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Elyria Youth Chess Club treated to robotics presentation by LCCC rep – The Morning Journal

The Elyria Youth Chess Club was treated to a robotics presentation May 29 from Rashad Reed, an associate in the Lorain County Community College IT Department, at the Elyria Public Library System South Branch, 340 15th St.

He said he has had an interest in robotics for a long time and that he is thankful to be able to work with them through his job at LCCC.

(My interest) is probably from Star Wars honestly, Reed said. Any technology can interest me, so robotics are just an extension of my IT background.

The goal of the program is to spark an interest in robotics in children because it is a technology that is becoming more present in society, he said.

The program is under the leadership of LCCC President Marcia Ballinger and LCCC interim Chief Information Officer Don Huffman.

Theyre trying to involve the kids with STEM and MEMS, so they thought this would be a good opportunity for them to get familiar with friendly robots, Reed said. Thats pretty much the summary of the program.

Programs like the one at LCCC can help students develop an interest that can lead them to a career down the road, he said.

Weve been trying to tap into the middle schoolers and high schoolers to let them know there is a need for robotics, and youre going to be working with robotics in the future, Reed said.

He said a personal connection was key to the organization of his presentation for the Elyria Youth Chess Club, which is a part of the Elyria Youth Sports Club led by Aric Bowens.

Of course, everybody knows Aric and I ran track with him back in the day, so I always have seen his leadership and trying to get stuff to our youth, Reed said. I talked with Aric and we discussed how chess requires critical thinking and thats what you need in the technology field.

During the presentation, Reed explained how the robot responds to commands.

He also had it perform physical movements and speak.

Reed fielded plenty of questions from the young chess players as well.

Reed said he particularly enjoys teaching robotics to children.

I like watching how well they adapt to things, he said. Usually, when I have adults around, they say robots are going to destroy the world or whatever.

Kids immediately come up to it and speak to it and actually want to work with it. Theres a joy seeing them engage with something Im passionate about.

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Elyria Youth Chess Club treated to robotics presentation by LCCC rep - The Morning Journal

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Political chess with human pawns Foreign and security policy – IPS Journal

The timing of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyens recent pledge of 1 billion to Lebanon to manage its refugee crisis just before the European elections suggests an electoral gamble. The circumstances that led to the agreement were precipitated by a surge in refugees arriving by boat to Cyprus, the EU territory closest to Lebanon. Out of the billion, 264 million has been earmarked for the provision of equipment, training and border management infrastructure to assist Lebanons security services. The announcement has prompted a series of accusations against the EU for outsourcing migration control with little consideration for human rights.

Von der Leyens re-election depends on securing an absolute majority of the 720 Members of the European Parliament. She appears to be placing her bets on the support of frustrated conservatives and populist right-wing parties, whose popularity is surging in recent polls. This is not unexpected, given that during Aprils Maastricht discussions, she explicitly signalled her willingness to negotiate with the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group after the elections. This latest announcement now suggests a calculated political manoeuvre by von der Leyen to secure her position and political future at all costs.

Besides the questionable timing, the specifics of the novelty of this agreement remain opaque. According to official data from the European Commission, the EU has been providing Lebanon with financial support since 2011, with a total value of over 3 billion. This support is primarily funded through the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) and distributed through various channels for the period 2021-2027. Of this assistance, the Commission states that 670.3 million has been allocated to Lebanon in bilateral assistance and 61 million under the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP). At least one package announced to support the Lebanese security sector has been adopted through the IcSP (2018-2020).

This prompts the question of whether this is actually additional funding or merely a rebranding of financial packages previously agreed upon with Lebanon. Wadih Al Asmar, head of EuroMed Rights and the Lebanese Center for Human Rights (CLDH), believes the latter to be the case. He suggests that the new agreement may be nothing more than a guarantee of continued financial commitment, which could have been more discreetly formalised at the level of the EU delegation in Lebanon. Instead, the agreement was presented as an exceptional occurrence.

The EUs financial assistance, in fact, serves to reinforce the Lebanese security forces capacity to violate international law.

