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Ginsburgs Give to Create New Quantum Center and Building at Caltech – Caltech

In the Dr. Allen and Charlotte Ginsburg Center for Quantum Precision Measurement, Caltech researchers will develop tools and concepts with the potential to influence all areas of science and technology through unprecedented sensing, measurement, and engineering capabilities.

The fulcrum of a major initiative in quantum science and technology, the center will unite a diverse community of theorists and experimentalists devoted to understanding quantum systems and their potential uses (see a video about the new center). It will bring together researchers in three fields that progress hand in hand: quantum sensing, quantum information, and gravitational-wave detectionthe direct observation of ripples in spacetime.

The center will be housed in a six-story building to be constructed thanks in part to a generous donation by Dr. Allen and Charlotte Ginsburg to name the facility. The new building, fully funded by philanthropy, will bring architectural innovation to a historic campus entrance on California Boulevard.

"Lady Charlotte and I are enchanted with beautiful minds found at institutions of higher learning, especially Caltech," Dr. Ginsburg says. "Our quest early on is to enlist these mind-gifted students into the lifetime of excitement awaiting them in contributing to making our planet, oceans, and universe into the ennoblement of humanity."

"Allen and Charlotte are inspired by the potential the future holds and how they can realize the promise of coming technologies," says Caltech president Thomas F. Rosenbaum, the Sonja and William Davidow Presidential Chair and professor of physics. "Through their generous philanthropy, the Ginsburgs are investing in the young people and the cross-disciplinary collaborations that will help jump start the next era of quantum discoveries."

The building will feature four floors of airy interaction spaces and offices, amounting to more than 47,000 gross square feet, built atop two floors of state-of-the-art underground laboratories that were recently made possible by a major grant from the Sherman Fairchild Foundation. The building concept includes a glass design and attractive external elements evoking quantum discovery.

"I think the researchers will love it," says Charlotte Ginsburg, who has honed her eye for design over years of involvement with performing arts organizations. "It will be light. There will be open areas for labs and a lot of spaces where the students and professors can get together."

A potential design for the new center. With preliminary studies complete, the detailed design and construction process launched in January 2022.

To maximize collaboration, the center also will feature passageways to three adjacent buildings: the Ronald and Maxine Linde Hall of Mathematics and Physics, the W. K. Kellogg Laboratory, and the Downs and Lauritsen laboratories of physics, home to the Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics.

"It will be a trifecta where you have buildings that are very deeply connected to this new one," Allen Ginsburg says. "You have the various disciplines together in a small space, sharing common auditoriums, communicating with each other. You can glean tremendous things from other fields that you wouldn't otherwise get by remaining in one discipline. I think this is the thing of the future."

To illustrate, Allen, a retired ophthalmologist, describes the surprising gains he and colleagues made by taking time to exchange visits with other specialists: orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons.

"We saw tools and techniques that they were using that were second nature to them but that we didn't realize existed," he says. "And we were able to amalgamate them into our repertoire. Wherever you have interdisciplinary communication, it is very, very exciting. Because great things come out of it when people share."

The Ginsburgs, who live near Long Beach, began exploring a partnership with Caltech in spring 2020. This is their first gift to the Institute. The causes they support range widely, encompassing the performing arts, science, medicine, and conservation. They have supported cutting-edge research efforts at several local universities. Whether giving to the ballet, the Aquarium of the Pacific, the Long Beach Symphony, or a research institution, the Ginsburgs applaud people striving for excellence.

"We are so grateful to Allen and Charlotte Ginsburg. Their lead gift allows us to realize our goal to unite the community pursuing new quantum strategies," says Fiona Harrison, Caltech's Harold A. Rosen Professor of Physics and the Kent and Joyce Kresa Leadership Chair of the Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy. "The new building will be the home of extraordinary ideas that provide pathbreaking new directions for scientific discovery."

Initially intrigued by Caltech's integration with JPL, the Ginsburgs recently began visiting campus to tour laboratories and meet with faculty, students and campus leadership.

"We love the campus, the architecture, the trees, the surrounding neighborhoods," Charlotte says. "It's beautiful. We love the history, too."

Allen Ginsburg often thinks about how the future will unfold, and he foresees the promise of quantum devices. One day, he speculates, quantum instruments will image the tiniest components of cells in detail, quantum computers will expand our knowledge, and novel instruments for telescopes and gravitational-wave detectors will reveal the secrets of Earth-like exoplanets, black holes, and other galaxies.

"I think there are a lot of things that Caltech and JPL are doing that are in the interest of the planet, and it's very exciting to be involved," Allen says. "We're enchanted with Caltech. I was able to talk to people who do research at Caltech, and we made a fantastic connection."

The new building will physically connect to multiple recently renovated spaces for physics and mathematics.

Credit: Chris Flynn/Max S. Gerber

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Ginsburgs Give to Create New Quantum Center and Building at Caltech - Caltech

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Space Caf WebTalk with Peter Hulsroj: How to get philosophy and physics talking – SpaceWatch.Global

By Luisa Low

During this weeks Space Caf, SpaceWatch.Global Publisher Torsten Kriening sat down with Peter Hulsroj, a legal consultant for intergovernmental organisations, attorney, specialist in nuclear disarmament, space and international law, and now, author and blogger.

