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The tech industry controls CS conference funding. What are the dangers? – Freedom to Tinker

Research about the influence of computing technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), on society relies heavily upon the financial support of the very companies that produce those technologies. Corporations like Google, Microsoft, and IBM spend millions of dollars each year to sponsor labs, professorships, PhD programs, and conferences in fields like computer science (CS) and AI ethics at some of the worlds top institutions. Industry is the main consumer of academic CS research, and 84% percent of CS professors receive at least some industry funding. All of these factors contribute to the significant influence tech firms wield over the kinds of questions that are and arent asked about their products, and which information is and isnt made available about their social impact.

As consciousness about these conflicts of interest builds, we are seeing growing calls from scholars in and around CS to disentangle the discipline from Big Techs corporate agenda. However, given the extent to which much of CS academia relies on funding from major tech corporations, this is much easier said than done. As I argue below, a more achievable yet valuable goal might be to introduce better safeguards in spaces like conferences to mitigate undue corporate influence over essential research.

I will make my case in two parts. First, in todays post, I will:

In my second post, I will follow up with my recommendations for steps that can be taken to minimize the potential chilling or agenda-setting effects brought on by corporate funding on CS research.

A short survey of concerns about Big Techs influence

Relying on large companies and the resources they control can create significant limitations for the kinds of CS research that are proposed, funded and published. The tech industry plays a large hand in deciding what is and isnt worthy of examination, or how issues are framed. For instance, a tech company might have a very different definition of privacy from that which is used by consumer rights advocates. But if the company is determining the parameters for the kinds of research it wishes to sponsor, it can choose to fund proposals that align with or uphold its own interpretation.

The scope of what is reasonable to study is therefore shaped by what is of value to tech companies. There is little incentive for these corporations to fund academic research about issues that they consider more marginal or which dont relate to their priorities.

A 2020 study on artificial intelligence research found that with respect to AI, firms have increased corporate research significantly, in the form of both company-level publications as well as collaborations with elite universities. This trend was illustrated in an analysis by Birhane et al. of top-cited papers published at premier machine learning conferences, which revealed substantive and increasing corporate presence in that research. In 2018-19, nearly 80% of the annotated papers had some sort of corporate ties, by either author affiliation or funding. Moreover, the analysis found that corporate presence is more pronounced in the conference papers that end up receiving the most citations.

Birhane et al. write, the top stated values of ML such as performance, generalization, and efficiency may not only enable and facilitate the realization of Big Techs objectives, but also suppress values such as beneficence, justice, and inclusion.

One of the most vocal critics of Big Techs capture of CS academia is Meredith Whittaker, a former Google employee-turned Senior Advisor on AI at the Federal Trade Commission. She argues that tech companies, hoping to muffle critics and fend off mounting regulatory pressure, are eager to shape the narrative around their technologies social impact by funding favorable research. This has led to widespread corporate sponsorship of labs, faculty positions, graduate programs, and conferencesall of which are reliant on these companies for not only funding, but often also access to data and computing resources. This industry capture of tech researchwherein corporations are strategically funding research or public campaigns in a way that serves their own agendahas been described by scholars like Thao Phan et al. as philanthrocapitalism.

Furthermore, as Whittaker argues, the tech industrys dominance in CS research threatens to deprive frontline communities, policymakers, and the public of vital knowledge about the costs and consequences of AI and the industry responsible for itright at the time that this work is most needed. Recognizing this threat, other ex-Googlers like Timnit Gebru and Alex Hanna have taken the initiative to launch the Distributed AI Research Institute, in an effort to create space for independent, community-rooted AI research free from Big Techs pervasive influence.

I do wish to make clear that receiving funding from an organization that doesnt completely align with ones values does not necessarily mean ones research is compromised. Corporate funding of AI research is not inherently bad, and academics who do not accept Big Tech money can still produce ethically questionable research. Furthermore, individuals who accept Big Tech funding can still be critical of the corporations products and their influence on society.

