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Mining the equine gut metagenome: poorly-characterized taxa associated with cardiovascular fitness in endurance athletes | Communications Biology -…

Ethical approval

The local animal care approved the study protocol and use committee (ComEth EnvA-Upec-ANSES, reference: 11-0041, dated July 12, 2011), and protocols were conducted following the EU regulation (no 2010/63/UE). Owners and riders provided their informed consent before the start of sampling procedures with the animals. The horses (Equus caballus) used in this research study were pure-breed or half-breed Arabian (three females, one male, and seven geldings; age: 101.69 years old).

Eleven endurance horses were selected from a cohort previously used in our team6,24,25,70. All equine athletes started training for endurance competitions at age 4 and presented a similar training history, level of physical fitness, and training environment. The 11 horses were selected due to the following criteria: (1) enrollment in the same 160km endurance category; (2) blood sample collection before and after the race; (3) feces collection before the race; (4) absence of gastrointestinal disorders during the four months before enrollment; (5) absence of antibiotic treatment during the four months before enrollment and absence of anthelmintic medication within 60 days before the race, and (6) a complete questionnaire about diet composition and intake.

Subject metadata, including morphometric characteristics and daily macronutrient diet intake records, is depicted in Supplementary Data1. Daily nutrient intake calculations are described elsewhere24.

The endurance race was split into ~3040km phases. At the end of each phase, veterinarians checked horses (referred to as a vet gate). The heart recovery time was the primary criterion evaluated at the vet gate as it is shown to be an excellent complement to a physical assessment of an individual. The heart rate was measured at each vet gate by the riders and a veterinarian using a heart rate meter and a stethoscope. Any horse deemed unfit to continue (due to a heart rate above 64bpm after 20min of recovery) was immediately withdrawn from the event.

It should be noted that the time interval between arrival at the vet gate and the time needed to decrease the heart rate below 64bpm was counted as part of the overall riding time. Therefore, the cardiac recovery time was calculated as the difference between the arrival time (at the end of the phase) and the time of veterinary inspection (referred to as the time in by the FEI endurance rules). The average speed of each successive phase was calculated at the vet gate.

Changes in these three variables during endurance events have been shown to predict whether a horse is aerobically fit or not71. We consider these variables to estimate cardiovascular capacity linked to performance capability and achievement. Therefore, these three variables were first scaled through a Z-score; that is, the number of standard deviation units a horses score is below or above the average score. Such a computation creates a unitless score that is no longer related to the original units of analysis (e.g., minutes, beats, Km/h). It measures the number of standard deviation units and can more readily be used for comparisons. A composite based on such Z-scores was then created to estimate cardiovascular fitness. Specifically, the composite() function of the multicon R package (v.1.6) was used to develop a unit-weighted composite of the three variables listed above.

The kinship272 (v.1.8.5) R package was used to calculate the pedigree kinship matrix of all individual pairs, plot the pedigree, and trim the pedigree object. The kinship coefficient for any two subjects was calculated as the probability that an allele chosen at random for both subjects at a given locus is identical-by-descent, that is, inherited from a common ancestor72. The pedigree was calculated using six generations back for the 11 Arabian horses of the study. The pedigree kinship matrix was then visualized using the plot_popkin() function from the popkin (v.1.3.17) R package. The inbr_diag() function was used to modify the kinship matrix, with inbreeding coefficients along the diagonal, preserving column and row names.

Blood samples were collected from each horse the day before the event (Basal, T0) and immediately after the end of the competition (T1) for transcriptomic, biochemical, metabolomic, and acylcarnitine assays. As described elsewhere24, pretreatment of the blood samples was carried out immediately after the collection because field conditions provided access to refrigeration and electrical power supply. Briefly, blood samples for RNA extraction were collected using Tempus Blood RNA tubes (Thermo Fisher) and stored at 80C. Whole blood samples were taken in EDTA tubes (10mL; Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA) to determine biochemical parameters, while for the metabolome profiling, the sodium fluoride and oxalate tubes were used to inhibit further glycolysis that may increase lactate levels after sampling. Then, clotting time at 4C was strictly controlled for all samples to avoid cell lyses that affect metabolome components. After clotting at 4C, the plasma was separated from the blood cells, transported to the lab at 4C, and frozen at 80C (no more than 5h later, in all cases). Concerning the acylcarnitine, blood samples were collected in plain tubes. After clotting, the tubes were centrifuged, and the harvested serum was stored at 4C for no more than 48h and subsequently stored at 80C.

According to the manufacturers instructions, total RNAs were isolated using the Preserved Blood RNA Purification Kit I (Norgen Biotek Corp., Ontario, Canada). RNA purity and concentration were determined using a NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher), and RNA integrity was assessed using a Bioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA). All the 22RNA samples were processed. The transcriptome microarray data production, pre-processing, and analysis are depicted in Mach et al.25.

Transcriptome profiling was performed using an Agilent 4X44K horse custom microarray (Agilent Technologies, AMADID 044466). All of the steps are detailed here73,74. We refer to our previous work for more details on the pre-processing, normalization, and application of linear models25. Given our interest in understanding the role played by mitochondria during exercise, the set of 801 differentially expressed mitochondrial genes reported by our team25 was selected for the downstream steps of analysis (Supplementary Data15).

As described elsewhere24,70, the plasma metabolic phenotype of endurance horses was obtained from 1H NMR spectra at 600MHz. The 1H NMR spectra were acquired at 500MHz with an AVANCE III (Bruker, Wissembourg, France) equipped with a 5mm reversed QXI Z-gradient high-resolution probe. Further details on sample preparation, data acquisition, quality control, spectroscopic data pre-processing, and data pre-processing, including bin alignment, normalization, scaling, and centering, are broadly discussed elsewhere75. Details on metabolite identification are described in our previous work24,25.

Sera were assayed for total bilirubin, conjugated bilirubin, total protein, creatinine, creatine kinase, -hydroxybutyrate, and aspartate transaminase (ASAT), -glutamyltransferase and serum amyloid A levels on an RX Imola analyzer (Randox, Crumlin, UK).

As a proxy for mitochondrial -oxidation, the serum acylcarnitine profiles were produced and analyzed as described elsewhere6. In the positive mode, free carnitine and 27 acylcarnitines were analyzed for their butyl ester derivatives by electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS-MS) on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (Xevo TQ-S Waters, Milford, MA, USA) using deuterated water.

Fresh fecal samples were obtained while monitoring the horses before the race. One fecal sample from each animal was collected immediately after defecation24,76, and three aliquots (200mg) were prepared. The dehydration experienced by most horses after the race altered intestinal motility and feces shedding, making it impossible to recover the feces immediately after the race.

Aliquots for SCFA analysis and DNA extraction were snap-frozen.

SCFA levels were determined by gas chromatography using the method described elsewhere77.

Total DNA from the 11 samples was extracted from ~200mg of fecal material using the EZNA Stool DNA Kit (Omega Bio-Tek, Norcross, Georgia, USA) following the manufacturers instructions. DNA was then quantified using a Qubit and a dsDNA HS assay kit (Thermo Fisher).

As detailed in our previous studies24,25, concentrations of bacteria, anaerobic fungi, and protozoa in fecal samples were quantified by qPCR using a QuantStudio 12K Flex platform (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, USA). Primers for real-time amplification of bacteria (FOR: 5-CAGCMGCCGCGGTAANWC-3; REV: 5-CCGTCAATTCMTTTRAGTTT-3), anaerobic fungi (FOR: 5-TCCTACCCTTTGTGAATTTG-3; REV: 5-CTGCGTTCTTCATCGTTGCG-3) and protozoa (FOR: 5-GCTTTCGWTGGTAGTGTATT-3; REV: 5-CTTGCCCTCYAATCGTWCT-3). Details of standard dilutions series, the thermal cycling conditions, and the estimation of the number of copies are detailed elsewhere24,25.

A detailed description of the DNA isolation process, V3V4 16S rRNA gene sequencing-PCR amplification, is presented by our group19,20,24,25,76,78,79. A negative control sample alongside biological samples at the DNA extraction and PCR steps was considered in attempts to control DNA contamination before and after sequencing. In addition, contamination was minimized through laboratory techniques such as UV irradiation of material, ultrapure water, the DNA-free Taq DNA polymerase, and the separation of pre-and post-PCR areas.

The Divisive Amplicon Denoising Algorithm (DADA) was implemented using the DADA2 plug-in for QIIME 2 (v.2021.2) to perform quality filtering and chimera removal and to construct a feature table consisting of read abundance per amplicon sequence variant (ASV) by sample80. Taxonomic assignments were given to ASVs by importing Greengenes 16S rRNA Database (release 13.8) to QIIME 2 and classifying representative ASVs using the naive Bayes classifier plug-in81. The phyloseq (v.1.36.0)82, vegan (v.2.5.7)83, and microbiome (v.1.14.0) packages were used in R (v.4.1.0) for the downstream steps of analysis. A total of 364,026 high-quality sequence reads were recovered for the 11 horses of the study (mean per subject: 33,093(pm)17,437, range: 12,05262,670). Reads were clustered into 5412 chimera- and singleton-filtered ASVs at 99% sequence similarity. The genera taxonomic assignments and counts for each individual are presented in Supplementary Data10).

