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What is Bitcoin halving and is it a good time to buy? – Quartz

Satoshi Nakamoto, a person or group whose identity remains unknown to this day, created the digital currency Bitcoin on Jan. 3, 2009. A whole cryptocurrency industry was born out of it, one that has become increasingly mainstream.

Is Bitcoin too speculative?

Bitcoin prices have been on a roller-coaster ride over the past few months. But something coming soon thats known as a Bitcoin halving event could shoot them to new highs throughout the year. Bitcoin halving, a technical event that occurs every four years and cuts the reward for mining new Bitcoin by half. The feature is important to understand how Bitcoin functions.

In mid-April, the reward miners get for minting new Bitcoin will be cut in half, from 6.25 bitcoin to 3.125. This happens every four years and will continue until all 21 million Bitcoin are mined. While the exact date of the halving event remains unclear, its set to take place on or before April 19.

Halving was written into Bitcoins code from the beginning to ensure scarcity and safeguard against inflation. Previous halving events coincided with huge Bitcoin price increases.

Heres what to know about the coming Bitcoin halving, as well as what it will mean for Bitcoins price and more.

Bitcoin is generated by miners who use computer hardware to solve complex mathematical problems and verify transactions on the blockchain network. In return, miners receive a predetermined amount of Bitcoin for each block of transactions they process.

The reward, which is given to miners who verify the transaction, is a way to create more Bitcoin. The first Bitcoin block, also known as the Genesis Block, was created by Nakamoto in 2009 and was rewarded with 50 Bitcoin.

Bitcoins supply is limited to a maximum of 21 million coins. This means no additional coins will be generated or created after reaching that 21 million limit. Nakamoto introduced the concept of Bitcoin halving to limit the quantity of the cryptocurrency and make it more valuable to combat inflation. Thats why Bitcoin halving is important, as it prevents the uncontrolled creation of Bitcoin.

The Bitcoin blockchain creates 210,000 new blocks in about four years, which is the standard established by its creators. The first reward was 50 bitcoin in 2009, when Bitcoins price was almost 0.

Bitcoins next halving is expected to take place on or before April 19, reducing the mining reward to 3.125 Bitcoin. The process will continue until roughly 2140. This means that after the 2024 halving, 29 more halving events will occur before the final reward of just one satoshi (the smallest unit of the Bitcoin) is granted.

Bitcoin halving has historically boosted the price of the cryptocurrency.

For instance, after the first Bitcoin halving in 2012, the price was $12. It went up to $44 in 100 days, and then $135 in 300 days.

Similarly, after the 2016 halving event, the flagship cryptocurrency went from $658 to $1,551 in 300 days.

And in the most recent halving of 2020, the price of $8,601 went to $50,941 within 300 days.

CoinGecko, a crypto tracking website, finds that Bitcoins price has increased by 103,877% since 2013. Bitcoin was trading at about $70,000 in mid-April, just 4.4% off its all-time high reached on March 14, 2024.

The upcoming Bitcoin halving event and the inflows into the spot Bitcoin ETF market have spread excitement among investors, and some key figures in the crypto industry believe Bitcoins price can go to $100,000.

Satoshi Nakamoto set a cap on the supply of Bitcoin at 21 million, which limits the number of Bitcoin that can ever exist. As of March 2024, there were approximately 19.65 million Bitcoin in circulation, with only about 1.35 million left to be released through mining rewards. It is estimated that by 2140, when all 21 million Bitcoin will be mined, that the network will stop creating new bitcoins.

Bitcoin miners generate revenue through block rewards and transaction fees. Once all 21 million Bitcoin have been mined, the block reward will decrease to zero. But miners could continue to earn an increasing portion of their income from transaction fees.

After the Bitcoin halving, the block reward for miners is reduced by half. This year, it will be reduced from 6.25 Bitcoin to 3.125 Bitcoin.

In the short run, the reduction in block rewards could potentially impact miners, requiring them to invest in more advanced mining equipment to remain competitive. That said, Bitcoins price will likely rise, as it always has after previous halvings. So that means miners may earn enough profit even with a reduced Bitcoin reward.

Bitcoin mining is notorious for consuming energy, leading to concerns among climate activists seeking to ban it. An online tool from the University of Cambridge says that Bitcoins annual energy consumption is equivalent to that of Switzerland.

Experts have tried to find more eco-friendly ways to make Bitcoin, and there are concerns about how halving will impact electricity consumption.

With every Bitcoin halving, the competition to verify transactions increases. This forces miners to upgrade to advanced ASIC miner rigs that maximize productivity and minimize power consumption. So Bitcoin halving can help a little but its definitely not a greener way for generating Bitcoin.

