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We now have a better look at what’s inside the Humane AI pin – The Verge

The Humane AI pin promises to give users a way to use generative AI in the physical world. You can clip the pin to your shirt, talk to it, and project answers from chatbots onto any surface, most often your palm. We know a little bit about what powers the tiny square pin, and thanks to a new report, we have a much better view of what goes on under the hood.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) included a photographic teardown of the AI pin in a new report. The photos show the clearest look so far into what comprises the Humane AI pin, as well as a close-up of the Snapdragon processor it uses.

The FCC must certify devices that use wireless communications to ensure they follow regulations before they are released to the public. They then get a nifty FCC mark on the product. This review process often includes a teardown of the gadget so the commission can inspect whats on the inside.

We already knew the AI pin runs on Snapdragon, though the company did not indicate what version. From the photos, it looks like the pin uses a Snapdragon 720G processor, which Qualcomm says on its website can run on-device AI with low power on mobile devices. The Snapdragon 720G is one of the smaller chips available that can also handle an AI compute load.

While certainly there are still questions as to why the Humane AI pin exists, at least we now know its using a chip powerful enough to project ChatGPT results onto your palm.

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We now have a better look at what's inside the Humane AI pin - The Verge

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How to Protect Yourself (and Your Loved Ones) From AI Scam Calls – WIRED

You answer a random call from a family member, and they breathlessly explain how theres been a horrible car accident. They need you to send money right now, or theyll go to jail. You can hear the desperation in their voice as they plead for an immediate cash transfer. While it sure sounds like them, and the call came from their number, you feel like somethings off. So, you decide to hang up and call them right back. When your family member picks up your call, they say there hasnt been a car crash, and that they have no idea what youre talking about.

Congratulations, you just successfully avoided an artificial intelligence scam call.

As generative AI tools get more capable, it is becoming easier and cheaper for scammers to create fakebut convincingaudio of peoples voices. These AI voice clones are trained on existing audio clips of human speech, and can be adjusted to imitate almost anyone. The latest models can even speak in numerous languages. OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, recently announced a new text-to-speech model that could further improve voice cloning and make it more widely accessible.

Of course, bad actors are using these AI cloning tools to trick victims into thinking they are speaking to a loved one over the phone, even though theyre talking to a computer. While the threat of AI-powered scams can be frightening, you can stay safe by keeping these expert tips in mind the next time you receive an urgent, unexpected call.

Its not just OpenAI; many tech startups are working on replicating near perfect-sounding human speech, and the recent progress is rapid. If it were a few months ago, we would have given you tips on what to look for, like pregnant pauses or showing some kind of latency, says Ben Colman, cofounder and CEO of Reality Defender. Like many aspects of generative AI over the past year, AI audio is now a more convincing imitation of the real thing. Any safety strategies that rely on you audibly detecting weird quirks over the phone are outdated.

Security experts warn that its quite easy for scammers to make it appear as if the call were coming from a legitimate phone number. A lot of times scammers will spoof the number that they're calling you from, make it look like it's calling you from that government agency or the bank, says Michael Jabbara, global head of fraud services at Visa. You have to be proactive. Whether its from your bank or from a loved one, any time you receive a call asking for money or personal information, go ahead and ask to call them back. Look up the number online or in your contacts, and initiate a follow-up conversation. You can also try sending them a message through a different, verified line of communication like video chat or email.

A popular security tip that multiple sources suggested was to craft a safe word that only you and your loved ones know about, and which you can ask for over the phone. You can even prenegotiate with your loved ones a word or a phrase that they could use in order to prove who they really are, if in a duress situation, says Steve Grobman, chief technology officer at McAfee. Although calling back or verifying via another means of communication is best, a safe word can be especially helpful for young ones or elderly relatives who may be difficult to contact otherwise.

What if you dont have a safe word decided on and are trying to suss out whether a distressing call is real? Pause for a second and ask a personal question. It could even be as simple as asking a question that only a loved one would know the answer to, says Grobman. It could be, Hey, I want to make sure this is really you. Can you remind me what we had for dinner last night? Make sure the question is specific enough that a scammer couldnt answer correctly with an educated guess.

