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Rance Cleaveland remembered as avid researcher, dedicated mentor – The Diamondback

Rance Cleaveland, a University of Maryland computer science professor and the computer, mathematical and natural science colleges associate dean for research, died on March 27.

Cleaveland died at his Arlington, Virginia home and is survived by his wife and three children. He was 62.

Cleaveland was born in Baltimore and received his bachelors degree in computer science and mathematics from Duke University in 1982. He then earned his masters and doctorate degrees in computer science from Cornell University.

Cleaveland served as a professor at North Carolina State University and Stony Brook University before coming to this university in 2005.

He is remembered by community members at this university for not only his achievements in computer science, but also his dedication to students and colleagues alike.

William Gasarch, a computer science professor, went to lunch with Cleaveland monthly when he first arrived at this university to help him learn more about the department, he said. The interactions helped the pair form a friendship outside the classroom, Gasarch said.

We would debate about who would treat for lunch because I would say, I earn more than you do, and he would say, well, I have three kids going to college, Gasarch said.

Cleaveland left this university in 2018 to serve as the National Science Foundations computing and computing foundations divisions director.

He returned to this university in 2022, when he was appointed the computer, mathematical and natural sciences colleges associate dean for research. Cleaveland was also a joint appointment at this universitys Institute for Systems Research and Institute for Advanced Computer Studies.

John Baras, the systems research institutes founding director and an engineering professor at this university, said Cleaveland was not only a talented researcher but a kind person.

Due to his research acumen, Cleaveland was named an Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers fellow in 2022 for his work involving verification tools for finite-state and cyber-physical systems.

Baras, an IEEE Life Fellow, said Cleavelands recognition was significant because his primary field, computer science, was different from the fellowships field.

Its rare to be recognized as a fellow but its even more important that you are from a different discipline like with computer science, Baras said. So Rance was very much a co-disciplinary researcher, educator leading across domains.

Several of Cleavelands former students and colleagues commended his mentorship and teaching skills.

Bhaskar Ramasubramanian, one of Cleavelands former doctoral students and an assistant professor at Western Washington University, said Cleaveland had a natural ability to connect skills learned in the classroom to the real world.

Ramasubramanian still kept in contact with Cleaveland six years after graduating and believes his guidance was invaluable to his doctoral process, he said.

He was very good at allowing us to find our way but providing the correct level of guidance that is required, Ramasubramanian said.

Steve Marcus, engineering professor emeritus, and the systems research institutes director from 1991 to 1996, co-supervised doctoral students with Cleaveland. Cleavelands extensive research and industry experience was crucial to helping students, Marcus added.

He had a lot of interactions with industry, and so he understood the kinds of problems that they work on and the kinds of solutions they need, Marcus said. That had a big impact on motivating the type of research our students and his students were doing.

Marcus emphasized that Cleaveland also cared for undergraduate computer science students. Cleaveland was a first-rate scholar and a dedicated mentor for students, he added.

Scott Smolka and Steve Sims founded the software company Reactive Systems along with Cleaveland in 1999. In a statement to The Diamondback, Smolka, Sims and TU Dortmund University computer science professor Bernhard Steffen wrote that they believe Cleaveland would want those who knew him to celebrate his life rather than mourn his death.

Hug your kids, give a kiss to your significant other, prove a theorem, shoot some hoops, pet your dog, take a walk and enjoy the beauty all around you, they wrote. We know Rance would.

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Rance Cleaveland remembered as avid researcher, dedicated mentor - The Diamondback

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Imageomics Applies AI and Vision Advancements to Biological Questions –

COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 22, 2024 Researchers at Ohio State University are pioneering the field of imageomics. Founded on advancements in machine learning and computer vision, the researchers are using imageomics to explore fundamental questions about biological processes by combining images of living organisms with computer-enabled analysis.

The field was the subject of a presentation by Wei-Lun Chao, an investigator at Ohio State Universitys Imageomics Institute and a distinguished assistant professor, during the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The presentation focused on the fields application for micro- to macro-level problems by turning research questions into computable problems.

Nowadays we have many rapid advances in machine learning and computer vision techniques, said Chao. If we use them appropriately, they could really help scientists solve critical but laborious problems.

Traditional methods for image classification with trait detection require a huge amount of human annotation, but our method doesnt, said Chao. We were inspired to develop our algorithm through how biologists and ecologists look for traits to differentiate various species of biological organisms.

