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Trine inducts 10 into Order of the Engineer | Heraldrepublican | –

ANGOLA Ten seniors in Trine Universitys Allen School of Engineering and Computing were inducted into the Order of the Engineer during a ceremony on Dec. 8.

The ring ceremony is the public induction of candidates into the Order of the Engineer, a fellowship of engineers trained in science and technology and dedicated to the practice, teaching or administration of their profession.

During the ceremony, engineering students are invited to accept the Obligation of the Engineer, and a stainless steel ring is placed on the smallest finger of the working hand. The obligation is a formal statement of an engineers responsibilities to the public and to the profession. Both the order and the obligation serve to stimulate public recognition by engineers of two basic principles: that the primary purpose of the engineering profession is the protection of the public health, safety and welfare; and that all members of the engineering profession share a common bond.

Trine University conducted its first ring ceremony in November 1978.

The following students participated in the 2021 ring ceremony in Fawick Hall:

Ebrihem Al Namie, electrical engineering, Saudi Arabia

Devin Harris, computer engineering, Vevay

Jackson Huckeby, civil engineering, Freeland, Michigan

Anna Kmec, civil engineering, Carmel

Dhairya Mishra, software engineering, India

Shauryya Mishra, mechanical engineering, India

Gwen Pierce, electrical engineering, Ellwood City, Pennsylvania

Quinten Prieur, civil engineering, Constantine, Michigan

Kandra Tubbs, mechanical engineering, Berne

Yahya Zakariya Aleid, mechanical engineering, Saudi Arabia

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Trine inducts 10 into Order of the Engineer | Heraldrepublican | -

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Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Positions at Northeastern University College of Engineering job with Northeastern University | 421222 – The Chronicle of…

With over 195 tenured/tenure-track faculty, and17 multidisciplinary research centers andinstitutes, and funding by eight federal agencies, NortheasternsCollege of Engineering is in a period of dynamic growth. Ouremphasis on interdisciplinary, transformative researchtied toNortheasterns unique history of industry collaboration through theuniversitys signature cooperative education programenablespartnerships with academic institutions, medical research centers,and companies near our centrally located Boston campus and ourcampuses around the globe.

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Consideration will be given to candidates at the assistant,associate, and full professor levels; successful applicants will beexpected to lead internationally recognized research programsaligned with one or more interdisciplinary research themes. We arealso seeking to recruit and support a broadly diverse community offaculty and staff, and strive to foster an inclusive culture builton respect that affirms inter-group relations and builds cohesion.Applicants will be asked to submit a diversity statement discussinghow they view their contributions to sustainment and improvement ofdiversity in the college and community at large.

Northeastern University is an equal opportunity employer,seeking to recruit and support a broadly diverse community offaculty and staff. Northeastern values and celebratesdiversity in all its forms and strives to foster an inclusiveculture built on respect that affirms inter-group relations andbuilds cohesion. All qualified applicants are encouraged to applyand will receive consideration for employment without regard torace, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, sexualorientation, disability status, or any other characteristicprotected by applicable law.

To learn more about Northeastern Universitys commitment andsupport of diversity and inclusion, please see

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Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Positions at Northeastern University College of Engineering job with Northeastern University | 421222 - The Chronicle of...

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$1.5M study to explore human-centered engineering instruction | The University Record – The University Record

Does the way educators talk about engineering influence who chooses to enter the field? A University of Michigan research team is asking that question in a $1.5 million project funded by the National Science Foundation.

It aims to examine how engineering is taught, and how a greater focus on human and social aspects in engineering education could support more diverse engagement in the field and ultimately lead to better engineering solutions.

Shanna Daly, associate professor of mechanical engineering and the principal investigator on the project, said the engineering fields traditionally tight focus on math and technical information may discourage engineers from considering how the solutions they design will affect people, or how they might harm the planet, for example.

Engineers have a lot of power, but that power can cause damage if its not used carefully, Daly said. We see that in a lot of ways, like planes that crash because engineers didnt think enough about the training of pilots and social media platforms that work well for their creators but harm many of their users.

Daly said this isnt the fault of individual engineers but of a system that teaches engineers they can solve problems without recognizing the cultures and contexts in which those solutions will be used. She says this narrow representation of engineering also tends to shut out women, minorities and marginalized populations who want to solve big problems but dont see themselves fitting into a field focused solely on technical information and math.

The team plans to work toward changing that system by examining how engineering is taught, and how those teachings influence undergraduate students ideas of what engineering is and the kinds of problems they can solve as engineers. Theyll do that over the next three years with an extensive series of undergraduate student and instructor interviews, classroom observations and surveys. The study will compare how engineering is taught in U-Ms industrial and operations engineering and mechanical engineering departments.

