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The Future of Artificial Intelligence Requires the Guidance of Sociology – DrexelNow – Drexel Now

In the race to out-compete other companies artificial intelligence (AI) design is lacking a deep understanding of what data about humans mean and its relation to equity. Two Drexel University sociologists suggest we pay greater attention to the societal impact of AI, as it is appearing more frequently than ever before.

The coronavirus pandemic has sped up the use of AI and automation to replace human workers, as part of the effort to minimize the risks associated with face-to-face interactions, saidKelly Joyce, PhD,a professor in theCollege of Arts and Sciencesand founding director of theCenter for Science, Technology and Societyat Drexel. Increasingly we are seeing examples of algorithms that are intensifying existing inequalities. As institutions such as education, healthcare, warfare, and work adopt these systems, we must remediate this inequity.

In a newly published paper inSocius,Joyce,Susan Bell, PhD, a professor in theCollege of Arts and Sciences,and colleagues raise concerns about the push to rapidly accelerate AI development in the United States without accelerating the training and development practices necessary to make ethical technology. The paper proposes a research agenda for a sociology of AI.

Sociology's understanding of the relationship between human data and long-standing inequalities is needed to make AI systems that promote equality, explained Joyce.

The term AI has been used in many different ways and early interpretations associate the term with software that is able to learn and act on its own. For example, self-driving cars learn and identify routes and obstacles just as robotic vacuums do the perimeter or layout of a home, and smart assistants (Alexa or Google Assistant) identify the tone of voice and preferences of their user.

AI has a fluid definitional scope that helps explain its appeal, said Joyce. Its expansive, yet unspecified meaning enables promoters to make future-oriented, empirically unsubstantiated, promissory claims of its potential positive societal impact.

Joyce, Bell and colleagues explain that in recent years, programming communities have largely focused on developing machine learning (ML) as a form of AI. The term ML is more commonly used among researchers than the term AI, although AI continues to be the public-facing term used by companies, institutes, and initiatives. ML emphasizes the training of computer systems to recognize, sort, and predict outcomes from analysis of existing data sets, explained Joyce.

AI practitioners, computer scientists, data scientists and engineers are training systems to recognize, sort and predict outcomes from analysis of existing data sets. Humans input existing data to help train AI systems to make autonomous decisions. The problem here is that AI practitioners do not typically understand how data about humans is almost always also data about inequality.

AI practitioners may not be aware that data about X (e.g., ZIP codes, health records, location of highways) may also be data about Y (e.g., class, gender or race inequalities, socioeconomic status), said Joyce, who is the lead author on the paper. They may think, for example, that ZIP codes are a neutral piece of data that apply to all people in an equal manner instead of understanding that ZIP codes often also provide information about race and class due to segregation. This lack of understanding has resulted in the acceleration and intensification of inequalities as ML systems are developed and deployed."

Identifying correlations between vulnerable groups and life chances, AI systems accept these correlations as causation, and use them to make decisions about interventions going forward. In this way, AI systems do not create new futures, but rather replicate the durable inequalities that exist in a particular social world, explains Joyce.

There are politics tied to algorithms, data and code. Consider the search engine Google. Although Google search results might appear to be neutral or singular outputs, Googles search engine recreates the sexism and racism found in everyday life.

Search results reflect the decisions that go into making the algorithms and codes, and these reflect the standpoint of Google workers, explains Bell. Specifically, their decisions about what to label as sexist or racist reflect the broader social structures of pervasive racism and sexism. In turn, decisions about what to label as sexist or racist trains an ML system. Although Google blames users for contributing to sexist and racist search results, the source lies in the input.

Bell points out in contrast to the perceived neutrality of Googles search results, societal oppression and inequality are embedded in and amplified by them.

Another example the authors point out are AI systems that use data from patients' electronic health records (EHRs) to make predictions about appropriate treatment recommendations. Although computer scientists and engineers often consider privacy when designing AI systems, understanding the multivalent dimensions of human data is not typically part of their training. Given this, they may assume that EHR data represents objective knowledge about treatment and outcomes, instead of viewing it through a sociological lens that recognizes how EHR data is partial and situated.

"When using a sociological approach," Joyce explains, "You understand that patient outcomes are not neutral or objective these are related to patients socioeconomic status, and often tell us more about class differences, racism and other kinds of inequalities than the effectiveness of particular treatments."

The paper notes examples such asan algorithm that recommended that black patients receive less health care than white patientswith the same conditions and a report showing thatfacial recognition software is less likely to recognize people of color and womenshowed thatAI can intensify existing inequalities.

A sociological understanding of data is important, given that an uncritical use of human data in AI sociotechnical systems will tend to reproduce, and perhaps even exacerbate, preexisting social inequalities, said Bell. Although companies that produce AI systems hide behind the claim that algorithms or platform users create racist, sexist outcomes, sociological scholarship illustrates how human decision making occurs at every step of the coding process.

In the paper, the researchers demonstrate that sociological scholarship can be joined with other critical social science research to avoid some of the pitfalls of AI applications.By examining the design and implementation of AI sociotechnical systems, sociological work brings human labor and social contexts into view, said Joyce.Building on sociologys recognition of the importance of organizational contexts in shaping outcomes, the paper shows that both funding sources and institutional contexts are key drivers of how AI systems are developed and used.

Joyce, Bell and colleagues suggest that, despite well-intentioned efforts to incorporate knowledge about social worlds into sociotechnical systems, AI scientists continue to demonstrate a limited understanding of the social prioritizing that which may be instrumental for the execution of AI engineering tasks, but erasing the complexity and embeddedness of social inequalities.

Sociologys deeply structural approach also stands in contrast to approaches that highlight individual choice, said Joyce. One of the most pervasive tropes of political liberalism is that social change is driven by individual choice. As individuals, the logic goes, we can create more equitable futures by making and choosing better products, practices, and political representatives. The tech world tends to sustain a similarly individualistic perspective when its engineers and ethicists emphasize eliminating individual-level human bias and improving sensitivity training as a way to address inequality in AI systems.

Joyce, Bell and colleagues invite sociologists to use the disciplines theoretical and methodological tools to analyze when and how inequalities are made more durable by AI systems. The researchers emphasize that the creation of AI sociotechnical systems is not simply a question of technological design, but also raises fundamental questions about power and social order.

Sociologists are trained to identify how inequalities are embedded in all aspects of society and to point toward avenues for structural social change. Therefore, sociologists should play a leading role in the imagining and shaping of AI futures, said Joyce.

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The Future of Artificial Intelligence Requires the Guidance of Sociology - DrexelNow - Drexel Now

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Senior Lecturer in Statistics/Data Science job with UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH | 250982 – Times Higher Education (THE)

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Jordan Peterson: Deadly effects of prescription drugs left me bitter, but I refuse to be a victim – New York Post

In just a few years, Jordan Peterson has risen from little-known psychology professor at the University of Toronto to pop cultural icon and bestselling author, boasting millions of followers and just as many haters. His book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, which claimed the masculine spirit is under assault and espoused basic tenets such as clean up your room and get your house in order, became a sensation in 2018, particularly among young men who flocked to hear his lectures worldwide.

In an age dominated by political correctness, Peterson has taken contrarian stances on topics such as white privilege, the gender pay gap, and the enforced use of gender-neutral pronouns. Hes been deified as an intellectual superhero by his fans and demonized as an alt-right villain by the left. Just this week, it emerged that the progressive writer Ta-Nehisi Coates may have used Peterson as the inspiration for Nazi supervillain Red Skull in his new Captain America comic book. (Peterson called the likeness smears and urged his followers to buy a limited edition poster featuring Red Skull paired with something I actually said and added that 100 percent of the proceeds would go to charity.)

His latest book, Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life, weaves together a diverse range of ideas, including from Nietzsche, the Bible and Harry Potter, and was an instant No. 1 New York Times bestseller when it came out last month.

And yet, in the past year, Peterson has faced one of the biggest trials of his own life. After his wife Tammy was diagnosed with a rare form of kidney cancer, he was prescribed sedatives to calm his anxiety, only to find himself dependent and experiencing the horrifying side effect known as akathisia, which causes an inability to stop moving along with a sense of doom, panic and suicidal thoughts.

Peterson disappeared for a year as he went to Russia, then Serbia, for treatment. (The Sunday Times wrongly claimed he had schizophrenia.) Last summer, he returned to his regular self on his daughter Mikhailas podcast, where he was welcomed back by millions of fans.

A couple of weeks ago, I met with Peterson, 58, for almost three hours on Zoom, where he appeared in top form, speaking about ideology, our modern culture, spirituality and his own continuous struggle with mental illness. What follows is an edited and abridged Q&A from that session ...

Many people on the left have critiqued your re-emergence and new book release as fraudulent and hypocritical given the degradation of your own life. How do you respond to the criticism?