Deepfake audio clones arent just reserved for celebrities and politicians, like the calls in New Hampshire that used AI tools to sound like Joe Biden and to discourage people from going to the polls. One misunderstanding is, It cannot happen to me. No one can clone my voice, says Rahul Sood, chief product officer at Pindrop, a security company that discovered the likely origins of the AI Biden audio. What people dont realize is that with as little as five to 10 seconds of your voice, on a TikTok you might have created or a YouTube video from your professional life, that content can be easily used to create your clone. Using AI tools, the outgoing voicemail message on your smartphone might even be enough to replicate your voice.

Whether its a pig butchering scam or an AI phone call, experienced scammers are able to build your trust in them, create a sense of urgency, and find your weak points. Be wary of any engagement where youre experiencing a heightened sense of emotion, because the best scammers arent necessarily the most adept technical hackers, says Jabbara. But they have a really good understanding of human behavior. If you take a moment to reflect on a situation and refrain from acting on impulse, that could be the moment you avoid getting scammed.

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How to Protect Yourself (and Your Loved Ones) From AI Scam Calls - WIRED

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NRO eyes diverse satellite fleet and AI-powered ground systems in modernization push – SpaceNews

COLORADO SPRINGS The National Reconnaissance Office, the secretive U.S. intelligence agency responsible for operating the countrys spy satellites, is developing a more diverse fleet of satellites alongside an overhaul of its ground systems.

Troy Meink, principal deputy director of the NRO, said the agency is looking to develop a more diverse satellite architecture, including smaller and more maneuverable models, to improve its intelligence gathering across a wider range of orbits and mission profiles.

We are pushing the boundaries to ensure we stay on the leading edge of innovation, Meink said April 9 in a keynote speech at the 39th Space Symposium. Over the next decade, we will continue to increase the number of satellites operating across multiple orbits, not just large systems that are the traditional hallmark of the NRO, but also smaller proliferated systems.

In parallel with the changes to its space-based systems, the NRO is also overhauling its satellite ground architecture, investing heavily in new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to help process the flood of data coming from its expanding satellite network.

Expanding our overhead architecture will provide greater revisit rates, increased coverage, and more timely delivery of information, Meink said. This will make our collection more agile, eliminate single points of failure and will make our constellations more resilient.

Ground systems

A more diverse space architecture will allow the NRO to collect an order of magnitude more data, he said. So this means ground operations must evolve as well. I think this is actually one of the biggest challenges we face. Its not the bits that matter. Its how the bits get organized into useful information thats important.

The NROs push to modernize its ground systems started several years ago, said Joshua Perrius, senior vice president of Booz Allen Hamilton. The company is a support contractor to the NRO for ground systems modernization.

The goal is more automated tasking and collection based on data models and less on human planned activities, Perrius told SpaceNews.

The NRO is seeking more advanced data processing and exploitation capabilities on the ground to make sense of all the data its collecting, he said. They have to be able to rapidly task, re-task, and exploit data from a more diverse and resilient constellation, while also leveraging the latest AI and automation tools, said Perrius.

He said AI and machine learning algorithms can help to identify critical information and generate actionable intelligence much faster than traditional methods.

While the specific details of the NROs plans are classified, Perrius noted, this shift towards a more diverse satellite fleet and AI-powered ground systems signifies a major transformation for the intelligence agency.

The NROs fleet includes imaging satellites that take high-resolution pictures of the Earths surface, signals intelligence satellites that intercept and collect electronic communications, and others that gather information about objects by analyzing radio frequencies and other emissions.

Access to hostile territory

Millions of people count on us everyday, Meink said at the Space Symposium. Civilian customers depend on space collection to assist them with natural disasters, help predict climate change, and help relief agencies determine how and where to deliver humanitarian aid.

