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How AI risks creating a black box at the heart of US legal system – The Hill

Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an expanding — and often invisible — role in America’s legal system. While AI tools are being used to inform criminal investigations, there is often no way for defendants to challenge their digital accuser or even know what role it played in the case. 

“Under current law in most jurisdictions, [prosecutors] don’t have to disclose artificial intelligence use to the judge or defense counsel,” Rebecca Wexler, professor of law at the University of California, Berkeley, told The Hill. 

AI and machine learning tools are being deployed by police and prosecutors to identify faces, weapons, license plates and objects at crime scenes, survey live feeds for suspicious behavior, enhance DNA analysis, direct police to gunshots, determine how likely a defendant is to skip bail, forecast crime and process evidence, according to the National Institute of Justice.

But trade secrets laws are blocking public scrutiny of how these tools work, creating a “black box” in the criminal justice system, with no guardrails for how AI can be used and when it must be disclosed. 

“There’s no standard at any level,” said Brandon Garrett of Duke University School of Law. “The big picture point is that just like there need to be standards for the product, there needs to be standards on how and when they’re used.”

Concerns about AI in the criminal justice system are compounded by research showing how tools like facial recognition are prone to bias — for example, misidentifying people of color because it was trained on mostly white faces. 

For the past three congresses, Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.), joined twice by Rep. Dwight Evans (D-Pa.), has introduced legislation that addresses issues of testing and transparency in criminal justice, so far failing to garner enough traction to pass the bill. 

“Nobody had really addressed this particular issue of black box technologies that are being marketed to prosecutors, police and law enforcement folks on the basis of their alleged efficacy,” Takano said in an interview with The Hill. 

“Every American wants to feel that they can get a fair trial if they are accused of something wrong — that’s one of the hallmarks of being an American,” he added. “But what do you do when the witness and evidence brought against you is a machine protected as a trade secret, how do you contend with that?” 

The term artificial intelligence refers to the broad discipline of making machines that learn from experience and mimic humanlike intelligence in making predictions. Unlike other forensic technologies law enforcement uses, AI is responsive to its environment and sensitive to its users, meaning it can produce different outcomes throughout its life cycle. 

Without testing and transparency, these nuances are lost and the likelihood of error isn’t accounted for, Garrett said. 

Currently, public officials are essentially taking private firms at their word that their technologies are as robust or nuanced as advertised, despite expanding research exposing the potential pitfalls of this approach. 

Take one of its most common use cases: facial recognition. 

Clearview AI, one of the leading contractors for law enforcement, has scraped billions of publicly available social media posts of Americans’ faces to train its AI, for example.

This initial training teaches an AI program a set of patterns and rules that will guide its predictions. Developers tweak the program by instructing it to consider some factors more than others. Theoretically, the AI becomes an expert at matching human faces — at a speed that far outpaces human capacity. 

But when the machine goes out into the field, it may see a population that looks different from its training set. Individual facial recognition algorithms generate notably different findings from their peer products, a 2019 National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) report found.

Researchers have found that facial recognition AI has concerning failure rates when handling images of Black Americans, especially Black women, either failing to identify a person at all or making an inaccurate match.

The Gender Shades project from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab found consistently high error rates, as high as 33 percent, across AI recognition of females with darker skin tones.

Products from Amazon, IBM and Microsoft each exhibited this problem in the study, and some of their products have since been taken off the market. Multiple academic institutions — George Mason University, the University of Texas at Dallas, and New York University (NYU) — have corroborated persistent demographic disparities in facial identification rates.

But studies like the Gender Shades project test facial recognition accuracy on comparatively ideal image quality. 

Footage used by police is not often ideal, and a selling point of AI to law enforcement is that it can make use of poor-quality data previously useless to human investigators or traditional forensic algorithms. 

To account for the possibility of faulty matches, police commonly treat facial recognition matches as a tip for further investigation and not evidence against the person identified. 

But tips still narrow law enforcement’s focus in an investigation, said Wexler at Berkeley. If supporting evidence against a suspect is found, that becomes the basis for an indictment while the use of AI is never disclosed. 

That means neither the defense, the prosecution nor the judge often know that police have used AI to guide an investigation, and they never get the chance to interrogate its findings. 