With a career spanning four decades which commenced after studying law at the University of Copenhagen and Harvard Law School Peter was previously Director of the European Space and Policy Centre based in Vienna, a legal adviser for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation, Head of Contracts and Legal Affairs at Contracts Officer at The European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites, a contract officer at the European Space Agency and legal attorney in Copenhagen.

Fast forward to 2022 and Peter has published three books and is the author of an online blog What if we dont die? in which he analyses various topics ranging from American elections, boomers and poetry all the way through to climate change, corruption and policy.

Late last year, with his co-author, European Space Policy Institute researcher Marco Aliberti, Peter published The Optional Society, a modern philosophical enquiry into our seemingly limitless world and the challenges it brings.

This week, he and Torsten discuss what the science world and space industry can gain from the philosophical analysis of the modern world, and from someone who has broken the mould and branched out.

Navigating a brave new world a universe of options

The modern world with its proliferation of options and seemingly limitless possibilities is presenting new challenges for humanity, according to Peter Hulsroj and Marco Aliberti.

One area that The Optional Society explores is how growing areas like quantum mechanics, genetics and AI are intersecting with human rights, economics, religion and lifestyle, and how as a global society and individuals we might go about addressing these areas.

According to Peter, one way to even begin to make sense of this enormous shift and ensure it aligns with the positive progression of society is to examine growing issues through a multidisciplinary, collaborative approach. This could be through philosophers working with physicists so that science can better inform philosophy, and conversely, how philosophy and thought can better advise the creation of new technology so it can better serve humankind.

I know people get nervous when you use the word philosophy there is no reason to be nervous about it. This is just a question of looking at the fundamental equations, and particularly space science has so much to tell us and we need to have a structured approach to how we can reap the benefits.

Quantum mechanics is a topic which is raising an enormous number of interesting philosophical problems. But, generally speaking, it is the physicist who is explaining the philosophical issues, not the philosopher we need it in both directions.

And really, for space, there are so many issues for example, can we establish whether we have parallel universes. And that is very interesting from a space physics and science perspective whether we have extraterrestrial life. But this is, of course, is also fundamentally important for philosophy.

A balancing act of art and science

Last week, NASA announced that the James Webb Space Telescope had reached a major milestone with the unfolding of its mirror the final stage of the spacecrafts deployments rendering it ready for scientific operations.

Collaborating with the ESA and the Canadian Space Agency, the purpose of the James Webb mission is to better observe and ultimately understand the cosmoss ancient history and birth.

The telescopes final unfurling was a historic milestone for NASA, but it is far more monumental to the understanding of our very existence.

At the programs core, Peter says, is philosophical questioning that should be used to inform scientists to more carefully navigate the programs mission and findings.

There are many philosophical issues, [for example] how something comes from nothing. James Webb might tell us something about that. It requires that people other than physicists also looking at this.

Exploration itself, according to Peter, is interesting because in many instances what is eventually found was not even searched for.

You also people who deal with the existential questions to say, Hey, this is an interesting finding not only for the space physicist this is an existential finding and we need to translate this.

To listen to Peter Hulsrojs insights and thoughts on the intersection of science and philosophy and the world of options, you can watch the full program here:

Luisa Low is a freelance journalist and media adviser from Sydney, Australia. She currently manages Media and Public Relations for the University of Sydneys Faculty of Engineering.

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The absolutely amazing theory of almost everything – Asia Times

The Standard Model. What a dull name for the most accurate scientific theory known to human beings.

More than a quarter of the Nobel Prizes in physics of the last century are direct inputs to or direct results of the Standard Model. Yet its name suggests that if you can afford a few extra dollars a month you should buy the upgrade. As a theoretical physicist, Id prefer The Absolutely Amazing Theory of Almost Everything. Thats what the Standard Model really is.

Many recall the excitement among scientists and media over the 2012 discovery of the Higgs boson. But that much-ballyhooed event didnt come out of the blue it capped a five-decade undefeated streak for the Standard Model. Every fundamental force but gravity is included in it. Every attempt to overturn it or to demonstrate in the laboratory that it must be substantially reworked and there have been many over the past 50 years has failed.

In short, the Standard Model answers this question: What is everything made of, and how does it hold together?

You know, of course, that the world around us is made of molecules, and molecules are made of atoms. Chemist Dmitri Mendeleev figured out in the 1860s how to organize all atoms that is, the elements into the periodic table that you probably studied in middle school. But there are 118 different chemical elements. Theres antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium and 114 more.

Physicists like things simple. We want to boil things down to their essence, a few basic building blocks. Over a hundred chemical elements is not simple. The ancients believed that everything is made of just five elements earth, water, fire, air and aether. Five is much simpler than 118. Its also wrong.

By 1932, scientists knew that all those atoms are made of just three particles neutrons, protons and electrons. The neutrons and protons are bound together tightly into the nucleus. The electrons, thousands of times lighter, whirl around the nucleus at speeds approaching that of light. Physicists Planck, Bohr, Schroedinger, Heisenberg and friends had invented a new science quantum mechanics to explain this motion.

That would have been a satisfying place to stop. Just three particles. Three is even simpler than five. But held together how? The negatively charged electrons and positively charged protons are bound together by electromagnetism. But the protons are all huddled together in the nucleus and their positive charges should be pushing them powerfully apart. The neutral neutrons cant help.

What binds these protons and neutrons together? Divine intervention, a man on a Toronto street corner told me; he had a pamphlet, I could read all about it. But this scenario seemed like a lot of trouble even for a divine being keeping tabs on every single one of the universes 10 protons and neutrons and bending them to its will.

