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Ground-Breaking Physics Experiment Shows Light Can Cross Through Gaps in Time – Inverse

Quantum physics is the realm of the strange. And one of the strangest discoveries in the field is also one of the most fundamental: Particles fired at barriers with two slits in them can act like waves and go through both openings simultaneously. For more than 200 years, double-slit experiments reveal particles can behave like waves, whether they are photons, electrons, neutrons, atoms, or even molecules made up of 2,000 atoms. Now, scientists have pushed the boundaries even further and got weirder.

In a new version of the experiment, scientists made light cross through gaps not in space, but time. The findings, published Monday in the journal Nature Physics, could lead to new, unusual ways to control light, such as photonic time crystals something that creates patterns in time with light for potential applications in super-powerful quantum computers.

The experiment is neat, says Andrea Al, an electrical engineer at the City University of New Yorks Graduate Center, who did not take part in this research.

Isaac Newton performed many experiments with light. He believed light was made up of particles a view that dominated physics until the 19th Century.

The confusion over whether light is a wave or particle goes back centuries. In the 18th century, Isaac Newton argued that light was composed of particles, while his contemporary Dutch physicist and astronomer Christiaan Huygens suggested light traveled in waves.

Newtons fame led his view to dominate physics for about a hundred years. Then, in 1801, British polymath Thomas Young devised the double-slit experiment. His tests revealed that light shining through a barrier with two closely spaced parallel slits could generate repeating bands of light and dark on a wall on the other side. This is what one might expect from overlapping waves where peaks of the waves meet, they strengthen each other, but where a peak and a trough meet, they cancel each other out, resulting in a series of stripes of more and less light.

But in 1905, Albert Einstein discovered that light can also behave like particles. Quantum physics later revealed that light is both particle and wave, not simply one or the other. This particle-wave duality applies to all known particles and waves basically, Huygens and Newton were both right, to an extent.

The scientists used a material usually found in phone touchscreens.

The scientists experimented with indium tin oxide, an electrically conductive transparent material regularly found in cell phone touchscreens. When an intense laser pulse hits a thin layer of this compound, it becomes a mirror for a tiny fraction of a second.

The classic version of the double-slit experiment uses two openings in a physical barrier for light to squeeze through, this new device could switch how reflective it was to light. The researchers called these small temporary openings in the material "time slits."

In order to generate interference patterns from a double slit in time, the device the physicists used has to switch its reflectivity extraordinarily quickly, on time scales comparable to how fast light oscillates a few femtoseconds, or quadrillionths of a second. If the entire history of the Universe from the Big Bang to the moment you read this was a second, an oscillation of light would only take the equivalent of a single day, study lead author Romain Tirole, a physicist at Imperial College London, tells Inverse.

The researchers conducting their version of the double-slit experiment.

The scientists found that a beam of light passing through such time slits diffracted or scattered into a number of frequencies or colors of light. These different frequencies could interfere with each other, strengthening or weakening some of them to generate an interference pattern, just as light does in the classic double-slit experiment. We were very surprised by how clear it showed up on the detectors, Tirole says of the pattern.

The evidence the researchers detected of this diffraction was much stronger than they had expected. This suggests indium tin oxide has a switching speed 10 to 100 times faster than previously thought, which enables a much stronger control of light, Tirole says. This suggests there are new features about this material's interactions with light that are still to be uncovered and exploited.

Engineer Al notes to Inverse it was impressive to see how fast the material responds, which suggests it may help lead to other experiments with time.

Quantum computing holds the potential to revolutionize technology and science.

These new findings highlight the novel ways in which researchers are increasingly tinkering with time. For instance, Al and his colleagues recently demonstrated temporal reflections with light waves when light signals passed through a time interface, they acted liked they were traveling backward in time.

Time slits and time interfaces may help scientists develop exotic new ways to control light, such as photonic time crystals. An ordinary crystal is a structure of many atoms arranged into a regular pattern in space, whereas time crystals are structures where many particles are ordered into regular series of motionspatterns in time rather than space. In a photonic time crystal, optical properties would vary regularly over time.

Photonic time crystals could have very important applications for light amplification and light control for example, for computation, and maybe even quantum computation with light, Tirole says.

