Young woman reading a cryptocurrency newsletter on her mobile phone
The rise in popularity of fintech has brought with it an increase in the number of blogs and newsletters focused on the industry.
Last year, I published a list of eight fintech blogs and newsletters I thought were the best in the industry. Its time to add some new blogs and newsletters to the list. This new list doesnt replace last yearsyou should still read last years list (especially those from Jason Mikula, Simon Taylor, and Alex Johnson).
Aika Ussenova does financial planning and analysis at Monzo Bank in the UK, and her Substack newsletter offers deep dive analyses into various players on the fintech scene including:
This Substack newsletter from Paddy Ramanathan, Managing Director of the iValley Innovation Center, has a strong focus on decentralized finance. A recent post on 10 Predictions For The Post-covid Decentralization Decade includes a prediction that virtual and decentralized business ecosystems will lead to digital jurisdictions.
Commenting on the exodus of companies from San Francisco to Austin and from New York to Florida, Ramanathan asks: Is this the beginning of the great decentralization of population and business hubs?
He asserts that it is and that business ecosystems will be tied together virtually as network graphs with cross-border governance. This will create unique policy and governance challenges that will lead to broad reform on taxation, jurisdiction, and regulations.
The subtitle of this blog is thoughts on fintech and decentralized finance and its written by Giorgio Giuliani, the Product Lead at SumUp, a Berlin, Germany fintech that enables small businesses to accept card payments in-store, in-app and online. Giuliani provides in-depth analyses on a range of topics including:
Im not a lawyer, I dont play one on TV, and I didnt sleep in a Holiday Inn last night. Thankfully, theres this Substack newslettersubtitled Fintech laws n regsfor non-lawyersfor people like (you and) me.
Youd be hard pressed to figure out that this newsletter is written by Reggie Young, legal counsel at fintech company BlueVine. His Twitter handle indicates that the newsletter is his, but the newsletter itself makes no mention of who the author is.
Young provides insights into regulatory developments that impact the fintech world (and really, banking and financial services in general). Soundbites from recent posts shed regulatory light on:
Each post explains the regulatory landscape for the topic of the day (e.g., payments, robo-advisors, lending). The newsletter subtly and indirectly proves why the unemployment rate for fintech lawyers is going to remain low for a long time to come.
This is a relatively new newsletter with just four posts under its belt as I write this. The authorsMike Sigal, founder of 20022 Labs and entrepreneur, advisor, and creator Debbie Landasay that the newsletter is a curated sports highlights newsletter to keep you up-to-date on whats most relevant.
Its a lot more (and a lot better) than that. There are a number of newsletters (that wont make my list) that just curate the news. Tracking Payments goes way beyond and offers Sigals and Landas expert and experienced views on what the news means.
Topics and questions addressed in this newsletter include:
Do you know of other free fintech and cryptocurrency newsletters that should be on this list (i.e., provide analysis and not just curate the news)? Let me know and Ill update this list.
See more here:
5 Free Fintech And Cryptocurrency Newsletters You Need To Read - Forbes