Joi-Lynn Mondisa, assistant professor of industrial and operations engineering and a co-principal investigator on the project, said the focus on two distinct departments will provide useful contrast by showing how different teaching techniques can lead to different ideas about engineering.

I think mechanical engineering students have a very strong identity and very specific ideas about where they fit, but with industrial operations and engineering students, its a little more open-ended, she said. So I think it will be very useful to explore why that is examining how students receive messages in both fields, and how that affects the way they identify as an engineer.

Ultimately, the team plans to develop specific techniques for how to work a more broad, inclusive view of engineering into existing curricula at U-M and elsewhere. Erika Mosyjowski, a research fellow in mechanical engineering and a researcher on the project, said its a matter of integrating a broader set of skills into the core of engineering teaching, rather than treating them as add-on subjects that are relegated to the margins of the field.

We have a lot of students who are asking questions like, Why is it not until my capstone project that we mention ethics? Mosyjowski said. And I dont think the answer is for instructors to throw out everything theyre doing there are minor tweaks, minor integration that can facilitate that messaging across the entire student experience.

The research team also includes co-principal investigator Lisa Lattuca, professor of integration and design in the College of Engineering and professor of education in the School of Education. The study kicked off in October and is scheduled to run through September 2024.

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The kind of engineering education we need – The Indian Express

A recent article by economist Rathin Roy points out that action on climate change globally has become about green technologies, rather than lower consumption. It says that keeping the focus on reducing inequalities among people will naturally result in more environmental policies. An analogous situation prevails in the area of education in India.The instruction imparted in schools today is beyond the grasp of most students, and is detached from their lives. Students in Class 10 are expected to sum up series and parallel resistances, and conceptually grasp the workings of a DC motor. The reality is that less than 50 per cent of Class 8 students of rural government schools can do division (ASER 2016-18).

This is true of engineering education too and affects decision-making capacity in the country. It happens in two ways. Directly, a difficult engineering education that is detached from peoples lived reality, leads to poor intellectual development. It also ends up leaving unattended numerous gaps that could lead to development and the creation of jobs. Let us look at some examples in the area of electricity supply for irrigation.

The woes of irrigation energy are well documented. A simple web search will show subsidised electricity, inefficiency, groundwater depletion and poor power quality as commonly used terms. Recently, there has also been discussion about direct benefits transfer instead of subsidised electricity, and the use of solar PV pumps as a solution.

An accepted narrative is that subsidies disincentivise distribution companies from investments to improve the quality of supply. However, on investigating, we find that there are, in fact, many solutions that can reduce the cost of supply, improve quality, and also generate employment. This was shown through an investigation conducted by CTARA at IIT Bombay, under the Project on Climate Resilient Agriculture, Government of Maharashtra.

An exercise was done to document the distribution network in Umbarda Bazaar, a typical village in Washim district. The village has 190 pump connections. A simple set of rules was applied to find a restructured design of the network, which had grown somewhat haphazardly over the years, to provide connections to 59 unconnected wells, and also improve performance. The implementation could save Rs 12-15 lakh in new connection costs, and Rs 2.5 lakh per year in repair costs of pumps and transformers. It would cut down distribution losses, and reduce the stress and agricultural loss that farmers suffer due to breakdowns. The case is representative of villages in Maharashtra.

Such redesigning can be done by an electrical engineer with basic capabilities. The lines were to be moved as a part of a restructuring process, one that could provide employment to labourers. This shifts the focus from new materials and infrastructure to human capabilities.

A more detailed GIS-based system incorporating cropping, and electrical systems could be used to optimise such decision-making further. While this needs more sophisticated systems, it does not need cutting-edge research capability in any one discipline. Instead, it warrants a new approach that integrates physical systems across disciplinary boundaries.

Another solution involves groups of 25-30 farmers following a schedule, such that pumping times are staggered even while satisfying irrigation requirements. Such a practice improves the quality of supply. The schedule could be made as a Sudoku-like problem of filling a table based on some thumb rules, or through an optimisation problem clubbed with power systems analysis. Once more, maximising infrastructure use through human capability.

This example illustrates a move away from designing for perfect outcomes for users, to a less than perfect one where people have to adjust to the system. Or, at least the system design could account for locally expected usage. However, such adjustments ought to be formalised this is not jugaad where farmers themselves decide that half the group will operate on alternate days. That is a suboptimal use of the system where people are abandoned to do the best they can when instead our engineers could help them create a better solution.