The Department of Defense and the intelligence community, he added, depend on the NRO capabilities, for example, for geolocation data and high-resolution imagery. The NRO systems are often the only tools able to access hostile territory or rugged terrain so we can collect critical information.

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NRO eyes diverse satellite fleet and AI-powered ground systems in modernization push - SpaceNews

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Aboards AI-powered bookmarking and project app is a new spin on a chatbot – The Verge

Aboard is not an easy app to explain. It used to be easier: at first, it was a way to collect and organize information Trello meets Pinterest meets that spreadsheet full of links you use to plan your vacation. The companys founders, Paul Ford and Rich Ziade, are two longtime web developers and app creators (and, in Fords case, also an influential writer about the web) who previously ran a well-liked agency called Postlight. They did a bunch of interesting work on parsing websites to pull out helpful information, and they built a handy visual tool for displaying it all. People love to save links, Ziade says, and we love to make those links beautiful when they come in. Simple!

But now Im sitting here in a co-working space in New York City, a few minutes after an earthquake hit and a few days before Aboards biggest launch yet, and Ziade is showing me something very different. He opens up a beta version of the app and clicks a button, and after a second, the page begins to change. A database appears out of nowhere, with a bunch of categories Year, Title, Genre, and more that start to populate with a number of well-known movie titles. The board, as Aboard calls it, titles itself Movie Night. With one click, Ziade just built and populated a way to track your viewing habits.

Maybe the best way to explain the new Aboard is not as a Pinterest competitor but as a radical redesign of ChatGPT. When Ziade made that board, all he was really doing was querying OpenAIs GPT-3.5. The companys chatbot might have returned some of the same movies, but it would have done so with a series of paragraphs and bullet points. Aboard has built a more attractive, more visual AI app and has made it so you can turn that app into anything you want.

Ziade and Ford imagine three main things you might do with Aboard. The first, Organize, is closest to the original vision: ask the tool for a bunch of things to do in Montreal this summer, and itll populate a board with some popular attractions and restaurants. Ask Aboard to meal plan your week, and itll create a board segmented by day and by meal with nicely formatted recipes. The second, Research, is similar but a little more exploratory: ask Aboard to grab the most interesting links about African bird species, and itll dump them all into place for you to peruse at your leisure.

Like any AI product right now, this is sometimes cooler in theory than in reality. When I ask Ziade to make a board with important tech moments from 2004, it pulls a bunch of them into separate cards: Googles IPO, the launch of Gmail, the iPod Mini launch. And then the iPod Mini launch again and then another time and then three more times after that. Ziade and Ford both laugh and say this is the stuff they see all the time. A few times, a demo just fails, and each time, Ford says something to the effect of Yeah, that just happens when you ping the models. But he says its also getting better fast.

The third use case, which Aboard calls Workflow, is where Aboard figures its true business lies. Ziade does another demo: he enters a prompt into Aboard, asking it to set up a claims tracker for an insurance company. After a few seconds, he has a fairly straightforward but useful-looking board for processing claims, along with a bunch of sample cards to show how it works. Is this going to be perfect and powerful enough for an insurance company to start using as is? No. But its a start. Ford tells me that Aboards job is to build something good enough but also not quite good enough if the app can work just well enough to get you to customize it the rest of the way to fit your needs, thats the goal.

An Aboard board can be a table, a list, a gallery, and more

This is ultimately a very business-y use case and puts Aboard in loose competition with the Airtables and Salesforces of the world. Ziade and Ford are upfront about this. We want to be in professional settings, Ford says, thats a real thing were aiming for. Doesnt have to be for big enterprise, but definitely small teams, nonprofits, things like that. He figures Aboard can sell to companies by saving them a bunch of time and meetings spent figuring out how to organize data and just get them started right away. An Aboard board can be a table, a list, a gallery, and more; its a pretty flexible tool for managing most kinds of data.

I have no particular business use for Aboard, but Ive been testing the app for a while, and its a really clever way to redesign the output of a large language model. Particularly when its combined with Aboards ability to parse URLs, it can quickly put together some really useful information. Ive been saving links for months as I plan a vacation, and I had Aboard build me a project planner for managing a big renovation of my bathroom. (Its all very exciting stuff.)