Chao said that one of the most challenging parts of fostering imageomics research is integrating different parts of scientific culture to collect enough data and form novel scientific hypotheses from them. That being said, he is enthusiastic about its potential to allow for the natural world to be seen within multiple fields.

What we really want is for AI to have strong integration with scientific knowledge, and I would say imageomics is a great starting point towards that, he said.

Chaos AAAS presentation, An Imageomics Perspective of Machine Learning and Computer Vision: Micro to Global, was part of the session Imageomics: Powering Machine Learning for Understanding Biological Traits.


Imageomics Applies AI and Vision Advancements to Biological Questions -

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Peering Into the Abyss: AI and Physics Unite to Unveil a Black Hole Flare in 3D – SciTechDaily

Caltech scientists have developed the first 3D video depicting flares around Sagittarius A*, our galaxys supermassive black hole, using AI techniques and data from the ALMA telescope. This interdisciplinary study, blending astrophysics and computer science, opens up new possibilities for understanding black hole environments. (Artists concept.) Credit:

Using AI and ALMA data, scientists create a groundbreaking 3D video of flares around our galaxys central black hole, offering new insights into its dynamic environment.

Scientists believe the environment immediately surrounding a black hole is tumultuous, featuring hot magnetized gas that spirals in a disk at tremendous speeds and temperatures. Astronomical observations show that within such a disk, mysterious flares occur up to several times a day, temporarily brightening and then fading away. Now a team led by Caltech scientists has used telescope data and an artificial intelligence (AI) computer-vision technique to recover the first three-dimensional video showing what such flares could look like around Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*, pronounced sadge-ay-star), the supermassive black hole at the heart of our own Milky Way galaxy.

The 3D flare structure features two bright, compact features located about 75 million kilometers (or half the distance between Earth and the Sun) from the center of the black hole. It is based on data collected by the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile over a period of 100 minutes directly after an eruption seen in X-ray data on April 11, 2017.

This is the first three-dimensional reconstruction of gas rotating close to a black hole, says Katie Bouman, assistant professor of computing and mathematical sciences, electrical engineering and astronomy at Caltech, whose group led the effort described in a new paper published today (April 22) in Nature Astronomy.

Aviad Levis, a postdoctoral scholar in Boumans group and lead author on the new paper, emphasizes that while the video is not a simulation, it is also not a direct recording of events as they took place. It is a reconstruction based on our models of black hole physics. There is still a lot of uncertainty associated with it because it relies on these models being accurate, he says.

Based on radio telescope data and models of black hole physics, a team led by Caltech has used neural networks to reconstruct a 3D image that shows how explosive flare-ups in the disk of gas around our supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), might look. Here, the reconstructed 3D structure is seen from a fixed angle as the model evolves over a span of about 100 minutes, showing the path the two bright features trace around the black hole. Credit: A. Levis/A. Chael/K. Bouman/M. Wielgus/P. Srinivasan

To reconstruct the 3D image, the team had to develop new computational imaging tools that could, for example, account for the bending of light due to the curvature of space-time around objects of enormous gravity, such as a black hole.

The multidisciplinary team first considered if it would be possible to create a 3D video of flares around a black hole in June 2021. The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration, of which Bouman and Levis are members, had already published the first image of the supermassive black hole at the core of a distant galaxy, called M87, and was working to do the same with EHT data from Sgr A*. Pratul Srinivasan of Google Research, a co-author on the new paper, was at the time visiting the team at Caltech. He had helped develop a technique known as neural radiance fields (NeRF) that was then just starting to be used by researchers; it has since had a huge impact on computer graphics. NeRF uses deep learning to create a 3D representation of a scene based on 2D images. It provides a way to observe scenes from different angles, even when only limited views of the scene are available.

The team wondered if, by building on these recent developments in neural network representations, they could reconstruct the 3D environment around a black hole. Their big challenge: From Earth, as anywhere, we only get a single viewpoint of the black hole.

