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Neural’s best quantum computing and physics stories from 2021 – The Next Web

2021 will be remembered for a lot of things, but when its all said and done we think itll eventually get called the year quantum computing finally came into focus.

Thats not to say useful quantum computers have actually arrived yet. Theyre still somewhere between a couple years and a couple centuries away. Sorry for being so vague, but when youre dealing with quantum physics there arent yet many guarantees.

This is because physics is an incredibly complex and challenging field of study. And the difficulty gets cranked up exponentially when you start adding theoretical and quantum to the research.

Were talking about physics at the very edge of reason. Like, for example, imagining a quantum-powered artificial intelligence capable of taking on the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse.

That might sound pretty wacky, but this story explains why its not quite as out there as you might think.

But lets go even further. Lets go past the edge of reason and into the realm of the speculative science. Earlier this year we wondered what would happen if physicists could actually prove that reality as we know it isnt real.

Per that article:

Theoretically, if we could zoom in past the muons and leptons and keep going deeper and deeper, we could reach a point where all objects in the universe are indistinguishable from each other because, at the quantum level, everything that exists is just a sea of nearly-identical subparticulate entities.

This version of reality would render the concepts of space and time pointless. Time would only exist as a construct by which we give meaning to our own observations. And those observations would merely be the classical side-effects of existing in a quantum universe.

So, in the grand scheme of things, its possible that our reality is little more than a fleeting, purposeless arrangement of molecules. Everything that encompasses our entire universe may be nothing more than a brief hallucination caused by a quantum vibration.

Nothing makes you feel special like trying to conceive of yourself as a few seasoning particles in an infinite soup of gooey submolecules.

If having an existential quantum identity-crisis isnt your thing, we also covered a lot of cool stuff that doesnt require you to stop seeing yourself as an individual stack of materials.

Does anyone remember the time China said it had built a quantum computer a million times more powerful than Googles? We dont believe it. But thats the claim the researchersmade. You can read more about that here.

Oh, and that Google quantum system the Chinese researchers referenced? Yeah, it turns out it wasnt exactly the massive upgrade over classical supercomputers it was chalked up to be either.

But, of course, we forgive Google for its marketing faux pas. And thats because, hands down, the biggest story of the year for quantum computers was the time crystal breakthrough.

As we wrote at the time:

If Googles actually created time-crystals, it could accelerate the timeline for quantum computing breakthroughs from maybe never to maybe within a few decades.

At the far-fetched, super-optimistic end of things we could see the creation of a working warp drive in our lifetimes. Imagine taking a trip to Mars or the edge of our solar system, and being back home on Earth in time to catch the evening news.

And, even on the conservative end with more realistic expectations, its not hard to imagine quantum computing-based chemical and drug discovery leading to universally-effective cancer treatments.

Talk about a eureka moment!

But there were even bigger things in the world of quantum physics than just advancing computer technology.

Scientists from the University of Sussex determined that black holes emanate a specific kind of quantum pressure that could lend some credence to multiple universe theories.

Basically, we cant explain where the pressure comes from. Could this be blow back from white holes swallowing up energy and matter in a dark, doppelganger universe that exists parallel to our own? Nobody knows! You can read more here though.

Still there were even bigger philosophical questions in play over the course of 2021 when it came to interpreting physics research.

Are we incapable of finding evidence for God because were actually gods in our rights? That might sound like philosophy, but there are some pretty radical physics interpretations behind that assertion.

And, if we are gods, can we stop time? Turns out, whether were just squishy mortal meatbags or actual deities, we actually can!

Alright. If none of those stories impress you, weve saved this one for last. If being a god, inventing time crystals, or even stopping time doesnt float your boat, how about immortality? And not just regular boring immortality, butquantum immortality.

Its probably not probable, and adding the word quantum to something doesnt necessarily make it cooler, but anythings possible in an infinite universe. Plus, the underlying theories involving massive-scale entanglement are incredible read more here.

Seldom a day goes by where something incredible isnt happening in the world of physics research. But thats nothing compared to the magic weve yet to uncover out there in this fabulous universe we live in.

Luckily for you, Neural will be back in 2022 to help make sense of it all. Stick with us for the most compelling, wild, and deep reporting on the quantum world this side of the non-fiction realm.

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Neural's best quantum computing and physics stories from 2021 - The Next Web

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research highlights from 2021 – Purdue University News – Purdue News Service

From FDA approval on a Purdue-developed drug that helps surgeons find cancer lesions to self-aware algorithms that stop hackers to a new test for bovine respiratory disease, Purdues faculty helped to advance key research that improves our work, health and world. Enjoy a roundup of Purdue research news from 2021.

Pioneering imaging drug allowed surgeons to find cancer lesionsA pioneering new imaging drug developed by Purdue chemistry researcher Philip Low will help surgeons find additional cancer lesions. The drug, developed with support from Purdues Center for Cancer Research and the Purdue Institute for Drug Discovery, was approved by the FDA in November.Read more

Whitest paint could help combat global warming

Purdue mechanical engineering professorXiulinRuan created the worlds whitest paint, which could eventually reduce or even eliminate the need for air conditioning. Its unique concentration of barium sulfate particles with varying sizesenableit to reflect 98.1% of sunlight.Read more

Cracking the code of cellular defense

Imagine the day when any tissue or organ can be repaired or the replacements personalized to the patient. Through the NSF-funded EMBRIO Institute, Purdues Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering professor DavidUmulisbelieves we can use AI tosee how cells defend themselves or repair their damage with the help of biochemical and mechanical inputs and reactions.Read more

Self-aware algorithm to ward off hacking attempts

Purdue Universityprofessor of nuclear engineeringHany Abdel-Khalik has come up with a powerful response to hackers attempting to attack our most critical infrastructure. Abdel-Khalik, a CERIAS-affiliated researcher, is working to makethe computer models that run thesecyberphysicalsystems both self-aware and self-healing.Read more

Pen-side test for bovine respiratory disease may save cattle industry millions

Mohit Verma, assistant professor of agricultural and biological engineering, is leading research on a new on-site kit for testing bovine respiratory disease,which is the most common and costly disease affecting cattle in the world.The new testing kit will help save time, effort, and resources during treatment.Read more

