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Quantum physics requires imaginary numbers to explain reality – Science News Magazine

Imaginary numbers might seem like unicorns and goblins interesting but irrelevant to reality.

But for describing matter at its roots, imaginary numbers turn out to be essential. They seem to be woven into the fabric of quantum mechanics, the math describing the realm of molecules, atoms and subatomic particles. A theory obeying the rules of quantum physics needs imaginary numbers to describe the real world, two new experiments suggest.

Imaginary numbers result from taking the square root of a negative number. They often pop up in equations as a mathematical tool to make calculations easier. But everything we can actually measure about the world is described by real numbers, the normal, nonimaginary figures were used to (SN: 5/8/18). Thats true in quantum physics too. Although imaginary numbers appear in the inner workings of the theory, all possible measurements generate real numbers.

Quantum theorys prominent use of complex numbers sums of imaginary and real numbers was disconcerting to its founders, including physicist Erwin Schrdinger. From the early days of quantum theory, complex numbers were treated more as a mathematical convenience than a fundamental building block, says physicist Jingyun Fan of the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, China.

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Some physicists have attempted to build quantum theory using real numbers only, avoiding the imaginary realm with versions called real quantum mechanics. But without an experimental test of such theories, the question remained whether imaginary numbers were truly necessary in quantum physics, or just a useful computational tool.

A type of experiment known as a Bell test resolved a different quantum quandary, proving that quantum mechanics really requires strange quantum linkages between particles called entanglement (SN: 8/28/15). We started thinking about whether an experiment of this sort could also refute real quantum mechanics, says theoretical physicist Miguel Navascus of the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Vienna. He and colleagues laid out a plan for an experiment in a paper posted online at in January 2021 and published December 15 in Nature.

In this plan, researchers would send pairs of entangled particles from two different sources to three different people, named according to conventional physics lingo as Alice, Bob and Charlie. Alice receives one particle, and can measure it using various settings that she chooses. Charlie does the same. Bob receives two particles and performs a special type of measurement to entangle the particles that Alice and Charlie receive. A real quantum theory, with no imaginary numbers, would predict different results than standard quantum physics, allowing the experiment to distinguish which one is correct.

Fan and colleagues performed such an experiment using photons, or particles of light, they report in a paper to be published in Physical Review Letters. By studying how Alice, Charlie and Bobs results compare across many measurements, Fan, Navascus and colleagues show that the data could be described only by a quantum theory with complex numbers.

Another team of physicists conducted an experiment based on the same concept using a quantum computer made with superconductors, materials which conduct electricity without resistance. Those researchers, too, found that quantum physics requires complex numbers, they report in another paper to be published in Physical Review Letters. We are curious about why complex numbers are necessary and play a fundamental role in quantum mechanics, says quantum physicist Chao-Yang Lu of the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, a coauthor of the study.

But the results dont rule out all theories that eschew imaginary numbers, notes theoretical physicist Jerry Finkelstein of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, who was not involved with the new studies. The study eliminated certain theories based on real numbers, namely those that still follow the conventions of quantum mechanics. Its still possible to explain the results without imaginary numbers by using a theory that breaks standard quantum rules. But those theories run into other conceptual issues, making them ugly, he says. But if youre willing to put up with the ugliness, then you can have a real quantum theory.

Despite the caveat, other physicists agree that the quandaries raised by the new findings are compelling. I find it intriguing when you ask questions about why is quantum mechanics the way it is, says physicist Krister Shalm of the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colo. Asking whether quantum theory could be simpler or if it contains anything unnecessary, these are very interesting and thought-provoking questions.

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Quantum physics requires imaginary numbers to explain reality - Science News Magazine

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Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Quantum Physics job with UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO | 275372 – Times Higher Education (THE)


About us/M mtou

The University of Otago is New Zealands oldest university, with its Physics Department a founding element of the University. The Dodd-Walls Centre is a national Centre of Research Excellence, providing opportunities for collaboration across world class experimental and theoretical quantum physics groups.

The Role/Te mahi

A Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in Theoretical Quantum Physics is available in the Dodd-Walls Centre at the Department of Physics. The position is in the group of the Centres Director, Professor David Hutchinson, and will support the research programme of the group.