The negative control sample did not yield a band on the agarose gel, and the concentration of the purified amplicon was undetectable (<1ng/L). Nevertheless, the decontam (v.1.14.0) R package was used to identify and visualize possible contaminating DNA features in the negative control sample. The function isContaminnat() was used to determine the distribution of the frequency of each contaminant feature as a function of the input DNA concentration. Only 6 ASV were statistically classified (p<0.05) as contaminants, although their frequency plots showed they were non-contaminants (Supplementary Fig.11).

Metagenomic sequencing was performed using the same DNA extractions. For each individual, a paired-end metagenomic library was prepared from 100ng of DNA using the DNA PCR-free Library Prep Kit (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA). The size was selected at about 400bp. The pooled indexed library was sequenced in an Illumina HiSeq3000 using a paired-end read length of 2150pb with the Illumina HiSeq3000 Reagent Kits at the PLaGe facility (INRAe, Toulouse).

Raw metagenomic reads were quality-trimmed, assembled, binned, and annotated using the ATLAS pipeline, v.2.4.484. In short, using tools from the BBmap suite v.37.9985, reads were quality trimmed with ATLAS parameters: preprocess_minimum_base_quality=10, preprocess_minimum_passing_read_length=51, preprocess_minimum_base_frequency=0.05, preprocess_adapter_min_k=8, preprocess_allowable_kmer_mismatches=1, and the preprocess_reference_kmer_match_length=27. The contamination from the horse genome (available at NCBI sequence archive with the accession number GCA_002863925.1; Equus_caballus.EquCab3.0) was filtered out using the following settings: contaminant_max_indel=20, contaminant_min_ratio=0.65, contaminant_kmer_length=13, contaminant_minimum_hits=1, and contaminant_ambiguous=best. Reads were error corrected and merged before assembly with metaSPAdes v.3.13.186 with the subsequent parameters: spades_k=auto, prefilter_minimum_contig_length=300, minimum_average_coverage=1, minimum_percent_covered_bases=20, and minimum_contig_length=500 after filtering. QUAST 5.0.287 was used to evaluate the quality of each sample assembly. Since a high diversity between individuals was described through 16S rRNA amplicon analysis, we first assembled each sample independently. Contigs from single samples were clustered into metagenomic bins using MetaBAT 2 (v.2.14)88 with the following parameters: sensitivity=sensitive, min_contig_length=1500 and Maxbin 2.0v.2.2.789 with the parameters set to max_iteration=50, prob_threshold=0.9, and min_contig_length=1000. Contig predictions were combined using DAS Tool v.1.1.2-190 with diamond engine and score_threshold set to 0.5.

ATLAS configuration file, summaries of individual samples quality control, contigs from the individuals, and detected bins are available at the INRAE data repository ( and are contained in the files ATLAS_config.yalm, ATLAS_dag.pdf, notebook.html, ATLAS_QC_report.html, and ATLAS_bin_report_DASTool.html.

Assembly statistics for the predicted MAGs such as completeness, redundancy, size, number of contigs, contig N50, length of the longest contig, average GC content, and the number of predicted genes were computed using the lineage workflow from CheckM v.1.1.392. MAGs were designated as near-complete drafts if they had completeness 90%, redundancy <5%, transfer RNA gene sequences for at least 18 unique amino acids, or medium-quality drafts if they had completeness 50% and a redundancy <10%. A summary of the assembly statistics for the predicted MAGs is available at the INRAE data repository: as ATLAS_assembly_report.htlm.

Because the same MAG may be identified in multiple samples, dRep v.2.2.293 was used to obtain a non-redundant set of MAGs by clustering genomes to a defined average nucleotide identity (ANI) and returning the representative with the highest dRep score in each cluster. The parameters used were set to ANI=0.95, overlap=0.6, length=5000, completeness=50, contamination=10, and N50=0.5. Only the highest-scoring MAG from each secondary cluster was retained as the winning genome in the dereplicated set. The abundance of each MAG was then quantified across samples by mapping the reads to the non-redundant MAGs using the BBmap suite v.37.9985 (pairlen=100, minid=0.9, mdtag=t, xstag=fs, nmtag=t, sam=1.3, ambiguous=best, secondary=t, saa=f, maxsites=10). The sample-specific median coverage of each MAG was then computed using pileup within BBMap with default parameters.

For the taxonomic annotation, ATLAS predicted the genes of each MAG sequence using Prodigal v.2.6.394 with single-mode and closed-end parameters. The taxonomy of the predicted MAGs was inferred using the genome taxonomy database (GTDB-Tk)43 (v.5.0, release 95 (July 17, 2020)). As such, GTDB-Tk taxonomy names were used throughout this paper. In addition, domain-specific trees incorporating the predicted MAGs were inferred by constructing a maximum-likelihood tree using the de novo workflow in GTDB-Tk v.5.0 with the following parameters: --bacteria | --archaea, min_perc_aa=50, prot_model=WAG. Trees were visualized using ggtree (v.3.0.2) in the R package.

To assess the contribution of the constructed MAGs to the functional potential of the gut microbiome, the predicted gene and proteins extracted by Prodigal during the CheckM pipeline were compared to the EggNOG database 5.0 using eggnog-mapper (v2.0.1). KEGG annotation (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) and CAZymes annotation (Carbohydrate-active Enzyme) were extracted from this output. Since the detection of KOs and CAZymes families is likely influenced by sequencing depth, their relative abundance was normalized to the abundance of the MAG they derived from. Pathways attributed to each KO were annotated from the KEGG database (downloaded 23-October-2021;

The uniqueness of our predicted MAG catalog was confirmed by dereplicating them with the 121 MAGs produced by Gilroy et al.44 and three reported by Youngblut et al.45 using dRep v.3.2.093 with parameters: P_ani=0.9, S_algorithm ANImf, S_ani=0.99, clusterAlg average, cov_thresh=0.1, coverage_method larger. dRep performed pairwise genomic comparisons by sequentially applying an estimation of genome distance and an accurate measure of average nucleotide identity. Visualizing and comparing highly similar genomes were performed using the CGView family of tools (

The establishment and assessment of the quality and representation of the microbiome gene catalog were performed through the metagenomic ATLAS pipeline (v.2.4.4)84. As described above, we first assembled the clean reads into longer contigs.

Genes were predicted by Prodigal v.2.6.3 and then clustered using linclust95 to generate a non-redundant gene catalog. Redundant genes were removed with linclust using the following parameters: minlength_nt=100, minid=0.95, coverag=0.9, and subsetsize=500,000. The quantification of genes per sample was done through the combine_gene_coverages() function in the ATLAS workflow, which aligned the high-quality clean reads to the gene catalog using the BBmap suite v.37.9985 (minid=0.95, mdtag=t, xstag=fs, nmtag=t, sam=1.3, ambiguous=all, secondary=t, saa=f, maxsites=4). Taxonomic and function annotations were done based on the EggNOG database 5.0 using eggnog-mapper (v.2.0.1) (emapper.pyannotate_hits_table {input.seed}no_file_comments). The eggNOG numbers corresponding to CAZymes based on homology searches to the CAZyme database were retrieved from these. We used the derived eggNOG abundance matrix to obtain a CAZyme profile per sample. Similarly, KEGG annotation was recovered from the EggNOG output. KEGG gene IDs were mapped to KEGG KOs and used to get the KEGG functional pathway hierarchy. Furthermore, using mmseqs2 (v.13.45111) to find genes at a 95% similarity threshold and 80% overlap, we compared our gene catalog with a previously published gene catalog containing ~4 million genes30. The parameters used were the following: easy-search --search-type 3 --min-seq-id 0.95 --cov-mode 0 -c 0.8 --threads 16 --alignment-mode 3 --max-seq-len 100000.

The annotated gene catalog fasta file is deposited at DDBJ/ENA/GenBank Whole Genome Shotgun under the BioProject ID PRJNA438436 and is also available at as Genecatalog_with-note.fna.gz. The KO and CAZymes derived from the gene catalog are available in the same INRAE data repository and are in the and files, respectively.

The kmer-based kaiju v.1.8.0 ( approach was used for microbial taxonomic profiling of the trimmed shotgun metagenomes and the microbial gene catalog. The microbial gene catalog fasta, core group genes fasta, and paired reads after quality trimmed and decontamination from the horse genome were used and annotated against the NCBI nr_euk reference database (released on May 25, 2020) containing all proteins belonging to archaea, bacteria, fungi, microbial eukaryotes, and viruses for classification in Greedy run mode with -a greedy -e 3 allowing for maximum three mismatches. By default, Kaiju returned a NA if it could not find a taxonomic classification at certain ranks. The Kaijus tab-separated output files were imported into Krona and converted into HTML files. They are available at under raw-samples.nr_euk.kaiju.html.

