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Mapping the Quantum Frontier: New Experiments Designed to Test the Mysterious Quantum Realm – SciTechDaily

Mapping the quantum frontier, one layer at a time. Artists concept.

Researchers design new experiments to map and test the mysterious quantum realm.

A heart surgeon doesnt need to grasp quantum mechanics to perform successful operations. Even chemists dont always need to know these fundamental principles to study chemical reactions. But for Kang-Kuen Ni, the Morris Kahn associate professor of chemistry and chemical biology and of physics, quantum spelunking is, like space exploration, a quest to discover a vast and mysterious new realm.

Today, much of quantum mechanics is explained by Schrdingers equation, a kind of master theory that governs the properties of everything on Earth. Even though we know that, in principle, quantum mechanics governs everything, Ni said, to actually see it is difficult and to actually calculate it is near-impossible.

With a few well-reasoned assumptions and some innovative techniques, Ni and her team can achieve the near-impossible. In their lab, they test current quantum theories about chemical reactions against actual experimental data to edge closer to a verifiable map of the laws that govern the mysterious quantum realm. And now, with ultracold chemistry in which atoms and molecules are cooled to temperatures just above absolute zero where they become highly-controllable Ni and her lab members have collected real experimental data from a previously unexplored quantum frontier, providing strong evidence of what the theoretical model got right (and wrong), and a roadmap for further exploration into the next shadowy layers of quantum space.

We know the underlying laws that govern everything, said Ni. But because almost everything on Earth is made of at least three or more atoms, those laws quickly become far too complex to solve.

Kang-Kuen Ni, right, and post-doc fellow Matthew A. Nichols do a hands-on consult in their lab. Ni and her team use ultra-cold chemistry to test quantum theory against actual experimental data and create a verifiable map of the quantum laws that govern everything on earth. Credit: Jon Chase/Harvard Staff Photographer

In their study reported in Nature, Ni and her team set out to identify all the possible energy state outcomes, from start to finish, of a reaction between two potassium and rubidium molecules a more complex reaction than had been previously studied in the quantum realm. Thats no easy feat: At its most fundamental level, a reaction between four molecules has a massive number of dimensions (the electrons spinning around each atom, for example, could be in an almost-infinite number of locations simultaneously). That very high dimensionality makes calculating all the possible reaction trajectories impossible with current technology.

Calculating exactly how energy redistributes during a reaction between four atoms is beyond the power of todays best computers, Ni said. A quantum computer might be the only tool that could one day achieve such a complex calculation.

In the meantime, calculating the impossible requires a few well-reasoned assumptions and approximations (picking one location for one of those electrons, for example) and specialized techniques that grant Ni and her team ultimate control over their reaction.

One such technique was another recent Ni lab discovery: In a study published in Nature Chemistry, she and her team exploited a reliable feature of molecules their highly stable nuclear spin to control the quantum state of the reacting molecules all the way through to the products. They also discovered a way to detect products from a single collision reaction event, a difficult feat when 10,000 molecules could be reacting simultaneously. With these two novel methods, the team could identify the unique spectrum and quantum state of each product molecule, the kind of precise control necessary to measure all 57 pathways their potassium rubidium reaction could take.

Over several months during the COVID-19 pandemic, the team ran experiments to collect data on each of those 57 possible reaction channels, repeating each channel once every minute for several days before moving on to the next. Luckily, once the experiment is set up, it can be run remotely: Lab members could stay home, keeping the lab re-occupancy at COVID-19 standards, while the system churned on.

The test, said Matthew Nichols, a postdoctoral scholar in the Ni lab and an author on both papers, indicates good agreement between the measurement and the model for a subset containing 50 state-pairs but reveals significant deviations in several state-pairs.

In other words, their experimental data confirmed that previous predictions based on statistical theory (one far less complex than Schrdingers equation) are accurate mostly. Using their data, the team could measure the probability that their chemical reaction would take each of the 57 reaction channels. Then, they compared their percentages with the statistical model. Only seven of the 57 showed a significant enough divergence to challenge the theory.

We have data that pushes this frontier, Ni said. To explain the seven deviating channels, we need to calculate Schrdingers equation, which is still impossible. So now, the theory has to catch up and propose new ways to efficiently perform such exact quantum calculations.

Next, Ni and her team plan to scale back their experiment and analyze a reaction between only three atoms (one molecule and an atom). In theory, this reaction, which has far fewer dimensions than a four-atom reaction, should be easier to calculate and study in the quantum realm. And yet, already, the team discovered something strange: the intermediate phase of the reaction lives on for many orders of magnitude longer than the theory predicts.

There is already mystery, Ni said. Its up to the theorists now.