The main research aims of the group involve the theoretical studies of ultracold atomic gases and, in particular, the effects of disorder upon properties of cold gases. A strong theoretical background in ultracold gases or condensed matter physics is strongly desirable, although candidates with backgrounds that complement Professor Hutchinsons other research interests will be considered.

PhD scholarships are also available within the group.

Further details/Proko

This position is fixed-term, full-time for two years.

Specific enquiries may be directed to Professor Hutchinson via the contact details on the Current Vacancies page at: Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Quantum Physics


To submit your application (Including CV and cover letter) please click the apply button. Applications quoting reference number 2101991 will close on Thursday, 27 January 2022.

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Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Quantum Physics job with UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO | 275372 - Times Higher Education (THE)

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9 equations that changed the world –

Mathematical equations offer unique windows into the world. They make sense of reality and help us see things that haven't been previously noticed. So its no surprise that new developments in math have often gone hand in hand with advancements in our understanding of the universe. Here, we take a look at nine equations from history that have revolutionized how we look at everything from tiny particles to the vast cosmos.

One of the first major trigonometric rules that people learn in school is the relationship between the sides of a right triangle: the length of each of the two shorter sides squared and added together equals the length of the longest side squared. This is usually written as a^2 + b^2 = c^2, and it has been known for at least 3,700 years, since the time of the ancient Babylonians.

The Greek mathematician Pythagoras is credited with writing down the version of the equation used today, according to the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Along with finding use in construction, navigation, mapmaking and other important processes, the Pythagorean theorem helped expand the very concept of numbers. In the fifth century B.C., the mathematician Hippasus of Metapontum noticed that an isosceles right triangle whose two base sides are 1 unit in length will have a hypotenuse that is the square root of 2, which is an irrational number. (Until that point, no one in recorded history had come across such numbers.) For his discovery, Hippasus is said to have been cast into the sea, because the followers of Pythagoras (including Hippasus) were so disturbed by the possibility of numbers that went on forever after a decimal point without repeating, according to an article from the University of Cambridge.

British luminary Sir Isaac Newton is credited with a large number of world-shattering findings. Among them is his second law of motion, which states that force is equal to the mass of an object times its acceleration, usually written asF=ma. An extension of this law, combined with Newton's other observations, led him, in 1687, to describe what is now called his law of universal gravitation. It is usually written as F= G (m1* m2) / r^2, where m1 and m2 are the masses of two objects and r is the distance between them. G is a fundamental constant whose value has to be discovered through experimentation. These concepts have been used to understand many physical systems since, including the motion of planets in the solar system and the means to travel between them using rockets.

Using Newton's relatively new laws, 18th-century scientists began analyzing everything around them. In 1743, French polymath Jean-Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert derived an equation describing the vibrations of an oscillating string or the movement of a wave, according to a paper published in 2020 in the journal Advances in Historical Studies. The equation can be written as follows:

1/v^2 * ^2y/t^2= ^2y/x^2

In this equation, v is the velocity of a wave, and the other parts describe the displacement of the wave in one direction. Extended to two or more dimensions, the wave equation allows researchers to predict the movement of water, seismic and sound waves and is the basis for things like the Schrdinger equationof quantum physics, which underpins many modern computer-based gadgets.

Even if you haven't heard of the French baron Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier, his work has affected your life. That's because the mathematical equations he wrote down in 1822 have allowed researchers to break down complex and messy data into combinations of simple waves that are much easier to analyze. The Fourier transform, as it's known, was a radical notion in its time, with many scientists refusing to believe that intricate systems could be reduced to such elegant simplicity, according to an article in Yale Scientific. But Fourier transforms are the workhorses in many modern fields of science, including data processing, image analysis, optics, communication, astronomy and engineering.

Electricity and magnetism were still new concepts in the 1800s, when scholars investigated how to capture and harness these strange forces. Scottish scientist James Clerk Maxwell greatly boosted our understanding of both phenomena in 1864, when he published a list of 20 equations describing how electricity and magnetism functioned and were interrelated. Later honed to four, Maxwell's equations are now taught to first-year physics students in college and provide a basis for everything electronic in our modern technological world.