Here, the reconstructed 3D structure is shown at a single time (9:20 UT), directly after a flare was detected in X-ray, with the view rotating to help visualize the structure from all angles. Credit: A. Levis/A. Chael/K. Bouman/M. Wielgus/P. Srinivasan

The team thought that they might be able to overcome this problem because gas behaves in a somewhat predictable way as it moves around the black hole. Consider the analogy of trying to capture a 3D image of a child wearing an inner tube around their waist. To capture such an image with the traditional NeRF method, you would need photos taken from multiple angles while the child remained stationary. But in theory, you could ask the child to rotate while the photographer remained stationary taking pictures. The timed snapshots, combined with information about the childs rotation speed, could be used to reconstruct the 3D scene equally well. Similarly, by leveraging knowledge of how gas moves at different distances from a black hole, the researchers aimed to solve the 3D flare reconstruction problem with measurements taken from Earth over time.

With this insight in hand, the team built a version of NeRF that takes into account how gas moves around black holes. But it also needed to consider how light bends around massive objects such as black holes. Under the guidance of co-author Andrew Chael of Princeton University, the team developed a computer model to simulate this bending, also known as gravitational lensing.

With these considerations in place, the new version of NeRF was able to recover the structure of orbiting bright features around the event horizon of a black hole. Indeed, the initial proof-of-concept showed promising results on synthetic data.

But the team needed some real data. Thats where ALMA came in. The EHTs now famous image of Sgr A* was based on data collected on April 67, 2017, which were relatively calm days in the environment surrounding the black hole. But astronomers detected an explosive and sudden brightening in the surroundings just a few days later, on April 11. When team member Maciek Wielgus of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Germany went back to the ALMA data from that day, he noticed a signal with a period matching the time it would take for a bright spot within the disk to complete an orbit around Sgr A*. The team set out to recover the 3D structure of that brightening around Sgr A*.

ALMA is one of the most powerful radio telescopes in the world. However, because of the vast distance to the galactic center (more than 26,000 light-years), even ALMA does not have the resolution to see Sgr A*s immediate surroundings. What ALMA measures are light curves, which are essentially videos of a single flickering pixel, which are created by collecting all of the radio-wavelength light detected by the telescope for each moment of observation.

Recovering a 3D volume from a single-pixel video might seem impossible. However, by leveraging an additional piece of information about the physics that are expected for the disk around black holes, the team was able to get around the lack of spatial information in the ALMA data.

ALMA doesnt just capture a single light curve. In fact, it provides several such videos for each observation because the telescope records data relating to different polarization states of light. Like wavelength and intensity, polarization is a fundamental property of light and represents which direction the electric component of a light wave is oriented with respect to the waves general direction of travel. What we get from ALMA is two polarized single-pixel videos, says Bouman, who is also a Rosenberg Scholar and a Heritage Medical Research Institute Investigator. That polarized light is actually really, really informative.

Recent theoretical studies suggest that hot spots forming within the gas are strongly polarized, meaning the light waves coming from these hot spots have a distinct preferred orientation direction. This is in contrast to the rest of the gas, which has a more random or scrambled orientation. By gathering the different polarization measurements, the ALMA data gave the scientists information that could help localize where the emission was coming from in 3D space.

To figure out a likely 3D structure that explained the observations, the team developed an updated version of its method that not only incorporated the physics of light bending and dynamics around a black hole but also the polarized emission expected in hot spots orbiting a black hole. In this technique, each potential flare structure is represented as a continuous volume using a neural network. This allows the researchers to computationally progress the initial 3D structure of a hotspot over time as it orbits the black hole to create a whole light curve. They could then solve for the best initial 3D structure that, when progressed in time according to black hole physics, matched the ALMA observations.

The result is a video showing the clockwise movement of two compact bright regions that trace a path around the black hole. This is very exciting, says Bouman. It didnt have to come out this way. There could have been arbitrary brightness scattered throughout the volume. The fact that this looks a lot like the flares that computer simulations of black holes predict is very exciting.

Levis says that the work was uniquely interdisciplinary: You have a partnership between computer scientists and astrophysicists, which is uniquely synergetic. Together, we developed something that is cutting edge in both fieldsboth the development of numerical codes that model how light propagates around black holes and the computational imaging work that we did.

The scientists note that this is just the beginning for this exciting technology. This is a really interesting application of how AI and physics can come together to reveal something that is otherwise unseen, says Levis. We hope that astronomers could use it on other rich time-series data to shed light on complex dynamics of other such events and to draw new conclusions.

