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Study proves compatibility of two fundamental principles of quantum theory –

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by Jos Tadeu Arantes , FAPESP

Quantum theory, which was formulated in the first three decades of the twentieth century, describes a wide array of phenomena at the molecular, atomic and subatomic scales. Among its many technological applications, three have become ubiquitous in daily life: laser barcode scanners, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and the global positioning system (GPS).

Nevertheless, quantum physics is still not entirely understood, and some of the phenomena concerned appear to fly in the face of common sense or everyday empirical experience, surprising not only the average layperson but also physicists and philosophers of science. Some of the counterintuitive aspects of quantum theory are due to its probabilistic nature. It offers a set of rules for calculating the probabilities of the possible measurement outcomes of physical systems and in general cannot predict the actual result of a single measurement.

One of the challenging ideas presented by quantum physics is non-locality, an aspect of reality manifested when two or more systems are generated or interact in such a way that the quantum states of any system cannot be described independently of the quantum states of the others. Technically speaking, scientists call such systems entangled, since they are strongly correlated even at a distance and their quantum state is not defined by the quantum states of their component parts.

Another challenging idea, which seems to point in the opposite direction, is contextuality, according to which the outcome of measuring a quantum object depends on the context, meaning other compatible measurements performed at the same time.

Non-locality and contextuality were born with quantum theory but followed independent paths for several decades. In 2014, scientists conducted a study involving a particular case in which they showed that only one of them can be observed in a quantum system. This finding became known as monogamy. The authors conjectured that non-locality and contextuality were different facets of the same general behavior observed either in one way or the other.

Now, however, a study by Brazilian and Chinese researchers has shown both theoretically and experimentally that this is not so. An article on the study is published in Physical Review Letters and highlighted as an Editors' Suggestion.

The research was led by Rafael Rabelo, last author of the article and a professor at the State University of Campinas's Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics (IFGW-UNICAMP) in Brazil.

The first authors are Peng Xue and Lei Xiao of Beijing Computational Science Research Center in China. The other co-authors, all affiliated with Brazilian institutions, are Gabriel Ruffolo and Andr Mazzari, also researchers at IFGW-UNICAMP; Marcelo Terra Cunha of the same university's Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing (IMECC-UNICAMP); and Tassius Temstocles of the Federal Institute of Alagoas.

"We proved that both phenomena can indeed be observed concurrently in quantum systems. The theoretical approach was developed here in Brazil and validated in a quantum optics experiment by our Chinese collaborators," Rabelo told Agncia FAPESP.

The new study shows definitively that two of the fundamental ways in which quantum physics differs from classical physics can be observed at the same time in the same system, contrary to the usual belief. "Non-locality and contextuality, therefore, are clearly not complementary manifestations of the same phenomenon," Rabelo said.

In practical terms, non-locality is an important resource for quantum encryption, while contextuality is the basis for a specific quantum computing model, among other applications. "The possibility of having both at the same time in the same system could pave the way to the development of new quantum information processing and quantum communications protocols," he said.

The idea of non-locality was a sort of answer to the objection raised by Albert Einstein (1879-1955) to the probabilistic nature of quantum physics. In a seminal article published in 1935, Einstein, Boris Podolsky (1896-1966) and Nathan Rosen (1909-1995), or EPR, questioned the completeness of quantum theory.

They proposed a thought experiment known as the EPR paradox: to justify certain non-classical correlations deriving from entanglement, distant quantum systems would have to exchange information instantly, which is impossible according to the special theory of relativity. They concluded that this paradox was due to the incompleteness of quantum theory. The incompleteness, EPR argued, could be corrected by including local hidden variables that would make quantum physics as deterministic as classical physics.

"In 1964, British physicist J.S. Bell (1928-1990) revisited the EPR argument, introducing an elegant formalism that encompassed all theories of local hidden variables regardless of the particular properties each variable might have. Bell proved that none of these theories could reproduce the correlations between measurements performed on two systems predicted by quantum physics. In my view, this result, later known as Bell's theorem, is one of the most important pillars of quantum physics. The property of having strong correlations that can't be reproduced by any local theory is now known as Bell non-locality. Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger were awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for observing Bell non-locality experimentally, among other achievements," Rabelo said.

Another important result deriving from the discussion of hidden variables was presented in an article by Simon Kochen (1934-) and Ernst Specker (1920-2011), published in 1967. The authors demonstrated that, owing to the structure and mathematical properties of quantum measurements, any theory of hidden variables that reproduces the predictions of quantum physics must exhibit a contextuality aspect.