Just before Aboards AI launch, I tried building another board: I prompted the AI to create a board of Oscar-winning movies, with stacks for each movie genre and tags for Rotten Tomatoes scores, and Aboard went to work. It came back with stacks (Aboards parlance for sub-lists) for six different movie genres, tags for various score ranges, plus runtimes, posters, and Rotten Tomatoes links for each flick. Were all the movies it selected Best Picture winners? Nope! Did it get the ratings right, like, ever? Nope! But it still felt like a good start and Aboard always gives you the option to delete the sample cards it generates and just start from scratch.

Aboard is just one of a new class of AI companies, the ones that wont try to build Yet Another Large Language Model but will instead try to build new things to do with those models and new ways to interact with them. The Aboard founders say they ultimately plan to connect to lots of models as those models become, in some cases, more specialized and, in others, more commoditized. In Aboards case, they want to use AI not as an answer machine but as something like a software generator. We still want you to go to the web, Ford says. We want to guide you a bit and maybe kickstart you, but were software people and we think the ability to get going really quickly is really, really interesting. The Aboard founders want AI to do the work about the work, so you can just get to work.

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Aboards AI-powered bookmarking and project app is a new spin on a chatbot - The Verge

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Google is building its own AI chipsand it’s a warning shot at Nvidia and Intel – Fortune

Google announced a proprietary chip Tuesday that could help the company cut back its reliance on heavyweight chipmakers and gain a foothold in the increasingly competitive AI race.

The new chip, dubbed Axion, will help handle the massive amount of data used by AI applications, Google said in a Tuesday statement. Its designed to be grouped into clusters of thousands of chips to improve performance, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The new chipswhich are central processing units, or CPUsare reportedly 30% better than already available general-purpose chips that use similar circuitry made by the U.K.-based semiconductor and software company Arm, the company said in a statement. Although Google had previously made other chips for its different business segments, this is its first meant to support AI in data centers.

Customers of the Alphabet subsidiary will be able to access Axion through Googles cloud business later this year, but will not be able to buy them directly, according to the Journal. The companys vice president overseeing proprietary chips, Amin Vahdat, told the outlet that it wants to take a different approach.

Becoming a great hardware company is very different from becoming a great cloud company or a great organizer of the worlds information, Vahdat said.

By not selling directly to customers, Google is avoiding direct competition with its longtime partnersand dominant chipmakersIntel and Nvidia. Instead, Vahdat said, the company sees its entry into the chip market as a positive for everyone in the industry.

I see this as a basis for growing the size of the pie, Vahdat said.

As the hypercompetitive race to enable AI heats up, Googles rivals likely dont share that vision. On Tuesday, Santa Clara, Calif.based semiconductor company Intel released the artificial-intelligence-focused chip Gaudi 3. Intel says the new chips will be available by the third quarter, and can be used to train large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. The company claims the Gaudi 3 chips have an edge over Nvidias competing chip, the H100.

Nvidia, meanwhile, announced the new generation of its popular H100 chip in November and plans to release it later this year. Still, shares of Nvidia closed down 2% on Tuesday following the news. The company has seen its stock skyrocket about 75% since the start of the year on outsize demand for its powerful H100 chips, but is facing increasing competition.

Shares of Google parent company Alphabet jumped as much as 2.4% on the day following news of the new chip before paring back gains. The stock closed up 1.28% at about $158.

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Google is building its own AI chipsand it's a warning shot at Nvidia and Intel - Fortune

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Announcing new Microsoft AI Hub in London – The Official Microsoft Blog – Microsoft

Microsoft recently announced the creation of Microsoft AI, a newly formed organization to help advance our consumer AI products and research, including Copilot. Building on that news, Im thrilled to share that Microsoft AI is opening a new AI hub in the heart of London. Microsoft AI London will drive pioneering work to advance state-of-the-art language models and their supporting infrastructure, and to create world-class tooling for foundation models, collaborating closely with our AI teams across Microsoft and with our partners, including OpenAI.