The new paper is titled, Orbital Polarimetric Tomography of a Flare Near the Sagittarius A* Supermassive Black Hole.

The work was supported by funding from the National Science Foundation, the Carver Mead New Adventures Fund at Caltech, the Princeton Gravity Initiative, and the European Research Council.

Reference: Orbital Polarimetric Tomography of a Flare Near the Sagittarius A* Supermassive Black Hole 22 April 2024, Nature Astronomy. DOI: 10.1038/s41550-024-02238-3

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Peering Into the Abyss: AI and Physics Unite to Unveil a Black Hole Flare in 3D - SciTechDaily

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Tanisha Shende: National Student Employee of the Year – The Oberlin Review

College second-year Tanisha Shende is majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics with a minor in Sociology. She was named National Student Employee of the Year and Student Employee of the Year for Diversity and Inclusion by the National Student Employment Association. Shende is a Research Ambassador at the Office of Undergraduate Research and a Bridging Resources and Access to Nurture Community through Holistic Engagement in STEM Community Leader.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Can you tell me about the work that you did that won you these awards?

I have two positions within OUR. But I was nominated for my work with BRANCHES. BRANCHES is a committee within OUR and The Center for Learning, Education, and Research in the Sciences that is specifically for representing underrepresented students in STEM. Thats done through providing resources for them, but also building a community for them.

My work is with this committee called Collective Efficacy, and its the one that I created and the one that I currently lead. When I first started the job, I came up with it last summer. I wanted to reach people that we werent currently reaching, like people who werent coming to our events, people who are on the boundaries of STEM, who we wouldnt be able to reach otherwise. I wanted to take a more scientific approach to understanding why theyre not being as involved.

I like to say that the purpose of collective advocacy is to understand and mitigate structural barriers to involvement and success in STEM at Oberlin. Through that, Ive created some initiatives to both understand the disparity more and try to mitigate that. For instance, we started up listening sessions again, which are centered around different identity groups, such as race, class, and sexual orientation. Its meant to just understand their experiences at Oberlin and how their identities intersect with their STEM experiences and how they contribute to the experiences that theyve had here. We also have community-building events like movie nights and BRANCHES and boba, where we give people boba in exchange for hearing information about OUR programming.

We also have academic and professional events such as study nights, course planning, and study strategies. Were also launching a mentorship program next semester that might be a collaboration with Chemistry. And so were trying to work with the department and see how we can develop a mentorship program that pairs underclassmen with upperclassmen, but also faculty members. Were also trying to work with the faculty diversity, equity, and inclusion group with BRANCHES being the middleman between students and faculty.

Can you tell me about how underrepresented groups have not been traditionally involved in STEM and why you decided to start your work?

When I started, my work was more focused on research opportunities, which is a bit different because BRANCHES is more STEM-oriented, but Im also a research ambassador. I noticed that people, even if they want to participate in STEM research, werent able to access information because there are a lot of psychosocial factors that impact marginalized students participating in research and STEM. For instance, theres an imposter phenomenon, where marginalized people are more likely to think that they dont deserve the accolades they receive or the positions theyre in. They experience things like stereotype threat, where theyre afraid to confirm any negative stereotypes about their identities. So even if there arent explicit barriers for marginalized people, there are still a lot of underlying psychological ones that impact their mental health and the way people perceive them. Though there are also a lot of social barriers to success in STEM. If you are neurodivergent, thats an invisible disability. And so you struggle with being validated but also with disability accommodations. Its hard to validate invisible disabilities, and so because of that, you deal with a lot of self-esteem issues, and stress related to validation, and that implicitly factors into your education and your success. It may limit the opportunities you will receive but also affects how you feel about yourself and how you conduct yourself day to day.

How has being employed by the college helped you pursue your goals related to diversity in STEM?

I think that Ive always had these ideas to implement and Ive noticed these things anecdotally. Being employed by the college has given me a position of power and support because since Im employed, and have actual faculty members and staff members backing me, I can implement my ideas more successfully. It just gives me a bigger platform to use because its, again, backed by faculty and staff. Im taken more seriously, so I can implement the things that I want to implement. So its both interpersonal support and also institutional support and validity.

Would you encourage others to pursue this line of work and why?