"Despite the common motivation, studies of Bell non-locality and Kochen-Specker contextuality followed independent paths for quite a long time. Only recently has there been growing interest in finding out whether both phenomena could be manifested concurrently in the same physical system. In an article published in 2014, Pawel Kurzynski, Adn Cabello and Dagomir Kaszlikowski said no. They showed why through a particular case but an interesting one, nonetheless. We've now refuted that 'no' in our study," Rabelo said.

More information: Peng Xue et al, Synchronous Observation of Bell Nonlocality and State-Dependent Contextuality, Physical Review Letters (2023). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.040201

Journal information: Physical Review Letters

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Study proves compatibility of two fundamental principles of quantum theory -

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Quantum Magic and Black Hole Chaos Could Help Explain the Origin of Spacetime – SciTechDaily

RIKEN physicists suggest that a quantum property called magic may be the key to understanding how spacetime emerged, based on a new mathematical analysis that connects it to the chaotic nature of black holes.

Physicists relate the quantum property of magic to the chaotic nature of black holes for the first time.

A quantum property dubbed magic could be the key to explaining how space and time emerged, a new mathematical analysis by three RIKEN physicists suggests.

Its hard to conceive of anything more basic than the fabric of spacetime that underpins the Universe, but theoretical physicists have been questioning this assumption. Physicists have long been fascinated about the possibility that space and time are not fundamental, but rather are derived from something deeper, says Kanato Goto of the RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences (iTHEMS).

A view of the M87 supermassive black hole. RIKEN theoretical physicists have related the chaotic nature of black holes to the quantum property of magic for the first time. Credit: EHT Collaboration

This notion received a boost in the 1990s, when theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena related the gravitational theory that governs spacetime to a theory involving quantum particles. In particular, he imagined a hypothetical spacewhich can be pictured as being enclosed in something like an infinite soup can, or bulkholding objects like black holes that are acted on by gravity. Maldacena also imagined particles moving on the surface of the can, controlled by quantum mechanics. He realized that mathematically a quantum theory used to describe the particles on the boundary is equivalent to a gravitational theory describing the black holes and spacetime inside the bulk.

This relationship indicates that spacetime itself does not exist fundamentally, but emerges from some quantum nature, says Goto. Physicists are trying to understand the quantum property that is key.

Kanato Goto and two colleagues have performed an analysis using wormholes that sheds light on the black-hole information paradox. Credit: 2022 RIKEN

The original thought was that quantum entanglementwhich links particles no matter how far they are separatedwas the most important factor: the more entangled particles on the boundary are, the smoother the spacetime within the bulk.

But just considering the degree of entanglement on the boundary cannot explain all the properties of black holes, for instance, how their interiors can grow, says Goto.

So Goto and iTHEMS colleagues Tomoki Nosaka and Masahiro Nozaki searched for another quantum quantity that could apply to the boundary system and could also be mapped to the bulk to describe black holes more fully. In particular, they noted that black holes have a chaotic characteristic that needs to be described.

When you throw something into a black hole, information about it gets scrambled and cannot be recovered, says Goto. This scrambling is a manifestation of chaos.

The team came across magic, which is a mathematical measure of how difficult a quantum state is to simulate using an ordinary classical (non-quantum) computer. Their calculations showed that in a chaotic system almost any state will evolve into one that is maximally magicalthe most difficult to simulate.

This provides the first direct link between the quantum property of magic and the chaotic nature of black holes. This finding suggests that magic is strongly involved in the emergence of spacetime, says Goto.

Reference: Probing chaos by magic monotones by Kanato Goto, Tomoki Nosaka and Masahiro Nozaki, 19 December 2022, Physical Review D.DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.106.126009

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Quantum Magic and Black Hole Chaos Could Help Explain the Origin of Spacetime - SciTechDaily

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Heaviest Schrdinger cat achieved by putting a small crystal into a superposition of two oscillation states –

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Even if you are not a quantum physicist, you will most likely have heard of Schrdinger's famous cat. Erwin Schrdinger came up with the feline that can be alive and dead at the same time in a thought experiment in 1935. The obvious contradictionafter all, in everyday life we only ever see cats that are either alive or deadhas prompted scientists to try to realize analogous situations in the laboratory. So far, they have managed to do so using, for instance, atoms or molecules in quantum mechanical superposition states of being in two places at the same time.