The new AI hub will be led by Jordan Hoffmann, an exceptional AI scientist and engineer. Prior to joining Microsoft AI, Hoffmann distinguished himself as an AI pioneer at Inflection and DeepMind, based in London. Hoffmann will be joined by a talented group of Microsoft AI team members based in our London Paddington office.

There is an enormous pool of AI talent and expertise in the U.K., and Microsoft AI plans to make a significant, long-term investment in the region as we begin hiring the best AI scientists and engineers into this new AI hub.

In the coming weeks and months, we will be posting job openings and actively hiring exceptional individuals who want to work on the most interesting and challenging AI questions of our time. Were looking for new team members who are driven by impact at scale, and who are passionate innovators eager to contribute to a team culture where continuous learning is the norm.

This is great news for Microsoft AI and for the U.K. As a British citizen, born and raised in London, Im proud to have co-founded and built a cutting-edge AI business here. Im deeply aware of the extraordinary talent pool and AI ecosystem in the U.K., and Im excited to make this commitment to the U.K. on behalf of Microsoft AI. I know through my close work with thought leaders in the U.K. government, business community and academia that the country is committed to advancing AI responsibly and with a safety-first commitment to drive investment, innovation and economic growth. Our decision to open this hub in the U.K. reflects this ambition.

The Microsoft AI London hub adds to Microsofts existing presence in the U.K., including the Microsoft Research Cambridge lab, home to some of the foremost researchers in the areas of AI, cloud and productivity. At the same time, it builds off Microsofts recently announced 2.5 billion investment to upskill the U.K. workforce for the AI era and to build the infrastructure to power the AI economy, including our commitment to bring 20,000 of the most advanced GPUs to the country by 2026.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to push the boundaries of whats possible with AI and extend the benefits to every person and organization across the U.K.

Tags: AI, Microsoft AI

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Announcing new Microsoft AI Hub in London - The Official Microsoft Blog - Microsoft

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Former Google Deepmind Researchers Assemble Luminaries Across Music And Tech To Launch Udio, A New AI … – PR Newswire

Backed by a16z, with participation from angel investors like, Common, Kevin Wall, Tay Keith, Steve Stoute's UnitedMasters, Mike Krieger (Cofounder & CTO of Instagram) and Oriol Vinyals (head of Gemini at Google), Udio enables everyone from classically trained musicians, to those with pop star ambitions, to hip hop fans, to people who just want to have fun with their friends to create awe-inspiring songs in mere moments

NEW YORK, April 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Udio, a company that leverages AI to easily create extraordinary and original music, today announced the public launch of its app at Previously only available in closed beta, where the app was regularly played with by some of the biggest names in the music industry, Udio was developed by former Google DeepMind researchers with a mission of making it easy for anyone to create emotionally resonant music in an instant. Whether it is recording a cherished memory in song, generating funny soundtracks for memes, or creating full length tracks for professional release, Udio will expand how everyone creates and shares music.

"There is nothing available that comes close to the ease of use, voice quality and musicality of what we've achieved with Udio - it's a real testament to the folks we have involved," said David Ding, Co-founder and CEO of Udio. "At every stage of development, we talked to people in the industry about how we could bring this technology to market in a way that benefits both artists and musicians. We gathered feedback from some of the most prolific artists and music producers, Common and Tay Keith, to ensure that everything they thought would enhance the experience would be available. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and we believe we have achieved something truly remarkable, so we can't wait to get Udio into the hands of music lovers worldwide."

With a superior sound quality and musicality that meets professional standards, Udio was designed to make song creation as easy as possible. In just a few steps, users simply type a description of the music genre they want to make, provide the subject or personalized lyrics, and indicate artists that inspire. In less than 40 seconds, Udio works its magic and produces fully mastered tracks. Once a track has been created, users can further edit their creations through the app's "remix" feature. This enables iteration on existing tracks through text descriptors, turning everyday creators into full-blown producers. It even enables users to extend their songs, edit them to have different sounds and use them as the basis of inspiration for their next creation.

