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Unless Something Changes, Bitcoin Adoption In The West Will Be KYCd – Bitcoin Magazine

This is an opinion editorial by Robert Hall, a content creator and small business owner.

What is the most likely path to hyperbitcoinization? This is a question that has come up in my mind time and time again. Will it be a top-down implementation like we saw in El Salvador last year? Regarding world leaders, Nayib Bukele is the rare exception to the rule. Most world leaders think within a predefined box of fiat options.

Will adoption look more people-powered like in Nigeria, where Bitcoin was integral to funding the youth-led protest against the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) in October 2020, after protesters' bank accounts were frozen?

Bitcoin adoption in Nigeria has continued to grow despite their central bank banning legacy financial institutions in Nigeria from interacting with Bitcoin at all. Bitcoin P2P trading in Nigeria is up 27 percent despite the ban.

Bitcoin adoption in Nigeria and El Salvador are two examples of opposite sides of the adoption spectrum. Both are working despite legal hurdles and educating more people about Bitcoin.

What will widespread adoption look like in developed countries such as the United States, Europe and developed countries? The dynamics in the West differ significantly from that of developing countries. Western countries have the rule of law, regulated markets, a population that has access to bank accounts and a currency that doesn't debase as rapidly as other currencies.

Bitcoin adoption in the West is going to take a fundamentally different path than the path other parts of the world are going to take. This should be acknowledged and inform how Bitcoiners talk about adoption in the western world.

If you live in the West, you live in an economic and political panopticon. Your government knows who you are, where you live and how much money you earn. They also can gather your phone records, transaction history and online activity with impunity via third-party providers.

If you have money in a bank account, Western governments can call your bank, tell them you are a terrorist, and seize your bank account. Don't think it can happen to you? It happened in Canada to regular everyday citizens protesting against government policies they disagreed with and were agitating for change. The Canadian truckers were not violent thugs with weapons; they used well-established protest tactics to have their voices heard.

What did the Canadian government do in response? They Froze their assets and used violence against them.

Think this is an isolated incident? Authorities in the Netherlands opened fire on a farmer protesting against government plans that would have them cut nitrogen oxide and ammonia emissions by 70 percent in seven years. The state could give two sh*ts about your life if it gets in the way of their plan, plain and simple. You know it, and I know it. There is no need to sugarcoat anything here.

The idea that we are free is folly. Bitcoin is our best hope to change our current circumstances, but it starts with people purchasing and owning Bitcoin.

For a large majority of people new to Bitcoin, their first interaction with bitcoin will be through exchanges such as Coinbase, Kraken, Binance and OkCoin. Not ideal, but these are the facts.

When someone new to Bitcoin searches "how to buy bitcoin," the first page results will show you where you can buy bitcoin from exchanges.

Source: Google

According to a recent article, 46.5 million Americans have never owned cryptocurrency and plan on buying it next year. 32 percent believe that cryptocurrency will replace fiat currency over time. Presumably, a large portion of these new buyers will be looking at buying bitcoin. They will be buying their bitcoin on exchanges.

These entities comply with Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations set forth by their jurisdictions.

The people new to Bitcoin will have no problem handing over their personal information to these companies because they see it as normal and is something they have done their whole lives. This is a fact of life that isn't going away anytime soon.

This is an unpopular opinion, but I will say it anyway. Mass adoption of Bitcoin in the Western world will be with KYC'd Bitcoin. I wish it weren't the case, but I don't see how it won't be. There is even an implicit realization of this fact on Bitcoin Twitter.

The new people coming into Bitcoin won't be your anarcho-capitalist types that want nothing to do with the state. The next wave of people coming into the space will be the mom-and-pop shop owners down the street, your truck driver, mailman or a teacher looking to save their hard-earned money in money that the government can't debase.