I think that you need to investigate what you really want out of it and what you want to contribute to your college community. I am very interested in accessibility and advocacy and I wanted to channel that through my work. I think that if you want to work at the College, especially in this capacity, where youre actually making a change or developing programming, you need to investigate why youre doing the things and what you hope to achieve with this. You need to do a lot of personal work for that.

Is there anything else you would like to mention?

I can talk more about what I do as a research ambassador in OUR because its similar to BRANCHES work, but it wasnt what I was nominated for. Im developing a website for OUR that includes resources to get involved with research because theres one big hurdle to getting involved in research. Its just not knowing.

So, for instance, if you went to a well-resourced high school, then you would know who to contact, and how to contact them. Theres a lot of implicit information that people arent told. I wanted to break that barrier by writing out blog posts or informational guides about, for instance, how to reach out to committee members, how to cold call people, or how to negotiate offers. In addition to that, I wanted to create an information hub about research opportunities on campus and off campus, update our current list of resources, make opportunities more explicitly for international students, include information about pay versus for credit, and create a list of people you can reach out to. One big thing is that people who dont have a lot of time or energy to get information by themselves are less inclined to pursue research, and so by creating this public information, its more accessible to students. The second project Im doing is a research study, which I started by myself but Im getting help from Associate Professor of Sociology and Comparative American Studies and Director of Accreditation and Assessment Daphne John, is meant to investigate the barriers to research at Oberlin, and that takes into account different identity groups and is done through surveys and interviews.

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Who are the Class of 2024 salutatorians? – Daily Trojan Online

As the daughter of two physicians, Lisa Tchitchkan has been surrounded by medicine from a young age. Tchitchkans family is originally from Belarus, but when they moved to the United States in 2008, Tchitchkan was able to witness her mother retrain as a physician in America.

Medicine has always been a part of my life. I thought to myself, Since my mom enjoys medicine so much, I would enjoy medicine in a similar way. So, I explored it on my own throughout the rest of my life, Tchitchkan said.

Coming into USC, Tchitchkan decided that majoring in neuroscience would be the best fit for her because of her strong interest in the molecular mechanisms that determine the way people think and how they perceive the world.

Ive always been someone who likes understanding other people, so neuroscience allows me to do that from a more scientific standpoint, as opposed to an interpersonal standpoint, Tchitchkan said.

In 2022, Tchitchkan took on a major in Spanish in addition to her neuroscience major. While volunteering at Los Angeles General Medical Center, Tchitchkan was inspired to major in Spanish to learn the language in order to create a deeper understanding and more personal connection with her patients.

Outside of class, Tchitchkan has been a member of USC InterAxon since her freshman year. InterAxon is an outreach program that aims to encourage young children to pursue neuroscience. Tchitchkan said InterAxon helped her realize her passion for helping children, which ultimately inspired her to pursue a career in pediatrics.

Tchitchkan has also participated in research positions, including volunteering in the USC Dion Dickman Lab since her freshman year. As a researcher at the Dickman Lab, Tchitchkan received the Brian Phillip Rakusin Neuroscience Scholarship Award in 2023 for her research on protein interactions in the presynaptic terminal using Stimulated Emission Depletion microscopy.

Like McColl, Tchitchkan is a firm believer in having a healthy work-life balance and exploring interests outside of academic pursuits.

I think its really important to have interests outside of your academic passions, because pursuing other interests will allow you to come back more recharged and ready to tackle the academic pursuits youre doing with a newfound sense of enthusiasm, Tchitchkan said.

After graduating from USC, Tchitchkan will attend Harvard Medical School.

She gave a lasting piece of advice for Trojans on their academic journey.

Establish a really solid foundation of strong academic practices, but at the same time, find a strong support system that will support you throughout the inevitable challenges that youll face throughout your time in undergrad, Tchitchkan said.

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Who are the Class of 2024 salutatorians? - Daily Trojan Online

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In Brazil, hopes to use AI to save wildlife from roadkill fate – Moore County News Press

In Brazil, where about 16 wild animals become roadkill every second, a computer scientist has come up with a futuristic solution to this everyday problem: using AI to alert drivers to their presence.

Direct strikes on the vast South American country's extensive road network are the top threat to numerous species, forced to live in ever-closer proximity with humans.

According to the Brazilian Center for Road Ecology (CBEE), some 475 million vertebrate animals die on the road every year -- mostly smaller species such as capybaras, armadillos and possums.