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Ground-Breaking Physics Experiment Shows Light Can Cross Through Gaps in Time - Inverse

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The W boson might not be heavier than expected after all – Science News Magazine

The battle over the heft of a hard-to-detect particle is heating up. Whats at stake? Only the leading theory describing all known matter in the universe.

A recalculation of the mass of an elementary particle, the W boson, has increased the tension between measurements from competing particle collider experiments. The ultimate outcome could bolster the standard model of particle physics, which describes the fundamental forces and quantum bits that make up everything we see in the cosmos. Or it could reveal signs of the standard models breakdown, depending on which labs answer prevails.

A reanalysis of old data from the Large Hadron Colliders ATLAS experiment yields a W boson mass of about 80,360 million electron volts, or MeV. Researchers with the experiment, at CERN in Geneva, reported the measurement March 23 at the Rencontres de Moriond conference in La Thuile, Italy. The revised value is closely aligned with predictions from the standard model.

It also boasts reduced uncertainty from the researchers previous analysis of the data, which they reported in 2018, increasing their confidence that they got the mass right.

But the updated mass is at odds with that of another group. In 2022, scientists from the Collider Detector at Fermilab, or CDF, experiment shocked the physics community with a measurement of 80,434 MeV about 100 MeV heavier than expected (SN: 4/7/22). If the CDF report is correct, it implies that something is off with the standard model that has persevered in the face of every experimental challenge thrown at it over the last 50 years.

The W boson is responsible for the weak force, one of three fundamental forces in the standard model (SN: 2/5/83). And its the only mass of a particle in the standard model that can be calculated, says theoretical physicist Sven Heinemeyer of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. That is, the standard model theory yields a specific mass for the W boson, whereas the masses of other particles such as electrons and quarks are inputs and can be as far as the theory is concerned any value. Finding a W boson mass thats different from standard model predictions would show the current theory is wrong.

The ATLAS reanalysis offers a stronger counterpoint to the CDF claim than the earlier ATLAS analysis of the same data. The new analysis is an important confirmation of our previous result, says Andreas Hoecker, a physicist at CERN.

The latest ATLAS value widens the chasm that separates CDFs mass measurement from the herd of other studies. But it shouldnt be seen as erasing CDFs standard model challenge, says Duke University physicist Ashutosh Kotwal, a member of the CDF collaboration.

The perspective on the CDF [announcement of a heavy W boson in 2022] does not change because of the ATLAS reanalysis, Kotwal says. Because the reanalysis is based on data that ATLAS already released in 2017, he says, the fact that ATLAS obtains a similar value as before is to be expected.

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Heinemeyer, who is not affiliated with ATLAS or CDF, sees a shift in the W boson mass landscape, but no sign of a resolution of the discrepancy.

Having one new measurement is not enough, Heinemeyer says. If more and more measurements were to come out now from ATLAS and [other experiments], and they would all be in the same ballpark, at some point the community would decide CDF did something wrong.

The next word on the W boson mass will probably come with pending studies from ATLAS and other experiments at CERN. The CDF experiment shut down in 2011, so it will not contribute further to the debate.

In the meantime, researchers hope to scrutinize each others analyses to search for clues that might help explain discrepancies in W boson mass measurements. The CDF April 2022 paper provides a number of cross-checks of the CDF methodology and is transparent, Kotwal says. I look forward to detailed discussions of the ATLAS methodology.

In the end, the conflict might reveal a new crack in the standard model. Or it could turn out to be another example of one of the most successful theories in history standing strong.

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The W boson might not be heavier than expected after all - Science News Magazine

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Recreating the double-slit experiment that proved the wave nature of light in time, instead of space –

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Imperial physicists have recreated the famous double-slit experiment, which showed light behaving as particles and a wave, in time rather than space.

The experiment relies on materials that can change their optical properties in fractions of a second, which could be used in new technologies or to explore fundamental questions in physics.

The original double-slit experiment, performed in 1801 by Thomas Young at the Royal Institution, showed that light acts as a wave. Further experiments, however, showed that light actually behaves as both a wave and as particlesrevealing its quantum nature.

