Dont Be Deceived by Fake GOP Endorsements
Hello Geauga County Voters,
I have had the honor to serve the past eight years as Chairman of the Geauga County Republican Party.
It seems that every primary election cycle I must address the fact that, historically, our county Republican Party chooses not to endorse candidates in opposed primary elections. Over the years, there were groups that attempted to confuse voters by co-opting our party and its brand with mailers, social media posts and advertisements claiming Republican endorsements.
One recent such group is the Geauga County Conservative Club. It has chosen selected Republican candidates to promote using the Republican elephant image and the Republican Partys name. They attempt to fool voters into believing that their hand-picked candidates went through a formal vetting process by the Geauga County Republican Party; however, that is not the case. Do not be deceived by these fake Republican endorsements!
Another thing I would like to address is a recent visit to Geauga County by Ohio State Auditor Keith Faber. Auditor Faber attended a Mentor Area Chamber breakfast and let me know that he planned to visit our county auditors office and then a business in Burton later that day. Upon his arrival in Burton, he discovered that Diane Grendell was with the business owner. He later told me he had no prior knowledge that she would be there.
After a few photos were taken, he asked her not to use any of them in her campaign and told her that he does not endorse candidates in primaries. Unfortunately, shortly after he left, photos of him with Diane Grendell began appearing in campaign ads on social media and more recently in local newspapers. After discussing this with him on the phone, Mr. Faber submitted a written statement to me:
While I know and have worked with both candidates for County Auditor, I have not endorsed, nor do I plan to endorse, any candidate in this race. This election is about the people of Geauga County, and they should make up their own minds as to who would be best to serve as their County Auditor.
It is unfortunate that Auditor Faber and our county Republican Party have been taken advantage of for political purposes.
Geauga County voters, talk to your friends and neighbors, research the candidates, and please get out and vote in the primary election on Tuesday, May 3!
God Bless and Thank You.
Nancy McArthurGeauga County Republican Party Chairman
In trying to decide whether to write a letter regarding the upcoming primary, I have been weighing which of the myriad of issues presented by the current pollical climate in Geauga County to speak to. It has not been an easy choice.
Do I opine on the mudslinging, name calling and outright lies perpetrated by several campaigns? Do I bog myself down in trying to explain the minutiae of an issue in the short space of an editorial letter? Do I even bother writing a letter at all?
In the end, I decided that the most important message in any election is simply this: VOTE. One of my favorite Abraham Lincoln quotes is, Elections belong to the people. Its their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.
And so I urge everyone, dont get burned, get out and make your voice heard by casting your ballots on May 3, 2022.
Matt RamboRussell Township
During a recent election in my local school district, one school board candidate proclaimed he was a candidate for community accountability. Its a nice catch-phrase, but what does it mean?
Does it mean (as we hope it would) that elected officials, with your interests in their hearts and acting honestly and as servant leaders in the performance of their duties, will be your representatives in the oversite and enforcement of proper spending of taxpayer dollars, no matter whos spending such funds?
And does it mean they will not be driven by personal agendas and personal conflicts of interest and by narrow objectives primarily related to desired results associated with their positions and personal philosophies?
Or does community accountability represent nothing more than an attractive sound bite, devoid of its reasonable and public-focused meaning, for the sake of promoting a set of amorphous goals that broadly speaking may sound legitimate?
Does it mean positioning oneself to be an arbiter of all things for the sake of a chosen few, even when obvious conflicts of interest are present? Is the phrase simply a coded appeal to a select audience?
These are questions you, the voter, will need to answer in the upcoming primary election. Who will be serving you when the rubber meets the road?
How is community accountability achieved when the not-so-wise fox is guarding his/her own hen house? How is a separation of duties, oversite and true accountability achieved when the skulk runs in a pack?
Does the candidate demonstrate an understanding of the issues, an expertise in requirements of the position, a plan for insuring the safe and constructive use of your tax funds, and provide substantive proposals for improvement of accounting systems and checks and balances?
Or has the candidate chosen the approach of an attack dog, without plans to protect the taxpayers of the county and without a focus on your needs and your best interests?
There are solution providers. And, there are projectionists who divert attention from their own objectives by projecting their weaknesses on others. And then there are diversionists, who actively look for ways to cloud your vision, obfuscate the public, and obscure their true goals.
Who would you choose?
With the primary vote on the horizon and with the priceless privilege of the vote available to you, please be certain to study the credentials and qualifications of all candidates, understand who theyll be serving and why, determine if they are capable of serving your best interests and carefully consider whether they, by their actions and words, will actually serve the county residents or will they serve others masters. And above all, vote.
Bill JacksonCity of Chardon
I write to show support for Carolyn Brakey in her new role as board member of the Geauga Board of Public Health (GPH).
I have gotten to know Mrs. Brakey through her activities at GPH and have always found her to be polite, professional, well informed and extremely competent.
