About SCUT
South China University of Technology (SCUT) is a leading publicresearch-intensive educational institution in China. Located inGuangzhou, a thriving metropolis in the Pan Pearl River DeltaEconomic Area and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area inSouth China, it is now one of the 36 Class-A universities under theChinese Ministry of Education (MoE)s national Double First ClassUniversity Plan.
SCUT is a comprehensive research university with particularstrengths in engineering, sciences, medicine, business, economics,humanities, law and other disciplines. According to ClarivateAnalytics, its number of disciplines listed in the ESI global top1 is tied for 8th place nationwide.
About GZIC
On March 15, 2017, the agreement of constructing the GuangzhouInternational Campus(GZIC) of SCUT was signed by four parties: theMinistry of Education (MoE) of the Peoples Republic of China,Guangdong provincial government, Guangzhou municipal government andSCUT.
It is the first and only campus that MoE cooperates with theuniversity and the local governments to build a world-classuniversity in cooperation with top overseas universities. Thecampus aims to drive innovation and serve the country througheducation and research activities, as well as contribute to thedevelopment of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
Located on the south bank of Guangzhou International InnovationCity, GZIC covers an area of 110 hectares. The first-phase campushas already opened since September 2019, and the remainder ismarked for completion by the end of 2021. The total investment ofthe campus is estimated to exceed 20 billion RMB. Upon completion,the campus will enroll about 12,000 students and employ 1,600staff.
In line with SCUTs strength in engineering, the GuangzhouInternational Campus will focus on disciplines such as intelligentmanufacturing, biological medicine, advanced materials, ecologicalenvironment, AI and other emerging engineering andinterdisciplinary fields.
Ten new engineering schools and a host of cross disciplinaryresearch institutes will be setup on the campus. So far, fourschools have been established, namely, the School of BiomedicalSciences and Engineering, the Shien-Ming Wu School of IntelligentEngineering, the School of Molecular Science and Engineering, andthe School of Microelectronics.
The schools offer undergraduate, master, and doctoral programs.Enrollment for graduate students has started since September 2018,while undergraduate enrollment began in September 2019 in thefields of biomedical engineering, robotics engineering, intelligentmanufacturing engineering, molecular science and engineering, andmicroelectronics science and engineering.
Schools and Disciplines forRecruitment
Shien-Ming Wu School of Intelligent Engineering
Disciplines for Recruitment:
Basic research and applied research related to ArtificialIntelligence, Big Data, Computer Science, Electronic Engineering,Information Engineering, Robotics and Automation, IntelligentManufacturing, Advanced Manufacturing, High-end Equipment.
Outstanding scholars with specialized or interdisciplinarybackgrounds in Mechanical Engineering, Automation Engineering,Electronic and Information Engineering, Computer Science, SoftwareEngineering, Intelligent Engineering, and other related fields arewelcome to apply for corresponding positions.
Contact: Ms. Jia
Tel: +86 20 81182104
Email: jiachenchen@scut.edu.cn
Website: https://www2.scut.edu.cn/wusie/
School of Microelectronics
Disciplines for Recruitment:
Millimeter Wave/ RF / Analog Integrated Circuit Design,Digital-Analog Integrated Circuit Design, Millimeter Wave RadarAntenna Design, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Edge Computing,Advanced Materials and Devices, Intellisense, Smart Sensor,Integrated Circuit Packaging and Reliability, High-Precision EDASimulator, etc.
Outstanding scholars in these fields and other related areas arecordially invited to apply.
Contact: Ms. Zhang
Tel: +86 20 87114300-800
Email: zhanghn@scut.edu.cn
Apart from the areas listed above, qualified scholars working inrelated interdisciplinary frontiers are also welcome to apply forfaculty positions.
Assistant Professor or Associate Professor (Tenure-Track)
Associate Professor or Full Professor (Tenured)
Living Benefits
Salary: a competitive salary corresponding to the position willbe provided comparable to that of top international universities.For applicants who have obtained faculty positions in world-classuniversities, the salary can be negotiated with reference to theapplicant's current salary and benefits.
Housing benefits: on-campus rental apartment (subject toapplication and approval) and a housing subsidy ranging from RMB 1million to 10 million may be provided according to relevantpolicies of Guangdong province and Guangzhou municipality.
Other benefits: according to relevant Chinese policies fornon-Chinese citizens, the university will pay the employeecomponent of Chinese social insurance, and help with childrensenrollment in the universitys kindergarten, primary, and secondaryschools.
Please send the application materials to the email address ofthe contact person for the respective school or the academicrecruitment email address of the campus. Your application materialsshould include your curriculum vitae, a research plan, and ateaching plan (all in PDF format). In addition, your three refereesshould send their recommendation letters to the academicrecruitment email address of the campus, indicating the name of theapplicant/s as the subject of the email.
The academic recruitment email address of the campus: academic@scut.edu.cn
If you need further information about us, please visit theofficial websites Wechat Platform of South China University ofTechnology and Guangzhou International Campus. We will also providetimely answers to application questions and policy inquiriesthrough schools contact information and academic recruitmentmailbox.
Office of Human Resources and Academic Planning
-Contact: Mr. Pei, Ms. Wang
-Tel: +86 20 81181618 +86 20 81181613
-SCUT Website: https://www.scut.edu.cn/
-GZIC Website: http://www2.scut.edu.cn/gzic/
This advertisement of faculty recruitment is effectively allyear round. Warmly welcome to join us!
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Faculty Positions of Intelligent Engineering and Microelectronics job with South China University of Technology (SCUT) | 314652 - The Chronicle of...
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