It may be noted that these examples are very specific to India, and require different skill levels, all the way from diploma holders to PhDs. Hence, solutions that provide jobs, save resources, and improve the lives of our people, need us to investigate issues at the ground level and account for local conditions. Broad-brush targets such as 18 lakh solar pumps (PM-KUSUM) only lead to the organisationally most convenient implementation, not the best outcomes for a certain capital.

So, how is this untapped potential connected to better education? It is generally accepted that familiar contexts lead to better learning. Nilesh Nimkar, an educationist working in tribal areas, notes that if forced to choose, a local context may be more important than tribal language as a medium.

An MIT report, The global state of the art in engineering education, has studied some institutes that are adopting a new pedagogy for emerging problems. The recurring themes are: Contextualised learning, application to real engineering problems, hands-on learning, regional problems, and inter-disciplinarity.

All of this indicates a move away from deep theoretical education to a practical broad-based one. Currently, students may do a final-year project on speed control of a motor, but graduate without understanding the benefits of power factor control in motors. Projects like designing bus routes for optimal service or comparing solar PV pumps to the grid for a crop system, do not result in new technology but contribute to its deployment. And result in the type of engineering training that is sorely needed.

There is a trend to address every problem from climate change to healthcare with the likes of artificial intelligence and blockchain. As a result, we are neglecting the education of an overwhelming majority, and missing out on addressing a large problem space.

This column first appeared in the print edition on December 14, 2021 under the title A syllabus for doers. The writer is assistant professor, Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas, IIT Bombay

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The kind of engineering education we need - The Indian Express

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UM creates first robotics department among top 10 engineering schools | The University Record – The University Record

The Board of Regents has approved the creation of the Department of Robotics in the College of Engineering, a first among the nations top 10 engineering schools.

The new department will define robotics as a discipline, teaching students the skills needed to help drive a rapidly expanding field.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the annual demand for qualified robotics professionals grew by more than 13 percent in 2018 alone. The global industrial and service robotics markets are expected to grow by more than 20 percent year over year, reaching a total market of $310 billion by 2025.

With this bold step forward, we are poised to lead the field in robotics, addressing the nations growing demand for roboticists with graduates equipped to design equity-centered solutions to societys challenges, said Alec D. Gallimore, the Robert J. Vlasic Dean of Engineering, Richard F. and Eleanor A. Towner Professor of Engineering, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, and professor of aerospace engineering.

Around the country, engineering schools have been watching the field of robotics grow and weighing whether it qualifies as its own discipline separate from conventional disciplines such as mechanical engineering and computer science. In deciding that it is distinct, U-M is formalizing the field and its aims.

This is an inflection point for the field of robotics and Michigans role in its future, said Jessy Grizzle, director of the U-M Robotics Institute and the Elmer G. Gilbert Distinguished University Professor of Engineering. He also is the Jerry W. and Carol L. Levin Professor of Engineering, and professor of electrical and computer engineering and of mechanical engineering.

We will leverage the resources of a dedicated department to accelerate our work in building smart machines that serve society and respect humanity everything from safe industrial robots and bipedal humanoids to inclusive prosthetics and automated vehicles. Our roboticists put people, rather than technology, first. We call it robotics with respect.

The new department will take shape from the existing U-M Robotics Institute, adding more capacity and resources for students and faculty to move the field of robotics forward. The institute currently has 30 core faculty members who span 14 departments, and 42 affiliate faculty from fields as diverse as architecture and anthropology.

The new Department of Robotics will allow Michigan to recruit outstanding experts on the leading edge of robotics research and development, train the next generation of roboticists, and have a broad impact on the state of Michigan and beyond, President Mark Schlissel said. The creation of this department advances U-Ms ability to unlock new dimensions of human potential through innovations in robotics.

Housed in the recently completed $75 million, 134,000-square-foot Ford Motor Company Robotics Building, the institute runs a graduate program, with its first students matriculating in 2014. More than 200 masters and Ph.D. students are now enrolled.

Leveraging the universitys strength across breadth, the new robotics department will truly transform the field, while serving our students, supporting our faculty and enhancing the cutting-edge research that is a hallmark of our university, said Susan M. Collins, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs.

In addition to enabling the robotics faculty to recruit and hire an additional 15 robotics experts over the next three to five years, one aim of the new department is to create a four-year undergraduate degree.

This should help ease the bottleneck in Michigan robotics talent, including high-demand fields like computer vision and autonomous control. Currently a U-M robotics degree requires a four-year bachelors degree in a related discipline, followed by a two-year masters program in robotics.