It seems that von der Leyen has sought to gain publicity by exploiting the migration debate for her election campaign without offering a solution to the migration issue in line with European values. In fact, the opposite is the case. The announcement has caused a stir in Lebanon. It was perceived as an attempt to bribe the Lebanese government to keep unwanted Syrian refugees within the country. This has led to a new wave of anti-refugee sentiment, exacerbating the already tense atmosphere between Syrian refugees and the Lebanese host community.

The EUs financial assistance to the security sector, coupled with the renewed focus on the migration debate, in fact, serves to reinforce the Lebanese security forces capacity to violate international law. This is set against the backdrop of a dysfunctional state with no president and a caretaker government comprising a corrupt political elite. In such a context, accountability is absent, and the conduct of risk assessment and independent monitoring are impossible. The current situation will make the already marginalised Syrians even more vulnerable. In turn, more Syrians will see no alternative but to flee Lebanon, regardless of the circumstances.

It is unlikely a coincidence that only a week after von der Leyens visit, the Lebanese General Security announced a new set of measures to further restrict the ability of Syrian refugees to obtain or renew residency permits. These measures impose an additional burden on the most vulnerable Syrians. At least 83 per cent of Syrian refugees are already undocumented.

Lebanon hosts the highest number of refugees per capita in the world. The Syrian refugees have been scapegoated by a political elite seeking to hide the fact that they themselves have caused the countrys downfall through decades of heavy debt accumulation, misguided neoliberal economic and social policies and widespread corruption. Their narrative is being widely disseminated by the local media and a receptive Lebanese population. Over the past months, Syrians have been subjected to rampant violence, discriminatory curfews, harassment, forced evictions, restrictions on legal residency and access to education and employment and even killings. Human Rights Watch has documented a series of arbitrary detentions, torture and forcible return to Syria of Syrians by Lebanese authorities, including opposition activists of the Syrian regime and army defectors.

Deteriorating living conditions and the fear of deportation back to Syria have left the most vulnerable with few options. It is not safe for refugees to return to Syria. The countrys regime has a long institutional memory of repression against its dissidents. What Lebanese officials are promoting as a voluntary and safe return is likely to be a one-way ticket to abuse, rights violations and sometimes death. Human rights organisations have documented numerous cases of returnees, including women and children, being subjected to arbitrary detention, torture, sexual assault and enforced disappearance.

The European Unions endorsement of such a voluntary returns concept, as articulated by von der Leyen during her visit to Lebanon, has created an opening for other forces that have long sought to exploit Syrian refugees for their own ends. In a speech after von der Leyens visit, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, a close ally of Bashar al-Assad, proposed that Lebanon should facilitate the departure of Syrians to Europe. This statement can be interpreted as a form of pressure on Europe, whose alternative scenario is to re-engage with the Syrian regime on the issue of returnees which would be a first step towards the normalisation of al-Assads regime that he has long sought.

The expected rise of the far right in the European Union is likely to lead to an intensification of practices such as outsourcing migration management to countries with a history of human rights abuses.

Von der Leyens self-serving move has come at a high cost to the European Unions reputation. Preliminary findings of a study by the Swiss Network for International Studies on the interrelationship between European and regional refugee return dynamics indicate a decline in the influence of European actors and donors in ensuring respect for international human rights in Lebanon. A significant contributing factor is the Unions own practices of pushback and externalisation, which set a poor example for the treatment of refugees. In light of the widespread criticism of the EUs double standards in relation to the situation in Gaza, this latest development serves to reinforce the Unions declining credibility and perception as a moral authority on the global stage.

The expected rise of the far right in the European Union is likely to lead to an intensification of practices such as outsourcing migration management to countries with a history of human rights abuses. This trend, if allowed to continue, will further damage the EUs global standing and consequently its ability to pursue its vital foreign policy interests.

For Lebanon, the EU must ensure that its support is aimed at promoting stability in the interests of all. Increased funding should go to local and international humanitarian organisations instead of channelling it through the corrupt government, thus reducing susceptibility to bribery. The EU should not support the growing trend of deporting Syrians to safe areas in Syria, maintaining that the country remains unsafe.

In its legitimate efforts to support refugee-hosting countries such as Lebanon, but also Tunisia and Morocco, the EU must ensure that its assistance doesnt make it complicit in human rights abuses. The conditions must clearly reflect Europes unwavering commitment to international human rights obligations.