These experiments had a profound impact on quantum physics, revealing the dual particle and wave nature of not just light, but other "particles" including electrons, neutrons, and whole atoms.

Now, a team led by Imperial College London physicists has performed the experiment using "slits" in time rather than space. They achieved this by firing light through a material that changes its properties in femtoseconds (quadrillionths of a second), only allowing light to pass through at specific times in quick succession.

Lead researcher Professor Riccardo Sapienza, from the Department of Physics at Imperial, said, "Our experiment reveals more about the fundamental nature of light while serving as a stepping-stone to creating the ultimate materials that can minutely control light in both space and time."

Details of the experiment are published today (April 3) in Nature Physics.

The original double-slit setup involved directing light at an opaque screen with two thin parallel slits in it. Behind the screen was a detector for the light that passed through.

To travel through the slits as a wave, light splits into two waves that go through each slit. When these waves cross over again on the other side, they "interfere" with each other. Where peaks of the wave meet, they enhance each other, but where a peak and a trough meet, they cancel each other out. This creates a striped pattern on the detector of regions of more light and less light.

Light can also be parceled up into "particles" called photons, which can be recorded hitting the detector one at a time, gradually building up the striped interference pattern. Even when researchers fired just one photon at a time, the interference pattern still emerged, as if the photon split in two and traveled through both slits.

In the classic version of the experiment, light emerging from the physical slits changes its direction, so the interference pattern is written in the angular profile of the light. Instead, the time slits in the new experiment change the frequency of the light, which alters its color. This created colors of light that interfere with each other, enhancing and canceling out certain colors to produce an interference-type pattern.

The material the team used was a thin film of indium-tin-oxide, which forms most mobile phone screens. The material had its reflectance changed by lasers on ultrafast timescales, creating the "slits" for light. The material responded much quicker than the team expected to the laser control, varying its reflectivity in a few femtoseconds.

The material is a metamaterialone that is engineered to have properties not found in nature. Such fine control of light is one of the promises of metamaterials, and when coupled with spatial control, could create new technologies and even analogs for studying fundamental physics phenomena like black holes.

Co-author Professor Sir John Pendry said, "The double time slits experiment opens the door to a whole new spectroscopy capable of resolving the temporal structure of a light pulse on the scale of one period of the radiation."

The team next want to explore the phenomenon in a "time crystal," which is analogous to an atomic crystal, but where the optical properties vary in time.

Co-author Professor Stefan Maier said, "The concept of time crystals has the potential to lead to ultrafast, parallelized optical switches."

More information: Romain Tirole et al, Double-slit time diffraction at optical frequencies, Nature Physics (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41567-023-01993-w.

Journal information: Nature Physics

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Recreating the double-slit experiment that proved the wave nature of light in time, instead of space -

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Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania Star Paul Rudd Discusses Quantum Physics With NASA –

Aaron Perine

04/01/2023 02:11 pm EDT

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania star Paul Rudd talked to a NASA physicistabout Quantum Science. In the video from, Dr. Ethan Elliot explained what kinds of strides they've made to the Marvel actor. Rudd is always down to help educate the youth and some of these findings are truly wild. Down in the Cold Atom Lab at NASA, they're studying topics that will interest prospective STEM students and beyond. Just like in the movies, quantum physics can refer to particles that exist in two places at once. This kind of science feels like fiction but actually influences some technologies we use everyday like GPS or MRI scanners.

"Quantum science is behind many of the technologies that we use every day, including your phone, computer, GPS, or even MRI scanners for medical imaging," Elliot told the superhero. "In the movies, you can shrink down and go into the quantum realm. We can't do that, but what we can do is make the quantum realm itself bigger."

In a press event from before Quantumania released, Rudd described what he loves about this character. "Well, I think what I like most about him is that he is a regular guy who has reservations about all of this, still. And that, you know, he's just a dad," Rudd shared. "I like the fact that he is kind of a part of this group with some pretty impressive people, and superheroes, and that he would be the first guy to say, "What the hell am I doing here? This makes no sense at all."