Yes, right. Believe me, Ive tortured myself about that plenty and constantly ... I was very apprehensive about writing this book or certainly about releasing it ... But everyone is susceptible to [being] cut off at the knees at any moment ... You can protect yourself against that, to some degree, by putting your life in order, and by living properly, but that doesnt mean that youre fully protected from it. We all die, we all get sick. If we cant communicate with anyone who doesnt get sick or die, then we cant communicate with anyone. Does that mean ... that we have nothing to offer? No, it means were also radically imperfect, that we should be careful, but were stuck with our inadequacies. I have my inadequacies.

A healthy dose of self-criticism is a common theme in your work. Have you come to realize any bad decisions you may have made which exacerbated your illness?

Yes, Ive looked at my contribution to it ... I took benzodiazepines, and that seems to have been ill-advised. Im very sensitive to benzodiazepine withdrawal. When I took them, I was really sick. I was insomniac for a long time, weeks, three weeks, I was freezing, I couldnt get enough clothes on. My blood pressure was so low I couldnt stand up. I was in absolute terror. I have no idea what happened. Then I went to the doctor and was prescribed this medication. I slept, and I felt better. I didnt think much of it. My life was very stressful at that point. That turned out to be a very bad decision. I wasnt aware of how dangerous this could be for some people.

Im curious how your suffering shaped your outlook on life and human existence.

The last chapter of my new book is be grateful in spite of your suffering. Its the right thing to do, to be grateful. Im not claiming this for myself. Its tightly allied with a kind of existential courage. Its a decision.

Im bitter, Im angry, Im resentful. (But) thats all victimhood. Its not helpful.

If you fall prey to resentment, and anger, and hostility, not even however rationalized, but however justified ... its not helpful.

Many, many days in the last two years, I truly believed that I would die before the end of the day. I just couldnt see how I could possibly be that impaired and live. It turns out youre a lot tougher than you even want to be sometimes ... Youre not that easy to kill.

One of the things one can do in a time of great hardship is to adapt a victimhood mindset. How have you dealt with the temptation to wallow in victimhood?

Im bitter, Im angry, Im resentful, all of those things. I shake my fist at God. Whats the justice in this? Trying to scour my conscience to see what Ive done wrong. Thats all victim. Thats all victimhood, but its not helpful. Im doing my best to drop that ... None of the victim responses have been productive for me. Ive tried to fight them off.

Why is victimhood status so attractive in our culture right now?

The first part of it is people dont necessarily regard themselves as victims. The activist types, they tend to regard themselves as spokespeople for the victims. They see an altruistic ethical motivation in that and regard it as admirable. To some degree, it is ... but those are important constraints ...

First of all, what makes you think that youre a spokesperson for the oppressed? What makes you think that you have that right? Why should anyone take you seriously? How do you know youve got the message right? Why do you think you have the solution at hand? How do you know youre not more dangerous than the problem itself? How do you know that your dark and unexamined motivations arent blinding you? ...

If you can just be a good person because you believe the right three things, how convenient is that? ...

You dont have to look at yourself and you have an enemy. Thats the part that scares me the most ... Now you have an enemy and that enemy is the cause of everything you hate. Now you have all moral justification to go after them, to hurt them, to stop them because theyre evil, and to elevate yourself morally as a consequence.

You have this unearned pathway to moral superiority thats actually dependent on your willingness to unfairly persecute based on your ignorance. Its terrible. Universities promote this, Well, you should be an activist. Thats essentially what every 19-year-old is taught. Its like, no, you shouldnt be an activist. You should get your own house in order, and then you should cautiously proceed to more difficult things if you dare.

Victimhood culture is most pronounced along the racial dimension. This is why perceptions like white privilege and oppressed minorities are so popular.

This is something that really bothers me about the radical left, you get your privilege, and you get to be morally superior because youre standing up for the victim. Its like you get to be privileged and a victim at the same time.

Its terribly socially divisive and its unbelievably hypocritical.

Anybody who stands up and says, Im a professor, the system that produced me was so racist or was so prejudiced that its racist, you just admitted [that] you have no moral claim to your position. Resign now.

If ... the system that produced you say, as a professor, is so systemically prejudiced, you dont have a valid claim. Youre actually an incompetent fraud.

We say that culture has no capacity for forgiveness. Yet, people have forgiven me. Im amazed.

Why do you think people in positions of influence are so quick to call our society as oppressive and bigoted when our society is one of the most free, liberal, open-minded, inclusive societies that has ever existed?

A lot of its ignorance. People dont know, for example, that up until 1880, 95 percent of the Western world lived below todays UN-established poverty line. We have no idea how much dramatic improvement has been made in the last 150 years and how absolutely godawful things were before that. We dont know that because weve never been hungry, for example, not for one day.

You look around and you see, well, things could be better, so theyre bad ... Well, bad compared to what? Certainly bad compared to a hypothetical ideal, but not bad compared to all extent historical comparisons.

Why is religion increasingly unpopular in society, particularly among the young?

Lets say youre an ideologue, and youve decided that the patriarchy needs to be smashed. What do you do? You go to protests. Thats smoke and fire. Its dramatic. If youre a young Christian, what should you do? Be good. Its a little vague ...

Theres danger in confusing your political beliefs and your religious beliefs, not noting that theres a difference between them.

What are the biggest ways your life has transformed over the past few years?

Its funny because since Ive been launched into the public eye, lets say, or launched myself or whatever, since Ive become notorious, my life has been very complex. The levity has declined, the playfulness has declined, and its really unfortunate. Im a very playful person. All I did with my kids was play with them, and laugh with them, and joke with them ... but since 2016, things have been complicated. To say the least. My daughter was extremely ill, my wife was extremely ill, and we thought for sure she was going to die. She had a cancer that only 200 people, only 200 cases have ever been reported, and every single one of those people died ... She lived on the edge of life and death for five months.

This is something that really bothers me about the radical left, you get your privilege, and you get to be morally superior because youre standing up for the victim. Its like you get to be privileged and a victim at the same time.

At the same time, I had this meteoric rise to public notoriety, fame, which hasnt slowed down at all. In fact, it seems, in some sense, to be accelerating ... My reputation was on the line in an international way, dozens of times. Generally, what Ive observed in peoples lives is if something like that happens to them once on a local scale, thats enough to traumatize them. That happened to me like every week. Its happened to me every week essentially, in multiple countries, for like five years.

People can look at that and think, He should have managed it better. Its like, OK, fair enough, you try it. See how you do. I dont even want to say that, because I wouldnt wish this on anyone. Im not complaining. You might also ask, Why do you think you have the right to continue? Because really, thats the question, Why do you think you have the right to continue?

I certainly doubted it profoundly. I thought, Ill get back on my feet, so I did some podcasts first. Its like, do people find this useful? Will they find it useful? How will they respond? Positively. OK, Ill do another one. How will they respond? Positively, so I think, Im either going to curl up and die, or Im going to continue, and so Im continuing.

Despite all your mental and physical struggles, how have you managed to return? What has helped you pull through?

That I was forgiven by my audience. Here I am this guy, Im a clinical psychologist, I got tangled up with benzodiazepines. Im talking to people about getting their house in order, and things collapse around me. The irony, its almost unbearable.

That was part of what made this so difficult ... not only the physical pain, but this absurd paradox. Yet, people have forgiven me. Im amazed. We say that culture has no capacity for forgiveness. You hear that about cancel culture and about people being eradicated for making one mistake ...

Ive been attacked in the press when people have gone after my reputation with all guns blazing ... being compared to Hitler, etcetera, etcetera. Yet, the support that Ive received has been continuous. Why that is, I have a hypothesis: I include myself in the audience of reprobates to whom Im lecturing. I dont assume that I abide by all these rules. There are targets for attainment, and hopefully, that has protected me at least to some degree, against the perception of undue moral superiority ...

The general public my viewers, readers, and listeners, lets say have been unbelievably loyal and supportive. Ive seen this outpouring of love at the micro-level within my family, and from my friends, and from people I dont know, but who I communicate with. It saved my life for sure.

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Jordan Peterson is the Red Skull: Secret Wars – Book and Film Globe

In the 25th issue of Ta-Nehisi Coates run as the writer on Captain America, a side story follows the main event where the titular superhero speaks at the funeral of a Korean immigrant lawyer named Sung Jin Jeong. The story of the humble lawyer falls somewhat afoul of stereotypes, leaning rather heavily on the antiquated overqualified immigrant trope and not really using an appropriate ethnicity for that kind of story besides, given that South Korea is a developed democracy with an infamously byzantine legal code.

But for this brief story, Coates nevertheless does a good job staking out his ideal vision of what the United States is and should be. Then, a mere three issues later, we get the surreal visual of Red Skull corrupting the youth with a Jordan Peterson-style media empire.