Meanwhile, nature cruelly declined to keep its zoo of particles to just three. Really four, because we should count the photon, the particle of light that Einstein described. Four grew to five when Anderson measured electrons with positive charge positrons striking the Earth from outer space. At least Dirac had predicted these first anti-matter particles. Five became six when the pion, which Yukawa predicted would hold the nucleus together, was found.

Then came the muon 200 times heavier than the electron, but otherwise a twin. Who ordered that? I.I. Rabi quipped. That sums it up. Number seven. Not only not simple, redundant.

By the 1960s there were hundreds of fundamental particles. In place of the well-organized periodic table, there were just long lists of baryons (heavy particles like protons and neutrons), mesons (like Yukawas pions) and leptons (light particles like the electron, and the elusive neutrinos) with no organization and no guiding principles.

Into this breach sidled the Standard Model. It was not an overnight flash of brilliance. No Archimedes leapt out of a bathtub shouting Eureka! Instead, there was a series of crucial insights by a few key individuals in the mid-1960s that transformed this quagmire into a simple theory, and then five decades of experimental verification and theoretical elaboration.

Quarks. They come in six varieties we call flavors. Like ice cream, except not as tasty. Instead of vanilla, chocolate and so on, we have up, down, strange, charm, bottom and top. In 1964, Gell-Mann and Zweig taught us the recipes: Mix and match any three quarks to get a baryon. Protons are two ups and a down quark bound together; neutrons are two downs and an up. Choose one quark and one antiquark to get a meson. A pion is an up or a down quark bound to an anti-up or an anti-down. All the material of our daily lives is made of just up and down quarks and anti-quarks and electrons.

Simple. Well, simple-ish, because keeping those quarks bound is a feat. They are tied to one another so tightly that you never ever find a quark or anti-quark on its own. The theory of that binding, and of the particles called gluons (chuckle) that are responsible, is called quantum chromodynamics. Its a vital piece of the Standard Model, but mathematically difficult, even posing an unsolved problem of basic mathematics. We physicists do our best to calculate with it, but were still learning how.

The other aspect of the Standard Model is A Model of Leptons. Thats the name of the landmark 1967 paper by Steven Weinberg that pulled together quantum mechanics with the vital pieces of knowledge of how particles interact and organized the two into a single theory. It incorporated the familiar electromagnetism, joined it with what physicists called the weak force that causes certain radioactive decays, and explained that they were different aspects of the same force. It incorporated the Higgs mechanism for giving mass to fundamental particles.

Since then, the Standard Model has predicted the results of experiment after experiment, including the discovery of several varieties of quarks and of the W and Z bosons heavy particles that are for weak interactions what the photon is for electromagnetism. The possibility that neutrinos arent massless was overlooked in the 1960s, but slipped easily into the Standard Model in the 1990s, a few decades late to the party.

Discovering the Higgs boson in 2012, long predicted by the Standard Model and long sought after, was a thrill but not a surprise. It was yet another crucial victory for the Standard Model over the dark forces that particle physicists have repeatedly warned loomed over the horizon. Concerned that the Standard Model didnt adequately embody their expectations of simplicity, worried about its mathematical self-consistency or looking ahead to the eventual necessity to bring the force of gravity into the fold, physicists have made numerous proposals for theories beyond the Standard Model. These bear exciting names like Grand Unified Theories, Supersymmetry, Technicolor, and String Theory.

Sadly, at least for their proponents, beyond-the-Standard-Model theories have not yet successfully predicted any new experimental phenomenon or any experimental discrepancy with the Standard Model.

After five decades, far from requiring an upgrade, the Standard Model is worthy of celebration as the Absolutely Amazing Theory of Almost Everything.

Glenn Starkman is distinguished university professor of physics at Case Western Reserve University. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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The absolutely amazing theory of almost everything - Asia Times

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Flawed diamonds may be the key to quantum internet – MINING.COM –

Imagine trying to connect an Altair, an early personal computer developed in 1974, to the internet via WiFi. Its a difficult, but not impossible task. The two technologies speak different languages, so the first step is to help translate, the researchers said in a media statement.

Having noticed this issue, they decided to develop an interface approach to control the diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers in a way that allows direct translation to quantum devices.

To realize the quantum internet, a quantum interface is required to generate remote quantum entanglement by photons, which are a quantum communication medium, Hideo Kosaka, one of the studys authors, said.

According to Kosaka, the promised quantum internet is rooted in more than a centurys worth of work in which researchers determined that photons are both particles and waves of light simultaneouslyand that their wave state can reveal information about their particle state and vice versa.

More than that, the two states could influence each other: pinching the wave could bruise the particle, so to speak. Their very nature is entangled, even across vast distances. The aim is to control the entanglement to communicate discrete data instantaneously and securely, he said.

The scientist pointed out that previous research has demonstrated this controlled entanglement can be achieved by applying a magnetic field to the nitrogen-vacancy centers, but a non-magnetic field approach is needed to move closer to realizing the quantum internet.

His team successfully used microwave and light polarized waves to entangle an emitted photon and left spin qubits, the quantum equivalent of information bits in classical systems. These polarizations are waves that move perpendicular to the originating source, like seismic waves radiating out horizontally from a vertical fault shift.