Once finished, users can then share their new creations with the app's built-in community of music lovers, for feedback and collaboration.

"This is a brand new Renaissance and Udio is the tool for this era's creativity-with Udio you are able to pull songs into existence via AI and your imagination," said, multi-platinum artist and producer.

While in beta, Udio has also inspired some of the most prolific musicians, producers and artists with their next creation. Designed to be artist friendly, Udio helps musicians not only create songs faster, but test and play around with lyrics in an all new way. Through its extensive network, Udio also is in discussions with a number of artists who want to leverage AI in their workflows and find new ways to monetize through its tech.

"Good music stirs up deep emotions in all of us, and connects us to each other through shared experiences. Nothing will ever replace human artists and the unique connections they make with their fans," said Matt Bornstein, Partner at Andreessen Horowitz. "But we think Udio - with its incredible musicality, creativity, and vocals - is a brand new way for us to create and enjoy music together. We're thrilled to back this stellar group of researchers in their mission to make AI music a reality."

Udio's team is working alongside artists on all aspects of product and business development. The company has also secured leading investors in the seed round including a16z, as well as prominent tech and music angels like Mike Krieger (Cofounder & CTO of Instagram) and Oriol Vinyals (head of Gemini at Google).

"I've always been drawn to music and creation tools, and after I demoed Udio, I was blown away," said Mike Krieger. "It's early days but just like Instagram brought photography sharing to the masses, I believe Udio has the power to bring music creation to the masses as well. I'm thrilled to be a product advisor on their groundbreaking journey."

"UnitedMasters embraces cutting-edge technology that can unlock unprecedented opportunities for independent artists, and AI is reshaping how we create, consume, and experience music. As we embrace this transformative technology, we must ensure it amplifies creativity, empowers artists, and enriches the music industry without compromising ownership. It's imperative that we champion transparency, accountability, and ownership in how this technology benefits artists, shaping a future where innovation and creativity can thrive," said Steve Stoute, CEO and Founder of UnitedMasters.

For more information on Udio and how to access, please visit

About Udio

Udio is a company that leverages proprietary AI to make amazing sound creation fun. Founded in New York in December 2023 by former Google DeepMind researchers, Udio's mission is to bring world changing products to market. With the launch of its new app of the same name, Udio is lauded by many in the industry as being the first to democratize song creation. To learn more about Udio, its founders and where to access the app, please visit or on its social channels at Twitter: @udiomusic, Instagram: udiomusic, tiktok: @udiomusic, Youtube: @udio_music

Notice: If your editorial policy requires the use of full legal names,'s is William Adams. All others shown in Wikipedia and previously published stories are incorrect.

Media Contact: Rachel Rogers 310-770-4917


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Former Google Deepmind Researchers Assemble Luminaries Across Music And Tech To Launch Udio, A New AI ... - PR Newswire

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The Titled Cup: Titled Tuesdays Just Got Even More Fierce –

Titled Tuesdays are our beloved weekly battles where any titled player can face the likes of GM Magnus Carlsen and GM Hikaru Nakamura.

Fans tune in without fail to see who will come out on top in these always-thrilling, 11-round blitz tournaments. But the ever-popular Titled Tuesdays are about to get even more exciting.

Throughout 2024, will be upping the ante with the launch of the new Titled Cup. The Titled Cup is a new layer of competitiveness on top: a year-long leaderboard competition tracking Titled Tuesday results from over 100 events. It will bring an extra edge to everyone.

Starting on January 2, there will be a leaderboard for all players, plus women, juniors, girls, and seniors. Over the course of the year, players will be ranked based on the sum of their best 20 Titled Tuesday scores.

Only events in 2024 will count. Prizes range from $10,000 for topping the open leaderboard to $5,000 for women, juniors, and seniors, and $1,500 for girls. But thats not all. Through the Titled Cup, players will also get a clear route to qualify for the Speed Chess Championship series of events.