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What is Bitcoin halving and is it a good time to buy? - Quartz

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Psycholinguistic and emotion analysis of cryptocurrency discourse on X platform | Scientific Reports –

In this research, we examined cryptocurrency data, concentrating on a specific group of cryptocurrencies. Our choice of these particular coins was driven by their significant popularity among users, as well as the limited availability of substantial data for other coins. To interpret the data, we applied four analytical methods explained in section"Introduction". Here we present the outcomes of our analysis for each of the aforementioned cryptocurrencies. The selection of features was made considering their past influence29,61. In the analysis conducted, LIWC assessments were applied to nine cryptocurrencies, resulting in an extensive collection of nine distinct analyses. We selected values that were highly informative for extracting linguistic interpretations relevant to cryptocurrencies. Our choice was made to capture key aspects of sentiment, linguistic style, and thematic content pertinent to discussions around cryptocurrencies. By narrowing down our focus to these particular features, we aimed to mine information from the psychological and linguistic dimensions of cryptocurrency discourse, thus aligning analysis with our goals. these categories encompass analytical thinking (metric of logical, formal thinking), clout (language of leadership), drives (related to personal motivations and psychological desires), affect (linguistic expressions associated with emotional and affective states expressed by a given text), money (refers to a set of linguistic cues or indicators related to financial terms, wealth, and economic aspects, Want (a human ability that allows individuals to envision future events with flexibility), attention (crucial subset of the Perception category), netspeak (represents a subset of the conversational category) and filler (non-essential sounds, words, or phrases, commonly used in speech to fill in pauses and maintain the flow of conversation without altering its meaning). In the drives and affect categories, additional features will be elaborated upon in the following discussion. Our examination indicated that Fantom attracts a larger number of tweets centered on technical aspects and holds a higher level of trust in comparison to other cryptocurrencies. For Binance, our observations revealed that the tweets predominantly revolve around themes of affiliation, achievements, and the pursuit of power and wealth. This pattern in discussions on Binance suggests a focus on notable accomplishments and financial success, indicative of a unique narrative and sentiment surrounding the coin. For Matic, the tweets primarily center around emotional impact compared to other cryptocurrencies. This emphasis on affective responses suggests that the coin is particularly influenced by emotional novelty. This distinctive characteristic could be considered a contributing factor to the fluctuations in the coins price, as emotional sentiment plays a significant role in shaping market dynamics and investor behavior. Our analysis revealed that Dogecoin exhibits a higher prevalence of netspeak, the informal language commonly used on the internet, compared to other cryptocurrencies. Conversely, Ethereum appears to attract more attention relative to other coins. This distinction suggests that Dogecoin is characterized by a more casual and internet-centric communication style, while Ethereum stands out for its ability to capture increased Attention and interest. A deeper understanding of the communication dynamics and community sentiment surrounding different coins may aid investors in making more informed choices, aligning their investment strategies with the unique qualities and trends associated with each cryptocurrency. From an emotional perspective, most cryptocurrencies exhibit a generally moderate and harmonious emotional profile. Notably, there is a distinct focus on the emotional category of Anticipation, with Dogecoin taking the forefront in this aspect. In this context, Anticipation likely signifies the expectation or excitement surrounding the future prospects, developments, or events associated with these cryptocurrencies.The outcomes of our analysis are presented in Table5. In terms of readability, the analysis revealed that Dogecoins tweets are relatively more challenging to read and comprehend, as indicated by lower scores on the Flesch Reading Ease measure. The Flesch-Kincaid and Dale-Chall Measures suggest an average reading difficulty level akin to content tailored for college graduates. Conversely, Ethereums tweets, as per the Gunning Fog Index, demand a higher level of reading proficiency, indicating a more complex and advanced readability suitable for individuals with a college-level education and vocabulary. To explore additional results, refer to Figs. 5 and 6s, as well as Table6.

The LIWC model revolutionized psychological research by making the analysis of language data more robust, accessible, and scientifically rigorous than ever before. LIWC-22 examines over 100 textual dimensions, all of which have undergone validation by esteemed research institutions globally. With over 20,000 scientific publications utilizing LIWC, it has become a widely recognized and trusted tool in the field62 giving way to novel approaches in analysis63,64. Although LIWC provides several benefits, it has its limitations. One drawback is its dependence on predefined linguistic categories, which might not encompass nuances and variations present in natural language. Furthermore, LIWC may encounter challenges in accurately deciphering sarcasm, irony, and other subtle forms of language usage, potentially resulting in text misinterpretation.

To effectively convey the outcomes of our analysis, average values among all the tweets were computed for each of LIWC categories. Averages can help identify broadscale sentiment trends over time. By tracking changes in average scores across key linguistic categories, such as sentiment, emotion, or cognitive processes, one can observe shifts in user sentiment and attitudes towards cryptocurrencies, market developments, or external events. Therefore, the average was calculated by summing up the scores of all comments related to each coin for each LIWC feature and then dividing by the total number of comments for that coin. These computed averages provide information along the linguistic and psychological dimensions intertwined with the selected digital currencies. A comprehensive presentation of these average values for each category can be found in Table3.

Analytical Thinking, when showing high numerical values, signifies a formal, logical, and hierarchical thought process. Conversely, lower numbers suggest a more informal, personal, present-focused, and narrative style of thinking65. The values of this category computed for tweets related to cryptocurrency, reach their highest average score of 67.76 in texts mentioning Fantom. This fact indicates that, on average, discussions in this domain exhibit a relatively high level of logical and formal thinking. Conversely, the lowest average score of 52.00 was found for Ripple, which might suggest that discussions concerning this particular cryptocurrency place slightly less emphasis on logical and analytical thinking compared to the cryptocurrency domains average.