Using remotesensing technologies and techniques in archaeology

An NSF-funded interdisciplinary research project, Remote Observation and Sensing Technologies and Techniques inArchaeo-Anthropology (ROSETTA),ledby Sorin Adam Matei, associate dean of research and graduate education in the College of Liberal Arts, combinesthe strengthsof ourremote sensing,computational,and socio-humanities scholarstobuild artificial intelligence-based framework for modeling complex urban constructions.Read more

Purdue co-leads on DOD-funded lead-free adoption project

A new consortium funded by the U.S. Department of Defense has selected Purdue University to co-lead a project toadvance adoption of lead-free electronics in defense systems. The project, for whichCarol Handwerker, Purdues Reinhardt Schuhmann Jr. Professor ofMaterials Engineering, is a principal investigator, will accelerate the transition to lead-free electronics in aerospace, defense, and other high-performance electronics.Read more

Canadian firm secures exclusive rights to Purdue's rare-earth element separation and purification tech

A Canadian firm, Medallion Resources, acquired the exclusive rights to Purdue University-developed rare-earth element separation and purification technologies. The flagship technology from Purdue is known as ligand-assisted displacement (LAD), developed by Purdue Chemical Engineering professor Linda Wang.Her LAD technology could enable the U.S. to more safely utilize critical resources from domestic sources and aligned nations.Read more

Purdue researchers develop responsive practices for K-6 students with high intensity needs

A team of interdisciplinary researchers at Purdue was awarded $1.6 million from the U.S. Department of Education to develop responsive practices for K-6 students with high intensity needs. TheIPE-SHINES project, led byRose Mason, associate professor of special education in the Department of Educational Studies, addresses a national need for highly skilled speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and board-certified behavior analysts (BCBAs).Read more

Marathon of crisis: Nurses mental health in forefront of new study

Purdue University College of Health and Human Sciences professor Karen Foils research project, Nurses Psychological Trauma and Cognitive Control in the COVID-19 Pandemic, sheds light on vital mental health topics such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and drug and alcohol use during the height of the pandemic.Read more

Purdue planetary researcher plays key roles in Mars rovermission

Purdue planetary scientist Briony Horgan has several key leadership roles for the Mars rover mission.Horgans teamproduced one of the major results on the location that contributed to NASAs selection of Jezero Crater as the Mars landing site.She is on the roversMastcam-Z camera team the scientific eyes for Perseverance, and she is one of the tactical science leads working with NASA to plan the next days activities for the rover.Read more

Purdue spotlights quantum and work-life research with prestigious awards

Three Purdue professors advancing quantum science and work-life and work-life family research policy were chosento receive the university's most prestigious research and scholarship awards in 2021. The awardees were:

Ellen ErnstKossek,a leading social scientist whose work has shaped the field of work-life and work-family research policy in the U.S. and internationally.

Michael J. Manfra,a leading condensed matter experimentalist whose work has helped to define the field of quantum physics.

Yong Chen, a leading quantum researcher whose work is at the convergence of condensed matter physics and atomic, molecular, and optical physics. Read more

See the original post here:

research highlights from 2021 - Purdue University News - Purdue News Service

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Research Fellow, Theory, Centre for Quantum Technologies job with NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE | 275976 – Times Higher Education (THE)

About the Centre for Quantum Technologies

The Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) is a research centre of excellence in Singapore. It brings together physicists, computer scientists and engineers to do basic research on quantum physics and to build devices based on quantum phenomena. Experts in this new discipline of quantum technologies are applying their discoveries in computing, communications, and sensing.

CQT is hosted by the National University of Singapore and also has staff at Nanyang Technological University. With some 180 researchers and students, it offers a friendly and international work environment.Learn more about CQT at

Job Description

The job opening is for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (theory), in the subject of quantum error correction and fault-tolerant quantum computing. The successful candidate will work in the group of A/Prof Ng Hui Khoon, at the Centre for Quantum Technologies in NUS. A PhD in quantum computing related fields is expected, and prior experience in quantum error correction and fault tolerance will be a strong plus point.

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Research Fellow, Theory, Centre for Quantum Technologies job with NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE | 275976 - Times Higher Education (THE)

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The Spanish who have entered this year 2021 in the Guinness Book of Records | Life – Central Valley Business Journal

We already have the complete list of Spaniards who have managed to enter the Guinness Book of Records during this 2021. From a man who makes rings to an Olympic Karate champion. This is the full list.

For many, the Guinness Record is a book where you can spend the afternoon looking at curiosities. Or rather discovering the free time that people have when it comes to achieving really curious feats (some even questionable).

But the reality is that people put a lot of effort into being the best at a specific task in order to be part of a select group made up of a few thousand people.

Now that 2021 has come to an end the organization of the Guinness Record has published a list with the Spanish who have achieved a record during this year. This is the complete list in which surely more than one sounds like something to you, lets find out:

Be very careful if you see this tree: according to the Guinness Record, it is the most dangerous tree in the world. It is very toxic and can be fatal to humans.

Alejandro Soler, more muscle-ups on rings in an hour: On February 1, 2021, Alejandro Soler Tar performed 156 muscle-ups on rings in Alicante. Alejandro also held the record for the most push-ups in a minute carrying a 100-pound pack: 49. Christian Lpez, longer with a bicycle balanced on his chin: On April 25, 2020, Christian Roberto Lpez Rodrguez balanced a bicycle on his chin for 9 minutes and 41.29 seconds in Toledo. The Grefg, Most Concurrent Viewers on a Twitch Broadcast: On January 11, 2021, David TheGrefg Cnovas Martnez reached a peak audience of 2,468,668 simultaneous viewers on Twitch in Alhama de Murcia. Enrique Stuyck, more letters to the editor published in one year (same newspaper): Between May 29, 2019 and May 28, 2020, the sports newspaper Diario AS published 84 letters to the editor written by Enrique Stuyck Rom.