"And, you know, he's a real person. And so you want to play, I mean, as an actor, somebody who is relatable and hopefully a sympathetic person. And somebody that, you know, you understand maybe what they're going through. And I like that," he added. "I like playing the father aspect. I like playing the, trying to, you know, wrap my brain around the situation that I find myself in. So his human quality is the thing that I like the most. And as opposed to probably his cyborg quality, which is the, you know, the part I don't like. No, there's nothing about the character that I don't. I like the guy. Yeah. I mean, I'm biased, I guess, but yeah."

Here's how Marvel describes the trip into the Quantum Realm: "In the film, which officially kicks off phase 5 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Super-Hero partners Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) and Hope Van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly) return to continue their adventures as Ant-Man and the Wasp. Together, with Hope's parents Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) and Janet Van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer), the family finds themselves exploring the Quantum Realm, interacting with strange new creatures and embarking on an adventure that will push them beyond the limits of what they thought was possible. Jonathan Majors joins the adventure as Kang."

Do you find this science fascinating? Let us know down in the comments!

Disclosure: ComicBook is owned by CBS Interactive, a division of Paramount. Sign up for Paramount+ by clicking here.

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Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania Star Paul Rudd Discusses Quantum Physics With NASA -

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The quantum revolution: Brain waves – Financial Times

Quantum computers arent the only form of groundbreaking technology that use quantum physics. Madhumita Murgia hears from neuroscience researcher Margot Taylor, whos using a quantum sensor to unpick the mystery of how autism first appears in the brain. And we speak to Matthew Brookes, physics professor at Nottingham university in the UK, who helped build the quantum brain scanner shes using. Plus, John Thornhill speaks to Stuart Woods from Quantum Exponential about the potential for quantum sensors to change our understanding of the world around us, and to Jack Hidary from Sandbox AQ about how sensors and communications networks might fit into a wider quantum technology ecosystem.

Presented by Madhumita Murgia and John Thornhill, produced by Josh Gabert-Doyon and Edwin Lane. Executive producer is Manuela Saragosa. Sound design by Breen Turner and Samantha Giovinco. Original music by Metaphor Music. The FTs head of audio is Cheryl Brumley. Special thanks to The Hospital for Sick Children

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The quantum revolution: Brain waves - Financial Times

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‘QBism’: quantum mechanics is not a description of objective reality it reveals a world of genuine free will – The Conversation

What does quantum mechanics, the most successful theory ever proposed by physics, teach us about reality? The starting point for most philosophers of physics is that quantum mechanics must somehow provide a description of the world as it is independently of us, the users of the theory.

This has led to a large number of incompatible worldviews. Some believe the implication of quantum mechanics is that there are parallel worlds as in the Marvel Comic universe; some believe it implies signals that travel faster than light, contradicting all that Einstein taught us. Some say it implies that the future affects the past.

According to QBism, an approach developed by Christopher Fuchs and me, the great lesson of quantum mechanics is that the usual starting point of the philosophers is simply wrong. Quantum mechanics does not describe reality as it is by itself. Instead, it is a tool that helps guide agents immersed in the world when they contemplate taking actions on parts of it external to themselves.

The use of the word agent rather than the familiar observer highlights that quantum mechanics is about actions that participate in creating reality, rather than observations of a reality that exists independently of the agent.

QBism and its homophone, the art movement Cubism, share the understanding that reality is more than what a single agents perspective can capture. However, unlike the art movement, QBism does not attempt to represent reality. It does not attempt to bring the different perspectives together in one third-person view. QBism is fundamentally anti-representational and first person.

This puts QBism in direct contradiction with the two pillars of the 19th-century conception of a mechanistic universe. One is that nature is governed by physical laws in the same way that a mechanical toy is governed by its mechanism. The other is that it is, in principle, possible to have an objective view of the universe from the outside from a Gods eye or third-person standpoint.

This mechanistic vision is still dominant among 21st-century scientists. For instance, in their 2010 book The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow write: It is hard to imagine how free will can operate if our behaviour is determined by physical law, so it seems that we are no more than biological machines and that free will is just an illusion.

Instead, the QBist vision is that of an unfinished universe, of a world that allows for genuine freedom, a world in which agents matter and participate in the making of reality.