At ETH, a team of researchers led by Yiwen Chu, professor at the Laboratory for Solid State Physics, has now created a substantially heavier Schrdinger cat by putting a small crystal into a superposition of two oscillation states. Their results, which have been published this week in the journal Science, could lead to more robust quantum bits and shed light on the mystery of why quantum superpositions are not observed in the macroscopic world.

In Schrdinger's original thought experiment, a cat is locked up inside a metal box together with a radioactive substance, a Geiger counter and a flask of poison. In a certain time-framean hour, sayan atom in the substance may or may not decay through a quantum mechanical process with a certain probability, and the decay products might cause the Geiger counter to go off and trigger a mechanism that smashes the flask containing the poison, which would eventually kill the cat.

Since an outside observer cannot know whether an atom has actually decayed, he or she also doesn't know whether the cat is alive or deadaccording to quantum mechanics, which governs the decay of the atom, it should be in an alive/dead superposition state. (Schrdinger's idea is commemorated by a life-size cat figure outside his former home at Huttenstrasse 9 in Zurich).

"Of course, in the lab we can't realize such an experiment with an actual cat weighing several kilograms," says Chu. Instead, she and her co-workers managed to create a so-called cat state using an oscillating crystal, which represents the cat, with a superconducting circuit representing the original atom. That circuit is essentially a quantum bit or qubit that can take on the logical states "0" or "1" or a superposition of both states, "0+1."

The link between the qubit and the crystal "cat" is not a Geiger counter and poison, but rather a layer of piezoelectric material that creates an electric field when the crystal changes shape while oscillating. That electric field can be coupled to the electric field of the qubit, and hence the superposition state of the qubit can be transferred to the crystal. In the ETH Zurich experiment, the cat is represented by oscillations in a crystal (top and blow-up on the left), whereas the decaying atom is emulated by a superconducting circuit (bottom) coupled to the crystal. Credit: ETH Zurich

As a result, the crystal can now oscillate in two directions at the same timeup/down and down/up, for instance. Those two directions represent the "alive" or "dead" states of the cat. "By putting the two oscillation states of the crystal in a superposition, we have effectively created a Schrdinger cat weighing 16 micrograms," explains Chu. That is roughly the mass of a fine grain of sand and nowhere near that of a cat, but still several billion times heavier than an atom or molecule, making it the fattest quantum cat to date.

In order for the oscillation states to be true cat states, it is important that they be macroscopically distinguishable. This means that the separation of the "up" and "down" states should be larger than any thermal or quantum fluctuations of the positions of the atoms inside the crystal. Chu and her colleagues checked this by measuring the spatial separation of the two states using the superconducting qubit. Even though the measured separation was only a billionth of a billionth of a metersmaller than an atom, in factit was large enough to clearly distinguish the states.

In the future, Chu would like to push the mass limits of her crystal cats even further. "This is interesting because it will allow us to better understand the reason behind the disappearance of quantum effects in the macroscopic world of real cats," she says.

Beyond this rather academic interest, there are also potential applications in quantum technologies. For instance, quantum information stored in qubits could be made more robust by using cat states made up of a huge number of atoms in a crystal rather than relying on single atoms or ions, as is currently done. Also, the extreme sensitivity of massive objects in superposition states to external noise could be exploited for precise measurements of tiny disturbances such as gravitational waves or for detecting dark matter.

More information: Marius Bild et al, Schrdinger cat states of a 16-microgram mechanical oscillator, Science (2023). DOI: 10.1126/science.adf7553

Journal information: Science

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Why is India spending so much on quantum research? The China angle – The Economic Times

China will be closely monitoring a new project India has just announced. The government has launched a National Quantum Mission, at a cost of Rs 6,000 crore, for research in quantum technologies. While the government says it would benefit communication, health, financial and energy sectors as well as drug design and space applications, there is also a crucial military angle to it. The National Quantum Mission will have four verticals: quantum computing, quantum communication, quantum sensors and metrology, and quantum materials and devices.

Though research in all these spheres promises revolutionary changes in all the fields where data networks and computing are important, it is quantum communication that requires quick scaling up in view of an emerging threat from China. And by committing Rs 6,000 crore to the Mission, the government is taking the China threat seriously.

How it worksQuantum Key Distribution, or QKD, is the concept at the core of quantum communication technology which makes communication safe from hacking.

The QKD takes advantage of this principle. Since any intrusion alters the keys, it immediately alerts both parties to the existence of a security breach by a third party. This quantum principle behind the QKD also makes it safe from any future advancement in computing because hacking quantum communication is not a matter of mathematics but physics.

