of selling pressure. But, the one variable that could offset the sell-off from whales is stablecoin inflows. In the latest note to its clients, data analytics firm CryptoQuant said that the number of stablecoins deposited into exchanges rose sharply in recent months.

For the rally of Bitcoin to continue in the near term, two main factors are critical. BTC needs to stay above the $16,200 support region, which it has defended so far with a strong reaction from the market.

It also would need to see higher stablecoin inflow in the next several days, which would indicate that sidelined capital is returning to the market. The note read:

At least in the foreseeable future, it is critical for BTC to remain stable above $17,000 and consolidate. This would allow the derivatives market to see a potential resurgence in momentum and the open interest to build up. So far, there aren't too many signs that a massive correction must occur and that the road toward a new all-time high in the medium term has been hindered.

Moreover, the culmination of negative news, including Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrongs tweet thread about U.S. regulationand Chinese police seizing $4.2 billion in BTC and other cryptocurrencies from the PlusToken Ponzi scheme, hit the market in recent days to fuel bearish sentiment.

However, as the impact of this negative news wears off, the fear along with selling pressure on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies could decrease in the upcoming weeks

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Bitcoin analysts explain what's next in the aftermath of BTC plunging to $16.2K - Cointelegraph

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Bitcoin loses steam after nearing all-time highs, but trader says it could be on track to $74,000 – CNBC

Bitcoin's boom may just be starting.

The cryptocurrency's comeback could go exponential next year, two traders said Tuesday after bitcoin broke above $19,000 and rallied nearly 3.5%, closing in on its 2017 record highs.

The popular trade lost steam later in the week, falling nearly 12% since Wednesday to around$16,855.00as of Friday morning, according to CoinMetrics.

Bitcoin is still up around 136% year to date, buoyed by bullish sentiment tied in part to fintech companies including PayPal and Square getting into crypto.

"It's hard to give bitcoin an intrinsic fundamental value because there's pretty much a finite supply," Todd Gordon, founder of, told CNBC's "Trading Nation" on Tuesday.

Only 21 million bitcoins will ever be produced.

To try and see where the trade could be headed, Gordon used a concept known as the Elliott wave theory.

"It's a wonderful way to value crypto because Elliott wave is meant to detect the herding mentality and the emotions driving the price fear and greed and it creates very recognizable patterns," he said, turning to a chart of bitcoin.

"The Elliott wave theory is based on the idea that there's five waves in a primary trend, three [up]trends and two intervening corrections," Gordon said.

The first wave higher occurred in 2014, followed by a decline into 2015 and a long-term uptrend through 2018, Gordon said. The fourth wave has formed "sort of a sideways triangle" over the course of the last two years, and the fifth could be bitcoin's latest wave higher, the trader said.

"The point of all this is a reliable relationship in the Elliott wave theory is the percent distance traveled in that first wave in 2014 is often equal to the percent change in wave five," Gordon said.

Seeing as the first wave was a roughly 658% rally, Gordon's target was a lofty one.

"I can't believe I'm going to go out on CNBC and say this, but it's about 74,000," he said. "The Elliott wave goes very well with Fibonacci multiples. If it does want to fall short, it can go to 61% of that target, which is only at 34,000."

Bitcoin could potentially be the Tesla of 2021.

Mark Tepper

president and CEO, Strategic Wealth Partners

Another trader saw even loftier heights ahead for the crypto play.

"I've always had to own some," Mark Tepper, president and CEO of Strategic Wealth Partners, said in the same "Trading Nation" interview.

"It's like a FOMO concept for me," he said. "If I never owned any and bitcoin hits 100,000 per coin, I'd probably cry myself to sleep every night for the rest of my life."

Until recently, Tepper treated bitcoin like any other speculative investment, owning a small enough amount that it wouldn't tank his portfolio if the trade went south. But that changed when PayPal and other companies started to dip their toes in the space, he said.

"The thing that's always held me back from being an outright bitcoin bull has really been this lack of widespread adoption. But ... adoption's happening and those users, those PayPal and Square users, they're buying more bitcoin than what's actually hitting the market on a daily basis," Tepper said.