Such is the great irony of our social media moment, when Peterson reacted with bewilderment on Twitter when a fan informed him of the comic in question. Ta-Nehisi Coates and Jordan Peterson were two of the more important political thought leaders of the teens, but no one would have expected their names to come up simultaneously in this, of all contexts. The shock would be particularly harsh for those who havent been paying attention to them for the last few years. Coates went from meditating on race in The Atlantic to writing superhero comic books. Peterson went from a conscientious objector on the topic of referred pronouns to a self-help guru. So why are they having a spat now?

The answer is more intuitive than you might expect. Both men are still hard at work in the culture war, theyre just doing so from a passive angle now. Coates works in comics because of the abiding belief in liberal circles that pop culture is a direct influence on proper culture, and that social-justice-oriented themes can trickle down to the masses. Peterson has a more direct approach. He observes that people in the United States, and young people in particular, are quite depressed. So he puts out motivational videos and encourages his fans to build up their self-esteem.

His famed 12 steps involve such harmless platitudes as trying to be articulate, making supportive friends, and telling the truth. This aspect of Petersons career is quite unobjectionable on its own. To liberals, the main charge that can be leveled against Peterson is that he uses his genuinely good life advice as a Trojan horse to infect the masses with objectionable right-wing beliefs.

So its easy to see how Coates ended up concluding that turning Red Skull into a Peterson-esque figure was socially relevant, absurd though that idea may seem out of context. But even in the context of his Captain America series, which has visited this theme previously in less bombastic ways, the delivery has fallen flat. With Red Skull previously in the background, Selena Gallio had emerged as the previous high-profile politically themed villain. A nigh-immortal psychic with vampiric abilities, her master plan involved building a cult styled on the old America and farming the gullible humans who joined up for their life energy.

The people who populate this outland village are an obvious template for economic anxiety. They bemoan their lack of opportunities and are grateful for having the chance to just do hard work in a larger community. All of the various normal people who have been turned against their own interests by the villains in Coates Captain America run are like this. The closest Coates gets to convincingly representing them as bad people is via obvious toxic masculinity. They resent the fact that they cant protect their women, or that women have to do the fighting for them, and can even be seen attempting to beat women up.

Coates likely wrote this ambiguity intentionally, to try and avoid overly demonizing his subjects. The problem is, as the absurd Red Skull Peterson climax demonstrates, this has created a world where encouraging people to try and take their life in their own hands and show initiative is evil. Captain America and his superhero co-stars are both incapable of and apparently completely disinterested in trying to push a competing vision.

In all fairness, given that Captain America came out as a Nazi prior to Coates run, their incompetence in this regard is understandable. This too can work at cross purposes. One economically anxious character cites watching helplessly as HYDRA marched through the streets to show his frustrations with the apparent impotence of modern American culture. Its clear that whatever supervillain people end up rallying behind, the chief motivation is less the charisma of the supervillain and more the general despair of everyday life.

Despite framing the ideas these people have for self-improvement as based on displaced nostalgia, Coates himself engages in far greater whitewashing of the past crimes of the United States than the antagonists of his own comic book. Coates introduces the Daughters of Liberty, a group of women from the eighteen century inspired by Enlightenment ideals to fight for freedom. This also includes freedom for slaves, with Harriet Tubman appearing as a member.

Coates should know better than to suggest that liberal thought of the 18th century was conducive to anti-slavery, given how the practice flourished under the watchful eyes of its biggest proponents. Harriet Tubmans own sense of purpose widely understood to derive from her religious conviction, with the Underground Railroad relying heavily on people with more loyalty to God than the United States government.

While Coates is comfortable calling certain idealogues wrong and even expressing sympathy for them, hes frustratingly vague as to what is right. At one moment Captain America shows sympathy with disaffected young Americans, comparing himself with a young man who was unable to join his elder brothers in the NYPD. There is obvious irony in citing the police as a bedrock for solidarity, given the scrutiny they are under both in the real world as well as in the comic universe.

The story of Sung Jin Jeong sticks out chiefly because its the closest Coates Captain America comes to endorsing a certain kind of behavior. But even then, the story is about Sung Jin Jeong rather than Captain America, with the title character coming off as a bit of an afterthought even in the main story. When Red Skull accuses Captain America of standing for an amorphous dream of nothing, the critique hits far harder than it should. Captain America is, literally and figuratively, a fetishization of patriotic World War II era propaganda. Hes just not relevant to our daily lives.

Yet rather incredibly, Peterson is. Hes the whole reason were talking about the Coates run on Captain America at all. Considering that Coates just got a deal to write a new Superman movie and Peterson is still recovering from severe pneumonia, maybe Coates is right to see Peterson as such an ideological threat to his vision of America. Unluckily for Coates, the real Peterson isnt a Nazi, and cant be discredited by just applying red makeup to make him look more evil.

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Comic villain just needed some therapy | Opinion | – Jonesboro Sun

A careless comparison meant to skewer Jordan Peterson is backfiring in a big way.

The psychology professor expressed astonishment when Twitter followers alerted him to obvious parallels between him and the Red Skull, the supervillain in Marvel Comics Captain America franchise.

In the comics latest edition, published March 31, the masked evildoer leads men astray through online lectures. One panel shows the Red Skull promoting 10 rules for life and references chaos and order, apparent allusions to Petersons bestseller 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos and its sequel, Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life.

Writer and social commentator Ta-Nehisi Coates, whom Marvel hired in 2015 to write the Black Panther comics, is the current Captain America series author. While Coates hasnt acknowledged Peterson as the inspiration for Caps nemesis, the similarities are too on-the-nose to be mere coincidence.

Coates Red Skull is an information-age pied piper for disaffected young men whose mind-warping viral videos convert a legion of disciples ready to wreak havoc upon his command. Thats not a far cry from the bad-faith critiques of Petersons work that persist despite thorough debunkings.

Writing for online magazine Slates Brow Beat culture blog, Matthew Dessem describes Peterson as a self-help guru to the alt-right. In fact, Peterson is a steadfast opponent of that movement, who eschews the identity politics of the far right and the woke left with equal vigor and aplomb.

I think the whole group identity thing is seriously pathological, Peterson said during an August 2017 question-and-answer exchange.

Progressives bristle when he traces intersectionality to its inevitable conclusion: The process of differentiating people by their disadvantages and privileges can only be repeated so many times before you reach the irreducible number of one.

Regarding the individual as the ultimate minority may be anathema to the modern left, but it also obliterates collectivist canards on the right wings outer fringes. The Southern Poverty Law Center says alt-right adherents embrace white ethnonationalism as a fundamental value. Thats incompatible with Petersons appeals to personal responsibility.

Pundits who caricature Peterson as a gateway drug to white supremacy only beclown themselves, and Coates jumps into this trap with both feet, suggesting the self-help author or his supposed comic book alter ego is assembling an army of like-minded sycophants. In reality, Peterson addresses a diverse amalgam of readers and viewers who dont march to the same drumbeat.

Hot takes on the Captain America kerfuffle were similarly sloppy. A Daily Mail article reported that Peterson was angry to learn of the resemblance, while entertainment website Uproxx said he was downright pissed. Red Skull, thin skin, tech blog Boing Boing crowed.

While Petersons initial tweets expressed surprise at the discovery, hes clearly bemused rather than upset. Instead of objecting to the idea of Coates casting him as a villain whose Marvel origin story is head of Nazi terrorist activities trained by Hitler himself, Peterson took ownership of the character and promptly put him through reform school.

In memes shared on his Twitter page, the Red Skull now parrots Petersons philosophy of self-improvement. If you cling desperately to an ideology, or wallow in nihilism, try telling the truth, one reads.

The contrast between exaggerated comic book imagery of a red-faced, glowering menace and practical advice for leading a fulfilling life underscores the absurdity of painting Peterson as a malign influence better than a sober YouTube lecture or an exhaustive written rebuttal ever could. If Coates meant to make the professor a cautionary tale, Peterson turned the tables with pitch-perfect parody.

Twitter followers are in on the joke, too. One imagined Peterson as Lobsterman, a reference to the first chapter in 12 Rules that compares humans and lobsters physical response to defeat, noting that the mood-regulating hormone serotonin affects dominance hierarchies in both species.

Peterson embraced the lobster motif, tweeting an illustration of a red-and-black shield featuring a stylized six-legged crustacean fit for display on a caped crusaders chest.

Coates overlooked the downside to writing a rival into a timeless tale, rendering him immortal in a narrative sense. A villain can always become a hero; redemption arcs, after all, are as much a comic book trope as the heel turn.

Corey Friedman is an opinion journalist who explores solutions to political conflicts from an independent perspective. Follow him on Twitter @coreywrites.