Clout is one of the four summary variables in LIWC designed to assess the degree of confidence and certainty conveyed in the text66,67. Our analysis revealed that the cryptocurrency Fantom exhibits a relatively high Clout score, with an average result of 70.91. This suggests that discussions and conversations related to Fantom often convey a strong sense of confidence and certainty. This high Clout score may also indicate a substantial degree of assurance in Fantom stability. In contrast, the cryptocurrency Ripple demonstrates a comparatively lower Clout score with an average result of 43.39. Figure2 presents a comparative evaluation of Analytical Thinking and Clout scores across different cryptocurrencies. This suggests that discussions related to Ripple may not consistently display the same level of confidence and certainty found in the Fantom discussions. In essence, when Fantom demonstrates higher Clout values, it signifies that the users who composed the tweets are expressing increased confidence. This, in turn, leads us to infer a heightened level of knowledge on their part. In both analyses, we observed that Fantom consistently had the highest scores, indicating a higher level of analytical thinking and confidence in discussions related to it. Conversely, Ripple consistently had the lowest scores in both categories, suggesting a relatively lower emphasis on analytical thinking and a lower degree of expressed confidence in discussions related to it. While these observations suggest a correlation between analytical thinking and confidence in these specific cryptocurrency discussions, its important to note that correlation does not imply causation. Other factors, such as market conditions, community sentiment, and news events, can also influence these results. For example, when we examined Binance, we foound that it ranks as the second-highest in terms of Analytical Thinking scores among the various cryptocurrencies. However, when we assess it as the position in the Clout category, Binance ranks fifth. The results of Analytical Thinking and Clout analysis related to digital currencies can be viewed in Table3.

Comparative evaluation of analytical thinking and clout scores across different cryptocurrencies.

Drives is a comprehensive dimension that encapsulates various needs and motives65. In our LIWC analysis, we concentrated on the Drives, particularly examining the aspects of Affiliation, Achievement, and Power. We observed that the presence of Affiliation-related language (such as us and help) is comparatively lower in discussions related to Cardano, while it appears more frequently in conversations about Dogecoin. Similarly, in terms of Achievement-related language (including work, better, and best), Dogecoin tends to have fewer instances compared to Matic. Furthermore, when examining Power-related language (like allow and power), we found that Dogecoin exhibits a lower frequency, while Bitcoin discussions tend to feature a greater occurrence of such language. These patterns highlight variations in linguistic expressions across different cryptocurrencies, shedding light on the distinctive characteristics of discussions over different digital coins. Upon closer examination, it became evident that tweets originating from Binance sources tended to include a higher frequency of words associated with Drives, whereas Fantom source tweets had a notably lower occurrence of Drives-related words.Additional details can be found in Fig.3.

Frequency of language associated with affiliation, achievement, power, and drives across different cryptocurrency discussions.

In the Affect1 subset, our analysis encompassed various emotional dimensions, including Positive Emotion, Negative Emotion, Anxiety, Anger, Sadness, and Swear Words. In the upcoming Emotion section, we delve deeper into affective analysis. However, in this preliminary report, we provide an overview of the affective processes observed in the LIWC analysis. It can be observed in Table3 that there is a variation in affective (good, well, new, love) content among different cryptocurrencies. Notably, Matic coin exhibits a higher level of affective language, while Ada appears to have a lower level. This distinction becomes clearer when we explore the affective subcategories including Positive tone (new, love), Negative tone (bad, wrong, too much, hate), Emotion (good, love, happy, hope), and Swear words (shit, fuckin*, fuck, damn), as depicted in Fig. 4. It becomes evident that Matic coin scores higher in Positive tone and Emotion, while Bitcoin registers a higher Negative tone. Additionally, Ripple stands out with a higher score in Swear words, indicating potential user dissatisfaction. When we further break down the Emotion category into its subsets, which encompass Anxiety (worry, fear, afraid, nervous), Anger (hate, mad, angry, frustr), and Sadness (sad, disappoint, cry), we notice that Dogecoin exhibits a higher score in Anxiety, Ripple in Anger, while most of the nine analyzed coins show similar values for Sadness. These observations contribute to our analysis and highlight the varying affective language usage across different cryptocurrencies, which we explore in greater detail in the subsequent Emotion section.

Comparative analysis of affective language dimensions-positive tone, negative tone, emotion, and swear words-across different cryptocurrencies.

Want words signify the authors desires or preferences. Typically, wants are philosophically differentiated from needs by conceptualizing needs as innate and essential for survival, while wants are learned and generally linked to additional satisfaction beyond basic necessities68. What is important for cryptocurrency analysis in this category is the aspect of hope (want, hope, wanted, wish) as Want, or Hope, is a remarkable human ability that allows individuals to envision future events and their potential outcomes with flexibility69. Many users have high hopes for the future of cryptocurrency, anticipating greater benefits from their investments. From Table3, it becomes evident that Shiba is the cryptocurrency that garners most hope among users. The range of hope scores falls between 0.19 and 0.41, with the lowest level of hope associated with Fantom. This data suggests that Shiba is particularly promising in the eyes of cryptocurrency enthusiasts, while Fantom elicits comparatively less optimism.

Another important LIWC category is Money (business, pay, price, and market)22. The range of Money scores, from 2.46 for Shiba to 10.51 for Binance, indicates varying degrees of discussion or emphasis on cryptocurrency financial aspects. Notably, Binance stands out with the highest score, suggesting a significant emphasis on business and financial aspects in discussions related to this coin. Conversely, Shiba has the lowest score, indicating relatively less emphasis on these financial terms in conversations related to it. These findings offer a glimpse into the importance placed on financial and business-related aspects and potentially shed light on the perception and use of the cryptocurrencies in the broader context of market and economy.