Reference: Precision test of statistical dynamics with state-to-state ultracold chemistry by Yu Liu, Ming-Guang Hu, Matthew A. Nichols, Dongzheng Yang, Daiqian Xie, Hua Guo and Kang-Kuen Ni, 19 May 2021, Nature.DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03459-6

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Mapping the Quantum Frontier: New Experiments Designed to Test the Mysterious Quantum Realm - SciTechDaily

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Can the universe learn? –

The universe could be teaching itself how to evolve into a better, more stable, cosmos. That's the far-out idea proposed by a team of scientists who say they are reimagining the universe just as Darwin revamped our view of the natural world.

The controversial new idea attempts to explain why the laws of physics are as we see them using a mathematical framework to describe various proposed theories in physics, such as quantum field theories and quantum gravity. The result is a system similar to a machine-learning program.

Scientists have discovered numerous physical laws and quantities with fixed values to define the universe. From the mass of an electron, to the force of gravity, there are many specific constants in the universe that seem arbitrary to some, given their precise and seemingly patternless values.

Related: The 18 biggest unsolved mysteries in physics

"One of the goals in fundamental physics these days is to not just understand what the laws of physics are, but why they happen to be the way they are, why they take the forms that they do," said author William Cunningham, physicist and software lead at quantum computing start-up Agnostiq. "There's not really an obvious reason why one [set of laws] would be preferred over another."

To answer this question the group wondered whether the way we see the universe today is just one way the universe has been? Perhaps the laws we see today are just one iteration of many. Perhaps the universe is evolving.

In order to have a universe that evolves, the researchers proposed an idea called the autodidactic universe a universe that is self-learning. In this case, the learning would happen similar to how a machine-learning algorithm works, where feedback at one stage influences the next, with the goal of reaching a more stable energy state. .

Related: From Big Bang to present: Snapshots of our universe through time

Following this idea, the group developed a possible framework by which the universe could learn, drawing on matrix mathematics a way of doing mathematics arranged in rows and columns neural networks and other machine-learning principles. In short, they investigated whether the universe could be a learning computer.

"We're trying to change the conversation much the way that Darwin the biologist had to change the conversation to get a deeper understanding for the subject," said author Lee Smolin, a physicist at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, in Waterloo, Canada.

Similar to how a moth can evolve to have better camouflage, an autodidactic universe could be evolving to a higher state which in this case could mean one that is in a more stable energy state.According to the mathematical framework the researchers developed, this system could only move forward, with each iteration creating a better, or more stable universe than before. The physical constants we measure today are only valid now and may have been different values in the past.

The team found that certain quantum gravity and quantum field theories known as gauge theories a class of theories that aim to form a bridge between Einstein's theory of special relativity and quantum mechanics to describe subatomic particles could be mapped or translated in the language of matrix mathematics, creating a model of a machine-learning system. This connection showed that in each iteration or cycle of the machine-learning system, the outcome could be the physical laws of the universe.

"We're trying to change the conversation much the way that Darwin the biologist had to change the conversation to get a deeper understanding for the subject."

The learning framework, described in their paper posted to the preprint database arXiv, represents the first "baby steps" to the idea, according to the group. However, with more work, the team could create a full-fledged model of the universe that could open new doors to understanding our cosmos.

"One exciting prospect is that you could use one of these models and perhaps extract something new," Cunningham said. This could be discovering the physics for a new type of black hole, or a new law describing a physical system that hasn't yet been explained, such as dark energy.

However, not all researchers are as excited by the new idea. Tim Maudlin, a professor of philosophy at New York University, who was not involved in the new work, asserts there's no evidence for the concept and plenty against it, such as that certain laws of physics that have been measured are the same today as they were shortly after the Big Bang. Additionally, if the laws of the universe are evolving, Maudlin thinks there must be a larger immutable set of laws that governs that change, which negates the idea of a self-taught system.

"When we look at the fundamental laws like Schrdinger's equation or general relativity they don't look random at all," Maudlin told Live Science. "They can be written down mathematically in very tightly constrained ways with not a lot of adjustable parameters."

Peter W. Evans, a philosopher at the University of Queensland in Australia, who was not involved in the new study, was also not initially won over by the new work; but Evans agrees with taking the time for unorthodox approaches to radical questions like "Why is the universe the way it is?" Such approaches, even if not fruitful themselves, might lead to unexpected ideas, which could open new doors for learning about the universe, he told Live Science in an email.

The researchers behind the new study acknowledge that their work is only preliminary and not intended as a final theory, but rather a way to start thinking about things in a new way. Ultimately, while the paper doesn't come to any conclusions on exactly what kind of model could be used to describe our universe, it does pose the possibility that the universe could learn.

"I think at the end of this, we're left with a lot of open questions and certainly we were not able to prove anything," Cunningham told Live Science. "But what we were really aiming for is to start a discussion."

Originally published on Live Science.

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Scientists Say Black Holes Might Lead to the Birth of New Universes – Interesting Engineering

Black holes are one of the most tremendous destructive forces in the universe. And while opposites in magnetism attract, the concepts of creation and destruction aren't conventionally adjacent when it comes to black holes. But what if black holes created something really, really big?