To circumvent the problem of false-positive species predictions due to misalignment and contamination, we defined an abundance threshold of 25%, where the top 25% abundant species in at least 50% of the individuals were retained using the filterfun_sample() function in the phyloseq R package. This reduced background noise but kept information on poorly-described species if they were ubiquitously found in the samples. The dominant phylotypes abundance, taxonomy, and the associated metadata are available at as Ecaomic_dominant_phylotypes_nonrariefied.rds.

The high-quality clean paired reads were aligned to the ResFinder database (accessed March 2018, v.4.0) using bowtie2 (v.2.3.5). ResFinder is a manually curated database of horizontally acquired antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes. It contains many genes with numerous highly similar alleles (e.g., -lactamases). To avoid random assignment of read pairs on these high-identity alleles, the database was clustered at 95% of identity level, over 200bp using CDHIT-EST (options -G 0 -A 200 -d 0 -c 0.95 -T 6 -g 1)96 and a reference sequence was attributed to each cluster. Two successive mappings were done: (i) the first mapping with standard parameters (bowtie2 --end-to-end --no-discordant --no-overlap --no-dovetail no-unal) on the complete ResFinder database, and (ii) a second mapping on the clustered database using the reads from the first mapping, with less stringent parameters (bowtie2 --local --score-min L,10,0.8). More than 99% of the reads from the first mapping correctly aligned on a cluster reference sequence in the second mapping.

Counts from the second mapping were normalized by computing the RPKM (reads per kilobase reference per million bacterial reads) value for each ResFinder reference sequence. The RPKM values were calculated by dividing the mapping count on each reference by its gene length and the total number of bacterial read pairs for the samples and multiplying by 109. A minimum of 20 mapped reads was considered to validate the presence of an AMR gene cluster.

The microbiome R package allowed us to study global indicators of the gut ecosystem state, including measures of evenness, dominance, divergences, and abundance. Comparison of the gut -diversity indices between groups was performed by a two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test (pairwise comparison). BenjaminiHochberg multiple testing correction p<0.05 was set as the significance threshold for comparison between groups.

To estimate -diversity, BrayCurtis dissimilarity was calculated using the phyloseq R package. All samples were normalized using the rarefy_even_depth() function in the phyloseq R package, which is implemented as an ad hoc means to normalize features resulting from libraries of widely differing sizes. The PerMANOVA test (a non-parametric method of multivariate analysis of variance based on pairwise distances) was implemented using the adonis() function in the vegan R package and the pairwise.Adonis2() function from the pairwiseAdonis (v.0.4) R package tests the global association between ecological or functional community structure and groups. The model was adjusted by factors affecting the microbiome: age, sex, and dietary macronutrient intake.

The core group of genes in the catalog was defined as the genes present in all individuals.

The dominant core microbiome at the genus level was calculated using a detection threshold of 0.1% and a prevalence threshold of 95% in the microbiome R package.

The SParse InversE Covariance Estimation for Ecological Association Inference method (SPIEC-EASI)97 was used to identify sub-populations (modules) of co-abundance and co-exclusion relationships between dominant phylotypes and CAZy classes abundances matrices. Specifically, the method allows microorganisms and functions to interact differently, from bidirectional competition to mutualism or not interacting at all. The statistical method SPIEC-EASI comprises two steps: a transformation for compositionality correction of the feature matrices and estimation of the interaction graph from the transformed data using sparse inverse covariance selection. The sparse graphical modeling framework was constructed using the spiec.easi() function of the SpiecEasi package (v.1.1.1). The features were clustered using the method=mb, lambda.min.ratio=1e5, nlambda=100, pulsar.params=list (thresh=0.001). Regression coefficients from the SPIEC-EASI output were extracted and used as edge weights to generate a feature co-occurrence network R igraph package (v.1.2.6) and Cytoscape (v.3.8.2).

Data integration was carried out using several approaches and different combinations of datasets. Before the integration, we applied some additional pre-processing steps to our exploratory datasets. In particular, to eliminate intra-individual variability and focus on the differential signals between T1 and T0, we considered values (T1T0) for each of these datasets, namely biochemical assay data and metabolome acylcarnitine profiles, and gene expression data. For the transcriptome, we constructed a matrix of log-transformed expression values between T1 and T0 (e.g., the difference in log2-normalized expression between T1 and T0).

The integration of data was then performed using complementary methods and working with different datasets available, namely: (1) values of mitochondrial-related genes; (2) values of 1H NMR metabolites; (3) values of the biochemical assay metabolites; (4) values of plasmatic acylcarnitines; (5) the fecal SCFAs at T0; (6) the bacterial, ciliate protozoa and fungal loads at T0; (7) the dominant gut phylotypes at T0; (8) the CAZymes profiles at T0; (9) the KOs at T0, and the (10) athletic performance data.

As a first integration approach, a global non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination was used to extract and summarize the variation in microbiome composition using the metaMDS() function in the vegan R package. Stress values were calculated to determine the number of dimensions for each NMDS.

The explanatory datasets were then fit to the ordination plots using the envfit() function in the vegan R package98 with 10,000 permutations. Each covariates effect size and significance were determined, and all p-values derived from the envfit() function were adjusted BenjaminiHochberg. Variation partitioning was performed using the varpart() function in vegan in R.

The N-integration algorithm DIABLO of the mixOmics R package (, v6.12.2) was used as a second integrative approach. It is to be noted that, in the case of the N-integration algorithm DIABLO, the variables of all the datasets were also centered and scaled to unit variance before integration. In this case, the relationships among all datasets were studied by adding a different categorical variable, e.g., the cardiovascular fitness of horses. Horses with poor cardiovascular fitness (n=8) were compared to horses with enhanced cardiovascular fitness (n=3). DIABLO seeks to estimate latent components by modeling and maximizing the correlation between pairs of pre-specified datasets to unravel similar functional relationships99. To predict the number of latent components and the number of discriminants, the block.splsda() function was used. The model was first fine-tuned using leave-one-out cross-validation by splitting the data into training and testing. Then, classification error rates were calculated using balanced error rates (BERs) between the predicted latent variables with the centroid of the class labels using the max. dist() function.

Finally, the DESeq2 (v.1.32.0)100 R package was used to test differential abundances analysis between groups for the dominant phylotypes, MAGs, and the genetic functionalities derived from KOs and CAZymes at the basal time. DESeq2 assumes counts can be modeled as a negative binomial distribution with a mean parameter, allowing for size factors and a dispersion parameter. The p-values were adjusted for multiple testing using the BenjaminiHochberg procedure. DESeq2 comparisons were run with the parameters fitType=parametric and sfType=Wald.

The validation set consisted of 22 pure-breed or half-breed Arabian horses (12 females, three males, and seven geldings; age: 9.21.27) not included in the experimental set to ensure that the observed effects were reproducible in a broader context (Supplementary Data20). Five animals were enrolled in a 160km endurance competition among the horses in the validation set, while 17 were in a 120km race. The management practices throughout the endurance ride and the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) compulsory examinations and the weather conditions, terrain difficulty, and altitude were that of the experimental set. All the participants enrolled in the study (experimental and validation set) competed in the same event in October 2015 in Fontainebleau (France). The cardiovascular capacity was created as described in the Performance measurement section as a composite of post-exercise heart rate, cardiac recovery time, and average speed during the race. Then, the HIGH, MEDIUM, and LOW groups were determined according to the interquartile range of the composite cardiovascular fitness values. HIGH included individuals with cardiovascular fitness values above the 75th percentile, LOW below the 25th percentile, and MEDIUM, the individuals ranging in between.

The PerMANOVA test was implemented by using pairwise.Adonis2() function from the pairwiseAdonis R package. The model was adjusted by factors affecting the microbiome: age and sex. The homogeneity of group dispersions (variance) was applied via the betadisp() function of the vegan package to account for the confounding dispersion effect. The one-way ANOVA with Tukeys honest significant differences (HSD) method for pairwise comparisons was performed using the TukeyHSD() function in the stats R package (v.3.6.2).

The PLS-DA was used to identify the key genera responsible for the differences in the groups using the mixOmics101 R package (v. 6.18.1). In addition, as PLS-DA loadings may be misleading with highly correlated variables, the differences in each relative genus abundance between the groups were quantified by DESeq2 R package.

Further information on research design is available in theNature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article.


Mining the equine gut metagenome: poorly-characterized taxa associated with cardiovascular fitness in endurance athletes | Communications Biology -...

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COVID-19 vaccine and menstrual conditions in female: data analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) – BMC Women’s Health – BioMed…

Reports of menstrual disorders in Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

Figure1 (Flow diagram of case inclusion in this study) depicts the report selection procedure, including the reasons for exclusion. By November 12, 2021, 1,742,590 cases of adverse events were recorded in the VAERS database, and 60.94% of them were female. The category including menstrual disorders events 14,331 reports (1.36%), of which 13,118 (90.90%) were exposed to COVID19 vaccine and 13,13 (9.10%) were exposed to another vaccine. There were 1,047,452 (98.64%) other adverse events, 587,325 (56.07%) were exposed to COVID-19 vaccine and 460,130 (43.93%) were exposed to other vaccines.

