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In the midst of it all we are not alone – Global Sisters Report

What looked like a winter storm invaded the vivid blue sky of this spring morning. It seemed to capture what was going on in me. Earlier, before dawn, I awakened consumed with worry and fear about the future. I couldn't fall back to sleep as I tried to reconstruct the dream which awakened me and which I was sure held an answer if I could only remember. The past few days I had noticed a growing resistance to situations, people and ideas that I've responded to in the past with compassion and understanding. Now I found myself reacting, annoyed with everyone and everything. I found myself alone anticipating an impending storm without any sense of direction.

Perhaps it was the accumulation of what COVID-19 has wrought in my life and in our world that had to find a way out. Perhaps it was another moment when, in my spiritual journey, I was brought to the stark realization that I still crave certainty and feel it is up to me alone to find the solutions.

Being alone and feeling alone has permeated our lives these months. Many feel abandoned in the face of the death of spouses, siblings, children, friends and colleagues. Anxiety consumes us, overwhelmed in facing a future that is uncertain and not at all what was hoped for or imagined.

These are the feelings that can lead to depression, addiction and, in the extreme, suicide. All of which have been on the rise during the pandemic.

In the past, formal religions offered comfort and guidance in these situations. With more and more people leaving traditional religious institutions, that is no longer the case. The separation between religion and science begun in the 1300's widened over the centuries. Some people retained belief in what has always been taught in the churches, rejecting evolution and other insights of science that might have informed their faith. Many others saw religion as irrelevant to address the complex world of today, with its scientific and technological breakthroughs.

Today, the experience of the pandemic has revealed the underside of many of the institutions and systems that we have relied on over these last centuries, many of which are failing us and cannot bring us into the future. To paraphrase the quote attributed to Albert Einstein, we cannot solve the problems of today out of the same level of consciousness that created them.

The existential questions that are arising in us need to be responded to out of a new vision. Who am I in this world? Am I alone or are we connected? Is there meaning in life? Does what I do make a difference? Is this universe a vast empty space void of any purpose?

Today, these questions and the experiences that gave rise to them will not be addressed out of a past consciousness; rather the future consciousness will need to envision a both/and relationship between faith and science.

I don't think it was an accident that my "awakening" happened in Holy Week. I found myself, as I often do, drawn to the final discourse in John's Gospel (Chapters 14-17) There Jesus tells his friends, "Do not let your hearts be troubled; I'm going to prepare a place for you; I will not leave you orphans; you all are one; you will do greater things than I and you are to love one another."

The existential questions were being addressed. I found myself returning to my Christian faith, not simply as I learned it growing up, rather as informed by ancient wisdom traditions, interfaith perspectives and especially the insights of evolution and quantum physics to calm my fears and offer insights into moving forward.

Quantum physics is turning the classical scientific worldview upside down. The rational, linear, atomized, mechanistic worldview which shaped so many of our modern institutions/systems has run its course. Faced now with a greater sense of alienation and fragmentation, humanity knows at a deep level that there is something more.

What we are learning is that everything is connected at all levels of existence. Reality has many dimensions most of which cannot be observed or measured. Consciousness is central to reality, and the human person is a participant in the evolutionary process. There are ways of knowing, other than the rational, that are needed to grasp what is being revealed.

Such discoveries lend themselves to an openness to explore the spiritual dimensions of ourselves and our reality. The insights of quantum physics offer a new framework to express the religious impulse within us. It offers us a way of interpreting anew religious beliefs that touch into another way of knowing of sensing what is that have been lost these past centuries.

Cynthia Bourgeault explores these connections in her book, Eye of the Heart. She discusses the dimensions of reality as different but connected realms of various energetic densities. She draws on the ancient wisdom traditions and Christian beliefs to describe a "deeper order of coherence and aliveness flowing through this earthly terrain connecting it to the infinite wellsprings of cosmic creativity and abundance." These realms exist within a web of mutual nurturance. Each realm gives and receives from the other. This energetic exchange holds the whole created order together.

Such articulations stir my soul as new expressions of God's creation, of everlasting life, of life's purpose and implications for our role in the whole enterprise.

When seen within this context, Jesus' words to those he loved on the night before his death, reveal Jesus' cosmic mission. To paraphrase Bourgeault, in his death Jesus breathes in the pain of our common humanity: the human condition with all its brokenness and toxicity. He then breathes out from the depths the unjudging love, which releases us from being held captive by that pain. Jesus doesn't overturn the life conditions that are part of living here on this earthly realm but "he seals them with this heart. We do not endure them alone," writes Bourgeault.