No list of transformational equations could be complete without the most famous equation of all. First stated by Albert Einstein in 1905 as part of his groundbreaking theory of special relativity, E = mc^2 showed that matter and energy were two aspects of one thing. In the equation, Estands for energy,mrepresents mass andcis the constant speed of light. The notions contained within such a simple statement are still hard for many people to wrap their minds around, but without E = mc^2, we wouldn't understand how stars or the universe worked or know to build gigantic particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider to probe the nature of the subatomic world.

It seems like hubris to think you can create a set of equations that define the entire cosmos, but that's just what Russian physicist Alexander Friedmanndid in the 1920s. Using Einstein's theories of relativity, Freidmann showed that the characteristics of an expanding universe could be expressed from the Big Bang onward using two equations.

They combine all the important aspects of the cosmos, including its curvature, how much matter and energy it contains, and how fast it's expanding, as well as a number of important constants, like the speed of light, the gravitational constant and the Hubble constant, which captures the accelerating expansion of the universe. Einstein famously didn't like the idea of an expanding or contracting universe, which his theory of general relativity suggested would happen due to the effects of gravity. He tried to add a variable into the result denoted by the Greek letter lambda that acted counter to gravity to make the cosmos static. While he later called it his greatest mistake, decades afterwards the idea was dusted off and shown to exist in the form of the mysterious substance dark energy, which is driving an accelerated expansion of the universe.

Most people are familiar with the 0s and 1s that make up computer bits. But this critical concept wouldn't have become popular without the pioneering work of American mathematician and engineer Claude Shannon. In an important 1948 paper, Shannon laid out an equation showing the maximum efficiency at which information could be transmitted, often given as C = B * 2log(1+S/N). In the formula, C is the achievable capacity of a particular information channel, B is the bandwidth of the line, S is the average signal power and N is the average noise power. (The S over N gives the famous signal-to-noise ratio of the system.) The output of the equation is in units of bits per second. In the 1948 paper, Shannon credits the idea of the bit to mathematician John W. Tukey as a shorthand for the phrase binary digit.

Very simple things can sometimes generate unimaginably complex results. This truism might not seem all that radical, but it took until the mid-20th century for scientists to fully appreciate the idea's weight. When the field of chaos theory took off during that time, researchers began to get a handle on the ways that systems with just a few parts that fed back on themselves might produce random and unpredictable behavior. Australian physicist, mathematician and ecologist Robert May wrote a paper, published in the journal Nature in 1976, titled "Simple mathematical models with very complicated dynamics," which popularized the equation xn+1 = k * xn(1 xn).

Xn represents some quantity in a system at the present time that feeds back on itself through the part designated by (1 xn). K is a constant, and xn+1 shows the system at the next moment in time. Though quite straightforward, different values of k will produce wildly divergent results, including some with complex and chaotic behavior. May's map has been used to explain population dynamics in ecological systems and to generate random numbers for computer programming.

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Swinging on the quantum level – EurekAlert

image:If two differently coloured lasers are used to excite a quantum system (shown schematically on the left), it can be excited via a swing up process. This corresponds to a spiral movement in the quantum system. view more

Credit: University of Mnster - AG Reiter

After the first quantum revolution the development of devices such as lasers and the atomic clock the second quantum revolution is currently in full swing. Experts from all over the world are developing fundamentally new technologies based on quantum physics. One key application is quantum communication, where information is written and sent in light. For many applications making use of quantum effects, the light has to be in a certain state namely a single photon state. But what is the best way of generating such single photon states? In the PRX Quantum journal, researchers from Mnster, Bayreuth and Berlin (Germany) have now proposed an entirely new way of preparing quantum systems in order to develop components for quantum technology.

In the experts view it is highly promising to use quantum systems for generating single photon states. One well-known example of such a quantum system is a quantum dot. This is a semiconductor structure, just a few nanometres in size. Quantum dots can be controlled using laser pulses. Although quantum dots have properties similar to those of atoms, they are embedded in a crystal matrix, which is often more practical for applications. Quantum dots are excellent for generating single photons, and that is something we are already doing in our labs almost every day, says Dr. Tobias Heindel, who runs an experimental lab for quantum communication at the Technical University of Berlin. But there is still much room for improvement, especially in transferring this technology from the lab to real applications, he adds.