Flow diagram of case inclusion in this study

Table 1 outlines the fundamental features of the 14,431 instances of menstrual disorders that have been documented. Reports of menstrual disorders are not mutually exclusive of each other, and multiple conditions may be encompassed in one adverse reaction report. The most prevalent event in both groups was Menstruation irregular, with 4626 cases (35.26%) reported in the COVID-19 vaccine group and 372 cases (28.33%) in the non-COVID-19 vaccine group. The COVID-19 vaccine group reported 2698 cases (20.57%) of Menstruation delayed,2088 cases (15.92%) of Intermenstrual bleeding, and Menorrhagia was reported only 28 cases (0.21%). The non-COVID-19 vaccine group reported 251 cases of Metrorrhagia (19.12%), 301 cases of Amenorrhoea (22.90%) and only 6 cases of Intermenstrual bleeding (0.46%).

The median age at the time of reporting was 35years in both groups, with a mean age of 36years in the COVID-19 vaccine group, which was greater than 16years in the non-COVID-19 vaccine group. A high proportion of the reported age was undetermined in both groups. Nearly half (48.82%) of the reported menstrual irregularities in the non-COVID-19 vaccine group were reported in the younger age group (<20years). Whereas in the COVID-19 vaccine group, a higher proportion (42.55%) was reported in the prime age group (3049years). After Fisher's exact test, there was a discrepancy between the two age groups (P value<0.001).

The interval from vaccine exposure to reported onset was reported in 11,681 cases (80.94%), with a median of 3.0days. There were 10,877 cases (82.92%) in the COVID-19 vaccine group with an adverse reaction reporting interval<100days. The non-COVID-19 vaccination group had an average reporting gap of 8days. After Fisher's exact test, there was a difference in the reporting interval between the two groups (P value<0.001). The following 20 non-COVID-19 vaccinations have been linked to recorded cases of menstrual disorders: Influenza virus vaccine(38 reports), Hepatitis B virus vaccine(51reports), Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids vaccine(9 reports), Pneumococcal vaccine (3 reports), Varivax-varicella virus live(14reports), Tetanus toxoid (1report), Human papillomavirus(1073 reports), Hepatitis A (12 reports), Anthrax vaccine (20 reports), Measles(1report), Measles, mumps and rubella virus vaccine(15 reports), Lyme disease vaccine(4reports), Rabies virus vaccine(2reports), Smallpox vaccine(2reports), Meningococcal conjugate vaccine(3 reports), Hepatitis A+hepatitis B vaccine(4 reports), Ebola Zaire vaccine(1 report), Meningococcal group b vaccine(1 report), Varicella-zoster vaccine(1 report), Unknow(57 reports).

The reported species of serious adverse events were mainly related to Death, Life-threatening, Emergency room visits, Hospitalized, Prolonged hospitalization, and Disability. There were no reports of deaths in the COVID-19 vaccine group, and a total of 1079 serious adverse events were reported (8.22%). 901 serious adverse events (68.62%) were documented in the non- COVID-19 vaccine group, three fatalities were reported which were the result of exposure to Human papillomavirus vaccine (2 reports) and Hepatitis B virus vaccine (1 report). More than one-third of the reports in both groups mentioned a prescription or nonprescription drugs that the vaccine recipient was taking at the time of vaccination and 1175 cases (8.20%) were suffering from a disease, while 6481 cases (45.22%) had been diagnosed with a disease prior to vaccination.

Table 2 describes the characteristics of the 13,118 menstrual disorders reported as a consequence of exposure to the COVID-19 vaccine. 9613 cases (73.28%) were reported in relation to Pfizer-Biontech, 2748 cases (20.95%) for Moderna and 742 cases (5.66%) for Janssen. The reported rates of other menstrual events differed between groups (p<0.001), except Intermenstrual bleeding, Hypomenorrhoea, Menorrhagia. Comparison between groups revealed that the distribution of reports of menstrual disorders by age group was heterogeneous (p<0.001). Except for the type of vaccine that could not be characterized, the remaining three groups reported significantly higher proportions in the 3039 age group than in other age groups, respectively accounting for 19.53%, 38.54%, and 31.67% of the total. The dose distribution by injected vaccine was likewise heterogeneous (P<0.001), with Dose 1 being reported at a significantly higher rate than Dose 2 and Dose 3. Only 1596 cases (16.60%) of vaccine recipients recovered from the adverse event when the adverse reaction information was reported, and 66.33% did unrecoverable at the time of reporting.

Analyses of the stated odds ratio for the COVID-19 vaccination incidents are shown in Tables 3, 4, 5, 6. The distribution of adverse events according to type (Menstrual disorder vs. other adverse reactions) and vaccination status (COVID-19 vaccines vs. other vaccines) is reported in Table 3. ROR estimated to be 7.83 (95% CI: 7.398.28), implies that COVID-19 vaccine may be a risk sign for the occurrence of events related to menstrual disorders. To further validate the correlation, three sensitivity analysis of the ROR were also performed. Firstly, aggregated by region of adverse reaction reporting (US vs. non-US) and vaccination status, ROR was 0.78(95% CI: 0.700.88), suggested that the reports of menstrual disorders after vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine are unrelated to the regional distribution. Secondly grouped by age and type of report, compared the reported rates of adverse events associated with menstrual disorders in the 3049 age group with those in other age groups, ROR was 5.78(95% CI: 4.866.88). Finally, excluding reports of unknown age, ROR was 12.46(95% CI: 10.4114.92). Suggests that age may be a risk indicator for the event of menstrual disorders after vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine.

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COVID-19 vaccine and menstrual conditions in female: data analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) - BMC Women's Health - BioMed...

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Copper Mountain Mining Announces Agreement to Sell the Eva Copper Project and the Australian Exploration Tenements for Total Consideration of up to…

VANCOUVER, BC, Oct. 6, 2022 /CNW/ - Copper Mountain Mining Corporation (TSX: CMMC) (ASX: C6C)(the "Company" or "Copper Mountain")is pleased to announce it has entered into a definitive agreement with Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (JSE: HAR) (NYSE: HMY) ("Harmony") to sell its wholly-owned Eva Copper Project and its 2,100km2 exploration land package in Queensland, Australia for total consideration of up to US$230 million (the "Transaction").

Under the terms of the Transaction, Copper Mountain will receive the following consideration:

A. US$170,000,000 in cash payable on closing of the Transaction;

B. Up to US$30,000,000 in cash, based on a contingent payment arrangement where Harmony will pay Copper Mountain 10% of the incremental revenue generated from the Eva Copper Project and the Australian exploration land package above the revenue assuming a US$3.80/lb copper price; and

C. Up to US$30,000,000 in cash, based on a contingent payment arrangement where Harmony will pay Copper Mountain US$0.03 per pound of contained copper for any SAMREC copper resource discovered and declared on a new deposit within the Eva Copper Project and the Australian exploration land package after the closing of the Transaction.

Gil Clausen, Copper Mountain's President and CEO, stated, "We are pleased with this transaction as it demonstrates the value the Company has developed in the Eva Copper Project since our acquisition of Altona Mining Limited in 2018. It also recognizes the exploration upside that exists on the surrounding prospective land package."

Letitia Wong, Copper Mountain's CFO, added, "This transaction strengthens our balance sheet and allows the Company to evaluate options with respect to our long-term capital structure. Further, as our recently announced Life of Mine plan demonstrates, the Copper Mountain Mine is expected to generate healthy free cash flow starting in 2023 and we expect mine operations and the 65,000 tonnes per day expansion to be self-funded going forward."

The closing of the Transaction is subject to certain customary conditions, including approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) in Australia and Copper Mountain bondholder approval. The Transaction has received approval from the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) and is not subject to any financing conditions. The Transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2023.

Advisors and Counsel

Macquarie Capital is acting as financial advisor to Copper Mountain. Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP and Corrs Chambers Westgarth are acting as Canadian and Australian legal counsel, respectively, to Copper Mountain.

About Copper Mountain Mining Corporation

Copper Mountain's flagship asset is the 75% owned Copper Mountain Mine located in southern British Columbia near the town of Princeton. The Copper Mountain Mine currently produces approximately 100 million pounds of copper equivalent per year. Copper Mountain also has the 100% owned development-stage Eva Copper Project and an extensive 2,100 km2 highly prospective land package in in Queensland, Australia. Copper Mountain trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "CMMC" and Australian Stock Exchange under the symbol "C6C".

Additional information is available on the Company's web page at

On behalf of the Board of


Gil ClausenPresident and Chief Executive Officer

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may contain "forward looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (collectively, "forward-looking statements"). These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release and Copper Mountain does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required under applicable securities legislation.

All statements, other than statements of historical facts, are forward-looking statements. Generally, forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and reflect Copper Mountain's expectations or beliefs regarding future events.

