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The Dark History of Medicare Privatization – The American Prospect

Rep. Pramila Jayapal has called it the biggest threat to Medicare youve never even heard of. Its known as Direct Contracting (DC), a program concocted by the Trump administration and not yet ended by the Biden administration to fully privatize Medicare.

DC is patterned after Medicare Advantage, the publicly financed, privately owned, hugely profitable version of Medicare now enrolling 26 million people at an annual cost of $343 billion. Simply put, DC is Medicare Advantage (MA) on steroids.

The growth of Medicare Advantage is a 35-year-long saga of a program conceived as a cheaper, better Medicare transformed into a behemoth that has not saved one cent nor produced better outcomes. Yet MA has beaten back every attempt to make it accountable for its cost and care. Like the Hydra, each victory adds more heft.

The politics of MA are complicated, not merely because, like the oil and gas industry, it generates enough money for large insurance companies to convert $150 million of profits into campaign contributions. By design, Medicare Advantage covers the costs of health care that are not covered at all or only partially paid by Medicare. Its 26 million enrollees are a silent majority, potentially available to threaten any elected official brave enough to challenge the program. But that leaves the public with worse health coverage and a model of privatization that could prove disastrous.

Medicares sole purpose in 1965 was to extend health coverage to the elderly by paying their doctor and hospital bills. In a Faustian bargain, Congress sacrificed Medicares regulatory role in return for the support of the hospital-operated Blue Cross Association and physician-owned Blue Shield plans, which set payment policies. The only constraint, medical necessity, was defined as any treatment ordered by a licensed doctor.

The actuary to the House Ways and Means Committee had confidently predicted an initial $2.2 billion price tag, increasing over 25 years to $12.4 billion in 1990. Instead, the initial price doubled by 1969 and reached $12.4 billion in 1973, just four years later.

In 1970, pediatrician Paul Ellwood, the apostle of managed care, presented a solution to reduce health care spending that he dubbed a health maintenance organization (HMO). Elwood was no fan of Medicare, famously calling it a crappy insurance policy. He believed private, prepaid, integrated physician practices could be incentivized to provide better care at less cost. At the time, nonprofit HMOs like Kaiser and Group Health had an admirable record of lower cost and better outcomes than traditional fee-for-service health care.

Then-President Nixon shared Ellwoods enthusiasm, but with a different agenda. Heres a transcript of a taped conversation between Nixon and John Ehrlichman, his chief domestic-policy adviser.

Ehrlichman: Edgar Kaiser is running his Permanente deal for profit the reason he can do it I had Edgar Kaiser come in talk to me about this and I went into it in some depth. All the incentives are toward less medical care, because

President Nixon: [Unclear.]

Ehrlichman: the less care they give them, the more money they make.

President Nixon: Fine.

Nixon was later presented with a plan, which became the HMO Act of 1973, to reduce federal spending in a manner that promised to be undetectable to participants. The alternatives to HMOs as a cost-containment strategy were politically unpalatableeither reducing benefits or reimposing price controls. The HMO program promised no blowback from beneficiaries or providers, at a time when the administration was struggling to gain leverage over inflation. HMOs fell out of favor due to narrow provider networks and instances of denied care. But it led to a subtler alternative: Medicare Advantage.

Unlike the Defense Departments TRICARE and the Veterans Health Administration, Medicare is not a public health care system. It is public financing that relies on a joint public-private insurance arrangement. The rules are set by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Congress, and the claims processed by insurance companies under contract to the federal government. Money from the Medicare Trust Fund, taxes, and beneficiary premiums secure services from the private U.S. health care system.

Medicare Advantage changes one critical element: the intermediary between the money and the services. Medicare still pays, but with MA it turns over all parts of the insurance function, including enforcing the rules for medical necessity and deciding how much to pay providers, to private companies. Retirees can choose from 3,834 plans offered by nine different companies in 2022. Four in ten Medicare beneficiaries have joined. Humana and UnitedHealthcare own half the MA plans.

Traditional Medicare leaves lots of holes that retirees must otherwise fill out of their own pockets. It does not cover vision, hearing, dental, or long-term care. Beneficiaries are responsible for monthly premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance (known as cost-sharing). And unlike commercial insurance, it has no cap on out-of-pocket spending. The extra cost added up to $6,509 per person in 2018, according to an AARP-commissioned study.

Twenty-six million people find MA a deal they cannot refuse. They gave up their hard-earned red, white, and blue Medicare card for one supplied by Humana, UnitedHealth, Anthem, Aetna, Kaiser, or another company. Like HMOs, the plans offer less freedom of choice, with limited provider networks and prior-approval requirements in exchange for sharply reduced and capped out-of-pocket expenses, and additional benefits like gym memberships.