At the dawn of experimental psychology, William James wrote that everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking possession by the mind, in a clear and vivid manner70. When users include the term Attention in their tweets, it signifies their intention to draw focus to a significant event or topic. Upon reviewing Table3, it becomes evident that Ethereum tweets receive more attention than tweets about the other cryptocurrencies, indicating a heightened interest or emphasis on Ethereum-related matters. Conversely, tweets concerning Dogecoin appear to attract less attention when compared to tweets about the other coins, suggesting a relatively lower level of interest or engagement in discussions related to it. For Shiba, our observations indicate a prevalent sense of hope and an increased use of filler words compared to the other cryptocurrencies. This heightened expression of hope suggests a more optimistic sentiment surrounding Shiba when contrasted with the other coins. Additionally, the frequent use of filler words, including expressions like wow, sooo, and youknow signifies a more conversational and engaged discourse. This linguistic pattern may reflect a greater level of enthusiasm and interaction among Shiba enthusiasts.

This analysis includes words commonly used in social media and text messaging, such as bae, lol and basic punctuation-based emoticons like 🙂 and ;)65,71. This mode of communication is widely employed by netizens during computer-mediated communication (CMC). In the context of cryptocurrency discussions, which predominantly transpire on online forums, social media platforms, and chat groups, it is customary for participants to incorporate netspeak into their interactions. Through the analysis of netspeak, researchers can understand more the degree of user engagement and interaction. Notably, the adoption of terms such as HODL (a deliberate misspelling of hold, indicating a long-term investment strategy) or moon (indicating an expectation of significant price increases) serves as meaningful pointers to user sentiment and active participation in discussions. In the obtained results, Matic stands out prominently with a notably high netspeak score, signaling the prevalence of internet-specific expressions and informal language related to it. The results can be found in Table3. Fillers (wow, sooo, youknow) are non-essential sounds, words, or phrases, such as well, erm or hmm commonly used in speech to occupy pauses and maintain the flow of conversation without altering its meaning65,72,73. The filler analysis results highlight that Shiba and Dogecoin exhibit higher scores in this category compared to the other cryptocurrencies, with scores ranging between 0.02 and 0.04 for the remaining coins, as depicted in Table3. In the sentiment analysis, its clear that Fantom distinguishes itself with a notably elevated positive score in comparison to the other cryptocurrencies. A consistently positive sentiment can enhance investor confidence, attract new stakeholders, and contribute to a more favorable market perception. Table3 presents the remaining outcomes for the other cryptocurrencies.

Table4 provides a detailed sentiment analysis, encompassing positive, neutral, and negative percentages for various digital coins. In the world of cryptocurrency investments, its common for investors to assess public sentiment before making their decisions, as highlighted in prior research30. Consequently, sentiment analysis has gained substantial importance on cryptocurrency markets74. Studies have shown that tweets expressing positive emotions wield substantial influence over cryptocurrency demand, while negative sentiments can have the opposite effect32,33.

Analyzing the data in Table4, it becomes apparent that Fantom distinguishes itself by displaying a notably higher positive sentiment percentage in comparison to its digital counterparts, which strongly suggests an elevated degree of interest and enthusiasm among investors towards this digital coin.

Examining opinions involves another aspect known as emotion detection. In contrast to sentiment, which can be positive, negative, or neutral, emotions offer richer categorization over personality traits by revealing experiences of joy, anger, and more. Automated methods for emotion detection have been developed to enhance the analysis of individual sentiments. The primary goal of emotion analysis is to identify the specific words or sentences conveying emotions75. To achieve such analysis, we employed the NRCLex library to extract and categorize emotions from text24. NRCLex is a Python library designed for natural language processing and sentiment analysis. The acronym stands for Natural Resources Canada Lexicon, and it is particularly focused on assessing sentiment in text based on word associations. NRCLex is built upon a lexicon that assigns sentiment scores to words, allowing users to analyze the sentiment of individual words, sentences, or entire documents76. Table5 provides the outcomes of our emotion analysis, revealing a narrow range of results for various emotions: Anger (0.02-0.04), Surprise (0.01-0.02), Sadness (0.01-0.03), Disgust (0.01-0.02), and Joy (0.02-0.04). These consistent findings suggest that most of the coins evoke similar emotional responses, highlighting their emotional proximity.

In contrast, when it comes to emotions such as Fear and Trust, there are more noticeable differences between the coins. For instance, when examining the sentiment of Cardano, the fear score is 0.0324, while the trust score is higher at 0.1252. Similarly, for Ripple, the fear score is 0.0416, with a trust score of 0.1172. The scores provide a difference in the emotional tones associated with these cryptocurrencies, indicating the levels of fear and trust expressed in the analyzed content.

Furthermore, the emotion of Anticipation stands out with higher scores in tweets, indicating that many users are keen on anticipating the future of these coins. Notably, Dogecoin (0.3752) and Shiba (0.3467) generate more anticipation among users when compared to the other coins.

In this section, we pay attention to the readability of data, utilizing metrics such as the Flesch Reading Ease25, Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level26, Gunning Fog Index27, and Dale-Chall Readability Score28. Assessing readability helps distinguish between text that is straightforward to grasp and text that is complex and demands a high level of education or intelligence to comprehend. Numerous readability metrics exist for text evaluation, and we have chosen to employ the above four measures as the most widely recognized tests to assess tweets.