We know we are not alone. We share a common earthly realm and are connected to other more subtle realms through which we experience Divine creativity and abundance. We will encounter storms and pain, as they are part of the human condition. But we will not be held captive by that pain, for we are released through Jesus' willingness to live and die aligned with Divine love. And Jesus assured us that we can live that way as well. Our choices do matter.

The pandemic may still overwhelm us, and I may still be awakened worrying about my future not going according to my plans, but the invitation is there to trust, to let go deeply aligning with Divine love which permeates and embraces the many realms in which we live and breathe and have our being.

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In the midst of it all we are not alone - Global Sisters Report

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Black holes, string theory and more: Q&A with physicist Brian Greene –

Brian Greene is one of the foremost scientists and science communicators of our time.

Greene, a theoretical physicist at Columbia University, has been working for decades to advance our understanding of the universe and how it works. That work includes significant discoveries in the field of string theory, one of the most promising "theory of everything" candidates put forward to explain all known phenomena in the cosmos.

He also makes it a priority to spread the word of such discoveries to the masses. Greene co-founded and chairs the World Science Festival, for example, and has written a number of best-selling, critically acclaimed popular-science books. These include "The Elegant Universe" (W.W. Norton, 1999), "The Fabric of the Cosmos" (Knopf, 2004), "The Hidden Reality" (Knopf, 2011) and "Icarus at the Edge of Time" (Knopf, 2008), an illustrated children's book that features imagery captured by NASA's famous Hubble Space Telescope.

Related: The best Hubble photos of all time

And last month, Greene taught a free online course via Varsity Tutors. The interactive lecture, which he geared toward kids from fourth to eighth grade, was called "Adventures in Astrophysics: Black Holes." (If you missed it, you can watch a replay on YouTube.) He plans to do another Varsity Tutors course soon, this time about cosmology and the Big Bang. caught up with Greene to discuss the importance of science education, why black holes are so important and interesting, and whether a theory-of-everything breakthrough could be on the horizon. The following conversation has been edited for length. Why did you think it was important to do a Varsity Tutors course, and why that particular topic? Why did you choose black holes?

Brian Greene: I generally think that, if we can reach the younger generation and get them excited about scientific ideas it sounds hackneyed, but I think we have a shot of bettering the world, of changing the world. Instilling that sense into the next generation is utterly vital.

And so many kids in the science classroom, their view of science is, it's all about memorizing this fact or coming up with a solution to this or that problem. And yes, that's important, but it's the big ideas that really matter. And black holes are among the most enigmatic and exciting areas of forefront science, and you don't need to know a lot to understand the basic ideas. So I geared the discussion to between fourth and eighth graders, and from the comments that I saw when they summarized what they'd learned in various postings, it felt like a lot of them got it, which is exciting. It feels like we're really coming into a golden age of black-hole astronomy. We've got the Event Horizon Telescope, which recently gave us our first direct image of a black hole, and we're seeing a lot of black-hole mergers, thanks to the LIGO project. Do you feel like we're finally getting a better handle on these objects? And if so, what could that tell us about the universe?

Greene: Yeah, hugely so. There was a time, 10 years ago, when you could still make an argument that maybe black holes aren't real; they're just a figment of the mathematics. But with LIGO, with the collision of two black holes giving that first ripple in the fabric of space, and with EHT even the Nobel Prize this year was awarded to work on black-hole physics. So black holes have really come into their own.

For someone like me who works on cutting-edge theoretical ideas we're struggling now to merge black holes and quantum mechanics, to get a full understanding. And black holes are the prime theoretical laboratory for pushing our ideas to the limit. When we can fully understand black holes and quantum mechanics, I suspect, our understanding of the universe is going to jump to a new level.

Related: Historic first images of a black hole show Einstein was right (again) And are you optimistic that that's going to happen relatively soon? Do you think there are breakthroughs on the horizon?

Greene: Yeah. There are many of us, those people who work on string theory and quantum gravity focusing upon black holes is really the predominant occupation at the moment.