Most recent retirees do not find the restrictions new or particularly burdensome. Anyone previously insured through an employer health plan dealt with very similar constraints.

The MA profit-making formula is simple: get a large sum of money from the Feds, spend less than traditional Medicare, give some of the excess to beneficiaries, and pocket the difference. Over the last 12 years (20092021), Medicare paid the MA plans $140 billion more than would have been spent if the same people stayed in Medicare. Put another way, Medicare during these years would have saved enough to pay for the enhanced Child Tax Credit in 2022, and then some.

MA plans follow the design of commercial insurance, with the beneficiary choosing between either an HMO, with a closed provider panel, or a PPO, which rewards participants who stay in its provider network. Either way, the insurance company constructs reimbursements and utilization checks to spend less than traditional Medicare.

MA companies have perfected the art of denying claims by requiring preauthorization of many services, especially expensive ones. For example, doctors treating UAW retirees for orthopedic injuries, a frequent legacy of assembly line work, must get MA prior approval for 246 specific procedures, or else the plan does not guarantee payment. MA plans deny 4 percent of claims for prior authorization and 8 percent for post-service payment requests. Very few people appeal. When they do, the HHS Office of Inspector General found that denials were reversed more than three-quarters of the time.

Just to see how it would fall out, Aaron Schwartz and colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania reprocessed 6.5 million traditional Medicare Part B claims as if they were subject to MA prior authorization. Approximately one million might have been denied, accounting for 25 percent of Part B spending.

Our study found that health care spending for enrollees in Medicare Advantage plans is 10 to 25 percent lower than for comparable enrollees in traditional Medicare, said Amy Finkelstein, an MIT economist and one of the authors of an influential 2017 paper. Insurance companies earned gross margins of $2,256 per enrollee in 2020, more than double what they made in the group market.

Spending less would make perfect sense if MA enrollees were healthier. They are not. Medicare Advantage enrollees do not differ significantly from beneficiaries in traditional Medicare, the Commonwealth Fund reported in October, in terms of their age, race, income, chronic conditions, satisfaction with care, or access to care. Health outcomes are similarly no better or worse.

Over the past 30 years, laws were passed and regulations issued to contain costs and protect MA beneficiary access to care. Managed-care sponsors found ways around the rules.

Assuming HMOs to be more efficient, in 1985 the government set the payment rate at 95 percent of what would otherwise have been spent in Medicare. The plans needed to match traditional Medicare benefits but could make their own arrangements with hospitals, doctors, and labs, and keep the difference.

With the freedom to choose how much they paid out and where and whom they enrolled, the companies scammed the program by finding healthier retirees living in counties where rates were high. No plan operating in any U.S. county enrolled a sicker-than-average group of elderly people, according to a comprehensive Mathematica study commissioned by the Reagan administration. Despite this, expenditures for MA were approximately 5.7 percent higher than they would have been for traditional Medicare, despite getting 5 percent less from the feds.

The Clinton administration tried again to save money with HMOs. We think that payment rates that are 90 percent, rather than the current 95 percent, of community fee-for-service rates are appropriate, said Bruce Vladeck, Clintons head of the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). He wasnt able to go that far, but significant cutbacks were made in 1997s Balanced Budget Act (BBA).

The BBA established a national growth cap and, under threat of penalty, forced the HMOs to stop cherry-picking. Since health care costs were increasing faster than the cap, and the plans had less ability to exploit healthier enrollees, the BBA effectively cut HMO margins. But the howl from the private plans was so loud that Congress subsequently loosened the buckle in 1999 and 2000. Even with the changes, BBA managed care did not save Medicare money. Plans were still outpacing traditional Medicare costs by 2 percent.

George W. Bushs Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) removed the BBA caps and increased funding, adding millions to MA payments. The price tag for excess spending during the first decade of the 21st century was $150 billion.

We, right now, give $15 billion every year as subsidies to private insurers under the Medicare system. Doesnt work any better through the private insurers, Sen. Barack Obama said in 2008, during the first presidential debate with Sen. John McCain. They just skim off $15 billion. That was a giveaway and part of the reason is because lobbyists are able to shape how Medicare works. Candidate Obama pledged to make MA no more costly than traditional Medicare.

By tweaking some elements, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), according to the Congressional Budget Office, would reset MA spending to no more than 101 percent of traditional Medicare. The result was to be an estimated $136 billion saved over ten years.

Just two years later, the plans got it all back. The insurance industry chalked up one of its greatest political victories in recent memory on Monday, Politico reported on April 3, 2013, as the Obama administration reversed course on a proposal to cut Medicare Advantage rates. With a sleight of hand so obvious that CMSs actuary publicly repudiated the move (conflicts with the Offices professional judgment), CMS increased MA rates by 3.3 percent, rather than cutting them by 2.3 percent.