IBM has just announced a new milestone in the quantum computing sector: they have created the most powerful quantum computer to date, being capable of operating with 53 qubits.

lvaro Martn Mendieta, the fastest time to put the laces on a pair of shoes and tie them: On August 7, 2020, lvaro Martn Mendieta only needed 31.96 seconds to put the laces on a pair of shoes and tie them in Rivas Vaciamadrid. Pedro Elis Cinta, more time juggling five basketballs: On September 7, 2020, Pedro Elis Cinta kept five basketballs in the air for 1 min and 14.36 s in Osuna, Seville.

The Kempinski Hotel Bahia, near Marbella has the most expensive Christmas tree in the world. It is valued at $ 15 million for its luxury jewelry decoration.

Rafa Nadal, more Grand Slam mens singles titles: On October 11, 2020, Manacor tennis player Rafael Nadal equaled Roger Federers (Switzerland) record of 20 victories in individual Grand Slam tournaments after overwhelming Serbian Novak Djokovic in the final of the French Open held at Stade Roland Garros in Paris. Sandra Snchez, more medals won in the Karate 1 Premier League: From January 10, 2014 to March 12, 2021, Olympian Sandra Snchez won 36 medals in the World Karate Foundations top competition. This summer he won Gold at the Tokyo Olympics.

Without a doubt, we Spaniards are a nation of records, and if not you just have to take a look at this list. Lets see what awaits us in this coming 2022. Merry Christmas.

The Spanish who have entered this year 2021 in the Guinness Book of Records | Life - Central Valley Business Journal

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Artificial Intelligence Was the Most Discussed Technology of 2021 – TV Technology

TEL AVIV, IsraelUsing data from the analytics tool Buzzsumo, has compiled a list of the most discussed technologies online in 2021, with artificial intelligence topping the list with 175,837 online articles. The closely related topic of machine learning was second, with 103,508 articles posted online between January of 2021 and November of 2021.

The buzz around AI was so high that the 11 month total amounted to about 526 articles a day.

Technologies offering new realities also ranked high, with virtual reality holding the third spot (64,509 articles) followed by augmented reality (34,632 articles) in fourth place.

With the pervasiveness of AI, its no wonder its one of the most discussed technologies today, said Rafael Sweary, president and co-founder of in a statement. Take another widely discussed topic, the Great Resignation, and sure enough, theres an AI use-case tied to it. AI can help understand how humans interact with software and proactively recommend ways to improve the user experience, with actions that can be taken immediately. Its a win for businesses, who can glean valuable data regarding technology usage and understand where the end-users are having issues. And its a win for the employee, who can quickly navigate the companys tech stack, and not have to struggle with onboarding or training - especially remotely. Everything is done automatically, powered by AI and machine learning to extract data.

The full top ten list of the most discussed technologies ranked by the number of online articles, is:


More information on is available here.

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Artificial Intelligence Was the Most Discussed Technology of 2021 - TV Technology

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Artificial Intelligence May Be Just Code, But Its Our Code – Forbes


Theres nothing magical about artificial intelligence, its simply code designed by fallible humans using fallible data. The magic comes from the humans working with or seeing the benefits of AI. So the questions are: are we expecting too much from AI? Too what extent should companies and their executives rely on the output delivered by AI?

This was the subject of debate at a panel hosted at AI Summit in New York, held in early December, which focused on risks in the emerging role of AI in the financial services sector, but the discussion had wide-ranging implications across all industries. (I had the opportunity to co-chair the conference, and moderate the panel.)

We think AI is telling us something, but its not, cautioned Rod Butters, chief technology officer for Aible. Its just a bunch of code. It doesnt know. This is the fantasy we all fall into. Somehow we think that model has embodies something. The reality is that an AI is just a statistical engine, and in a lot of cases, its a bad statistical engine.

With AI these days, the biggest systemic risk in the notion that artificial intelligence is artificial, said Rik Willard, founder and managing director of Agentic Group, and member of the advisory board of the World Ethical Data Foundation. Its all done by humans; its all manifested by humans. When we look at risk versus returns, its only as good as the financial institutions, and the regulatory frameworks around those institutions. Are we supporting the same human and economic algorithms that we set up before technology, or are we working to make those better and more inclusive?

In addition, AI is still a relatively immature technology, said Drew Scarano, vice president of global financial services at AntWorks. Ten years ago we werent even talking about AI, but today, its a multi-billion dollar industry, he said. said Scarano. We might be too reliant on this technology, forgetting about the humans in the loop and how they play an integral part in complementing artificial intelligence in order to get desired results.

Another challenge is AI systems tend to get built in relative isolation. AI is just code, and the people building these systems may have limited perspectives on its value to the business, Butters cautioned. When we tell data scientists go out and create a model, were asking them to be a mind reader and a fortune teller, he said. Those are two bad job sets, it doesnt work. The data scientist is trying to do the right thing, creating a responsible and solid model, but based on what? Ultimately when they build a model, unless theyve got this combination to create transparency, create expandability, actually communicate that across to the business constituency both at a strategic and tactical, who is in charge? Just creating a great model does not necessarily solve all problems.

In the process of building data models, data scientists need to understand the objectives of the enterprise, taking into account the human implications, Scarano said. You can have engineer build a great bridge. So if its not going over what its intended to do, its just a great bridge, right? Im afraid that people in business, especially financial services. will just keep relying too much on technology. We need a holistic approach, in coexistence with humans.

Look beyond the technology and statistics of AI, and focus on what ultimately serves the customer, Scarano urged. Its about how we complement humans with artificial intelligence to drive business, and also drive customer reality, customer success and customer satisfaction at the end of the day.

The path to AI in service of business objectives relies on the establishment of consistent frameworks that guide its development, panelists agreed. I was raised in a fail-fast environment, said Willard. You build code, you test, and fix what's broken. You fix it on the fly. You build it, it kind of works, you let it loose, then you refine it over time based on input to the feedback loop. However, with AI, the issue is that we put it in a position of judgment. Like in the criminal justice system, where it does a lot of harm before you get it right. In the banking system its loan, no loan; score, no score; or credit, no credit. How do we build testing frameworks and sandboxes that have the accuracy thats necessary to be launched at scale, while doing less harm along the way?