And there's so much exciting work that's happening that I would suspect that, even a year or two from now, our understanding today will look relatively primitive to the new ideas that will be developed. Along those lines: There's some news that just came out the g-2 experiment. Do you have any thoughts about g-2 and about what that might mean for our understanding of physics? [Editor's note: The g-2 research team spotted excessive wobbling by subatomic particles called muons, suggesting that some exotic type of matter or energy may be pushing on them.]

Greene: I'm happy to answer. I would preface it by saying that results at this level of confidence the so-called three sigma, four sigma they do come and go. So one has to take it all with a grain of salt until we reach, say, the five sigma that confidence level where the chance of being a statistical fluke is like one in a million or one in a few million, as opposed to one in a thousand, which is where we are at the moment.

But, putting that to the side: If the result stands the test of time, it would suggest that the Standard Model of particle physics, which has been the gold standard of understanding, may need to be revisited. Perhaps there's a fifth force in addition to the known four forces of nature. That would be enormously exciting. Perhaps there are other particles that we've yet to discover that are shifting the value of the muon magnetic moment.

Again, I do want to stress one thing: A [different] paper came out in Nature just two days ago Yeah, and that one didn't see the shift [that the g-2 experiment did].

Greene: That's right. And that's using theoretical methods, but being very careful, and computer calculations. And they claim that the value that's being seen matches precisely what you'd expect from the vanilla Standard Model of particle physics, without any changes. So it's very much a fluid situation. Let's just wait and see how it all falls out. It strikes me that these sorts of findings show the importance of doing things like the online course that you just taught. People often kind of throw up their hands after they read a study that says "We've made a big breakthrough," and then they see another study that says, "Actually, no." A lot of people don't know how science works, that it's a process that builds upon things step by step and everything is always in flux. So, is that something that you try to get across to these kids when you're teaching them about science?

Greene: It is. Because, if you view science as just a body of facts that are static, then you're missing the drama of the discovery, where people put forward ideas, others react to the ideas, people test and observe and come back. It's a wonderful, dynamic process of human discovery. And when you see science in that light, it brings it to life in a way that a textbook of facts can never. Yeah. And I find, talking to people, and to kids especially they often don't even view scientists as real people. They're seen as caricatures, the wild-haired guys in the movies. I think it's really important to emphasize to kids that scientists are just people like them or like their mom or dad, and that's something that most people don't internalize really.

Greene: Yeah, it's an important lesson. And there have been attempts television shows, you know, "The Big Bang Theory" perhaps being the most prominent of them. But again, in "The Big Bang Theory," the scientists were somewhat caricatures, right? So, it was good that it was mainstream, but still there's a tendency, as you say, to see scientists as this weird collection.

In any large group, there are weird folks. But the vast majority of people are just like everybody else and just focus their attention on a certain class of questions.

Related: The biggest unsolved mysteries in physics Yeah. So, to go back to the very big questions: Scientists are trying to come up with a theory of everything, to find one that stands the test of time. Do you still feel like that's going to be string theory? Has what we've learned over the past five or 10 years changed any of your thinking on the biggest questions?

Greene: Well, just to be clear: Although I'm known for working on string theory and bringing string theory to general populations, I have never, ever said I believe in string theory. I have always said I have confidence that this is an interesting idea worthy of our attention that may ultimately be the final theory, but we just don't know yet.

So my assessment is pretty stable; it's pretty much the same. In the last few years, there have been great theoretical breakthroughs in string theory. There's been less contact with experiment than I would have hoped. I'd hoped that the Large Hadron Collider would reveal some of the hints of string theory. That has not happened. But that may well mean that the theory needs a bigger, better, more powerful machine to probe it, and that is not unexpected.

So I'd say that developments are happening at a fast and furious pace on the theoretical side in the hope that we'll have some connection to experiment or observation in the not-too-distant future. But that's difficult to predict. Are there any experiments or projects in particular whose results you're most looking forward to seeing in this regard? What could help us make progress?

Greene: Right now, it's likely that if we do get any insight from observations into string theory, it could come from, say, verifying gravitational wave observatories that might be able to probe the outskirts of a black hole with unprecedented precision. It's conceivable that in these kinds of experiments we might get a hint.

But if you're asking me in my heart of hearts, I think it's probably going to be the case that in our lifetime we're not going to get that observation or experimental insight. It may be the next generation or the generation beyond that. That's kind of depressing from an individual perspective, because we all want to know; we all want to get the answers. But science is a process, and we've only been at this trying to marry all the forces of nature and everything into one cohesive whole for about a century, right?