A team of scientists has proposed a new theory where they do: Black holes might not only bend space and time into a singularity of extremely high density. They may also induce "a continuous transition between the inside of a black hole and the beginning of a new universe," according to a study recently shared on a preprint server. In other words, the study suggests black holes might actually burrow into a kind of multidimensional object called a brane, and give birth to an entirely new universe in another colossally big bang.

However, this idea relies on string theory, a body of ideas with aims to unify all forces in nature. So it's a big "maybe." But the idea alone highlights the intriguing mystery which the unknown internal happenings of black holes presents us. And, barring a magic spacecraft that can take us through a black hole's event horizon (alive), we can still try to approach it with mathematics.

Einstein's vacuum field equations for gravity lead us to a singularity, where the fabric of space-time curves away from the plane. And in black holes, this curvature extends far beyond what we expect in ordinary gravitational fields surrounding stars or planets. It's a place where the laws of classical physics (from Sir Isaac Newton's time) begin to break down. But according to the study, this "breakdown" in classical physics also happens within big bang conditions, when a universe is being born.

Jumping forward a few hundred years, quantum physicists hoped to find a way to integrate Einstein's theory of gravity into a quantum schema. But any attempt to unify all physical theories under quantum physics would also have to give an account for singularities like black holes and big bangs. This is what the recent study purports to do. "[W]e propose a way to simultaneously resolve black hole and cosmological singularities by the addition of a single object to the effective field and theory description of space, time, and matter," said the researchers in their study.

"This object is a[n] S-brane, a relativistic object which occupies a co-dimension one space-like hypersurface of space-time and carries positive tension but vanishing energy density," added the researchers. "This object violates the usual energy conditions and hence enables a resolution of space-time singularities." Using two mathematical representations of the big bang and black holes called the Penrose diagrams of expanding cosmology, and the Penrose diagram of the Schwarzchild black hole, respectively the authors attempt to bring the "wavy" singularity of both diagrams together, like a patch. If this is possible (and it's a big "if"), they would create a theoretical description of a black hole, whose singularity leads to a new universe.

Obviously, this isn't the first time a scientist has proposed that a black hole might birth a new universe beyond its event horizon, but many of these rely on Einstein's General Relativity to bring the two Penrose models of the big bang and black holes together, which runs into problems. In an attempt to circumvent this, the researchers suppose superstring theory which hints at the possibility of a unified theory of all forces in nature may do the trick that General Relativity and quantum physics alone have yet to do.

In string theory, instead of particles in space, we view the universe as extended objects: strings existing in ten space-time dimensions (we live in three, and experience the fourth: time). One object that shows up in the math of string theory, called a brane, is multidimensional. When scientists find new ways of describing branes, they often lead to new advances in string theory as such. Here, the study proposes a specific type of multidimensional object called an S-Brane coming into existence within the impassible horizon of a black hole, at the singularity, which could serve as a means of transit between a black hole and the birth of a new universe. "This provides simultaneous resolution of both the black hole and Big Bang singularities," reads the study.

Admittedly, a lot of high-order mathematics is required to fully grasp the complexities of the researchers' study, which again has yet to receive peer review. And, while this absolutely does not mean that black holes are actually gateways to young universes being born out of the destruction and collapse of stars in our universe we have to consider all theories to advance our scientific understanding of the cosmos. In other words, we still don't know what happens inside of black holes, but string theory gives us a unique perspective into what might happen beyond the event horizon.

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Scientists Say Black Holes Might Lead to the Birth of New Universes - Interesting Engineering

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Is the Past (and Future) There When Nobody Looks? – Lab Manager Magazine

An observer (Wigner's friend) performs a quantum measurement on a spin system. Later, Wigner measures the friend and spin in an entangled basis. As a consequence of this measurement, not only does the friend not reliably remember his past observed outcome, but cannot even quantify this ignorance with a reasonably behaved probability distribution.

Aloop, IQOQI-Wien, sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

In 1961, the Nobel prize winning theoretical physicist Eugene Wigner proposed what is now known as the Wigner's friend thought experiment as an extension of the notorious Schroedinger's cat experiment. In the latter, a cat is trapped in a box with poison that will be released if a radioactive atom decays. Governed by quantum mechanical laws, the radioactive atom is in a superposition between decaying and not decaying, which also means that the cat is in a superposition between life and death. What does the cat experience when it is in the superposition? Wigner sharpened the question by pushing quantum theory to its conceptual limits. He investigated what happens when an observer also has quantum properties.

In the thought experiment an observer, usually called Wigner's friend, performs a quantum measurement and perceives an outcome. From the point of view of another observer, called Wigner, the measurement process of the friend can be described as a quantum superposition. The fact that quantum theory sets no validity limits for its application leads to a clear tension between the perception of the friend, who sees a specific single result, and the description of Wigner, who observes the friend in a superposition of different perceptions. This thought experiment thus raises the question: What does it mean for an observer in a quantum superposition to observe the result of a measurement? Can an observer always trust what they see and use this data to make predictions about future measurements?