Many people see the government and the laws and regulations they promulgate as a form of safety. They might see KYC as a good thing. Currently, KYC is a fact of life, and this creates honeypots of information for hackers to target. We've dealt with this problem in the fiat world; we'll also have to deal with it on a bitcoin standard. I didn't make rules; I'm just looking at the facts as they are now. That doesn't mean any of this can't change.

Still, I believe advising newcomers about different privacy methods is the way to go. There are many great articles here on how to make your Bitcoin more private.

How CoinJoin, CoinSwap Enable Basic Bitcoin Privacy

A Comprehensive Bitcoin CoinJoin Guide

Track Me If You Can How Bitcoin Forward-Looking Anonymity Sets Work

How To Whirlpool On Desktop With RoninDojo

How To Maintain Privacy When Spending Mixed Bitcoin

Federated Chaumian Mints: The Future Of Bitcoin Privacy?

In addition to teaching newcomers about privacy methods, we should all work on creating a bitcoin-powered parallel economy where we don't need fiat offramps. This is the ultimate goal.

El Zonte in El Salvador and other communities have shown us how we can follow in their footsteps.

On The Coast Of El Salvador, Bitcoin Is Becoming The Standard

Bitcoin Ekasi: The Township One Year Later

Bitcoin Beach Brazil: Inspired By El Salvador

Bitcoin Valley Hub Launches In Honduras

The future of bitcoin is bright if we can get enough people on the bitcoin lifeboat. We shouldn't quarrel about what path they took to get there, but educate them on the most private ways to do so.

Stay focused on the mission. Educate others. Stack sats.

This is a guest post by Robert Hall. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc. or Bitcoin Magazine.

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Unless Something Changes, Bitcoin Adoption In The West Will Be KYCd - Bitcoin Magazine

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Opinion: As bitcoin becomes boring, the days of outsized crypto gains are ending – The Globe and Mail

At the peak of the bull market, the rally to nearly US$70,000 per bitcoin last year seemed to be a big spike. What a number!

What one unit of anything investible is actually US$70,000? Sure, one Berkshire Hathaway Inc. class-A share is about US$400,000. But what else? A barrel of oil is considered expensive when its over US$100.

But absolute numbers are deceptive because what comprises a single unit is entirely arbitrary.

Without its stock splits in which one share is arbitrarily divided into a certain number so that individual shares appear cheaper one Apple Inc. share would be worth more than US$30,000, as opposed to US$130 currently.

Its thus more accurate to not look at absolute numbers, but percentages. And through that lens, bitcoin hasnt really been wildly appreciating. Through every market cycle, the peaks have been lower, in fact.

That reflects great forces coursing through the markets that have only been more intense as of late: the regulation and enforcement that, while welcomed by some, are changing crypto in a fundamental way.

Ethan Lou: Hate crypto? Put your money where your mouth is and bet against it

All that points to an inevitability: the days of the constant wild price gyrations and outsized gains are over.

In the boom-bust cycles of bitcoin, there have been three notable peaks: US$1,000 in 2013, nearly US$20,000 in 2017 and almost US$70,000 in 2021.

Each time, the rally in percentage terms has gone down. The last peak was just a little more than three times of the one before it. But 2017s US$20,000 was 20 times the peak of 2013.

And 2013s US$1,000, compared with prices before? Well, before that, bitcoin markets were even less established than now, and objectively determining the price is difficult.

Those were the days when, famously, 10,000 units were exchanged for two pizzas. For all intents and purposes, bitcoin was virtually worthless back then. From that to its 2013 peak of US$1,000 whatever multiple that was, it was definitely way more than 20 times.

What had driven this rally was the ease of participation for both investors and those who make the investment products.

Unlike any other financial instrument, bitcoin, and the world of cryptocurrency it spawned, had come with no paperwork for anyone. You could meet someone off Craigslist, pay them in cash and receive bitcoins on a smartphone app.

On the side of industry, anyone could start their own coin or exchange platform. The collapsed QuadrigCX exchange was infamously just one guy on his laptop.