In March 2021, MedPAC, an independent Medicare monitor that reports to Congress, reviewed the impact of the ACA. It found that aggregate plan payments under the ACA were similar to [traditional Medicare] levels for only one year before rising above.

No one even mentions MA as a cost-containment strategy anymore. The larger and richer the plans have become, the less leverage the feds have to regulate the industry. While the funding still comes from the U.S. Treasury, dispersed under the aegis of Congress, most of the power has passed to the companies.

Insurance companies have consistently found innovative ways to protect their bottom lines. A major one involves claiming MA enrollees are sick, even if they arent.

Doctors and hospitals in MA networks are frequently offered extra payments simply to record every ailment, whether treating it or not (a practice known as risk coding). In an 8,000-word article in respected health policy journal Health Affairs, Drs. Don Berwick and Richard Gilfillan detail how upcoding affords almost unlimited opportunities to manipulate the system to make money. They present the hypothetical case of Ms. Jones, a 72-year-old MA enrollee being treated for type 2 diabetes and congestive heart failure. With a risk adjustment score of 1.029, the annual payment for her is $9,000. Her physicians are paid extra to code all her ailments. Now her scorecard adds morbid obesity, major depression, COPD, and a pressure ulcer on her right heel. With no additional medical care or cost, the MA company is now paid $32,000, because Ms. Joness risk score totals 3.633.

As a result of this upcoding, Medicare gave MA plans $9 billion more in 2019 than it would have if the same beneficiaries had enrolled in traditional Medicare.

Another way MA reaps more funds is through star bonus payments. CMS began publishing evaluations of MA plans in 2009 to assist beneficiaries in plan selection. Numerical values were assigned to variables measuring care processes, outcome, patient experience, and access. The numbers are summarized on a scale of five stars.

In the original star publication, 1 in 7 plans scored four or 4.5 stars, and none were awarded five. For the 2022 plan year, 7 out of 10 received four-plus stars and 16 percent of plans were given fives. Is there improved quality, or teaching to the test?

MA companies began paying more attention to the star variables after the ACA anointed the system as a quality control mechanism and authorized bonuses based on stars. Critically, bonus payments are not budget-neutral. The more plans that qualify, the more the feds spend. MedPAC estimates that bonus payouts added about $6 billion to the 2019 MA bill.

Do bonus payments result in better care? The answer is no. Under the headline The Medicare Advantage Quality Bonus Program Has Not Improved Plan Quality, University of Michigan researchers compared four million MA claims to the same number of commercial insurance claims. [T]hese results suggest that the quality bonus program did not produce the intended improvement in overall quality performance of MA plans.

A lot of the new capital is moving into setting up new Medicare Advantage plans because theyre growing rapidly, and the future is bright, Peter Orszag, CEO of Financial Advisory at investment firm Lazard and former Obama OMB administrator, told Business Insider. The possibility for payouts like the one for Ms. Jones has lured hedge funds and venture capitalists to invest in data mining companies and care aggregators, which are developing new ways to maximize MAs profitable deals. Berwick and Gilfillan found investors spent $50 billion to buy into MA-focused firms in a recent 18 months.

Direct contracting would privatize the remainder of traditional Medicare. Drawing on the MA experience, Direct Contracting Entities (DCEs) would serve as intermediaries between traditional Medicare beneficiaries and their medical-care providers. The DCE would receive an MA-like monthly payment for a specific population. It would make deals with networks of providers, manage beneficiary care and costs, and pay the bills, while keeping the difference. Medicares only role would be as banker.

In December 2021, CMS reiterated its invitation to organizations that currently operate in Medicare Advantage to become DCEs, targeting the very MA insurers and investor-controlled provider firms that are driving MA overpayments. One such firm, Oak Street, a for-profit organizer of MA providers, labeled MA as its core market and direct contracting as its opportunity in a November 2021 corporate presentation.

While the Biden administration put a halt to the most extreme form of direct contracting, it has moved ahead with two others. Fifty-three bidders have been designated in the first class of DCEs. They include 28 investor-controlled plans including Oak Street, six insurers, and 19 health care providerowned companies. The investor and insurer DCEs will be operating in 38 states and have access to 84 percent of all beneficiaries.

Many on Wall Street are licking their chops. Clover, a 50,000-member, San Franciscobased MA plan, expects to harvest a direct-contracting bonanza large enough to justify its $1.2 billion IPO. HHS senior official Liz Fowler (an architect of the Affordable Care Act) projects the transition of all traditional Medicare to DC to be complete by 2030.

According to the Biden administration, Direct Contracting will facilitate the next evolution of risk-sharing arrangements to produce value and high-quality health care. Berwick and Gilfillan believe that the Direct Contracting model seems to have ignored the lessons learned from the experience of MA.