"You can kind of compare this to Tesla," he said. "Tesla's up over 500% this year. In my opinion ... I think bitcoin could potentially be the Tesla of 2021. It could, in my most bullish case possible, get to 100K by the end of next year. That'd be my bull case. I think my base case is a little closer to it doubling up to about 40K by the end of 2021."

Disclosure: Gordon and Tepper own bitcoin.


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Bitcoin loses steam after nearing all-time highs, but trader says it could be on track to $74,000 - CNBC

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Global Crowd Funding Market 2020 | Industry Size, Growth Opportunities, Competitive Analysis and Forecast to 2025 – Canaan Mountain Herald

The report on global Crowd Funding market is positioned to harness a clear perspective highlighting both value based and volume based market size estimations to encourage profit driven business decisions in the forecast tenure, 2020-25.

The report follows a systematic top-down analytical review to highlight note-worthy developments and lucrative business tactics that set the growth track effectively, complying with future ready business returns.

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Incessant research efforts towards catering to divulge Crowd Funding market relevant information have been employed gauging optimally into various ongoing market developments that have reflected and impacted market progression in multiple ways.

The key players covered in this studyCrowd Cube CapitalSeedrsKickstarterIndiegogoGoFundMeFundableCircleUp NetworkMicroVentures Marketplace

Based on thorough research in the lines of primary and secondary research practices, global Crowd Funding market is likely to witness extensive growth in foreseeable times. The report makes relevant efforts in drawing necessary attention towards unravelling significant data pertaining to both current and past developments.

Market segment by Type, the product can be split intoNon-Equity SourcesEquity Sources

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The report assessing Crowd Funding market is poised to present accurate market relevant information across vertices such as M&A investments, business objectives set by frontline players as well as other contributing players and their elaborate references of business and commercial agreements, potential investment chains and a brief of their market positioning, besides profit and revenue cycles that remain highly relevant growth determinants.

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Additionally, this intense research report synopsis highlighting key developments have been referenced from the multi-stage developments across regions and countries. The report defining Crowd Funding market specifically refers to elaborate developments across North and South America, besides harnessing discernable information on Europe. MEA, and APAC specific terrains.

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Global Crowd Funding Market 2020 | Industry Size, Growth Opportunities, Competitive Analysis and Forecast to 2025 - Canaan Mountain Herald

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Bitcoin plunges by nearly $3,000 after closing in on its all-time record – CNBC

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LONDON Bitcoin has plunged by close to $3,000 in less than 24 hours after hitting highs not seen since the end of 2017.

The price of bitcoin was trading at $19,374 at 1:45 p.m. London time Wednesday when it began its slide. The losses accelerated overnight, with the price falling from $18,824 at 2 a.m. Thursday to $16,857 by 9 a.m., according to data from industry site CoinDesk.

Bitcoin has been on a tear in 2020, skyrocketing over 150% in a jump crypto enthusiasts have credited to unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimulus in response to the Covid-19 crisis, as well as interest from big-name investors such as Paul Tudor Jones and Stanley Druckenmiller.

The latest tumble comes as many predicted the cryptocurrency would soon hit an all-time high of $20,000.

AntoniTrenchev, a managing partner and co-founder of Nexo, which bills itself as the world's biggest crypto lender, said he expects bitcoin to rally well into the $20,000s and beyond.

"Long term I don't see anythingderailing Bitcoin's irrevocable rise higher," said Trenchev. "That doesn't mean we won't have pullbacks along the way. Look what happened in March; Bitcoin plunged 40% in one day during the coronavirus market panic. 20-30% falls can and should be expected."

He added: "Any healthy market needs to have pullbacks and periods of consolidation. Already in 2020 we've seen a gain of 160%."

Bitcoin peaked at $19,783 in December 2017. After hitting that milestone, the bubble burst and bitcoin plummeted to $3,122 the following year.

It climbed past $15,000 on Nov. 5, $18,000 on Nov. 19, and $19,000 on Nov. 24.