China's achievements in quantum communicationChina has claimed that it has built the longest QKD network in the world of thousands of kilometers between Shanghai and Beijing. China is making strides in satellite-based QKD communication too.

In 2016, China claimed to have launched the first QKD satellite in the world called Mozi. It claimed QKD transmission was achieved between two ground stations 2,600 km apart through Mozi. Last year, China launched a satellite to conduct QKD experiments in lower-Earth orbit. China is said to be guarding its electricity grid with QKD technology through the Mozi satellite.

Where does India stand in quantum communication?India has already started testing quantum communication technology but it lags far behind China. In March 2021, India's space agency ISRO for the first time in the country demonstrated free-space quantum communication over a distance of 300 metres, a precursor to using satellites for transmitting data for strategic purposes. Compare the 300 metre distance with China's claimed capability of achieving quantum communication over thousands of kilometres. In February 2021, researchers at the Raman Research Institute too had demonstrated free-space QKD between two buildings at RRI across an atmospheric free space channel.

In December last year, the Indian National Space Promotion and Authorisation Centre (IN-SPACe) signed an MoU with Bangaluru-based deep tech startup QNu Labs to develop indigenous satellite QKD products. QNu Labs, with the support of ISRO and IN-SPACe, will aim to demonstrate unlimited distance satellite QKD-based quantum-secure communication.

India is clearly far behind China in quantum communication which is a grave strategic vulnerability. The Rs 6,000 crore the government has announced for the National Quantum Mission will address this gap, besides helping India deploy quantum technology for business, governance and research.

(WIth agency inputs)

( Originally published on Apr 20, 2023 )

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Why is India spending so much on quantum research? The China angle - The Economic Times

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Swedish quantum computer applied to chemistry for the first time –

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There are high expectations that quantum computers may deliver revolutionary new possibilities for simulating chemical processes. This could have a major impact on everything from the development of new pharmaceuticals to new materials. Researchers at Chalmers University have now, for the first time in Sweden, used a quantum computer to undertake calculations within a real-life case in chemistry.

"Quantum computers could in theory be used to handle cases where electrons and atomic nuclei move in more complicated ways. If we can learn to utilize their full potential, we should be able to advance the boundaries of what is possible to calculate and understand," says Martin Rahm, Associate Professor in Theoretical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, who has led the study.

Within the field of quantum chemistry, the laws of quantum mechanics are used to understand which chemical reactions are possible, which structures and materials can be developed, and what characteristics they have. Such studies are normally undertaken with the help of super computers, built with conventional logical circuits. There is however a limit for which calculations conventional computers can handle. Because the laws of quantum mechanics describe the behavior of nature on a subatomic level, many researchers believe that a quantum computer should be better equipped to perform molecular calculations than a conventional computer.

"Most things in this world are inherently chemical. For example, our energy carriers, within biology as well as in old or new cars, are made up of electrons and atomic nuclei arranged in different ways in molecules and materials. Some of the problems we solve in the field of quantum chemistry are to calculate which of these arrangements are more likely or advantageous, along with their characteristics," says Martin Rahm.

There is still a way to go before quantum computers can achieve what the researchers are aiming for. This field of research is still young and the small model calculations that are run are complicated by noise from the quantum computer's surroundings. However, Martin Rahm and his colleagues have now found a method that they see as an important step forward. The method is called Reference-State Error Mitigation (REM) and works by correcting for the errors that occur due to noise by utilizing the calculations from both a quantum computer and a conventional computer.

"The study is a proof-of-concept that our method can improve the quality of quantum-chemical calculations. It is a useful tool that we will use to improve our calculations on quantum computers moving forward," says Martin Rahm. The article, "Reference-State Error Mitigation: A Strategy for High Accuracy Quantum Computation of Chemistry," is published in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation.

The principle behind the method is to first consider a reference state by describing and solving the same problem on both a conventional and a quantum computer. This reference state represents a simpler description of a molecule than the original problem intended to be solved by the quantum computer. A conventional computer can solve this simpler version of the problem quickly. By comparing the results from both computers, an exact estimate can be made for the amount of error caused by noise. The difference between the two computers' solutions for the reference problem can then be used to correct the solution for the original, more complex, problem when it is run on the quantum processor.

By combining this new method with data from Chalmers' quantum computer Srimner the researchers have succeeded in calculating the intrinsic energy of small example molecules such as hydrogen and lithium hydride. Equivalent calculations can be carried out more quickly on a conventional computer, but the new method represents an important development and is the first demonstration of a quantum chemical calculation on a quantum computer in Sweden.