One of the principal lessons learned by private MA is how managing care is so easily morphed into managing costs, and how much excess revenue that produces. The private Medicare companies have succeeded in getting the feds to turn over more and more to them while obliterating the notion that HMOs would save money or improve care. Their power to extend their reach to all $880 billion in Medicare spending is embedded in the program itself. The more money and beneficiaries they control, the more juice they have to control more.

Last fall, 13 U.S. senators (eight Democrats and five Republicans) sent a letter promising to stand ready to protect MA from payments cuts. The letter was part of a long stream of such letters ritualistically issued by lawmakers at the urging of the industry, every time anyone announces consideration of MA cost control. This latest version of the pledge was precipitated by a draft of the Build Back Better Act that would include hearing, vision, and dental benefits in the regular Medicare menu for the first time, threatening one of the main selling points of MA.

The campaign against the new benefits was intense and a little weird. AHIP, the insurance industry lobbying group, stated that adding these services could negatively affect the benefits available to MA recipients, because it might lead to a cut in the payments made to MA plans. AHIPs press release stated it would be bad for all seniors, even though all seniors are not in MA plans. Politico quoted an industry insider describing a recent $2.6 million ad campaign against the new Medicare benefits. We know members are already telling leadership: We cant take attack ads saying were cutting Medicare. They know the public isnt going to distinguish between the private and public pieces of it.

What the senators and lobbyists understand is that MA depends on the threat of an uprising of unhappy seniors. Its a potent terror. Some electeds are swayed by campaign contributions. But these would matter very little without the potential mobilization of 64 million beneficiaries, their concerned children, and grandchildren.

The experts have proposed sophisticated technical fixes to remedy MAs overpayments. It might work, as the Balanced Budget Act and the ACA did, for a while. The Department of Justice has filed cases against such large MA providers as Kaiser, United, and Anthem for submitting false risk adjustment claims. The Justice Department has even opened an inquiry into Oak Streets practices.

But neither more regulation nor billion-dollar fines will suffice. The history of the MA dance shows that by the time the music ends, the private partner has swept the public one off her feet. Hes taken control over every step.

To put a stop to MAs distortions and its systematic theft would require a campaign to make Medicare a more public health insurer. From the start, it ceded significant financial authority to private hospitals, doctors, pharmaceutical, and insurance companies. The more beneficiaries and money handed over to MA, the greater its power to resist. The ascendency of DC is the latest and most serious warning sign that the private profit-maximizers are close to victory. Nothing short of full public control can keep that from happening.

Protection of public Medicare requires that its beneficiaries be offered a better way to get affordable health care. I feel guilty that my enrollment in a UnitedHealthcare MA plan contributes to that companys money and power. Yet I am on MA because without it, Medicare is a very risky proposition. I could be impoverished trying to pay for my health care. MA is the only plan I can afford.

History shows that the federal governments attempt to harness the perceived benefits of managed care to Medicare by attempting to separate for-profit entities from profit-maximizing behavior has failed. Instead of throwing more money at MA to reform it, trying to cut MA payments, or regulating, perhaps the solution is starving the beast. With reduced cost-sharing and service expansion, people would have less incentive to enroll in MA. The fewer beneficiaries, the less money paid out, the less power.

A campaign to improve Medicare might be the only political avenue open to those who want to save it.

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The Dark History of Medicare Privatization - The American Prospect

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NFL’s Odell Beckham Jr. took his $750000 salary in bitcoin how much did that end up costing him? – MarketWatch

Los Angeles Rams wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. made headlines last November when he announced he would be converting his 2021 salary into bitcoin.

The problem for Beckham: that bitcoin BTCUSD, -1.09% prices have been plummeting.

Cryptocurrencies including bitcoin and ethereum ETHUSD, -1.21% extended their ongoing slide on Monday. Ether was down 8% over the past 24 hours, and bitcoin prices fell below $35,000, including a 4% drop in the past 24 hours.

This is bad news for crypto investors and for Beckham, who claimed to be converting $750,000 into bitcoin in a deal with the Block Inc. SQ, -0.68% payment company Cash App.

The Action Network is reporting that the deal was made on Nov. 12, a week after the veteran receivers release by the Cleveland Browns and a day when a bitcoin cost $64,158, according to CoinDesk the price is down 46.55% since that time.

Based on Mondays bitcoin prices, and assuming that Beckham did convert a lump sum of $750,000 into bitcoin when the deal was made in November, that salary would now be worth about $401,500, and, despite the drop in value, he would still have to pay taxes on income as provided to him at its $750,000 value.