AI is being used for many purposes across the financial services industry, but the risk is in de-humanizing the interpersonal qualities that helped build the industry. Today we can use AI for anything from approving a credit card to approving a mortgage to approving any kind of lending vehicle, said Scarano. But without human intervention to be able to understand there's more to a human than a credit score, there's more to a person than getting approved or denied for a mortgage.

Customer experience is the foundation of financial services, and this needs to be front and center of all AI initiatives. There needs to feedback loops in AI-driven systems that incorporate human input. As we implement AI-based solutions, we need to ensure that the end users, the customers, who are consuming the product are also happy with that investment and solution as well, said Robert Magno, solutions architect with Run:AI. It makes a lot of sense to have robots moving packages around, automated in a warehouse. But from a customer service standpoint, if a person interacting with a chatbot is getting frustrated, there needs to be a feedback loop to ensure solutions you're implementing are resonating with your customers, and they're enjoying the experience as much as you're enjoying creating the experience.

The rest is here:
Artificial Intelligence May Be Just Code, But Its Our Code - Forbes

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Artificial Intelligence as an Inventor on Patents The Global Divide and the Path Forward – JD Supra

DABUS (Device for the Autonomous Bootstrapping of Unified Sentience) is an artificial intelligence (AI) system created by Dr. Stephen Thaler. It reportedly conceived two separate inventions without any human intervention and therefore, was designated as an inventor on patent applications related to those inventions. The idea of assigning inventorship to an AI-machine not only brought new legal challenges but also left the global intellectual property (IP) community divided regarding whether an AI-machine can/should be allowed to be named as an inventor on patents related to AI-created inventions.

What You Need to Know:

In 2018 and 2019 a U.S.-based scientist, Dr. Stephen Thaler, filed parallel patent applications in various jurisdictions across the world, in which he listed an AI-machine called DABUS (short for Device for the Autonomous Bootstrapping of Unified Sentience) as an inventor. These applications were related to two different inventionsan improved food container that uses fractal geometry to change its shape and a type of flashing light device, designed to attract attention during an emergency incident, that can be used in search and rescue missions. DABUS was described as a type of connectionist artificial intelligence. It was further stated that DABUS had identified the novelty of its own idea before a natural person did and therefore should be recognized as the inventor.

Amongst various jurisdiction in which the DABUS-invented applications were filed, thus far the South African patent office and the Federal Court of Australia have accepted DABUS as an inventor, while the European Patent Office (EPO), the United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO), and the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) have not, taking the stance that an inventor must be a natural person. The following segments briefly highlight the basis of the AI-inventorship related decision in each of the aforementioned jurisdictions.South Africa: South Africas patent office became the first one in the world to grant the patent for an invention conceived by an AI-machine, DABUS. However, it is vital to note that the South African patent laws do not define inventor; the country also does not have substantive patent examination system.

Australia: On July 30, 2021, the Federal court of Australia overturned the Australian patent offices rejection of granting inventorship to an AI-machine while ruling that an artificial intelligence system can indeed be an inventor. This ruling provided rationales including, First, an inventor is an agent noun; an agent can be a person or thing that invents. Second, so to hold reflects the reality in terms of many otherwise patentable inventions where it cannot sensibly be said that a human is the inventor. Third, nothing in the Act dictates the contrary conclusion. Additionally, the court made it clear that the ruling affects only patent inventorship and not patent ownership.

Europe and United Kingdom: Contrary to South Africa and Australia, the EPO and the UKIPO rejected granting inventorship to an AI-machine. The EPO concluded that, under the EPC (European Patent Convention), the term inventor refers only to a natural person. The EPO also stated that the status of inventor has certain legal rights attached to it, which require a legal personality to exercise and that merely giving a name to a machine does not impart a legal personality to the machine. The UKIPO based its decision on reasoning similar to that cited by the EPO.

United States: The USPTO also rejected Dr. Thalers listing of an AI-machine as an inventor in his patent applications. The USPTO reasoned that a plain reading of statutory provisions governing patents consistently refer to inventors as natural persons. For example, the USPTO referred to 35 U.S.C. 100(f)-(g) and 101, where terms such as individual and whoever are used in the context of inventorship, and took the position that this language implies that inventors have to be natural persons. Further, the USPTO noted that 35 U.S.C. 115(b) requires that an oath or declaration be signed by an individual when that individual believes himself or herself to be an inventor of the claimed invention. Additionally, the USPTO cited various Federal Circuit precedents stating that only natural persons can be inventors. For example, In University of Utah v. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Wissenschaften E.V, 734 F.3d 1315, 1323 (Fed. Cir. 2013), the Federal Circuit rejected corporations or sovereigns from being listed as inventors. Accordingly, because the relevant statutes limit inventorship to natural persons, the USPTO concluded AI systems cannot be listed as inventors.

Additionally, in September 2021, U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema of the Eastern District of Virginia dismissed a suit that was filed by Dr. Thaler, who sued the USPTO after it rejected his applications for inventions developed by DABUS. Echoing the USPTOs comments, Judge Brinkema reiterated that U.S. law refers to an inventor as an individual, and cited court decisions defining that term to mean a natural person. She reemphasized that artificial intelligence machines or systems are not normally referred to as 'individuals' in ordinary parlance.

Addressing the future of AI-developed inventions, Judge Brinkema stated, As technology evolves, there may come a time when artificial intelligence reaches a level of sophistication such that it might satisfy the accepted meaning of inventorship. But that time has not yet arrived, and, if it does, it will be up to Congress to decide how, if at all, it wants to expand the scope of patent law.

It is clear that AI is evolving quickly and will find its way into more and more aspects of our lives in the coming years. The debate sparked by the DABUS-developed inventions will undoubtedly require the global intellectual property community to revisit and revamp laws and regulations related to AI and patent inventorship in the near future.