In their recent paper published in Communications Physics, a team of researchers, led by Caslav Brukner, from the University of Vienna, the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI-Vienna) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics investigate the limits that Wigner's friend's thought experiment imposes on an observer's ability to predict their own future observations.

To this end, the authors identify a number of assumptions, all traditionally considered to be at the core of quantum formalism. These allow an observer in standard experimental situations to predict the probabilities for future outcomes, on the basis of their past experiences. The assumptions constrain the probabilities to obey quantum mechanical laws.

However, the researchers prove that these assumptions for Wigner's friend cannot all be satisfied in the thought experiment. This work raises important questions about the "persistent reality" of the friend's perceptions. Indeed, the authors show that in a Wigner's friend scenario, it is impossible to consider the friend's perceptions to be coexistent at different points in time. This makes it questionable whether a quantum observer in general can consider their own past or future experiences to be as real as their present ones.

"Our work shows that at least one of three key assumptions of quantum mechanics must be violated; which one depends on your preferred interpretation of quantum mechanics," says Philippe Allard Gurin, the lead author of the study.

- This press release was originally published on the University of Vienna website. It has been edited for style

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Is the Past (and Future) There When Nobody Looks? - Lab Manager Magazine

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Disruptive technology: The quantum frontier – We Are The Mighty

Its an airframe that dates back to the Vietnam War, but its served for nearly 50 years and is still a comforting presence for those protected by its missiles, guns, and rockets: Meet the AH-1 SuperCobra.

Pilots aboard an AH-1W SuperCobra helicopter fly into a forward arming and refueling point at Marine Corps Training Area Bellows, Hawaii, May 6, 2014.

(U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Matthew Bragg)

The AH-1 Cobra was the first dedicated attack helicopter, though it was technically an interim solution, filling a gap in capabilities until the AH-56 could make it to the field. The AH-56, however, was never constructed, so the Army stuck with the AH-1.

The Marine Corps, meanwhile, was looking for an attack helicopter of their own, and they were interested in what the Army had to offer. There was one glaring problem, though: The Army AH-1 had only one engine. The Marine Corps wasnt comfortable with this since their helicopters might have to fly dozens of miles across open ocean to reach beachheads. If you lose an engine six miles from the ship or the shore, you really want a second engine to close the gap.

And so the Marine Corps asked Bell helicopters for an AH-1 with two engines, thus creating the AH-1 SeaCobra, which later became the SuperCobra. It first went into service in 1971, which the math nerds will note is 47 years ago.

An AH-1W SuperCobra, with Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 775, Marine Aircraft Group 41, 4th Marine Aircraft Wing, performs a break turn after conducting a close air support mission in an exercise at Twentynine Palms, California, June 18, 2018.

(U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Samantha Schwoch)

The reason the AH-1 SuperCobra has lasted so long and the reason that its being replaced by the AH-1Z Viper, which is basically just an upgraded version is that its very effective. The first Marine variant, the AH-1J SeaCobra, was originally fielded with a three-barrel 20mm cannon in 1969. But the Marines wanted more power and weapons, and theyve upgraded the helicopter multiple times over the decades since.

Now, the AH-1W can carry everything from from TOW missiles and Hellfires, both of which are very good at killing enemy tanks. The AGM-114 Hellfire is a potent weapon, carrying an up to 20-pound warhead. It uses either a shaped charge warhead, tandem warhead, or a HEAT warhead. The tandem warhead is the most effective and is thought to be able to defeat all current tanks and armored vehicles.

The TOW, meanwhile, is heavier and has even more variants, but can also open up pretty much any armored threat in the world today.

U.S. Marines assigned to Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron 1 load a 2.75-inch rocket configured with Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System II, a hydra 70 rocket motor and M282 High Explosive Incendiary Multipurpose Penetrator Warhead onto an AH-1Z Viper at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Ariz., March 29, 2018

(U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Ashley McLaughlin/Released)

The helicopters can also fire rockets in support of the Marines on the ground, sending out Hydras against troop and vehicle concentrations. These rockets were historically unguided, but kits are now available when necessary. The rockets can carry fast-flying flechettes, small darts that shred enemy combatants, as well as explosive warheads, infrared flares, or smoke.

Zuni rockets, meanwhile, are technically an air-to-air or air-to-ground weapon, but since theyre unguided, the U.S. uses them pretty much only against the ground and ships nowadays. The rockets can carry warheads of almost 50 pounds, and can be sued to rip apart tanks, personnel, or pretty much any target that isnt heavily fortified.

The rockets can also deploy chaff to throw off enemy radar-guided munitions.