In quantum mechanics, the spin propertyeither right-or left-handedof the photon determines how the polarization moves, meaning it is predictable and controllable. Critically, according to Kosaka, when inducing entanglement via this property under a non-magnetic field, the connection appears steadfast against other variables.

The geometric nature of polarization allows us to generate remote quantum entanglement that is resilient to noise and timing errors, Kosaka said.

The researcher and his team now plan to combine this approach with a previously demonstrated quantum information transfer via teleportation to generate quantum entanglement, and the resulting exchange of information, between remote locations. The eventual goal is to facilitate a connected network of quantum computers to establish a quantum internet.

The realization of a quantum internet will enable quantum cryptography, distributed quantum computation and quantum sensing over long distances of more than 1,000 kilometers, the expert said.

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Flawed diamonds may be the key to quantum internet - MINING.COM -

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Israeli physicists create thought-provoking model for material that never melts – Haaretz

The accepted science is that the more (almost) any given matter is heated, the more disrupted its internal order becomes. It melts, or evaporates. Now a model developed by researchers from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the University of Kentucky contradicts that notion, and may have implications for the development of superconductors that will help to create green energy

Take an iceberg. Anywhere in the world, if the temperature rises beyond zero (Celsius), it will melt, no matter how big it is. Melting is not limited to ice. If its hot enough, the crystalline order of the materials atoms is disrupted and the molecules start to move randomly, which means: its melting or evaporating. But this may not be universal. Possibly, not all substances melt in the heat.

For almost 50 years scientists have been trying to develop theoretical models describing substances that can be heated without changing the internal order of the atoms comprising them. So far the equations all led to the conclusion that every matter will ulitimately melt or evaporate. But researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Kentucky have created just such a model, which was published last week in the journal Physical Review Letters.

The article contains an impressive and thought-provoking achievement, because it demonstrates that there are models of matter that break symmetry even at high temperatures, said Prof. Amos Yarom of the physics department of the Technion Israel Institute of Technology, who was not involved in the study.

The assumption is that the more matter is heated, the more its internal order disappears. But order and disorder are expressions that are difficult to quantify universally. For that reason, the researchers focused on a specific symmetry that is easier to quantify.

Symmetry is defined according to the number of points of view from which the system looks the same in other words, from all of them, its physical features are identical. The more such points there are, the more symmetrical the system.

Dr. Michael Smolkin of Hebrew Universitys Racah Institute of Physics developed the model with doctoral candidate Noam Chai and Prof. Anatoly Dymarsky of the University of Kentucky.

If you look at any crystal, on the microscopic level it has an organized structure. If we draw the structure as a two-dimensional network, like graph paper, symmetry tells us which activities can be carried out on the grid without it being possible to realize that something was done, explains Smolkin. In a crystalline structure, symmetrical activities are very limited. Graph paper can be moved like that only in a very specific way, for example it can be turned at a 90-degree angle. But if you take water rather than a crystalline substance, at any angle that we turn a bucket of water we see no change. So if we heat ice, we obtain more freedom to do things to the matter without creating a change, and the symmetry increases.

In other words, according to the accepted thinking, the more a system is heated, the more its order declines and its symmetry increases. This claim applies to all the known physical systems, but the researchers wanted to examine whether there could be a system in which this doesnt happen. For this they tapped the theory of quantum fields, which combines quantum theory with the theory of special relativity. Physicists use it in order to create models of substances, which means, to describe their characteristics, behavior and interactions.

Creating a model of matter means writing the substance in mathematical language writing the fundamental laws dictating the behavior of the particles composing the substance and how they create interactions with one another, explains Chai. In effect, finding a model is the greatest challenge in physics.

Over the years physicists have developed several dozen models. Many of them describe familiar substances, but there are also models that are purely hypothetical.

Physics is based on laboratory experiments from which the laws of nature are derived, says Chai. But in theoretical physics the experiments are only in the mind we play mathematically with examples that cant necessarily be measured in the laboratory, in order to discover the limits of the possible in the context of the laws of nature. By means of such experiments researchers can estimate the possibility of the existence of unfamiliar substances, and later try to develop them in the laboratory.

The enigma of Rochelle salt

In the present study the researchers asked whether it is possible in the context of the known laws of physics that a substance wont melt. In other words, if its possible that the crystalline order wont disappear, even at extremely high temperatures. There are countless examples demonstrating that order declines with a rise in temperature, and therefore that seems to be a law of nature.

But Russian Jewish physicist Lev Landau, a Nobel Prize laureate, found an opposite example already over 50 years ago: The chemical Rochelle salt (potassium sodium tartrate) is a crystal whose structure changes when heated: the order increases and the symmetry declines.

In the case of Rochelle salt this is a temporary process, which takes place only within a limited temperature range, beyond which the crystal melts. In the present study the researchers demonstrated that theoretically there is a possibility of the existence of a material in which heating does not lead to an increase in its symmetry, at any temperature range.

In terms of physics, matter is particles with specific characteristics. In the model they created, the researchers examined which characteristics and interactions, which can be introduced into equations of the known laws of nature, would lead to a result indicating a substance that doesnt melt.

We ask ourselves what we want to find and then we try to find the way in equations, is how Chai describes the work method of theoretical physicists. Usually we look for more than one way in order to ascertain that the calculation that was done is correct. Its like doing two independent experiments and getting the same result.