Pilot undergraduate courses in robotics began last year, offering first-year topics such as computational linear algebra, robotic mechanisms, and introduction to programming and artificial intelligence. Through an approach the robotics faculty call coding is believing, they teach engineering fundamentals through robotics projects, addressing the core interests of students from day one.

The course developers are partnering with institutions, including Morehouse College, that serve communities that are historically excluded from technology. Through these partnerships, students participate in a multi-university community through courses developed collaboratively with U-M.

As we design our new undergraduate curriculum, Michigan has the unique opportunity to define the discipline of robotics with a priority on both equity and excellence, said Chad Jenkins, associate director of the undergraduate program and professor of electrical engineering and computer science.

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Microsoft: Log4j exploits extend past crypto mining to outright theft – VentureBeat

Hear from CIOs, CTOs, and other C-level and senior execs on data and AI strategies at the Future of Work Summit this January 12, 2022. Learn more

Microsoft said Saturday that exploits so far of the critical Apache Log4j vulnerability, known as Log4Shell, extend beyond crypto coin mining and into more serious territory such as credential and data theft.

The tech giant said that its threat intelligence teams have been tracking attempts to exploit the remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability that was revealed late on Thursday. The vulnerability affects Apache Log4j, an open source logging library deployed broadly in cloud services and enterprise software. Many applications and services written in Java are potentially vulnerable.

Attacks that take over machines to mine crypto currencies such as Bitcoin, also known as cryptojacking, can result in slower performance.

In addition to coin mining, however, Log4j exploits that Microsoft has seen so far include activities such as credential theft, lateral movement, and data exfiltration.Along with providing some of the largest platforms and cloud services used by businesses, Microsoft is a major cybersecurity vendor in its own right with 650,000 security customers.

In its post Saturday, Microsoft said that at the time of publication, the vast majority of observed activity has been scanning, but exploitation and post-exploitation activities have also been observed.

In particular, Microsoft has observed activities including installing coin miners, Cobalt Strike to enable credential theft and lateral movement, and exfiltrating data from compromised systems, the company said.

Microsoft did not provide further details on any of these attacks. VentureBeat has reached out to Microsoft for any updated information.

According to a post from Netlab 360, attackers have exploited Log4Shell to deploy malware including Mirai and Muhstiktwo Linux botnets used for crypto mining and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

The Swiss Government Computer Emergency Response Team posted that it has observed use of Mirai and Muhstik (also known as Tsunami) to deploy DDoS attacks, as well as deployment of Kinsing malware for crypto mining.

In response to the vulnerability, Microsoft said that security teams should focus on more than just attack preventionand should also be looking for indicators of an exploit using a behavior-based detection approach.

Because the Log4Shell vulnerability is so broad, and deploying mitigations takes time in large environments, we encourage defenders to look for signs of post-exploitation rather than fully relying on prevention, the company said in its post. Observed post exploitation activity such as coin mining, lateral movement, and Cobalt Strike are detected with behavior-based detections.

Cobalt Strike is a legitimate tool for penetration testing that is commercially available, but cyber criminals have increasingly begun to leverage the tool, according to a recent report from Proofpoint. Usage of Cobalt Strike by threat actors surged 161% in 2020, year over year, and the tool has been appearing in Proofpoint threat data more frequently than ever in 2021, the company said.

In terms of Microsofts own products that may have vulnerabilities due to use of Log4j, the company has said that its investigating the issue. In a separate blog post Saturday, the Microsoft Security Response Center wrote that its security teams have been conducting an active investigation of our products and services to understand where Apache Log4j may be used.

If we identify any customer impact, we will notify the affected party, the Microsoft post says.

The Log4Shell vulnerability has impacted version 2.0 through version 2.14.1 of Apache Log4j, and organizations are advised to update to version 2.15.0 as quickly as possible. Vendors including Cisco,VMware, andRed Hat have issued advisories about potentially vulnerable products.

Something to keep in mind about this vulnerability is that you may be at risk without even knowing it, said Roger Koehler, vice president of threat ops at managed detection and response firm Huntress, in an email. Lots of enterprise organizations and the tools they use may include the Log4j package bundled in but that inclusion isnt always evident. As a result, many enterprise organizations are finding themselves at the mercy of their software vendors to patch and update their unique software as appropriate.

However, patches for software products must be developed and rolled out by vendors, and it then takes additional time for businesses to test and deploy the patches. The process can end up taking quite some time before businesses have actually patched their systems, Koehler said.

To help reduce risk in the meantime, workarounds have begun to emerge for security teams.