All that ease resulted in a wave of new money entering the crypto world, money that had not been in the markets before. In early 2022, a survey showed that 55 per cent of bitcoin investors had started within the last year.

Thats not going to go on for much longer. And its not just because of the macroeconomic conditions of higher interest rates and costlier borrowing.

Enforcement has been unprecedented. The U.S. government has imposed sanctions on some blockchain code, as both the Justice Department and an increasingly hawkish Securities and Exchange Commission increase scrutiny of the industry.

The worlds largest exchange platform, Binance, is under investigation by nearly every arm of the U.S. government, and some in the industry speculate that its founder is avoiding the country owing to fears of arrest (which he has denied).

Even the creators of the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT (non-fungible token) collection of digital pictures is under investigation by the SEC.

On Monday, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development proposed new global rules on crypto, and the European Union separately firmed up its own new rules.

The European Commission has been looking at analyzing data on the Ethereum platform, which underpins a great portion of the crypto world. Such analysis has been big business for firms that do so crypto activity is becoming more and more open and trackable.

In short, this is a reversal of the phenomenon that had made crypto rally so hard in the earlier years. Under the growing regulatory yoke, crypto is being forced to become more like mainstream finance, with all of its associated red tape.

To be sure, this does not mean that cryptos price movements will, in the near future, become like mainstream finance or that we would never again see headlines with a much bigger number for one unit of bitcoin.

Its just that those days would be fewer and farther between, and the market would take a lot longer to reach those big numbers.

For that ridiculous ease with which people could both invest in crypto or create investment products is becoming a thing of the past. And while crypto might be safer, less volatile and more pleasing to the authorities as a result, it would also become more boring and less attractive to those seeking its traditional outsized gains.

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Opinion: As bitcoin becomes boring, the days of outsized crypto gains are ending - The Globe and Mail

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Why Kanye West And Other Free Speech Advocates Need Bitcoin – Bitcoin Magazine

The below is a direct excerpt of Marty's Bent Issue #1272: "De-banking as an attack on speech." Sign up for the newsletter here.

On October 12, Candace Owens made the world aware of the fact that Ye West, more commonly known as Kanye West, had his corporate bank account shut down by JPMorgan Chase. This move is seemingly a reaction to comments Ye made over the weekend on social media. I have to concur with what Owens says in the second tweet above. I do not care what you think about Ye, but I do care about what you think of one of the largest banks in the world abruptly rug-pulling his multibillion-dollar companys bank account.

This all comes on the heels of PayPal attempting to implement a $2,500 fine on any users it deems to be exhibiting wrongthink. PayPal was forced to quickly detract their policy and pretend like it was an accident after they felt the wrath of their customer base calling out the insanity of a fintech company attempting to dictate what is and isnt acceptable speech. Zooming out from the particular saga with Ye and what he said, I think its important to identify the accelerating trend of incumbent companies, with insane amounts of entrenchment and influence across the banking and payments sectors, attempting to pick and choose who can and cannot receive, hold and send money within their hyper-surveilled systems based on political or personal beliefs.

Like it or not, freedom of speech is a cornerstone of the republic here in the United States. Actions like the one made by JPMorgan Chase against Ye and attempted by PayPal before they were forced to save face are an encroachment on freedom of speech. Obviously, JPMorgan Chase and PayPal didnt prevent Ye or PayPal customers from speaking their minds. However, moves like this attack free speech in a more insidious fashion by incentivizing self-censorship by individuals who become afraid to speak their minds because they do not want to be deplatformed and demonetized by the technocratic goliath they have become dependent on to operate throughout the economy on behalf of their businesses and themselves.

This type of control is exactly what the incumbent power structure wants. Trying to eliminate free speech via the political process is an idea that is dead on arrival here in the U.S. Those in power do not want dissent propagating throughout the populace. Those same people are far more protected from the political backlash that would come with trying to legislate what can and cannot be said. The last few years have taught us that this is exactly the playbook the entrenched power structure is running in order to get what they want. This was made abundantly clear when people who exhibited perceived wrongthink during COVID-19 lockdowns and the ensuing vaccine rollout were deplatformed and demonetized across the web.