Greene: Even less at some level. There was work a century ago, but I'd say [the last] 50 years is when the real work has happened. And we're trying to push our understanding so far beyond the reach of today's experiments that it's not surprising that it may take a few generations to get there.

We're trying to answer some of the deepest questions that have ever been asked. How did the universe begin? How do the fundamental forces integrate with one another? What are the fundamental ingredients? These are questions that, in one way or another, we've been asking for a thousand, or a couple thousand, years. And if it takes another handful of decades before we get real insight, that's just how it is. But do you have confidence that our brains are actually capable of plumbing these depths? We're basically apes that evolved to survive on the savanna on a timescale of 70ish years. Are we capable of actually getting to the bottom of these mysteries that may be much, much deeper than we can possibly comprehend?

Greene: I'm fundamentally an optimistic person, so I've always imagined that the answer to that question is yes. But you look around this planet, and there are intelligent creatures like dogs and cats, who I suspect don't understand Einstein's general theory of relativity. Maybe I'm wrong; maybe the dogs and cats are all laughing at us right now. Maybe they've got the final answer.

But putting that to the side: Yeah, it could be that our brains are simply too limited to access the final answer, even though it's staring us in the face right now. But you go forward, you push as hard as you can. We haven't hit any insurmountable obstacles yet, and so we maintain our optimism and try to find the final answer.

Mike Wall is the author of "Out There" (Grand Central Publishing, 2018; illustrated by Karl Tate), a book about the search for alien life. Follow him on Twitter @michaeldwall. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom or Facebook.

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Theoretical Physicist Prof Arvind appointed Punjabi Varsity Vice Chancellor – The Tribune

Ravneet SinghTribune News ServicePatiala, April 20

The state government has appointed Professor Arvind of Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali (IISER) as the new Vice Chancellor of Punjabi University, Patiala.

The professor now aims to revive and rebuild the university by adding courses in an attempt to put it at par with international institutions.

Professor Arvind has been working as professor, Physics, at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali. He isawell-known theoretical quantum physicist working on science education, science communication and developing science pedagogy in Punjabi and is credited with over 100 technical and non-technical publications, including True experimental reconstruction of quantum states and processes via convex optimisation published this year.

Talking to The Tribune, he said the university needs to be recovered, reconstructed and moved forward. From the academic front, my vision is to go back to the old glory of the institute when it was doing well, and build on those areas. I want to bring in new disciplines including liberal arts education, 5-year integrated courses and data sciences to put it at par with international institutions. I would like to revamp the course work and course structure as well, he said.

He added that on the front of financial crises, they might work on curtailing expenditure, do some redeployment and re-training in terms of manpower issues.

The universitys academic culture has declined. I think those on the campus are waiting for a good culture to restart, he said.

Professor Arvind is the National Coordinator of Theme-1 (Photonics) of the National Multi-Institutional Networked Programme on Quantum Enabled Science and Technology (QuST) launched by the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi in 2018.

He is also a member of the DPR drafting committee for the National Mission on Quantum Technologies and Applications (NMQTA).

The professor has been working at the IISER, Mohali since March 3, 2010. Before this, he was an associate professor at the same institute from 2007. He has also worked at the Physics Department of Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh as a special faculty from 2002-2004.

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Theoretical Physicist Prof Arvind appointed Punjabi Varsity Vice Chancellor - The Tribune

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Optimal Information About the Invisible: Measuring Objects That You Cant See – SciTechDaily

When light gets deflected by a disordered structure it becomes difficult to estimate where the target is located. Credit: TU Wien

How do you measure objects that you cant see under normal circumstances? Utrecht University and TU Wien (Vienna) open up new possibilities with special light waves.

Laser beams can be used to precisely measure an objects position or velocity. Normally, however, a clear, unobstructed view of this object is required and this prerequisite is not always satisfied. In biomedicine, for example, structures are examined, which are embedded in an irregular, complicated environment. There, the laser beam is deflected, scattered, and refracted, often making it impossible to obtain useful data from the measurement.

However, Utrecht University (Netherlands) and TU Wien (Vienna, Austria) have now been able to show that meaningful results can be obtained even in such complicated environments. Indeed, there is a way to specifically modify the laser beam so that it delivers exactly the desired information in the complex, disordered environment and not just approximately, but in a physically optimal way: Nature does not allow for more precision with coherent laser light. The new technology can be used in very different fields of application, even with different types of waves, and has now been presented in the scientific journal Nature Physics.