Originally posted here:
Artificial Intelligence as an Inventor on Patents The Global Divide and the Path Forward - JD Supra

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Insights on the Artificial Intelligence in Remote Patient Monitoring Global Market to 2026 – Featuring 100 Plus, AiCure and Cardiomo Among Others -…

DUBLIN, Dec. 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market Research Report by Product, by Solution, by Technology, by Application, by Region - Global Forecast to 2026 - Cumulative Impact of COVID-19" report has been added to's offering.

The Global Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market size was estimated at USD 712.67 million in 2020 and expected to reach USD 892.99 million in 2021, at a CAGR 25.63% to reach USD 2,803.19 million by 2026.

Market Statistics:

The report provides market sizing and forecast across five major currencies - USD, EUR GBP, JPY, and AUD. It helps organization leaders make better decisions when currency exchange data is readily available. In this report, the years 2018 and 2019 are considered historical years, 2020 as the base year, 2021 as the estimated year, and years from 2022 to 2026 are considered the forecast period.

Competitive Strategic Window:

The Competitive Strategic Window analyses the competitive landscape in terms of markets, applications, and geographies to help the vendor define an alignment or fit between their capabilities and opportunities for future growth prospects. It describes the optimal or favorable fit for the vendors to adopt successive merger and acquisition strategies, geography expansion, research & development, and new product introduction strategies to execute further business expansion and growth during a forecast period.

FPNV Positioning Matrix:

The FPNV Positioning Matrix evaluates and categorizes the vendors in the Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market based on Business Strategy (Business Growth, Industry Coverage, Financial Viability, and Channel Support) and Product Satisfaction (Value for Money, Ease of Use, Product Features, and Customer Support) that aids businesses in better decision making and understanding the competitive landscape.

Market Share Analysis:

The Market Share Analysis offers the analysis of vendors considering their contribution to the overall market. It provides the idea of its revenue generation into the overall market compared to other vendors in the space. It provides insights into how vendors are performing in terms of revenue generation and customer base compared to others. Knowing market share offers an idea of the size and competitiveness of the vendors for the base year. It reveals the market characteristics in terms of accumulation, fragmentation, dominance, and amalgamation traits.

Company Usability Profiles:

The report profoundly explores the recent significant developments by the leading vendors and innovation profiles in the Global Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market, including 100 Plus, AiCure,, Biofourmis, Cardiomo, ChroniSense Medical, ContinUse Biometrics (Cu-Bx), Current Health, Ejenta, Eko,, Feebris, GYANT, iHealth, Medical Device + Diagnostic Industry (MD+DI), Medopad, Myia, Neoteryx, LLC, Neteera, Tech Vedika, ten3T Healthcare, and Vitls.

The report provides insights on the following pointers:1. Market Penetration: Provides comprehensive information on the market offered by the key players2. Market Development: Provides in-depth information about lucrative emerging markets and analyze penetration across mature segments of the markets3. Market Diversification: Provides detailed information about new product launches, untapped geographies, recent developments, and investments4. Competitive Assessment & Intelligence: Provides an exhaustive assessment of market shares, strategies, products, certification, regulatory approvals, patent landscape, and manufacturing capabilities of the leading players5. Product Development & Innovation: Provides intelligent insights on future technologies, R&D activities, and breakthrough product developments

The report answers questions such as:1. What is the market size and forecast of the Global Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market?2. What are the inhibiting factors and impact of COVID-19 shaping the Global Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market during the forecast period?3. Which are the products/segments/applications/areas to invest in over the forecast period in the Global Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market?4. What is the competitive strategic window for opportunities in the Global Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market?5. What are the technology trends and regulatory frameworks in the Global Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market?6. What is the market share of the leading vendors in the Global Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market?7. What modes and strategic moves are considered suitable for entering the Global Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market?

Key Topics Covered:

1. Preface

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Overview4.1. Introduction4.2. Cumulative Impact of COVID-19

5. Market Dynamics5.1. Introduction5.2. Drivers5.2.1. ICT infrastructure development in developing countries5.2.2. Rise in adoption of AI in remote patient monitoring due to real time monitoring and improved patient engagement5.2.3. Growth in demand due to optimizing management and lower human errors5.3. Restraints5.3.1. Lack of awareness in remote areas5.3.2. Expensive as compared to traditional facilities5.4. Opportunities5.4.1. Rapid digitalization and extensive use of social media of consumer5.4.2. Shift in trend towards wearable technology5.5. Challenges5.5.1. Increasing concern related to cybersecurity and privacy

6. Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market, by Product6.1. Introduction6.2. Special Monitors6.2.1. Anaesthesia Monitors6.2.2. Blood Glucose Monitor6.2.3. Cardiac Rhythm Monitor6.2.4. Fetal Heart Rate Monitor6.2.5. Multi-Parameter Monitors6.2.6. Prothrombin Monitors6.2.7. Respiratory Monitor6.3. Vital Monitors6.3.1. Blood Pressure Monitor6.3.2. Brain Monitor6.3.3. Heart Rate Monitor6.3.4. Pulse Oximeter6.3.5. Respiratory Monitor6.3.6. Temperature Monitor

7. Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market, by Solution7.1. Introduction7.2. Hardware7.3. Services7.4. Software

8. Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market, by Technology8.1. Introduction8.2. Machine Learning (ML)8.3. Natural Language Processing (NLP)8.4. Querying Method (QM)8.5. Speech Recognition (SR)

9. Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market, by Application9.1. Introduction9.2. Cancer9.3. Cardiovascular Diseases9.4. Dehydration9.5. Diabetes9.6. Infections9.7. Respiratory Issues9.8. Sleep Disorder9.9. Viral Infection9.10. Weight Management & Fitness Monitoring

10. Americas Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market10.1. Introduction10.2. Argentina10.3. Brazil10.4. Canada10.5. Mexico10.6. United States

11. Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market11.1. Introduction11.2. Australia11.3. China11.4. India11.5. Indonesia11.6. Japan11.7. Malaysia11.8. Philippines11.9. Singapore11.10. South Korea11.11. Taiwan11.12. Thailand

12. Europe, Middle East & Africa Artificial Intelligence In Remote Patient Monitoring Market12.1. Introduction12.2. France12.3. Germany12.4. Italy12.5. Netherlands12.6. Qatar12.7. Russia12.8. Saudi Arabia12.9. South Africa12.10. Spain12.11. United Arab Emirates12.12. United Kingdom