A key aspect of quantum mechanics is randomness. Rather than making firm predictions, quantum mechanics is concerned with the probabilities for potential measurement outcomes. The physicist Ed Jaynes famously expressed that to understand quantum mechanics, one has to understand probability first.

In this spirit, QBisms starting point is the personalist Bayesian approach to probability (originally a method of statistical inference and now a fully fledged theory of decision making under uncertainty). In this approach, probabilities are an agents personal degrees of belief.

So rather than describing the statistics of some experiment, probabilities provide guidance to agents on how they should act. In other words, probabilities are not descriptive but normative analogous to an instruction manual. It turns out that the standard probability rules can be derived from the (normative) principle that ones probabilities should fit together in a way that guards against a sure loss when used for making decisions.

QBisms great insight was that the probabilities that appear in quantum mechanics are no different. They are not, as in the standard view, fixed by physical law, but express an agents personal degrees of belief about the consequences of measurement actions the agent is contemplating.

In QBism, the role of the quantum laws is to provide extra normative principles about how an agents probabilities should fit together. Rather than providing a description of the world, the rules of quantum mechanics are an addition to the standard probability rules; to classical (non-quantum) decision theory. They assist physicists in decisions such as how to design a quantum computer in order to minimise the probability of error, or what atoms to use in an atomic clock in order to increase the precision of time measurements.

Just like observer, the term measurement can be misleading because it suggests a pre-existing property that is revealed by the measurement. Instead, a measurement should be thought of as an action an agent takes to elicit a response from the world. A measurement is an act of creation that brings something entirely new into the world, an outcome that is shared between the agent and the agents external world.

Quantum mechanics is often depicted as weird and hard, or indeed impossible, to understand. As a matter of fact, the weirdness of quantum mechanics is an artefact of looking at it the wrong way. Once the two main QBist insights - that the quantum rules are guides to action and that measurements do not reveal pre-existing properties - are taken on board, all quantum paradoxes disappear.

Take Schrdingers cat, for example. In the usual formulation, the unfortunate animal is described by a quantum state taken to be a part of reality and implying that the cat is neither dead nor alive.

The QBist, by contrast, does not regard the quantum state as a part of reality. The quantum state a QBist agent might assign has no bearing on whether the cat is alive or dead. All it expresses is the agents expectations concerning the consequences of possible actions they might take on the cat. Unlike most interpretations of quantum mechanics, QBism respects the fundamental autonomy of the cat.

Or take quantum teleportation. According to a common way of presenting this operation, a particles quantum state, again regarded as a part of reality, disappears at one place (A) and mysteriously reappears at another (B) - quiteliterally as in a transporter in the Star Trek science fiction series.

For a QBist, however, nothing real is transported from A to B. All that happens in quantum teleportation is that an agents belief about the particle at A becomes, after the operation, the same agents belief about a particle at B. The quantum state that expresses the agents belief about the particle at A initially is mathematically identical to the quantum state that expresses that same agents belief about the particle at B after the operation. Quantum teleportation is a powerful tool used in applications such as quantum computing, but in QBism there is nothing counter-intuitive or weird about it.

QBism is an ongoing project. It spells out clearly the meaning of all mathematical objects in the theory and is thus a fully developed interpretation of quantum mechanics. Yet, QBism is also a programme for developing new physics and has already yielded deep insights even if it is still a work in progress.

QBism has also led to a fruitful dialogue with the kindred philosophical schools of thought of pragmatism and phenomenology. Its vision of the world is one in which agents possess genuine freedom and respect each others autonomy. I like to think that this is what quantum mechanics has been trying to tell us about reality all along.

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'QBism': quantum mechanics is not a description of objective reality it reveals a world of genuine free will - The Conversation

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Quantum physicists declare they’ve discovered something easy to … – Cosmos

An international consortium of quantum physicists have made a discovery that is extremely easy to understand.

Theyve published their research, on quantum paper planes, in a one-page paper with 5,155 co-authors in the journal Quantumest Quantum Physics.

Im astonished at how easy this idea is to convey, says lead author Professor Chuck Chortle, a researcher in quantum aeronautics at the University of Eastern Australia.

Ive spent 23 years working on this research and yet, I can explain what Im doing in a single sentence.