Bitcoin's market value which is calculated by multiplying the total number ofbitcoins in circulation by theprice now stands at $315.3 billion, down from $355.9 billion on Tuesday, according to CoinDesk.

CNBC's Ryan Browne contributed to this story.

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Bitcoin plunges by nearly $3,000 after closing in on its all-time record - CNBC

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Veteran Analyst Says BTC Might See Further Correction but ‘Prices Have Not Topped’ | Markets and Prices – Bitcoin News

Following bitcoins sharp pullback on November 26, renowned trader Peter Brandt says BTC is likely to see a further correction, although he thinks prices have not topped. The comments follow the massive sell-off of cryptos that resulted in traded volumes of $8.5 billion being recorded across exchanges in just 24 hours. According to Messari, this is the second-highest traded volumes figure ever recorded.

Prior to the bears taking over, BTC had gone on an extended bull run and during the run up, many analysts predicted the digital asset would at least breach the $20,000 mark. However, at the time of writing, BTC appears to have stabilized after bottoming out at $16,218.

In keeping with the practice of issuing bullish statements when BTC is on a bull run, some analysts insisted that BTC would end the year above $20,000. Still, even after the latest crash, some remain adamant that the $19,500 resistance level will be breached and they back their predictions with data. For instance, the findings from a study carried out by a Swiss financial institution, SEBA says that current wallet holdings suggest large holders are unperturbed by the sell-off.

Also agreeing with the SEBA findings is Mati Greenspan, the founder of Quantum Economics who tweets that the 17% pullback is rather tame at this stage of the cycle. When one Twitter user asks if a further drop is expected, Greenspan responds my guess is weve already seen the worst of it.

However, not everyone agrees with the assessment that the large drop is actually a long-overdue correction. Instead, some bitcoiners on Twitter say rumors that the U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is planning to change rules governing the use of noncustodial wallets might have triggered the large drop on November 26. Without giving away much, Ryan Selkis the founder at Messari tweeted I survived the Mnuchin crash of 2020.

However, Kyle Samani, the managing partner at Multicoin thinks the Mnuchin rumors have no effect on the current BTC bull run. He argues:

(The) next wave of buyers macro buyers want regulation For them, 21M cap is a feature, and censorship resistance is (kind of) a bug They dont want self custody. Just inflation hedge.

Still, others believe the resumption of withdrawals on the Asia crypto exchange Okex might have caused the drop. Okex froze withdrawals after one of the exchanges private key holder was reportedly taken in custody. While there is no consensus on what caused the drop, many bitcoiners appear to agree that BTC might not be returning to $10,000.

For instance, the SEBA findings say $16,200 is the new support price for BTC while the resistance is $19,500. Prior to the Thursday drop, Mike Novogratz of Galaxy Digital opined that BTC prices are not going to fall below $12,000 in the current cycle.

Do you think BTC will go past $20,000 this year? Share your views in the comments section below.

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Bitcoin’s Carnivore Cult Is Both Stupid and Correct – CoinDesk – Coindesk

This entire article is Saifedeans fault.

Saifedean Ammous, author of The Bitcoin Standard, kept heaping steak tartare onto my plate at a Bitcoin meetup back in August 2018, in between jokes about liberal plebs.

As the youngest woman in the room, per usual, I wanted acceptance from the Bitcoin clan. Despite nearly a decade of (fickle) vegetarianism, I accepted the authors meat offerings in exchange for an off-the-record interview. I torpedoed questions his way between bites. Ammous told me last week, via direct message, that he couldnt remember if that was his first public steak dinner. But there would be many that followed.

Long before he became a bitcoiner, Ammous was a carnivore.

I was, independently, into low-carb keto, he said, referring to ketogenic diets. These two things started to merge together more and more as people who were interested in Austrian economics became interested in meat and good food.

Over the past decade, bitcoin-themed steak dinners have become a global ritual, hosted by communities from San Francisco to Tokyo. It was the Kraken exchanges Bitcoin evangelist Pierre Rochard who organized most of Ammous steak-and-bitcoin dinners in New York, inviting friends from the Socratic Seminar meetup. This was all pre-COVID, of course. (These days, there are a few outdoor gatherings at beaches and parks.)