U.S. Marine Cpl. Michael Michehl, a line noncommissioned officer with Marine Wing Support Detachment 24, controls forward arming and refueling point operations during a field test for the Expeditionary Mobile Fuel Additization Capability system at Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii, July 18, 2018.

(U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Adam Montera)

Finally, the SuperCobras can fire Stinger Missiles, a potent, short-range air defense missile that can send shrapnel flying through enemy helicopters and planes, shredding the engines, wings, or cockpits of the target.

All of this combines to make the SuperCobra a Marines deadly big brother in the sky. They can tackle slow-moving air threats, armor, and personnel, protecting Marines under attack from nearly anything, though the helicopters can be made vulnerable themselves by enemy air defenses or air interdiction.

Of course, that doesnt stop the pilots from laying waste, even when the enemy has their own weapons in play. Marine Capt. John Patrick Giguere earned the Silver Star for flying his AH-1T, a TOW-equipped variant, over enemy air defenses while protecting a downed aircrew in Grenada.

An AH-1W SuperCobra, attached to Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 167, takes off from the flight deck of the amphibious assault ship USS Iwo Jima, March 8, 2017.

(U.S. Navy Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Andrew Murray)

First Lt. Sydney Baker also earned a Silver Star. His came while flying an AH-1G supporting the insertion of Marines in Vietnam. Despite ground fire so fierce that it knocked out his communications gear and threatened to down the bird, he kept up a heavy volume of fire to protect Marines on the ground.

So, while their younger, sexier AH-64 Apache counterparts get all the love, the AH-1 SuperCobras and Vipers are out there saving Marines every day, so raise a glass for these old school infantrymen of the sky. Theyll be happy to save you if youre ever in trouble.

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Rise of a megadonor: Thiel makes a play for the Senate – POLITICO

The largesse has transformed Thiel, an early Facebook investor and PayPal co-founder, into an outsize figure in the fight for control of the 50-50 Senate, providing fuel to two longtime associates who embrace his populist-conservative views. Top Republicans have expressed astonishment at the size of the donations and say theyve turned Vance and Masters whove never before run for elected office and will have to overcome primary rivals with far longer political resumes into formidable contenders in the blink of an eye.

A lot of people didnt know if they should take Blake [Masters] seriously as a candidate before the money came in, and when the money was announced Blake became a serious prospective candidate, said Kirk Adams, a former Arizona state House speaker. Before folks didnt really have any metric to judge his prospective candidacy, but now they do. Ten million dollars is a pretty damn good metric.

Thiel declined an interview request. His donations are by far his largest in two decades of giving to Republican candidates a partial reflection, friends say, of his intensifying interest in politics.

The tech investors profile in donor circles grew during the 2016 election, when he contributed around $1.5 million to pro-Trump outfits and spoke at the Republican National Convention. The 53-year-old, German-born Thiel would become an influential figure in Trumps orbit. He served on Trumps transition team and saw several of his aides become senior figures in the administration. He maintains a close relationship with Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner; the two both have homes in the Miami area.

Then-President-elect Donald Trump shakes the hand of Peter Thiel during a meeting with technology executives at Trump Tower on Dec. 14, 2016. | Drew Angerer/Getty Images

But Thiels latest contributions stem not only from his growing political involvement but from his closeness with Vance and Masters. Vance became acquainted with Thiel when he was at Yale Law School and then went to work for Thiel in Silicon Valley; Thiel later became an investor in Vances venture capital firm. Masters, meanwhile, was a student of Thiels at Stanford University and eventually became chief operating officer of Thiel Capital and president of the Thiel Foundation. He maintains a website in which hes posted detailed notes from Thiels class at Stanford.

Vance and Masters appear to closely embrace Thiels ideological beliefs, including his distrust of globalization one of the issues that drew Thiel to Trump.

Vance, who authored "Hillbilly Elegy," a bestselling memoir about growing up in working-class Ohio, laid out his views during a July 2019 speech lamenting the shifting of jobs overseas. Last year, he published an essay titled End the Globalization Gravy Train.

Masters, meanwhile, co-authored with Thiel the 2014 book Zero to One, in which they portrayed globalization as the enemy of innovation.

Thiels support for 2022 candidates is expected to go beyond Vance and Masters, those familiar with his plans say. The list includes Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a rising star in Republican politics up for reelection next year, with whom Thiel has met privately.

Thiel is also looking at donating to an assortment of House candidates, including Army veteran Joe Kent, who is waging a challenge to GOP Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, a Trump impeachment backer, in Washington state's all-party primary next year. Earlier this year, Thiel contributed to Brian Harrison, a former Trump administration official who ran unsuccessfully in a Texas congressional special election.

Over the years, he has supported an array of libertarian-leaning politicians, including Utah Sen. Mike Lee, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, and former Michigan Rep. Justin Amash.