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Political chess with human pawns Foreign and security policy - IPS Journal

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US-returned Chinese physicist and team achieve world first in quantum computing – South China Morning Post

Chinese scientists are one step closer to a future large-scale quantum computer after building the worlds largest quantum simulation machine based on the trapped-ion technique, praised by one academic journal reviewer as a milestone to be recognised.

The breakthrough was achieved under the leadership of Duan Luming, a quantum physicist renowned for his pioneering research, who returned to China in 2018 after 15 years of teaching in the United States.

Duan received his doctorate in 1998 from the University of Science and Technology of China, the countrys premier institute for quantum research, before joining the University of Michigan in the early 2000s.

Since his return, he has been a full-time professor at Tsinghua Universitys Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences.

Duan and his colleagues, along with several research groups at universities and hi-tech companies around the world, have been chasing the trapped-ion approach to qubits.

Quantum bits, or qubits, are the building blocks of quantum computers, just as bits are in regular computers.

However, qubits are extremely difficult to harness in a controlled and repeatable way because of what is called their hazy nature.

Regular bits can be described as switches that are either on or off. But because uncertainty and probability hold sway in quantum physics, qubits can be both on and off at the same time, and also exist in a variety of in-between states.

Ions, or charged atomic particles, can be trapped and suspended in free space using electromagnetic fields. The qubits are stored in stable electronic states of each ion, and quantum information can be transferred through the collective motion of the ions in a shared trap.

But scalability remains a key challenge for this system.

This is where the trapped-ion approach comes in, as it offers one of the most promising architectures for a scalable, universal quantum computer.

Researchers earlier achieved quantum simulations with up to 61 ions in a one-dimensional crystal. Ion crystals are solids made up of ions bound together in a regular lattice the symmetrical three-dimensional structural arrangements of atoms, ions or molecules inside a solid.

But Duan and his teams quantum simulator was able to achieve the stable trapping and cooling of a two-dimensional crystal of up to 512 ions, in a first for science.

The feat holds great significance for the future of quantum computing, given that scalability is a major hurdle. The teams scaling up of the ions in a stable simulation system is seen as likely to pave the way to building more powerful quantum computers.

The findings of their study were published on Wednesday in the peer-reviewed journal Nature.

This is the largest quantum simulation or computation performed to date in a trapped-ion system, commented one reviewer.

Quantum simulators are devices that actively use quantum effects to answer questions about model systems and, through them, real systems. They are increasingly popular tools in the world of quantum computing for their role in advancing scientific knowledge and developing technologies.

Duan and his team also managed to perform a quantum simulation calculation using 300-ion qubits. They found the computational complexity of 300-ion quantum bits working simultaneously to be astronomical, far exceeding the direct simulation capability of classical computers.

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US-returned Chinese physicist and team achieve world first in quantum computing - South China Morning Post

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Is quantum computing the next technological frontier? – The Week

As technology continues to advance toward higher realms, a new mechanism has entered the crosshairs of scientists: quantum computing. This process uses the principles of fundamental physics to "solve extremely complex problems very quickly," according to McKinsey & Company.

Using logic-based computing to solve problems isn't a new phenomenon; it was (and remains) the basis for artificial intelligence and digital computers. However, quantum computers are "poised to take computing to a whole new level," McKinsey said, because the introduction of physics into computing has the "potential tosolvevery complex statistical problems that are beyond the limits of today's computers." Quantum computing alone "could account fornearly $1.3 trillion in valueby 2035."

However, while organizations like McKinsey are clearly high on the potential for quantum computing, others say that it could create a slew of new problems.

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Quantum computing is a huge leap forward because "complex problems that currently take the most powerful supercomputer several years could potentially be solved in seconds," said Charlie Campbell for Time. This could open "hitherto unfathomable frontiers in mathematics and science, helping to solve existential challenges like climate change and food security."

Quantum computing is already being used for more practical purposes. One company called D-Wave Systems has "used its quantum computer to help clients determine driver schedules for grocery-store deliveries, the routing of cross-country promotional tours and cargo-handling procedures at the port of Los Angeles," said Bob Henderson for The Wall Street Journal. It could even help optimize seemingly minute problems, such as the arranging of planes at airport gates. If trying to arrange just 50 planes at 100 gates, the number of possibilities would be "10 to the hundredth power far more than the number of atoms in the visible universe," said Henderson. No standard computer "could keep track of all these possibilities.But a quantum computer potentially could."