The qualification spots available for the Speed Chess Championship (SCC) and the Womens Speed Chess Championship (WSCC) will be based on the sum of players' best 10 Titled Tuesday scores until a specified cutoff date.

The first deadline is June 11 for the JSCC, which has two spots available via the leaderboard for players born in 2006 or later. Six seats in the SCC will be awarded to the top six on the open leaderboard before June 18.

Finally, the top two women will qualify for the WSCC with the cutoff date of August 6. is bringing all our events together to give more players a chance to make their mark and win prizes.

Titled Tuesday began life way back in 2014 and has evolved massively over the years. From February 1, 2022, the Swiss has been running twice every Tuesday, with the first event at 11 a.m. ET/17:00 CETand the second event 5 p.m. ET/23:00 CET.

Nakamura has set the record with 59 total victories since October 20, 2020. GM Dmitry Andreikin has the second-most with 16. Nakamura also has the joint-highest score in Titled Tuesday, achieving a perfect 11/11 twice on August 17, 2021, and August 22, 2023.

Carlsen is the only other player to manage the feat on April 7, 2023. However, before the era of 11 rounds, GM Oleksandr Bortnyk scored a perfect 9/9 on October 4, 2016.

The question for 2024 is: can Nakamura maintain his dominance in the face of this extra motivation for his rivals?

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The Titled Cup: Titled Tuesdays Just Got Even More Fierce -

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Candidates Tournament 2024: A feeling of dj vu – Chess News | ChessBase

In 2013 FIDE introduced the current format of the Candidates Tournaments: 8 players, double round-robin. The format has proved its worth and has resulted in six high-profile and exciting tournaments. Three times - 2013, 2016 and 2018 - the tournament was decided in the final round, and three times - 2014, 2021 and 2022 - the winner was decided before the final round.

However, a look at the table below shows that in the past, the player leading after four rounds has always won.

Of course, this is just another statistic in the series of many statistics that have been compiled about the current and past Candidates Tournaments.

In general, there is a certain mistrust of statistics, as quotes from Mark Twain "There are three kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies and statistics", Winston Churchill "Don't trust a statistic that you haven't falsified yourself" or Franklin D. Roosevelt "I am somewhat sceptical about statistics, because according to statistics, a millionaire and a poor fellow each have half a million", show.

You should also consider the following: Never before in the history of chess has a player won the Candidates Tournament or the Candidates Matches three times. At first glance it seems rather unlikely that this will happen in Toronto in 2024.

In other words, at the Candidates Tournament 2024 in Toronto everything is probably still possible.In any case, after the rest day, Round 5 will bring the following pairings:

Alireza Firouzja - Hikaru Nakamura Gukesh D - Nijat Abasov Vidit Santosh Gujrathi - Fabiano Caruana Praggnanandhaa R - Ian Nepomniachtchi

Once this round is over, we will know more, and will be able to think about new statistics and forecasts.

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Candidates Tournament 2024: A feeling of dj vu - Chess News | ChessBase

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Leading Brokerage Moomoo Offers CHESS-sponsored Trades to Australian Investors – PR Newswire

SYDNEY, April 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nasdaq listed brokerage moomoo announced that CHESS-sponsored trades will be available on its platform starting from 8th April, as a reinforcement of its commitment to improving the trading experience and investor protection for Australian clients. Moomoo now offers seamless access to the CHESS-sponsored Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) shares with trading fees as little as AUD $3 per trade.

The Clearing House Electronic Subregister System (CHESS) is a computer system utilised by the ASX to keep records of shareholdings and manage the settlement of share transactions. Trading through a CHESS-sponsored broker like moomoo enables investors to own and access the ASX shares directly, which also provides greater flexibility for investors to switch between brokers while keeping their holdings unaffected.

In conjunction with the existing security measures that moomoo has already put in place, including holding client funds with HSBC Bank Australia to fully segregate from moomoo's own fund, and insuring clients' US assets by SIPC for up to $500,000 in securities and $250,000 in uninvested cash, the CHESS-sponsored model also added an extra layer of security for client assets.