My wife has made me aware of some comments made of Mrs. Brakey on public forums such as Facebook that are simply untrue or are, at best, unknown, because she has not yet acted on behalf of Geauga County in any such capacity. The notion that her bringing a fresh perspective to a body that has been plagued with issues for quite some time is somehow a bad thing is mystifying.
The idea that having a lawyer serve on the board is equally nonsensical.To borrow from my wifes comments on the matter:
Public health is the juncture of medicine, public policy and law. Its about creating and enacting policies that branch into every area of our lives and impact all of our citizens.
Its ludicrous to suggest that its not appropriate to have a lawyer who is passionate about individual rights on a public health board.
Those of us concerned with citizens rights and the over-reach of government are counting on the bright voices of peoples like Mrs. Brakey to question runaway regulation and to be certain that our interests are always a part of the equation for any such board!
Jonathan R. BroadbentNewbury Township
Im writing to voice my support for Chuck Walder for Geauga County Auditor in the Republican primary election.
Mr. Walder took over the auditors office at a time when it was in complete disarray and worked diligently to restore integrity and competence.
In his tenure as auditor, he has wisely used his authority to insist that every county department produce a coherent budget plan that makes the best use of county funds to provide services that meet the needs of the public and eliminates waste and misuse.
Not all county departments have been happy about his insistence on correct accounting practices and fiscal integrity, but as a voter and taxpayer I support his position wholeheartedly.
In addition, Mr. Walders background in the management of information technology is a tremendous asset to Geauga County government. He has modernized the extensive computer network and communications infrastructure of county government, and maintained a high level of security in those systems. Having an auditor who actually understands those systems and how to keep them secure is a valuable asset.
I urge every Republican voter to vote for Chuck Walder for Geauga County Auditor in the May 3 Republican Party primary.
Frank GwirtzParkman Township
I saw Jim Dvorak around the community for many years, but never really knew who he was until I joined the rotary in which he was already a member.
It did not take long to know that Jim was very active in many programs benefiting the people of Geauga County. Having heritage in Geauga County since the early 1800s, I appreciate all his efforts in making our county a great place to live.
When Jim spearheaded The Red Tulip Project and asked our family business to help, we were happy to help and glad we could participate. Another good project bettering Geauga County.
Jim has done many good things for us here. I believe he will continue to do so. I will cast my vote May 3 to keep Jim a county commissioner.
Ted BermanClaridon Township
Please vote to retain Chuck Walder as Geauga County Auditor. He has clearly demonstrated the knowledge, leadership and work ethic required of the job.
Chuck Walder has been a great help to me over the years, first as a fellow fiscal officer and now as the county auditor. His experience, knowledge and true understanding of the position are evident as he protects the money of the residents of Geauga County.
This is not a figurehead position. Chuck is hands-on and has proven a thorough knowledge and understanding of what is required of an auditor.
Here is a short list of Chuck Walders accomplishments that I have witnessed in my role as fiscal officer:
There has been a lot of misinformation spread recently in this campaign. Despite the negativity, lies and unjust accusations, Chuck Walder has kept to the facts about his accomplishments and has not stooped to the level of his opponent. That speaks volumes about the type of person he is and is indicative of how he runs his office. He treats people with respect and is respected statewide, as evidenced in the many awards and achievements he has received.
Please get out and vote for Chuck Walder on May 3. Elections have consequences. Chuck Walders experience matters for Geauga County!
Janice SugarmanBainbridge Township
I would like to respond to a recent letter to the editor concerning H.B. 488.Simply put, the bill would allow courts to independently seek adequate legal representation. The bill would further insulate judges from the quirks of the political process.
Ohio judges must follow the Code of Judicial Conduct.This code is very specific in limiting a judges speech and actions with respect to litigation involving the judge. No other Ohio elected officials have such limitations.The passage of H.B. 488 would lessen this huge disadvantage.
Currently, county commissioners can retain lawyers for any purpose, without any oversight. Yet, Judges are required to supplicate to the whims of county commissioners, without recourse. Can you imagine if you were getting divorced and your soon-to-be ex-spouse got to decide if you get a lawyer and to decide which lawyer you get?Neither can I.
In my thirteen years as a judge I have continually strived to increase the independent reputation of judges and courts. This bill would reaffirm the independence and impartiality of our judiciary.
James T. Walther, JudgeLorain County Probate Court
Weve grown tired of the political fighting, the name-calling and especially the innuendosthat try todestroya persons good name.
We read with interestthefull pageadsof bothauditor candidates.We were impressed by Mr.Waldersexplanation of his job duties.The statementwas clear and straight forward.
In contrast,DianeGrendellsadvertising seemed bent upon ruiningMr.Waldersreputation with unproven innuendos.Ms.Grendells persistentname calling in this ad, and other places, does not inspire confidenceand seems rather juvenile. We wanted to hear about theskills she could bring tothisobviously complex job.
What impressed us most about Mr.Walderwas his lengthy list of local people who were endorsing him. Three of our elected officials here in Munson Township, where we live,haveendorsed him.