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Comic villain just needed some therapy | Opinion | - Jonesboro Sun

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The Captains of Culture: Peterson, Weinstein and Shapiro – Chicago Monitor – The Chicago Monitor

In my last piece, I took the Left to task for relying on esoteric approaches to social problems and institutions. Meanwhile, tradition, the family and the sacred foundations for a classical liberal culture are seriously challenged, but not by the forces usually identified as the threat. North American advocates of tradition and by extension an idea of something called the West, on the one hand, maybe the only ones who can redeem a coherent social view out of the current mess of bad ideas now in circulation. On the other hand, the crew of thinkers and writers that form the classical liberal caucus needlessly carry around dead weight; amidst them are arrogant weak links that undermine the appeal of tradition and freedom in the larger discourse.

The Captains of Culture

Progressives today are committed to laying bare the supposed latent meaning of things. Social institutions, according to this worldview, are not what they claim to be, but perpetrators of inequality. For example, if our education system claims to edify in a plain and relatively objective way, progressives might argue that education actually obscures and serves the interests of a particular class or group of people at the expense of most. In other words, progressives argue we are not who we claim to be and there is merit to this view.

Meanwhile, folks that defend tradition and freedom insist that our values should be taken at face value and that those values are good; there is a certain literalism to this take. And notice I am not referring to conservatives per se, but the popular band of classical liberals who inveigh against the decline of culture: Jordan Peterson, Bret Weinstein, Ben Shapiro and the like. Though these thinkers are very different, they have in common epistemological assumptions and most importantly, enemies.

The first value they share is that contemporary western values are good and they should be treated according to their manifest purpose, not some latent purpose; the latter approach to values that they represent the interests of only a particular group of people, while claiming otherwise, for example is often foundational to the Left. Secondly, these thinkers value culture as a wisdom tradition, inimitable in guiding us and endowing us with purpose, goals and roles. In other words, culture is fulfilling and life without a coherent culture of enduring resonance leaves the individual bewildered and depressed.

Ben Shapiro is an ideologue, openly and unapologetically committed to Judaism and perhaps the larger Judeo-Christian or should I say Western canon. I refer to Shapiro as an ideologue, not to disparage but to highlight that this is a perfectly reasonable position to take. He values some things on the basis of reason and other things on the basis of faith, and he feels these things are good for humanity. But you cannot, I doubt, change Shapiros mind on Judaism nor should one try. Naturally I do not agree with Shapiro on all things and politically we would be at odds, but that does not make his worldview unreasonable.

Bret Weinstein brings a bio-evolutionary analytical frame to his take on culture. As such, he sees culture as having inherent value; culture is not arbitrary or necessarily oppressive, but evolves according to its utility to us, human beings. The irony of Weinsteins view is that he values culture as having innate value due to its origins and impetus, but the fact that culture changes actually increases the value of the original source materials from which these changes emerged. If you want to change the world for the better, you do not do it by throwing out the baby with the bath water; it is ineffective to tear down culture whole cloth, while ostensibly and failingly trying to articulate new cultural values sui generis.

Jordan Petersons greatest appeal is his indefatigable and relentless defense of the concept of the sacred, at least in my mind. And the sacred is passed on and expounded upon by and through culture. But in addition to their varied defenses of culture, these thinkers also value freedom, at least now and in so far as they may invoke freedom as an almost transcendental western norm, against the rising tide of politically correct authoritarianism that threatens to trample critical thinking. And on this point, I agree with them.

We need culture, the meta-institution that guides our behavior and more importantly allows us to inhabit a common world. The decline of culture today is directly proportionate to the break down of discourse and the inability to agree to a common reality. I have never seen a people more divided, in peacetime, than Americans. If you supported Trump, Biden stole the election. If you supported Biden, Trump stole the election four years before with the help of Russia, even though there is no evidence for either proposition. So, in effect, disagreeing on reality leaves all parties delusional.

The captains of culture rely on a certain faith in the perpetual purpose of institutions that we inherited from our past and in this case those institutions happen to be of Western provenance. But what I have found is that the over emphasis on the Western, unnecessarily and illogically, quite frankly alienates many people who might otherwise sympathize with their views. The sacred, tradition, the family are not only Western concepts.

The insistence on the Western nature of enlightened tradition is even more problematic when one admits that the world is getting smaller through technology and globalization. Capitalism, the global free-market is a driving force of a shrinking world of more concentrated diversity. One might add that the immigration scare so often invoked by the larger Right is driven by the demands of capital as well, not neo-Marxism. These seeming contradictions are always unaddressed by conservatives.

There is nothing inherent in the thinking of the three men that I listed, which makes me feel as if their projects are inherently racist or ethno-centric (yes, I say this even of Shapiro, as an Arab man, regardless of some of his now-apologized-for comments in the past). In their respective defenses of tradition, the family unit or the sacred, one would think they could accommodate, quite comfortably, a diverse world wherein peoples of Asia, Africa and South America also, by and large, value tradition, the family and the sacred. But for some inexplicable reason there seems to be impermeability to the classical liberal caucus. They evangelize the virtues of freedom and tradition outward, but cannot integrate the diverse world inward; a dead weight of unnecessary western-centrism surrounds them insulating them into a self-referential and dead-end discourse.

No one exemplifies this dead weight more than Ayaan Husri Ali and Sam Harris, famous members of the crew. Ali and Harris offer absolutely nothing to the greater discussion of culture, the sacred and the shared values of all humanity. Further, their worldviews are internally and demonstrably incoherent. Harris is no Christopher Hitchens; he lacks the intellect, wit and knowledge of his late predecessor. And Ali is simply ill equipped: She is not trained as an academic or scholar. She cannot even maintain a coherent conversation. Her analysis is always anecdotal and I cannot think of any reason why Peterson or others would seek her expertise on Islam, when she is no such expert by any standard measure.

The Weak Links of Popular Classical Liberalism

The Harris/Ali problem is not one of simple disagreement, their inclusion into the defenders of tradition or the intellectual dark web, as Weiss referred to them, in a somewhat self-congratulatory manner, threatens to undermine the whole project. One cannot value freedom and yet scoff at non-westerners exercising freedom in western society. Ali, in her new book, basically advocates for the authoritarian state in relation to western Muslims; she argues they should be surveilled and compelled to believe things by the state. She clearly never read Lockes A Letter Concerning Toleration, but I find that unsurprising, since when I listen to her speak it becomes difficult to believe she has ever read anything at all.

Harris is an even more insidious writer, with a PhD in neuroscience, he is simply obsessed with Islam, regardless of what he claims, as he speaks out of both sides of his mouth all the time. If I were to pile up the contradictory statements, bad faith arguments and double standards that Harris spews, the Tower of Babel would be envious of its height. He is simply full of shit, to address him otherwise would be an insult to the dozens or hundreds of experts in the fields of history, anthropology, religious studies or even political science who actually know things about Islam and the Muslim world.

Strangely, actual experts are also rarely invited to the stage. I recently came across a talk featuring Harris, Peterson and Weinstein; they discussed Islam at length and though Peterson and Weinstein were more cautious, Harris opined, unchallenged on the uniquely problematic nature of Islam. Neither Peterson nor Weinstein objected by saying hey, what a minute, as academics it sure would be nice to have an actual expert on Islam or Islamic history here to discuss this. (Weinstein recently hosted Irshad Manji on a welcomed discussion, so credit is due, but again Manji is not an expert.)

I can think of no other field where novices, frauds and amateurs can pontificate on the nature of something and be celebrated for it by actual academics and experts in other fields. These frauds are celebrated, of course, because their highly racialized, politicized views on Islam are useful; they are useful to war, to the security state and to the politics of Judeo-Christian fundamentalists. It is no coincidence that Harris real fame was directly aligned with the invasion of Iraq, where the image of a ubiquitous Muslim boogeyman sustained by the likes of Harris was strategically deployed to convince America to go to war with a Muslim country that had nothing to do with 9/11. It is difficult to decipher what Harris position on the war was, because he always talks out of both sides of his mouth, just like when he says we might need to preemptively nuke Muslim countries.

Harris and Ali offer these highly pseudo-structural approaches to Muslims, where they concentrate heavily on doctrines in Islam, taken out of context. They then impose those doctrines on Muslims in ways that Muslims rarely do themselves. Or, Harris and Ali focus exclusively on outliers that prove their point of view. The Islam they argue with is one made up in their own minds (the same with the concept of God in Harris case) and they need this imaginary Islam, otherwise they would have no significance at all. When these guys speak, they speak as if Edward Said never existed; these are not blind spots, they are blinds. When Harris and Ali present their views, they want you in the dark on the issue of Islam, otherwise they are exposed. And they offer nothing to the larger discussion of family, the sacred and tradition.