"We see good possibilities for further development of the method to allow calculations of larger and more complex molecules, when the next generation of quantum computers are ready," says Martin Rahm.

The research has been conducted in close collaboration with colleagues at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience. They have built the quantum computers that are used in the study, and helped perform the sensitive measurements that are needed for the chemical calculations.

"It is only by using real quantum algorithms that we can understand how our hardware really works and how we can improve it. Chemical calculations are one of the first areas where we believe that quantum computers will be useful, so our collaboration with Martin Rahm's group is especially valuable," says Jonas Bylander, Associate Professor in Quantum Technology at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience.

More information: Phalgun Lolur et al, Reference-State Error Mitigation: A Strategy for High Accuracy Quantum Computation of Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (2023). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.2c00807

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50 years ago, a balloon circumnavigated the world for science – Science News Magazine

Twice round the world by Boomerang balloon Science News, April 7, 1973

Scientists recovered for the first time a balloon scientific payload after a long-duration, twice-around-the-world flight. The project is called Boomerang and is designed to demonstrate the feasibility of using balloons for long-duration research.

Balloons fill an important niche in science, bearing instruments to study physics, atmospheric chemistry and astronomy, or to test technologies for space missions. For instance, data collected by balloons have helped reveal that the universe is geometrically flat, that Earths lower atmosphere is rising due to climate change and how wildfire smoke impacts the ozone layer (SN: 10/08/02; SN: 12/18/21; SN: 8/8/19).

Earlier this year, the United States shot down several objects high above the country, one of which is alleged to be a surveillance balloon from China. Others are likely tied to private companies, recreation or research institutions studying weather or conducting other scientific research, President Joe Biden said February16 in a news briefing. Some scientists worry rising concerns over spying could limit where high-altitude balloons go a tall order for vessels that follow the wind.

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A version of this article appears in the April 8, 2023 issue of Science News.

Carolyn Gramling is the earth & climate writer. She has bachelors degrees in geology and European history and a Ph.D. in marine geochemistry from MIT and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

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50 years ago, a balloon circumnavigated the world for science - Science News Magazine

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A particular ‘sandwich’ of graphene and boron nitride may lead to … – University at Buffalo

BUFFALO, N.Y. Moir patterns occur everywhere. They are created by layering two similar but not identical geometric designs. A common example is the pattern that sometimes emerges when viewing a chain-link fence through a second chain-link fence.

For more than 10 years, scientists have been experimenting with the moir pattern that emerges when a sheet of graphene is placed between two sheets of boron nitride. The resulting moir pattern has shown tantalizing effects that could vastly improve semiconductor chips that are used to power everything from computers to cars.

A new study led by University at Buffalo researchers, and published in Nature Communications, demonstrated that graphene can live up to its promise in this context.

Our recent work shows that this particular sandwich of graphene and boron nitride elicits properties that are suitable for use in new technological applications, said Jonathan Bird, PhD, professor and chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering at UB. The research was funded in part by the U.S. Department of Energy and a MURI grant from Air Force Office of Scientific Research.

Graphene is made of carbon, just like charcoal and diamonds. What distinguishes graphene is the way the carbon atoms are put together: they are linked in a hexagonal or honeycomb pattern. The resulting material is the thinnest material known to exist, so thin that scientists call it two-dimensional.

Left alone, graphene conducts electricity well too well, in fact, to be useful in microelectronic technology. But by sandwiching graphene between two layers of boron nitride, which also has a hexagonal pattern, a moir pattern results. The presence of this pattern is accompanied by dramatic changes in the properties of the graphene, essentially turning what would normally be a conducting material into one with (semiconductor-like) properties that are more amenable to use in advanced microelectronics.

This research establishes how the moir pattern in graphene can be adapted to use in technological applications such as new types of communication devices, lasers and light-emitting diodes. Our work demonstrated the viability of this approach, showing that the graphene/boron nitride sandwich that we are studying does indeed have the favorable properties needed for microelectronics, said Bird.

The semiconductor chips in question are essential not just in smartphones and medical devices but also in smart-home gadgets such as dishwashers, vacuums, and home-security systems. Modern technology relies on the semiconductor chips that form the heart of their systems and control their operation, said Bird. When you talk into your cell phone, its the chip that converts your voice to an electronic signal and transmits it to a tower.