Thanks to Alex Berenson suing Twitter after being kicked off the platform, we have cold, hard evidence that the White House was actively pressuring those in charge of the bird app to kick him off the platform because he was delivering facts that went against the controlled narrative they wanted the public to believe. Again, whether or not you agree with Ye, Berenson or any of the potential PayPal users who may have said things in opposition to the majority, you would have to be an absolute moron to not view this trend as a direct assault on freedom of speech. Do you really want the people who are so obviously completely detached from reality who sit at the top of the power structure in this country dictating to you what is and isnt reality?

What has become abundantly clear over the last few years is that the systems that exist today need to be completely abandoned in favor of systems that make it impossible for the people who told you we needed two weeks to flatten the curve, and Iraq is harboring weapons of mass destruction, and this vaccine is safe, effective and will prevent spread, and crack cocaine should be prosecuted differently than powdered cocaine, (among many other falsehoods) to have control over any essential part of speech and the movement of money. In the realm of money how people hold it, how they receive it and how they send it Bitcoin is the new system that is being built to prevent the power structure from nudging us into a future built on self-censorship as a means of self-preservation.

If JPMorgan Chases actions against Ye and PayPals attempted actions against their user base mean anything, it is that bitcoin provides an extreme amount of value to a human race in desperate need of a solution to this growing problem. Bitcoins value is driven by the utility provided by its distributed peer-to-peer nature and the fact that any individual who is so motivated can take complete control over their money: How they receive it, how they hold it and how they send it. I hope this message reaches Ye and he thinks seriously about ditching a banking system that has abandoned him in favor of a distributed system that will have no idea who he is or what he has said. It only knows whether or not he possesses valid UTXOs and the private keys necessary to move them throughout the timechain.

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Why Kanye West And Other Free Speech Advocates Need Bitcoin - Bitcoin Magazine

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To HODL or have kids? The IVF Bitcoin Babies paid for with BTC profits – Cointelegraph

Hold Bitcoin till the very end or sell a little bit to start a family? For one Bitcoiner in northwest London, it was a no-brainer.

Noodle (a nickname), a Brit who first heard about Bitcoin around 2012, took profits on his Bitcoin buys to pay for in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment for his wife. He told Cointelegraph he has no regrets, about his decision to start a family using fiat-denominated profits from buying, holding, a then selling Bitcoin.

Noodle first found out about Bitcoin at the tail end of 2012, when 1 BTC was worth roughly $13.

The now-defunct marketplace Silk Roadwas a place where early Bitcoin users could buy and sell pretty much anything using Bitcoin as the in-house currency. At the time, Noodle didnt necessarily dismiss Bitcoin despite his gym buddy's recommendation, but it passed him by until a close friend explained how to buy cannabis with Bitcoin on the Silk Road.

Once his close mate had explained that they might be able to use the Bitcoin to buy real-world items, Noodle was convinced:

The price of Bitcoin has since risen almost 400x higher, to a $20,000 bear market value in 2022. For Noodle in 2013, he explained it was actually quite difficult to obtain Bitcoin it was a really convoluted process. However, he persevered and managed to obtain Bitcoin to buy goods. Unknowingly, Noodle had alsotripped down the rabbit holeand his Bitcoin journey had just begun.

For Noodle, Bitcoin opened his eyes to finance, education and a whole world of new information. From fractional reserve banking tothe Federal Reservetocurrency debasement and how money works, Noodle was hooked. Naturally, Noodles wife with whom hed been since 2008, was exposed to Noodles newfound passion.

The passion eventually rubbed off as in 2014, Noodles wife took some of the newly married couples wedding money to buy Bitcoin. Noodle jokes, And who would know [...] that that Bitcoin would then go on to effectively fund IVF which is not fuking cheap!