You always want to achieve the best possible measurement accuracy thats a central element of all natural sciences, says Stefan Rotter from TU Wien. Lets think, for example, of the huge LIGO facility, which is being used to detect gravitational waves: There, you send laser beams onto a mirror, and changes in the distance between the laser and the mirror are measured with extreme precision. This only works so well because the laser beam is sent through an ultra-high vacuum. Any disturbance, no matter how small, is to be avoided.

But what can you do when you are dealing with disturbances that cannot be removed? Lets imagine a panel of glass that is not perfectly transparent, but rough and unpolished like a bathroom window, says Allard Mosk from Utrecht University. Light can pass through, but not in a straight line. The light waves are altered and scattered, so we cant accurately see an object on the other side of the window with the naked eye. The situation is quite similar when you want to examine tiny objects inside biological tissue: the disordered environment disturbs the light beam. The simple, regular straight laser beam then becomes a complicated wave pattern that is deflected in all directions.

However, if you know exactly what the disturbing environment is doing to the light beam, you can reverse the situation: Then it is possible to create a complicated wave pattern instead of the simple, straight laser beam, which gets transformed into exactly the desired shape due to the disturbances and hits right where it can deliver the best result. To achieve this, you dont even need to know exactly what the disturbances are, Dorian Bouchet, the first author of the study explains. Its enough to first send a set of trial waves through the system to study how they are changed by the system.

The scientists involved in this work jointly developed a mathematical procedure that can then be used to calculate the optimal wave from this test data: You can show that for various measurements there are certain waves that deliver a maximum of information as, e.g., on the spatial coordinates at which a certain object is located.

Take for example an object that is hidden behind a turbid pane of glass: there is an optimal light wave that can be used to obtain the maximum amount of information about whether the object has moved a little to the right or a little to the left. This wave looks complicated and disordered, but is then modified by the turbid pane in such a way that it arrives at the object in exactly the desired way and returns the greatest possible amount of information to the experimental measuring apparatus.

The fact that the method actually works was confirmed experimentally at Utrecht University: Laser beams were directed through a disordered medium in the form of a turbid plate. The scattering behavior of the medium was thereby characterized, then the optimal waves were calculated in order to analyze an object beyond the plate and this succeeded, with a precision in the nanometer range.

Then the team carried out further measurements to test the limits of their novel method: The number of photons in the laser beam was significantly reduced to see whether one then still gets a meaningful result. In this way, they were able to show that the method not only works, but is even optimal in a physical sense: We see that the precision of our method is only limited by the so-called quantum noise, explains Allard Mosk. This noise results from the fact that light consists of photons nothing can be done about that. But within the limits of what quantum physics allows us to do for a coherent laser beam, we can actually calculate the optimal waves to measure different things. Not only the position, but also the movement or the direction of rotation of objects.

These results were obtained in the context of a program for nanometer-scale imaging of semiconductor structures, in which universities collaborate with industry. Indeed, possible areas of application for this new technology include microbiology but also the production of computer chips, where extremely precise measurements are indispensable.

Reference: Maximum information states for coherent scattering measurements by Dorian Bouchet, Stefan Rotter and Allard P. Mosk, 21 January 2021, Nature Physics.DOI: 10.1038/s41567-020-01137-4

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Optimal Information About the Invisible: Measuring Objects That You Cant See - SciTechDaily

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IISER physicist Prof Arvind is Punjabi University VC – The Tribune India

Ravneet Singh

Tribune News Service

Patiala, April 20

The Punjab Government has appointed Professor Arvind of the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali (IISER), the new Vice-Chancellor of Punjabi University, Patiala.

Reviving and rebuilding the university by adding fresh courses to bring it on a par with international institutions remains on top of Professor Arvinds agenda.

Professor Arvind has been serving as a physics professor at the Mohali institute since March 3, 2010. He is a known theoretical quantum physicist working on science education, science communication and developing science paedagogy in Punjabi and is credited with over 100 technical and non-technical publications, including True experimental reconstruction of quantum states and processes via convex optimisation published this year.

Professor Arvind said the university needed to recover and move forward. On the academic front, my vision is to restore the old glory of the institution and build on those areas. I plan to bring in new disciplines, including liberal arts education, five-year integrated courses and data sciences, to put it on a par with international institutions. I will like to revamp the course work and course structure as well, he said.