It wasnt always this easy to explain Chortles experiments. For most of his academic career, when people asked him what he was working on, hes had trouble conveying it in a short space of time.

We called it quantum paper planes to catch peoples attention, and it worked, but then we couldnt keep their attention after they realised it had nothing to do with paper planes, he says.

Well, actually, it sort of has something to do with paper planes, but we dont have time to get into that now.

The real breakthrough was when someone at a party said explain this to me like Im five. I thought, well, thats it. The trick is just to treat everyone like five-year-olds and its suddenly simple to make my research explicable to them.

Our other April coverage: Astronomers declare no further research required

Emeritus Professor Maxine Planck, an adjunct at the Institute for Quantum Viticulture and Chortles long-time mentor, says shes proud of helping with the explanation.

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Im just delighted that we could take this mind-bending research to a broad audience, she says.

Weve even got a couple of photographs, which is really amazing since were working on a scale thats too small for visible light waves.

It turns out you can just squeeze the light waves really small in one of those vacuum-seal packs, and then bam, get a picture of the atom with a smartphone.

Our other April coverage: Archaeologists declare consensus

The breakthrough is not without its downsides. Hugh Mer, vice chancellor of the University of Eastern Australia, is considering defunding the quantum physics department.

I thought you needed to be smarter than average to do quantum physics, but I can understand this research perfectly, he says.

I mean, if I get it, it cant need a whole degree. We might do better channelling the funding into the business school, or possibly the ethics department. Im never going to understand those.

When asked for the explanation of their research, Chortle referred Cosmos to the universitys quantum communications team, who both did and didnt respond.

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Quantum physicists declare they've discovered something easy to ... - Cosmos

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Time-Bending Experiment: Physicists Reveal Quantum Nature of … – SciTechDaily

Imperial physicists have performed the double-slit experiment in time, using materials that can change optical properties in femtoseconds, providing insights into the nature of light and paving the way for advanced materials that can control light in both space and time.

Imperial physicists have recreated the famous double-slit experiment, which showed light behaving as particles and a wave, in time rather than space.

In a groundbreaking development, Imperial College London physicists have recreated the historic double-slit experiment, which demonstrated light behaving as both particles and a wave, in time rather than space. By using materials that can alter their optical properties in femtoseconds, the team successfully fired light through a thin film of indium-tin-oxide, creating temporal slits for light to pass through. The experiment not only offers insights into the fundamental nature of light but also serves as a stepping stone for developing advanced materials to control light in both space and time. These materials could potentially contribute to new technologies and help study fundamental physics phenomena, such as black holes.

The experiment relies on materials that can change their optical properties in fractions of a second, which could be used in new technologies or to explore fundamental questions in physics.

The original double-slit experiment, performed in 1801 by Thomas Young at the Royal Institution, showed that light acts as a wave. Further experiments, however, showed that light actually behaves as both a wave and as particles revealing its quantum nature.

These experiments had a profound impact on quantum physics, revealing the dual particle and wave nature of not just light, but other particles including electrons, neutrons, and whole atoms.

Now, a team led by Imperial College London physicists has performed the experiment using slits in time rather than space. They achieved this by firing light through a material that changes its properties in femtoseconds (quadrillionths of a second), only allowing light to pass through at specific times in quick succession.

Lead researcherProfessor Riccardo Sapienza, from the Department of Physics at Imperial, said: Our experiment reveals more about the fundamental nature of light while serving as a stepping-stone to creating the ultimate materials that can minutely control light in both space and time.

Details of the experiment are published today (April 3, 2023) in the journal Nature Physics.

Project member Romain Tirole adjusts the equipment used in the study at Imperial College London. Credit: Thomas Angus, Imperial College London

The original double-slit setup involved directing light at an opaque screen with two thin parallel slits in it. Behind the screen was a detector for the light that passed through.

To travel through the slits as a wave, light splits into two waves that go through each slit. When these waves cross over again on the other side, they interfere with each other. Where peaks of the wave meet, they enhance each other, but where a peak and a trough meet, they cancel each other out. This creates a striped pattern on the detector of regions of more light and less light.