“At no point, from pretrial investigations through to conviction, does law enforcement have any constitutional, legal, or formal ethical obligation to affirmatively investigate evidence of innocence,” Wexler said at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in January. 

Creators of the forensic machine learning models have defended the opaqueness of their products by arguing that disclosure will effectively require revealing trade secrets to competitors in their industry.

However, the companies have been largely supportive of government regulation of its use in criminal justice settings. 

Amazon’s Rekognition software “should only be used to narrow the field of potential matches,” according to its site. 

Matt Wood, vice president of product at Amazon Web Services, is quoted by the company as saying it’s a “very reasonable idea for the government to weigh in and specify what temperature (or confidence levels) it wants law enforcement agencies to meet.”

IBM sunsetted its AI facial recognition products shortly after the Gender Shades study, and IBM CEO Arvind Krishna wrote a letter to Congress calling for “precision regulation” of the tech. 

Microsoft discontinued sale of facial recognition AI to police departments in 2020, saying it wouldn’t budge “until strong regulation [on facial recognition AI], grounded in human rights, has been enacted.”

In March, Clearview AI obtained “awardable” status from the Department of Defense’s Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace, a vetting body that creates a suite of technologies ready for “rapid acquisition.” 

In a statement to The Hill, Clearview AI CEO Hoan Ton-That said his product survived testing from NIST with higher than a 99 percent accuracy rate “across all demographics.”  

“As a person of mixed race, having non-biased technology is important to me,” he said. 

“According to the Innocence Project, 70% of wrongful convictions come from eyewitness lineups. Technology like Clearview AI is much more accurate than the human eye, and can be used to exonerate people and eliminate bias from the criminal justice system,” he added. 

Still, defense counsel faces a high bar to prove errors in an AI lead. They often must show that AI source code was likely to be “necessary” for a criminal case, a higher standard than for most subpoenas in search of evidence.

“The reason that is so troubling is that it creates a Catch-22. It may be impossible to prove that information you’ve never seen is necessary to a case,” Wexler said. 

Defense attorneys have already lost major cases seeking disclosure of non-AI algorithm source code. And in addition to fighting the “necessary” standard, defense counsel often meets resistance from the state, said Mitha Nandagopalan, staff attorney at the Innocence Project.

“In pretty much any case I’ve touched that has involved a request for underlying source code or machine learning model, prosecution has opposed it,” Nandagopalan told The Hill.  

Judges frequently don’t see the relevance if AI-generated leads are not considered evidence, she said. And in her work as a defense attorney in Albuquerque, N.M., Nandagopalan said police often fail to disclose it. 

“In a lot of cases, we got police reports that said, ‘We looked at the surveillance footage from the store, and using state mugshot databases or other databases, we found a match,’” she said. “Nowhere in their report did it say, ‘We used AI recognition software to identify the suspect.’”

Those concerns extend well beyond facial recognition, encompassing the risk of “dirty data” perpetuating injustices in various uses of AI tools. 

The potential for biased AI predictions informed by dirty data is “enormous,” said Vincent Southerland, director of the Center for Race, Inequality and the law at NYU, in an article for the American Civil Liberties Union. 

Southerland cited police behavior in Ferguson, Mo.; Newark, N.J.; Baltimore; and New York City as examples of biased policing that would give AI “a distorted picture” in its handling of risk assessments or crime forecasting, for example.

Crime forecasting refers to AI that takes historical crime data in a community and makes predictions of where future criminal behavior will take place, allowing police, theoretically, to efficiently allocate scarce resources. 

Risk assessments broadly refer to AI’s assignment of a risk score to a person based on factors like their criminal history. These scores inform decisions on worthiness for bail, parole and even the severity of sentences.

“The failure to adequately interrogate and reform police data creation and collection practices elevates the risks of skewing predictive policing systems and creating lasting consequences that will permeate throughout the criminal justice system and society more widely,” an NYU Law Review case study said.

Ideally, government users of AI would take an informed approach to AI’s conclusions that accounts for its specific features and limitations, Karen Howard, director of science, technology and analytics assessment at the Government Accountability Office, told The Hill.

But that’s often not possible as long as AI remains in a “black box,” she said, as public officials can’t even confirm the tools are reliable and unbiased in the first place.

Testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee in January, Howard said any AI program in use by law enforcement without independent review “should set off alarms.” 