The Noodle family had always planned to have kids. Sadly, due to the medical condition of his wide, conceiving was a challenge. They sought medical advice and soon realized that they may have to undergo fertility treatment:

IVF is a fertility technique in which an egg is removed from the woman's ovaries and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory. The fertilized egg is returned to the woman's womb to grow and develop.

The process is time-consuming, expensive and has a success rate of 4% to 38% depending on various factors. Plus, as Noodle alluded to, there is still a stigma attached to IVF treatment, despite being a regular occurrence in Noodles home country, the United Kingdom.Noodle continued:

So Noodle sold some Bitcoin. In sum, Noodle converted north of $70,000 in Bitcoin into government-issued poundsover the course of a few years. The fiat-denominated profits paid for several rounds of IVF treatment for both of his children leading to two healthy babies.

Without Bitcoin, Noodle explained he would have likely taken out a loan to pay for the treatment: Family is important to me, and I would have thrown anything and everything at it in order to try and make it work. But we were very fortunate that we had some Bitcoin, and I didn't sell it for a long time.

Related: The UK 'Bitcoin Adventure' shows BTC is a family affair

With Bitcoin, Noodle and his wife were able to live their dream of starting a family, but debt free. As for whether or not there might be any more Bitcoin baby Noodles running around northwest London soon, Noodle joked, I think we're done with two kids unless the price goes super crazy!

Noodles story is part of an upcoming crypto story on Cointelegraphs YouTube channel. Subscribe here.

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To HODL or have kids? The IVF Bitcoin Babies paid for with BTC profits - Cointelegraph

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Only the Smartest (and Most Foolish) Investors Own Bitcoin: Bank of Canada – CryptoPotato

A new report from the Bank of Canada has unearthed some intriguing facts about the state of Bitcoin ownership across the country.

The report found that about 13% of Canadians owned Bitcoin in 2021 but that investors of average financial literacy are the least likely of all to buy in.

As the central banks survey showed, Bitcoin ownership figures in 2021 were more than double the 5% ownership present from 2018 to 2020. The increase was largely driven by the wider availability of products for purchasing Bitcoin, alongside widespread increases in Canadian savings during the pandemic.

Meanwhile, about 90% of Canadians are now aware of Bitcoins existence. This broad awareness mimics Grayscales survey results last year, which found that 99% of U.S. investors know of Bitcoin.

Knowledge of Bitcoin beyond the term itself was less common, however. 40% of survey respondents who owned Bitcoin (and 66% who did not) demonstrated a relatively low level of knowledge when verifying core statements such as Bitcoin is backed by a government (which is false). This figure was higher than in previous years, in which the share was typically under 30%.

The timing of when investors bought Bitcoin also had some bearing on their motivation for doing so. Post-2019 buyers were more likely to take an interest in Bitcoin as new technology, whereas long-term holders were more attracted to it due to a lack of government trust or as a payment method.

That said, both parties were overwhelmingly likely to see Bitcoin as an investment vehicle. Naturally, long-term holders benefitted more strongly from the Bitcoin price run-up in 2021 than recent holders.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, most Bitcoin holders were not whales. The median Bitcoin holder held $500 CDN worth of the asset, while 70% held under $5,000 CDN worth.

Financial literacy proved a strong predictor of whether someone bought Bitcoin but not as one might expect.

In 2021, Canadians with low financial literacy had a 15.6% chance of owning Bitcoin, according to the full report. However, a similar figure was found among highly literate investors, standing at 14.7%. The discrepancy was funda mong average literacy investors, of which only 8.8% owned Bitcoin.

In previous years, low-literacy investors were the most common holders. The figures for low, medium, and high literacy levels in 2020 were 8.4%, 5.3%, and 5.3%, respectively.