But Thiel has never made political donations at this scale before and not all of his political bets have paid off. In 2018, he backed the gubernatorial campaign of Kansas Republican Kris Kobach, an immigration hardliner who defeated the sitting Republican governor in the primary before losing the general election to Democrat Laura Kelly. Two years later, he spent more than $2 million in support of Kobachs failed Senate campaign, which ended with a loss to an establishment-backed candidate in the Republican primary.

Thiels giving drew scrutiny in 2017, when he donated to then-Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawleys Senate campaign. The contribution landed just days before Hawley launched an antitrust investigation into Google, a company Thiel has criticized as monopolistic.

Within Republican circles, Thiel is seen as an unconventional donor. Unlike other major givers, he lacks a singular political adviser or gatekeeper for candidates looking to court him. The billionaire has operated mostly independently of those in the tight-knit world of Republican operatives, though he counts the incendiary conservative commentator Ann Coulter, with whom Thiel co-hosted a 2019 fundraiser for Kobach, as a friend.

Peter Thiel and Ann Coulter pictured in April 2019. | Theo Wargo/Getty Images

While some other Republican contributors, such as those in the Koch political network, have used their money to invest in building party infrastructure, Thiel has so far refrained from doing so. And unlike other donors who delve into the minutiae of how candidates they invest in build their campaign teams, Thiel has taken a largely hands-off approach with Vance and Masters, those familiar with the discussions say.

Thiel, who according to Forbes is worth more than $4 billion, made his first splash in conservative politics in 2009, when he penned an essay in outlining libertarian views that sharply diverged from the liberal bent of Silicon Valley. His attraction to Trump, friends say, partly stemmed from their shared distaste of the media. After the gossip blog Gawker in 2007 wrote that Thiel was gay, Thiel retaliated by secretly financing wrestler Hulk Hogans lawsuit against the website over its posting of a Hogan sex tape. The suit, which resulted in millions of dollars in damages being awarded to Hogan, forced Gawker out of business.

Republicans in Ohio and Arizona say Thiels money by itself wont be enough for either Vance or Masters to win the GOP nomination. Vance is squaring off against a handful of wealthy candidates with the ability to pour millions of dollars into their own campaigns, which would offset Thiels funding.

Masters will need to get by Jim Lamon, a deep-pocketed energy executive who could self-finance his campaign, and state Attorney General Mark Brnovich, a potential candidate who would benefit from widespread familiarity among voters.

There are also limitations as to how far Thiels money can go, given that super PACs must pay higher rates for TV advertising than a candidates official campaign. Both states include expensive media markets, making it necessary for Vance and Masters to build formidable war chests on their own, say Republican strategists in Arizona and Ohio.

Its unclear whether Thiels $10 million donations are a one-time investment or if more money is on the way.

Unless youre Stephen King with successful movies, bestselling authors are not household names, Doug Preisse, the chair emeritus of the Franklin County, Ohio, Republican Party said of Vance. Its a super start, but hell need every bit of that and more in a race with a number of other well-connected self-funders.

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Rise of a megadonor: Thiel makes a play for the Senate - POLITICO

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The GOP takeover | Columns –

It makes a difference whether its a politician or if its a TV personality who makes a stupid mistake and says something over an open mic. If a TV personality does it, it really is a stupid mistake. The politician claims it was unintentional, as House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy did before he appeared on Fox and Friends recently. But you can bet he knew the microphone was live as he blurted: Ive had it with her. You know, Ive lost confidence.

The her in Kevin McCarthys case was Liz Cheney, No. 3 in the House Republican hierarchy. She made the mistake of standing on her principles, just like Sen. Mitt Romney did. They voted against President Donald Trump when he was wriggling out of his various impeachments. In Cheneys case, shes been obnoxious about it, rankling all of the Republicans who sold their souls to Trump, which is most of them.

So Democrats are now cheering for Cheney, in spite of her history as a most intensely conservative congresswoman from Wyoming, and the daughter of Richard Cheney. Yup, that Cheney, who not too long ago was Vice President Darth Vader to every liberal who didnt believe in war. They are also rooting for Romney, whose CV includes two runs for president. His father, George, was also a GOP presidential candidate, back when GOP meant Grand Old Party. Now it means Grand Old Purging. In this case it means throwing out and up anybody who displeases the Don. Romney and Cheney have definitely done that.

In Sen. Romneys case, it meant being booed off the stage at a Utah party event where he was speaking.

But all eyes are watching the House GOP faction as Cheney has displeased the Trumpster. And that means she is currently displeasing his puppet, Kevin McCarthy, who flies anywhere the wind blows between Mar-a-Lago and Washington.

Donald Trump is blowing hard against Cheney, and for Elise Stefanik, the congresswoman whose support for Donald Trump has been unwavering.

In case there was any doubt, Trump issued a statement: She has my COMPLETE and TOTAL Endorsement.

Stefanik wasted no time going on Twitter to remind one and all that she has Trumps endorsement: Thank you President Trump for your 100% support for House GOP Conference Chair. We are unified and focused on FIRING PELOSI & WINNING in 2022!