“The riskiest AI tool would be one where the training data set is not understood, not representative and it’s being handled by somebody who really doesn’t understand what the technology is and isn’t telling them,” she said. 

The Biden administration has announced a series of efforts to ensure AI tools aren’t hurting Americans, both in the legal system and elsewhere. 

The National Institute for Standards and Technology released an AI Risk Management Framework in January 2023. 

“Without proper controls, AI systems can amplify, perpetuate, or exacerbate inequitable or undesirable outcomes for individuals and communities,” it said. “With proper controls, AI systems can mitigate and manage inequitable outcomes.”

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy also released the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights in October 2022, which includes “algorithmic discrimination protections.”

However, these measures do not have the force of law, and they place no binding mandate for testing or transparency on AI products the government uses in the criminal justice system.

The legislation sponsored by Takano and Evans would prohibit the use of trade secret privilege to deny cross-examination of forensic AI to defense attorneys, direct NIST to establish a testing program for forensic algorithms adopted by law enforcement and mandate vetting before use. 

“AI would be another layer of source code that would be required to be open under my bill,” Takano said. “That technology is not infallible, that technology should be subjected to tests of reliability and fairness.”

See original here:
How AI risks creating a black box at the heart of US legal system - The Hill

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Measuring Success: Balancing Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Age of Artificial Intelligence – Regulation Asia

Julia is a partner with PwC Singapores Digital Regulatory Risk & Compliance practice. She is a risk and transformation specialist advising banks, wealth managers, capital markets intermediaries and non-FIs on digital transformation strategy and execution, risk & regulations, controls and governance.

With over 20 years of experience, she has led core banking, compliance, operational risk, finance transformation programmes, corporate governance, ERM and internal audit reviews. Clients value her partnership to connect the dots and co-create pragmatic, best-fit solutions for them.

Prior to her current role, she has assumed various leadership roles at firm-level as private banking industry lead, banking governance, risk and compliance and digital transformation services leader.

Outside of client work, Julia is active in giving back with board directorship and mentoring. She currently serves on the Board of Trustees for ISEAS (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), the board of Building Construction Authority and committee of the Governance and Audit Committee of Singapore Heart Foundation. She is a mentor with Young Women Leadership Connection and Mentorshub.

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Measuring Success: Balancing Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Regulation Asia

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Spotify leans further into artificial intelligence with new AI Playlist generator, which turns text prompts into personalized … – Music Business…

Rumors have been circulating online for some time that Spotify was planning to launch an AI-powered playlist feature. Now, the Sweden-headquartered music streaming service has unveiled that feature at least in a few markets.

The new AI Playlist tool is rolling out in beta form to Spotify Premium subscribers on Android and iOS devices in the UK and Australia, the company announced in a statement on Sunday (April 7).

The tool will enable users to enter a text prompt from which the AI Playlist will generate music suggestions. For instance, users will be able to type in prompts along the lines of an indie folk playlist to give my brain a big warm hug, relaxing music to tide me over during allergy season, or a playlist that makes me feel like the main character.

Users will be able to preview and delete the tracks offered by AI Playlist, and refine their playlist with additional prompts (more pop or less upbeat).

No word yet on when the feature will be available to users outside the UK and Australia, but Spotify says its still beta-testing the tool and will contin[ue] to iterate on this new feature to best serve our listeners.

To activate the AI Playlist, UK and Australian users can select Your Library at the bottom-right corner of the screen on their mobile Spotify app, tap the + button and select AI Playlist.

Just like that, Spotify will help you curate a personalized playlist based on the tracks, artists, and genres we think youll like, the company said in its announcement.

While its designed to be fun, the tool is still in beta and wont produce results for non-music-related prompts, like current events or specific brands. We also have measures in place around prompts that are offensive so please prompt responsibly!

I think youre going to see a lot more of that, where we can contextualize and personalize content across the entire platform to make it more accessible.

Daniel Ek, Spotify

AI Playlist is one of a number of artificial intelligence-powered features that Spotify has been working on. In February 2023, the streaming platform launched an AI-powered personalized DJ feature, initially in the US and Canada, before rolling it out globally in August of last year.

The company is also developing a groundbreaking AI voice translation tool that will make podcasts available in numerous languages, all in the podcasters own voice.