One tool, developed by researchers at security vendor Cybereason, disables the vulnerability and allows organizations to stay protected while they update their servers, according to the company.

After deploying it, any future attempts to exploit the Log4Shell vulnerability wont work, said Yonatan Striem-Amit, cofounder and chief technology officer at Cybereason. The company has described the fix as a vaccine because it works by leveraging the Log4Shell vulnerability itself. It was released for free on Friday evening.

Still, no one should see the tool as a permanent solution to addressing the vulnerability in Log4j, Striem-Amit told VentureBeat.

The idea isnt that this is a long-term fix solution, he said. The idea is, you buy yourself time to now go and apply the best practices patch your software, deploy a new version, and all the other things required for good IT hygiene.

The Log4Shell vulnerability is considered highly dangerous because of the widespread use of Log4j in software and because the flaw is seen as fairly easy to exploit. The RCE flaw can ultimately enable attacker to remotely access and control devices.

Log4Shell is probably the most significant [vulnerability] in a decade and may end up being the most significant ever, Tenable CEO Amit Yoran said Saturday on Twitter.

According to W3Techs, an estimated 31.5% of all websites run on Apache servers. The list of companies with vulnerable infrastructure reportedly includes Apple, Amazon, Twitter, and Cloudflare.

This vulnerability, which is being widely exploited by a growing set of threat actors, presents an urgent challenge to network defenders given its broad use, said Jen Easterly, director of the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), in a statement posted Saturday.

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Bluewire Aims to Save Carriers’ Reputations – Transport Topics Online

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A data-driven approach to reputation management that could help trucking companies counter plaintiffs attorneys attacks in trials involving crashes is under development, led by an industry veteran known for crafting technological solutions to vexing problems.

If the trucking industry is adopting all of these amazing technologies, why is it that these trial lawyers are having so much success painting the industry as bad operators? said Steve Bryan, an industry data expert and founder of safety data firm Vigillo, which later was acquired by SambaSafety. Then it hit us, Bryan said. Oh my gosh, its so simple. Its the reputation of motor carriers.

Where Vigillo helped companies manage data used by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrations Compliance, Safety, Accountability program, Bryans new venture Bluewire aims to build on cutting-edge artificial intelligence software to provide carriers and their insurance partners with a scientific, data-driven methodology for protection against the vulnerabilities that lead to what he called reputation-damaging false narratives.

When I left Samba last fall, I started talking to people and bouncing ideas; it just started snowballing, Bryan told Transport Topics. Theres lots of people out there with good services and good products nobodys suggesting we cant keep promoting all the good safety technologies, software and services. But when you put all of this good stuff together, what hit us between the eyes as we started digging in is that the reputation of a motor carrier [is] what the plaintiffs attack.

The company, headquartered in Government Camp, Ore., should be bringing the first iteration of the service to the market in the first quarter next year, Bryan said. He thinks this is just the beginning of a software platform that likely will grow in sophistication over the next 10 years.

Bluewire Chairman and CEO Steve Bryan

Bluewire is designed to provide information to carriers that can be used to counter a tactic used by many plaintiff attorneys called the reptile theory, a strategy aimed at creating fear and anger in juries. The reptile theory dictates that plaintiff attorneys go beyond the accident, and delve deeply into a carriers safety records and procedures to persuade jurors to send a message to the industry with multimillion-dollar verdicts.

The idea is to be proactive and try to head off carriers vulnerabilities, with the ultimate goal of truckers to be able to say to the reptile attorney, Im glad you asked that question, said Doug Marcello, a trucking industry attorney who represents Bluewire.


Bryan said Bluewire will feature several levels of data mining to identify a carrier or drivers reputation. First, it will use traditional methods of gaining information from databases using a modular mining application programming interface. From there, it will conduct more sophisticated text mining, extracting raw text data from places such as job board postings, social media posts and other things that are textual in nature.

In addition, Bryan said Bluewire will use artificial intelligence to read tens of thousands of pages of text and make them meaningful.

Thats what we think is a new ingredient in what were doing, he said, but its just one of the kinds of data mining that well do.

We can look for things called sentiment analysis so you can see in these volumes of text that people are focused on certain topics like if theyre being critical of a particular company, or even a particular driver, Bryan added. You can glean from this text mining what their attitudes are about that person or company. You could call our service an ongoing audit of motor carrier weaknesses.

Although the company has not yet made public its pricing structure for prospective clients, Bryan said it will be affordable for large and small motor carriers.