In addition to federal income tax, Beckham would have to pay state income tax in California, where the Rams play and which has one of the highest state income-tax rates in the country. State income-tax brackets indicate the upper reaches of his income qualify for a 12.3% tax rate, which kicks in at $625,370. (His overall compensation, including a signing bonus and incentives, was reported to be worth as much as $4.25 million.)

Because it is not known whether Beckham moved the $750,000 sum all at once into bitcoin or spread it over multiple conversions, its difficult to pinpoint an exact dollar figure for Beckhams losses. If the deposit was made on Nov. 12, that investment is now worth around $35,000 after federal and state taxes, according to Darren Rovell of the Action Network and formerly of ESPN and CNBC.

What can be reliably determined, though, is that Beckham would have been better off accepting his salary in U.S. dollars.

Representatives for Beckham did not verify the terms of Beckhams bitcoin investment to MarketWatch.

See also: Are you guys into crypto?: Kim Kardashian, Floyd Mayweather Jr. sued in alleged crypto scam

Beckham joined a roster of NFL players who have accepted payment in cryptocurrency or who have converted portions of their salaries, including Saquon Barkley, Trevor Lawrence and Russell Okung.

The sliding prices for cryptocurrencies come as panic-like selling emerged on Monday on Wall Street, with the stock market tumbling and the Dow dropping over 1,000 points as of midafternoon, before a dramatic late-day comeback turned all three main U.S. stock benchmarks DJIA, +0.29% SPX, +0.28% COMP, +0.63% positive.

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NFL's Odell Beckham Jr. took his $750000 salary in bitcoin how much did that end up costing him? - MarketWatch

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NetApp ONTAP Achieves Validation from NSA for Security and Encryption – Database Trends and Applications

NetApp, a global, cloud-led, data-centric software company, has announced that NetApp ONTAP, an enterprise storage and data management platform, has achieved Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) validation for a data-at-rest (DAR) capability package. With this, organizations across the globe can benefit from NetApp ONTAPs security capabilities to protect customers information on-prem and in remote locations from foreign actors, ransomware attacks or other data loss threats they may face.

A cybersecurity program led by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), CSfC is a key component of the organizations commercial cybersecurity strategy. CSfC validates commercial IT products that have met the highest level of strict encryption standards and rigorous security requirements for both hardware and software solutions. Recently, the NSA has recommended that federal agencies hosting secret or top-secret data utilize storage solutions that have been CSfC validated.

Companies are facing more threats to their data and ultimately their business than ever before. According to Accentures State of Cybersecurity Resilience 2021 report, there were on average 270 attacks per company in 2021, a 31% increase from 2020. Additionally, 81% of chief information security officer (CISO) respondents said that staying ahead of attackers is a constant battle and the cost is unsustainable.

According to NetApp, with this CSfC validation, organizations can expect NetApp ONTAP to:

NetApp has been in the data protection business for nearly 30 years and is a data storage and management supplier to federal government, delivering storage innovation and data solutions, including data encryption, both in-flight and at rest, compliance, and protection. The latest release of ONTAP enables enterprises to use machine learning to protect against cyber-attacks with integrated preemptive detection and accelerated data recovery.

Organizations today know that data security is paramount, whether they operate in the public or private sector, said Michelle Rudnicki, vice president, U.S. public sector. at NetApp. With NetApps world-class data security capabilities and this CSfC validation, government organizations as well as companies in highly regulated industries like financial services, healthcare, energy or any organization with valuable intellectual property can be reassured that their most sensitive data is secure with NetApp ONTAP.

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NetApp ONTAP Achieves Validation from NSA for Security and Encryption - Database Trends and Applications

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Attack on the Red Cross, UK against end-to-end encryption and other cybersecurity developments – The Times Hub

We have collected the most important news from the world of cybersecurity for the week.

Bitdefender experts have discovered a new BHUNT malware aimed at stealing cryptocurrency wallet funds, passwords, and seed phrases.

The malware can also steal cookies and other confidential information stored in the cache of Chrome and Firefox browsers.

Bitdefender urged never to download software from untrusted sources and install updates in a timely manner.

Personal data 515,000 people were compromised in an attack on the servers of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Most of the data belongs to people in extremely vulnerable separated from their families due to military conflicts, migration and natural disasters, missing persons and their families, as well as persons in custody.

Who is behind the attack is unknown. The Red Cross urged hackers to do the right thing do not sell or distribute the information received.

The UK government will launch an advertising attack to end-to-end encryption, according to Rolling Stone. The main goal is to turn the public against Meta (formerly Facebook)'s decision to implement encryption in Messenger.

The UK Home Office hired advertising agency M&C Saatchi to implement this initiative.

The main argument of law enforcement officers against end-to-end encryption is a potential threat to the safety of children and the complication of identifying intruders. Due to these concerns, Meta has been forced to delay its default rollout on its Messenger and Instagram until 2023.

