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The Case Against Altcoins: 3 Reasons To Stick to Bitcoin Only – International Man

The biggest mistake you can make in the ongoing Bitcoin bull market would be to get distracted with altcoinsall cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin.

Many erroneously think that since there are thousands of cryptocurrencies, crypto is just another asset class like bonds or stocks, and they need diversification within that asset class.

As youll soon see, that would be like adding pyrite to your portfolio to diversify your gold holdings.

Few understand the simple truth that although there are thousands of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin is the only one with fundamental value.

Its essential to consider how Bitcoin and altcoins should be classified.

What exactly are they?

Are they money?

Are they equity?

Are they something else?

Here are three crucial reasons to stick to Bitcoin only. It will clarify the situation in a way that anyone should understand.

A blockchain is just a database distributed among different computers.

The blockchains native currency pays for its security and incentivizes its users to maintain the network.

For example, Bitcoin miners help secure the network and are compensated only in Bitcoin. Full node operatorsthose who run the full Bitcoin softwarerun a full node because it gives them total sovereignty over their Bitcoin. It costs money and takes time to do these things, which are essential in keeping Bitcoin decentralized and secure.

These people are taking these actions and incurring these costs because of Bitcoin.

The situation is similar with every other cryptocurrency.

The point is that a blockchains native currency is an essential incentive to those securing and maintaining the network.

Running a blockchain necessarily has real-world monetary costs. The blockchains native currency must be viable as money, or it wont be attractive for people to incur these costs. Nobody wants to be paid inferior money or spend better money maintaining inferior money.

Thats why all blockchains have an essential monetary function.

If there arent compelling incentives to incur the costs to run the blockchain, few people will do it, and the database wont be decentralized, defeating the whole purpose. If the database isnt genuinely decentralized, you might as well be using a more efficient centralized one.

Thats why the blockchains native currency must be a good money. Its what incentivizes people to incur the costs to make the network decentralized and secure.

The problem for altcoins is that they are inferior forms of money.

Simply put, Bitcoin is different because nobody controls it.

Nobody can change Bitcoinnot even Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, the Chinese government, the US government, or any of these powerful entities combined.

Even if Satoshi NakamotoBitcoins anonymous Cypherpunk creatorreturned after disappearing in 2011, he could not alter Bitcoin.

The fact that no individual, corporation, or governmentor collection of themcan change the Bitcoin protocol makes it neutral and apolitical. Its what gives Bitcoins monetary propertiesnamely, its total resistance to debasementcredibility.

For every other crypto from Ethereum on down, it is trivial for a group of insiders or developers to change the protocol, including the supply. For example, the Ethereum developers change the monetary policy about as often as the Federal Reserve.

Although it is highly improbable, the Bitcoin protocol can theoretically be changed.

Its similar to saying that asteroid mining or nanotechnology could make gold as common as the aluminum foil in your kitchen drawer. Theoretically, that could happen, but it is so improbable right now that it is irrelevant to our investment decisions.

Understanding how difficult it would be to change the Bitcoin protocol is crucial to understanding the credibility of its monetary properties.

Satoshi Nakamoto once correctly said:

The nature of Bitcoin is such that once version 0.1 was released, the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime.

To understand how to make changes to Bitcoinand what makes it different from every other cryptocurrencyits essential to grasp the basics.

There are generally two ways a cryptocurrency implements changes and updatesa hard fork and a soft fork.

A hard fork is a significant change to the protocol and is not backward compatible, which means previous software versions will not function after the hard fork.

For example, suppose the developers of ABC cryptocurrency implemented a hard fork to update its protocol on April 15. After that date, anyone who didnt update their software to contain the new compulsory changes cannot access their money.

In short, a hard fork means someone is in control and altering core aspects of the protocol.

On the other hand, a soft fork is a backward-compatible upgrade, which means the previous versions of the software are compatible and will still work after the soft fork. Thats because soft forks dont contain fundamental changes that would render older versions unusable. Users who choose not to go along with the soft fork will still have access to their funds and can interact with the network.

Think of the difference between a hard fork and a soft fork as the difference between a mandatory and voluntary change.

Its not a trivial difference. Its paramount, yet few understand the significance of the difference and how it relates to the credibility of a cryptocurrencys monetary properties.

It brings up another fundamental question.

If someone is pushing hard forks (drastic, mandatory changes to the protocol), how can the crypto be considered apolitical or decentralized? How can its supply have any credibility when someone can change it?

The simple answer is that it cant.

Heres a helpful way to think of it

Imagine there was a group of people who could hard fork gold. Lets call them the Gold Cartel.

Suppose the Gold Cartel decided to hard fork gold to change its essential characteristics (what they would euphemistically call a protocol upgrade) but not the gold supply.