In certain circumstances, forward-looking statements can be identified, but are not limited to, statements which use terminology such as "plans", "expects", "estimates", "intends", "anticipates", "believes", "forecasts", "guidance", scheduled", "target" or variations of such words, or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might", "occur" or "be achieved" or the negative of these terms or comparable terminology. In this news release, certain forward-looking statements are identified, including the Company's potential plans with respect to its long-term capital structure, anticipated timing for the Copper Mountain Mine to generate free cash flow and become self-funding, anticipated timing for the closing of the Transaction, entitlement to any contingent consideration under the Transaction, obtaining and satisfying customary conditions (including FIRB approval and Copper Mountain bondholder approval), anticipated production at the Copper Mountain Mine, and expectations for other economic, business and/or competitive factors. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results, performance, achievements and opportunities to differ materially from those implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include, among others, the parties' ability to consummate the Transaction, the ability of the parties to satisfy, in a timely manner, all conditions to the closing of the Transaction, assumptions concerning the Transaction and the operations and capital expenditure plans of the Company following completion of the Transaction, the potential impact of the announcement or consummation of the Transaction, the diversion of management time on the Transaction, the successful exploration of the Company's properties in Canada and Australia, market price, continued availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions, extreme weather events, material and labour shortages, the reliability of the historical data referenced in this document and risks set out in Copper Mountain's public documents, including the management's discussion and analysis for the quarter ended June 30, 2022 and the annual information form dated March 29, 2022, each filed on SEDAR at Although Copper Mountain has attempted to identify important factors that could cause the Company's actual results, performance, achievements and opportunities to differ materially from those described in its forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause the Company's results, performance, achievements and opportunities not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. While the Company believes that the information and assumptions used in preparing the forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on these statements, which only apply as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the Company's forward-looking statements.

SOURCE Copper Mountain Mining Corporation

For further information: Tom Halton, Director, Investor Relations and Corporate Communications, Telephone: 604-682-2992, Email: [emailprotected], Website:

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TECENTRIQ (atezolizumab) Receives CADTH Reimbursement Recommendations for the adjuvant treatment of early-stage Non-Small Lung Cell Cancer (NSCLC) and…

MISSISSAUGA, ON, Oct. 5, 2022 /CNW/ - Hoffmann-La Roche Limited (Roche Canada) today announced that the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review Expert Review Committee (pERC) has issued two final recommendations for TECENTRIQ (atezolizumab).

The first recommendation was that "Tecentriq be reimbursed by public drug plans after surgery and chemotherapy for the treatment of patients with stage II to stage IIIA non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) whose tumour is positive for programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) in at least 50% of tumour cells and does not have an abnormal EGFR [epidermal growth factor receptor] or ALK [anaplastic lymphoma kinase] gene".2 The second recommendation was that, "Tecentriq, in combination with a platinum-based chemotherapy and etoposide, should be reimbursed by public drug plans for the [first-line] treatment of [adult patients with] extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC)".1

The recommendations state that TECENTRIQ should be reimbursed for the adjuvant treatment of early-stage NSCLC and ES-SCLC patients if certain conditions are met.1,2 The two recommendations were made because CADTH acknowledged the benefit of TECENTRIQ in these lung cancer indications, and are a step towards public funding of TECENTRIQ for these two diseases.

"At the Lung Health Foundation, one of our key priorities is an increase in lung cancer survivorship, and we recognize that key to this is the advancement of innovative and publicly funded treatment options for patients diagnosed with lung cancer," says Peter Glazier, Executive Vice President, Lung Health Foundation. "Knowing how aggressive NSCLC and ES-SCLC cancers can be, it's critically important that patients have access to treatments such as TECENTRIQ."

NSCLC and SCLC are both subtypes of lung cancer. NSCLC accounts for approximately 88% of lung cancer cases in Canada, where approximately half of NSCLC cases are stage I-III at diagnosis.2 SCLC is 1 of 2 types of lung cancer; it is less common than nonsmall cell lung cancer, accounting for approximately 15% of patients with lung cancer. Most people with SCLC are diagnosed with extensive-stage cancer that has spread widely within the lungs, lymph nodes, and other parts of the body.1

"We need treatment options to manage this aggressive cancer," said Dr. Parneet Cheema, Medical Director of Cancer Care at William Osler Health System and Assistant Professor at University of Toronto. "The positive recommendations for Tecentriq to treat early stage NSCLC and advanced stage SCLC, are a major step forward towards public funding of this option for these patients."

"At Lung Cancer Canada, we see how lung cancer impacts thousands of patients, caregivers, and families everyday," says Shem Singh, Executive Director, Lung Cancer Canada. "Patients with early-stage NSCLC need treatment options that both work and allow them to spend quality time with their families. We welcome the approval of TECENTRIQ as this is an important step towards improving the lives of thousands of Canadians living with lung cancer."

"With the aggressive and rapidly progressing nature of ES-SCLC, available treatment options for this patient population are extremely limited," says Shem Singh, Executive Director, Lung Cancer Canada. "TECENTRIQ is one of the first treatments approved for this setting in decades, marking an important step forward for Canadians living with lung cancer. For this population of patients, every moment counts."

Roche Canada is pleased that the net clinical benefit of TECENTRIQ has been recognized by CADTH for both indications and is looking forward to partnering with the provinces and jurisdictions to help make medicines like TECENTRIQ more accessible to Canadians living with lung cancer.

About TECENTRIQ (atezolizumab)3

TECENTRIQ was authorized by Health Canada on January 14, 2022 as monotherapy for adjuvant treatment following complete resection and no progression after platinum-based adjuvant chemotherapy for adult patients with Stage II to IIIA (according to the AJCC 7th edition) NSCLC whose tumours have PD-L1 expression on 50% of tumour cells.3

TECENTRIQ has also been authorized by Health Canada for the first-line treatment of adult patients with ES-SCLC, in combination with carboplatin and etoposide3, since August 08, 2019.

TECENTRIQ is an Fc-engineered humanized immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) monoclonal antibody that directly binds to PD-L1 and blocks interactions with the PD-1 and B7.1 receptors. Blocking these interactions release PD-L1/PD-1 pathway-mediated inhibition of the immune response, including reactivating the anti-tumour immune response.3

About Early Stage Non-Small Lung Cell Cancer (NSCLC) and Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer (ES-SCLC)1,2

Lung cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers and is the leading cause of cancer deaths in Canada, with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounting for approximately 88% of lung cancer cases. Approximately half of NSCLC cases in Canada are stage I-III at diagnosis, and one-third of NSCLC patients have operable disease. Early-stage NSCLC (i.e., Stages I-IIIA per the AJCC 7th edition) is often asymptomatic. When patients do present with symptoms, these are usually non-specific and difficult to directly attribute to lung cancer. The most common symptoms include fatigue, cough, chest or shoulder pain, hemoptysis, weight loss, dyspnea, hoarseness, bone pain and fever.

Extensive stage (ES) disease is defined as disease that cannot be classified as limited. Approximately two-thirds of patients with SCLC have ES disease at diagnosis, which is associated with particularly poor prognosis.

About Roche

Roche is a global pioneer in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics focused on advancing science to improve people's lives. The combined strengths of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics, as well as growing capabilities in the area of data-driven medical insights, help Roche deliver truly personalized healthcare. Roche aims to improve patient access to medical innovations by working with stakeholders across the entire healthcare sector to provide the best care for each person.

Roche is the world's largest biotech company, with truly differentiated medicines in oncology, immunology, infectious diseases, ophthalmology and diseases of the central nervous system. Roche is also the world leader in in vitro diagnostics and tissue-based cancer diagnostics, and a frontrunner in diabetes management. In recent years, Roche has invested in genomic profiling and real-world data partnerships, has become an industry-leading partner for medical insights, and has collaborated in artificial intelligence (AI) data-mining to fuel healthcare insights.

Roche Canada was founded in 1931, and employs more than 1,800 people across the country through its Pharmaceuticals division in Mississauga, Ontario as well as its Diagnostics and Diabetes Care divisions in Laval, Quebec.

Roche continues to search for better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases and make a sustainable contribution to society. Globally, Roche has been recognized as one of the most sustainable companies in the Pharmaceuticals Industry by the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) for twelve consecutive years. Roche Canada is also actively involved in local communities through its charitable giving and partnerships with organizations and healthcare institutions that work together to improve the quality of life of Canadians.

For more information, please visit or follow us on Twitter @RocheCanada.


1 pERC final recommendation, Atezolizumab (Tecentriq) - SCLC, September 20, 2022. Available at: Last accessed September 23, 2022.

2 pERC final recommendation, Atezolizumab (Tecentriq) - NSCLC, September 20, 2022. Available at: Last accessed September 23, 2022.

3 Tecentriq Product Monograph, July 21, 2022.

SOURCE Roche Canada

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Advanced Ceramics Market is to Grow at a CAGR of 5.5% During the Forecast Period of 2022 to 2029 – Digital Journal

Advanced Ceramics Marketis expected to hold the largest share of material segment in the advanced ceramics market as the alumina ceramics have a wide range of qualities, including extreme hardness, high density, wear resistance, thermal conductivity, high stiffness, chemical resistance, and compressive strength, making them ideal for nozzles, circuits, piston engines, and other applications. Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the advanced ceramics market was valued at USD 10.3 billion in 2021 and is further estimated to reach USD 15.8 billion by 2029, and is likely to grow at a CAGR of 5.5% during the forecast period of 2022 to 2029.