During an earnings call last summer, CEO Daniel Ek said AI can improve the user experience on Spotify, the advertiser experience and the companys performance on the back end.

AI at Spotify is going to be massive, and you can see some of those improvements already paying off very nicely [with] higher engagement and higher retention, which then lowers churn, Ek said.

This is a trend thats been going on now for many years [and] I still think that theres quite a lot that we can do there that will improve engagement and retention over time.

AI DJ has seen strong consumer interactions, Ek said, and I think youre going to see a lot more of that, where we can contextualize and personalize content across the entire platform to make it more accessible.

Ek said advertisers will be able to drive greater value from their ads on Spotify thanks to AI tech as well.

By using generative AI and AR tools here, I think youre going to be able to see that we can significantly reduce the cost that it takes for advertisers to develop new ad formats, and that obviously means that you, as an advertiser, instead of having one ad, you can imagine having thousands and [having them] tested across the Spotify networks, Ek said.

Ek added that, on the backend, AI will enable Spotify to be a lot more efficient, which will drive more value for all stakeholders consumers, creators and Spotify itself.Music Business Worldwide

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Spotify leans further into artificial intelligence with new AI Playlist generator, which turns text prompts into personalized ... - Music Business...

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What to Expect from ChatGPT 5 – The Dales Report

The TDR Three Takeaways on ChatGPT 5:

OpenAI is on the verge of launching ChatGPT 5, a milestone that underscores the swift progress in artificial intelligence and its future role in human-computer interaction. As the next version after ChatGPT 4, ChatGPT 5 aims to enhance AIs capability to understand and produce text that mirrors human conversation, offering a smoother, more individualized, and accurate experience. This expectation is based on OpenAIs continuous efforts to advance AI technology, with ChatGPT 5 anticipated to debut possibly by this summer. This upcoming version is a part of OpenAIs wider goal to achieve artificial general intelligence (AGI), striving to create systems that can outperform human intelligence.

The model is the generative pre-trained transformer technology, a foundational AI mechanism that has been central to the progression of ChatGPT models. Each version of ChatGPT is built on an updated, more sophisticated GPT, allowing it to manage a broader spectrum of content, including, potentially, video. The transition from ChatGPT 4 to ChatGPT 5 focuses on improving personalization, minimizing errors, and broadening the range of content it can interpret. This progression is noteworthy, given ChatGPT 4s already substantial capabilities, such as its awareness of events up until April 2023, its proficiency in analyzing extensive prompts, and its ability to integrate various tools like the Dall-E 3 image generator and Bing search engine seamlessly.

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, has openly discussed the advancements and the enhanced intelligence OpenAI introduces. He stresses the significance of multimodality, adding speech input and output, images, and eventually video, to cater to the increasing demand for advanced AI tools. Additionally, Altman points out the advancements in reasoning abilities and dependability as key areas where ChatGPT 5 will excel beyond its predecessors. OpenAI plans to use both publicly available data sets and extensive proprietary data from organizations to train ChatGPT 5, demonstrating a thorough approach to improving its learning mechanisms.

The anticipation of ChatGPT 5s release has sparked conversations about AIs future, with various sectors keen to see its impact on human-machine interactions. OpenAIs emphasis on safety testing and the red teaming strategy highlights their dedication to introducing a secure and dependable AI model. This dedication is further shown by the organizations efforts to navigate challenges like GPU supply shortages through a worldwide network of investors and partnerships.

Although the exact release date for ChatGPT 5 and the full extent of its capabilities remain uncertain, the AI community and users are filled with excitement. The quickening pace of GPT updates, as seen in the launch schedule of earlier models, points to a fast-changing and evolving AI landscape. ChatGPT 5 is not just the next step towards AGI but also a significant marker in the pursuit of developing AI systems capable of thinking, learning, and interacting in ways once considered purely fictional. As OpenAI keeps refining its models, the global audience watches eagerly, prepared to welcome the advancements ChatGPT 5 is set to offer. Want to keep up to date with all of TDRs research and news, subscribe to our daily Baked In newsletter.

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What to Expect from ChatGPT 5 - The Dales Report

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Tech companies want to build artificial general intelligence. But who decides when AGI is attained? – The Atlanta Journal Constitution

But what exactly is AGI and how will we know when its been attained? Once on the fringe of computer science, its now a buzzword thats being constantly redefined by those trying to make it happen.