While ubiquitous usage of quantum computers is a long way away, there are some strides being made, as Google "has built a quantum computer that's about 158 million times faster than the world's fastest supercomputer," said Luke Lango, a senior investment analyst at InvestorPlace. And quantum theory in general "has led to huge advancements over the past century. That's especially true over the past decade," as scientists "have started to figure out how to harness the power of quantum mechanics to make a new generation of superquantum computers."

But with new advancements come new sets of problems. Case-in-point: Quantum computers have "become a national security migraine," said Campbell for Time, because its ability to solve problems "will soon render all existing cryptography obsolete, jeopardizing communications, financial transactions and even military defenses."

This would be "potentially a completely different kind of problem than one we've ever faced," Glenn S. Gerstell, a former general counsel for the National Security Agency, said to The New York Times. There may be "only a 1% chance of that happening, but a 1% chance of something catastrophic is something you need to worry about." This risk "extends not just to future breaches but to past ones: Troves of encrypted data harvested now and in coming years could ... be unlocked," said Zach Montague for the Times.

Even as the risks are documented, investors are working to ensure quantum computers can be used on a widespread scale. Curtis Priem, the co-founder of AI chip manufacturer Nvidia, is "looking to establish New York's Hudson Valley as an epicenter of quantum-computing research in the country," the Journal said. Priem has already donated more than $75 million to develop a quantum computing system at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, making it the first college campus in the world with such a device.

Others are looking at the future of the industry through a more financial lens; Illinois legislators will soon be "asked to consider a series of incentives" as part of the state's "intensifying push to become the nation's hub for quantum computing," said Crain's Chicago Business. One of these major proposals is the creation of an "'enterprise zone' that would allow the state to provide quantum companies exemptions from sales, payroll and utility taxes for up to 40 years." If lawmakers in Illinois pass these incentives, there is a high chance that other states could follow.

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Is quantum computing the next technological frontier? - The Week

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Unveiling Protein Structures with Quantum Computing – AZoQuantum

May 31 2024Reviewed by Lexie Corner

Recent findings from IBM and Cleveland Clinic researchersmay pave the way for applying quantum computing techniques to protein structure prediction. These findings are publishedin the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation.This publication represents the Cleveland Clinic-IBM Discovery Accelerator collaboration's first peer-reviewed paper on quantum computing.

For many years, researchers have used computational methods to predict protein structures. A protein folds into a structure that controls its molecular interactions and mode of action. These structures determine numerous facets of human health and illness.

Researchers can create more effective treatments by better understanding how diseases spread through precise protein structure predictions. Bryan Raubenolt, Ph.D., a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Cleveland Clinic, and Hakan Doga, Ph.D., a researcher at IBM, led a team to discover how quantum computing can enhance existing techniques.

Machine learning techniques have significantly advanced the prediction of protein structure in recent years. To make predictions, these techniques rely on training data, a database of protein structuresdetermined through experimentation. This indicates that the number of proteins they have been trained to identify is a limitation. When programs or algorithms come across a protein that is mutated or significantly different from the ones they were trained on, as is frequently the case with genetic disorders, this can result in decreased accuracy levels.

A different approach is to model the physics involved in protein folding. Through simulations, scientists can examine multiple protein configurations and determine the most stable form, whichis essential for drug design.

The challenge is that these simulations are nearly impossible on a classical computer beyond a certain protein size. In a way, increasing the size of the target protein is comparable to increasing the dimensions of a Rubik's cube. For a small protein with 100 amino acids, a classical computer would need the time equal to the age of the universe to exhaustively search all the possible outcomes.

Dr. Bryan Raubenolt, Postdoctoral Fellow, Cleveland Clinic

The research team combined quantum and classical computing techniques to get around these restrictions. Within this framework, quantum algorithms can tackle problems that current state-of-the-art classical computing finds difficult, such as the physics of protein folding, intrinsic disorder, mutations, and protein size.

The accuracy with which the framework predicted, on a quantum computer, the folding of a small fragment of the Zika virus protein, compared to the most advanced classical methods, served as validation.