Advanced ceramics are inorganic and nonmetallic solids with a wide range of properties. When compared to its traditional counterparts, ceramics have a low coefficient of thermal expansion, high strength and corrosion resistance, and are lightweight. These properties, as well as the fact that they are highly versatile, make ceramics a favoured choice in a variety of industries.

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This Advanced Ceramics market report provides details of new recent developments, trade regulations, import-export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, market share, impact of domestic and localized market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, strategic market growth analysis, market size, category market growths, application niches and dominance, product approvals, product launches, geographic expansions, technological innovations in the market. To gain more info on the Advanced Ceramics market contact Data Bridge Market Research for an Analyst Brief, our team will help you take an informed market decision to achieve market growth.

Some of the Major Players Operating in the Advanced Ceramics Market Are:Kyocera Corporation (Japan), CeramTec GmbH (Germany), Coors Tek Inc. (US), Saint-Gobain Ceramic Materials (US), Morgan Advanced Materials Plc (UK), McDanel Advanced Ceramic Technologies (US), Ceradyne, Inc. (US), Rauschert Steinbach GmbH (Germany), Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Japan), Mantec Technical Ceramics Ltd. (UK), ENrG Inc. (US), Maruwa Co.Ltd. (Japan), Central Electronics Limited (India), PI Ceramics (Germany), Sensor Technology Ltd (UK), Sparkler Ceramics Pvt. Ltd. (India), APC International Ltd. (US).

The Study Is Segmented By Following:

The advanced ceramics market is segmented on the basis of material, class and end user. The growth amongst these segments will help you analyze meager growth segments in the industries and provide the users with a valuable market overview and market insights to help them make strategic decisions for identifying core market applications.


On the basis of material, the advanced ceramics market is segmented into alumina ceramics, titanate ceramics, zirconia ceramics, silicon carbide ceramics and others.


On the basis of class, the advanced ceramics market is segmented into monolithic ceramics, ceramic matrix composites, ceramic coatings, others.

End User

On the basis of end user, the advanced ceramics market is segmented into electrical and electronics, transportation, medical, defence and security, environmental, chemical and others.

COVID-19 Impact onAdvanced Ceramics Market

The pandemic of COVID-19 has had a huge impact on the advanced ceramics market. The COVID-19 outbreak has had a major influence on most manufacturing industries, and advanced ceramics is no exception. Even after the shutdowns, all supply chain enterprises were regarded as necessary and operational. During the shutdowns, the majority of market participants were forced to keep their production facilities closed, producing substantial supply chain disruptions. However, in the post-COVID scenario, advanced ceramics market is projected to be significantly impacted due to the advanced ceramics have emerged as a promising material for carriers that contain and transmit blood probes in diagnostic equipment due to their biocompatibility.

Recent Development

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Advanced CeramicsMarket Dynamics


In comparison to other materials, advanced ceramics offer a higher corrosion resistance. As a result, these ceramics are suitable for a wide range of applications, including aerospace, energy and power, automotive, electronics, and military and defence which is further anticipated to propel the growth of the market.

Advanced ceramics outperform traditional materials such as aluminium and steel in terms of corrosion resistance, resulting in lower maintenance and other costs for aircraft, vehicles, and armour will further accelerate the market growth.

Manufacturers in the advanced ceramics industry will be forced to add creative features to their offerings as demand for new consumer electronics gadgets grows which is further contributing the growth of the market.


In addition, the rise in the nanotechnology and growing use in aerospace and defense industries is further estimated to provide potential opportunities for the growth of the advanced ceramics market in the coming years.

Restraints/Challenges Global Advanced Ceramics Market

On the other hand, the increased cost than their metal and alloy counterparts is further projected to impede the growth of the advanced ceramics market in the targeted period. However, the reduced acceptance in newer applications might further challenge the growth of the advanced ceramics market in the near future.

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Research Methodology: Global Advanced Ceramics Market

Data collection and base year analysis are done using data collection modules with large sample sizes. The market data is analyzed and estimated using market statistical and coherent models. Also, market share analysis and key trend analysis are the major success factors in the market report. To know more, please request an analyst call or can drop down your inquiry.

The key research methodology used by the DBMR research team is data triangulation which involves data mining, analysis of the impact of data variables on the market, and primary (industry expert) validation. Apart from this, data models include Vendor Positioning Grid, Market Time Line Analysis, Market Overview and Guide, Expert Analysis, Import/Export Analysis, Pricing Analysis, Production Consumption Analysis, Climate Chain Scenario, Company Positioning Grid, Company Market Share Analysis, Standards of Measurement, Global versus Regional and Vendor Share Analysis. To know more about the research methodology, drop in an inquiry to speak to our industry experts.

Key Pointers Covered in the Advanced Ceramics Market Industry Trends and Forecast

Market Size

Market New Sales Volumes

Market Replacement Sales Volumes

Market Installed Base

Market By Brands

Market Procedure Volumes

Market Product Price Analysis

Market Cost of Care Analysis

Market Shares in Different Regions

Recent Developments for Market Competitors

Market Upcoming Applications

Market Innovators Study

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What Is Computer Science? Experts Explain Their Field

Youve been interested in computers for as long as you can remember. So, when you embarked on the hunt for a new career, its no surprise that careers related to computer science jumped out as a possibility.

Working with technology all day sounds like a dream job, but you need more details before you commit to a career concentrationwhat is computer science, what skills do you need to succeed and what sort of education does it take to snag a job in this field?

We consulted the experts to learn all the ins and outs of computer science. This article will answer your questions so you can make an informed decision about a career in computer science.

Computers are a vital part of our daily lives, and computer science is behind what drives every piece of that technology.

Computers are pretty simple machines at their core, explains Brian Gill, CEO at Gillware Data Recovery. The programs computer scientists write are what allow humans to capture the computing power of these dumb machines for useful purposes like designing a better airplane, analyzing DNA or playing Angry Birds.

So what exactly is a computer scientist? A more fitting title for a computer science professional would be problem-solver, according to software engineer Kevin Hayen. Our job is to give the computer instructions on how to do repetitive tasks to solve a real-world problem. Computer science professionals solve those problems by writing code, creating algorithms and putting their creativity to work.

Computer science may appear mysterious or even magical to the inexperienced. But in reality, its a field filled with hard-working programmers who use many skills and tools to make computers function. Much of the field is applied to creating software, but computer science also related to the design and engineering of hardware components as well.

Computer scientists manage everything from operating systems to apps and search engines, and theyve been doing so for decades. One of the first academic-credit computer science courses was offered at Columbia University in 1946.1 The first computer languages were born in the 50s, personal computers began hitting the market in the 70s, and by the 90s, Google was on the scene.2

Computer science, called computing in the early days, has developed quickly over the years, thanks to help from talented computer scientists who changed the field.

The past 2550 years have seen a significant amount of development in the field, says Brandon Na, Principal Consultant at Seattle Organic SEO. There have been so many changes that, honestly, it might show you the trajectory for the next 10, 25 or more years.

Changes are indeed coming to the computer science industry. The technology field is known for its fast growth, and computer scientists must constantly adapt to stay on top of new developments. The field is always expanding in new territories, such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and health sciences, says Cyber Intelligence Agent Jonathan Racicot.

Computer science may be expanding, but people outside the industry still believe plenty of misconceptions about what the field is really like. Our experts are setting the record straight on some of the most common myths surrounding this technical career.

Many people picture a stereotypical nerd when they think of a computer scientist, but you dont have to be an eccentric genius to succeed in this career.

Computer science is no longer the guarded realm of hardcore nerds spending their nights writing line of code after line of code, Racicot says. Artists and entrepreneurs alike can make computer science come to life with the right training and dedication to the field.

When you think about what a computer science professional does all day, are you picturing lots of math, coding or other technical work? Think again. There are plenty of soft skills involved and required in this line of work also, including an emphasis on creativity.

Perhaps the most common myth of computer science is that it is not creative work, says data scientist Matt Townley. Computer scientists finish every day having created something that did not exist before.

In addition to having the necessary tech skills, youll need your fair share of communication skills, attention to detail, and a knack for problem-solving to thrive in the computer science field.

Computer scientists often have to fend off friends, family and random acquaintances asking for help fixing their technology woes.

Just because Ive been a programmer for 30 years and am an expert in software architecture does not mean I want to troubleshoot a friend or family members Windows ME problem, Gill says.

Its easy for those unfamiliar with the technology field to lump all of its workers together as all-knowing computer experts, but thats just not the case. Yes, computer science professionals work with computers and because of this may have a better-than-average understanding of how to troubleshoot hardware problems. But that doesnt mean their work is the same as the person who comes to fix your printer or wireless router.

Now that you know a bit more about computer science as an industry, its time to learn what that could mean for your career. We used real-time job analysis software to find the most sought-after job titles for associate and bachelor computer science degree holders.

Learn even more about these and other computer science job titles in our article, What Can You Do with a Computer Science Degree?