However, I agree with academics like Moshe Y. Vardi who argue that we must grapple with the contradictions inherent in accepting funding for research such as AI ethics from companies whose interests may run counter to the public good. In a recent article, Vardi, who is the senior editor of Communications of the ACM(1), urged his colleagues to think more critically about their fields relationship to surveillance-capitalism corporations, writing: The biggest problem that computing faces today is not that AI technology is unethicalthough machine bias is a serious issuebut that AI technology is used by large and powerful corporations to support a business model that is, arguably, unethical.

Analysis: FAGMA companies dominate conference sponsorship

One way to begin to address these conflicts of interest is by reflecting on the conditions of knowledge creation and exchangein spaces such as academic conferencesand thinking critically and openly about the compromises and tradeoffs inherent in accepting funding from the industry that controls the subject of ones study. In the field of computer science, conferences are the primary venue for sharing ones research with others in the discipline. Therefore, sponsoring these gatherings gives firms valuable influence over and insight into whats happening at the cutting edge of topics like machine learning and human-computer interaction.

In an effort to get a better understanding of who the major players are in this realm, I reviewed the websites for the top 25 CS conferences (based on H-5 index and impact score) to compile information about all of the organizations that have financially supported them between 2019 and 2021. I found that a majority of the most frequent and most generous sponsors, often donating tens of thousands of dollars per conference, were powerful technology companies.

This spreadsheet contains sponsorship data for the top 25 most frequent sponsors (2). Of the 10 sponsors who supported the largest numbers of different conferences in the past three years, five are FAGMA companies (Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Apple)six if you count DeepMind, a subsidiary of Googles parent company Alphabet. No non-profit organizations, government science funding agencies, or sponsors from outside the U.S. or China appeared among the top 10.

Overall, among the most frequent and most generous supporters of the top 25 CS conferences, the only non-tech/non-corporate donor was the National Science Foundation, which sponsored five different conferences (11 total gatherings) with donations typically ranging between $15,000 and $25,000.

In addition to having their company name and logo listed on conference promotional materials, top sponsors (who often give upwards of $50,000) receive perks such as opportunities to sponsor prizes or students grants, complimentary registrations and private meeting rooms, access to databases of conference registrants interested in recruitment opportunities, virtual booths or priority exhibition spaces, advertising opportunities and press support, and access to attendee metrics on exhibitor dashboards. A Hero Sponsor who gave $50,000 or more to the 2021 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), for example, would have received 34 different benefits which cumulatively create opportunities for continuous access to and influence on attendees throughout the event.

It is difficult to get an accurate estimate of exactly how much money each company donates to these conferences, as these numbers are not consistently reported to the public. Some conferences only publish a list of supporters with no details about how much each one gave. Others assign sponsorship levels such as Platinum or Diamond, but the monetary value associated with each level varies by conference and year. When dollar amounts are provided, they often represent a potential range of several thousand dollarsfor instance, a Platinum Sponsor of the 2021 SIGMOD/PODS conference might have given anywhere between $16,000 and $31,999. Furthermore, it is difficult gain insight into how exactly these funds are used.

Given the extent of financial entanglement between Big Tech and academia, it might be unrealistic to expect CS scholars to completely resist accepting any industry fundinginstead, it may be more practicable to make a concerted effort to establish higher standards for and greater transparency regarding sponsorship.

In Part 2 of this article, I will recommend steps that can be taken to minimize the potential chilling or agenda-setting effects brought on by corporate funding on CS research.

(1) Six of the top 25 CS conferences in the world are organized by ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery. Between 2019 and 2021, many of those conferences were largely funded by American tech companies like Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, IBM, and Microsoft, and Chinese ones like Alibaba, Baidu, ByteDance, and Huawei.

(2) I have compiled a conference sponsorship database that includes extensive data that is not included in this spreadsheet. If you are interested in reviewing it, or in collaborating on further data collection, I would be happy to share it privately.