I was traveling to the U.S. and Pierre told me to stop by in New York and hed organize a dinner for me. Then 70 people showed up, Ammous said. After that, everyone on Twitter was constantly asking, and demanding, their own steak dinner in their own hometown.

Becoming a Bitcoin-carnivore evangelist

Since then, Ammous organized Bitcoin-themed dinners in more than a dozen cities, including Hong Kong, Amman, Beirut, London, Madrid and Milan. Meanwhile, hundreds of Bitcoin fans routinely post meaty food porn via Twitter and Telegram groups like Citadel Chefs. Like Ammous, they often profess theynaturally found this a hobbyist combination, rather than following a demographic trend. As Crypto Twitter icon @cryptomedici wrote: I dont follow the chad lifestyle, the chad lifestyle follows me.

Ammous is among the most famous carnivore evangelists tweeting hot pics of fatty steaks, his version of thirst traps. In fact, the prolific economist penned a manifesto for grilling steak to beat fiat food, equating empty carb calories with inflationary government-issued money.

The (tongue-in-cheek) narrative says bitcoiners like Ammous will simply avoid the impending collapse of Western civilization by re-inventing feudalism, as lords of private citadel meat-lockers paid for with the worlds hardest money. Loving meat is a part of some bitcoiners shtick, along with hating journalists and socialism. Memes and jokes abound comparing Soy Boy or vegan token fans to hyper-masculine bitcoiners.

Its very masculine to grill. In the Wild West, the cowboys are always seen having this massive steak, nutritionist Lorraine Kearney said in a phone interview. Especially if theyre trying to lift weights and bulk up, its always about eating more protein.

Back in 2018, I told Ammous Id try carnivory, if only to gloat when my body didnt magically transform into a lean, mean hodling machine. To my great dismay, two weeks of a 90% meat diet left me feeling stronger, more energetic and less emotionally volatile than Id ever been. By the third week I stopped craving sweets and my doctor noticed a significant improvement in my health, compared to my last annual physical.

As it turns out, Im hardly the first liberal woman to fall in love with both bitcoin and grilled flesh. To the contrary, author Amber OHearn was one of the most influential authors in the early days of crypto-carnivory. Shes been writing about her keto diet experiments for nearly a decade.

Im off all medications, OHearn said, describing how this diet helped after her bipolar diagnosis. Ive never had symptoms of the mood disorder again.

Like any crypto trend, believers can seem quite fanatic. Zcash co-founder Zooko Wilcox even tweeted that keto diets can help treat cancer. (Wilcox and OHearn were once married, but have since continued their meat evangelism separately.)

On the other hand, Kearney said high amounts of fat can contribute to issues like heart disease. Bitcoin-carnivores often dismiss this warning as fake news by the media-fiat-food-industrial complex, hell-bent on brainwashing the masses. Of course, every citadel-dwelling hero needs a mainstream elite villain to foil his own righteousness. However, the reality of carnivore diets may be more nuanced.

Plant-eaters clap back

Kearney agreed with OHearn, broadly speaking, that high-protein diets can be very healthy and every persons body is different.

The nutritionist said shes known clients who feel amazing after years of only eating animal protein, while others prefer low-carb diets with diverse plants. She added that grass-fed meat has many more nutrients, so results may depend on the quality of the ingredients.

The carnivore diet has been around for a number of years. But the research will take a decade, if not longer, to provide the benefits of such diets, Kearney said. When people remove inflammatory, highly processed foods and introduce a more natural diet, like with meat, theyll see results like a decrease in weight gain and bloating, less fatigue and better gut health.

There may also be some truth to the bitcoiner mantra that established norms were based on inaccurate science. Kearney said the past four decades saw a massive shift among nutritionists.

Some of the products they used to recommend were processed foods it was all about restricting calories, Kearney said. Now its more about focusing on balance and understanding the psychological aspects as well.

There are also plenty of vegan bitcoiners, from Bitcoin Core developer Matt Corrallo to Lightning Labs CEO Elizabeth Stark.