Then, suppose the Gold Cartel mandated a gold hard fork that would change gold from a solid to a liquid and from yellow to brown. But they decided that they would leave the gold supply unchanged this time.

They claimed they were making these changes to gold to upgrade its fungibility and that everyone must go along with them and their new and improved version of gold.

Then, suppose the Gold Cartel told everyone the gold hard fork would occur in two weeks and that everyone in the world must come to one of the Gold Cartels offices to exchange the old yellow, solid gold for the new brown, liquid gold.

After the Gold Cartels hard fork, the old yellow, solid gold would no longer be valid. It would no longer be gold and thus useless to anyone who didnt exchange it for their newly mandated liquid brown gold.

Would gold be a neutral, apolitical, decentralized asset in such a situation?

Would its supply have any credibility?

Thats why hard forks are a big problem for the credibility of a cryptocurrencys supply.

Aside from Bitcoin, when a cryptocurrencys development team announces a hard fork, everyone usually goes along and implements their suggested changes. Its not that different when Apple or Microsoft announces a software update. Users are forced to follow it regardless of whether they want to.

But sometimes, hard forks can be contentious. For example, certain people may disagree and refuse to implement the proposed changes. When that happens, the cryptocurrency splits into two totally different ones.

As a practical matter, anyone can hard fork any cryptocurrency whenever they want. All you have to do is take the open-source codeavailable to anyoneand make your desired changes to the protocol. But that doesnt mean anyone will follow your lead or value your new cryptocurrency.

For example, I can easily make a hard fork of Bitcoin that changes the supply from 21 million to 22 million and call it Bitcoin 2.0. But that doesnt mean I can inherit the monetary properties of the original Bitcoin, which are related to the credibility of its supply, which Ive just undermined by changing the protocol. Thats why the market is unlikely to assign any value to Bitcoin 2.0.

In short, anyone can create a cryptocurrency in minutes. Thats the easy part. Making one that nobody controls is the hard part.

If someone wanted to propose a hard fork to change to the Bitcoin protocol, it would require the agreement of most of the over 19,100 full nodes that enforce the protocol. Otherwise, the only thing they would succeed in doing is creating an increasingly worthless knockoff.

Full nodes enforce the Bitcoin protocol and consensus ruleslike its issuance and supply. The average computer can easily handle running a full node now and in the future, which is crucial for Bitcoin to remain decentralized.

Any desktop, laptop, Raspberry Piand even some cell phoneshave the potential to become Bitcoin full nodes. Furthermore, as technology advances, running a full node will become even more accessible.

The fact that anyone can run a full node makes the enforcement of Bitcoins protocol decentralized. So its unlikely that any individual, corporation, or governmentor groups of themcould get together to enforce their will on the network by coercing the full nodes.

The Blocksize Wars, which culminated in 2017, was an excellent example. Thats when an overwhelming majority of the Bitcoin minersand other prominent insiders and large companiestried to get together and change Bitcoins protocol by ramming through a hard fork.

Even though they represented most of the miners, some of the most powerful insiders, prominent influencers, and large corporations, the decentralized network of full nodes rejected their attempted hostile takeover and did not follow their hard fork.

Instead of forcing a destructive change on Bitcoinas they desiredthey just created an increasingly worthless knockoff known as Bitcoin Cash. Recently, the market cap of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) was less than 1% of the real Bitcoins (BTC) and is trending towards 0%.

The effort to change Bitcoins protocol during the Blocksize Wars was a spectacular failure.

Afterward, it became clear that nobody controls Bitcoin, not even the vast majority of its most powerful insiders. It became apparent Bitcoin was genuinely neutral and apolitical.

For more on this incredible story and pivotal moment in Bitcoins history, I suggest you check out the book The Blocksize War: The battle over who controls Bitcoins protocol rules.

Heres another way to think of it.

Imagine someone wanting to change the rules of chess so pawns could move backward. Of course, anyone could do so anytime, but that doesnt mean people will follow the new rule. Of course, nothing is impossible, but it would be so improbable that such a move would gain traction that its irrelevant.

In my view, getting the consensus of the full nodes to change the Bitcoin protocol with a hard forkto say, alter the fixed supply of 21 millionis even less probable than successfully changing the rules of chess.

Its important to emphasize that Bitcoin is resistant to change not just from technical and economic standpoints but also from social and cultural ones.

Most people running Bitcoin full nodes have a deep conviction in Bitcoins potential as a hard money resistant to debasement. So they wouldnt want to undermine that essential attribute by agreeing to change the protocol, which would undermine the credibility of its monetary propertiesthe entire value proposition of Bitcoin.