Through trackers embedded in emails, third parties can access the recipient's data, including their location, ProtonMail clarified.

During the detention of those suspected of participating in the REvil hacker group, Russian law enforcement officers arrested one of the people responsible for hacking the Colonial Pipeline company. This is reported by The Washington Post, citing sources.

Recall that last year Colonial Pipeline was attacked by a ransomware virus that stole about 100 GB of data and blocked computer systems. The attack was blamed on the DarkSide group, the hackers were linked to Russia.

Colonial Pipeline paid the attackers 75 BTC to restore work and return data.

Later, the FBI returned 63.7 BTC from the ransom paid by the company. It is not known how the agency gained access to the bitcoin wallet.

In January 2021, the FSB announced the detention of 14 members of the REvil group after an appeal from the United States.

In Brazil, the Telegram messenger is allowed to be blocked due to fears of the spread of fake news during the elections in October 2022, Valor Economico reports.

The head of the Supreme Electoral Court, Roberto Barroso, tried to contact the founder of the service, Pavel Durov, to discuss cooperation in but received no response.

Brazil has already concluded similar agreements with Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp.

Also on ForkLog:

REvil is considered one of the largest groups behind the spread of ransomware viruses, and therefore the detention of its alleged members caused a great outcry. Last year, everyone was talking about ransomware, from cybersecurity experts and the media to government authorities.

We tell you what the threat from ransomware is and what consequences it will have for the cryptocurrency industry.

Ransomware pandemic: what is causing the wave of hacker attacks and how it will affect bitcoin

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Attack on the Red Cross, UK against end-to-end encryption and other cybersecurity developments - The Times Hub

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Stop email tracking with encrypted email from ProtonMail – Geeky Gadgets

ProtonMail is a secure Switzerland-based email service that provides you with encrypted email accounts via both desktop and mobile applications with support for both iOS and Android operating systems. ProtonMail is incorporated in Switzerland, which means all user data is protected by strict Swiss privacy laws.

Once you sign up for a ProtonMail email account, you will benefit from end-to-end encryption and zero access encryption to secure emails. Meaning that not even the ProtonMail engineers can decrypt and read your emails and as a result, no third parties can snoop on your private communications or scan your email for your personal data. Extending your privacy, the Proton Calendar and Proton Drive services extend privacy to your events and documents and your secure email service is fully integrated within encrypted calendar enabling you to keep your events completely private and out of prying eyes.

ProtonMail is an email provider/service that respects privacy and puts people (not advertisers) first. Your data belongs to you, and our encryption ensures that. We also provide an anonymous email gateway. ProtonMail can be used on any device without software install. ProtonMail secure email accounts are fully compatible with other email providers. You can send and receive emails normally. We believe email privacy should be available to all. Thats why our code is open source and basic ProtonMail accounts are always free. You can support the service by upgrading to a paid account.

The integrated tracking protection feature finds and blocks tracking pixels, and has already blocked more than 1.3 million trackers, despite being available to less than 1% of Proton users in its beta trial. Email tracking is a form of digital surveillance that has become a serious concern in recent years.

Over 40% of emails sent and received daily are now tracked. While ProtonMail has always blocked third party content (and therefore tracking pixels) by default, this new feature will allow users to read their newsletters, register for online accounts and fully engage with their emails without letting advertisers watch.

For more information on how you can protect your email from tracking and third-party snooping jump over to the official ProtonMail website by following the link below

Source : Proton

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Stop email tracking with encrypted email from ProtonMail - Geeky Gadgets

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NSA gains new cybersecurity authorities over national security systems – SC Media

The White House issued a memo today that gives the National Security Agency (NSA) more authority over protecting national security systems and seeks to better position the Department of Defense (DoD) and intelligence agencies to handle a range of digital national security threats targeting cloud systems and outdated encryption standards.

The memo places the NSA in a role similar to the one the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) plays among federal civilian agencies. The agency will now have the authority to issue emergency and binding directives that require agencies to take discrete actions on cybersecurity problems or emerging threats.

While each agency will still ultimately be responsible for protecting their sensitive systems and data, it gives the director of the NSA wide latitude to designate what constitutes a national security system at other defense and intelligence agencies, examine systems for security controls and incident response and issue new requirements or activities meant to shore up cybersecurity.

It also establishes the NSA as the focal point for visibility over cybersecurity threats that affect military and intelligence systems. Within two months, the NSA will issue a directive ordering agencies to send relevant information for any and all cross domain solutions or systems that connect to other systems with different levels of classification. Agencies will send logs, IT asset inventories, patching history and other information to the NSA, who will serve as the principal advisor for all such actions.