The initial results of the quantum-classical hybrid framework outperformed both AlphaFold2 and a method based on classical physics. The latter shows that this framework can produce accurate models without directly relying on large amounts of training data, even though it is optimized for larger proteins.

The most computationally intensive part of the calculation usually involves modeling the lowest energy conformation for the fragment's backbone, which the researchers accomplish using a quantum algorithm. After that, classical methods were employed to translate the quantum computer's output, rebuild the protein along with its sidechains, and refine the structure one last time using force fields from classical molecular mechanics.

The project illustrates how problems can be broken down into smaller components for better accuracy. Some components can be addressed by quantum computing techniques, while classical computing methods can handle others.

Working across disciplines was crucial to creating this framework.

One of the most unique things about this project is the number of disciplines involved. Our teams expertise ranges from computational biology and chemistry, structural biology, software, and automation engineering to experimental atomic and nuclear physics, mathematics, and, of course,quantum computing and algorithm design. It took the knowledge from each of these areas to create a computational framework that can mimic one of the most important processes for human life.

Dr. Bryan Raubenolt, Postdoctoral Fellow, Cleveland Clinic

The teams combination of classical and quantum computing methods is essential for advancing our understanding of protein structures and how they impact our ability to treat and prevent disease. The team plans to continue developing and optimizing quantum algorithms that can predict the structure of larger and more sophisticated proteins.

This work is an important step forward in exploring where quantum computing capabilities could show strengths in protein structure prediction. Our goal is to design quantum algorithms that can find how to predict protein structures as realistically as possible.

Dr. Hakan Doga, Researcher, IBM

Doga, H., et al. (2024) A Perspective on Protein Structure Prediction Using Quantum Computers. Chemical Theory and Computation.

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A combination of tech and medicine – Spectrum News 1

CLEVELAND The Cleveland Clinic and IBM have published findings focused on using quantum computing to better understand how diseases spread and thus how to develop effective therapies.

Specifically, this work was published in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. It sought to learn how quantum computing could be used to predict protein structures, according to a Cleveland Clinic release.

For decades, researchers have leveraged computational approaches to predict protein structures, the release reads. A protein folds itself into a structure that determines how it functions and binds to other molecules in the body. These structures determine many aspects of human health and disease.

This work came from the Cleveland Clinic-IBM Discovery Accelerator partnership, their first peer-reviewed paper on quantum computing. It was a team led by Cleveland Clinic postdoctoral fellow Dr. Bryan Raubenolt and IBM researcher Dr. Hakan Doga.

One of the most unique things about this project is the number of disciplines involved, Raubenolt said in the release. Our teams expertise ranges from computational biology and chemistry, structural biology, software and automation engineering, to experimental atomic and nuclear physics, mathematics, and of course quantum computing and algorithm design. It took the knowledge from each of these areas to create a computational framework that can mimic one of the most important processes for human life.

The release notes that machine learning has resulted in major strides when it comes to predicting protein structures, explaining that the way this works comes down to the training data.

The limitation with this is that the models only know what theyre taught, leading to lower levels of accuracy when the programs/algorithms encounter a protein that is mutated or very different from those on which they were trained, which is common with genetic disorders.

An alternative option is to rely on simulations to emulate the physics of protein folding. Using these simulations, the goal is to find the most stable shape, which the release describes as crucial for designing drugs.

Once you reach a certain size of protein, this becomes quite difficult on a standard computer, however. Raubenolt explained in the release that even a small protein with just 100 amino acids would take a classical computer the time equal to the age of the universe to exhaustively search all the possible outcomes

Thats why the researchers utilized both quantum and classic computing methods in their work. The release states that this hybrid approach outperformed previous methods and resulted in increased accuracy.

According to the release, the researchers will continue working on and improving these algorithms.

This work is an important step forward in exploring where quantum computing capabilities could show strengths in protein structure prediction, Doga said in the release. Our goal is to design quantum algorithms that can find how to predict protein structures as realistically as possible.

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A combination of tech and medicine - Spectrum News 1

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NXP, eleQtron and ParityQC Reveal Quantum Computing Demonstrator – Embedded Computing Design

By Ken Briodagh

Senior Technology Editor

Embedded Computing Design

May 30, 2024


According to a recent release, NXP Semiconductors has partnered with eleQtron and ParityQC, with theQSea consortiumof theDLR Quantum Computing Initiative (DLR QCI), to create what is reportedly the first full-stack, ion-trap based quantum computer demonstrator made entirely in Germany. The new quantum computer demonstrator is in Hamburg.