Youll need the right blend of hard and soft skills if you want to land job titles like these. Take a look at these technical and transferrable skills that will come in handy in a computer science career, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

You may have a natural talent for computer science, but earning a degree can help make you a more desired employee in the workforce. We used real-time job analysis software to examine more than 1 million computer science-related job postings from the past year. The data helped us identify the preferred education level employers are seeking.

Analysis of the in-demand jobs discussed above revealed that nearly 90 percent of employers are looking for candidates with at least a Bachelors degree.1 This shows how important a formal education is in the field, but the learning doesnt stop there. In order to keep up with the ever-evolving industry, its imperative for computer science professionals to continue learning and keeping a pulse on new trends and technologies in the field.

Now that you know more about what computer science is and have a better understanding of some of the common myths and misconceptions about this field, you may be more prepared for a career in computer science than you realize.

Find out if youre a natural fit for the field in our article, 6 Computer Science Skills You Didnt Know You Already Had.

1IBM, Icons of Progress, The Origins of Computer Science [accessed March, 2020], History of Computers: A Brief Timeline, [accessed March, 2020] (analysis of 1,195,953 computer science job postings, February 1, 2019 January 31, 2020)4Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Employment Statistics, [accessed March, 2020] Information represents national, averaged data for the occupations listed and includes workers at all levels of education and experience. This data does not represent starting salaries. Employment conditions in your area may vary.

Google is a registered trademark of Google, Inc.Python is a registered trademark of The Python Software Foundation.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation.

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What Is Computer Science? Experts Explain Their Field

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Conference aims to make trust and safety hot topics in computer science – The Stanford Daily

A woman with dyed hair and a branded TikTok jacket chatted with a man dressed like an academic in the palm-shaded Alumni Center pavilion Friday morning. Stanfords first annual Trust and Safety Research Conference was a gathering of all kinds.

Online trust and safety is an interdisciplinary field, and the two-day conference brought together experts in computer science, law, and the social sciences to unify their work on online harm and distrust an unprecedented effort for the field, participants said.

Across Thursday and Friday, attendees dropped in on panels and research presentations taking place on the first floor of the Alumni Center and networked outside in the courtyard. Popular presentation topics included improved tools for online moderation, the spread of misinformation and how organizations and companies can design and implement tailored policies for online safety.

The conference was hosted by the Stanford Internet Observatory and the Trust and Safety Foundation. Early bird tickets ran attendees from academic and civil society $100, with the entry fee hiked to $500 for attendees from the industry.

Public content moderation expert and law assistant professor Evelyn Douek described the goal of the conference as a way to connect those working on internet safety across academia, industry and policy for the first time.

Community building is really important, Douek said. Actually getting people from lots of different disciplines in a room, meeting each other, building those bridges.

In Thursdays introduction to the Journal of Online Trust and Safetys research presentation, communication professor Jeff Hancock described how he co-founded the publication with other Stanford researchers in the field to fill that gap between those studying online safety from different disciplines. Alongside the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), the researchers aim to understand and prevent potential harm from happening online.

Added SIO director and cybersecurity expert Alex Stamos in an interview, One of our goals at SIO is to make [online] trust and safety a legitimate academic topic.

In the past two years, the threat of internet-enabled violence and public mistrust has become difficult to ignore. Several mass shootings were preceded by hateful screeds posted on the online forum 8chan. Online misinformation has been linked to COVID vaccine hesitancy, and conspiracy theories fueled the organization of last years Capitol insurrection on forums and social media sites.

Security wasnt seen by CS academics as a real field, Stamos said. But these days security is seen as one of the absolute hottest parts of computer science. We need to have the same kind of transition in trust and safety, but we dont have fifteen years.

Panelists emphasized that a one-size-fits-all framework for online safety simply cannot exist; the internet is too big, run and used by too many people.

It would be impossible to create a single governing force to regulate online content and behavior, said Del Harvey, vice president of trust and safety at Twitter, on a panel.

I keep hearing this: What we need to do is make it so that the companies arent making the decisions, and instead this benevolent entity that we create, that will have all the information that is informed by all the things that are right and just and good in the world will [enforce online safety], Harvey said. However, Harvey added, We are nowhere near the utopian world where that can exist.

To panelist Mike Masnick, a blogger and tech policy expert, the recent deplatforming of hate forum Kiwifarms by infrastructure provider Cloudflare demonstrated how important decisions about online safety are often left in the hands of a few small companies.

The reality was that the situation was up to [Cloudflare], Masnick said. And a decision to do nothing meant that people were going to get harmed.

Some participants said there may be no single system that can prevent the harms of the internet, but they expressed hope that actors in the internet ecosystem can take steps to prevent harm and preserve public trust.

The fact of the matter is that there is no perfect decision, Douek said. Every decision is still going to involve harm. There needs to be trust that youve thought about those decisions.

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Conference aims to make trust and safety hot topics in computer science - The Stanford Daily

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Schools get creative with computer science teaching as Ohios state standards try to keep with the times – Dayton Daily News

Nearly all schools have computer-based classes, but many dont offer even foundational classes on programming, let alone advanced computing.

A 2022 study by the Advocacy Coalition found that 53.4% of Ohio high school students attend a school that offers foundational computer science classes such as basic programming. However, only 22% of urban school districts offered foundational computer science courses compared to 57% of suburban schools.

In 2019, Ohio was ranked 37th among all 50 states in the number of college computer science graduates, as a percentage of total college graduates at all levels (Kentucky was ranked 1st), and 44th in growth in number of computer science graduates over five years, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Ohio updates curriculum

Ohio recently invested heavily in changing this. Last month, the Ohio State Board of Education approved an updated Model Curriculum for Computer Science. The 400 pages of guidance for local districts recommends students as early as kindergarten learning to protect passwords and understand the basics of artificial intelligence, and high schoolers using cybersecurity concepts like cluster computing and quantum key distribution.

The change represents a dramatic update from previous educational standards, initiated by the state last year. Ohio currently has over 20,000 open computer science positions, said Bryan Stewart, workforce director at the Montgomery County Educational Service Center. As Ohio prepares to welcome tech manufacturing giants like Intel, that gap may get worse.

Thats a question that we play with when we look at the future of Ohios workforce, Stewart said. We have to ask ourselves, Will Dayton, will the Miami Valley be a haven for startups? Will we see tech companies born out of the minds of our kids? If we want that to be a reality, if we want venture capital to speed into Ohio, you cant do that unless you teach kids about computer science.

Stebbins High School in the Mad River School District takes a different approach. Many classes through the schools Career Technology Program incorporate computer science in a tangential way, such as engineering and robotics, or graphic design and digital media. Students learn to work with several systems, such as SolidWorks, AutoCAD, and Adobe Photoshop, said Career Tech Director and Assistant Principal Jeff Berk.

We also have career tech courses at our middle school, Berk said, adding that the state of Ohio supports career tech education. We are able to stay up to industry standards within all of our programs, and making sure our students are prepared, and what theyre going to see (in the workplace), they had the chance to see it here.

In recent years, Mad River discontinued a cybersecurity career path based on lack of enrollment and student interest, Berk said, in favor of a Teacher Academy. However, juniors and seniors can also participate in the Tech Prep program, where students do hands-on IT work throughout the building, troubleshooting everything from printers to student laptops.

Obstacles to improvement

Improving computer science education faces several hurdles. One issue governments have grappled with is that the field evolves so quickly that its difficult for educators to keep up, even at the local level.

I think we do the best we can. But computer science changes so quickly. Its not like math where algebra is the same now as it was 100 years ago, Schultz said. Now weve got standard things like quantum computing and artificial intelligence and machine learning, things that werent even spoken of five years ago. So its tough for schools, tough for anybody with a limited budget, to try and stay on top of that.

The State Committee on Computer Science, formed by this years state budget, outlined 10 recommendations in August that, if implemented, would help make Ohio a national leader in computer science education and workforce pipeline, state officials said. Among these include a commitment by the state to fund computer science courses at 1% of the K-12 funding formula, about $94 million today, in future years, as well as making a single credit computer science course a high school graduation requirement.

Funding is important because hardware that educators have access to sometimes lags behind what is used in the industry, Berk said.

A lot of times in education, the access to technology that students have sometimes is outdated, he said. Thats one of the major challenges. Especially in high school, when they go out into to the workforce, that theyre having that opportunity to work with machines and computers that are going to be at the same level

Finding teachers is also huge problem, as often individuals who are qualified to teach the next generation about computer science have no financial incentive to do so.

The majority of them realize that they can go out and find a job in the industry and make double what they would make as a teacher, said Schultz.

Minorities, girls lag

To address teacher shortages, the state committee recommended Teach CS grants that fund training for teachers to obtain computer science licensure, and establishing an Office of Computer Science to support the over 600 Ohio school districts in implementing their own computer science programs.

Stebbins Teacher Academy was created both to address the teacher shortage in the general K-12 sphere and supply a program that matched students interests, Berk said.

Were doing what we can do to help supply the region with the workers that we need for all the different professions, he said.