On a cultural level, the only scenario in which I can see the Bitcoin community agreeing to a hard fork would be in a genuinely existential situation.

To summarize, Bitcoin developers do not have the power to push updates and hard forks that change the protocol to the full nodes. There are no automatic or forced software upgrades. Bitcoin updates can only be accepted voluntarily by the full nodes and must be backward compatible.

Its a crucial part of an ingenious system of checks and balances that keeps a global systemthat settles many trillions of dollars in value running flawlessly without anyone in charge of it.

Heres the bottom line.

The sovereignty in Bitcoin is not with the developers, the miners, insiders, influencers, large holders, or any individual or group. Its with the globally decentralized network of full nodes, which anyone can operate.

For every other cryptocurrency, the opposite is true.

With altcoins, the sovereignty is with the developers and insiders. It is trivial for them to perform a hard fork and change the protocol.

Thats why almost every crypto aside from Bitcoin performs hard forks as part of their routine upgrade process. The developers tell everyone they need to upgrade, and there is no choice as everyone goes along with itmuch like when Apple or Microsoft mandate software upgrades.

In short, altcoins perform hard forks all the time. That means someone is in charge and can push through significant changes to the protocollike the supply. They may choose not to for now, but they can.

Heres why it relates to the credibility of a cryptocurrencys monetary properties

For example, what will the Bitcoin supply be on January 1, 2030?

With the highest confidence, I can say that it will be 20,484,246.

By contrast, what will the supply of Ethereumor any altcoinbe on January 1, 2030?

It could be 120 million, 500 million, 200 billion, 2 trillion, or more. Its anyones guess as to what future changes the developers and insiders will make to the protocol with hard forks.

In short, thats why altcoins have artificial scarcity.

Artificial scarcity is not a desirable monetary property and disqualifies altcoins as good money.

Thats why Bitcoin is different.

The ability to enforceand potentially changethe protocol (including the supply) is truly decentralized and not under the control of anyone.

Thats what gives Bitcoin genuine scarcity and credible monetary properties, which in turn make Bitcoin suitable as good money.

Once people realize altcoins are not good money, they often fall back on the claim that they are like equity or investing in tech start-ups.

When you invest in the equity of a start-up, you have an ownership stake. Its a legal claim to the assets of the business and its future cash flows.

However, altcoins do not represent any ownership stake or legal claim on any asset or cash flow whatsoever. Thats why they are nothing like equity, despite what many believe.

Mistaking an altcoin for equity would be like mistaking arcade tokens or airline frequent flyer miles for an ownership stake in the underlying airline or arcade business.

But suppose altcoins did represent an ownership stake. They would then undoubtedly meet the definition of a security under the Howey Test, which means their founders and developers must register and file disclosures with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

I think the SEC should have been abolished yesterday, but flaunting them is stupid.

Practically no altcoins have registered as a securities, yet most of them probably are indeed securitieseven though they offer no legal claim to ownership.

Given their statements, its clear that the SEC views almost all altcoins as unregistered securities, making them vulnerable to enforcement actions.

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The Case Against Altcoins: 3 Reasons To Stick to Bitcoin Only - International Man

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Ethereum Price to Outperform Bitcoin as BTC Dominance Decline Puts Market on Brink of Altcoin Season –

Key Takeaways

The BTCD measures the dominance of Bitcoin relative to the rest of the crypto market. Increases in BTCD occur in periods when the BTC price outperforms altcoins, and the opposite happens whenBTCD falls. Sharp BTCD falls have historically been considered the start of altcoin season.

While 2024 has been a bullish year for cryptocurrencies, most have underperformed BTC. This is particularly evident when considering that BTC has reached an all-time high while Ethereum has not. However, the recent bearish signal in the BTCD combined with a bullish signal in ETH/BTC could change this.

The BTCD has increased alongside an ascending support trend line for over 500 days. The upward trend was initially rapid but stalled in October 2023. BTC has traded between 52 and 56% since.

In the beginning of April, BTCD made a failed attempt at breaking out from the 0.5 Fibonacci retracement resistance level of 56.42%. However, it was unsuccessful, leaving a long upper wick in its wake (red icon).

BTCD fell after the rejection and now risks a breakdown below the ascending support trend line. Since the trend line has existed for nearly 520 days, breaking down below it could trigger altcoin season, a period in which altcoins increase at a much faster rate than BTC.

The weekly MACD supports reinforces this likelihood, since it has generated a triple bearish divergence (green), which started once the BTCD upward trend stalled. Such a divergence has never occurred in BTCDs history, meaning that it can lead to a significant downward movement.

If this hypothesis is correct, it would be logical for the altcoin market cap to break out.