Hamburg is one of our most important R&D locations. We are proud that, together with DLR and our partners eleQtron and ParityQC, we are able to present the first ion-trap based quantum computer demonstrator developed entirely in Germany, said Lars Reger, CTO at NXP Semiconductors. We are convinced that industry and research communities in Hamburg and throughout Germany will benefit from this project. It will help to build up and expand important expertise in quantum computing, to use it for the economic benefit of us all, and also to further strengthen our digital sovereignty in Germany and the EU.

The goal of this demonstrator is to enable early access to quantum computing resources and help companies and research teams leverage it for applications like climate modeling, global logistics and materials sciences, the companies said.

DLR QCI says it aims to build necessary skills by creating a quantum computing ecosystem in which economy, industry and science cooperate closely to fully leverage the potential of this technology. Quantum computers are expected to tackle complex problems across industries, and will likely dramatically change the cybersecurity landscape.

NXP, eleQtron and ParityQC have used their expertise to build this ion-trap based quantum computer demonstrator by combining eleQtrons MAGIC hardware, ParityQC architecture, and NXP chip design and technology. To speed innovation and iteration, they have also developed a digital twin, which reportedly will be used to help this QSea I demonstrator to evolve to a quantum computer with a modular architecture, scalable design, and error correction capabilities. That evolution will be the goal of the ongoing work with the project.

The demonstrator is set up at the DLR QCI Innovation Center in Hamburg and will be made available to industry partners and DLR research teams, the release said. The three partners and the DLR QCI say they aim to foster and strengthen the development of an advanced quantum computing ecosystem in Germany.

To achieve a leading international position in quantum computing, we need a strong quantum computing ecosystem. Only together will research, industry and start-ups overcome the major technological challenges and successfully bring quantum computers into application. The QSea I demonstrator is an important step for the DLR Quantum Computing Initiative and for Hamburg. It enables partners from industry and research to run quantum algorithms on real ion trap qubits in a real production environment for the first time. This hands-on experience will enable them to leverage the advantages of quantum computers and become part of a strong and sovereign quantum computing ecosystem in Germany and Europe, said Dr.-Ing. Robert Axmann, Head of DLR Quantum Computing Initiative (DLR QCI).

Ken Briodagh is a writer and editor with two decades of experience under his belt. He is in love with technology and if he had his druthers, he would beta test everything from shoe phones to flying cars. In previous lives, hes been a short order cook, telemarketer, medical supply technician, mover of the bodies at a funeral home, pirate, poet, partial alliterist, parent, partner and pretender to various thrones. Most of his exploits are either exaggerated or blatantly false.

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NXP, eleQtron and ParityQC Reveal Quantum Computing Demonstrator - Embedded Computing Design

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JPMorgan Chase, Argonne National Laboratory and Quantinuum Show Theoretical Quantum Speedup with the … – JP Morgan

NEW YORK, NY; BROOMFIELD, CO; LEMONT, IL; MAY 29, 2024 - In a new paper in Science Advances on May 29, researchers at JPMorgan Chase, the U.S. Department of Energys (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and Quantinuum have demonstrated clear evidence of a quantum algorithmic speedup for the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA).

This algorithm has been studied extensively and has been implemented on many quantum computers. It has potential applications in fields such as logistics, telecommunications, financial modeling, and materials science.

This work is a significant step towards reaching quantum advantage, laying the foundation for future impact in production, says Marco Pistoia, Head of Global Technology Applied Research at JPMorgan Chase.

The team examined whether a quantum algorithm with low implementation costs could provide a quantum speedup over the best-known classical methods. QAOA was applied to the Low Autocorrelation Binary Sequences (LABS) problem, which has significance in understanding the behavior of physical systems, signal processing and cryptography. The study showed that if the algorithm was asked to tackle increasingly larger problems, the time it would take to solve them would grow at a slower rate than that of a classical solver.