But even though Stefanik has kissed the Dons ring, or whatever else there is to kiss, there are those in his MAGA mob who are bothered by her relatively moderate voting record in Congress, like arch conservative extremists Ann Coulter and Lou Dobbs. One right-wing publication called her a neocon establishment twit. But the man is on her side, so that settles it.

Meanwhile, Liz Cheney has antagonized nearly everyone in her party by stating and restating and restating again the inescapable fact that Donald Trump continues the big lie tactic in arguing he won the election and that Trump provoked the deadly Jan. 6 riot. In an opinion piece for The Washington Post, she argued, The Republican Party is at a turning point, and Republicans must decide whether we are going to choose truth and fidelity to the Constitution.

Millions of lemmings have already chosen to follow Donald Trumps whims rather than risk his calling them wimps or, even worse, RINO which, as everybody knows, means Republican in name only. So here we have a man, Donald Trump, who started as a Republican in 1987, then switched to the Independent Party, then Democratic, then Republican again, then no party affiliation, then settling on Republican. He is calling Cheney and Romney, with their party pedigrees, RINOs. Remember Ronald Reagan (a Democrat before he was a Republican) advocating the inclusive big tent concept? Now the Don and his capos have set the tent on fire.

Bob Franken is an Emmy Award-winning reporter who covered Washington for more than 20 years with CNN; his opinions are his own.

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StackRoute Announces Data Science Foundation Program and Advanced Post Graduate Program in Data Science and Machine Learning to Meet the Industry…

Business Wire IndiaStackRouteTM, an NIIT venture announced the launch of Data Science Foundation Program and Advanced Post Graduate Program (PGP) in Data Science and Machine Learning.

The Data Science Foundation Program (Full time or Part time) will empower learners with foundational skills to analyze and visualize data using Excel and Python. Upon completion of all assessments, learners acquire the role specific knowledge & skills and gain the experience to meet the respective learning outcomes. The Advanced PGP in Data Science and Machine Learning (Full time or Part time) enables learners to join data science practice team and gain experience to grow up as Data Analyst or ML engineer or Jr. Data Scientist.The programs are delivered virtually to learners who are keen to gain on-demand Data Science skills.Duration for the Data Science Foundation Program is 6 weeks while the Advanced PGP in Data Science has a duration of 18 weeks. For the part time mode, duration for these programs is 20-24 weeks and 40-48 weeks respectively.AnalyticsInsight has forecast that by 2025, there will be 137,630data science jobopenings inIndia,risingfrom 62,793jobsin 2020. As Per LinkedIn, there has been a650%increase in data science jobs since 2012. Today, most Data Science teams are looking for resources with solid foundation skills and with capability to take up any activity across the Data Science wavelength. It is critical to have the necessary skills to join data science team and be able to genuinely contribute as part of the data science practice teams.Speaking on the announcement Abhishek Arora, EVP and Business Head, Skills and Careers Business, NIIT Ltd., said, Having worked with leading Technology Companies, StackRoute has created a niche for itself as the go-to organisationfor disruptive learning solutions and helping professionals build deep skills in full stack technologies. We are happy to launch the data science programs, designed to deliver impactful learning experiences to build all round competent professionals, meeting the talent requirements of the industry.

On successful completion of the immersive programs, the learners will receive certificates by StackRoute and will also be provided with full placement assistance.Over the past 5 years StackRoute has been committed towards delivering disruptive learning solutions, producing highly skilled and deployment ready talent in emerging tech and digital roles. Recently StackRoute was awarded with Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence award 2020, jointly with a leading independent IT and business consulting services firm. The Gold medal has been awarded under the category - Best Use of Blended Learning for Graduate Transformation Program.Additionally, StackRoute has won Brandon hall Silver award for Best Results of a Learning Program jointly with the worlds leading engineering company in aerospace.For more information about the program visit: StackRoute

StackRoute, an NIIT venture, is a digital transformation partner for corporates to build multi-skilled full stack developers at scale. Established in August 2015, StackRoute provides disruptive IT learning solutions on programming, quality-engineering, data-science and digital architecture. Our immersive and remote programs are practitioner-led and outcome-oriented. Geared towards imparting deep skills in digital technologies, StackRoute works with multiple tier 1 IT companies, product engineering companies, and GICs towards transforming their workforce into full stack developers who can efficiently deliver digital transformation projects with ease.