These dispositions for sophistry bleed into conversations on race in America as well; an issue of central importance, yet most middle class blacks that might sympathize with classical liberalism turn away because Harris and some associates are more obsessed with questions of race and IQ. I am not saying Harris is the cause of our current race crisis, obviously, but the disposition he exemplifies is one reason why Democrats can claim a near monopoly on black votes in America, which is not good for anyone, especially American blacks. Though Harris opposed Trump and is probably a liberal, his views are typical amongst Republicans.

Personally I do not get the appeal of the race/IQ question, but Harris insists, in useless positivist fashion, that if we know the facts on the issue that will somehow yield greater knowledge. How exactly? Are we to discover that African-Americans score lower on IQ tests than White-Americans? And then we can finally conclude, Hey, maybe American history has something to do with it! Well Sam, most of us already know that because we apply a humanistic frame, whereas you, like the Left I criticized in my last article, engage in esotericism presented as social science.

Ayaan Husri Ali and Sam Harris association with the Petersons, Weinsteins and Shapiros of the world is not innocuous. It undermines the appeal otherwise decent ideas might have in terms of more common grounds than imagined amongst minorities, immigrants and others we interact with more frequently amidst our shrinking, diverse world. Jordan Peterson recently lamented criticisms directed at Ali as simply reactions to her break with the progressive orthodoxy. It is so ironic to hear someone like Peterson, a white man who defends tradition and the sacred in the west, complain about the orthodox media. Brother, if you think you have stories about media orthodoxies and causes de jour, I look forward to telling you mine. Try being a man who also happens to be an Arab/Muslim in the United States in the years 2001-2003; I saw Harris all over the place, those of us who opposed the war were systematically shut out, regardless of our expertise. I am sure African-Americans have similar stories.

But, again, I prefer to see commonality rather than exclusivity. I currently believe that mainstream media in the west is too quickly and recklessly characterizing white conservatives as potential domestic terrorists. I recognize the pattern, it is the same pattern that Harris and Ali apply to Muslims, focus narrowly on anecdotal cases that support your point and zealously edit out every thing else. This is why Harris, Ali and their likes must be dropped from the circle of classical liberals, their methods have come back to haunt them, the chickens have come home to roost. The world is shrinking and diversity is a fundamental fact of life, fearing the other is an asset to no one. And the litigious nature of Harris and Ali, who are determined to win debates is useless and increasingly boring. There needs to be more true conversation between different human beings and less debate between positions, if you want more of the latter, go on Twitter. In my next piece I will offer solutions to this problem we now all face, by placing more emphasis on the personal, the local and conversation, as opposed to debate. Humanism opposed to social science.

The views expressed are those held by the author and do not necessarily reflect those ofThe Chicago Monitor.

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The Captains of Culture: Peterson, Weinstein and Shapiro - Chicago Monitor - The Chicago Monitor

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AUDIO: Power of Song, A Conversation with Peter Case – American Songwriter

Welcome to The Power of Song, Episode 2, our new podcast celebrating songwriting and the songwriters who do it. For this show there would be few better guests than the great Peter Case, a songwriter who started great and yet keeps expanding. As does his legacy.

Peter, like his pal John Prine and other genius songwriters, started writing quite amazing, brilliant and tuneful songs right from the start. First in his band The Nerves, then with his band The Plimsouls (most famous for A Million Miles Away) and then ever since on his solo journey. And like Prine, the greatness of Peter Case has been something which has been expanding incrementally over the years of perpetual great songwriting. Lest anyone still presume wrongly the great songs were some fluke, here is 30 years of seriously solid songwriting of all kinds to show you whats true.

Along those lines of preserving and celebrating the legacy of great songwriters, its heartening to know that the great director Fred Parnes has teamed up with songwriter-producer Chris Seefried to make a documentary about Peter, which has been in the works for several years. Fred is a serious music lover, as affirmed by his beautiful movie about The Persuasions, Spread The Word. No doubt this will be a great film, and expand further this songwriters legacy of powerful, inspirational and never-boring songs.

We did this interview back in May of 2019, a few weeks after his great 65th birthday concert at McCabes in Santa Monica (which Fred and his crew filmed for the movie.)

The first time I ever interviewed Peter was back in the previous century, more than three decades ago. Which doesnt seem possible, as thats a big chunk of time, and yet it seems like no time has passed. Since then weve had many more of these conversations (which I wisely recorded) about songwriting, music, art and all related issues. Which includes everything. As Tom Waits said, anything at all a songwriter absorbs he will someday secrete.

Yet every time, even if we speak for two solid hours, as we did during this interview we never reach the bottom of the well. Because its an endless conversation. Because, like all seriously great songwriters, hes serious about songwriting. But never has he concluded hes figured the thing out. Quite the opposite. But hes forever fascinated by the process, and by different strategies and routes, or as we call it here ways of tricking yourself into writing songs. Which, in itself, is both serious and a joke. Asked if he always falls for the trick, he said no. Which is when he has to invent a new trick.

And though he puts himself down for not yet cracking this code, its in that very journey that hes written amazing songs through the years, songs which do everything songs can do. He tells stories, he lifts our hearts and he shows us this world now in a way only a master songwriter can do. Had he figured the thing out 30 years ago, it seems hed never have written all these great songs. Because its all founded on the exploration itself: what he will find that he can bring back. Its not about expressing what he thinks at all. Its about realizing what the song is saying.

Youve got to keep going, he said, until you get to some place where its surprising you. See, I like to have a song that surprises me, and tells me something I dont know. I dont want it just to be what I think already, because I already know that.

Thats the essence of a true artist: to always be striving to reach beyond ones own grasp. Not to express ones own understanding, but to use the exploration of making art as a means of expanding understanding.

The brilliant psychologist-author Jordan Peterson, writing about art and artists, expressed this very truth:

The artist shouldnt be able exactly to say what he or she is doing, said Peterson. If you can say what youre doing, youre not producing art. Art bears the same relation to culture that the dream does to mental stability. Your dream doesnt say what its about, it just is. The dream is something that extends you beyond where you already are

Thats one aspect of many covered in our conversation, which you can listen to in our second episode of The Power of Song.

But first a few other highlights from the expansively compelling Mr. Case:

PETER CASE: Being a songwriter, if youre not famous or if youre not exquisitely successful, you have to go through a certain amount of heavy lifting just to even show up at the starting gate.

Ive heard that if you have great fame, for example, that theres a sense of weightlessness. .. because you dont have to convince yourself. The world is doing the heavy lifting on a lot of things.

Theres something the matter with me, because theres a whole side to my mind and my life that I dont have access to even now. Im kind of tongue-tied in the face of life

My dad, he used to go, What do you have to say for yourself? Because I got in trouble when I was a kid I went off the track.

What do you have to say for yourself? And cause of the atmosphere there, I didnt have a lot to say for myself I started writing poetry when I was a kid and songs on things. And I began to get this feeling that I would know what I think, and I would know what I felt when I wrote the song. Like I wouldnt really know what I was doing until I wrote it. And Im still like that. And so thats never changed.

And if I go through periods where I dont write, I really do become kind of alienated from myself. Theres something I lose. Its like I lose the trail. And so I write all the time, not even songs anymore. Im kind of a scribbler, and I got notebooks and I write all this stuff.

Somebody said that music enables you to feel things that you dont know you feel till you hear it in the music. If you listen to Blue in Green, by Bill Evans and Miles Davis and Coltrane, he has these chords.,..They used to tell you in school that happy songs are major key. So what is Bill Evans music saying? And its this mixture of emotions and all these different kinds of chords. And it reminds you of things that you could almost hardly talk about. But then when he says it with those chords, its really revealing. Thats what I mean, I suppose.

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AUDIO: Power of Song, A Conversation with Peter Case - American Songwriter

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Eric Weinstein Says He Solved the Universes Mysteries. Scientists Disagree – VICE

Images:PowerulJRE/YouTube, Paper Boat Creative via Getty Images

ABSTRACT breaks down mind-bending scientific research, new discoveries, and major breakthroughs.

The quest to come up with a successful theory of everything is one of the guiding lights of modern theoretical physics, reconciling general relativity and quantum mechanics. The inventor of such a theory would no doubt be hailed among the all-time intellectual giants of science, and Eric Weinstein really wants everyone to think its him.

Weinstein is primarily an investor, but also a self-styled public intellectual. He graduated with a PhD in mathematics from Harvard, and is currently a managing director of Thiel Capital, which invests in technology and life sciences. He also belongs to and coined the name for the Intellectual Dark Web, largely a crew of reactionaries with public profiles that includes Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro. He is also the inventor of what he calls Geometric Unity, a theory of everything that hes been flogging since 2013.