Many, many thanks to Prof. Arvind Narayanan and Karen Rouse for their thoughtful guidance on and support with this piece.

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The tech industry controls CS conference funding. What are the dangers? - Freedom to Tinker

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Quantum Week 2022 Participation Opportunities for Research and Innovations in Quantum Computing and Engineering – PR Newswire

Participation opportunities are available for a limited time. Authorsare invited to submit contributionsfor technical papers, tutorials, workshops, panels, posters, and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions. The submission schedule is available at IEEE Quantum Week Submission Deadlines.

IEEE Quantum Week 2022 features the following topics:

Papers accepted by IEEE Quantum Week will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, and the best papers will be invited to the journalsIEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering(TQE)andACM Transactions on Quantum Computing(TQC).

IEEE Quantum Week is bridging the gap between the science of quantum computing and the development of industry surrounding it. Over 1100 attendees from 50 countries and 230+ companies convened for the 2021 event that delivered more than 270 hours of programming on quantum computing and engineering.

VisitIEEE Quantum Week 2022for all event news including sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities.

IEEE Quantum Week 2022 is co-sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Council of Superconductivity, IEEE Future Directions Committee, and IEEE Photonics Society.

About the IEEE Computer SocietyTheIEEE Computer Societyis the world's home for computer science, engineering, and technology. A global leader in providing access to computer science research, analysis, and information, the IEEE Computer Society offers a comprehensive array of unmatched products, services, and opportunities for individuals at all stages of their professional career. Known as the premier organization that empowers the people who drive technology, the IEEE Computer Society offers international conferences, peer-reviewed publications, a unique digital library, and training programs.

About the IEEE Communications SocietyTheIEEE Communications Societypromotes technological innovation and fosters creation and sharing of information among the global technical community. The Society provides services to members for their technical and professional advancement and forums for technical exchanges among professionals in academia, industry, and public institutions.

About the IEEE Council on SuperconductivityTheIEEE Council on Superconductivityand its activities and programs cover the science and technology of superconductors and their applications, including materials and their applications for electronics, magnetics, and power systems, where the superconductor properties are central to the application.

About the IEEE Future Directions Quantum InitiativeIEEE Quantumis an IEEE Future Directions initiative launched in 2019 that serves as IEEE's leading community for all projects and activities on quantum technologies. IEEE Quantum is supported by leadership and representation across IEEE Societies and OUs. The initiative addresses the current landscape of quantum technologies, identifies challenges and opportunities, leverages and collaborates with existing initiatives, and engages the quantum community at large.

About the IEEE Photonics SocietyTheIEEE Photonics Societyforms the hub of a vibrant technical community of more than 100,000 professionals dedicated to transforming breakthroughs in quantum physics into the devices, systems, and products to revolutionize our daily lives. From ubiquitous and inexpensive global communications via fiber optics, to lasers for medical and other applications, to flat-screen displays, to photovoltaic devices for solar energy, to LEDs for energy-efficient illumination, there are myriad examples of the Society's impact on the world around us.

SOURCE IEEE Computer Society

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Quantum Week 2022 Participation Opportunities for Research and Innovations in Quantum Computing and Engineering - PR Newswire

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Meteorites that helped form earth may have formed in the outer solar system – EurekAlert

image:An artist's illustration of the asteroid belt view more

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Our Solar System is believed to have formed from a cloud of gas and dust, the so-called solar nebula, which began to condense on itself gravitationally ~ 4.6 billion years ago. As this cloud contracted, it began to spin and shaped itself into a disk revolving about the highest gravity mass at its centre, which would become our Sun. Our solar system inherited all of its chemical composition from an earlier star or stars which exploded as supernovae. Our Sun scavenged a general sample of this material as it formed, but the residual material in the disk began to migrate based on its propensity to freeze at a given temperature. As the Sun grew dense enough to initiate nuclear fusion reactions and become a star, it scavenged a general sample of this material as it formed, but the residuals in the disk formed solid materials to form planetary bodies based on its propensity to freeze at a given temperature. As the Sun irradiated the surrounding disk, it created a heat gradient in the early solar system. For this reason, the inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, are mostly rock (mostly composed of heavier elements, such as iron, magnesium and silicon), while the outer planets are largely composed of lighter elements, especially hydrogen, helium, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.