On the financial crisis faced by the university, he said there was a need to work on curtailing expenditure, do redeployment and re-training of manpower. The universitys academic culture has declined. I think those on the campus are awaiting restoration of good culture, he said.

Professor Arvind is the national coordinator of theme-1 (photonics) of the National Multi-Institutional Networked Programme on Quantum Enabled Science and Technology (QuST) launched by the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, in 2018. He is also a member of the DPR drafting committee for the National Mission on Quantum Technologies and Applications (NMQTA).

Earlier, he had worked at the Physics Department of Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, as special faculty from 2002-2004.

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IISER physicist Prof Arvind is Punjabi University VC - The Tribune India

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Nearly half of all malware is concealed in TLS-encrypted communications Urgent Comms – Urgent Communications

Threat actors have sharply ramped up use of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) cryptographic protocol to hide malware communications creating new challenges for enterprise security teams in the process.

A Sophos analysis of malware samples observed during the first three months of 2021 showed that 46%or nearly halfof all malware that communicated with a remote system over the Internet used TLS for that purpose. This represents a 100% increase from 2020, when 23% of malware tools used TLS.

A major reason for the increase is the growing practice among cybercriminals to use legitimate TLS-protected cloud and Web services such as Google cloud services, Pastebin, Discord, and Github for hosting malware or storing stolen data, and for their command and communication operations. Also contributing to the growth is the increased use by attackers of Tor and other TLS-based network proxies to encrypt communications between malware and the threat actors behind them, Sophos said.

The main takeaways are that there is no such thing as a safe domain or service when screening for malware, and that more traditional firewall defenses based on reputation scanning without deep packet inspection cannot protect systems, says Sean Gallagher, senior threat researcher at Sophos.

TheSophos reportis the latest to highlight the double-edged nature of mushrooming encryption use on the Internet. Over the past few years, privacy advocates, security experts, browser makers, and others have pushed for broad adoption of cryptographic protocols to protect Internet communications from spying and surveillance.

The efforts have resulted in the HTTPS protocol, which uses TLS, almost completely replacing the older HTTP protocol.According to Googleone of the most influential proponents of HTTPS92% of the traffic that hits its online properties in the US uses TLS. The percentage is higher in other countries. In Belgium and India, for instance, 98% of the traffic to Google sites is encrypted; in Japan and Brazil, the number is 96%, and in Germany, 94%.

While the increased use of HTTPS and TLS overallin email systems, VPNs, and other areashas enabled greater privacy and security, it has also given attackers a way to use the same technology to hide their malware and malware communications from conventional detection mechanisms.

Theres nothing we can build that the bad guys cant use, says Internet pioneer Paul Vixie, the chairman, CEO, and co-founder of Farsight Security.

To read the complete article, visit Dark Reading.

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Nearly half of all malware is concealed in TLS-encrypted communications Urgent Comms - Urgent Communications

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Priti Patel v Facebook is the latest in a 30-year fight over encryption – The Guardian

Priti Patel has stepped up an international campaign to force Facebook to reverse its plans to merge its messaging apps and encrypt all communications between users, arguing such plans make it harder to safeguard children. But despite the intensity of the home secretarys call for action, theres little new ground broken in the encryption wars.

We cannot allow a situation where law enforcements ability to tackle abhorrent criminal acts and protect victims is severely hampered, Patel told an event organised by the NSPCC childrens charity on Monday afternoon. Simply removing accounts from platforms is nowhere near enough.

Her comments are the latest push in a fight that goes back almost 30 years. The broad issue is the same as ever: governments and law enforcement are worried about what is being said on communications platforms they cannot easily monitor, while technology companies argue that the nature of encryption means they have to provide privacy for everyone or no one.

This time, though, the territory is slightly different. Facebooks decision in 2020 to begin merging its various messaging platforms has added a sense of urgency. The move, which started when Messenger and Instagram merged in August, will eventually put those two platforms and WhatsApp all on the same network, with all chats being encrypted between them.

In a statement, Facebook said: Child exploitation has no place on our platforms and Facebook will continue to lead the industry in developing new ways to prevent, detect and respond to abuse. End-to-end encryption is already the leading security technology used by many services to keep people safe from hackers and criminals. Its full rollout on our messaging services is a long term project and we are building strong safety measures into our plans.