He said that in spite of the image of theoretical physicists as scientists who work alone all day long, the process is quite interactive: We meet once every few days and discuss the results, look for inaccuracies and failures and raise questions. Usually these discussions lead to ideas that in most cases would not have come up had we worked individually. The idea for the present study also began like that.

Chai noted that in the present study all the equations were developed with pen and paper, although they also made some use of sophisticated computerized tools that helped to solve complex differential and integral equations. Using this method the researchers were able to develop equations that reflected non-melting matter.

We found a very concrete example in which that happens, says Smolkin. Its not clear whether it can be implemented in the laboratory, but its not very far from the laboratory, because in order to build it we started with an existing and known system of a substance in a certain state, to which we added a new structure. The phenomenon was obtained based on the equations.

Chai says that the matter they received in the equations is quite similar to substances that are familiar to science from the family of super materials. Examples of such materials are super liquids, liquids that flow without friction, and superconductors: materials in which the electrons move around without any resistance. At present we know of several super-liquids and superconductors, which exist only at very low temperatures.

Research groups the world over are trying to increase the critical temperature of these materials so that they will work at room temperature. Such a development would enable tremendous savings in the global energy economy, due to the possibility of delivering electric current without losing energy along the way.

Chai stresses that the purpose of the new study was not to promote a solution for global energy problems, but to reach a more profound understanding of the laws of nature. By means of our model we have broken a consensus that was accepted for years in the scientific community, he says. In addition, he noted that the new study also gives hope for finding materials whose order is maintained at high temperatures. These materials are likely to be superconductors, which would preserve the characteristics of superconductors under any conditions. That could be a green solution for the energy crisis, because well be able to create less electricity and to burn far less fuel along the way, says Chai.

Smolkin adds: If in the end its possible to create such a material, that would be a big revolution. But at the moment its only a dream. At this stage weve discovered an interesting phenomenon: that the laws [of nature] dont forbid the existence of such a material. The next question is how far it is from reality.

However, Yarom says: Along with the achievement in the article, there may be a problem with the model that the researchers are proposing. The model is based on quantum mechanics, which is a theory that doesnt provide precise forecasts but only probabilities for existence in various states. A physical theory is expected to be unitary, in other words, that the sum of probabilities of being in all the possible states will be one. If Smolkin and his partners prove that their theory is unitary, that would strengthen the model theyve built. The researchers noted that they are currently working on such proof.

Aside from the consensus regarding the connection between symmetry and temperature, the new study is likely to undermine another basic idea, regarding the existence of a unifying force in nature. Existing physical theory describes four fundamental forces in nature: the strong force (which is responsible for binding subatomic quarks together in clusters to make more familiar subatomic particles, such as protons and neutrons), the weak force (which is responsible for radioactive decay), the electromagnetic force, and the gravitational force.

Each force is of different intensity and each has its own method of operation. The strong force operates with greater intensity the farther it is from the source that activates it (a bit like rubber, which the more it is stretched, the more force it activates), and the other forces lose their power the farther they are from the source activating them.

In the 20th century, physicists Steven Weinberg, Sheldon Glashow and Abdus Salam who were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979 for their work demonstrated that beginning with sufficiently high energy, the electromagnetic force and the weak force behave identically and in effect become a single force: the electroweak force. In that state the symmetry of all the natural forces is greater, because there are more identical points of view of the system in which the forces operate.

The unification identified theoretically by Weinberg and his partners was later confirmed empirically, and theoretical unifications between the four forces were added, which are predicted by mathematical models under certain conditions. These conditions could be the ones that prevailed at the time the universe was created.

For example, the usual assumption among physicists is that in the early universe, which was extremely hot, all the forces of nature behaved identically and symmetrically. In other words, the young universe operated based on a single force. Understanding this force is likely to be the key to a unified theory of everything, the holy grail for physicists.

To date no additional unifications have been confirmed by experimentation, with the exception of the unification predicted by Weinberg and his partners, because that requires huge particle accelerators that could imitate the conditions of the early universe, which was very hot. But physicists continue to seek ways to confirm them. Because the new study suggests that the laws of quantum mechanics and special relativity do not require nature to increase symmetry with an increase in temperature, even if it is extreme temperature of the kind that existed in the early universe, a unification of forces is not essential.

In other words, in addition to shattering the consensus that heat reduces order, the new study undermines the perception that a single force operated in the early universe.

The unification of forces means that theres more symmetry, says Smolkin, and therefore if nature has chosen not to prevent the possibility of breaking the symmetry even when energy increases, the dream of the unification of forces may be incorrect. However, Smolkin notes that all the existing observations are described well by the standard model, which is the accepted system of laws for describing the behavior of basic particles. According to this model, symmetry increases as energy is increased. Thats why many scientists believe that at a high temperature the universe is more symmetrical. But the standard model doesnt tell the whole story, he adds. For example, it lacks an explanation for dark matter and dark energy. Thats why there is a chance that if we discover the model beyond the standard model, maybe well find something surprising about the behavior of symmetry at a very high temperature. But its a mystery.

Originally posted here:

Israeli physicists create thought-provoking model for material that never melts - Haaretz

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How to Setup Your Own Personal Cloud Storage

For those folks who dont trust their data in the cloud, the best storage solution is usually local, meaning either an external hard drive or a computer. The advantage to this solution is that you dont have to pay any money to store your data (other than purchasing the drives) and you dont have to worry about someone else being able to get into your data (for the most part).