As expected, the Altcoin market cap has increased since April 13, reclaiming the 0.5 Fibonacci retracement support level in the and creating long lower wicks (green icons).

Even though the altcoin market cap has fallen since March 14, the decrease has been contained inside a descending parallel channel. This is a common characteristic in corrective structures.

The likelihood of a breakout is also supported by the fact that the altcoin market cap reclaimed the $1.02 trillion support area and moved above the channels midline. It currently attempts to validate the $1.02 area as support.

Finally, the weekly MACD broke out from its resistance trend line (green) and made a bullish cross. While all signs point to a bullish trend, confirming the bullish scenario requires a breakout from the channel.

In the past week, the total amount paid in fees to use the Ethereum blockchain has been around 1,000 ETH. This is an extremely low value and notably below the yearly high of 10,000 ETH in March 2024.

In the past 12 months, the only other time ETH fees were this low was in September and October 2023. This is a sign that network activity is falling. This period coincided with an increase in the ETH supply, conforming to the issuance/burn mechanism, since inactivity in the Ethereum network decreases gas fees, resulting in a slower ETH burn.

Since the merge in September 2022, the total ETH supply has steadily decreased. The exception to the downtrend was in September & October 2023, when the supply increased by roughly 50,000 ETH.

As expected, the ETH supply has increased by nearly 20,000 this month since issuance is outpacing the burn.

Furthermore, the ETH price also reached a bottom the last time fees were this low. After 60 days of consolidating between $1,500 and $1,800, ETH began an upward movement in the end of October 2023, culminating with a high of $4,093 in March 2024.

Ethereum, ranked as the biggest altcoin by market capitalization, holds the key to triggering a fall in BTCD through its outperformance of Bitcoin.The ETH/BTC chart is almost the exact mirror opposite of the BTCD one.

ETH/BTC fell under a descending resistance trend line for nearly 600 days, and also decreased below the 0.052 horizontal support area. However, the price is in the process of reclaiming this long-term horizontal support area. If it does, it will likely also break out from the trend line, since it is very close to it.

Moreover, the weekly RSI & MACD have generated a triple bullish divergence. This is a very similar signal to the BTCD one but in the opposite direction. So, it reinforces the possibiltiy that ETH/BTC will break out.

A weekly close above 0.055 will confirm the breakout is underway, initiating this cycles altcoin season.

To conclude, there are three signal that have aligned and support an upcoming altcoin season. Firstly, the BTCD has generated a bearish signal. Secondly, the altcoin marketcap is in the precipice of breaking out from a long-term channel. Ethereumappears poised to break out from a nearly two-year-long downtrend and potentially outperform Bitcoin.

Confirming this possibility requires an ETH/BTC breakout and a BTCD breakdown. However, all signs indicate that this outcome is the most likely future outlook.

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Ethereum Price to Outperform Bitcoin as BTC Dominance Decline Puts Market on Brink of Altcoin Season -

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Bitcoin Set to Become More Dominant Even as BTC Stares at First Monthly Loss Since August – TradingView

Bitcoin {{BTC}} appears on track to end a seven-month winning streak. Still, the largest token by market value is likely to become more dominant in the crypto market, according to one analyst.

As of the time of writing, bitcoin changed hands at $63,200, representing an 11% monthly loss, the first since August 2023, according to data source CoinDesk and TradingView. The CoinDesk 20 Index, a measure of the most liquid digital assets, traded nearly 20% lower for the month at 2,185 points.

A bevy of factors like the dwindling probability of the Fed rate cuts, reduced demand for the U.S.-based spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and broad-based risk aversion in financial markets have taken the wind out of the bitcoin bull run this month. Meanwhile, a continued expansion of prominent stablecoins has been a supportive factor.

Analysts are now closely watching Wednesdays quarterly refunding statement by the U.S. Treasury. According to Singapore-based QCP Capital, a higher issuance of short-term bills could free up liquidity, supporting risk assets.

The upcoming Quarterly Refunding Announcement (QRA) on May 1 could also see higher issuances of short-term U.S. bills. This will drain the RRP, which currently has USD 400 billion, and also increase liquidity, QCP said in a market note.

The U.S. Treasury said on Monday it plans to borrow more in the April to June quarter. Higher-than-expected borrowing means more bond supply, higher yields or risk-free rates and less reason to invest in risky assets.

The Treasury also said it expects to maintain a balance of $850 billion in its Treasury General Account by the end of September, slightly higher than the $750 billion expected.

BTC to become more dominant

Bitcoins dominance rate, or the share in the crypto market, recently rose to a three-year high of 57%, breaking higher from a six-month consolidation pattern.