"It is the biggest direct impact on wildlife today in Brazil," CBEE coordinator Alex Bager told AFP.

Shocked by the carnage in the world's most biodiverse country, computer science student Gabriel Souto Ferrante sprung into action.

The 25-year-old started by identifying the five medium- and large-sized species most likely to fall victim totraffic accidents: the puma, the giant anteater, the tapir, the maned wolf and the jaguarundi, a type of wild cat.

Souto, who is pursuing a master's degree at the University of Sao Paulo (USP),then created a database with thousands of images of these animals, and trained an AI model to recognize them in real time.

Numerous tests followed, and were successful, according to the results of his efforts recently published in the journal Scientific Reports.

Souto collaborated with the USP Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences.

For the project to become a reality, Souto said scientists would need "support from the companies that manage the roads," including access to traffic cameras and "edge computing" devices -- hardware that can relay a real-time warning to drivers like some navigation apps do.

There would also need to be input from the road concession companies, "to remove the animal or capture it," he told AFP.

It is hoped the technology, by reducing wildlife strikes, will also save human lives.

Bager said a variety of other strategies to stop the bloodshed on Brazilian roads have failed.

Signage warning drivers to be on the lookout for crossing animals have little influence, he told AFP, leading to a mere three-percent reduction in speed on average.

There are also so-called fauna bridges and tunnels meant to get animals safely from one side of the road to the other, and fences to keep them in -- all insufficient to deal with the scope of the problem, according to Bager.

In 2014, he created an app called Urubu with other ecologists, to which thousands of users contributed information, allowing for the identification of roadkill hotspots.

The project helped to create public awareness and even inspired a bill on safe animal crossing and circulation, which is awaiting a vote in Congress.

A lack of money saw the app being shut down last year, but Bager is intent on having it reactivated.

"We have more and more roads, more vehicles and a number of roadkill animals that likely continues to grow," he said.

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In Brazil, hopes to use AI to save wildlife from roadkill fate - Moore County News Press

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Celebrating the Achievements of Women in Computer Science at Lewis University – Shaw Local News Network

In recent years, the growing field of computer science has seen a significant increase in the number of women pursuing degrees and careers. This trend is also reflected at Lewis University, where more and more female students are choosing to major in computer science.

Lewis University has been a leader in promoting women in computer science. Programs such as Girls Create with Technology introduce middle and high school girls to the thrilling potential of technology, sparking inspiration for future careers.

Lewis University actively works to dismantle the traditional barriers women often face in STEM fields. The institutions supportive environment ensures that women in computer science receive the encouragement and resources they need to thrive. By promoting inclusivity and opportunities, Lewis University empowers female students to engage, excel, and lead in computer science.

This commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in computer science is evident in the rise of female leaders within Lewis Universitys computer science department. These women have broken barriers and shattered glass ceilings, serving as role models for current and future students.

Women in the computer science program can influence the technological landscape in several crucial ways:

As a result, Lewis Universitys computer science graduates have been making notable contributions to the field. From developing cutting-edge software to leading successful technology-based businesses, women from Lewis University are shaping the future of computer science.

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Cisco Hiring Computer Science, Information Science Graduates – StudyCafe

Cisco Hiring Computer Science, Information Science Graduates

Cisco is hiring an experienced Software Engineer Selenium, Java Test NG framework & UI Testing & Test Process Knowledge at their Bangalore and Pune locations. You will be joining a team of energetic engineers to design and build a platform to onboard and manage APIs for all Cisco software products. The solution involves a web application that is used for API onboarding and management.

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Ann Coulter Speaks With Single Interruption – The Cornell Review

Ann Coulter 84, the co-founder of the Cornell Review, discussed immigration on April 16, 2024.

Coulter was interrupted repeatedly when she was invited to speak at Cornell on November 10, 2022, with the degree of interruption preventing her from speaking.

Nadine Strossen, a Professor Emerita at New York University Law School, attended the January 2024 Trustee Meeting. She suggested Cornell have Coulter return to cap off the Free Expression Theme Year. The Provost agreed and worked with the Cornell Chapter of the Heterodox Academy for Coulters successful return.

Provost Michael Kotlikoff welcomed the audience in Landis Auditorium, the same place Coulter tried to speak in 2022. Prof. Randy O. Wayne, Plant Sciences, warned the crowd not to improperly interrupt or disrupt the speech and then introduced Coulter.