Earth is believed to have formed partly from carbonaceous meteorites, which are thought to come from outer main-belt asteroids. Telescopic observations of outer main-belt asteroids reveal a common 3.1 m reflectance feature that suggests their outer layers host either water ices or ammoniated clays, or both, which are only stable at very low temperatures. Interestingly, though several lines of evidence suggest carbonaceous meteorites are derived from such asteroids, the meteorites recovered on Earth generally lack this feature. The asteroid belt thus poses many questions for astronomers and planetary scientists.

A new study led by researchers at the Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) at Tokyo Institute of Technology suggests these asteroidal materials may have formed very far out in the early Solar System then been transported into the inner Solar System by chaotic mixing processes. In this study, a combination of asteroid observations using the Japanese AKARI space telescope and theoretical modelling of chemical reactions in asteroids suggests that the surface minerals present on outer main-belt asteroids, especially ammonia (NH3)-bearing clays, form from starting materials containing NH3 and CO2 ice that are stable only at very low temperature, and under water-rich conditions. Based on these results, this new study proposes that outer main-belt asteroids formed in distant orbits and differentiated to form different minerals in water-rich mantles and rock-dominated cores.

To understand the source of the discrepancies in the measured spectra of carbonaceous meteorites and asteroids, using computer simulations, the team modelled the chemical evolution of several plausible primitive mixtures designed to simulate primitive asteroidal materials. They then used these computer models to produce simulated reflectance spectra for comparison to the telescopically obtained ones.

Their models indicated that in order to match the asteroid spectra, the starting material had to contain a significant amount of water and ammonia, a relatively low abundance of CO2, and react at temperatures below 70, suggesting the asteroids formed much further out than their present locations in the early solar system. In contrast, the lack of the 3.1 mm feature in meteorites can be attributed to reaction possibly deeper inside asteroids where temperatures reached higher values thus, recovered meteorites may sample deeper portions of asteroids.

If true, this study suggests that Earth's formation and unique properties result from peculiar aspects of the Solar System's formation. There will be several opportunities to test this model, for example, this study provides predictions for what the analysis of Hayabusa 2 returned samples will find. This distant origin of asteroids, if correct, predicts that there will be ammoniated salts and minerals in Hayabusa 2's returned samples. A further check on this model will be provided by the analyses of returned materials from NASA's OSIRIS-Rex mission.

This study also examined whether the physical and chemical conditions in outer main-belt asteroids should be able to form the observed minerals. The cold and distant origin of asteroids proposed suggests there should be a significant similarity between asteroids and comets and raises questions about how each of these types of bodies formed.

This study suggests the materials that formed the Earth may have formed very far out in the early Solar System and then been brought in during the especially turbulent early history of the solar system. Recent observations of protoplanetary disks by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have found many ringed structures, which are believed to be direct observations of planetesimal formation. As lead author Hiroyuki Kurokawa summarises the work, "Whether our solar system's formation is a typical outcome remains to be determined, but numerous measurements suggest we may be able to place our cosmic history in context soon."


H. Kurokawa1*, T. Shibuya2, Y. Sekine1, B. L. Ehlmann3,4, F. Usui5,6, S. Kikuchi2, and M. Yoda1,7, Distant Formation and Differentiation of Outer Main Belt Asteroids and Carbonaceous Chondrite Parent Bodies, AGU Advances, DOI: 10.1029/2021AV000568

More information

Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) stands at the forefront of research and higher education as the leading university for science and technology in Japan. Tokyo Tech researchers excel in fields ranging from materials science to biology, computer science, and physics. Founded in 1881, Tokyo Tech hosts over 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students per year, who develop into scientific leaders and some of the most sought-after engineers in industry. Embodying the Japanese philosophy of "monotsukuri," meaning "technical ingenuity and innovation," the Tokyo Tech community strives to contribute to society through high-impact research.

The Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) is one of Japan's ambitious World Premiere International research centers, whose aim is to achieve progress in broadly inter-disciplinary scientific areas by inspiring the world's greatest minds to come to Japan and collaborate on the most challenging scientific problems. ELSI's primary aim is to address the origin and co-evolution of the Earth and life.

The World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) was launched in 2007 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to help build globally visible research centers in Japan. These institutes promote high research standards and outstanding research environments that attract frontline researchers from around the world. These centers are highly autonomous, allowing them to revolutionize conventional modes of research operation and administration in Japan.

Observational study

Not applicable

Distant Formation and Differentiation of Outer Main Belt Asteroids and Carbonaceous Chondrite Parent Bodies


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Meteorites that helped form earth may have formed in the outer solar system - EurekAlert

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Rudiments of analysis in physics – EurekAlert

image:Fundamentals of Analysis of Physics view more

Credit: Image Right Reserved to Bentham Science Publishers

The book Fundamentals of analysis in physics is targeting undergraduate students, who are going to learn the fundamentals of physics. Many beginners feel that it is difficult to learn each field of physics (classical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, relativistic quantum mechanics, and statistic mechanics) in detail separately. It would be preferable to learn the whole fields as quick as possible and have a simple imagination about the relation between different fields. After learning the position of each field in the physics, it becomes easier to learn detailed parts of each field. In this book, the important points of all fields of physics are summarized with short and simple expressions as follows.

In chapter 3, the principle of rf-ion trap is described without using the Mathieu-equation. In chapter 4, the fundamentals of electric induced transparency (EIT) and adiabatic rapid passage are explained with simple expressions.

About the Editor:

Dr. Masatoshi Kajita was born and raised in Nagoya, Japan. He graduated from the Department of Applied Physics, the University of Tokyo, in 1981 and obtained his Ph. D. from Department of Physics, the University of Tokyo, in 1986. After working at the Institute for Molecular Science, he joined Communications Research Laboratory (CRL) in 1989. In 2004, the CRL was renamed the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT). At NICT, he has been focused to the precision measurement of atomic transition frequencies. Since 2008, he has been interested with the precision measurement of vibrational transition frequencies of molecules. In 2009, he was a guest professor at the Provence University, Marseille, France. Until 2021, he has published 91 research articles and following three books: Measuring Time; Frequency measurements and related developments in physics (2018, IOP Expanding physics), Measurement, Uncertainty and Lasers (2019, IOP Expanding Physics), and Cold Atoms and Molecules (2021, IOP Expanding Physics).


Physical mathematics, Quantum mechanics, Numerical calculation, Schrodinger equation, Classical physics, Energy structure of atoms and molecules, Two body system, Electron spin , Lagrange equation, Dirac equation

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New Theoretical Study Sheds Light on How Information Escapes from Evaporating Black Hole –

An international team of physicists from RIKEN, Cornell University and the University of California, Santa Barbara, has used a new spacetime geometry with a wormhole-like structure to show that information is not necessarily irretrievably lost from evaporating black holes.

A traversable wormhole in four space-time dimensions. Image credit: NASA / G. Bacon, STScI.

Einsteins theory of general relativity predicted that once an object falls inside a black holes event horizon, it ends up at the center of the black hole called a singularity where it is completely crushed.

In the 1970s, Stephen Hawking calculated that black holes should emit radiation when quantum mechanics is considered.

This is called black hole evaporation because the black hole shrinks, just like an evaporating water droplet, said Dr. Kanato Goto, a researcher with the RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences and the Department of Physics at Cornell University.

This, however, led to a paradox. Eventually, the black hole will evaporate entirely and so too will any information about its swallowed contents.

But this contradicts a fundamental dictum of quantum physics: that information cannot vanish from the Universe.