To explore the quantum algorithms performance in an ideal noiseless setting, JPMorgan Chase and Argonne jointly developed a simulator to evaluate the algorithms performance at scale. It was built on the Polaris supercomputer, accessed through the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF), a DOE Office of Science user facility.The ALCF is supported by DOEs Advanced Scientific Computing Research program.

The large-scale quantum circuit simulations efficiently utilized the DOE petascale supercomputer Polaris located at the ALCF. These results show how high-performance computing can complement and advance the field of quantum information science, says Yuri Alexeev, a computational scientist at Argonne.

To take the first step toward practical realization of the speedup in the algorithm, the researchers demonstrated a small-scale implementation on Quantinuums System Model H1 and H2 trapped-ion quantum computers. Using algorithm-specific error detection, the team reduced the impact of errors on algorithmic performance by up to 65%.

Our long-standing partnership with JPMorgan Chase led to this meaningful and noteworthy three-way research experiment that also brought in Argonne National Lab. The results could not have been achieved without the unprecedented and world leading quality of our H-Series Quantum Computer, which provides a flexible device for executing error-correcting and error-detecting experiments on top of gate fidelities that are years ahead of other quantum computers, says Ilyas Khan, Founder and Chief Product Officer of Quantinuum.

Read the full research paperhere.

About JPMorgan Chase JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading financial services firm based in the United States of America (U.S.), with operations worldwide. JPMorgan Chase had $4.1 trillion in assets and $337 billion in stockholders equity as of March 31, 2024. With over 63,000 technologists globally and an annual tech spend of $17 billion, JPMorgan Chase is dedicated to improving the design, analytics, development, coding, testing and application programming that goes into creating high quality software and new products. Under the J.P.Morgan and Chase brands, the Firm serves millions of customers in the U.S., and many of the worlds most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients globally. Visit for more information.

About Argonne National Laboratory Argonne National Laboratory seeks solutions to pressing national problems in science and technology by conducting leading-edge basic and applied research in virtually every scientific discipline. Argonne is managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energys Office of Science.

About Quantinuum Quantinuum,the worlds largest integrated quantum company, pioneers powerful quantum computers and advanced software solutions. Quantinuums technology drives breakthroughs in materials discovery, cybersecurity, and next-gen quantum AI. With almost 500 employees, including 370+ scientists and engineers, Quantinuum leads the quantum computing revolution across continents.

Quantinuum recently closed an equity fundraise anchored by JPMorgan Chase with additional participation from Mitsui & CO., Amgen and Honeywell, which remains the companys majority shareholder, bringing the total capital raised by Quantinuum since inception to approximately $625 million.

The Honeywell trademark is used under license from Honeywell International Inc. Honeywell makes no representations or warranties with respect to this service.

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JPMorgan Chase, Argonne National Laboratory and Quantinuum Show Theoretical Quantum Speedup with the ... - JP Morgan

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Glimpse of Next-Generation Internet – The Good Men Project

By Anne J. Manning, Harvard Gazette

Its one thing to dream up a next-generation quantum internet capable of sending highly complex, hacker-proof information around the world at ultra-fast speeds. Its quite another to physically show its possible.

Thats exactly what Harvard physicists have done, using existing Boston-area telecommunication fiber, in a demonstration of the worlds longest fiber distance between two quantum memory nodes. Think of it as a simple, closed internet carrying a signal encoded not by classical bits like the existing internet, but by perfectly secure, individual particles of light.

Thegroundbreaking work, published in Nature, was led by Mikhail Lukin, the Joshua and Beth Friedman University Professor in the Department of Physics, in collaboration with Harvard professorsMarko LonarandHongkun Park,who are all members of theHarvard Quantum Initiative.The Naturework was carried out with researchers atAmazon Web Services.

The Harvard team established the practical makings of the first quantum internet by entangling two quantum memory nodes separated by optical fiber link deployed over a roughly 22-mile loop through Cambridge, Somerville, Watertown, and Boston. The two nodes were located a floor apart in Harvards Laboratory for Integrated Science and Engineering.

Quantum memory, analogous to classical computer memory, is an important component of a quantum computing future because it allows for complex network operations and information storage and retrieval. While other quantum networks have been created in the past, the Harvard teams is the longest fiber network between devices that can store, process, and move information.