Table6 presents the significant differences in readability scores across tweets related to nine different digital coins.

The Flesch Reading Ease score provides an indication of how easily a text can be understood, with higher scores indicating greater readability. Flesch Reading Ease score can be observed in Fig.5. The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level is a metric that estimates the educational grade level required to understand a piece of text based on factors like sentence length and word complexity. Analyzing the readability scores for the tweets related to each digital coin shows the linguistic complexity employed in discussions surrounding these coins. The presence of significant differences in readability scores suggests variations in the accessibility and comprehension levels required to engage with these tweets. Negative scores in some readability metrics, such as the Flesch Reading Ease and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, indicate higher levels of complexity, while positive scores indicate greater ease of comprehension. Refer to Fig.6 for the necessary details to assess the readability levels of the specified analyses (Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, Gunning Fog Index, Dale-Chall Readability Score). Table6 provides evidence on the fact that Dogecoin possesses a notably lower score in Flesch Reading Ease compared to the other cryptocurrencies, which suggests that the communication pertaining to Dogecoin might present hurdles in accessibility and comprehension for the typical reader. Getting rid of such readability obstacles have the potential to amplify the effectiveness of communication, expand audience involvement, and cultivate heightened comprehension and acceptance of cryptocurrencies among varied stakeholders. This observation aligns with Fig. 577, where we notice a pronounced level of complexity in comprehending tweets related to Dogecoin. To gain a better understanding of the varied readability levels, its essential to consider both Fig.578,79 and Table6. When examining the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level and Dale-Chall Readability in Table6, Dogecoin emerges with higher values compared to the other cryptocurrencies, signifying an average grade level and a college reading level, respectively. Furthermore, an examination of the results pertaining to the Gunning Fog Index, as depicted in Table6 and Fig.6, reveals that Ethereum stands out with a higher score. This observation implies that understanding tweets related to Ethereum requires a reading comprehension level equivalent to a college education.

Flesch reading ease score.

Dale-Chall Readability Score, Gunning Fog Index, Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level.

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Psycholinguistic and emotion analysis of cryptocurrency discourse on X platform | Scientific Reports -

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Markets flash early signs of risk from wider Mideast war as crypto prices sink after Iran launches wave of drones at Israel – Fortune

Cryptocurrency prices fell Saturday evening after Iran launched a wave of drones at Israel, marking an early indication of the turmoil that could hit markets as investors start to price in the threat of a broader Middle East war.

Bitcoin was down 5% from its price on Friday, while ether sank more than 7%, and XRP tumbled 13.5%, according to CoinMarketCap. Thats a sign risk assets will be under pressure.

A fuller picture of Wall Streets reaction to Irans first-ever, full-scale military assault on Israel will come on Sunday evening, when futures trading opens in the U.S. for stocks, bonds, commodities and currencies.

Trading on Friday offered somewhat of a preview on what to expect. Reports at the time said an Iranian attack on Israel was expected within two days, boosting U.S. benchmark oil prices as much as 3% to top $87 a barrel.

U.S. Treasury bonds also rallied sharply, sending the 10-year yield down as much as 10 basis points as investors looked for safety.

Similarly, the U.S dollar advanced as the geopolitical tensions caused investors to turn away from riskier emerging-market currencies.

Even the euro fell to a five-month low against the greenback, as markets also weighed the prospect of the European Central Bank cutting rates before the Federal Reserve does.

Meanwhile, prices for goldtraditionally seen as another safe-haven assetsurged to a fresh record high above $2,400 an ounce before later reversing those gains late Friday.

Stocks sold off on Friday, led by risk-on tech shares, as investors also digested bank earnings and fresh inflation data that further dampened hopes for imminent Fed rate cuts.

Mideast tensions have been ramping up since militants backed by Iran attacked Israel in October. Other Iranian-backed groups in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen have also launched rockets at Israel.

More recently, Tehran blamed Israel foran April 1airstrike in Syriathat killed two Iranian generals, though Israel hasnt addressed it.

With Iran attacking Israel, the risk grows that the U.S.Israels most important military allycould be also be drawn into direct engagements with Iran. On Saturday, the White House vowed to support Israels defense, after moving more Navy ships toward the region in anticipation of an attack.

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Markets flash early signs of risk from wider Mideast war as crypto prices sink after Iran launches wave of drones at Israel - Fortune

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Analyzing the Surge in Cryptocurrency Popularity: Bitcoin Phenomenon – Eye On Annapolis

Discover the extraordinary journey of Bitcoin, from its inception as a revolutionary digital currency to its current status as a leader in the global cryptocurrency market. This article delves into the factors behind its meteoric rise and its significant impact on the financial landscape.Visit bitcoingptofficial.comif you wish to learn about investing with education companies.

The rise of Bitcoin has not only transformed the financial landscape but also had a profound socio-economic impact across the globe. As a disruptor in the financial industry, Bitcoin has challenged traditional banking systems and offered an alternative means of transactions and investments. Its decentralized nature has democratized financial services, enabling individuals in underbanked regions to access banking facilities without the need for intermediaries. This has opened up new opportunities for economic empowerment and financial inclusion, particularly in emerging economies where access to traditional banking is limited.