However, there are several disadvantages to storing everything locally on internal and external hard drives. Firstly, unless you have a good backup solution in place, you are more at risk of losing your data. Cloud storage companies have many redundant layers of backup to protect all your data.

Secondly, it can be really difficult and frustrating to access data stored on a single external hard drive from anywhere in the world on any device. Cloud storage services usually make this really easy by having desktop apps and mobile apps for accessing data.

If you want the advantages of cloud storage, but the security of having everything locally stored, you should consider setting up personal cloud storage. Again, youll get all the mobile and desktop apps and everything will be synced, but youll have the data stored locally on your own devices.

Again, youll have no monthly fees to worry about, but youll have a higher up-front cost. Personal cloud storage is also really good for anyone who has terabytes of data they need to store, but dont want to pay the hefty monthly costs associated with anything over 1 TB. For example, after the 1 TB plan on Google Drive, it skips to 10 TB and you have to spend $99 a month.

With OneDrive, you can only add more space after 1 TB in 50 GB increments. Each 50 GB increment costs $1.99. To get to 10 TB, youd have to pay a whopping $360 a month! With Dropbox, you can only get a max of 1 TB with a Pro account. If you want more than that, you need to become a business customer with at least 5 users.

So what do you need to buy in order to get your own cloud storage setup? Well, youre basically buying a network attached storage device or NAS. Note that a NAS device is slightly different than a network hard drive.

In my view, a network hard drive is a single hard drive inside a device that connects to the network and provides a web interface to control and access data. A NAS has multiple hard drives that can be configured in a RAID array, thereby providing in-built data protection.

I recommend staying away from single network hard drive solutions because its pretty much the same thing as using a regular external hard drive, except you get all the cloud features. However, if the drive fails, you lose all your data, which may or may not be duplicated somewhere else.

For example, if you consider the WD My Cloud Personal NAS, the single drive is really just a network hard drive. If you get the dual drive version, then it can be considered a NAS in my opinion.

As you can see, though, you can get 8 TB worth of storage for about $400, which is not bad at all. Of course, there is one caveat to consider. The reason I suggest a NAS device with two or more hard drives is for data protection. If you put your drives into a RAID array, one drive can fail and you wont lose any data.

All of the devices mentioned here support RAID on the NAS devices and its actually really easy to setup. The only issue is that you lose some available space. For example, if you take the 8 TB NAS above and use RAID 1, youll only have 4 TB of free space. If you use RAID 5, youll need at least 3 drives, but will get two-thirds of the total space of all three drives.

Considering you can get a dual drive 16 TB NAS for around $750, even being left with 8 TB is probably way more than enough for even creative professionals.

Beyond the personal cloud benefits and being able to sync your data across all your different devices, NAS devices provide a lot of other benefits. Not every device I mention below supports all of these features, except for Synolgy, so be sure to check the features on the device you are considering.

As you can see, the benefits of having a NAS are much more than just having your own personal cloud storage. You can do a lot with these devices, which makes the up-front cost more bearable.

So which NAS should you get? Well, when it comes to cloud storage, what you are really looking for is great software. All the major hard drive vendors have NAS devices with some sort of personal cloud option, but only a few work really well and have a suite of apps to manage the cloud data.

I personally have a WD My Cloud EX2 Ultra and a Synology DS 411+II and I find the Synology to be an absolutely amazing device. My Synology NAS is several years old, but can still be updated to the latest version of DSM (DiskStation Manager). The software running on the NAS is excellent and is almost like using Windows.

They have several mobile apps that work very well for managing the NAS, viewing your files, streaming photos and videos and for managing your personal cloud. What I like about Synology is that they are constantly updating their hardware and software so that it supports the latest technology. They also have a lot of different models with a wide price range.

If youre not sure which one would work for you, just use their NAS selectortool. If youre not a technical person, no worries. Adding hard drives to these devices is very simple and straight-forward. Also, a lot of times you can buy them with the drives already installed.

The other product I would recommend is WDs My Cloud and My Cloud EX series. Overall, these devices are great, but they lack the feature set and finesse of the Synology products. I found them to be a little harder to setup and I didnt like the selection of mobile apps.

Whereas Synology pretty much has a separate app for everything, WD only has two apps, which arent that great at what they are supposed to do anyway. However, if you dont care so much about all of these extra features, then the WD My Cloud products are still a good choice.

You can also check out the Expert Series, which is basically a more powerful NAS in addition to the cloud capabilities.

Seagate is one of the biggest manufacturers of hard drives in the world, so its no surprise that they have also gotten into the NAS business. I personally have not used their Personal Cloud Storage drives and I recommend doing your research before you buy anything.

The drive only has about 3.5 stars on Amazon, with most people seeming to complain about the software. Again, this is where Synology really shines and beats out everyone else.

There are obviously more choices for personal cloud storage, but these are your best choices on the market right now. If something new comes out or something better, Ill be sure to update this post with that information. If you have any questions, feel free to comment. Enjoy!

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How to Setup Your Own Personal Cloud Storage

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Microsoft OneDrive has pinched one of the best Google Drive features – TechRadar

Microsoft is launching an update for cloud storage service OneDrive that will help users more easily control who has access to their files.

As per a new entry in the companys product roadmap, Microsoft OneDrive users will soon benefit from the ability to specify access permissions before copying a sharing link for a file.

We are updating the copy link command to give customers the ability to change their link type and permissions prior to generating a new link and pasting it into the app of their choice, explained Microsoft.