Light can also be parcelled up into particles called photons, which can be recorded hitting the detector one at a time, gradually building up the striped interference pattern. Even when researchers fired just one photon at a time, the interference pattern still emerged, as if the photon split in two and travelled through both slits.

In the classic version of the experiment, light emerging from the physical slits changes its direction, so the interference pattern is written in the angular profile of the light. Instead, the time slits in the new experiment change the frequency of the light, which alters its colour. This created colours of light that interfere with each other, enhancing and cancelling out certain colours to produce an interference-type pattern.

The material the team used was a thin film of indium-tin-oxide, which forms most mobile phone screens. The material had its reflectance changed by lasers on ultrafast timescales, creating the slits for light. The material responded much quicker than the team expected to the laser control, varying its reflectivity in a few femtoseconds.

The material is a metamaterial one that is engineered to have properties not found in nature. Such fine control of light is one of the promises of metamaterials, and when coupled with spatial control, could create new technologies and even analogues for studying fundamental physics phenomena like black holes.

Co-authorProfessor Sir John Pendrysaid: The double time slits experiment opens the door to a whole new spectroscopy capable of resolving the temporal structure of a light pulse on the scale of one period of the radiation.

The team next want to explore the phenomenon in a time crystal, which is analogous to an atomic crystal, but where the optical properties vary in time.

Co-authorProfessor Stefan Maiersaid: The concept of time crystals has the potential to lead to ultrafast, parallelized optical switches.

Reference: Double-slit time diffraction at optical frequencies by Romain Tirole, Stefano Vezzoli, Emanuele Galiffi, Iain Robertson, Dries Maurice, Benjamin Tilmann, Stefan A. Maier, John B. Pendry and Riccardo Sapienza, 3 April 2023, Nature Physics.DOI: 10.1038/s41567-023-01993-w

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Time-Bending Experiment: Physicists Reveal Quantum Nature of ... - SciTechDaily

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Annual Rayborn Lecture at USM Features Expert in Quantum … – The University of Southern Mississippi

Mon, 04/03/2023 - 07:15am | By: Van Arnold

Dr. Barry Barker, a national leader in the field of quantum computing, will be the featured speaker for The University of Southern Mississippis Sixth Annual Grayson H. and Jane Dishong Rayborn Lecture Series in Physics and Astronomy, set for 7 p.m., Monday, April 10 at Bennett Auditorium on the Universitys Hattiesburg campus. The lecture is free and open to the public.

Dr. Barker serves as Director of the Laboratory for Physical Sciences, National Security Agency, at The University of Maryland. His scheduled presentation is titled, Quantum Computing: Getting Used to the Weirdness.

Dr. Chris Winstead, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at USM, notes that the Rayborn Lecture allows the University to expose students and the community at large to top scholars and leaders in the field of physics.

Physics is vitally important from a scientific perspective, but it also drives advances at the forefront of technology, said Winstead. This lecture can play a strong role in helping people to understand the frontiers of physics and how physics impacts their lives and our society.

In his presentation, Barker will describe how quantum computers are designed to operate using the laws of quantum mechanics, which govern physics at the molecular scale and smaller. This approach has the potential to significantly increase computational power over the familiar computers of today, revolutionizing our ability to perform complex calculations and opening up unprecedented capabilities in computer simulation, mathematical computation, and artificial intelligence.

Winstead stresses that having a speaker of Barkers prominence deliver the prestigious Rayborn Lecture cannot be overstated.

Dr. Barker leads one of the nations top laboratories in the development of quantum information science and technology, which has the potential to revolutionize computers and computational science as we know them, said Winstead. He also happens to be a graduate of Southern Miss and provides an outstanding example for our current students to follow.

About the Rayborn Lecture

In 2015, through a generous donation to The University of Southern Mississippi Foundation, Dr. and Mrs. Grayson H. Rayborn established the Grayson H. and Jane Dishong Rayborn Lecture Series in Physics and Astronomy. In 1970, Dr. Rayborn joined the USM faculty and served until his retirement in a distinguished career in teaching, research, service, and administration. During his career, Dr. Rayborn served as chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, associate dean of the College of Science and Technology, and director of the School of Mathematical Sciences, as well as professor of physics and astronomy. Upon retirement, in recognition of his distinguished service to the University, Dr. Rayborn was awarded the title of professor emeritus of physics and astronomy.