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Only the Smartest (and Most Foolish) Investors Own Bitcoin: Bank of Canada - CryptoPotato

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‘Think Before You Move’ chess event and leadership conference held in Macon –

The anti-violence event used chess as a metaphor to get kids to think about the consequences of their actions.

MACON, Ga. A non-profit organization addressed violence in Macon in a creative way on Saturday.

The event was called 'Think Before You Move,' and several kids and families attended.

The anti-violence event used chess as a metaphor to get kids to think about the consequences of their actions.

Families and neighbors played in a chess tournament as government officials addressed concerns about youth gun violence within Macon.

It took place in the Pleasant Hill community, at the L.H. Williams Recreation Center.

Chess and Community Inc. put together 'Think Before You Move' as a part of the first Macon Division 2022 Youth Leadership Conference.


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'Think Before You Move' chess event and leadership conference held in Macon -

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Cheating scandals hit worlds of chess, fishing, beauty – NewsNation Now

(NewsNation) Contestant 747 was voted the fattest bear of them all for the third time in a row in the Fat Bear Week competition at Alaskas Katmai National Park, but organizers of the online contest say hundreds of spam votes almost ruined the contest.

Contestant 747, affectionately known as Bear Force One by fans, won the competition, but Bear 543 Holly almost won thanks to the ballot stuffers. Holly received so many votes so quickly that vote organizers figured something was up, said Katmai National Park Ranger Keith Moore.

The thing to remember is that all the bears are ultimately winners here, Moore said. Its pretty exciting to see how fat these bears get, its really important for them to put on as much fat as possible before hibernation. So yeah, this was a very weird turn of events but ultimately all these bears are winners is our eyes.

Thankfully, the so-called ballot stuffing was caught in time for Fat Bear Week, which is more than can be said for the Lake Erie Walleye Trail Championship.

Jacob Runyan, 42, and 35-year-old Chase Cominsky made it to first place in the fishing tournament before judges noticed the weights in their catch.

Theyre now facing several charges, including cheating and attempted grand theft.

Meanwhile, in the world of chess, 19-year-old Hans Neimann was accused of cheating in a major competition last month. Some say Neimann used software that told him the best move. While Neimann has admitted to online cheating in the past, he says he did not cheat in the match that launched the investigation.

And producers of this years Miss USA competition were suspended as executives look into accusations the beauty pageant was rigged. RBonney Gabriel, a 28-year-old participant, was crowned earlier this month. But many contestants say she had an unfair advantage by working with pageant sponsors in the past and even knew one of the judges.

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Cheating scandals hit worlds of chess, fishing, beauty - NewsNation Now

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First transgender woman plays on the Canadian Olympiad women’s chess team – The Globe and Mail

Morgen Mills of Newfoundland made history this summer when she became the first transgender woman to represent Canada at an international chess competition.

Mills, who transitioned two years ago, was invited to play on the Canadian womens team at the Olympiad in Chennai, India. She scored five wins, three losses and three draws to help her team to a successful finish.

It was absolutely a privilege and an honour to do it, said Mills, Newfoundlands top-rated chess player.

The Olympiad features an open section along with a separate womens group, and Mills admits to some trepidation about how her participation would be received. But the international chess federation leaves the selection process to national organizations, and the Chess Federation of Canada fully supported her placement on the team.

Mills began playing chess as a kid and eventually achieved an Expert rating. Living in Goose Bay, she says there arent many opportunities to compete in major events, and this was her first experience in a womens-only tournament.

While she isnt aware of other transgender chess players, she says: There are probably plenty of us, and LGBTQ chess players in general. She hopes to continue competing in womens events in the coming years.

White played 8.Nxe5, because Bxe5 then 9.Qh5+.

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First transgender woman plays on the Canadian Olympiad women's chess team - The Globe and Mail

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Turkey triumphs at the FIDE World Youth U-16 Chess Olympiad 2022 – FIDE

FIDE World Youth U-16 Chess Olympiad 2022 finished in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan, on October 10. The 9-round Swiss tournament with classical time control brought together 34 teams from 22 countries.