Bluewires level of collaboration and communication within the industry on its technology platform largely will be limited to trucking companies, defense attorneys and insurance companies, and other allied partners that will assist in providing potential solutions.

When problems are identified, Bluewire can refer a carrier to one of its partners such as McLeod Software, Drivewyze, Kelly Anderson Group, TranSharpe Solutions, UVeye and others for solutions. Bluewire and McLeod are excited to explore ways all this available structured and unstructured data can be used within the Bluewire applications and tools to help defend our customers against nuclear verdicts, McLeod said in a statement.


Bluewires directors and advisory board consist of some of the industrys longtime safety advocates, such as Annette Sandberg, a Davenport, Wash., defense attorney, consultant and former administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

Bill Kanasky Jr., senior vice president of litigation psychology for Courtroom SciencesInc., said, One of the biggest reasons for nuclear verdicts is that the plaintiffs bar is extraordinarily well-coordinated, and they communicate really well together. They dont compete with each other. Whereas, the defense is the complete polar opposite in that regard.

Kanasky is a member of Bluewires advisory board.

Bluewire is a very secure community where members can come in we have on the advisory board several experts from various areas of trucking and transportation and really share solutions and ideas and support each other and increase that communication, Kanasky said. Thats really, really important.

I think the whole concept is to really get trucking companies more prepared, Sandberg said. A lot of companies are doing really good things, but I think they get caught flat-footed when they get handed one of these lawsuits, and suddenly they forget theres a really good story they could tell.

Redefining the Reptile Theory by Transport Topics on Scribd

Nuclear verdicts are one of the biggest issues in trucking today, said Mike Card, president of Combined Transport of Central Point, Ore., and a member of Bluewires board of directors. I could have one minor issue that our driver gets involved with that could put us out of business in the blink of an eye. Its the single biggest fear I have when I close my eyes at night.

Probably most important is using the data analytics that Vigillo and Steve Bryan do so well [to] show jurors that this doesnt deserve a nuclear verdict, that this company is a positive force for society. There are other safety people out there, but this is a different animal.

Brenda Lantz, a commercial motor vehicle researcher at the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute in Fargo, N.D., said, I have never heard of anybody doing this type of work before.

Lantz has has worked with Bryan for years and, as a strong advocate for truck safety, she joined Bluewires advisory board because she thought the work would be valuable in terms of working with trucking companies and trying to improve safety.


Said Paul Enos, president of the Nevada Trucking Association and chairman of American Trucking Associations Trucking Association Executives Council: Its looking at what your vulnerabilities are on the internet and being able to get rid of some of those before youre in the frying pan.

But what I really am excited about the company is that it provides a forum for trucking companies, insurance companies, our defense attorneys, and state trucking associations. Its going to protect us better as an industry.

Bryan believes Bluewire is a first-of-its-kind service but realizes innovation moves fast.

You always have to be careful to say we have no competition, because theres always competition, he said. Theres always people that will be waiting in the wings. Once a pioneer approves a concept, we will definitely find competition later on. Thats fine. Thats what makes America great.

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Top 10 Big Data Conferences to Attend in 2022 – Analytics Insight

Make a note of these big data conferences you must attend in 2022

Big data conferences will allow you to network with specialists in the field and refresh your expertise.

You will learn more about new technology, techniques, and personal experiences with data difficulties and how they are addressed. In addition, you will receive practical guidance and recommendations for your data-related business difficulties.

You will have the opportunity to network with your peers at these conferences. Software engineers, project managers, data scientists, data architects, data analysts and anybody else interested in learning more about new technologies are encouraged to attend these workshops.

Dates: 4 March to 5 March 2022

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Exploring innovative solutions for data analysis is the conferences primary focus. Big data analytics, big data algorithms,big data technology, big data applications and artificial intelligence will all be explored here.

A conference on neuroscience, data mining using big data, and research objectives and initiatives will be held. On various themes, there will be seminars, lectures and group discussions.

Dates: 4 April to 9 April 2022

Location: California, US

It is the sixth worldwide big data service and applications solution. Three international sessions on big data in water resources, smart city big data analytics, environment and hydraulic technology and industrial big data and signal processing were held during the conference.

This conference is for researchers and professionals who want to learn about the most recent research findings on the subject. Your colleagues will also inform you about upcoming industrial technology and the most recent development efforts.

Dates: 21st May to 22nd May 2022

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, US

This data conference is for you if your company is data-driven. Attending this seminar will provide you with practical business tips and tactics.

This three-day seminar will provide you with practical guidance and training. You will hear about the creative ways employed by leading firms at this conference, as well as how they tackle data management difficulties.