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Annual Rayborn Lecture at USM Features Expert in Quantum ... - The University of Southern Mississippi

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Great Mysteries of Physics 4: does objective reality exist? – The Conversation

It is hard to shake the intuition that theres a real and objective physical world out there. If I see an umbrella on top of a shelf, I assume you do too. And if I dont look at the umbrella, I expect it to remain there as long as nobody steals it. But the theory of quantum mechanics, which governs the micro-world of atoms and particles, threatens this commonsense view.

The fourth episode of our podcast Great Mysteries of Physics hosted by me, Miriam Frankel, science editor at The Conversation, and supported by FQxI, the Foundational Questions Institute is all about the strange world of quantum mechanics.

According to quantum theory, each system, such as a particle, can be described by a wave function, which evolves over time. The wave function allows particles to hold multiple contradictory features, such as being in several different places at once this is called a superposition. But oddly, this is only the case when nobodys looking.

Although each potential location in a superposition has a certain probability of appearing, the second you observe it, the particle randomly picks one breaking the superposition. Physicists often refer to this as the wave function collapsing. But why should nature behave differently depending on whether we are looking or not? And why should it be random?

Not everyone is worried. If you want to explain everything we can observe in our experiments without randomness, you have to go through some really weird and long-winded explanations that I am much more uncomfortable with, argues Marcus Huber, a professor of quantum information at the Technical University of Vienna. And indeed, you can get rid of randomness if you accept that the future can influence the past, that theres more than one outcome to every measurement or that everything in the universe is predetermined since the dawn of time.

Another problem is that quantum mechanics seems to give rise to contradictory facts. Imagine a scientist, Lisa, inside a lab measuring the location of a particle. Before her colleague, Nikhil, knocks on the lab door and asks what outcome she saw, he would measure Lisa as being in a superposition of both branches one where she sees the particle here and one where she sees the particle there. But at the same time, Lisa herself may be convinced that that she has a definite answer as to where the particle is.

That means that these two people will say that the state of reality is different theyd have different facts about where the particle is.

There are may other oddities about quantum mechanics, too. Particles can be entangled in a way that enables them to somehow share information instantaneously even if theyre light years apart, for example. This challenges another common intution: that objects need a physical mediator to interact.

Physicists have therefore long debated how to interpret quantum mechanics. Is it a true and objective description of reality? If so, what happens to all the possible outcomes that we dont measure? The many worlds interpretation argues they do happen but in parallel universes.

Another set of interpretations, collectively known as the Copenhagen interpretation, suggests quantum mechanics is to some extent a users manual rather than a perfect description of reality. The Copenhagen interpretations what they share is at least a partial step back from the full-blown descriptive aim of physics, explains Chris Timpson, a philosopher of physics at the University of Oxford. So the quantum state, this thing which describes these lovely superpositions, thats just a tool for making predictions about the behaviour of macroscopic measurement scenarios.

But why dont we see quantum effect on the scale of humans? Chiara Marletto, a quantum physicist at the University of Oxford, has developed a meta-theory called constructor theory which aims to encompass all of physics based solely on simple principles about which physical transformations in the universe are ultimately possible, which are impossible, and why.

She hopes it can help us understand why we dont see quantum effects on the macroscopic scale of humans. Theres nothing [in the laws of physics] that says its impossible to have quantum effects at the scale of a human being, she says. So either we discover a new principle that says that they really are impossible which would be interesting or in the absence of that, it is more a question of trying harder to create conditions in the laboratory to bring these effects about.

Another problem with quantum mechanics is that it isnt compatible with general relativity, which describes nature on the largest of scales. Marletto is using constructor theory to try to find ways to combine the two. She has also come up with some experiments which could test such models and rule out certain interpretations of quantum mechanics.

You can listen to Great Mysteries of Physics via any of the apps listed above, our RSS feed, or find out how else to listen here. You can also read a transcript of the episode here.

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Great Mysteries of Physics 4: does objective reality exist? - The Conversation

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