This suggests that general relativity and quantum mechanics as they currently stand are inconsistent with each other. We have to find a unified framework for quantum gravity, Dr. Goto said.

Many physicists suspect that the information that escapes is encoded somehow in the radiation.

To investigate, they compute the entropy of the radiation, which measures how much information is lost from the perspective of someone outside the black hole.

In 1993, physicist Don Page calculated that if no information is lost, the entropy will initially grow, but will drop to zero as the black hole disappears.

When physicists simply combine quantum mechanics with the standard description of a black hole in general relativity, Page appears to be wrong the entropy continually grows as the black hole shrinks, indicating information is lost.

But recently, physicists have explored how black holes mimic wormholes providing an escape route for information.

This is not a wormhole in the real world, but a way of mathematically computing the entropy of the radiation, Dr. Goto said.

A wormhole connects the interior of the black hole and the radiation outside, like a bridge.

When Dr. Goto and his colleagues performed a detailed analysis combining both the standard description and a wormhole picture, their result matched Pages prediction, suggesting that physicists are right to suspect that information is preserved even after the black holes demise.

We discovered a new spacetime geometry with a wormhole-like structure that had been overlooked in conventional computations, Dr. Goto said.

Entropy computed using this new geometry gives a completely different result.

But this raises new questions. We still dont know the basic mechanism of how information is carried away by the radiation. We need a theory of quantum gravity.

The teams paper appears in the Journal of High Energy Physics.


K. Goto et al. 2021. Replica wormholes for an evaporating 2D black hole. J. High Energ. Phys 289; doi: 10.1007/JHEP04(2021)289

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New quantum gravity sensor could someday peel away the surfaces of other worlds –

To find features like groundwater under Earth's surface or under the surface of another world scientists can sense the subtle marks those features leave in the planet's gravitational field.

But those measurements aren't easy to get; you need very sensitive instruments, and even the slightest vibrations can throw off the measurements. Now, a group of physicists has demonstrated an hourglass-like gravity-measuring device that they say helps to overcome this challenge.

Gravity-measuring devices, called gravimeters, themselves aren't new. They're used for everything from probing physical constants to mapping rugged landscapes. Modern, cutting-edge gravimeters use atoms. If you pulse two atoms with lasers and send them out to different points, a gravitational field will affect the two in slightly different ways. You can measure that gravitational field by overlapping those two atoms and puzzling out the differences in their quantum properties.

Related: 10 mind-boggling things you should know about quantum physics

But when physicists try to boost the resolution in attempts to see objects the size of a few meters, such as pipes and passages underground, conventional gravity sensors hit a wall. Ground variations, temperature shifts and even slight magnetic fields can throw them off.

So the new sensor takes a different approach. The researchers call it an hourglass; each "bulb" contains a cloud of rubidium atoms trapped in a magnetic cage, pulsed through with a laser. The dual clouds mean that that device effectively has two separate gravimeters. As a result, the researchers can not only measure a gravitational field but also measure it at two different heights.

It's not the most sensitive quantum gravity sensor in the world, but it is one of the first to leave the lab. In a real-world test, this hourglass-like gravimeter detected a utility tunnel buried under a road in Birmingham, England.

"As far as we know, our instrument has been the first to detect a real underground target of relevance to civil engineering outside of the laboratory environment," study co-author Kai Bongs, a physicist at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom, told "This is really a breakthrough in making quantum technology practical."

The new gravimeter could become a wonderful tool for mapping built-up features underground.

And these gravimeters aren't limited to use on Earth. In fact, the European Space Agency (ESA) is already interested in taking them to the launchpad. ESA's next generation of Earth observation satellites might carry sensors like these, measuring things like underground water, the circulation of the world's oceans and how these things are being affected by climate change.

"This might be extended to the exploration of other planets in the solar system, understanding more about their inner structure," Bongs told

Sending gravimeters to study other worlds isn't new. In 2012, NASA's GRAIL mission sent a pair of spacecraft to map the moon's gravitational field and peel away its surface. That mission probed the layers of the moon's interior with unprecedented accuracy, studied the material under impact basins and found what might be the signatures of underground caverns.