Anybody interested in technical topics, technological advances, or the use of big data for BI, analytics, and strategy is welcome to attend. Software developers, project managers, data analysts, DBAs, data architects and data scientists will benefit from it.

Dates: 25 June to 30 June 2022

Location: San Diego, US

Several more subjects will be explored in addition to big data architecture, big data modelling, big data as a service, big data for vertical markets, big data toolkits, big data public platforms and so on.

This conference should be attended since there will be an open forum where business insights will be discussed.

Dates: 8 July to 13 July 2022

Location: Milan, Italy

Big data for corporate transformation, big data in meeting objectives, big data in local governance models and practises, big data in smart world solutions and a variety of other topics will be presented.

This event should be attended since there will be an open forum where business insights will be discussed.

Dates: 31st Oct to 1st Nov 2022

Location: London, UK

Data-driven performance management, deep learning, risk assessment and fraud detection utilising big data analytics, data-driven initiatives and a variety of other subjects will be discussed.

The Innovation Enterprise hosts conferences in the fields of analytics, finance, distribution network and technology.

Dates: 11 Nov to 16 Nov 2022

Location: Orlando, Florida, US

Youll hear from industry professionals regarding data difficulties. New technology and techniques will be discussed during the conference. But its not only about new technology; youll be able to find answers to your data issues as well.

Data architecture and management, modern database administration, analytic insights and data planning and leadership are among the topics covered.

Dates: 16 Nov 2022

Location: Los Angeles, California, US

The impact of a new technological platform and data access on organisations and sectors will be discussed during the event. It will be a discussion about big data from a business standpoint. The conferences topic will be Impact. A full discussion on the effect of voice, face recognition, video and AR/VR techniques will be held.

Dates: 17 Nov to 20 Nov 2022

Location: Singapore

This is a data analysis research conference. Sessions, seminars and tutorials will be held.

This conference is open to researchers, app developers, and counsellors interested in data mining. The event will go into data mining methods, software, systems, and applications in depth.

Dates: 27 Nov 2022

Location: London, UK

Two sessions will be held. Building an agile, flexible, and strong big data architecture, recognising patterns in unstructured and structured data, and enhancing business planning and decision making are all topics covered in the first session.

In a nutshell, it will go over how to get the most out of enterprise data. The second session will focus on overcoming major obstacles and increasing efficiency.

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Top 10 Big Data Conferences to Attend in 2022 - Analytics Insight

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Visionary Perspective of AI is the Next Big Military Intelligence Strategic Advantage – Yahoo Finance UK

Dublin, Dec. 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Global Military Intelligence Analytics Growth Opportunities" report has been added to's offering.

Military intelligence (MILINT) AI is a growing phenomenon that generates conceptual transformation in future battlefield concepts of operations (ConOps), gathered by demand for AI-analytics-based sensors paradigm. It increases intelligence resources in defense budgets, and becomes a strategic national asset that reflects deeply international superpower relations.

With its strategic implications on armed forces around the globe, intelligence warfare will take place across a multi-domain battlespace with further integration of air, maritime, land, and cyber-based intelligence analytics domains.

New APIs are also driving these developments in MILINT requirements, such as NLP, data mining, real-time analysis, and automatic target recognition (ATR) based on AI. These systems will both need to be integrated into current IT and distribution systems, as well as analytics APIs that need to manage large amounts of data for operational use and demands.

This study covers the quantitative and qualitative discussion of the key aspects of the trends in the military intelligence market, including drivers and restrains, market commercial ecosystem, and technological overview, including leading APIs and main projects.

Key Topics Covered:

1. Strategic Imperatives

2. Growth Opportunity Analysis - Military Intelligence Analytics

3. Overview

AI Era in MILINT - A Rapid Change

The Substantial Challenge for Intelligence Agencies

Revolution or Evolution in the Intelligence Process

Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Market Definitions

MILINT Analytics 2020-2035

Deep Learning Algorithms that Execute Diverse Tasks

4. Forecast Assumptions

5. Strategic Scope

Story continues

6. MILINT Analytics Impact on ConOps

Trends Impacting Demand of MILINT Analytics 2020-2030

MILINT Analytics Catalyze Changing Military ConOps

How Battlefield Trends Impact MILINT AI Demands

AI MILINT Surge Dilemmas

Revolution or Evolution - From Data Lake to Data Warehouse

MILINT Analytics Architecture

7. External Challenges - Drivers and Restraints: Total Big Data Analytics Market

MILINT Analytics - Implementation of Digital Solutions

Growth Driver Analysis for Military Intelligence Analytics

Growth Restraint Analysis for Military Intelligence Analytics

8. Application Diversity

MILINT Analytics Schematic Segments Architecture

Definitions of AI Structures

MILINT Analytics Key Technologies and Applications - Methods of Extracting Valuable Intelligence from Unstructured Data