The feature is currently in the process of rolling out, but should take effect for all OneDrive users by the end of the month.

The new OneDrive feature bears a striking resemblance to functionality already available with rival service Google Drive, which has long offered the ability to tweak access permissions before copying a link.

Over the years, the two services have gone head-to-head, but the latest data suggests Googles platform currently holds the advantage.

According to an exclusive TechRadar Pro poll carried out recently by OnePulse, Google Drive is by far the most popular cloud storage provider, used by 44.1% of respondents. Microsofts service, meanwhile, manages only third in the rankings with an 11.2% share, lagging behind both Google Drive and iCloud.

The survey also highlighted how difficult it is to encourage people to switch provider once they have become embedded in a companys ecosystem. The vast majority of respondents (83.7%) said they have been using the same cloud storage service for at least a year, while a third have been loyal to their provider for five years or more.

Although this latest upgrade is unlikely to swing the balance, Microsoft will nonetheless hope that a consistent flow of enhancements will help improve its position in the market.

In addition to the new file sharing facility, the company has rolled out a number of updates in recent months. In the latter quarter of 2021, for example, OneDrive received a simple suite of photo editing features, a pinning feature for the Quick Access menu, a new sync app for Apple M1 Macs and more.

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Microsoft OneDrive has pinched one of the best Google Drive features - TechRadar

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Cloudian Partners with WEKA to Deliver High-Performance, Exabyte-Scalable Storage for AI, Machine Learning and Other Advanced Analytics – Yahoo…

Integration of Cloudian Object Storage and WekaFS Enables Rapid Processing of Analytical Workloads and Saves 1/3 in Costs Over Traditional Storage Systems

SAN MATEO, Calif., Jan. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cloudian today announced the integration of its HyperStore object storage with the WEKA Data Platform for AI, providing high-performance, exabyte-scalable private cloud storage for processing iterative analytical workloads. The combined solution unifies and simplifies the data pipeline for performance-intensive workloads and accelerated DataOps, all easily managed under a single namespace. In addition, the new solution reduces the storage TCO associated with data analytics by a third, compared to traditional storage systems.

Advanced Analytics Workloads Create Data Storage ChallengesOrganizations are consuming and creating more data than ever before, and many are applying AI, machine learning (ML) and other advanced analytics on these large data sets to make better decisions in real-time and unlock new revenue streams. These analytics workloads create and use massive data sets that pose significant storage challenges, most importantly the ability to manage the data growth and enable users to extract timely insights from that data. Traditional storage systems simply cant handle the processing needs or the scalability required for iterative analytics workloads and introduce bottlenecks to productivity and data-driven decision making.

Cloudian-WEKA Next Generation Storage PlatformTogether, Cloudian and WEKA enable organizations to overcome the challenges of accelerating and scaling their data pipelines while lowering data analytics storage costs. WEKAs data platform, built on WekaFS, addresses the storage challenges posed by todays enterprise AI workloads and other high-performance applications running on-premises, in the cloud or bursting between platforms. The joint solution offers the simplicity of NAS, the performance of SAN or DAS and the scale of object storage, along with accelerating every stage of the data pipeline from data ingestion to cleansing to modeled results.

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Integrated through WEKAs tiering function, Cloudians enterprise-grade, software-defined object storage provides the following key benefits:

High Performance Run concurrent workloads while eliminating compute cluster bottlenecks and reducing processing times.

Exabyte Scalability Grow deployments on demand, from terabytes to an exabyte without disruption, achieving the flexibility and elasticity of the public cloud within a private data center or hybrid cloud model.

Enterprise-grade Security Protect data with encryption in flight and at rest, integrated firewall, RBAC/IAM and SAML access controls, and certification with the most rigorous regulatory requirements, such as Common Criteria, FIPS and SEC Rule 17a-4(f).

Resiliency Achieve high data durability with the option to protect and distribute data using replication or erasure coding, thereby eliminating the need for a separate data backup process.

Multi-tenancy Provision multiple users on shared infrastructure without compromising security.

Cost-effective Save on storage costs, as the solution runs on standard x86 hardware with local NVMe SSDs.

As organizations increasingly employ AI, ML and other advanced analytics to extract greater value from their data, they need a modern storage platform that enables fast, easy data processing and management, said Jonathan Martin, president, WEKA. The combination of the WEKA Data Platform and Cloudian object storage provides an ideal solution that can seamlessly and cost-effectively scale to meet growing demands.

When it comes to supporting advanced analytics applications, users shouldnt have to make tradeoffs between storage performance and capacity, said Jon Toor, chief marketing officer, Cloudian. By eliminating any need to compromise, the integration of our HyperStore software with the WEKA Data Platform gives customers a storage foundation that enables them to fully leverage these applications so they can gain new insights from their data and drive greater business and operational success.

The new solution is available today. For more information, visit

About CloudianCloudian is the most widely deployed independent provider of object storage. With a native S3 API, it brings the scalability and flexibility of public cloud storage into the data center while providing ransomware protection and reducing TCO by up to 70% compared to traditional SAN/NAS and public cloud. The geo-distributed architecture enables users to manage and protect object and file data across siteson-premises and in the cloudfrom a single platform. Available as software or appliances, Cloudian supports conventional and containerized applications. More at

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Cloudian Partners with WEKA to Deliver High-Performance, Exabyte-Scalable Storage for AI, Machine Learning and Other Advanced Analytics - Yahoo...