The memo also puts responsibility on DoD, the FBI, the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to flesh out a framework for conducting incident response activities on national security systems and requires any breach to be reported to the NSA.

The order lays out a number of timelines for military and intelligence agencies to follow.

By March, each agency with systems that handle sensitive or classified national security data must update their plans around zero trust and cloud adoption. By April, the Committee on National Security Systems must establish minimum security controls for national security IT systems that are migrated to the cloud. Agencies must also confirm that all national security system data are using multifactor authentication and encryption protocols for, both for data-at-rest and in transit, by July.

On the encryption side, the NSA has been at the forefront of implementing new encryption protocols that can withstand potential attacks from quantum computers in the future. The memo puts the NSA in the driver's seat of implementing similar transformations across the national security space, including contractors. Defense and intel agencies will have six months to map out any systems that are not-compliant or using NSA approved algorithms and establish timelines for replacing them.

A House report on the National Defense Authorization Act last September explicitly floated giving the NSA the authority to issue binding operational directives, saying that while current law allows the Joint Functional Headquarters-Department of Defense Information Network agencies to direct required actions to the majority of the federal government, there appear to be impediments to a comparable authority over National Security Systems.

At the time, one former NSA employee told SC Media that it would depend on the specifics but if granted, he expected such authorities to be used not only to defend U.S. government networks, but also enhance intelligence collection against the foreign adversaries targeting them.

"No federal agency has ever said, Please dont give us an authority, and intelligence agencies are certainly no exception, said Jake Williams, a former NSA hacker and chief technology officer at BreachQuest. "Intelligence agencies only operate within the authorities theyre granted and certainly any BODs given to NSA will be used to enhance the intelligence mission.

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., praised the move in a statement and pointed to the requirement that agencies report hacks to the NSA, calling for Congress to pass legislation he authored imposing similar requirements on critical infrastructure. A bill to do so was stripped out of last year's NDAA, but sources in Congress have told SC Media that they are eyeing a number of possible legislative vehicles, including an upcoming government spending bill due in February and as a rider to the United States Innovation and Competition Act, to get it passed into law.

"Now its time for Congress to act by passing our bipartisan legislationthat would require critical infrastructure owners and operators to report such cyber intrusions within 72 hours," Warner said.

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NSA gains new cybersecurity authorities over national security systems - SC Media

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You'll take part in our award-winning induction programme and gain practical experience. Teams of new students work together to design and create. For example, you could take apart and put back together a 4 stroke engine.

The first year provides a background in engineering science, emphasising the mechanical engineering aspects. This includes a workshop training course.

Core modules cover topics such as:

You'll develop your design and programming skills, preparing you to design, build and test engineering systems, components and mechanisms.

You'll explore the main mechanical engineering subjects with tailored modules. This includes topics such as:

You'll also take part in a challenging design project, such as designing an autonomous robot or quadcopter.

You can apply to spend a semester abroad at the end of the year. We have several partner institutions that teach modules in English.

You'll undertake an individual project that usually takes the form of a design or research exercise.

You'll specialise in aerospace systems, with a mix of compulsory and optional modules including:

You'll take part in a group design project, these are often linked to current research activities or topics that have practical relevance to industry. You'll apply your conceptual engineering and scientific knowledge to an engineering design problem.

As a team, you'll develop your ideas through detailed design, experimentation, computer modelling and manufacture.

You'll study aircraft propulsion, and will also choose from optional modules, such as:

hypersonic flows

aircraft structures

Want more detail?See all the modules in the course.

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Mechanical Aerospace Engineering | University of Southampton

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Mechanical Automotive Engineering | University of Southampton

Modules in the first 2 years explore the fundamentals of mechanical engineering. Youll gain the skills to apply your theoretical understanding to a wide range of real design problems.

In years 3 and 4, you'll extend your knowledge and skills by taking part in both individual and group projects. You'll take specialist modules in automotive systems and engineering.

You'll take part in our award-winning induction programme and gain practical experience. Teams of new students work together to design and create. For example, you could take apart and put back together a 4 stroke engine.

The first year provides a background in engineering science, emphasising the mechanical engineering aspects. This includes a workshop training course.

Core modules cover topics such as:

You'll develop your design and programming skills, preparing you to design, build and test engineering systems, components and mechanisms.

You'll explore the main mechanical engineering subjects with tailored modules. This includes topics such as:

materials and structures

drives and machines


You'll also take part in a challenging design project, such as designing an autonomous robot or quadcopter.

You can apply to spend a semester abroad at the end of the year. We have several partner institutions that teach modules in English.

You'll undertake an individual project that usually takes the form of a design or research exercise.