13. Competitive Landscape13.1. FPNV Positioning Matrix13.1.1. Quadrants13.1.2. Business Strategy13.1.3. Product Satisfaction13.2. Market Ranking Analysis13.3. Market Share Analysis, By Key Player13.4. Competitive Scenario13.4.1. Merger & Acquisition13.4.2. Agreement, Collaboration, & Partnership13.4.3. New Product Launch & Enhancement13.4.4. Investment & Funding13.4.5. Award, Recognition, & Expansion

14. Company Usability Profiles14.1. 100 Plus14.2. AiCure14.3. Binah.ai14.4. Biofourmis14.5. Cardiomo14.6. ChroniSense Medical14.7. ContinUse Biometrics (Cu-Bx)14.8. Current Health14.9. Ejenta14.10. Eko14.11. Engagely.ai14.12. Feebris14.13. GYANT14.14. iHealth14.15. Medical Device + Diagnostic Industry (MD+DI)14.16. Medopad14.17. Myia14.18. Neoteryx, LLC14.19. Neteera14.20. Tech Vedika14.21. ten3T Healthcare14.22. Vitls

15. Appendix

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What Advantages AI has to Offer the Telecom Industry – Critical Hit

The telecommunications industry is no longer limited to providing basic telephone and Internet services;It is now at the epicentre of technology growth, led by mobile and broadband services in the Internet of Things (IoT) age.This growth will continue, and its main engine will be Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Todays communications service providers face a growing demand for higher quality services and a better customer experience.Telecommunications companies are taking advantage of these opportunities by using the vast amount of data collected from their immense customer bases over the years.This data telecom companies take from devices, networks, mobile applications, geolocation, detailed customer profiles, service use and billing information.

The telco industry is also harnessing the power of AI to analyse and process these vast volumes of Big Data to extract actionable insights and provide a better customer experience, increase revenue and improve operations through new services and products.

In 2021, there were more than 10 billion active IoT devices, according to Statista.Estimates say that the number of devices will exceed 25.4 billion in 2030. By 2025, there will be 152,200 IoT devices connected to the Internet per minute, which is why more and more operators are joining this trend, recognising the value of AI in the telecommunications industry.

The telecommunications sector has never been oblivious to new technologies, innovation and change.Its been paving the way for others for quite some time.But today, telcos and many other companies across the spectrum are facing a state of rapid change, uncertainty and disruption, thanks to 5G, the IoT, AI and many other acronyms.

This development presents an unprecedented opportunity for organisations to move towards fully automated infrastructure operations that provide better end-to-end services, increase revenue, and at the same time, reduce costs and energy waste.At the same time, customer expectations have never been higher, and business processes are under great strain.

Operational tasks are increasingly complex with millions of subscribers and many customised products and solutions, as face-to-face support is not an option. Even simple tasks like service setup, billing, order fulfilment, and payments now pose a challenge.

Managing complex operations demands more resources and tools, which also increases the overall financial expenses of telecommunications companies.

Also, consumers want everything to be swift. They are not able to tolerate any delays in operational processes, especially while facing a pandemic and a global quarantine. It is time to be more decisive than ever.

Most telecommunications service providers receive millions of customer requests every day, now more than ever. As the number of requests increases, the inability to go to physical stores and the fact that many employees work from home, providing quick and empathetic assistance becomes a problem.

In this crisis, immediacy, personalisation and omnichannel communication are more critical than ever. Ignoring these needs can lead to long wait times, annoying conversations with multiple executives to resolve the problem, and unsatisfactory automatic responses.

All of this can harm a customers relationship with the company. Also, what we want the least is an altered customer. Being empathetic and providing instant solutions is vital to maintaining a long-term relationship with clients.

Customer acquisition cost is not the only thing companies need to consider when acquiring a customer.It is vital to tie this metric to customers total cost over time since combining these metrics will enable operators to improve their strategies and make them more effective.

Rather than learning to predict consumer behaviour more effectively, companies need to use all the information that results from the analysis they are currently doing to optimise each resource they invest in each customer.

This behaviour translates into the maximisation of their income.

It is not a matter of lack of information.For example, telecommunications companies have precise data as relevant as how many times a user recharges per month or how much that same customer recharges.

However, operators must use big data to refocus their strategies and improve customer costs throughout their lifetime, says the extent that they do so, they can improve their earnings.

With brand new technologies, ensuring network security became another tremendous challenge for telecommunications operators. New technologies pose new threats to network and application security. This problem occurs in teams working remotely and customers calling for help from home.

It requires a slew of operational and technical enhancements to meet customer expectations for system security. In the specific case of telecommunications companies, it is necessary to apply measures, such as reliable and secure authentication functionalities.

Regulation for several six-year terms has been a pending issue in the telecommunications area.Not sharing the network, as is done in other markets, makes companies not as competitive as possible.In addition, this also limits the entry of new foreign competitors who can invest in quality fibre optic networks.

The problem in the background is that each operator invests in infrastructure for their use, which impacts the customers acquisition cost.Not being able to share the network makes it unprofitable for those companies that cannot make these investments in infrastructure to invest in acquiring more clients in that region.

And this not only affects a specific company but also weakens the entire telecommunications sector.

As soon as operators can share the network, they will compete on an even floor where competition stems from legitimate criteria of quality of service. The customers acquisition cost is related to competition criteria and not regulation.

Another application of AI in telecommunications is conversational AI platforms.Also known as virtual assistants, they learn to automate and scale one-to-one conversations so efficiently that they can reduce business expenses by up to 30%.

Increasingly, customers are not interested in spending time on the phone.If they need support, they turn to their mobile devices or computers, prefer to seek solutions through messaging customer service agents or self-service databases.

Telecommunications companies have turned to virtual assistants to help deal with the myriad of support requests for installation, configuration, troubleshooting, and maintenance, which often overwhelm customer service centres.With AI, operators can implement self-service capabilities that show customers how to install and operate their own devices.

AI-powered predictive analytics is helping telcos provide better services by utilising sophisticated algorithms, data, and machine learning techniques to predict outcomes in the future based on historical data.