One difficulty that has to be overcome is to separate the generated single photons from the exciting laser pulse. In their work, the researchers propose an entirely new method of solving this problem. The excitation exploits a swing-up process in the quantum system, explains Mnster Universitys Thomas Bracht, the lead author of the study. For this, we use one or more laser pulses which have frequencies which differ greatly from those in the system. This makes spectral filtering very easy.

Scientists define the swing-up process as a particular behaviour of the particles excited by the laser light in the quantum system the electrons or, to be more precise, electron-hole pairs (excitons). Here, laser light from two lasers is used which emit light pulses almost simultaneously. As a result of the interaction of the pulses with one another, a rapid modulation occurs, and in each modulation cycle, the particle is always excited a little, but then dips towards the ground state again. In this process, however, it does not fall back to its previous level, but is excited more strongly with each swing up until it reaches the maximum state. The advantage of this method is that the laser light does not have the same frequency as the light emitted by the excited particles. This means that photons generated from the quantum dot can be clearly assigned.

The team simulated this process in the quantum system, thus providing guidelines for experimental implementation. We also explain the physics of the swing-up process, which helps us to gain a better understanding of the dynamics in the quantum system, says associate professor Dr. Doris Reiter, who led the study.

In order to be able to use the photons in quantum communication, they have to possess certain properties. In addition, any preparation of the quantum system should not be negatively influenced by environmental processes or disruptive influences. In quantum dots, especially the interaction with the surrounding semiconductor material is often a big problem for such preparation schemes. Our numerical simulations show that the properties of the photons generated after the swing-up process are comparable with the results of established methods for generating single photons, which are less practical, adds Prof. Martin Axt, who heads the team of researchers from Bayreuth.

The study constitutes theoretical work. As a result of the collaboration between theoretical and experimental groups, however, the proposal is very close to realistic experimental laboratory conditions, and the authors are confident that an experimental implementation of the scheme will soon be possible. With their results, the researchers are taking a further step towards developing the quantum technologies of tomorrow.

Computational simulation/modeling

Not applicable

Swing-Up of Quantum Emitter Population Using Detuned Pulses


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Swinging on the quantum level - EurekAlert

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Growing Peppers on the ISS Is Just the Start of Space Farming – newsconcerns

The sensory experience of growing productive crops can also help mitigate the psychological effects of long-term space travel. Theres a certain emotional connection to food that doesnt come from a dehydrated space pantry. Spencer says the team cracked open the door of the APH every day to observe their vegetable companions with all the tenderness of home gardeners. When harvest day came, they batted their bounty around the ISS, taking selfies and delighting in watching the fruits pirouetting around the spacecraft. Even when the sharp heat of that first bite made them scrunch up their faces, the astronauts still reveled in the chilies, which they ate with fajita beef and rehydrated tomatoes and artichokes.

We were thinking no heat, so that [the peppers] wouldnt be dangerous, but maybe the astronauts need a little spice in their life, says Paul Bosland, who along with his colleagues at the Chile Pepper Institute genetically engineered the Espaola Improved chili pepper seeds grown in Plant Habitat-04. (They are the new extraterrestrial pride of New Mexico.)

Working with NASA, Bosland cultivated a variety that could accommodate both the nutritional needs of astronauts as well as the logistics of growing a plant in space. Boslands crosses are designed with Mars in mind: Bred to be early-maturing, compact, efficient under low light, resilient in low-pressure environments, and to pack three times the Vitamin C of an orange to prevent scurvy.

Every aspect of the plants growth cycle was mechanized. Seeds were planted along with a specially-developed fertilizer in a soil-less, arselite clay medium, and each quadrant was equipped with salt-absorbing wicks that protected the seedlings from scorching due to the saline residue of the fertilizer. Once they germinated, the astronauts thinned the plants until only four remained. The 180-plus sensors controlled every aspect of their growth conditions, including adjusting the colors of the lights to stunt their growth and keep them at a manageable two-foot height.

Despite the highly-controlled growing environment, microgravity affected the plants in some unforeseen ways. Without a gravitational tug, the flowers and their pollen-laden stamen grew facing upward. Ironically, that thwarted how the APH was supposed to pollinate themby using fans that pulsed soft bursts of air meant to mobilize pollen, the way a breeze would. Instead, astronauts had to fill in as knock-off bees, manually pollinating them one plant at a time.