The breakout means bitcoin could continue to outshine alternative cryptocurrencies (altcoins) in the coming months.

It [the dominance rate] recently had a breakout favoring bitcoin over altcoins in the intermediate-term, which is in line with the weekly RRG [relative rotation graph] where most altcoins point lower, Fairlead Strategies said in a note to clients Monday.

The breakout in the index marks a continuation of a long-term turnaround phase, which has reversed much of the altcoin gains made in early 2021, Fairlead Strategies added.

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Bitcoin Set to Become More Dominant Even as BTC Stares at First Monthly Loss Since August - TradingView

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Ethereum Gas Fees Hit Six-Month Low, Indicating Potential Altcoin Surge: Santiment – Cryptonews

Last updated: April 29, 2024 02:40 EDT | 2 min read

Gas fees on the Ethereum network have experienced a significant drop to their lowest levels in six months, even as the price of Ether saw a slight rally over the weekend.

Analysts from crypto analytics platform Santiment suggest that this decline in gas fees could be a signal for an upcoming altcoin rally.

According toSantiments post on X, the average fee for an Ethereum transaction fell as low as $1.12.

The platform explained that transaction fees often follow cycles of investor sentiment, swinging between extreme optimism and pessimism.

Gas fees tend to peak during market tops and then decline to lower levels during market bottoms.

Earlier this year, gas fees on Ethereum reached an eight-month high in February due to a surge in interestforthe experimental ERC-404 token standard.

However, the current low gas fees could indicate a potential increase in activity on the Ethereum network, potentially leading to an altcoin rally.

Santimentsuggests that the recent retracement in the markets, coupled with the reduced demand and strain on the network, may result in a quicker turnaround for Ethereum and associated altcoins than expected.

CoinGecko data shows that Ether has experienced a 4.3% gain in the past week, supporting the notion of a slight rally in its price.

Additionally, on April 27, three Ethereum layer-2 networksOptimism (OP),Arbitrum(ARB), and Polygonwere among the top five best-performing assets in the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market cap, with gains of 11.7%, 3.5%, and 2.8% respectively.

However, the reduced network activity has led to an increase in the circulating supply of Ethereum.

Over the past month, 74,458 new ETH were issued, while only 57,516 were burned, resulting in a net supply increase of 16,979 ETH, as reported by ultrasound.moneydata.

This stands in contrast to the previous five months, which saw a steady deflation. Its worth noting that sinceEthereums transitionto a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, known as The Merge, on September 15, 2022, more than 437,000 ETH has been burned.

The Ethereum networkreported a robust income of $365 millionin the first quarter of 2024, an impressive year-on-year revenue growth of 155%.

As reported, Ethereums Q1 income represents a staggering 200% increase compared to the $123 million profit recorded in Q4 2023.

A major contributing factor to this substantial growth was the surge in decentralized finance (DeFi) activity during the quarter, driving heightened network participation.

Ethereums fee revenue, generated through user transactions, reached a notable milestone of $1.17 billion in Q1, marking a remarkable 155% increase from the same period in 2023 and an 80% upswing from the previous quarter.

The amplified network activity, fueled by the surge in DeFi applications, has propelled Ethereums average daily transactions in 2024 to surpass last years figures.

The current average of 1.15 million daily transactions isin close proximity tothe peak levels witnessed during Ethereums momentous run in 2021.

Ethereum Gas Fees Hit Six-Month Low, Indicating Potential Altcoin Surge: Santiment - Cryptonews

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Even as He Faces Prison Time, Binance’s Founder Plans a Comeback – The New York Times

He enjoyed a home-cooked dinner in Montana with a former U.S. senator. He visited Telluride, Colo., and Moab, Utah, a vacation spot known for its national parks. And he chatted about start-ups with Sam Altman, the chief executive of OpenAI.

After pleading guilty to a money-laundering violation in November, Changpeng Zhao, the founder of the cryptocurrency exchange Binance, did not sit still. A federal judge denied his request to return home to Dubai, but Mr. Zhao, 47, was free to roam the United States. So he spent the past five months traveling the country, networking with other entrepreneurs and laying the groundwork for his next act.

When he pleaded guilty, Mr. Zhao, once the most powerful figure in the global crypto industry, resigned as Binances chief executive and agreed to pay a $50 million fine. On Tuesday, he is scheduled to be sentenced in federal court in Seattle, with prosecutors seeking a three-year prison term, while defense lawyers have asked for probation and no time behind bars.

But Mr. Zhao, who goes by the initials CZ, is already looking to the future. He has a $33 billion fortune, according to Forbes, and he announced last month that he was starting a new web platform to promote online education.