Not to be confused with the similar-sounding generative AI which describes the AI systems behind the crop of tools that "generate" new documents, images and sounds artificial general intelligence is a more nebulous idea.

It's not a technical term but "a serious, though ill-defined, concept," said Geoffrey Hinton, a pioneering AI scientist who's been dubbed a "Godfather of AI."

I don't think there is agreement on what the term means, Hinton said by email this week. I use it to mean AI that is at least as good as humans at nearly all of the cognitive things that humans do.

Hinton prefers a different term superintelligence for AGIs that are better than humans.

A small group of early proponents of the term AGI were looking to evoke how mid-20th century computer scientists envisioned an intelligent machine. That was before AI research branched into subfields that advanced specialized and commercially viable versions of the technology from face recognition to speech-recognizing voice assistants like Siri and Alexa.

Mainstream AI research "turned away from the original vision of artificial intelligence, which at the beginning was pretty ambitious, said Pei Wang, a professor who teaches an AGI course at Temple University and helped organize the first AGI conference in 2008.

Putting the G in AGI was a signal to those who still want to do the big thing. We dont want to build tools. We want to build a thinking machine, Wang said.

Without a clear definition, it's hard to know when a company or group of researchers will have achieved artificial general intelligence or if they already have.

Twenty years ago, I think people would have happily agreed that systems with the ability of GPT-4 or (Google's) Gemini had achieved general intelligence comparable to that of humans, Hinton said. Being able to answer more or less any question in a sensible way would have passed the test. But now that AI can do that, people want to change the test.

Improvements in "autoregressive" AI techniques that predict the most plausible next word in a sequence, combined with massive computing power to train those systems on troves of data, have led to impressive chatbots, but they're still not quite the AGI that many people had in mind. Getting to AGI requires technology that can perform just as well as humans in a wide variety of tasks, including reasoning, planning and the ability to learn from experiences.

Some researchers would like to find consensus on how to measure it. It's one of the topics of an upcoming AGI workshop next month in Vienna, Austria the first at a major AI research conference.

"This really needs a community's effort and attention so that mutually we can agree on some sort of classifications of AGI," said workshop organizer Jiaxuan You, an assistant professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. One idea is to segment it into levels in the same way that carmakers try to benchmark the path between cruise control and fully self-driving vehicles.

Others plan to figure it out on their own. San Francisco company OpenAI has given its nonprofit board of directors whose members include a former U.S. Treasury secretary the responsibility of deciding when its AI systems have reached the point at which they "outperform humans at most economically valuable work."

The board determines when weve attained AGI, says OpenAI's own explanation of its governance structure. Such an achievement would cut off the company's biggest partner, Microsoft, from the rights to commercialize such a system, since the terms of their agreements only apply to pre-AGI technology.

Hinton made global headlines last year when he quit Google and sounded a warning about AI's existential dangers. A new Science study published Thursday could reinforce those concerns.

Its lead author is Michael Cohen, a University of California, Berkeley, researcher who studies the expected behavior of generally intelligent artificial agents, particularly those competent enough to present a real threat to us by out planning us.

Cohen made clear in an interview Thursday that such long-term AI planning agents don't yet exist. But they have the potential" to get more advanced as tech companies seek to combine today's chatbot technology with more deliberate planning skills using a technique known as reinforcement learning.

"Giving an advanced AI system the objective to maximize its reward and, at some point, withholding reward from it, strongly incentivizes the AI system to take humans out of the loop, if it has the opportunity," according to the paper whose co-authors include prominent AI scientists Yoshua Bengio and Stuart Russell and law professor and former OpenAI adviser Gillian Hadfield.

I hope weve made the case that people in government (need) to start thinking seriously about exactly what regulations we need to address this problem, Cohen said. For now, governments only know what these companies decide to tell them.

With so much money riding on the promise of AI advances, it's no surprise that AGI is also becoming a corporate buzzword that sometimes attracts a quasi-religious fervor.

It's divided some of the tech world between those who argue it should be developed slowly and carefully and others including venture capitalists and rapper MC Hammer who've declared themselves part of an accelerationist camp.