The states Model Curriculum also includes provisions for equitable access to computer science education. Schools in lower-income neighborhoods and schools with large numbers of minority students often offer only rudimentary user skills rather than problem-solving and computational thinking, according to the curriculum.

Among students who took the Advanced Placement Computer Science exam in 2020, only 6% of students were Black or African American, 16% were Hispanic or Latino and 0.5% were Native American, according to data from the College Board, which administers AP tests.

Female students are also underrepresented in high school computer science classes, accounting for just 34% of AP Computer Science Principles participants and 25% of AP Computer Science A participants, per College Board data. During the 2020-21 school year, female students accounted for only 27% of over 3,700 AP Computer Science exams taken in Ohio.

In order to reach female and minority students, the state board recommends using examples that are equally relevant to both males and females, and tying problems to students everyday lives.

Particularly for young learners and beginners, visual, block-based programming languages help address language and syntax barriers, according to state documents.

Getting more girls and minority students into coding is useful, not just for creating a diverse workforce, but for addressing the huge need for computer-savvy people in todays industry. After-school programs like Girls Who Code also are working to bridge this gap, but the model curriculum aims to tackle these problems inside the classroom.

Private sector companies, the industry side of things, they really want to see a more diverse workforce. But theyre never going to have them unless we start earlier and try to start breaking down some of these barriers or perceptions, Stewart said.

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Schools get creative with computer science teaching as Ohios state standards try to keep with the times - Dayton Daily News

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Community Education Initiative catalyzes learning in more than 600 communities – Apple

October 4, 2022


Apple expands its Community Education Initiative, accelerating learning opportunities in more than 600 communities

With a focus on equity, Apple now works with more than 150 educational partners around the world to provide access to coding, creativity, and workforce opportunities

Several weeks ago, California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) welcomed more than 300 elementary and middle school students from across Los Angeles to its Center for Innovation in STEM Education (CISE) lab for a STEAM Max experience. The event gave participants from all backgrounds the opportunity to learn new science and technology skills including app design. That same week, the university kicked off after-school coding clubs at six elementary and middle schools, and began hosting a regular Saturday STEM Exploration Day where activities are coached by CSUDH computer science majors.

CSUDH is part of Apples Community Education Initiative (CEI), which launched in 2019 to bring coding, creativity, and career opportunities to learners of all ages, and to communities that are traditionally underrepresented in technology. Since then, the company has rapidly expanded this work to learners across 99 countries and regions, and all 50 states, building on years of collaboration with educators and communities.

Through CEI, Apple teams up with with schools, educational institutions, and community-based organizations to provide Apple hardware, scholarships, financial support, educator resources, and access to teams of Apple experts who work side by side with educators to enhance student learning with technology. Apple collaborates with each partner organization to customize and enhance programming to support the communitys goals, bringing together Apples unique combination of hardware, software, and professional learning resources to transform students in-school and extracurricular educational experiences.

In the two years since CSUDH first teamed up with Apple, the university has brought new STEAM experiences to nearly 2,000 students and teachers across greater Los Angeles and expects to reach another 4,000 learners across 40 schools with programming this year. The university also helps educators obtain their certification in computer science instruction to ensure California has enough teachers for coding and IT workforce training classes.

What astonishes me the most is what weve been able to accomplish in such a short period of time because of this unique partnership with Apple, said Dr. Kamal Hamdan, director of CSUDHs CISE lab. Thousands of students who would have never had access to this type of learning have gone though one of our programs, and you cant put a dollar amount on those experiences. Its a testament to the fact that when two organizations with like-minded values put their hearts and their heads toward a common goal, the sky is the limit in terms of how many lives we can change.

CSUDHs ambitious growth plans are reflective of the ongoing expansion of Apples CEI work, as the company brings new programming and learning opportunities to more partners and learners across the US and globally. Apple kicked off its CEI programming with educators from nearly 70 educational institutions in Austin, Texas; Boise, Idaho; Columbus, Ohio; Houston; Nashville, Tennessee; and Northern California. Three years later, Apple now has CEI partners in 29 states, plus the District of Columbia. Through virtual and in-person programming, more than 150 partners have reached learners in nearly 600 communities across 99 countries and regions, and all 50 US states.

CEI is rooted in Apples four-decade history in education and its commitment to advancing equity and access through education. CEI partners serve communities that have historically been under-resourced, and the initiative is designed to create opportunities for learners who may not otherwise have access to technology or workforce resources. The work aligns with Apples Racial Equity and Justice Initiative, which in part aims to expand opportunities for communities of color through education. Through CEI, Apple works with K-12 schools to advance in-school learning, organizations that provide out-of-school programming such as Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Kode With Klossy and minority-serving institutions, including dozens of Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Hispanic-Serving Institutions.

We believe education is a powerful force for equity, helping learners discover the tools they need to lift up their communities and shape the future, said Lisa Jackson, Apples vice president of Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives. Were thrilled to continue to expand our Community Education Initiative so that students of all ages have access to world-class learning opportunities, regardless of their zip code.

Oklahoma City University (OCU) in partnership with the Cherokee Nation, the Choctaw Nation, and the Chickasaw Nation is among Apples new CEI partners. Together, Apple, OCU, and the tribal governments have launched a new effort to provide educational opportunities to Native American youth and other young people who live on tribal reservations in Oklahoma, with the dual goals of preserving tribal languages and cultures, and enabling employment pathways so that young people can pursue their future while living in their tribal communities. The partnership kicks off later this month with a teacher academy for educators working in schools within the reservations of the Cherokee Nation, Choctaw Nation, and Chickasaw Nation, to support their work to integrate creativity and coding concepts in the classroom.

Im in awe of the relationship this university has developed with Apple and the impact it will have on our tribal nation partners, said Kenneth Evans, OCUs president. Together, we have the tools, technology, strategic infrastructure, and preservation initiatives that are creating paths to opportunity for future generations. From coding to more broad technical skills, were helping young people prepare for in-demand jobs while still honoring the heritage, language, and traditions of the Cherokee, Choctaw, and Chickasaw nations. As these programs expand, so too will their reach, enriching communities and preserving legacies for years to come.

Since launching CEI four years ago, Apple has maintained a focus on supporting teachers and educators by providing cutting-edge professional learning opportunities in their communities, and expanding programming to dozens of new organizations from coast to coast. New partners include Arizona State University; Arts New Orleans; the Center for Black Educator Development in Philadelphia; Education Service Center Region 13 in Austin; the Foundation for the Los Angeles Community Colleges; Harry S Truman College in Chicago; Henry Ford College in metro Detroit; Locally Grown Community Forge in Pittsburgh; Miami Dade College; Rutgers 4-H Computers Pathways Program in Newark, New Jersey; The New York Public Library TechConnect; University of Colorado Denver; University of Massachusetts Amhersts Center for Youth Engagement; Wayne State University College of Engineering in Detroit; and more.

To learn more about Apples commitment to education and work with partners across the globe, visit

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Community Education Initiative catalyzes learning in more than 600 communities - Apple

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Computer Takeover Won’t Happen, Say a Scientist and Philosopher – Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence

Scientist and entrepreneur Jobst Landgrebe and philosopher Barry Smith published a book last month that directly challenges the claim AI is becoming capable of human type thought and will run our world whether we like it or not. Heres what critics are saying about Why Machines will Never Rule the World: Artificial Intelligence without Fear (Routledge, 2022)

Its a highly impressive piece of work that makes a new and vital contribution to the literature on AI and AGI. The rigor and depth with which the authors make their case is compelling, and the range of disciplinary and scientific knowledge they draw upon is particularly remarkable and truly novel.

Shannon Vallor, Baillie Gifford Chair, Edinburgh Futures Institute, The University of Edinburgh

The alluring nightmare in which machines take over running the planet and humans are reduced to drudges is not just far off or improbable: the authors argue that it is mathematically impossible. While drawing on a remarkable array of disciplines for their evidence, the argument of Landgrebe and Smith is in essence simple. Compulsory reading for those who fear the worst, but also for those inadvertently trying to bring it about.

Peter M. Simons, Professor, Department of Philosophy, Trinity College Dublin

University of Miami philosophy prof Berit Brogaard reminds us that a year ago Elon Musk was telling us that AI will surpass us in five years. Ray Kurzweil has been saying similar things for what seems like decades

A key factor they note is that where computers must be explicit and specific, most human language is not like that and doesnt need to be. In fact, its more informative if it isnt

From the Abstract at Taylor and Francis:

In supporting their claim, the authors, Jobst Landgrebe and Barry Smith, marshal evidence from mathematics, physics, computer science, philosophy, linguistics, and biology, setting up their book around three central questions: What are the essential marks of human intelligence? What is it that researchers try to do when they attempt to achieve artificial intelligence (AI)? And why, after more than 50 years, are our most common interactions with AI, for example with our banks computers, still so unsatisfactory?

They see a bright future for computers but not at the expense of humanity.

Drs. Landgrebe and Smith will be speaking at the National Association of Scholars Restoring the Sciences webinar series, with J. Scott Turner, author Purpose and Desire (2017) moderating.

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Computer Takeover Won't Happen, Say a Scientist and Philosopher - Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence

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