This development means that operators can use data-driven information to monitor equipment health and anticipate failures based on patterns. They can also proactively troubleshoot communicationshardware problems suchas cell phone towers, power lines, data centre servers, and even set-top boxes.

In the short term, network intelligence and automation will enable better problem prediction and root cause analysis.In the long term, these technologies will lend credence to more strategic goals, such as efficiently addressing emerging business needs and creating new customer experiences.

AI is essential to help operators build self-optimising networks, which can autonomously optimise the network based on information on traffic by region and time zone.AI applications in the telco industry use advanced algorithms to look for patterns within data, allowing operators to detect and predict anomalies in the network.It also enables them to fix issues before customers are negatively affected proactively.

According to Forbes,83% of organisations believe AI is a strategic priority for their businesses.This statistic is because AI optimises your network and your infrastructure.AI can analyse, optimise and correct errors in real-time.

Providing uninterrupted service creates a self-organising system, a network that can be optimised and configured automatically.Furthermore,the AI will predict whether a similar problem can occur in the future and take steps to prevent and solve it beforehand.Therefore, this improves performance.

Operators have large numbers of customers involved in millions of daily transactions, each susceptible to human error.RPA is a form of AI-based business process automation technology that can bring greater efficiency to telecommunications functions by enabling telcos to facilitate their back-office operations and high volumes of repetitive and rule-based actions.

By streamlining the execution of complex, time-consuming, and labour-intensive processes such as billing, data entry, workforce management, and order fulfilment, RPA frees operations staff for higher value-added work.

An IVR (Interactive Voice Response) is a cloud telephony technology based on Artificial Intelligence that enables customers to call a business to help themselves.

The IVR or Virtual Assistant helps route calls to different departments of an organisation.Using prerecorded FAQs in the system, a virtual assistant can also handle more straightforward customer inquiries by itself.It even greets customers with a welcome message that can be personalised at any time.

Thechatbots with AIare gaining popularity among businesses to interact with customers because they cananswer particular questions automatically;collect user data for agentsbefore they engage with the customer to deliver an excellent experience;facilitate an efficient and straightforward interactionbetween company and user;save customers timeas AI provides some general information in chat, and many customers prefer chatting rather than calling, which is whyartificial intelligence chatbots are an asset for any organisation

Thetelecomindustry is growing at one of the fastest rates globally. Like other sectors, it is also prone to fraud: authorisation, cloning, illegal access, theft, etc.,are some of the more common fraudulent activities.

AI can protect business data and detect and stop these unauthorised activities as it can detect irregularities in traffic and block them to obtain essential or sensitive information.

Machine learningrefers to the ability of software to learn from the activities it performs and usedata predictionto process tasks faster.Thismachine learning functionality of Artificial Intelligenceallows the software to act more quickly every time we use it.Thisspeed saves agents and organisations a lot of time and also eliminates the possibility of errors.

According to a Deloitte survey, 40% of telecommunications, media and technology executives say they have made substantial benefits from cognitive technologies, and 25% have invested $ 10 million or more.More than three-quarters expect cognitive computing to substantially transform their businesses in the next three years.

In conclusion, withArtificial Intelligence in telecommunication, the whole process has become much faster and simpler.Their union means that telecommunications companies can rapidly process hefty amounts of data and solve user problems using available data as soon as possible. They can also extract essential insights from customer interaction data, detect problems in advance, and offer customers an optimal experience.

Last Updated: December 24, 2021

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What Advantages AI has to Offer the Telecom Industry - Critical Hit

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How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect Workplaces And Lives In The Future? – Inventiva

How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect Workplaces And Lives In The Future?

These days, artificial intelligence, or AI, appears to be on everyones lips. While some have known about this crucial trend in tech growth for a while, but its true, AI has become one of the most sought-after areas of knowledge for job seekers.

Many of us associate the term AI with sci-fi fantasies or worries of robots taking over the world. While no one can predict exactly how AI will develop in the future, current trends and developments paint a completely different picture of how AI will integrate into our lives.

In actuality, AI is already at work in our environment, from the search results to the odds of finding love online to the way we shop is influenced by artificial intelligence. According to data, the use of AI in several commercial areas has increased by 270 per cent in the last four years.

On the other hand, what will AI entail for the future of work? As computers and technology have progressed, one of the most urgent questions. Like many other technological advancements throughout history, artificial intelligences progress has sparked anxieties that human employees may become obsolete.

The reality is likely to be far less bleak but perhaps even more difficult.

Before we go into the intricacies of how AI will affect the future of employment, lets define AI. Artificial intelligence, as per Britannica, refers the capacity of a digital computer or computer-controlled machine to do tasks commonly associated with intelligent persons.

Artificial intelligence becomes a catch all phrase for any computational advancement, systems, and technology that allows computer programmes to accomplish jobs or solve issues that require the kind of reasoning we associate with human intellect, including learning from previous operations.

AI relies heavily on this ability to learn. Algorithms are usually linked to artificial intelligence, such as the infamous Facebook algorithm that replaced all of our friends with paid content. There is, nevertheless, an enormous difference.

According to software journalist Kaya Ismail, an algorithm is just a collection of instructions or a method for processing data. AI takes this a step further, consisting of a set of algorithms that can adapt and rewrite themselves in reaction to the data inputted, thereby demonstrating intelligence.

Human workers are unlikely to become obsolete due to AI, at least not for a long time. To soothe some of your fears, robots are unlikely to take over your job very soon.

Given how artificial intelligence has been portrayed in the media, notably in some of our favourite science fiction films, its understandable that its debut has spurred anxieties that AI would one day render humans obsolete in the workplace. After all, as technology has developed, many tasks previously handled by human hands have been automated. Its understandable to be anxious that advances in artificial intelligence will usher at the end of work as we know it.

However, there is not any reason to be so pessimistic. The MIT Task Force on the Future of Work recently produced a study titled Artificial Intelligence And The Future of Work, which examined AI breakthroughs and their impact on the workplace. The publication portrays a more upbeat picture.