The fifth-rated Turkiye-Red swept the field, winning the event with one round to spare. The FM Eray Kilic (2428, board 1)won all the matches. Both FM Hasan Huseyin Celik (2323) and FM Taha Ozkan (2299) had a fantastic event, scoring 8 and 7,5 points, respectively, and showing the best result on Boards 2 and 3. WFM Gulenay Aydin (2109) and Hatice Asli Mustu (1896), on boards four and five, also contributed to the overall success.

Uzbekistan-1 claimed silver medals. Led by IM Mukhiddin Madaminov, they won 7 matches, including important victories overIndia and Kazakhstan, and made one draw with eventual bronze-medalists Azerbaijan-1. Board 2 of the Uzbekistan team, FM Khumoyun Begmuratov, scored an impressive 8 out of 9.

Azerbaijan-1 lost two matches and thus could only settle for third place. Apart from losing to Turkey-Red (like any other team), the host nation's teenagers were also defeated by Kazakhstan. All team members showed balanced performance, while Narmin Abdinova (1810, board 6) stood out with 7 out of 8 - the best performance on board 6.

Initially among top-3 rated teams, Iran and India did not have the best event, finishing 6th and 5th, respectively. Nevertheless, the leader of the Indian team, IM Pranav V, showed the best performance on board 1, with a performance rating of 2615. Iran's board 4, FM Sina Movahed, also won his board's competition, but this was not enough for the overall team's success. Kazakhstan, which narrowly missed the podium, can boast of the best Board 5 performance accomplished by CM Sauat Nurgaliyev.

Final Standings, top 10 teams:

Photos: Turkish Chess Federation (Twitter@TurkishChess), and Youth Olympiad Instagram @wyco2022nakhchivan


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Turkey triumphs at the FIDE World Youth U-16 Chess Olympiad 2022 - FIDE

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Bitcoin recovers above $19,000 after finding a new low for the month – CNBC

Golden Bitcoin coins.

Tsokur | Getty Images

Cryptocurrency prices rebounded Thursday after sliding to new October lows following the release of a key U.S. inflation reading that came in hotter than expected.

The price of bitcoin was last higher by 1.3% at $19,388.89and ether lost 0.7% to trade at $1,289.20, according to Coin Metrics. Earlier in the day they fell as low as $18,201.00 and $1,192.80, respectively.

Bitcoin dropped below $19,000 early on Thursday as investors anxiously awaited the latest read on the consumer price index. It fell more sharply after the report came in, showing a slightly larger-than-expected increase in inflation, despite the aggressive rate hikes the Federal Reserve has brought into play to combat rising prices.

Cryptocurrencies have been trading mostly sideways since the end of August, with bitcoin hovering within $19,000. That's been a key level to watch for analysts, who say a break below it could lead to new lows below those hit in June, when bitcoin fell below $17,800 and ether fell under $900.

"Crypto markets are still overwhelmingly driven by macro. Bitcoin continues to trade within a tight range since June," said Michael Rinko, venture associate at AscendEx. "However, today's CPI print may threaten to break this range to the downside."

By noon crypto recovered with the stock market. Still, Steve McClurg, chief investment officer at Valkyrie investments, said the market's initial reaction was to be expected with high inflation suggesting to investors that the Fed will continue with its planned rate hikes.

"Given what we know about Powell's stated goal right now, and the fact that we are in what appears to be a deep recession, it makes sense that we'd be down today," he said. "We firmly believe that markets still have not yet reached a bottom, and that there's still likely another 10% to 15% leg down for digital assets, and even more for equities," he added.

Elsewhere in the market, bond yields moved higher following the inflation report, which put initially put pressure on crypto equities. Rising rates make future profits, like those promised by growth companies, less attractive.

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Bitcoin recovers above $19,000 after finding a new low for the month - CNBC

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