The role of Bitcoin in these economies is multifaceted. It serves as a hedge against inflation in countries experiencing economic instability and currency devaluation. In Venezuela and Zimbabwe, for example, citizens have turned to Bitcoin as a store of value to protect their wealth from hyperinflation. Furthermore, Bitcoin facilitates remittances, allowing migrant workers to send money home more efficiently and cost-effectively than traditional banking methods. This has significant implications for economic development, as remittances are a crucial source of income for many families in developing countries.

However, the socio-economic impact of Bitcoin is not without its challenges. Regulatory hurdles and legal considerations pose significant barriers to its widespread adoption. Governments and financial institutions worldwide are grappling with how to regulate cryptocurrencies to prevent illegal activities such as money laundering and fraud while fostering innovation and growth in the sector. The lack of clear regulations has led to uncertainty and volatility in the cryptocurrency market, which can undermine its potential as a stable economic tool.

In conclusion, Bitcoins socio-economic impact is complex and far-reaching. Its ability to disrupt traditional financial systems and promote financial inclusion presents a promising opportunity for economic empowerment and development. However, addressing regulatory challenges and ensuring the stability and security of the cryptocurrency market are crucial for realizing its full potential.

While Bitcoin remains the most well-known and widely used cryptocurrency, the digital currency landscape is far more diverse and dynamic than a single coin. The rise of alternative cryptocurrencies, commonly known as altcoins, has significantly contributed to the popularity of the broader cryptocurrency market. Among these, Ethereum has emerged as a strong contender, offering not just a digital currency but also a platform for decentralized applications and smart contracts. This has opened up new possibilities for blockchain technology, extending its use beyond mere financial transactions to a wide range of applications in various industries.

Ripple, another prominent altcoin, has gained attention for its focus on facilitating real-time cross-border payment systems for banks and financial institutions. Its ability to provide fast and cost-effective transactions has made it a popular choice among banking and financial services. The growth of altcoins like Ethereum and Ripple highlights the expanding scope of cryptocurrency, moving from a simple medium of exchange to a foundational technology for decentralized systems.

The emergence of decentralized finance (DeFi) is another significant development in the cryptocurrency space. DeFi represents a shift towards open, permissionless financial systems built on blockchain technology. It offers a range of financial services, including lending, borrowing, and trading, without the need for traditional financial intermediaries. This has the potential to revolutionize the financial sector, providing greater accessibility and transparency in financial services.

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have also gained immense popularity, introducing the concept of tokenizing unique assets and digital collectibles on the blockchain. NFTs have opened up new avenues for artists, creators, and collectors, enabling the ownership and transfer of digital art, music, and other forms of creative content in a secure and verifiable manner.

In conclusion, the popularity of cryptocurrency extends far beyond Bitcoin. The rise of altcoins, the advent of DeFi, and the emergence of NFTs demonstrate the versatility and potential of blockchain technology. These developments have not only diversified the cryptocurrency market but also paved the way for innovative applications that could transform various sectors of the economy.

Bitcoins legacy extends beyond its financial value, shaping the future of money and technology. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, Bitcoin remains at the forefront, embodying both the challenges and opportunities of this digital revolution.

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Analyzing the Surge in Cryptocurrency Popularity: Bitcoin Phenomenon - Eye On Annapolis

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Westlake convenience store owner helps thwart crypto scam –

Police are cautioning the public to 'talk to your older relatives and neighbors about scams as they are often the targeted population.'

CLEVELAND After the owner of a Westlake convenience store helped thwart an alleged attempted cryptocurrency con involving an elderly near-victim, police are advising the public on warning signs to avoid scams.

Westlake police say on Thursday, April 4, a convenience store owner became concerned after seeing an "older gentleman" depositing large amounts of cash into a cryptocurrency ATM in the store. Police say the man was being instructed on what to do by someone over the phone.

"Knowing that these were signs that a scam was underway, WPD detectives responded to attempt to stop the theft," the WPD said in a news release. "Luckily the officers were able to stop the crypto-currency transaction before it was finalized and funds passed to the perpetrators."

According to police, the man had been targeted with a pop-up on his home computer saying that his computer had been "compromised."

Police said the scammers tried to scare the man into transferring the funds by falsely telling him that criminals had traded in child porn on his computer and that he would be implicated if he did not pay the scammers to "clean up" the device.

The WPD is highlighting the attempted scam to caution the public to talk to older relatives and neighbors about how to spot a scam, noting that seniors are often the targeted population of fraudulent activity.

"Do not call phone numbers on unexpected pop-ups on computers, or unexpected emails, texts or phone calls," the WPD says. "If someone is instructing you to buy gift cards to pay for debts, warrants or computer support it is a scam. If someone instructs you to keep them on the phone when you go to the bank to withdraw cash or when depositing funds in a Crypto-ATM, IT IS A SCAM!"

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Westlake convenience store owner helps thwart crypto scam -

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Dogecoin Co-Creator Billy Markus Sarcastically Signals Caution Amid Cryptocurrency Market Crash: ‘Oh No Everything … – UK

Benzinga - by Bibhu Pattnaik, Benzinga Staff Writer.

In the wake of a significant downturn in the cryptocurrency market on Friday, Billy Markus, the co-founder of Dogecoin (CRYPTO: DOGE), shared an unusual statement on X, formerly known as Twitter, about the meme currency.

On a day marked by widespread losses across major cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC), Ethereum (CRYPTO: ETH), and Dogecoin itself, Markus playful commentary stood out amidst the sea of red.