You'll specialise in automotive engineering and study topics including:

manufacturing and materials

automotive power train and chassis systems

heat transfer and applications

automotive mechatronics

You'll also choose from a range of optional modules to focus or broaden your knowledge.

You'll take part in a group design project, these are often linked to current research activities or topics that have practical relevance to industry. You'll apply your conceptual engineering and scientific knowledge to an engineering design problem.

As a team, you'll develop your ideas through detailed design, experimentation, computer modelling and manufacture.

Youll have the option to study advanced topics, including:

Want more detail?See all the modules in the course.

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Mechanical Automotive Engineering | University of Southampton

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Electronic Engineering | MEng | University of Southampton

The year 1 and 2 modules are similar across all our Electronic Engineering courses and provide a grounding in essential engineering topics.

In years 3 and 4, you can follow your interests by choosing modules from a wide range of options. You can also choose modules from other subject areas.

Youll work in high-spec electronics and computer labs, equipped with the latest technology, hardware and software.

In the first year, youll study digital systems, and electrical materials and fields. There are core modules in:





We'll develop your practical skills with extensive laboratory classes. In your first semester youll get to build processing boards.

Compulsory modules will explore:

electrical materials




You'll choose from optional modules, covering topics such as:



computer engineering

At the end of the year, you'll complete a 3-week team challenge, judged by an industry panel. Previous projects include the development of a home AI system and building a quadcopter.

Youll also design a microchip for manufacture and test the finished product.

This year, youll complete a unique piece of individual research. This will typically involve designing, building and testing a new electronic system. For some students it can even lead to their first published scientific paper.

A module in engineering management and law will give you the professional skills needed to pursue a career in a large company, or start your own venture.

You'll choose from optional modules covering topics, such as:

robotic systems

green electronics

digital control systems

You can also choose to:

The main group design project is a great opportunity to experience working for an industry or academic customer. Past projects have involved:

Youll also select from optional modules covering topics, such as:

You can apply to spend the second semester studying abroad at a partner institution.

Want more detail?See all the modules in the course.

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Electronic Engineering | MEng | University of Southampton

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Optical Fibre & Photonic Engineering | University of …

Through this optical fibre course, you'll gain specialist knowledge of technologies that harness the power of light, such as lasers and optical fibres. You'll also master the engineering skills and business insight to apply your knowledge in this growth sector.

In 2017 we were awarded a Queens Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education, in recognition of our world-leading expertise in photonics and fibre optic technology.

If you've got a passion for physics and engineering materials, but want to keep your job opportunities open, this optics and photonics engineering course will allow you to explore both. Many of our students go on to study for a PhD, but many also go into industry, or set up their own business.

Youll be part ofan active, research-focused, postgraduate-only community; the largest photonics group in the UK. You'll also havea rare opportunity to see firsthand how fibres are made, as wereone of only a handful of universities with optical fibre production facilities.

During this MSc degree, you'll make photonic components and devices in ournew 1,200m2 cleanroom complex. This is thelargest multidisciplinary cleanroom of its type in the UK.

Our inventions can be found on the Moon, on Mars and on the International Space Station. We built the foundations of the internet and our research is powering changes in medicine, telecommunications, defence, renewable energy and manufacturing.

Some of the best photonics researchers in the world will support you to develop your research skills and youll gain hands-on experience of the many practical applications of optical fibres and photonics engineering.

You'll gainpractical insights into how to run a modern photonics business through our Industrial Showcase Week. During the week youll visit several businesses and learn from experienced photonics business leaders how to apply research and engineering skills to real-world problems.

Well foster your entrepreneurial spirit, helping you develop your ideas and connect with mentors and investors; 11 spin-out companies have so far been developed from our Optical Research Centre.

Bill Brocklesbystarted in research at the ClarendonLaboratory in Oxford, working on laser spectroscopy. He worked as a post-doctoral member of Technical Staff at AT&T Bell laboratories. His research has centred around novel imaging & microscopy techniques in the visible and XUV spectral regions over the last 10-15 years. He is currentlyworking on coherent diffractive imaging of nanoscale systems using XUV radiation generated by high-power ultrashort pulse lasers.

Dr Brocklesby was Project Manager of the ICANproject, conceived by Grard Mourou and Toshiki Tajima, which studied large-scale beam combination of ultrafast fibre lasers for wake-field acceleration. Large-scale beam combination remains a topic of interest.

He alsohas extensive research experience in:

The Course Description Document details your course overview, your course structure and how your course is taught and assessed.

Although the COVID-19 situation is improving, any future restrictions could mean we might have to change the way parts of our teaching and learning take place in 2021 to 2022. We're working hard to plan for a number of possible scenarios. This means that some of the information on this course page may be subject to change.

Find out more on our COVID advice page.

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Optical Fibre & Photonic Engineering | University of ...

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