Mr. Zhao has also expressed interest in investing in artificial intelligence and biotechnology, and has corresponded with other executives. Late last year, he and Mr. Altman exchanged text messages, two people familiar with the matter said, and discussed the challenges of expanding a start-up worldwide.

Many powerful crypto executives have faced federal lawsuits and criminal charges since the multitrillion-dollar industry imploded in 2022. Some have gone to prison, while others have enjoyed the high life before being arrested. Mr. Zhaos fate is likely to be kinder than most.

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Even as He Faces Prison Time, Binance's Founder Plans a Comeback - The New York Times

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Binance’s CZ in talks with Sam Altman to explore AI investments –

Binance founder Changpeng Zhao appears to be eyeing investments in data centers focused on AI as part of his exploration into new investment opportunities.

Ex-Binance boss Changpeng Zhao (CZ) reportedly engaged in multiple discussions with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman as he explores new ventures, despite the potential of facing three years in prison for allegedly permitting various money-laundering schemes on his exchange, the New York Times has learned, citing people familiar with the matter.

The details of Zhaos talks with Altman remain slim, with the sources only saying that the former Binance head is particularly interested in artificial intelligence. According to the report, Zhao first met Altman in 2023, before stepping down as a chief executive at Binance. After changes in leadership at OpenAI in late November, the people said Zhao and Altman held another round of talks.

In December 2023, Zhao confirmed during a meeting with Ronghui Gu, a computer science professor at Columbia University, that he had communicated with Altman. In an interview with the New York Times, Gu said that Zhao and Altman both believe that A.I. is going to help a lot in actualizing the development of technology and human knowledge.

Gu also added that the Binance founder mentioned that he was looking for opportunities to invest in the large data centers that power AI applications, though Zhaos preferred investment target OpenAI or its rivals remains unclear.

Today, I stepped down as CEO of Binance. Admittedly, it was not easy to let go emotionally. But I know it is the right thing to do. I made mistakes, and I must take responsibility. This is best for our community, for Binance, and for myself.

Binance is no longer a baby. It is

In an X post in November, Zhao publicly talked about his plans after his legal issues, mentioning his interest in investing in web3, decentralized finance, and artificial intelligence.

After that, my current thinking is I will probably do some passive investing, being a minority token/shareholder in startups in areas of blockchain/Web3/DeFi, AI and biotech.

Changpeng Zhao

Meanwhile, U.S. prosecutors seek a 36-month prison sentence for Zhao, citing the severity of his alleged crimes. They argue that such a punishment would deter Zhao and others from flouting U.S. laws for financial gain. Zhao, who pleaded guilty to violating the Bank Secrecy Act in November 2023, currently awaits sentencing, scheduled for Apr. 30. Despite being free on a $175 million bond, his request to travel to Dubai was denied by a U.S. judge due to concerns about his substantial wealth and potential flight risk.

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Binance's CZ in talks with Sam Altman to explore AI investments -

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Binance’s clash with the SEC is up next as CZ faces sentencing – DLNews

When Changpeng Zhao faces a judge on Tuesday to be sentenced for violating US banking law, the event may look a lot like closure.

But it wont be.

Binance, the global crypto exchange Zhao founded and led from 2017 to last November, is still facing civil charges brought by the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

And so is Zhao.

While the US Department of Justice got Binance to plead guilty to facilitating money laundering for all manner of bad actors and pay $4.3 billion in penalties, the SECs litigation poses a grave threat to the companys future.

Thats because the regulator is alleging Binance is running an illegal exchange, brokerage, and clearing agency, as well as unlawfully listing digital assets that should be registered as securities.

That includes its own token BNB as well as its now defunct stablecoin, BUSD.

I just dont see Binance submitting to the yoke of federal regulators.

If Binance fails to get the case dismissed and then loses at trial, the company will probably retreat from the US rather than comply with obtaining all the licences it would need to keep operating, said Kevin OBrien, a partner at Ford OBrien Landy, and a former assistant US attorney.

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I just dont see them submitting to the yoke of federal regulators. It doesnt fit with their business model or their rhetoric, OBrien told DL News.

The 13-count lawsuit also alleges Binance committed fraud and lied to investors. Binance has denied the allegations. Like Coinbase, Kraken, and the Blockchain Association, the industrys trade association, Binance argues that its wrong to treat digital assets the same as traditional securities.

The company did not respond to requests for comment from DL News.

Theres a lot on the line, too, for the SEC and its hard-charging chair, Gary Gensler.

Unlike regulators in the European Union and other jurisdictions, Gensler has rejected the crypto industrys argument that digital assets deserve their own bespoke rules.

By pursuing litigation against Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, and other big crypto players, Gensler is intent on proving that existing US securities laws govern digital assets the same as stocks and bonds.