The graphene/boron-nitride heterostructure appears to have properties that are amenable to engineering. Developing future technology based on these materials may depend on discovering and harnessing properties that allow for greater speed and functionality. Bird noted that there is typically a lag between a discovery, the excitement about a discovery, and realizing the promise of the discovery. Graphene so common that its in any note scribbled with pencil wasnt discovered until 2004.

Bird earned a PhD in physics, but he was drawn to electrical engineering because it allowed him to explore quantum physics through research on semiconductors. Quantum physics the kind of magical physics that occurs at the atomic scale, he explained can be observed through experiments using technology that explores material and processes at the atomic level.

We can get a system to respond to actions we take, and that response reflects details of the atomic and quantum nature of the system, he said. Graphene attracted his attention because it appeared to be a way to study quantum effects through work on semiconductors. At UB, he established a lab called NoMaD, where he, his colleagues, and their students study quantum phenomena occurring at the nanoscale. Graduates have gone on to careers at Intel and IBM as well as other universities.

In this research, Bird and his team have explored the properties of graphene within a certain limit that must be achieved to create new technologies. The semiconductor chip industry is a massive industry that continues to grow, demanding new materials, new ways to use existing materials, and a new workforce capable of developing both.

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A particular 'sandwich' of graphene and boron nitride may lead to ... - University at Buffalo

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URI looks to the future with new quantum computing initiative – The Independent

KINGSTON, R.I. Facing the University of Rhode Islands quadrangle, Sen. Jack Reed stood atop the steps of East Hall on Friday and addressed members of the URI campus following the schools announcement of a new quantum computing initiative designed to keep up to date with the fast-paced change in technology and cybersecurity.

The process is supported by a $1 million federal earmark from the state and funding from the URI College of Arts and Sciences and the Graduate School of Oceanography.

These funds will help the university expand its teaching bringing experts to expand the universitys quantum degree programs and help train the next generation of students and researchers, Reed said.

Last Friday was World Quantum Day, and the school celebrated its step toward preparing students for fields linked to the ever-evolving workforce of computing. The event lasted throughout the afternoon and into the early evening.

URIs initiative involves a new research partnership with the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM). This is expected to garner further support toward the schools masters degree and graduate certificate programs and will give the university access to Big Blues cutting-edge quantum computing systems. It is anticipated that improved access to these resources will improve student education and faculty research.

(Quantum computing) is quickly becoming ubiquitous, URI President Marc Parlange said. And its rapidly evolving. And we have an opportunity to be at the leading edge of this growth.

Reed and Parlange began the symposium and Adele Merritt, Intelligence Community Chief Information Officer at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, closed with a keynote presentation in East Halls auditorium.

Other speakers throughout the day included Christopher Savoie, co-founder and chief executive officer of Zapata Computing, Christopher Lirakis, lead for quantum systems deployment at IBM, Charles Robinson, quantum computing public sector leader at IBM, Pedro Lopes, business developer at the computing firm QuEra, and Juan Rivera, senior engineer at Dell Computing, and Kurt Jacobs, deputy chief scientist at the U.S. Armys Research Lab.

Savoie holds a bachelors degree from URI and is on the College of Arts and Sciences Advisory Council. Merritt has her Ph.D. from URI, in mathematics.

Quantum mechanics is a science that explores how matter and light act on an atomic and subatomic scale. Its a fundamental theory designed to solve issues that too advanced for original or outdated technology.

Computers process data by manipulating digital information; units represented in zeros and ones. These info bits, known as qubits, can exist as zero and a one, simultaneously.

There are some present-day supercomputers that cant handle this kind of information in multiple states at once. Quantum computers, however, can perform these calculations.

Such technology is in its early stages.

URI will provide more outreach and summer research opportunities for high school students, in an attempt to spark interest for the next generation of quantum physicists.

This will be done through URIs faculty working with Qubit, a nonprofit group, to provide the reach-out and include scholarships for high schoolers to participate in summer workshops and research internships on the Kingston Campus.

In 2021, the university started a five-year program that graduates students with a bachelors degree in physics and a masters in quantum computing. This year, it added an online graduate certificate program.

Recognizing that quantum computing will be integrated into every major industry within the next decade, the physics department has developed one of the first standalone masters programs in quantum computing, as well as an online graduate certificate designed for current STEM professionals to pivot into a new career, Jen Riley, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences said. Theyve also created an undergraduate program with a five-year accelerated bachelors to masters degree program in quantum computing.

Researchers on campus are moving to make quantum computers scalable and more vigorous, while others are trying to familiarize themselves with the technology.