The London-based startup DeepMind, founded in 2010 and now part of Google, was one of the first companies to explicitly set out to develop AGI. OpenAI did the same in 2015 with a safety-focused pledge.

But now it might seem that everyone else is jumping on the bandwagon. Google co-founder Sergey Brin was recently seen hanging out at a California venue called the AGI House. And less than three years after changing its name from Facebook to focus on virtual worlds, Meta Platforms in January revealed that AGI was also on the top of its agenda.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said his company's long-term goal was "building full general intelligence" that would require advances in reasoning, planning, coding and other cognitive abilities. While Zuckerberg's company has long had researchers focused on those subjects, his attention marked a change in tone.

At Amazon, one sign of the new messaging was when the head scientist for the voice assistant Alexa switched job titles to become head scientist for AGI.

While not as tangible to Wall Street as generative AI, broadcasting AGI ambitions may help recruit AI talent who have a choice in where they want to work.

In deciding between an old-school AI institute or one whose goal is to build AGI and has sufficient resources to do so, many would choose the latter, said You, the University of Illinois researcher.

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Tech companies want to build artificial general intelligence. But who decides when AGI is attained? - The Atlanta Journal Constitution

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Tech companies want to build artificial general intelligence. But who decides when AGI is attained? – The Caledonian-Record

Theres a race underway to build artificial general intelligence, a futuristic vision of machines that are as broadly smart as humans or at least can do many things as well as people can.

Achieving such a concept commonly referred to as AGI is the driving mission of ChatGPT-maker OpenAI and a priority for the elite research wings of tech giants Amazon, Google, Meta and Microsoft.

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Tech companies want to build artificial general intelligence. But who decides when AGI is attained? - The Caledonian-Record

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What is AGI and how is it different from AI? – ReadWrite

As artificial intelligence continues to develop at a rapid pace, its easy to wonder where this new age is headed.

The likes of ChatGPT, Midjourney and Sora are transforming the way we work through chatbots, text-to-image and text-to-video generators, while robots and self-driving cars are helping us perform day-to-day tasks. The latter isnt as mainstream as the former, but its only a matter of time.

But wheres the limit? Are we headed towards a dystopian world run by computers and robots? Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is essentially the next step but as things stand, were a little way off from that becoming a reality.

AGI is considered to be strong AI, whereas narrow AI is what we know to be generative chatbots, image generators and coffee-making robots.

Strong AI refers to software that has the same, or better, cognitive abilities as a human being, meaning it can solve problems, achieve goals, think and learn on its own, without any human input or assistance. Narrow AI can solve one problem or complete one task at a time, without any sentience or consciousness.

This level of AI is only seen in the movies at the moment, but were likely headed towards this level of AI-driven technology in the future. When that might be remains open to debate some experts claim its centuries away, others believe it could only be years. However, Ray Kurzweils book The Singularity is Near predicts it to be between 2015 and 2045, which was seen as a plausible timeline by the AGI research community in 2007although its a pretty broad timeline.

Given how quickly narrow AI is developing, its easy to imagine a form of AGI in society within the next 20 years.

Despite not yet existing, AGI can theoretically perform in ways that are indistinguishable from humans and will likely exceed human capacities due to fast access to huge data sets. While it might seem like youre engaging with a human when using something like ChatGPT, AGI would theoretically be able to engage with humans without necessarily having any human intervention.

An AGI systems capabilities would include the likes of common sense, background knowledge and abstract thinking, as well as practical capabilities, such as creativity, fine motor skills, natural language understanding (NLU), navigation and sensory perception.

A combination of all of those abilities will essentially give AGI systems high-level capabilities, such as being able to understand symbol systems, create fixed structures for all tasks, use different kinds of knowledge, engage in metacognition, handle several types of learning algorithms and understand belief systems.

That means AGI systems will be ultra-intelligent and may also possess additional traits, such as imagination and autonomy, while physical traits like the ability to sense, detect and act could also be present.

We know that narrow AI systems are widely being used in public today and are fast becoming part of everyday life, but it currently needs a human to function at all levels. It requires machine learning and natural language processing, before requiring human-delivered prompts in order to execute a task. It executes the task based on what it has previously learned and can essentially only be as intelligent as the level of information humans give it.

However, the results we see from narrow AI systems are not beyond what is possible from the human brain. It is simply there to assist us, not replace or be more intelligent than humans.