Following a sharp decline, Dogecoin plummeted by over 19%. Markus shared a sarcastic tweet that garnered supportive reactions from the DOGE community on Friday, "Oh no, everything died; we are dead."

Also Read: This Analyst Says Dogecoin Could Rally Further Following An Elon Musk-Induced Rally But There's A Catch

The total liquidations in the cryptocurrency market within 24 hours reached approximately $735 million.

The recent market correction occurred less than a week before the anticipated fourth Bitcoin halving scheduled for April 21, which will reduce the reward for mining a new block by half to 3.125 BTC.

This event, expected to happen once every four years, is closely watched by the community. Many anticipate a potential surge in Bitcoin's price and a ripple effect on altcoins, including Dogecoin.

Now Read: As Dogecoin Jumps 18%, Founder Billy Markus Cracks Joke About Crypto Community: 'If You Take Offense To This ...'

Photo: Shutterstock

2024 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.

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Dogecoin Co-Creator Billy Markus Sarcastically Signals Caution Amid Cryptocurrency Market Crash: 'Oh No Everything ... - UK

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TON blockchain on Telegram teams with HashKey to help Asian users trade crypto – South China Morning Post

HashKey Group, operator of one of only two licensed cryptocurrency exchanges in Hong Kong, is teaming up with the operator of the blockchain created by Telegram Messenger to give users an on- and off-ramp by exchanging their so-called Toncoins for cash.

The agreement applies to users in the Asia-Pacific region and will see the two organizations work on new ecosystem projects by providing mentorship, networking opportunities, and other incubation activities, TON Foundation said in an announcement on Friday.

The foundation governing TON an acronym that once stood for Telegram Open Network and now means simply The Open Network was set up after Telegram was forced to abandon the blockchain because of a settlement with the US Securities and Futures Commission in 2020. The separate organisation has continued to develop the blockchain and later integrated it into Telegram through a mini app and business arrangements.

This is potentially quite massive, TON Foundation president Steve Yun said. He referenced HashKeys regulatory compliance as a way to help with know-your-customer (KYC) rules. We do take strategic steps to make sure we follow the compliance requirements.

Hong Kongs HashKey crypto exchange takes aim at Coinbase with global platform

Even as TON has sought to keep itself separate from Telegram, the main utility of its blockchain remains tied to the popular messaging app, which has more than 900 million users globally, according to Yun. While anyone can build mini apps integrating other public blockchains into Telegram, the TON Foundation pays for premium real estate in the app, making it the default wallet option in the sidebar.

However, TON is still grappling with regulatory issues. To avoid complications, it bars people in certain jurisdictions such as the US, China and Hong Kong from using the cryptocurrency function within Telegram.

TON is betting on the mini app ecosystem on Telegram as a means of driving adoption of its blockchain, which Yun said can scale better than most blockchains because of its use of sharding a means of breaking up a blockchain into different segments.

Greater adoption means more users will be looking for ways to convert their tokens to cash and vice versa. TON also sees Asia as a natural fit because they are already used to the super app concept, according to Yun, hence the team-up with HashKey in the region.

Where in the world do [people] know how to build mini apps as part of a super app? Not many places, Yun said. Eastern Europe because VK is popular. [Asia-Pacific] because of Line, Kakao and WeChat.

The agreement also adds to HashKeys recent expansion efforts. The Hong Kong-based company became the second licensed crypto exchange operator in the city in 2022, nearly two years after BC Technology Group, which operates the OSL exchange.

The local crypto firm known today mostly just in Hong Kong has been looking to transform itself into a major international player. Livio Weng, the chief operating officer, said this week that HashKey intends to surpass Coinbase in trading volume by 2030. Coinbase, the largest crypto exchange in the US, currently has around 30 times the 24-hour trading volume of HashKey.

Teaming with TON foundation offers it a different avenue to scale than Coinbase, which has seen its fortunes rise with the popularity of bitcoin since its founding 12 years ago. HashKey is just half that age.

If Toncoin becomes popular through its integration with Telegram and its myriad mini apps, as the TON Foundation is betting on, then HashKey could suddenly find itself with millions of potential new users across Asia as it facilitates the default medium of exchange on one of the worlds most popular messenger apps.

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TON blockchain on Telegram teams with HashKey to help Asian users trade crypto - South China Morning Post

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Cryptocurrency Regulations and Safety Measures in the USA and New York: Exploring No-KYC Exchanges – FinSMEs

Cryptocurrency markets have surged in popularity, attracting investors globally. In the United States, especially in New York, financial regulation is very important.

Understanding the regulations is crucial. Also, for people who value privacy, finding trustworthy exchanges is crucial. They must be no-KYC (know your customer). This article covers the regulatory environment in the USA and New York. It focuses on no-KYC exchanges and factors to consider when choosing them. The article provides an overview of regulatory frameworks in the USA and New York

The USA features a multifaceted regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies. Federal agencies, like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), oversee different areas. The NYDFS enforces the BitLicense in New York. It is a regulatory framework in a financial epicenter.

BitLicense imposes strict requirements on companies in virtual currency. It focuses on consumer protection, cybersecurity, and AML (anti-money laundering) compliance.

Safety Measures and KYC Compliance

KYC procedures are fundamental to regulatory compliance for cryptocurrency exchanges. They mandate users to verify their identities before engaging in trading activities. They collect personal information like government-issued IDs and proof of address. They do this to prevent crimes like money laundering and terrorist financing. However, individuals seeking privacy may view KYC requirements as intrusive.