Access to the IBM software will also allow a partnership between URI and the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, which will support studies into the use of quantum systems in the development of autonomous underwater vehicles.

To expand research and its teaching capacity, the school plans to add four visiting faculty, four postdoctoral researchers, and four graduate teaching assistants in the coming years.

Scientific innovation has been essential to the success for the intelligence communitys mission, Merritt said. The rapidly evolving landscape requires us to be well informed on emerging technologies.

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URI looks to the future with new quantum computing initiative - The Independent

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Centre approves Rs 6,003 crore National Quantum Mission: What is it? – India Today

By India Today Science Desk: The Centre on Wednesday approved the National Quantum Mission with an estimate of Rs 6,003 crore for eight years.

Announcing the decision, Science & Technology Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh said, "the decision is going to give India a quantum jump in the field."

India is going to be at par with six global countries researching quantum technology. Most countries are in the research and development phase. The US, China, France, Austria, and Finland are in the R&D stage and are yet to venture into the application stage of the technology, and India will be the latest entrant in the elite club.

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Quantum technology is a field of physics and engineering that studies and applies the principles of quantum mechanics to the development of new technologies. Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics that describes the behavior of matter and energy at a microscopic scale, where the classical laws of physics do not apply.

Quantum technology includes various types of technologies, such as quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum sensing.

While the classical computer is transistor-based, quantum computers are going to work on atoms. Quantum computers use quantum bits (qubits) instead of classical bits to perform calculations. The advantage of quantum computing is that it can solve problems much faster with more authenticity.

Quantum technology offers unique security when it comes to encryption, making quantum communication hack-proof. Quantum communication is one of the safest ways of connecting two places with high levels of code and quantum cryptography that cannot be decrypted or broken by an external entity. If a hacker tries to crack the message in quantum communication, it changes its form in such a manner that would alert the sender and would cause the message to be altered or deleted.

Meanwhile, quantum sensing uses the principles of quantum mechanics to develop new types of sensors with unprecedented sensitivity and accuracy. These sensors can measure physical quantities, such as temperature, magnetic fields, and gravitational waves, with higher precision than classical sensors. This technology has vast utilisation in astronomy and astrophysics and in solving the riddles of the universe.

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As part of the National Quantum Mission, the center said that four thematic hubs will be established in different institutions across the country to boost research and development in the field. The mission will be led by the Department of Science & Technology under a mission director.

The Centre will form a mission secretariat which will have a governing body to steer the work under the leadership of scientists from the quantum field. The Mission Technology Research Council will work as a scientific advisory body for the governing body.

The center outlining the eight-year-long framework for the mission said that it will work at developing 20-50 qubit quantum computers and quantum communication over a distance of 2000 kilometers in the next three years.

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"As technology is evolving, understanding is evolving and so are the applications. In the area of therapeutics, healthcare, and security the use is being realized," the minister added.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) had in 2022 demonstrated satellite-based quantum communication when scientists from the Ahmedabad-based Space Applications Centre and Physical Research Laboratory successfully conducted quantum entanglement, using real-time Quantum Key Distribution (QKD).

"This is going to place India as a frontline nation when information & technology are concerned. This will have use beyond physical and engineering field and into healthcare and other fields as well," Dr. Singha added.

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Quantum education emerges with unlimited potential at MTSU – Newswise

BYLINE: Randy Weiler

Newswise The new field ofquantum information sciencehas been growing across the U.S. and around the globe, and now it has been developed for students and scholars to study atMiddle Tennessee State University.

TheCollege of Basic and Applied SciencesandDepartment of Physics and Astronomylaunched a new website ( this week to introduce theMTSU Quantum Science Initiativetaking shape at the university, promoting faculty efforts in research, education and workforce development in the field of quantum sciences.

As part of MTSUs quantum education efforts, associate professor and computational quantum physics expertHanna Terletskahas piloted a new interdisciplinary undergraduate course on quantum computing for MTSU students from different departments within the college.

Its critical that our students have access to and are trained for the 21st-century jobs and workforce skills, Terletska said. MTSU has a unique opportunity to position itself as a hub for quantum science and education in the Middle Tennessee region with the potential to attract top talent to MTSU.

Seventeen MTSU students are taking a class Introduction to Quantum Computing for the first time this semester. It is for all STEM science, technology, engineering and technology majors.

Quantum information science is a rapidly growing field with enormous potential to transform various areas, Terletska indicated, including computing, national security, financing, energy research, new materials, health care and information technology.