At that time, Weinsteinby then long out of academia and working as a consultant for a New York City hedge fundmade waves after promoting his theory by giving a lecture at the University of Oxford and scoring a write-up in The Guardian, instead of writing a scientific paper. The Guardian article was titled: Move Over Einstein, Meet Weinstein. Typically, researchers produce a paper containing equations that is then pored over by the wider community of scientists; this element of peer review and discussing ideas and evidence in the open is generally accepted to be a critical part of the scientific process. Weinsteins audacious approach earned as much criticism as the theory itself, and his latest move has ignited furor all over again.

Earlier this month, Weinstein finally posted a paper describing Geometric Unity online and went on Joe Rogans immensely popular podcast to discuss it. Theres even a website called full of videos and resources on Geometric Unity that was created to make it easy for Rogans tech guy, Jamie Vernon, to pull up videos on the podcast.

The appearance on Rogans podcast, which has been previously used as an uncritical platform, has generated both new interest in Geometric Unity and intense criticism from scientists who remain unconvinced.

On a previous episode of Rogans podcast, in 2020, Weinstein said that his theory is an attempt to go beyond Einstein and push theoretical physics forward that could unlock amazing possibilities or terrible power.

I was somewhat holding this back because Im afraid of what it unlocks, Weinstein said, and now that I know we're willing to elect Donald Trump, not store masks, play footsie with China, be Putin's bitch, all of this stuff to Hell with this.

When Rogan asked what the main fear is, Weinstein recalled that the last time we gained some serious insight into how nuclei worked, nuclear weapons were invented. But, if the theory is correct, it might also give us the needed insight to make humanity into a multi-planet species, Weinstein said.

One of the great dangers is, great power.... I cant tell what the power would be if the theory is correct, it might give us the ability to escape, he said.

Rogan, for what it's worth, didnt seem overly impressed with Weinstein's theory in 2021. In an attempt to explain his complicated theory, Weinstein handed Rogan a water wiggle (one of those cheap toys that looks like a small balloon filled with water), and explained how it symbolizes the mathematical concept of a U(1)-bundle. Rogan looks down at the toy in his hand while Weinstein speaks and gets progressively, visibly confused and angry.

"I don't know what the fuck you just said," Rogan finally says. "How about that?"

So, what is Geometric Unity? At the moment, modern physics has two frameworks that do not nicely unify: general relativity and quantum mechanics, which describe reality at two vastly different scales. Whereas other physicists might try to square this circle by attempting a quantum version of general relativity, Weinstein's proposal was to begin with general relativity and its geometric descriptions of reality to try and discover equations describing the universe in its mathematical reality instead of our observable one.

At its core sits the idea of a 14-dimensional "observerse" which our four dimensions (the three spatial dimensions, and time) lie within. A Guardian article at the time described the interplay between these two dimensional spaces as "something like the relationship between the people in the stands and those on the pitch at a football stadium" in that we are observers who can see and are affected by the observerse, but cannot possibly notice or detect every detail. Weinstein's theory proposes that there is a set of equations in these 14 dimensions that encompass Einsteins equations, as well as several other famous equation sets, that altogether account for all fundamental forces and particle types.

Timothy Nguyen, a machine learning researcher at Google AI whose phD thesis intersects with Weinstein's work, co-authored a paper based on Weinsteins Geometric Unity lecture evaluating the idea in February. The paper identified gaps in Weinsteins theory both mathematical and physical in origin that jeopardize Geometric Unity as a well-defined theory, much less one that is a candidate for a theory of everything.

In a blog post accompanying the paper, Nguyen wrote that the theory does not actually bring in quantum theory, relies on a poorly-defined Ship in a bottle (Shiab) operator of Weinsteins own invention, and contains anomalies as well as a dubious assumption about supersymmetry in 14 dimensions. After Weinstein published his paper, Nguyen wrote on Twitter that it addresses none of the technical gaps presented in our response, although he did describe it as a testament to perseverance.

If youre interested in technical gaps, the gap most glaring arises from the Shiab' operator. It is one of several uniquely idiosyncratic operators of Geometric Unity (it does not exist anywhere else in mathematics), unlike supersymmetry which is already a well-established and well-defined notion, Nguyen told Motherboard in an email. Weinstein fails to define the Shiab operator properly and so his theory does not even make mathematical sense, a more egregious problem than having desirable physical properties.

Nguyen said that Weinsteins initial PR splash was confusing at best, and that the resulting paper didnt clarify the most important points.

Much of Weinsteins Geometric Unity involves using obscure notation for objects that nobody else has defined and which he disingenuously expected others to understand from watching an over 2 hour long YouTube video, Nguyen added. Now that he has released a paper, we find that even Weinstein does not know how to construct the Shiab operator (he makes many qualifications that he no longer has the details).

Richard Easther, a cosmologist and professor at the University of Auckland, pointed out some eyebrow-raising aspects of the idea in a 2013 blog. For one, a Guardian op-ed by Marcus du SautoyWeinsteins chief academic promotersseemed to hint ata dynamic constant in the universe, while most physicists support the idea of a constant that is, well, constant. What Weinstein eventually published didnt impress him, he told Motherboard.

The theory itself has had no visible impact, and what Weinstein actually delivered looked massively undercooked after the buildup it got from du Sautoy, Easther said in an email. A throwaway comment at the time suggested that it might predict a time-varying cosmological constant, but I havent seen any meaningful developments about this.

Weinstein did not respond to Motherboards request for comment.

All of this matters because despite the criticisms, Weinstein only finally released a paper this year after years promoting the theory in public forums while questioning the legitimacy of peer review, lamenting the need to provide evidence, and otherwise dismissing critics or skeptics hesitant to accept his theory with open arms. In a May 2020 interview, he said skeptics that wanted him to publish a paper on his idea for verification were simply irritated and pissed off at themselves.

On Rogans podcast in 2020, Weinstein painted the academic field of physics as being generally untrustworthy and stifling, which is why he didnt share his theory.

I dont trust these people, Weinstein said, referring to physicists at universities. Its an entire system that believes in peer review, it believes in forced citations, you have to be at a university, you have to get an endorsement to use a preprint server. Its too few resources, too many sharp elbows.

Nguyen said he was spurred to evaluate Weinsteins idea after this attitude set off alarm bells. At first, It was refreshing to see a former part of my life being discussed outside the cloistered walls of academia and in the wider context of the world," Nguyen said. But after multiple conversations with Weinstein and watching how he interacted with his fans, Nguyen says he realized none of it was "consistent with my image of how a good-faith scientist engages with his audience."

Many scientists do in fact unveil their work before peer review on popular sites such as arXiv. However, they do it in paper form (preprints) and with the goal of submitting their ideas to the wider community for approval or rejection. Authors do have to have an endorsement from someone in academia to post on arXiv, specifically, but in theory that shouldnt have been an insurmountable obstacle for Weinstein; du Sautoy has posted several papers to arXiv. Besides that, papers can be posted anywhere, even a dedicated website as Weinstein has now done.

Even if the physics isn't interesting, this story does say interesting things about the science.Einstein wrote up his ideas [and] submitted them for peer review just like everyone elsebut many self-described outsiders portray the scientific community as a closed shop, Easther told Motherboard. There is undoubtedly sociology at work in the community at times, but anyone making a serious attempt to sell a new idea knows they are asking for busy people to give them a slice of their time and attentionand one of the ways you do that is by making your work as accessible as possible to the people you want to understand it.

Releasing a paper did not silence the critics. Nor did it vindicate Weinsteins PR-focused approach to sharing his theory. And all of this may well end up being rather pointless, because the paper ends withdisclaimer that Weinstein"is not a physicist and is no longer an active academician, but is an Entertainer and host of The Portal podcast." The paper, the disclaimer ends, is merely a work of entertainment.

Now that Weinstein has finally published a paper describing his theory, its entirely possible that further analysis and investigation may show it to be more interesting than its critics have so far found. As Weinstein said on Rogans podcast in 2020, Ill find out [if] Im wrong.

But for now, it seems the only relevant question is: Are we entertained?

See the original post:
Eric Weinstein Says He Solved the Universes Mysteries. Scientists Disagree - VICE

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The Weekly Round-Up #591 & #592 With Beta Ray Bill #1, Dead Dog’s Bite #2, Fear Case #3, Suicide Squad #2, The Silver Coin #1 & More Plus 2…

This ended up having to be a double column and a bit late because I spent the last two weeks in self-isolation after a Covid exposure. Now Im back in the world (more or less Im under a stay at home order) and I got to catch up on two weeks worth of comics!

Best Comics of the Fortnight:

Beta Ray Bill #1 Ive loved Beta Ray Bill since I first saw him in Walter Simonsons Thor comics, and have long felt like hes criminally underused in the Marvel Universe. I was really happy to see that hes getting his own miniseries, and that its written and drawn by Daniel Warren Johnson, who is an incredible creator. This issue ties in with the King In Black event, as Bill attempts to save Asgard from a symbiote-covered Fin Fang Foom. Johnson does amazing work here Bill looks really cool, and he has a strong feel for the characters tragic side. He also recognizes how hes always stuck in Thors shadow. I enjoyed Johnsons recent Wonder Woman Black Label series, but feel like this might be an even better feel for his approach to art and storytelling.