Understanding No-KYC Exchanges

No-KYC exchanges cater to individuals seeking to trade cryptocurrencies without undergoing identity verification. These platforms let users buy and sell cryptocurrencies. They can do so, preserving their privacy and autonomy. For users in the USA looking for a non-kyc us crypto exchange, these platforms let you join the market. You can join without sharing personal info. No-KYC exchanges provide anonymity advantages. But, they also carry risks. These include exposure to fraud and regulatory scrutiny. They should do this before using these platforms.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a No-KYC Exchange

The Best No-KYC Exchanges

No KYC exchanges exist. But, its essential to research them before picking one. Some popular options include:


Investors and traders must follow the rules and safety measures for cryptocurrency. These apply in the US and New York. KYC procedures are vital for following regulations. But, no-KYC exchanges offer privacy-focused alternatives.

By understanding the rules. And by considering factors like reputation, security, and transparency. Investors can make informed decisions. They can use this information when choosing no-KYC exchanges. However, its essential to recognize the risks. Exercise caution when trading cryptocurrency.

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Cryptocurrency Regulations and Safety Measures in the USA and New York: Exploring No-KYC Exchanges - FinSMEs

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EU Watchdog: 90% of Crypto Trading Confined to 10 Exchanges –

Ten cryptocurrency exchanges account for 90% of the markets trading.

And that concentration could be a problem, according to a reportissued Wednesday (April 10) by theEuropean Securities and Market Authority(ESMA).

While this might be advantageous from an efficiency standpoint due to economies of scale, it raises considerable concerns regarding the implications of a failure or malfunction at a major asset or exchange for the wider crypto ecosystem, said the report, which noted that Binance accounts for roughly half the market.

The EU made history in 2023 when it became the first jurisdiction in the world to endorse a comprehensive regulatory framework for cryptoassets like bitcoin. The Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) rules wont go into full effect until the end of this year. Until that happens, the report said, crypto assets and related service providers are more or less unregulated.

In fact, crypto exchanges largely operate outside of national legal frameworks and are often based in countries with lighter regulatory requirements, the report said. Binance, for example, claims to not have a headquarters, while former crypto exchange FTX wasbased in the Bahamasand incorporated in Antigua and Barbuda.

The report also cited data from Chainalysis showing that during the last two years, around 20% of crypto transaction value was received by investors from North America, another 20% from central, northern and western Europe, and 20% from central and southern Asia.

Based on the domiciles of crypto exchanges, we find that most trading is performed on exchanges based in tax havens, ESMA said. The announcement of MiCA, the regulator said, has not caused an increase in euro transactions.

The report added that despite frequent claims that crypto assets could represent a safe haven in times of wider market stress, we find a certain co-movement with equities and no stable relationship with gold.

Earlier this year, ESMA debuted proposed rules for crypto asset firmsbased outside of Europethat want to offer services to European customers.

The proposed guidance confirms ESMAs previous message that the provision of crypto-asset services by a third-country firm is limited under MiCA to cases where the client is the exclusive initiator of the service, ESMA said in a statement.

This exemption should be understood as very narrowly framed and must be regarded as the exception. A firm cannot use it to bypass MiCA, the agency added.

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EU Watchdog: 90% of Crypto Trading Confined to 10 Exchanges -

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Avi Wigderson wins $1 million Turing Award for using randomness to change computer science –

The 2023 Turing Award has been given to Avi Wigderson, a mathematician who discovered the strange connection between computation and randomness.

Wigderson was announced the winner of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) A.M. Turing Award, often called the "Nobel Prize of Computing," on April 10, 2024.

The award, given with a prize of $1 million, comes just three years after Wigderson, a professor of mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, won the 2021 Abel Award for his contributions to computer science. Wigderson's theoretical work has been key to the development of numerous advances in computing, from cloud networks to cryptography methods that underpin cryptocurrencies.

"Wigderson is a towering intellectual force in theoretical computer science, an exciting discipline that attracts some of the most promising young researchers to work on the most difficult challenges," Yannis Ioannidis, president of the ACM, said in a statement. "This year's Turing Award recognizes Wigderson's specific work on randomness, as well as the indirect but substantial impact he has had on the entire field of theoretical computer science."

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Computer algorithms are deterministic by nature, which enables them to make predictions but also limits their grasp of the messy randomness found in the real world. In fact, many problems are considered computationally hard, and deterministic algorithms struggle to solve them efficiently.

But Wigderson and his colleague Richard Karp, a computer scientist at the University of California, Berkeley, found a way to tame computational hardness. After inserting randomness into their algorithms, they found that they made some problems much easier to solve.

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Wigderson chased this observation, proving in later work that the reverse also applied: Randomness could always be stripped from probabilistic algorithms to transform them into deterministic ones. His findings illuminated the connection between computational hardness and randomness in ways that reshaped computer science.

"From the earliest days of computer science, researchers have recognized that incorporating randomness was a way to design faster algorithms for a wide range of applications," Jeff Dean, chief scientist at Google Research and Google DeepMind, said in the statement. "Efforts to better understand randomness continue to yield important benefits to our field, and Wigderson has opened new horizons in this area."

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Avi Wigderson wins $1 million Turing Award for using randomness to change computer science -

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