Terletska is the first MTSUNational Science Foundation Early Career Awardrecipient the most prestigious national honor for young U.S. faculty and her National Science Foundation funding, two existing grants totaling about $635,000, are in the area of computational study of quantum materials with strong correlations and impurities and imperfections.

Terletska has applied for two NSF grants, one for $1 million and another for $800,000, and a $500,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy. MTSU anticipates hearing results from the applications later this year.

Joining Terletska, who is considered a global rising star in physics and research, in the initiative, are physics and astronomy ChairRon HendersonandbiologyprofessorRyan Otter, director of the MTSUData Science Institute. Henderson and physics faculty memberNeda Naseriare training in the course.

The MTSU initiative aims to integrate quantum concepts into existing courses and programs, train students in quantum science and develop new educational programs at all levels, including K-20, to cover kindergarten to graduate-degree training.

According to Terletska, quantum physics explores the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level to understand the fundamental properties of nature.

Quantum technologies, including quantum computing, energy storage and transformation and sensing, are based on quantum physics and materials and have transformative potential in various fields.

The U.S. government has identified quantum research and education as key tenets of science and technology, as outlined in the National Quantum Initiative Act, passed in 2018. Major federal science and research agencies, including the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Department of Energy are supporting this area of research.

Our efforts align perfectly with MTSUs ongoing efforts to maintain its (Carnegie) R2 high research activity status by growing and expanding in this strategically important research focus, Terletska said.

Added College of Basic and Applied Sciences DeanGreg Van Patten, As MTSU continues to build our research portfolio and to ascend through the R2 ranks, we must focus energy and resources into areas where we have competitive advantages. Recent successes in the area of quantum science, from Dr. Terletska and others, make this an emerging area of strength for MTSU.

We have amassed support from federal agencies, established collaborations with other universities and have excited interest from a number of undergraduate and graduate students who see future opportunities in the eventual commercialization of quantum information technology.

Van Patten said the colleges mission focuses on preparing students at all levels for successful careers across a range of scientific and technical fields, on promoting scholarship and scientific inquiry and on addressing key scientific challenges that face our nation.

The ongoing research on quantum information science at MTSU hits all three parts of the college mission. At present, quantum science is a rapidly advancing field that is beginning its transition from the laboratory to the marketplace. It has the potential to revolutionize certain computational tasks, including cybersecurity, and Im excited that MTSU is involved in moving this field forward.

Physics chair Henderson added that the field of quantum science is evolving rapidly, and MTSU physics majors are eager to find ways to enter the quantum workforce.

In addition to Dr. Terletskas quantum computing class, we anticipate adding future courses, and eventually a concentration in quantum science, to provide a pathway to these new careers for our majors. We are also partnering with local community colleges to extend this access to more students.

With the recently submitted NSF grant, Terletska is partnering with Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee; the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga; Tennessee Tech in Cookeville, Tennessee; and Auburn University in Alabama to provide experiential training and increase the quantum workforce in the Southeast region.

We are working together with Fisk and Vanderbilt Universitys Wondry center for innovation on educational workforce for training students in quantum, she said.

Recruiting a diverse and interdisciplinary pool of students is part of the efforts. Terletska conducted recent quantum workshops with MTSUWISTEM Center(Women in STEM) students, Vanderbilt students and earlier this year with Fisk students in Nashville.

Last fall, Terletska and Naseri conducted a quantum workshop for Riverdale High School students, who had been invited to campus by MTSUDepartment of BiologyChairDennis Mullen. More workshops are planned.

Through the regional university partnerships, the initiative plans to create a network of researchers and students who can collaborate to tackle some of the biggest challenges in the field, Terletska said. Ultimately, the MTSU effort will provide students with the training necessary for the rising job market and career opportunities in the quantum sector, both local and nationwide.

The initiative also is working to establish partnerships with industry partners and K-20 teachers to develop a Tennessee quantum-ready workforce, she said.

To promote diversity and inclusion, the initiative will foster an interdisciplinary collaborative environment and engage underrepresented groups, Terletska added. This includes recruiting women, first-generation and minority students and introducing quantum through teacher workshops, high school camps and other events.

Our goal is to provide access to quantum education and research resources to a broad and diverse community and inspire individuals from all backgrounds to participate in quantum science, Terletska said. Through these efforts, we aim to nurture the next generation of quantum leaders and support the creation of a robust quantum ecosystem in Tennessee, positioning MTSU as a leader in this field in the region.

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Quantum education emerges with unlimited potential at MTSU - Newswise

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