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Archive360 report: IT migration to the Cloud is hitting big obstacles – ZDNet

Photo: Tom Foremski

Moving legacy IT to the cloud is a top objective for most organizations, but there are significant barriers in terms of data regulations, security and uncertain cloud costs -- according to a study released by Archive360.

The future of legacy application data and the cloud -- report found that only 35% of organizations store more than 50% of their legacy app data on cloud services. Yet more than 80% say their priority is to move their data within 12 months or sooner.

Those plans, however, are made uncertain by three major issues: 60% said data compliance was a big concern with changing data regulations in California and in Europe; security is a huge concern for 55%, especially with the rise in ransomware and the large fines if hackers gain access to data, and about 50% said they had uncertainty over budgets for cloud-based IT plus there is a significant lack of IT talent in this area.

These factors will delay IT migration, but Archive360 says there will be benefits in retiring legacy data with a central management solution, which simplifies satisfying regulatory and security obligations.

Many organizations have been motivated to move their legacy IT to the cloud by increasing cyberattacks. But it's not that easy to outsource a critical function. Over 90% reported that their cloud service providers are unable to meet their security requirements.

About one-quarter of respondents said they had already been a cyberattack victim at a cloud service, and ten% said they didn't know their exposure.

Two hundred senior executives were surveyed across a range of geographies, company sizes and industries.

The full report can be seen here.

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Archive360 report: IT migration to the Cloud is hitting big obstacles - ZDNet

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Cloud Adoption Widens the Cybersecurity Skills Gap – DARKReading

Managing security for cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications or for your own applications in the cloud is placing different, more complex demands on cybersecurity teams. While cybersecurity skills remain in short supply, the availability of people with both cloud and on-premises security skills is even more constrained, particularly for small to midsize organizations.

With the rise of popular SaaS applications like Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Salesforce, Slack, Box, and Zoom, your IT team needs to understand what security components you are responsible for with each SaaS provider you use. The same holds true for enterprise resource planning, HR, and other applications when you move them to cloud infrastructure provided by Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

Why is this important? Because any cloud environment, SaaS or otherwise, becomes part of your total attack surface, and misconfiguration of cloud resources remains a leading cause of data leakage.

Introducing Shared ResponsibilityCloud providers, both SaaS and infrastructure providers, have made very clear what they are responsible for in the way of security. According to the Center for Internet Security, a SaaS provider is solely responsible for physical security, host infrastructure security, and network controls. However, for application-level controls, identity and access management, and endpoint protection, the provider and the customer share security responsibility. That's where the confusion and the need for cloud security expertise comes into play.

Consider, for example, securing Microsoft 365 SaaS applications, which are mission critical. Microsofthas published where its responsibilities lie. It falls to you, the customer, to configure user and device access; monitor user, application, and data behavior; and respond to incidents. This includes the actions of partners that access your data or apps in the public cloud.

Plus, whether in the cloud or on-premises, your email users remain a leading source of risk from human error. From their PCs, laptops, and mobile devices, they can still click on a malicious link or open an attachment and introduce malware to that endpoint.

This is where we are seeing a shift in what happens next. Once hackers penetrate the endpoint, they are no longer content to pivot sideways on the network to penetrate on-premises resources. Instead, they move through the endpoint to the cloud to access your data, which is often lower-hanging fruit.

Securing Workloads in the CloudCOVID-19 has accelerated the migration of traditionally on-premises applications and workloads to cloud infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), where the configuration of cloud resources such as storage and databases can be even more complex.

One of our healthcare customers, for example, was primarily operating on-premises at its own HIPAA-compliant data center. Due to COVID-19, the company had to quickly migrate its practitioner workplace environment from PCs and laptops to tablets that could be used for at-home patient care. This also meant moving data to the cloud to make it accessible from anywhere. It quickly found that configuring cloud infrastructure and storage required skills it did not have in-house, creating a potential cybersecurity and compliance gap.

What's different in the shared responsibility model in this example? For companies using IaaS to run applications on cloud servers and place data into cloud storage, the cloud provider is wholly responsible only for physical host, network, and data center security. Everything else is your responsibility. That includes application-level controls, identity and access management, client and endpoint protection, and data classification and accountability. Responsibilities for platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offerings such as Windows Azure fall in between IaaS and SaaS.

Options for Acquiring Cloud Security Skills The primary takeaway is that whether you are using Microsoft 365, running your Windows applications on Windows Azure, replicating enterprise data to a cloud data lake, or running custom enterprise applications on bare metal servers, you are responsible for the security of your data. What's more, any security breaches in the cloud can put your remaining on-premises resources at risk.

While cloud offerings are not new, expertise on cloud computing and specifically cloud security is hard to come by. Industry reports indicate that demand for cloud security skills is second only to demand for application security expertise. Businesses of all sizes, including small and midsize organizations, cannot afford to neglect cloud security when moving workloads and data away from on-premises resources.

Even though cloud security skills are in short supply, companies can grow their own skills through training existing in-house staff. Alternately, they face hiring cloud experts in today's highly competitive salary and recruitment environment. By offering remote work arrangements, companies can extend their reach and hire from anywhere, making it easier to acquire the skilled workers they need.

Whatever your approach, evaluate your cloud security posture and cloud cybersecurity skills gap. Your data security depends on it.

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Cloud Adoption Widens the Cybersecurity Skills Gap - DARKReading

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