Dead Dogs Bite #2 Tyler Boss is a really impressive creator who we dont get to see that much of (although he did draw the issue of Department of Truth discussed below). This series is whimsical and bizarre, and makes excellent use of Bosss unique sense of design. Basically, hes the Wes Anderson of comics, and I cant think of a better description than that. In this issue, Joe continues to search for his missing friend, and bluffs his way into the mayors office to try to learn where she may have gone. There are bizarre clues, and outsized characters all over the place. This book is a real delight to read.

Quick Takes:

Beasts of Burden: Occupied Territory #1 Its always a treat when a new Beasts of Burden miniseries launches. This one focuses on Emrys, the Wise Dog, who has been around for a very long time. He tells the usual cast a story from his adventures in the Second World War, involving a strange mystical threat. This issue has a real BPRD vibe to it, if Hellboy were a sheepdog, and its pretty enjoyable. Benjamin Deweys art is really nice, but I still find myself missing original series artist Jill Thompson.

Captain America #28 This issue was trending on Twitter briefly because Ta-Nehisi Coates has been basing some of the Red Skulls rhetoric on the work on Jordan Peterson, the internet mouthpiece. It tracks from what I know of Petersons philosophy, and I found this amusing, but Im also more than ready for Coatess Cap run to close. It has never been bad, but its also never really grabbed me the way his current Black Panther run has.

Crossover #5 This issue is over pretty quickly, as Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw move their characters into position for the arcs big finish. Our heroes find themselves outside the dome around Denver, with a war brewing between some tortured characters from the fictional dimensions and US forces. I like how Cates has pulled in characters from his previous series, and borrowed Madman to make this book work. Its a good read.

Decorum #7 Its been a while since Ive seen this book on the stands. Jonathan Hickman took a long time getting this story moving when the series started, and now, with only one more issue to go, he kicks things into overdrive, as Neha finds the egg that her order of assassins are looking for, and makes off with the being inside of it. As with every issue of this book so far, Mike Huddleston does an incredible job, using a wide variety of art styles across the issue.

Department of Truth #7 We continue to learn a little more about the Departments history, as younger Lee Harvey Oswald gets a lesson on the Men in Black from the very young Doc Hynes, whose research caught the attention of the Department back in the day. Tyler Boss provided the art for this issue, which was a nice surprise, as hes incredible. I like that James Tynion IV is taking some time to provide context to some of the wilder aspects of this series now, and continue to be fascinated by this book.

ENIAC #2 Bad Ideas premier title is really working for me. Matt Kindt and Doug Braithwaite have a pair of secret agents going up against a sentient computer program from the Second World War that has the ability and motivation to potentially destroy the world. Kindt has them jumping through hoops, trying to gain the information they need to shut the program down. This issue has them rescuing someone from a Russian prison, and we start to learn just how deep ENIACs tendrils really go. This is a very solid series, with a terrific backup story by Kindt and David Lapham. Im thankful that the store I shop at is one of the few in my area carrying Bad Idea books.

Far Sector #11 Things get really exciting in this issue, as Jo has to try to stop a coup that she is still having trouble understanding, and it looks like the City Enduring is ready to tear itself apart. Writer NK Jemisin has created an endlessly fascinating world in this series, and has spent a lot of time exploring its complex society, and its similarities to Earth, and now that shes at the point of wrapping things up, I worry that Im really going to miss it. Jamal Campbells art has been great in this book, and its my hope that these two are not done working together, or with Jo.

Fear Case #3 Matt Kindt, and Tyler and Hilary Jenkins have outdone themselves with Fear Case. I liked the previous Kindt/Jenkins collaborations (Grass Kings and Black Badge), but this series has a lot more going on psychologically. Two Secret Service men have been given a year to solve a case involving a package (aka the Fear Case) that has been passed around for decades, trailing death and destruction behind it. Now, with only a day left on the case, the two agents have differences of opinion, and neither are prepared for the Case showing up on the doorstep of one of them. This is a very suspenseful book, with strong character work. I really like it.

Fire Power #10 Its big fight time in Fire Power, so most of this issue is spent with Owen preparing for battle, and checking in with his family. Robert Kirkman and Chris Samnee keep this series kind of decompressed, but also spend a lot of time making the characters likeable and believable, so the balance is just about perfect. Theres a very cool scene with airships and fire catapults, leaving me convinced that this is Samnees best work ever.

Giga #3 I think that Alex Paknadel is one of the most exciting and interesting writers working in comics right now. Giga is a very interesting look at a future society where people live in, and worship, the bodies of giant robots. Paknadel puts a lot of effort into his worldbuilding (check out some of his other books, like Turncoat), and now that we are three issues deep into this Vault Comics series, we can start to see that pay off. I also really like the art, by John L.

Green Lantern #1 Here I am, checking out another new DC series, because I want to like them. Geoffrey Thornes little-read Mosaic was interesting, and this series looks to be spotlighting John Stewart and Jo Mullein (from Far Sector), so that caught my attention. Im not sure that this first issue did much for me. Ever since Geoff Johns opened up the entire emotional spectrum to power rings, Ive found the Lantern books to be a little overly complicated. This issue has someone disrupting the conclave of the new United Planets because they have beef with the Guardians, and that leads to some complicated trouble. I think Id like this book more if it was pared down, but at the same time, there are enough interesting things here to suggest I might want to check out the next issue, and see what Thorne really has in mind. Dexter Soy drew most of this issue, and its remarkable how much hes changed from his debut on Captain Marvel, where his art was scratchy and hard to follow, to being almost completely part of the DC house style. Im not sure I like it.

Hollow Heart #2 Paul Allor and Paul Tucker make things a little more mysterious in this issue, as we start to question whether or not Mateo is helping El, a deeply unhappy cyborg imprisoned in Mateos workplace, or is working his own agenda. Allor is pacing this series really well, and I enjoy Tuckers art. Vault keeps putting out these quiet winners.

I Breathed a Body #3 Things get ever creepier in this new issue, as Zac Thompson leans into the body horror of this series, and we explore how the death and livestreamed desecration of the body of a major influence starts to impact the people around him. Theres a lot more to it than that, and Im not sure Im fully grasping everything. This is a good companion to Thompsons recently finished Lonely Receiver, as he sets out to understand our relationships with our phones and social media.

Immortal Hulk #45 Lately, issues of the Hulk have only moved the story forward in tiny increments, but the quality of the book remains high, and there are so many moving parts in Al Ewings story, that I dont mind one bit. This series is the strangest Hulk story ever, but also one of the absolute best.

Marauders #19 Its Morlocks vs. Reavers in Lowtown, Madripoor, as the Marauders have been told to hang back. Its cool to see Marrow back in action, as this series continues to play with its cast. Sure, we see some members of the core team that we havent seen for a while, but its weird to me just how loose the structure of this series is. Its working for me though.

The Silver Coin #1 I love the concept behind this series. Artist Michael Walsh is partnering with a different writer for every issue, and Im guessing that they are all going to be horror stories like this one, centred around a particular coin. In this issue, written by Chip Zdarsky, its the late 70s, and a small town rock band is finding their audience drying up as the thirst for disco grows. The members of the band find an old silver coin in a box of stuff the guitar players mother left behind, and when he plays using it as his pick, his music moves to a new level. This is a solid story, and Walshs art is terrific. Im always happy to support stranger series like this, and am looking forward to the upcoming issues (with Thompson, Brisson, and Lemire providing future stories). I also like supporting local creators, and three of the people involved in this project live in or are from Toronto.

Strange Adventures #9 Were now three quarters of the way through this series, and I feel like we still dont know the scope of Adams crimes. We do see some of the worst things he did during Ranns war with the Pykkt, but now that Earth is at war with these aliens, public opinion stays on his side. I feel like Tom King might be taking jabs at the Mueller report in this issue, as the Justice League release their rushed and incomplete findings, and TV pundits view it as vindication, even while the League sees it as damning. This series is pretty complex, and I feel like Ill need to see how King sticks the landing to fully assess how I feel about it.

Suicide Squad #2 I decided to take a second shot at this book. Ive read the Future State Suicide Squad books since then, and am worried that this entire series only exists to set up that underwhelming story, but I liked this one. I have always liked Peacekeeper, and his ridiculous costume, and I also liked the dynamic developing between him and Superboy (they dont get along). I might pick up the next issue of this series too, because its drawing me in.