Bitcoin doesnt care what you eat, Stark said in a direct message.

The steak-loving author of Bitcoin: Sovereignty Through Mathematics, Knut Svanholm, agreed with Stark.

I believe that we should probably leave diets out of any Bitcoin discussion, Svanholm said. It tends to be a bit silly and people are semi-religious when it comes to food preferences.

Thanksgiving feasts

Meanwhile, Wilcox and OHearn are among many bitcoin aficionados who ate a predominately meat dinner for Thanksgiving 2020.

I like fatty steak, roast beef, ground beef and bacon more than turkey. And thats even more true on Thanksgiving, which is a celebration of plentitude and togetherness, Wilcox said in a direct message.

For a festive twist on the holiday classics, OHearn combined turkey with a keto-friendly stuffing.

Sausage stuffing with ground pork and pork rinds, to help absorb the fat the way bread does in a stuffing, OHearn said over the phone, describing the menu. I also eat eggs and dairy without having too much of a problem. So for holidays I might have eggnog.

It was OHearn who convinced me that bitcoiners meat fetish isnt primarily the result of loud mens testosterone-induced, Freudian fixations.

There are these ideals about what a woman should be that dissuade women from taking pleasure in their bodies and being physical. Meat is connected to that, OHearn said, contradicting the diets stereotype. Meat is sexy and carnal plus, one of my primary roles as a mother is to nourish my children, inside my body, next through breast-feeding and then preparing their food and nutrients.

Like so many bitcoiners who ate Thanksgiving dinner with their families, OHearn said she was grateful for her healthy family. As for myself, I ate plenty of plants this holiday, despite knowing lean protein makes me feel better than pecan pie. Rather than travel to family, I joined an outdoor gathering of bitcoiners for turkey, my first friendsgiving as part of the clan. I no longer felt like an outsider, nor was I the sole young woman. But I did bring my own ros, because we all know the bitcoin cowboys will only bring beer and whiskey.

It may be precisely because of our differences, instead of despite them, that we were so grateful to gather with diverse friends contributing, in our own ways, to the first open-source, digital money. Especially during the pandemic, were thankful to be a part of an economic shift that just might manage to outlive our BBQ-slathered grills and little stone castles.

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Bitcoin's Carnivore Cult Is Both Stupid and Correct - CoinDesk - Coindesk

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Ether, XRP and other ‘altcoins’ rally as bitcoin heads for all-time high – CNBC

Bitcoin isn't the only cryptocurrency posting strong gains lately.

Ether, XRP and a handful of other so-called "altcoins," or alternative cryptocurrencies, rallied Monday, following the world's best-known digital currency higher.

At around 9:15 a.m. ET, ether passed the $600 level, a point it hasn't reached since June 2018, according to data from industry site CoinDesk. XRP at one point surged 29% to almost 55 cents, hitting its highest level in over two years.

Ether was last trading up about 8% in the last 24 hours at $595, having earlier risen as much as 13%, while XRP was 19% higher at around 54 cents. Both are up about 350% and 180% respectively year-to-date.

Crypto industry investors said altcoins were tracking the momentum that has seen bitcoin surge recently. Bitcoin last week crossed the $18,000 threshold and is close to an all-time high near $20,000, which it hit in late 2017 before slumping as low as $3,122 the following year.

"What you generally see in the space is bitcoin goes on a run and then a period of time later might be a few weeks, might be a month the altcoins then go on a run," Peter Wall, CEO of London-based crypto mining firm Argo Blockchain, told CNBC. "Bitcoin leads and the altcoins follow."

Another altcoin, Chainlink, rose as much as 6% to around $15. It's currently up more than 740% since the start of the year.

Chainlink is often associated with a concept called "DeFi," or decentralized finance, which aims to recreate traditional financial products like loans without middlemen like banks.

DeFi has become a popular theme in crypto this year, with several new projects emerging. It has been compared to the initial coin offering, or ICO, frenzy of late 2017 which saw multiple new virtual coins appear.

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Ether, XRP and other 'altcoins' rally as bitcoin heads for all-time high - CNBC

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