Deep Learning Algorithms that Execute Diverse Tasks

Diligent Resources to Support AI Applications

Case Study 1 - Social Network Analysis: The Boko Haram Terrorist Organization (Central Africa)

Case Study 2 - Automatic Target Recognition and Acquisition (ATR)

Case Study 3 - Situational Awareness

9. Market Overview and Analysis

Key Growth Metrics for Military Intelligence Analytics

Forecast Assumptions and Discussion

Total Spending Forecast 2020-2030 - Military Intelligence Analytics

Regional Spending Forecast 2020-2030 - Military Intelligence Analytics

Forecast Discussion

Current Main Programs in the US - Military Intelligence Analytics

Examples of Contracts 2020-2024 - Military Intelligence Analytics

Key Competitors - Military Intelligence Analytics

10. Mergers & Acquisitions - Military Intelligence Analytics

11. Growth Opportunities and Companies to Action - Military Intelligence Analytics

Growth Opportunity 1: Narrow AI Short-term Focus for IC

Growth Opportunity 2: AGI - Mid-term Focus for Human-like Performance

Growth Opportunity 3: AI-as-a-service (AI-aaS) Across MILINT Verticals for Harnessing Treasure Troves of Data to Improve Efficiency

Growth Opportunity 4: Intelligence Supremacy Rivals for Enhancing US MILINT AI Capabilities

Growth Opportunity 5: MILINT NLP to Automatically Classify and Match Incoming Data

Growth Opportunity 6: Training Data for Building Trust in MILINT AI Algorithms

Strategic Imperatives to Achieve Growth Within the DoD Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem

For more information about this report visit

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Visionary Perspective of AI is the Next Big Military Intelligence Strategic Advantage - Yahoo Finance UK

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90% of bitcoin’s supply has been mined and 4 other crypto updates you should know – CNBC

Though it briefly popped above $50,000 on Sunday, the price of bitcoin retreated at the start of the week.

The largest cryptocurrency by market value is trading at around $47,358 as of Monday afternoon, according to Coin Metrics.

Other top cryptocurrencies are also down, including ether, the second-largest cryptocurrency. Ether is currently trading at around $3,813.

Along with price movement, here are five important things that happened in the cryptocurrency space last week.

On Wednesday, crypto industry executives testified before the House Financial Services Committee.

The hearing was called by committee leader Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., in an effort to understand crypto assets better and discuss potential regulation.

"Because of their nascent stage of development and unique underlying technology, digital assets trade in markets that are fundamentally different from traditional financial markets," Alesia Haas, Coinbase chief financial officer, said in her testimony. "As a result, existing regulatory regimes often do not accommodate this new technology."

The discussion was overall positive, rather than contentious, Jeremy Allaire, chief executive officer of Circle, the issuer of the stablecoin USDC, said after the hearing.

Also on Wednesday, Kickstarter announced plans to create a decentralized version of its crowdfunding platform.

"We're supporting the development of an open source protocol that will essentially create a decentralized version of Kickstarter's core functionality," the company wrote in a blog post. "This will live on a public blockchain, and be available for collaborators, independent contributors, and even Kickstarter competitors, from all over the world to build upon, connect to, or use."

The new protocol does not yet have a name, but Kickstarter plans to move its site onto the protocol in 2022,Bloomberg reported.

Developers activated Arrow Glacier, an upgrade to theEthereumnetwork,on Thursday.

The upgrade pushed back the so-called "difficulty bomb," which could potentially slow or freeze mining on Ethereum, back to June 2022. By that time, developers hope to have transitioned Ethereum from a proof-of-work model for mining to a proof-of-stake model.

Developers plan to introduce the "bomb" to motivate the transition to proof-of-stake, since it will make proof-of-work mining significantly more difficult.

Delaying the "bomb" gave developers more time to work on Ethereum 2.0, or Eth2, before the shift.

To learn more about Eth2, read here.

TheConstitutionDAOannounced in November that it would shut down afterbeing outbid for a rare copy of the U.S. Constitution during a Sotheby's auction. But the DAO's token, called PEOPLE, continues to surge.

PEOPLE hit an all-time high of 17 cents on Sunday, according to Coin Gecko. It's up over 152% in the last seven days.

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90% of bitcoin's supply has been mined and 4 other crypto updates you should know - CNBC

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