Tankers #1 I think Bad Idea is two for two with their second debut. Tankers is by Robert Venditti and Juan Jos Ryp, and the title refers to a group of soldiers driving large exo-skeleton suits for an oil company that has decided to secure its business by returning to the past and guaranteeing a solid future supply. Much of this issue is given over to people in outfits like the loader Ripley drove in Aliens, fighting dinosaurs, in a glorious amount of detail. Ryp has done great work with this book, and Venditti is having fun with the B-movie plot. I was also very impressed with the backup story, by Venditti and Jorge Monlongo, which has Abraham Lincoln entering into some sensitive negotiations with some aliens. Bad Idea comics are very well put together and attractive, and as much as the companys methods are tiresome, I do like what they are putting into the world.

Two Moons #2 John Arcudi and Valerio Giangiordano are really impressing me with this supernatural historical horror series. Virgil, the Two Moons of the title, is a young Pawnee man who was raised by whites, is about to be tried for killing a superior officer in the Union army, but is rescued by Confederates, of all people. There is a lot of mystery to this book at this stage, and Im very curious to learn more about where this title is headed. Giangiordanos art is detailed and very nice, and his supernatural pages have a lot of depth to them.

USAgent #4 Any good Priest miniseries is kind of like a puzzle box, and I feel like were getting closer to figuring out everything that is going on with John Walker and his sister in this series. I am very interested in the new USAgent, also known as The Saint, and his connection to Watanabe, the guy who has been tagging along with Walker. This is a good, unconventional series that actually makes me want to read more John Walker series, something I never expected Id see happen.

X-Men #19 We continue with the story of the three X-Men who went into the Vault a while back. Sync, Wolverine (X-23), and Darwin ended up spending decades in the sped-up world, and the story of how they spent that time is pretty cool. Jonathan Hickman keeps breaking up the narrative with infographics that fill in the gaps, and that keeps things moving smoothly. Mahmud Asrar is a great artist, but I feel like hes really been levelling up lately; this issue looks terrific. Im also surprised by how much Im starting to like Sync. I never really read Generation X, so I dont know much about him, but hes interesting in Hickmans hands.

Comics I Would Have Bought if Comics Werent So Expensive:

Avengers #44

Batman/Catwoman #4

Firefly #27

King in Black #5

Other History of the DC Universe #3

The Fortnight in Graphic Novels:

Dracula, Motherf**ker! Im a big fan of Alex De Campis writing, and the way she switches genres and approaches with almost every project she does. This short graphic novel has her looking at Draculas brides, in 1970s LA. The main character is a crime photographer named Quincy Harker, who ends up being pursued by the revived Dracula when he takes pictures of his latest bride after her death. Draculas original wives have thoughts about this. De Campi and artist Erica Henderson make this a psychedelic and lurid adventure into an LA that doesnt really exist anymore. Henderson has done some great stuff, but she outdoes herself here, making every page a delight. I do wish this was longer it just felt like it was getting underway and then it ended, but its a cool little project worth checking out.

Music of the Last Two Weeks:

Serpentwithfeet Deacon Serpentwithfeet has a lovely, minimalist approach to soulful pop music, reminding me a lot of Moses Sumney, although less ornate. This album is sensitive and warm, and showcases his voice very well. This whole album is about friendship and intimacy among men, and its incredibly warm.

Pino Palladino & Blake Mills Notes With Attachments Pino Palladino and Blake Mills are familiar names if you like to read liner notes carefully (which is not easy to do in the digital age). Theyve worked with a ton of artists I respect, and now have put out an album of their own instrumental music, collaborating with people like Chris Dave, Rob Moose, and the incredible Sam Gendel. This album of, I guess, jazz, is a little hard to define, but it is both thoughtful and it swings. I hope to see more from these guys.

Lana Del Rey Chemtrails Over The Country Club I only ever listened to Lana Del Rey starting with her last album, Norman Fucking Rockwell, but I loved that album. I was utterly entranced by Del Reys voice and sharp songwriting, which put me in mind of someone like Leonard Cohen. I had high hopes for this album, but came away disappointed. It feels like shes trying to recapture what worked best on NFR, but ran out of things to say. Everything seems a little derivative and formulaic. I guess thats what happens when you listen to big name artists though Its pretty, but its not making it to many best of lists at the end of the year.

Floating Points, Pharoah Sanders, & The London Philharmonic Orchestra Promises I love the music of Floating Points, who has joined with jazz legend Pharoah Sanders and the LSO to put together this meditative and beautiful piece of music. Usually, a Floating Points song builds slowly and cuts out quickly, leaving listeners with a bit of a jolt. For this piece, which is a single work with seven movements, he slowly builds on a theme, and lets Sanders do this thing over it, mostly on his saxophone, but also with his voice, as the orchestras strings help the music swell. Its perfect headphone music, and its quite moving. This is an early shoe-in for the ten best albums of the year, and I only wish Id get to see it performed live.

Str4ta Aspects I know very little about the history of the British funk scene, but I know that this album, co-produced by legendary radio dj Gilles Peterson, is pretty fantastic. It has a timeless sound and a great atmosphere.

A Winged Victory For the Sullen Invisible Cities This is perfect rainy day music. I dont know anything about A Winged Victory For the Sullen, but their ambient neo-classical album is deeply atmospheric and morose, but in a beautiful way. Its an interesting counterpoint to the Floating Points album that I wrote about above.

Tags: The Weekly Round-Up

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The Weekly Round-Up #591 & #592 With Beta Ray Bill #1, Dead Dog's Bite #2, Fear Case #3, Suicide Squad #2, The Silver Coin #1 & More Plus 2...

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Developing Africa as a continent through interconnection – ITWeb

Stephane Duproz, CEO, Africa Data Centres.

Many of the prominent African banks have operations throughout the continent. When a branch in South Africa, for example, needs to talk to an office in Nigeria, having a fluid infrastructure is a massive benefit and one of the ways to do this is with an interconnected data centre.

If your data centres are interconnected, you fight against latency. If not interconnecting - which needs to happen with backups, updates and so on - requires separate structures that can become costly and unreliable. The fact that we can interconnect our data centres means we can provide a service where Lagos can be connected with Johannesburg directly, explains Stephane Duproz, CEO of Africa Data Centres. This reduces latency, improves the performance and the speed of access.

According to Duproz, when you deploy interconnected data centres, customers who use edge data centres see noticeable benefits because they can access Africas major regional business and trade hubs as well as emerging epicentres for public and private cloud hosting.

Not only are we creating digital hubs in these counties, but we are also developing Africa as a continent through interconnection. Local customers, of both core and edge countries where our data centres operate, have the benefit of a very high-quality data centre in which they can keep their data locally, adds Duproz.

The benefits of interconnected data centres arent exclusive to the enterprise. Duproz is seeing governments that want to work on the sovereignty of their data going local - when data is sent and backed up multiple times, all over the world, following the rules of governance can become problematic, especially for those countries looking to digitalise their activity.

Being carrier-neutral is also key, mainly because cloud operators require diverse connectivity to distribute content. And while there are other carrier-neutral data centres located in Africa, they all operate out of one country, which means they cannot become digital hubs.

Only carrier-neutral data centres can provide a diversity of connectivity. There are a lot of telecom providers, which means a crossroad of connectivity and without that, there is no digital hub, says Duproz.

Another advantage of being interconnected is sustainability. While data centres cannot deliver effective services without energy, it is estimated that power used in data centres amounts to over 400 terawatts or the equivalent of 3% of all power generated around the world.

Data centres are seen as big, hungry power consumers and they are. But if there were no data centres, the consumption of power would be much higher. In South Africa, as an example, we have around 250 customers. If they didnt use a data centre, they would still have to secure their IT infrastructure. With load-shedding, they would also need electrical backups like batteries and generators, explains Duproz. That would mean at least one generator per customer, probably a second for backup. Thats 500 energy-hungry devices that would kick in every time we have load-shedding we have just 10.

Data centres - especially when interconnected - can significantly reduce strain on a power grid (and more so in an electricity sparse country) by concentrating and neutralising the energy consumption of equipment, massively reducing the carbon footprint of the economy and in general, the digital economy. When an organisation keeps data on-premises in a small server room or even a small data centre, however, this can result in power-heavy infrastructure which is not optimal to their core business processes and expensive to run.

The digital economy reduces the carbon footprint of humankind, and data centres hugely reduce the carbon footprint of the digital economy by neutralising and concentrating power consumption. That being said, we want to go further which is why we have installed solar panels on all of our data centres," Duproz adds.

The coronavirus pandemic has seen many companies move from on-premises and into the cloud. With staff no longer situated at the office, a remote workforce comes with IT tools that need to be both reliable and accessible, permanently.

Directly connecting to the cloud with no latency for any business comes with heavy benefits, be it better performance, better resilience or reliability at a lower cost. To be connected to the world, to participate and benefit by what it has to offer, you have to be interconnected, he ends.

Continued here:
Developing Africa as a continent through interconnection - ITWeb

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