Theoretically, AGI should be able to undertake any task and portray a high level of intelligence without human intervention. It will be able to perform better than humans and narrow AI at almost every level.

Stephen Hawking warned of the dangers of AI in 2014, when he told the BBC: The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.

It would off on its own and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldnt compete and would be superseded.

Kurzweil followed up his prediction in The Singularity is Near by saying in 2017 that computers will achieve human levels of intelligence by 2029. He predicted that AI itself will get better exponentially, leading to it being able to operate at levels beyond human comprehension and control.

He then went on to say: I have set the date 2045 for the Singularity which is when we will multiply our effective intelligence a billionfold by merging with the intelligence we have created.

These discussions and predictions have, of course, sparked debates surrounding the responsible use of CGI. The AI we know today is viewed to be responsible and there are calls to regulate many of the AI companies to ensure these systems do not get out of hand. Weve already seen how controversial and unethical the use of AI can be when in the wrong hands. Its unsurprising, then, that the same debate is happening around AGI.

In reality, society must approach the development of AGI with severe caution. The ethical problems surrounding AI now, such as the ability to control biases within its knowledge base, certainly point to a similar issue with AGI, but on a more harmful level.

If an AGI system can essentially think for itself and no longer has the need to be influenced by humans, there is a danger that Stephen Hawkings vision might become a reality.

Featured Image: Ideogram

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What is AGI and how is it different from AI? - ReadWrite

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Elon Musk: AI Will Surpass Human Intelligence Next Year – WebProNews

Elon Musk is bullish on AIs potential to surpass human intelligence, saying it will happen next or, or within two years at the latest.

AI firms are racing to unlock artificial general intelligence (AGI), the level in which AI will achieve true intelligence allowing it to perform complex tasks as well or better than humans. The term is also used in relation to an AI achieving consciousness or sentience. In contrast, current AI models are still far more basic and dont rise to meet any of the criteria associated with a true AGI.

Despite the current state of AI, Musk is convinced we are quickly approaching AGI. According to Reuters, in an interview with Nicolai Tangen, CEO of a Norway wealth fund, Musk answered a questions about AGI and provided a timeline for achieving it.

If you define AGI (artificial general intelligence) as smarter than the smartest human, I think its probably next year, within two years, Musk responded.

Musk has been one of the most outspoken critics of AI, saying it represents an existential threat to humanity. The risk AI poses increases exponentially once AGI is achieved, making it more important than ever for proper safeguards to be in place.

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Elon Musk: AI Will Surpass Human Intelligence Next Year - WebProNews

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Elon Musk says AGI will be smarter than the smartest humans by 2025, 2026 at the latest – TweakTown

Elon Musk has predicted that the development of artificial intelligence will get to the stage of being smarter than the smartest humans by 2025, and if not, by 2026.


In an explosive interview on X Spaces, the Tesla and SpaceX boss told Norway wealth fund CEO Nicolai Tangen that IA was constrained by electricity supply and that the next-gen version of Grok, the AI chatbot from Musk's xAI startup, was expected to finish training by May, next month.

When discussing the timeline of developing AGI, or artificial general intelligence, Musk said: "If you define AGI (artificial general intelligence) as smarter than the smartest human, I think it's probably next year, within two years". A monumental amount of AI GPU power will be pumped into training Musk's next-gen Grok 3, with 100,000 x NVIDIA H100 AI GPUs required for training.

Earlier this year, Tesla said it would be sending billions of dollars buying NVIDIA AI GPUs and AMD AI GPUs, so these numbers will radically change throughout the year as Tesla scoops up more AI silicon from NVIDIA. The recent $500 million investment into the Dojo Supercomputer is "only equivalent" to 10,000 x NVIDIA H100 AI GPUs, said Musk in January 2024, adding, "Tesla will spend more than that on NVIDIA hardware this year. The table stakes for being competitive in AI are at least several billion dollars per year at this point".

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Elon Musk says AGI will be smarter than the smartest humans by 2025, 2026 at the latest - TweakTown

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Meta and OpenAI Set to Launch Advanced AI Models, Paving the Way for AGI –

Meta and OpenAI, two leading companies in the field of artificial intelligence, are preparing to introduce their newest AI models, taking a significant step closer to achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). These cutting-edge models demonstrate remarkable advancements in machine cognitive abilities, specifically in the areas of reasoning and planning.