Hard as it is to convince technology companies to turn off encryption, it may be somewhat easier to convince them not to turn it on in the first place. And the NSPCC hopes that that conversation will be more successful if it avoids the same mistakes its precursors took. We want to move away from this being seen as a vexing unresolvable tradeoff of an argument that pits the needs and the wishes of adults against those of children, says Andy Burrows, the head of the charitys Online Harms project. What we want to move towards is a reset that results in a settlement that can balance the privacy and safety needs of all users.

What that settlement would look like is unclear. The government has not repeated last decades calls to push for a law-enforcement-only backdoor into encrypted messaging apps, after such a demand was roundly rejected by an industry as technologically impossible. (The nature of end-to-end encryption, which prevents anyone but the sender and recipient from reading communications, is such that any backdoor would work not just for police but for anyone else who discovered it, from hackers to foreign intelligence agencies.)

Instead, the UK government and others have focused on their goals, rather than demanding specific methods to achieve them. During my own recent discussions with my counterparts in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, we were absolutely united and calling upon the industry to ensure that services are safe by design, Patel said. Companies themselves should do more, and can do more, to endorse and transparently implement the CFAA voluntary principles on child sexual abuse, she added, referring to the new set of guidelines published last year by the five countries calling for better protection of children online.

However, Jim Killock, the executive director of the Open Rights Group, still sees the calls as a kind of solutionism: people picking a particular way of solving a problem and saying: This is how we must do things, this is the only way that we can deliver this result, it has to be this way.

It is clear, Killock adds, that the privacy and security of both children and adults is served by security technologies including end-to-end encryption. So the question is: are there other ways to deal with the very real issues around circulation of child abuse material?

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Priti Patel v Facebook is the latest in a 30-year fight over encryption - The Guardian

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Insights and Prediction of Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Global Market (2020-2027) KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper – KSU | The Sentinel…

From an insight perspective, this research report has focused on various levels of analysis industry trends analysis, top players analysis, company profiles, which discuss the basic views on the competitive landscape, emerging and high-growth segments of Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) market, and high-growth regions. Besides, drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities pertaining to Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) market are also predicted in this report.

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Competitive PlayersThe Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) market is full of competition due to the presence of many large and small companies and local manufacturers. The leading vendors in the market are:Micron Technology Inc Seagate Technology PLC Samsung Electronics Intel Toshiba Kingston Western Digital Corp

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By application:IT & Telecom BFSI Government & Public Utilities Manufacturing Enterprise Others

Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) TypeHard Disk Drive (HDD) FDE Solid State Drives (SSD) FDE

Table of Content1 Report Overview1.1 Product Definition and Scope1.2 PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) Analysis of Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Market2 Market Trends and Competitive Landscape3 Segmentation of Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Market by Types4 Segmentation of Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Market by End-Users5 Market Analysis by Major Regions6 Product Commodity of Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Market in Major Countries7 North America Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Landscape Analysis8 Europe Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Landscape Analysis9 Asia Pacific Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Landscape Analysis10 Latin America, Middle East & Africa Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Landscape Analysis 11 Major Players Profile

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Key Regions OverviewThe report covers the major countries analysis in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the rest of the world. Furthermore, policy mobilization, social dynamics, development trends, and economic development in these countries are also taken into consideration.

Target Audience:Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) manufacturersDistributors and resellers of Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE)Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) industry associationsProduct managers, Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) industry administrator, C-level executives of the industriesMarket research and consulting firmsSmall and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) potential investorsHardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) key stakeholders Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) end-user sectorsResearch and Development (R&D) companies

Key Questions Answered by This Report:What is the size and CAGR of the Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Market?What are the key driving factors of the most profitable regional market?Which are the leading companies in the global market?How will the Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Market advance in the coming years?What are the main strategies adopted in the global market?Which region may hit the highest market share in the coming era?What trends, challenges, and barriers will impact the development and sizing of the Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Market?

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Insights and Prediction of Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Global Market (2020-2027) KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper - KSU | The Sentinel...

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Mobile Encryption Market Research Report by Type, by Application, by End User Global Forecast to 2027 Cumulative Impact of COVID-19 NeighborWebSJ -…

Overview Of Mobile Encryption Industry 2021-2027:

This has brought along several changes in This report also covers the impact of COVID-19 on the global market.

The report offers detailed coverage of Mobile Encryption industry and main market trends. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Mobile Encryption by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography.