Now, if ESA's interest is any indication, these next-generation gravimeters could be used to find underground water on the moon or on other worlds, like Mars.

The researchers published their work Feb. 23 in the journal Nature.

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Astrophysicists Battle over the Multiverse – Discovery Institute

Image credit:Gerd Altmann viaPixabay.

Recently, online magazineBig Thinkchallenged two astrophysicists,Ethan Siegel(Yes) andAdam Frank(No), todebate the question.

From Ethan Siegels argument for the multiverse:

If cosmic inflation and quantum field theory are both correct, then the Multiverse arises as an inevitable consequence of the two, combined

Those regions of space where inflation end and the hot Big Bang begins are each their own, independent Universe, and together, they make up a Multiverse. We may not be able to measure these other Universes, at least not just yet, but theres every reason to expect that if inflation and quantum field theory are both correct, then the Multiverse inevitably exists.

From Adam Frankss argument against the multiverse:

It is important, from my viewpoint, to understand what is happening with inflation theory because it is not really a theory the way, say, electromagnetism or quantum mechanics is Instead, it is a class of theories with lots of wiggle room for individual instantiations

It is possible that the only way the inflation extrapolation works is to accept an infinite number of Universes that you may never ever be able to observe. But that is not good. And it is not like anything else thats happened in the history of physics. Sure, we cannot observe what is inside a black hole; and yes, we have dark matter that we cannot see; and yes, there are the parts of our Universe beyond the light horizon. But in the case of dark matter (if it exists), then we can at least learn a lot about it in bulk based on the detailed influences it exerts on the luminous matter we can see. And as for the insides of event horizons, I am not forced to accept infinite numbers of Universes as the price for accepting General Relativity. Same goes for what lies beyond the observable Universe.

To summarize, I would argue that inflation has some attractive features, but it simply does not stand as the kind of scientific edifice (in terms of having many, many points of contact with observation) that should force us to accept the Multiverse.

Siegel was allowed a rebuttal:

Adams response contains some interesting food-for-thought, but there is a dubious logical gambit in there at the core of his argument, which can be paraphrased this way: We dont know everything, therefore how can we trust anything? In any scientific endeavor, you absolutely must be careful about what assumptions you are making that go beyond the limit of what you can observe and/or verify, but you must also not ignore the very generic predictions that show up independently of the assumptions that you make

In other words, yes, inflation gives you some wiggle room in many ways, but you cannot wiggle out of the Multiverse. The only way out, as Adam says, is to postulate a Rumsfeldian unknown unknown to save you. And while that is always possible in any endeavor, I think it is far preferable to draw your best conclusions based on what is known to the limits of our best knowledge at the time. To retort with a quote from the late Macho Man Randy Savage, You may not like it, but accept it.

Mustwe accept it, despite problems with cosmic inflation as a theory, as Siegel insists? Have a look at some other approaches.

Read the rest at Mind Matters News, published by Discovery Institutes Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence.

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Astrophysicists Battle over the Multiverse - Discovery Institute

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The Towns Mirror Special: Delving into the sleight of mind – Bangalore Mirror

Sunil Roys collection of poems titled Sisyphus on the SeeSaw is inspired by everything from psychology to quantum physics to art and philosophy

As an adventure consultant, Sunil Roy, a resident of Hennur, would work in the midst of nature for most of his time. Travelling to very remote locations, surrounded by nothing but trees, water, sands, forests meant that he got a lot of time to muse and contemplate over the mysteries of life.

And so, for the past few years, Roy would jot down his thoughts in the form of poems. Inspired and based on psychology, philosophy, art, quantum physics all of Roys favourite reading topics the poems, titled Sisyphus on the SeeSaw, often resemble Rorschach inkblots to readers: subject to interpretation.

Going to all these remote locations meant that he got a lot of time to reflect. For the last 15 17 years, I have been travelling, he says.