We believe that Mr. Walders rsum,a four-year record of positive performanceandano drama approach are good reasons to give him our vote on May 3.
Mike and Peggy SaxonMunson Township
Jim Dvorak has been our County Commissioner for several years. He has done an excellent job. He follows through completely on everything he does.
An example: He was the only non-veteran on the Geauga County Veterans Memorial, Inc. A-plus job that he performed.
It was an organization that lasted for 12 years to complete the Veterans Monument which contains the names off all the Veterans in Geauga County on it. It took $500,000 to build it. Amazing that that kind of money went to veterans.
Jim was involved with marketing on the project. He created the Celebrity Bricklaying Contests. Ten events over several years garnered funds for the project, and it was fun, indeed. Lots of people were involved with it.
He performed at the Geauga County Maple Festival, The Great Geauga County Fair and with Kenny Crumpton on Channel 8 at Kicking with Kenny. Jim was an ideal person with the program and he did it very well. That is just one of the things he has done well and good.
Jim Dvorak gets my vote for County Commissioner.
Paul A. NewmanHambden Township
As a retired Information Technology (IT) software professional, I shudder whenever I read of a business, hospital or local government that is a victim of a computer systems breach that steals our personal information, or worse locks out all access until the organization transfers a large sum of money (ransomware) to an untraceable bank account.
I wondered how well Geauga Countys automated data processing system was working and how strong its internet defenses were from such intrusions.
Our current auditor, Charles Walder, took over in 2018 after a serious accounting scam by a county IT employee caused a loss of almost $2 million. Hes been working on system security ever since. He knows maintaining internet security and preventing intrusions is a highly technical, never ending job.
His engineering background serves him well in this regard. There are actually frequent unsuccessful attempts to breach the safeguards in the county system. Each time that happens Mr. Walder and his IT team go over theattempted breach and work to make the system even stronger. He is justifiably proud that in the last four years there have been no successful intrusions.
Geauga County has a $222 million annual budget. A successful ransomware attack would cripple the countys financial operations; payroll, purchasing and payments for needed equipment and supplies would be stopped until the hackers were paid off.For four years, Geauga County Auditor Charles Walder has operated the computer systems of Geauga County government to the highest standards. Mr. Walder is my pick to retain as county auditor. We cant do better, but we could do a whole lot worse.
Gideon JohnsonClaridon Township
Voters have the opportunity to directly affect politics close to home by choosing a county commissioner. We can re-elect incumbent Jim Dvorak or re-elect private citizen Skip Claypool, but wait, Claypool is not the incumbent so why do his signs say re-elect?
Claypool lost to Dvorak four years ago, so asking to be re-elected is an example of Claypools cesspool politics.He is defiantly twisting, bending and/or breaking election rules.
What other deceptive tricks are in Claypools cesspool of politics?Have you ever listened to him speak? You ask him what time it is and he drones on for an hour about his irrelevant personal agenda while never stating what time it is.
Claypools cesspool of politics consists of his personal agenda and not the needs of Geauga County.
Dvorak is an honest, hard-working and God-fearing man, while the only thing Claypool fears is a moderator declaring his time is up.Go ahead, admit it: You have heard Claypool speak and as his hypnotic self-aggrandizement free-flows, you say to others, Oh, that is just Skippy.
Geauga County needs to re-elect Jim Dvorak who has spent countless hours in service to local government as well as community organizations serving others.The clear difference is that Jim Dvorak focuses on the needs of others while Claypool draws on the cesspool of politics to tell you his needs.
I fully support Jim Dvorak as the only candidate that you can re-elect as county commissioner and he is the only Geauga County conservative representing our needs.
Please vote Jim Dvorak for Geauga County Commissioner on May 3.
Timothy H. Snyder, Esq.Burton Township
As a decade-long resident of Geauga, and locally involved civil volunteer, I find the future of my community to be of utmost interest.
I am both personally and historically invested in this community. Like many others though, I struggle to get honest and fairaccess to our candidates leading up to our elections so that I can exercise my democratic duty to help better inform our elected officials of the morals and values that our community embodies.
Too often, we are inspired to fall prey to electoral rhetoric that lands in our mailboxes instead of getting to know our candidates.
I would like to momentarily recognize the League of Womens Voters of Geauga (LWVG) for their efforts to bring access to our county electorate and to provide a forum for important issues and elections throughout our county. The LWVG has organized a candidate forumon Wednesday, April27 at 7 p.m.where you can attend in-person at the Bainbridge Library, attend a simulcast watch party at the Library Administration Center in Chardon, or opt for a live-stream option for those less inclined to attend in person. This is an opportunity to hear directly from the candidates prior to theMay 3primary.
If you would like to submit candidate questions ahead of time, they even have an email address,,to do just that. Please consider participating in this important event and thank you LWVG.
John LateulereBainbridge Township
There is much talk of what the Republican Party is about. Who is a good Republican and who is a RINO?
Go here to read the rest:
Letters to the Editor - Geauga Maple Leaf