Each node is a very small quantum computer, made out of a sliver of diamond that has a defect in its atomic structure called a silicon-vacancy center. Inside the diamond, carved structures smaller than a hundredth the width of a human hair enhance the interaction between the silicon-vacancy center and light.

The silicon-vacancy center contains two qubits, or bits of quantum information: one in the form of an electron spin used for communication, and the other in a longer-lived nuclear spin used as a memory qubit to store entanglement, the quantum-mechanical property that allows information to be perfectly correlated across any distance.

(In classical computing, information is stored and transmitted as a series of discrete binary signals, say on/off, that form a kind of decision tree. Quantum computing is more fluid, as information can exist in stages between on and off, and is stored and transferred as shifting patterns of particle movement across two entangled points.)

Using silicon-vacancy centers as quantum memory devices for single photons has been a multiyear research program at Harvard. The technology solves a major problem in the theorized quantum internet: signal loss that cant be boosted in traditional ways.

A quantum network cannot use standard optical-fiber signal repeaters because simple copying of quantum information as discrete bits is impossible making the information secure, but also very hard to transport over long distances.

Silicon-vacancy-center-based network nodes can catch, store, and entangle bits of quantum information while correcting for signal loss. After cooling the nodes to close to absolute zero, light is sent through the first node and, by nature of the silicon vacancy centers atomic structure, becomes entangled with it, so able to carry the information.

Since the light is already entangled with the first node, it can transfer this entanglement to the second node, explained first author Can Knaut, a Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences student in Lukins lab. We call this photon-mediated entanglement.

Over the last several years, the researchers have leased optical fiber from a company in Boston to run their experiments, fitting their demonstration network on top of the existing fiber to indicate that creating a quantum internet with similar network lines would be possible.

Showing that quantum network nodes can be entangled in the real-world environment of a very busy urban area is an important step toward practical networking between quantum computers, Lukin said.

A two-node quantum network is only the beginning. The researchers are working diligently to extend the performance of their network by adding nodes and experimenting with more networking protocols.

The paper is titled Entanglement of Nanophotonic Quantum Memory Nodes in a Telecom Network. The work was supported by the AWS Center for Quantum Networkings research alliance with the Harvard Quantum Initiative, the National Science Foundation, the Center for Ultracold Atoms (an NSF Physics Frontiers Center), the Center for Quantum Networks (an NSF Engineering Research Center), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and other sources.

This story is reprinted with permission from The Harvard Gazette.


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Glimpse of Next-Generation Internet - The Good Men Project

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Bitcoin bull flag joins MACD to tease new BTC price all-time high next – Cointelegraph

Bitcoin (BTC) could be preparing to repeat its ascent to all-time highs from March, on-chain analysis shows.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter) on June 2, popular trader and commentator Alan Tardigrade drew a key comparison to BTC price action now and in mid-February.

Bitcoin needed less than a month to hit new all-time highs earlier this year when a classic on-chain indicator flashed green.

Now, the same setup is in the process of executing with clear implications for BTC price strength.

Coincidence or Price action?? Tardigrade queried while presenting the phenomenon.

The metric in question is moving average convergence divergence (MACD). On three-day timeframes, MACD, which measures trend strength, is busy building positive bars after a red period, which began in early April.

At the same time, BTC/USD Is consolidating within a bull flag and last time it exited to the upside along with green MACD, new all-time highs required a matter of weeks.

Three-day MACD has long been on the radar for market observers tracking the current Bitcoin bull market.

In late December, data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingViewconfirms, a trip back into red territory preceded the turbulence around the debut of the United States spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds, or ETFs.

Tardigrade adds to the varied opinions over the current sideways BTC price landscape.

Related: Bitcoin just had its best May since 2019 despite 'predatory' 3% BTC price dip

Now consolidating below the March highs for nearly three months, Bitcoin, some warn, will continue to stay rangebound for weeks or more.

That has not stopped sky-high BTC price predictions from making a return, among them a $150,000 target for 2024 by research firm Fundstrat Global Advisors.

June, meanwhile, has traders eyeing $85,000 or more.

Consensus nonetheless agrees that the most parabolic stage of the bull run has not yet entered.

This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.

See original here:
Bitcoin bull flag joins MACD to tease new BTC price all-time high next - Cointelegraph

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