Both Meta and OpenAI have announced their plans to release their respective large language models in the near future. Meta will be unveiling the third iteration of their LLaMA model in the coming weeks, while OpenAI, with Microsoft as one of its key investors, is preparing to launch their AI model tentatively named GPT-5, as reported by The Financial Times.

Joelle Pineau, Metas VP of AI research, emphasized the companies dedication to advancing these models beyond basic conversational capabilities towards genuine reasoning, planning, and memory functions. The objective is to enable the models to not only communicate but also engage in critical thinking, problem-solving, and retaining information.

On the other hand, Brad Lightcap, COO of OpenAI, revealed that the upcoming version of GPT will excel in handling complex tasks, with a focus on reasoning. This marks a shift towards AI systems that can tackle intricate tasks with sophistication.

The advancements made by Meta and OpenAI are part of a wider trend among tech giants such as Google, Anthropic, and Cohere, who are also launching new large language models that significantly surpass the capabilities of traditional models.

To achieve Artificial General Intelligence, the ability to reason and plan is crucial. These capabilities allow AI systems to complete sequences of tasks and anticipate outcomes, surpassing basic word generation.

Yann LeCun, Metas chief AI scientist, emphasized the importance of reasoning for AI models, as current systems often lack critical thinking and planning abilities, leading to errors.

Meta has plans to integrate its new AI model into platforms like WhatsApp and its Ray-Ban smart glasses, offering various model sizes optimized for different applications and devices.

OpenAI is expected to share more details about the next version of GPT soon, with a particular focus on enhancing the models reasoning capabilities for handling complex tasks.

Ultimately, both Meta and OpenAI envision AI assistants seamlessly integrating into daily life, revolutionizing human-computer interactions by providing support for a wide range of tasks, from troubleshooting broken appliances to planning travel itineraries.


Q: What are the latest advancements in AI models from Meta and OpenAI? A: Meta and OpenAI are launching new AI models that showcase significant advancements in reasoning and planning capabilities.

Q: Why are reasoning and planning important for AI models? A: Reasoning and planning enable AI systems to complete complex tasks and anticipate outcomes, moving beyond basic word generation.

Q: Are Meta and OpenAI the only companies working on advanced AI models? A: No, other tech giants like Google, Anthropic, and Cohere are also launching new large language models that surpass traditional models capabilities.

Q: How do Meta and OpenAI envision AI assistants integrating into daily life? A: Both companies envision AI assistants seamlessly integrating into daily life, providing support for various tasks and revolutionizing human-computer interactions.

The advancements made by Meta and OpenAI are significant within the broader artificial intelligence industry. The field of AI has been rapidly expanding in recent years, with increased investment and research focused on pushing the boundaries of machine cognitive abilities. These advancements have led to the development of large language models that exhibit remarkable reasoning and planning capabilities.

Market forecasts for the AI industry indicate strong growth potential. According to a report by Market Research Future, the global AI market is expected to reach a value of $190.61 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 36.62% during the forecast period. The demand for advanced AI models is driven by various industries, including healthcare, finance, retail, and entertainment, among others.

While Meta and OpenAI are leading the way in AI model development, other prominent companies are also actively involved in advancing the field. Google, known for its deep learning research, is working on large language models that go beyond traditional capabilities. Anthropic, a company founded by former OpenAI researchers, is focused on developing AI systems with robust reasoning and planning abilities. Cohere, another player in the industry, is working on creating AI models that can understand and generate code.

However, the development of advanced AI models does come with its fair share of challenges and issues. One of the primary concerns is ethical considerations and the potential misuse of AI technology. Ensuring that AI systems are designed and deployed responsibly is crucial to mitigate risks and ensure their positive impact on society. In addition, there are ongoing discussions and debates surrounding the transparency and explainability of AI models, as these advanced models operate as complex black boxes.

For further reading on the AI industry, market forecasts, and related issues, you can visit reputable sources such as Forbes AI, BBC Technology News, and McKinsey AI. These sources provide in-depth analysis and insights into the industrys trends, market forecasts, and the ethical considerations surrounding AI development and deployment.

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Meta and OpenAI Set to Launch Advanced AI Models, Paving the Way for AGI -

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