At first glance, the poems seem extremely obscure. But on closer scrutiny, they have nuggets of truth hidden. Even Roys name (Nil Ryo) is a clever pseudonym of his initials.

But writing poems, especially when they deal with heavy topics like quantum particles and psychology, is not an easy feat. Roy says that he had to consciously dumb down the concept to make it decipherable to everyone. If one is looking for some literary value in these poems, he/ she may not find it. But if you want some anomalies and conundrums, and a bit of psychology hidden, this book may fascinate you, he explains.

Drawing hands by Escher is an apt paradox of what his book is about


The Naxal A circle is formed by points if a single point starts to push or pull then soon all the points will roll on to each other and end up in a pile or fall flat as a line or even, perhaps, set the circle in a revolution.

Are you an East Bengaluru resident? Wed like to hear from you. email:

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The Towns Mirror Special: Delving into the sleight of mind - Bangalore Mirror

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Altcoin Roundup: DeFi token prices are down, but utility is on the rise – Cointelegraph

The decentralized finance (DeFi) sector has been sitting in the backseat since whipping up a frenzy in the summer of 2020 through the first quarter of 2021. Currently, investors are debating whether the crypto sector is in a bull or bear market, meaning, its a good time to check in on the state of DeFi and identify which protocols might be setting new trends.

Heres a look at the top-ranking DeFi protocols and a review of the strategies used by users of these protocols.

Stablecoin-related DeFi protocols are the cornerstone of the DeFi ecosystem and Curve is till the go-to protocol when it comes to staking stalbecoins.

Data from Defi Llama shows four out of the top five protocols in terms of total value locked (TVL) are connected to the creation and management of stablecoins.

Its important to note that while these protocols have emerged on top when it comes to TVL, the value of their native tokens for the most part are significantly down from their 2021 all-time highs.

The main takeaway is that engaging with the stablecoin aspect of the DeFi market through staking and farming has offered steady yields while also earning the governance tokens for these platforms as an added bonus to help mitigate the drop in token values.

As it stands now, stablecoins play an integral role in the overall healthy functioning of DeFi which continues to expand as newer protocols like Frax Share and Neutrino climb the TVL ranks amidst the increasing number of interconnected blockchain networks.

Lending platforms are another key component of the DeFi ecosystem and one of the key features that investors can interact with even during a bear market. AAVE and Compound are the current leaders with respective TVLs at $12.09 billion and $6.65 billion.

Like other stablecoin protocols, AAVE and Compound saw the value of their native tokens peak in 2021 and both have been in a prolonged downturn for months.

AAVEs TVL growth outpaced Compound largely due to its cross-chain integration of Polygon and Avalanche, which increased the number of supported assets and allowed users to avoid the high gas fees on the Ethereum network.

Long-term crypto hodlers who are risk averse can benefit from simply lending their tokens for a modest yield.

Related: Altcoin Roundup: JunoSwap, Solidly and VVS Finance give DeFi a much-needed refresh

The growing popularity of liquid staking is also adding new utility to decentralized finance. Liquid staking protocols like Lido Finance, which originally launched as an Ethereum staking solution but has since expanded support to Terra (LUNA), Solana (SOL), Kusama (KSM) and Polygon (MATIC).

Data from Defi Llama shows the TVL on Lido reaching a new all-time high of $14.96 billion on March 10 as the addition of new assets continues to attract more value to the protocol.

On Lido, users can stake Ether and Solana and receive stETH or stSOL, which can then be used as collateral on AAVE to borrow stablecoins. Those assets can then be used for trading or yield farming purposes, thus increasing the overall yield earned from the original staked asset.

Other notable liquid staking protocols include the Eth2 staking provider StakeWise, the Cosmos-based pStake protocol and Stader Labs.

The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Every investment and trading move involves risk, you should conduct your own research when making a decision.

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Altcoin Roundup: DeFi token prices are down, but utility is on the rise - Cointelegraph

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