Microgravity also posed challenges to watering. As demonstrated by the Canadian Space Agency, water behaves differently in microgravity than on Earth. Unable to fall, flow, or ascend, water creates an aqueous layer enveloping the surface of whatever it clings to. But clingy water can suffocate a plants roots; as Bosland notes, chili peppers dont like their feet wet.

This was one of the challenges APH engineer and Kennedy Space Center research scientist Oscar Monje had to solve. The system recycled water in a closed loop; the entire experiment used approximately the same amount of water as an office water cooler. Moisture sensors regulated the exact amount that adhered to a roots surface. Then any water unabsorbed by the plant would evaporate after humidity sensors created the arid environment peppers crave. Its not a technology thats ready to roll out on say, the moon or Mars. The APH uses a watering system thats not sustainable for crop production right now. But its good enough for conducting space biology experiments, Monje says.

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Growing Peppers on the ISS Is Just the Start of Space Farming - newsconcerns

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Experts warn against Originator Traceability Proposals that weaken Encryption – ThePrint

New Delhi [India], December 22 (ANI/BusinessWire India): The Dialogue, a Delhi based Tech Policy think tank, in partnership with DeepStrat a Delhi based think tank and strategic consultancy, hosted a virtual workshop Decrypting Encryption.

The workshop was aimed at analysing the technical and policy aspects of the encryption debate in India. The workshop was led by Professor Dr Sandeep Shukla who teaches Computer Science Engineering at IIT Kanpur and Anand Venkatanarayanan who is a respected cybersecurity researcher and a Strategic Advisor at DeepStrat.

The experts after detailing on the functional aspects of encryption technology explained why backdoors to end-to-end encrypted platforms will not fulfil legitimate State objectives but will lead to more cybersecurity challenges for the users and national security threats for the State.

The experts further discussed why the arrangement proposed by Professor Dr V Kamakoti before the Madras High Court and Hashing proposal envisioned in the IT Rules 2021 to catch savvy criminals on encrypted platforms is infeasible and will lead to more challenges than they seek to resolve.

On receiving questions on the efficacy of the proposal submitted by Professor Dr V. Kamakoti before the Madras High Court, Dr Shukla explained that this proposal is not implementable as it is replete with false positives. Any savvy criminal can easily spoof this arrangement to either protect himself or to implicate innocent citizens.

Dr Shukla added that end-to-end encryption includes cryptographic deniability at its core. This entails that every recipient can be confident that they have received a message from an authenticated sender yet none can prove who the sender is. Even a transcript of messages on the receivers end cannot be proof that a specific person has sent those messages.

Accordingly, any metadata tags associated with a message as proposed by Professor Dr V. Kamakoti cannot be attributed to any specific individual with certainty and would fail to fulfil the evidentiary burden of proof in a Court.

Discussing the Originator Traceability mandate envisaged under the IT Rules 2021, Anand Venkatanarayan explained why the Hashing solution is infeasible. This is because it is extremely easy to fool the system. The mandate is only to trace a bad actor in India which is recognised by a +91 identifier.A person may easily buy a foreign phone number that comes for as low as $1 and get away.

Dr. Shukla added, Alpha Numeric Hashing is not adequate and an unnecessary complication for a very small percentage of change for the LEAs. It can also be used against dissent and crack down on speech and thus the possibility of abuse is high making it not a viable option in my opinion.

Anand Venkatanarayan continued the workshop with a discussion of the recent disclosure by the FBI under the Freedom of Information Act on the metadata shared by popular messaging Apps. Metadata, he explained, can be understood as transactional data, except the content data (like chats). Metadata may include registration details, profile picture, status, last seen, contact list etc. Anand explained how metadata, accessed via established legal procedures, is used by law enforcement agencies (LEAs) to catch criminals and quoted the former NSA chief Michael Hayden saying, We kill people based on metadata.

With access to metadata per the procedure established by law, we do not need to weaken encryption to access content data and risk the cybersecurity nightmare. In addition to building the LEAs metadata analysis capabilities, Anand highlighted the importance of adhering to the data minimization principles and the four-fold test established by the Honble Supreme Court in the Puttaswamy judgement while accessing metadata.