Rather than advocating the abolition of human labour, the report predicts that AI will continue to drive significant innovation, fuel many existing businesses and potentially establish many new ones, resulting in the creation of additional jobs.

While artificial intelligence has made tremendous progress in duplicating human intellects utility in completing specific tasks, it still has severe limits. AI algorithms, in particular, are frequently specialized, meaning they can only handle one problem or perform one task at a time. They are typically rigid, unable to adapt to changes in input or engage in any thinking beyond their pre-programmed boundaries.

Humans, on the other hand, have generalized, which includes problem-solving, abstract thinking, and critical judgment abilities that will remain useful in the business world. If not in every job, then at least at every level and throughout all industries, human judgment will be required.

Many other problems could limit AIs rapid growth. AI frequently necessitates learning, which might include large volumes of data, raising questions about the availability of the correct kind of data, as well as the requirement for categorized and security concerns. Theres also the issue of computing and processing power limitations. One supercharged language model AI was expected to cost $4.6 million in electricity alone.

Another significant restriction is that data might be biased, reflecting social imbalances or the implicit prejudices of the designers who develop and enter the data. If bias in the data is fed into an AI, such discrimination will likely be carried over into the AIs output.

The Algorithmic Accountability Act was introduced in Congress to mandate the Federal Trade Commission to review the usage of any new AI technology for the potential to perpetuate bias.

The MIT CCI article claims that we are still a long way from reaching a stage when AI is similar to human intelligence and might theoretically replace human employees totally, based on these and other criteria.

AI can create more employment, not fewer, if there is an investment at all levels, from education to the commercial sector and governmental organizations that focus on training and upskilling workers. Instead of people or computers, the question should be humans and computers involved in sophisticated systems that progress industry and wealth.

This paper is an exciting read for anyone interested in learning more about AI and the various routes it could take.

AI has recently come up in conversation with a client or associate, and we all have seen a misconception in how people think about it. Many people believe that it is a phenomenon that will only have significant ramifications in the computer sphere.

The tech world has taken over the planet, if you havent noticed. Never forget what economist Paul Krugman said in 1998: By 2005 or so, it will become evident that the Internets economic impact has been no more than that of the fax machine. You dont want to be behind the times when it comes to AI.


The advantages of employing AI in medicine are currently being researched. The medical industry has a lot of data that can be used to build prediction models for healthcare. AI has proven to be more effective than physicians in various diagnosis circumstances.


With the start of autonomous vehicles and autonomous navigation, were already seeing how AI is affecting the world of transportation and autos. AI will significantly impact production, particularly in the automotive industry.


Cybersecurity is a top priority for many corporate leaders, especially given the expected increase in cybersecurity in 2020. Hackers targeted those who worked from home and had less secure technological equipment and Wi-Fi networks during the pandemic. In cybersecurity, AI and machine learning will be critical technologies for detecting and anticipating threats. Given its ability to analyze data and forecast and detect fraud, AI will be a crucial tool for financial security.


From user experience to marketing to fulfillment and distribution, AI will play a vital role in the future of e-commerce. Chatbots, shopper customization, targeted advertising, and warehouse and inventory automation, among other things, should all be expected to fuel e-commerce in the future.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can significantly impact the job search process.

You can be in for a rude awakening if you expect a hiring manager to overlook a tiny error on your application. AI already plays a significant part in the hiring process, with an automated applicant tracking system, or ATS, rejecting up to 75% of resumes before they even reach a human being.

Previously, recruiters had to filter through many resumes to discover qualified candidates. According to LinkedIn data, recruiters can spend up to 23 hours reviewing resumes for a single successful job.

On the other hand, AI-powered systems are increasingly doing resume scanning. In 2018, 67 per cent of hiring managers said artificial intelligence (AI) made their work easier.

Despite the growing prominence of automation and algorithms in the hiring process, several have criticized the usage of specific types of AI, claiming that it can perpetuate and even increase bias in hiring.

HireVue, for example, is a firm whose initial offerings featured technology that attempted to combine facial recognition technologies and psychology to estimate a candidates future performance in a specific function. The Federal Trade Commission has received a complaint by the Electronic Privacy Information Center, claiming that this software could perpetuate bias and prejudice. In early 2021, HireVue stopped using facial recognition algorithms and relied on audio analysis and natural language processing.

As new technology develops, its evident that the employment of certain types of AI in the recruiting process will be contentious. However, if potential employers are using AI to process your application, theres no reason you cant take advantage of the same technology.

Jobscan is an excellent resource for resume scanning comparable to what a hiring manager would do. Jobscan will provide you information on how to adjust your CV so that it is a good fit for a specific position by comparing it to a job description, with the purpose of beating an applicant tracking system (ATS).

Jobseer is a browser add-on that is another excellent AI-based tool for job seekers. Jobseer can assist match you with job listings that best fit your experience based on a scan of your resume, as well as keywords and skills connected to your preferred jobs. Youll get a grade for each listing based on how well you match the job description, as well as suggestions for skills to add to better position your CV and experience.

Rezi: As a caution, one would never recommend entrusting your resume writing to a robot. However, Rezi is a fantastic AI-based resume builder that contains templates to assist you in creating a resume that will tick all of the boxes for applicant tracking systems. This is an excellent place to start when creating a new resume. Another superb method to use this type of technology is to create a fresh resume and compare it to your current resume to see how it compares and where you can improve.

Assume you want to advance your career or improve your professional profile to be more marketable. In that situation, AI is an excellent place to focus your efforts because AI will have far-reaching implications across a wide range of businesses.

AI and machine learning are many essential skills in todays employment market. Jobs needing AI or machine-learning skills are expected to expand by 71% in five years. If youd like to further your expertise in this field, look into some excellent free online course alternatives that focus on AI skills.

Its a brilliant idea to get in and learn everything you can about working with AI if youre tech-savvy. It would be beneficial to try your hardest to know how things work in diverse professions.

Artificial intelligence is here to stay, whether we like it or not, and we should not be concerned. The most fantastic method to move forward is being aware of and adapting to new technology, especially AI.

Edited and Proofread by Ashlyn Joy

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