Tigran Gambaryan, a senior Binance compliance official, has been incarcerated for nine weeks in Nigeria.

Winning that battle may be why the SEC stood apart from its sister agencies when they settled with Binance last year.

On November 21, top officials of the Justice Department, the US Treasury Department, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission stood shoulder to shoulder in Washington to announce their joint settlement with Binance.

The company admitted it had failed to implement money laundering controls and prevent militant groups, drug traffickers, and producers of child sexual abuse materials to process billions of dollars in transactions on the platform.

Zhao, 47, who also pleaded guilty and paid a $50 million penalty, may receive a 36-month prison term in a hearing scheduled for Tuesday in a federal court in Seattle. His lawyers have asked for probation.

For all the headlines, Binances settlement with the DoJ and CFTC did not damage its business.

Binance simply has to implement better know-your-customer controls, anti-money laundering practices, and offer futures contracts in a more compliant way, said Jonathan Schmalfeld, a lawyer at Polsinelli.

Indeed, Binance still commands 42% of the global market share in spot and derivatives crypto trading, and handles about $14 billion a day in volume.

But if the SEC were to get its way, the exchanges core US platform would be affected.

Binance isnt prepared, I would think, to concede that its products have been marketed in violation of the federal securities laws, OBrien said.

The SEC wants the courts to affirm its assertion that crypto assets are investment contracts and covered by the 1933 and 1934 legislation that established the legal rules for the modern capital markets.

Now the agency is expanding its focus to the infrastructure of decentralised finance with looming enforcement actions against Uniswap, the leading decentralised exchange, and wallet provider Metamask.

For the crypto industry, this is an existential moment. The fact that the SEC is targeting stablecoins, including BUSD, is especially crucial.

Gensler has moved on stablecoins because Congress has failed to get legislation off the ground. The EU and the UK, meanwhile, are steaming ahead with tailored regulatory frameworks.

Stablecoins arent intended to function like shares of Apple or Tesla, as investments, Schmalfeld said.

Theyre more like electronic cash, albeit cash whose value is backed by another asset such as the dollar or a US Treasury bill.

You cant go to a grocery store and buy a gallon of milk with $5 of capital stock, Schmalfeld said. You dont use it that way, because to transfer it, you go through the necessary intermediaries.

Trading a stablecoin the same as stock or bonds would obviate the instruments entire point, and kill the industry in the US, he said.

Thats why the SECs lawsuit against Binance is really a battle over whether or not you can use stablecoins or at least this stablecoin, BUSD, in the United States, Stephen Rutenberg, also a lawyer at Polsinelli, told DL News.

That probably wont bother Gensler, though.

For the most part, Gensler doesnt think much of this business is legit he calls them bandits, that theyre essentially lawless, OBrien said.

If they go out of business in the United States, thats fine, he welcomes that.

Joanna Wright covers regulation for DL News. Reach out to the author at

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Binance's clash with the SEC is up next as CZ faces sentencing - DLNews

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How CZ’s sentencing is just the start of Binance’s problems – DLNews

A version of this story appeared in our The Guidance newsletter on April 29. Sign up here.

Ahead of Changpeng Zhaos sentencing on Tuesday, his fans are showing their support.

Many of us know he has done so many good things for the community and the world, said one post on X.

And its not just the degens.

Family and friends sent letters to the Seattle court to support the disgraced founder and erstwhile CEO of Binance, describing his good character.

His lawyers told the court to consider giving him probation, given that hes shown remorse, and that he worked with authorities to put in place controls.

But Binance still faces the US securities regulator in a civil suit, which presents a very different picture of Zhao.

The Securities and Exchange Commission said he ran Binance and its purportedly independent US arm with an iron fist, and even hired a consultant to create a plan for sidestepping US laws.

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That wont dent his image among his fans.

Zhao took Binance from a startup to the worlds biggest crypto exchange in just a year. In the process he got very rich, and attained cult figure status among crypto investors.

But what is striking about the securities watchdogs suit is how if the allegations are true it shows that Zhao was prepared to risk the assets of those very investors, lying to, and even trading against them.

The SECs case contains a lot of heavy technical terminology that can obscure the seriousness of its allegations.

The regulator alleges that, among other violations of securities law, Binance combined the functions of clearing agency, broker, and exchange.

It also accused Binance of misrepresenting the trade surveillance controls it put on its platform.


Binance raked in billions of dollars from US investors, while failing to put in place the kind of investor protections that are standard on traditional exchanges, the SEC says.

Investors money including about $1.8 billion from US customers by the end of 2022 was not kept safe in a bank, nor did Binance give customers much information about the wallets where their assets were stored.