The workshop concluded with recommendations to assist the State in lawful surveillance. The experts opined that in addition to building the metadata analysis capabilities of LEAs it is crucial to host training on what data sets can the LEAs request for at defined stages of investigation and a streamlined process for accessing it along with judicial oversight on the said process.

This story is provided by BusinessWire India. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. (ANI/BusinessWire India)

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Experts warn against Originator Traceability Proposals that weaken Encryption - ThePrint

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NEC develops secure biometric authentication tech to enable certification with encrypted face information – Japan Today

NEC Corp has announced the development of a secure biometric authentication technology that allows users to authenticate themselves with encrypted face information. This technology reduces the risk of misuse if face information is leaked and contributes to the expansion of safe and secure biometric authentication use cases.

With the application of this technology, all face information handled by service providers is encrypted. Therefore, even if encrypted face information is leaked, the risk of being misused for spoofing is low. Moreover, since users have a secret key for decryption, service providers cannot decrypt face information, enabling users to take advantage of the face recognition service with peace of mind.

Face recognition is increasingly being introduced as a means of identity verification, but in the unlikely event that registered face information is leaked, it may lead to misuse, such as spoofing. As a result, greater attention is being paid to technologies that perform biometric authentication while encrypting information, such as face information. Specifically, homomorphic encryption (*1) is known to perform authentication processing while biometric features are encrypted, and without deteriorating the accuracy of certification.

However, homomorphic encryption can only perform simple operations, and processing speed is greatly reduced when performing the complex processing required by biometric authentication. As a result, it has been limited to "1:1 Identification," which is used for logging into online services with relatively light processing. Conversely, the method has been difficult to apply for "1:N Identification," such as facility entry control and transaction settlements, which require greater processing speed.

In order to overcome this challenge, NEC developed a secure biometric authentication technology that can be applied to 1:N Identification by streamlining the processing of face recognition using homomorphic encryption.

Conventionally, 1:N Identification has required authentication processing that includes complex arithmetic operations that are difficult for homomorphic encryption. However, this technology reduces processing by focusing on promising candidates through simple operations, rather than processing all registered users. This narrowing down greatly reduces the number of authentication operations, including complex operations, so that 1:N Identification can be performed at high speed, even with homomorphic encryption.

With 1:N Identification for 10,000 registered users, for example, NEC's new technology can narrow down the number of user candidates in about 0.01 seconds. If the system narrows down the number of candidates to about 1% of the total number, it can perform face authentication processing in a speed of about 1 second.

In addition, the use of this technology does not impact the accuracy of certification.

(*1) Cryptographic technology that can perform operations such as addition and multiplication while encrypting data

Source: NEC Corp

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NEC develops secure biometric authentication tech to enable certification with encrypted face information - Japan Today

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Encrypt your emails from end to end for a lifetime with this software – TechRepublic

When only the utmost privacy will do for the messages you exchange by e-mail, you need a service that protects them entirely, but many additional privacy and security features are a big help.

Image: maxkabakov, Getty Images/iStockphoto

Hackers just keep becoming more and more successful. If you cherish your privacy and security and are looking for an alternative to something like ProtonMail, then the CTemplar End-to-End Encrypted Email Prime Plan: Lifetime Subscription should be exactly what you need.

When you want to make perfectly sure that no one but you and your recipient can access the content within your emails, you need a service offering anonymous end-to-end encryption, and that's exactly what CTemplar provides. It's a web-based solution that makes it possible for you to send and receive messages with absolute privacy. In fact, that privacy is also extended to anyone you're communicating with.

There is much less chance of your data being intercepted since nobody outside the server can access your account. Your passwords are guarded, as well, so none of your sensitive data will be exposed to unauthorized users. You won't have to worry about phishing attacks ever again, because you are protected against having your personal info and online profiles accessed by bogus sites.

This plan allows you an unlimited number of folders, with messages encrypted both at rest and in transit, including the subject, body and attachments. But you also get many other convenient features, such as an anonymized IP, virus protection, delayed delivery, self-destructing e-mails and a dead-man timer.

It's a simple matter to share whatever you like, as well, with a remote encrypted link. Best of all, a simple click of a button is all that's necessary to delete all of your messages and forward them on without leaving any trace of them behind. You get to enjoy total anonymity and peace of mind because CTemplar has dedicated servers with 24/7 security monitoring in Iceland, which has some of the strongest privacy laws in the world protecting anonymous usage.