Starting from 8th April, CHESS sponsorship will automatically apply to all new moomoo trading accounts in Australia, and all new clients will be assigned a unique Holder Identification Number (HIN), which simplifies the process of buying, selling and transferring ASX stocks.

With a HIN, investors can manage their share portfolios across different brokers more efficiently. The streamlined transfer process also allows for easier switching between brokers, significantly reducing paperwork and administrative hassles.

By consolidating their holdings under the same HIN, moomoo users in Australia gain the advantage of leveraging more competitive prices and diverse product offerings on the platform. Moomoo will also enable its current clients to switch to CHESS-sponsored accounts upon request.

Trade with a value-first broker

Moomoo currently provides Australian investors with a comprehensive range of investment options, granting them one-stop access to over 22,000 shares and ETFs across Australia, US and Hong Kong markets, which helps investors build a diversified portfolio to better capture investment opportunities worldwide.

As a value-first broker in Australia, moomoo stands out for its highly competitive rates and fees. By offering Aussies incredible low trading fees, moomoo charges a flat fee of only USD $0.99 per trade* for trading US stocks and ETFs, and as low as AUD $3** per trade for trading Australian stocks and ETFs. This commitment to affordability positions moomoo as an ideal choice for all investors seeking exceptional value-for-money brokerage services.

To cater to the diverse needs of investors across all trading levels, moomoo empowers Australian users with free access to a wide array of professional-level features. These include a comprehensive suite of over 100 technical indicators and a variety of patented charting tools, enabling investors to make informed decisions based on advanced market analysis.

Additionally, moomoo's exclusive AI-powered capabilities, such as trend projection, indicator sentiment, and candlestick pattern recognition, provide users with valuable insights into their investment strategies. Moomoo also offers users access to round-the-clock global news and reports from reputable sources like Bloomberg and Dow Jones, which ensures investors can stay ahead of the market trends to make timely and well-informed decisions.

In addition to accessing Level 2 quotes for US stocks for free, global users can enjoy an exclusive free trial of Nasdaq TotalView, a standard data feed that displays the full order book depth on Nasdaq between 1st May and 31st July. New users can sign up for the TotalView free trial here.

To support beginners in their investment journey, moomoo offers over 740 free investment courses that can be customized to meet individual learning needs. The moomoo community, which brings together over 21 million global investors, serves as a platform to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experiences.

In Australia, moomoo has awarded as the Best Investment Platform for Beginners for the second consecutive years by financial wellness platforms WeMoney, and named Online Broker Rising Star Gold Winner by Money Magazine. These accolades reflect moomoo's commitment to revolutionizing the trading landscape and empowering investors of all levels.

*Other pass-through fees and FX costs are not included. **Moomoo may charge $3 per trade or 0.03% of the transaction value, whichever is greater.

About moomoo

Based inSydney, NSW,Australia, Futu Securities (Australia) Ltd is an indirect and wholly owned subsidiary of Futu Holdings Ltd, an advanced technology company transforming the investing experience by offering a fully digitized brokerage and wealth management platform. Futu Holdings Ltd was ranked second inFortunemagazine's Fortune 100 list in 2022.

Moomoo's mission is to provide all investors with an intuitive and powerful investing platform, built with proprietary technology. We leverage our deep technological R&D capabilities and future-focused operating model to constantly improve our clients' experience and drive industry-wide innovation.

Securities services available on the moomoo App are offered by but not limited to the following brokerage firms: Futu Securities (Australia) Ltd regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC); Moomoo Financial Inc. regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd. regulated by the Monetary Authority ofSingapore(MAS), and Futu Securities International (Hong Kong) Ltd. regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission ofHong Kong(SFC).

Moomoo Financial Inc. is a member of the U.S. Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC). The SIPC provides limited protection over an investor's U.S. securities and cash when a member brokerage firm is to be liquidated. SIPC does not protect against losses due to market volatility.

SOURCE moomoo

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