Coulter outlined her views on immigration. Coulter believes that the nation would be better served by providing the legal immigration of people with the most desired characteristics rather than tolerating the illegal immigration of 8 million people.

Coulter expressed regret that Donald Trump rather than Ron DeSantis is the Republican Presidential nominee. Coulter predicts that Joe Biden will defeat Trump in November.

Coulter was protected by extensive security measures. Tickers were restricted to Cornell students, faculty and staff. Unlike November 2022 when boom boxes were permitted to be brought into the auditorium, no packages or knap sacks were allowed past security.

At least eight Cornell Police were present along with two personal body guards standing at each side of Coulter. Outside security staff used metal detectors to search each member of the audience.

The third questioner was Prof. Monica Cornejo of the CALS Communication Department. Instead of asking a question, she gave a brief speech calling everyone in the audience a racist. Prof. Comejo turned around and looked at the audience instead of facing Coulter as she spoke. Prof. Cornejo explained that her family entered the United States illegally when she was a child, and that she was allowed to stay under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Coulter cut her off and asked her if she had a question, but Prof. Cornejo continued to speak. Coulter again asked if she had a question. When Prof. Cornejo started to ask a question, Coulter said, You had your chance to ask a question, lets go over here for the next question. However, Prof. Cornejo continued to shout out racist in response to various things that Coulter said, and was arrested for disorderly conduct and removed from the room.

The question and answer session continued without any further interruption. It is not clear whether Cornell will press charges in the Ithaca criminal courts or handle the violation internally through the faculty misconduct process. If Prof. Cornejo is convicted, it may impact her eligibility as a DACA recipient to remain in the United States.

A highpoint of the questions was when a student asked Coulter about her argument over whether the College of Arts and Sciences was the real Ivy League part of Cornell vis a vis Keith Olbermann 79 who graduated from CALS.

Prof. Barry Strauss 74, History, closed out the event.

Ann Coulter Speaks With Single Interruption - The Cornell Review

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Cornell professor melts down during Ann Coulter speech before being escorted out by cops: WATCH – Campus Reform

As seen in a video obtained byCampus Reform, a Cornell University professor who interrupted an event on campus by Ann Coulter Tuesday was escorted out of the building after police were forced to intervene.

Monica Cornejo, an assistant professor of interpersonal communication, was approached by police officers after she interrupted Coulters lecture.

As one of the officers approached Cornejo, the professor said: Dont touch me, dont touch me. Why am I under arrest? to which the officer responded by saying Cornejo was being removed for disorderly conduct.

[RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Antifa was here message left as leftists attempted to silence Ann Coulters talk with students]

Im an assistant professor of communication here, and one of those illegals that you mentioned, Cornejo said during the Q&A portion of the event, as reported byThe Cornell Daily Sun. I really appreciate you coming in and talking about these issues, that way I get to know how many racist people belong to this University.

Coulter then interrupted Cornejo for not asking a real question, yet Cornejo kept on continually shouting, insulting Coulter, and causing a disturbance.

One of the attendees at the event, which was titled Immigration: The Conspiracy To End America, described the incident toThe College Fix: [Cornejo] was yelling counterpoints to Ann, and was the only disruption. She kept objecting quite loudly, gave Ann the finger repeatedly, and after about the sixth outburst the cops came and took her away. . . . She had accused everyone in the room of being a racist because we support Ann Coulter.

Cornejos work uses qualitative and quantitative methodologies to examine the structural barriers that lead to inequities among undocumented immigrants, how undocumented immigrants draw on communication identity management and advocacy strategies to challenge those barriers, and how those strategies relate to undocumented immigrants health and wellbeing,according to Cornejos faculty page.

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Before Coulters appearance on campus, Cornell Provost Michael Kotlikoff released a statement clarifying that he supported the effort to invite Coulter back to campus, after having been deeply troubled at the fact that her last visit to her alma mater in 2022 ended with her walking out of the room after 27 fruitless minutes of attempting to deliver her speech despite disruptive protesters, as Campus Reform reported earlier this April.

Campus Reform has contacted Cornell University and Monica Cornejo for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.

Original post:
Cornell professor melts down during Ann Coulter speech before being escorted out by cops: WATCH - Campus Reform

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