Don't pass up this opportunity to get a lifetime of end-to-end encrypted e-mail, grab this CTemplar End-to-End Encrypted Email Prime Plan: Lifetime Subscription while it's on sale for only $199.99(normally $960).

Prices subject to change.

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Encrypt your emails from end to end for a lifetime with this software - TechRepublic

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Barrowford man who used encrypted phones to deal drugs jailed for more than 11 years – Burnley Express

Darren Bowling was arrested, along with Scott Robinson, by detectives in March after they were identified by the National Crime Agency as users of encrypted phones used by criminals to try and avoid detection.

Operation Venetic is an international operation targeting criminals who used a mobile encryption service, commonly referred to asEncrochat,in an attempt tofly under the radar of the law enforcement agencies.

Bowling used the Encrochat handle TribalTown and messages showed he was involved in the importation of drugs into the UK on numerous occasions. The messages discuss large amounts of money and various methods of transport in order to import the drugs into the country from both Europe and South America.

Bowling, 55, of Higher Park Hill, Barrowford pleaded guilty to conspiring to supply cocaine, money laundering and failure to comply with Serious Crime Prevention Order. He received 11-and-a-half years imprisonment.

Robinson used the handle Regal Radio which also showed messages discussing money and drugs.

Robinson, 41 of Westhead Road, Croston, admitted conspiring to supply cocaine, heroin, amphetamine and cannabis and was jailed for 11 years and three months.

Both men appeared last week at Preston Crown Court.

Det. Insp . artin Melvin, of East Police, said: This investigation shows our continuing commitment to work with our partners to take the fight to criminals by disrupting and dismantling organised crime groups as part of our policing operation aimed at keeping you and your local area safe.

Protecting people, especially the most vulnerable, is at the heart of everything we do; We know the vast majority of people living in Lancashire are law abiding citizens who do not deserve to have their lives blighted by the actions of a minority of offenders and we will continue to show those offenders that there is no place to hide.

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Barrowford man who used encrypted phones to deal drugs jailed for more than 11 years - Burnley Express

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‘I’m a big believer in encryption technology,’ says the former chairman of the US SEC. – BollyInside

Previous chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, Jay Clayton, was delegated by ex-President Donald Trump to serve in 2017. In his tenure as head of the SEC, Clayton often defended Bitcoin (BTC) as a store of significant worth. This previous Wednesday, during a interview with CNBCs Squawk Box show, Jay shared his musings on digital currency and how it ought to be directed going ahead. The previous SEC seat said that he is a huge believer in crypto technology and that its productivity benefits in the financial system and tokenization are enormous.

When asked whether the present chairperson is creating too many restrictions for the crypto industry, Jay said that cryptocurrencies have numerous purposes and are connected to a variety of industries, and the SEC should be in charge of regulating only those sectors that are linked to it.

Claytons remarks come as the current SEC chair, Gary Gensler, recently confirmed that the watchdog has no plans to ban crypto, but that U.S. congress could. Gensler warned, however, that crypto in its current form is comparable to the wild west without proper regulation.

Crypto is a wide variety of products, with a wide variety of functions, and the rules of our financial system are clear and long-standing. If you are raising capital for a project, you have to register your capital raising with SEC. If you are trading securities it has to be on a registered venue, But there are many crypto sectors like stablecoins that are not securities and outside of SEC purview.

Clayton did not allow the approval of a Bitcoin ETF during his term, which occurred now in 2021 under Gary Gensler. The agency has since come under fire for rejecting spot ETF applications and approving Bitcoin futures ETFs. Grayscale submitted a letter to SECs secretary, Vanessa Countryman, in which it stated that there is no basis for the position that investing in derivatives for an asset is acceptable for investors but not investing in the asset itself. The SEC was accused of treating the two Bitcoin ETF proposals unequally under the Administrative Protections Act, or APA.

According to Clayton, cryptocurrencies should be implemented but with appropriate regulation. He said that the government should be reactive to people who are violating our well-defined laws but proactive in encouraging the adoption of this technology throughout our financial system.

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'I'm a big believer in encryption technology,' says the former chairman of the US SEC. - BollyInside

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