The exchange was thus free to risk investor assets, moving them around as it liked. And it allegedly did so, even apparently spending mingled funds $11 million at a yacht dealer.

Binance also allegedly misrepresented its pricing data on CoinMarketCap, and used two market makers controlled by Zhao to artificially inflate trading volume on the platform.

Those are practices that actively hurt investors.

To be clear, the SECs allegations are just that they have still to be proven in a court of law.

Still, theres a lesson here.

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Frieds trial laid bare how crypto founders portrayal as genius mavericks whose innovative contributions to society give them a pass on the normal rules mask how they hurt investors.

Its good to keep that lesson in mind as the SEC case unfolds.

Joanna Wright writes about crypto regulation for DL News. Email her

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How CZ's sentencing is just the start of Binance's problems - DLNews

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Binance wants the court to know US government’s position on USDC – Cointelegraph

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance and former CEO Changpeng CZ Zhao have filed notice with the court in its case with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission to establish the governments position on stablecoins as a security.

In an April 25 filing in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, lawyers for Binance and CZ filed a Notice of Supplemental Authority, bringing the courts attention to the U.S. governments arguments in its criminal case against Mango Markets exploiter Avraham Eisenberg. In that case, prosecutors argued there was no factual basis for treating USD Coin (USDC) as a security or putting the question to a jury.

The Justice Department used the argument against USDC as a security in its case against Eisenberg, who was found guilty of fraud and market manipulation on April 18. Having the government claim that a stablecoin was not a security seemingly under the SECs regulatory reach could bolster Binances arguments in the civil case.

The scope of the argument seemed limited to USDC, while the SECs case against Binance included BNB (BNB) and the stablecoin Binance USD (BUSD). The lawsuit, filed in June 2023, alleged that the crypto exchange and CZ allowed unregistered offers and sales of BNB and BUSD, as well as Binances Simple Earn, BNB Vault and staking programs.

Related: Philippines SEC orders Apple and Google to remove Binance from app stores

Binances case with the SEC was ongoing at the time of publication, but the exchange and CZ settled with the U.S. Justice Department, Treasury Department and Commodity Futures Trading Commission in November 2023 for $4.3 billion. Zhao stepped down as CEO of the crypto exchange and pleaded guilty to one felony count as part of the deal. He is scheduled to be sentenced on April 30.

The crypto exchange remains under scrutiny from regulators and authorities across the globe. Two Binance executives were arrested in Nigeria after the firm said it intended to cease all transactions in the local fiat currency, the naira. Authorities in Canada alsofiled a class-action lawsuit against Binance on April 19, alleging the exchange sold unregistered crypto derivative products.

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Binance wants the court to know US government's position on USDC - Cointelegraph

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Philippines Wants Binance Yanked From Apple and Google App Stores –

Cryptocurrency giantBinancecould soon find it harder to do business in the Philippines.

The countrysSecurities and Exchange Commission(SEC) on Tuesday (April 23) called on Apple and Google toremove Binances appfrom their app stores, a move that followed months of the regulator warning residents not to do business with the company.

Commission ChairpersonEmilio Aquinosaid in a news release that it had concluded that the publics continued access to these websites/apps poses a threat to the security of the funds of investing Filipinos.

He added that the sale or offer of unregistered securities to Filipinos and operating as an unregistered broker violates the countrys securities code and that blocking Binances apps will prevent thefurther proliferation of its illegal activities in the country, and to protect the investing public from its detrimental effects on our economy.

PYMNTS has contacted Binance for comment but has not yet gotten a reply.

The SEC first targeted Binance last year, with the regulator announcing in November that it was blocking access to Binance, saying the company was not a registered corporation in the Philippines authorized to sell or offer securities. As noted here at the time, it was part of a broaderseries of pressuresfacing the company in Asia.

Tuesdays SEC news release notes that the agency had also asked the countrys NationalTelecommunications Commission to restrict access to websites used by Binance in thePhilippines to stop its unauthorized investment solicitation activities in the country.

The requests follow similar moves by regulators in India, who earlier this year asked Google and Apple toremove Binanceand other crypto companies from the app stores in that country.

And in December of last year, Indias Financial Intelligence Unit moved to block the URLs of nine offshore virtual digital asset service providers Binance among them saying these companies were not adhering to thecountrys Prevention of Money Laundering Act.

Binance is also facingmoney laundering and tax evasionallegations in Nigeria, where two of its executives are being held after their arrest in February. Binance CEO Richard Teng said last week that the company is working with Nigerian authorities toresolve the matter, according to a Reuters report.

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Philippines Wants Binance Yanked From Apple and Google App Stores -

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