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About NIIT Limited

NIIT Limited is a leading Skills and Talent Development Corporation that is building a manpower pool for global industry requirements. The company, which was set up in 1981 to help the nascent IT industry overcome its human resource challenges, today ranks among the world's leading training companies owing to its vast and comprehensive array of talent development programs. With a footprint in over 30 countries, NIIT offers training and development solutions to Individuals, Enterprises and Institutions.For more information about NIIT visit:

Prateek ChatterjeeNIIT Limited+91 (124) 4293041,+91-9910201085prateek.chatterjee@niit.comSwati SharmaNIIT Limited+91 (124) 4293042,

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4 AI Trends that will Define the Future of Data Science – Analytics Insight

Prepare your AI ecosystem to match with the data challenges of the future

Companies across the world are increasingly adopting AI for their smooth business operations. The technology unleashed its constructive potential during the onset of COVID-19 in performing a wide range of tasks that are complex and cumbersome for humans, bolstering employee productivity. Right from managing tasks ranging from planning, envisaging, and predictive maintenance to customer service chatbots, aiding data analytics, and more, businesses are extracting the maximum out of this disruptive technology.

AI is one of the most revolutionizing technologies of our time. The current surge in AI research and investment has resulted in an incredible rise in AI applications. These applications do not just promise to yield better business outcomes but enhance the human experience as a whole. The technology is currently being applied for a wide array of industries ranging from healthcare, retail, and banking, to logistics, and transportation. While these industries are using AI to automate their processes and sort out their analytics processes, it is now time to think about the future possibilities with artificial intelligence.

The rate at which technology is developing is beyond measure and the same is the case with how industries are taking advantage of it in terms of managing data. The road AI is heading towards features a vast AI ecosystem with several models and new dependencies. The tech world will witness new approaches to skills, governance, and machine learning engineering where data scientists and software engineers will collaborate to leverage machine learning.

So, what should organizations expect in the future? After all, the success of an organizations AI adoption will depend on how they master the complexity of altering their business processes to accommodate the new change. Here are the four AI trends organizations should bear in mind.

1. Upgrade first, create later.

Instead of being in a hurry to create an AI model, optimize and update the existing models that are put in place. As every industrys challenges and data requirements are different, AI models should be upgraded to suit the domain specifications and for that, data scientists with experience in the specific industry and scientific techniques should be on your radar.

2. Transfer learning will scale NLP

Natural language processing will witness a massive growth in adoption along with increased potential due to transfer learning. Knowledge obtained after solving a problem will be stored and automatically applied to related problems, saving time for newer applications.

3. Governance will come crucial

As newer predictive models will flood the markets, managing them all will become difficult. Only with proper governance, frameworks, and guidelines, organizations can govern the machine-generated data. Proper governance should follow all the ethical standards, which is why organizations should relook the roles and responsibilities of data scientists.

4. Polish Existing Talent

As AI advances, organizations would want to look for greater AI literacy and awareness at all levels. As the business world is getting more data-driven, organizations will only be able to make the most of the technology if all the employees understand at least the basics of AI and data science. Hiring new talent altogether for this purpose will be tedious, hence organizations should train and polish the skills of the existing employees and prepare them with the fundamentals of what is essential, AI and data science.

AI has already made tremendous strides when it comes to leveraging data science and automation. The algorithms will only become more complex and exceed human abilities in the foreseeable future. There to manage these advances, organizations should start preparing and strategizing now before its too late to catch up.

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Manchester academic recognised as one of UK’s leading female data science professionals – The University of Manchester

An academic from The University of Manchester has been recognised as one of the nations leading female data science professionals, after being named as one of Women in Data UKs 20 in 20.

Jackie Carter, Professor of Statistical Literacy in the Universitys School of Social Sciences, has been acknowledged for her technical knowledge and experience, and her commitment to encouraging more diverse representation in the data industry.

Previous people recognised by Women in Data have co-created the Oyster card and the algorithms for the Amazon Alexa, and shaped the future for solving the causes of dementia. There are now 80 committed advocates working hard to highlight the fantastic opportunities in STEM, to help girls expand their career choices as well as to encourage current practitioners to set their goals even higher.

Whilst at The University of Manchester Jackie has helped secure 1.3m of funding, and has developed a living-wage paid work-placement programme through the Q-Step Centre. She is Co-Director of the centre, which was developed as a strategic response to the shortage of quantitatively-skilled social science graduates.

Jackies recently published book Work Placements, Internships & Applied Social Research draws on her seven years experience of setting up and running this paid internship programme. Using up-to-date reports from the British Academy, LinkedIn and McKinsey, the book presents frameworks and tools to help learners understand how their degree has relevance to the workplace, and how this can be evidenced. It is full of case studies and narratives based on her former students and others.

She is also on the board of the Urban Big Data Centre, providing advice on the role of social science in understanding how big data can be used to improve lives, and advising on how future data scientists can be trained to develop the necessary skills to equip them in these emerging careers.

Im absolutely delighted to win this award, but I think it reflects the wonderful young women I work with more than anything, and how together we are challenging traditional pipelines into data careers, said Jackie. Women can be data analysts and data scientists, and the award recognises the work I am doing in trying to address that almost 70% of my interns are female.

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Manchester academic recognised as one of UK's leading female data science professionals - The University of Manchester

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