The Top key vendors in Mobile Encryption Market include are:- McAfee(Intel Corporation), Blackberry, T-Systems International, ESET, Sophos, Symantec Corp, Check Point Software Technologies, Ltd., Dell, IBM, Mobileiron, BeiJing Zhiyou Wangan Tech. Co. Ltd, CSG,Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Proofpoint, Inc., Silent Circle, Adeya SA

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This research report categorizes the global Mobile Encryption market by top players/brands, region, type and end user. This report also studies the global Mobile Encryption market status, competition landscape, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, sales channels and distributors.

Major Product Types covered are:

Disk EncryptionFile/Folder EncryptionCommunication EncryptionCloud EncryptionOther

Major Applications of Mobile Encryption covered are:

BFSIHealthcare & RetailGovernment and Public SectorTelecommunications and ITOther

Region wise performance of the Mobile Encryption industry

This report studies the global Mobile Encryption market status and forecast, categorizes the global Cable Conduits market size (value & volume) by key players, type, application, and region. This report focuses on the top players in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia India and Other regions (Middle East & Africa, Central & South America).

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The study objectives of this report are:

Scope of the Report:-

The report scope combines a detailed research of Global Mobile Encryption Market 2021 with the apprehension given in the advancement of the industry in certain regions.

The Top Companies Report is designed to contribute our buyers with a snapshot of the industrys most influential players. Besides, information on the performance of different companies, profit, gross margin, strategic initiative and more are presented through various resources such as tables, charts, and info graphic.

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Mobile Encryption Market Research Report by Type, by Application, by End User Global Forecast to 2027 Cumulative Impact of COVID-19 NeighborWebSJ -...

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Encryption Software Market 2021 | Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Demand And Forecast : Microsoft Corporation Symantec Corporation IBM…

Polaris Market Research recently released a comprehensive report entitled Global Encryption Software Market, which focuses on providing a complete overview of the market. The report provides the latest information on all key aspects of the market and is expected to have a significant impact on market trends and performance during the forecast period. A key aspect is that the report is prepared in a way that will meet the needs of customers. This report is a complete guide for customers to make correct decisions based on business investment plans and strategies.

Research on the global Encryption Software market includes the avoidance framework in the Encryption Software market and the Encryption Software market share during the forecast period. The Encryption Software market report briefly discusses different key parameters such as market size, price, production cost, growth strategy, quantity, sales data, consumption rate and other basic parameters. The Encryption Software market report is divided into regions, product types, major manufacturers and applications.

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With the assistance of different methods such as Porters Five Forces Analysis and SWOT Analysis, our researchers provide a clear outlook on current marketing trends and list the market participants that exist in the global Encryption Software market.

Manufacturers covered in this report are:

Microsoft Corporation, Symantec Corporation, IBM Corporation, EMC Corporation, CISCO Systems Inc., Intel Security, Check Point Software Technologies Ltd., Oracle Corporation, Trend Micro, Inc.

Detailed analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on businesses: Understanding the long-term and short-term impacts

Most companies are facing career-critical anxiety cases related to the coronavirus outbreak, and this situation is increasing, including the risk of economic recession, supply chain disruption, and possible decline in consumer spending. All these conditions will operate in different ways in different regions and industries, which will require more accurate and timely market research than ever before.

Market Segmentation:

Encryption Software Market Size and Forecast, 2019-2026 by Deployment Model

Encryption Software Market Size and Forecast, 2019-2026 by Organization Size

Encryption Software Market Size and Forecast, 2019-2026 by Application

Encryption Software Market Size and Forecast, 2019-2026 by End-User

The main focus of this research report on the market for Encryption Software is providing study of following key points:

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Regional Analysis:

The report provides information about the market area, which is further subdivided into sub-regions and countries. In addition to market share in each country and subregion, this chapter of this report also provides information on profit opportunities. This chapter of the report mentions the share and market growth rate of each region, country, and sub-region in the estimated time period.

The research provides reliable answers to several key questions, such as:

In short, the Encryption Software Market report is the true source of access to research data that is expected to double your business. The report provides information such as economic scenarios, earnings, constraints, trends, market growth rates and figures.

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Polaris market Research is a global market research and consulting company. We provide unmatched quality of offerings to our clients present globally. The company specializes in providing exceptional market intelligence and in-depth business research services for our clientele spread across industry verticals.

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Encryption Software Market 2021 | Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Demand And Forecast : Microsoft Corporation Symantec Corporation IBM...

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