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Linux malware strengthens links between Lazarus and the 3CX … – We Live Security

Similarities with newly discovered Linux malware used in Operation DreamJob corroborate the theory that the infamous North Korea-aligned group is behind the 3CX supply-chain attack

ESET researchers have discovered a new Lazarus Operation DreamJob campaign targeting Linux users. Operation DreamJob is the name for a series of campaigns where the group uses social engineering techniques to compromise its targets, with fake job offers as the lure. In this case, we were able to reconstruct the full chain, from the ZIP file that delivers a fake HSBC job offer as a decoy, up until the final payload: the SimplexTea Linux backdoor distributed through an OpenDrive cloud storage account. To our knowledge, this is the first public mention of this major North Korea-aligned threat actor using Linux malware as part of this operation.

Additionally, this discovery helped us confirm with a high level of confidence that the recent 3CX supply-chain attack was in fact conducted by Lazarus a link that was suspected from the very beginning and demonstrated by several security researchers since. In this blogpost, we corroborate these findings and provide additional evidence about the connection between Lazarus and the 3CX supply-chain attack.

3CX is an international VoIP software developer and distributor that provides phone system services to many organizations. According to its website, 3CX has more than 600,000 customers and 12,000,000 users in various sectors including aerospace, healthcare, and hospitality. It provides client software to use its systems via a web browser, mobile app, or a desktop application. Late in March 2023, it was discovered that the desktop application for both Windows and macOS contained malicious code that enabled a group of attackers to download and run arbitrary code on all machines where the application was installed. Rapidly, it was determined that this malicious code was not something that 3CX added themselves, but that 3CX was compromised and that its software was used in a supply-chain attack driven by external threat actors to distribute additional malware to specific 3CX customers.

This cyber-incident has made headlines in recent days. Initially reported on March 29th, 2023 in a Reddit thread by a CrowdStrike engineer, followed by an official report by CrowdStrike, stating with high confidence that LABIRINTH CHOLLIMA, the companys codename for Lazarus, was behind the attack (but omitting any evidence backing up the claim). Because of the seriousness of the incident, multiple security companies started to contribute their summaries of the events, namely Sophos, Check Point, Broadcom, Trend Micro, and more.

Further, the part of the attack affecting systems running macOS was covered in detail in a Twitter thread and a blogpost by Patrick Wardle.

Figure 1. Timeline of events related to the preparation and distribution of 3CX trojanized applications

The timeline shows that the perpetrators had planned the attacks long before execution; as early as December 2022. This suggests they already had a foothold inside 3CXs network late last year.

While the trojanized 3CX macOS application shows it was signed in late January, we did not see the bad application in our telemetry until February 14th, 2023. It is unclear whether the malicious update for macOS was distributed prior to that date.

Although ESET telemetry shows the existence of the macOS second-stage payload as early as February, we did not have the sample itself, nor metadata to tip us off about its maliciousness. We include this information to help defenders determine how far back systems might have been compromised.

Several days before the attack was publicly revealed, a mysterious Linux downloader was submitted to VirusTotal. It downloads a new Lazarus malicious payload for Linux and we explain its relationship to the attack later in the text.

There is one domain that plays a significant role in our attribution reasoning: journalide[.]org. It is mentioned in some of the vendor reports linked above, but its presence is never explained. Interestingly, articles by SentinelOne and ObjectiveSee do not mention this domain. Neither does a blogpost by Volexity, which even refrained from providing attribution, stating Volexity cannot currently map the disclosed activity to any threat actor. Its analysts were among the first to investigate the attack in depth and they created a tool to extract a list of C&C servers from encrypted icons on GitHub. This tool is useful, as the attackers did not embed the C&C servers directly in the intermediate stages, but rather used GitHub as a dead drop resolver. The intermediate stages are downloaders for Windows and macOS that we denote as IconicLoaders, and the payloads they get as IconicStealer and UpdateAgent, respectively.

On March 30th, Joe Desimone, a security researcher from Elastic Security, was among the first to provide, in a Twitter thread, substantial clues that the 3CX-driven compromises are probably linked to Lazarus. He observed that a shellcode stub prepended to the payload from d3dcompiler_47.dll is similar to AppleJeus loader stubs attributed to Lazarus by CISA back in April 2021.

On March 31st it was being reported that 3CX had retained Mandiant to provide incident response services relating to the supply-chain attack.

On April 3rd, Kaspersky, through its telemetry, showed a direct relationship between the 3CX supply-chain victims and the deployment of a backdoor dubbed Gopuram, both involving payloads with a common name, guard64.dll. Kaspersky data shows that Gopuram is connected to Lazarus because it coexisted on victim machines alongside AppleJeus, malware that was already attributed to Lazarus. Both Gopuram and AppleJeus were observed in attacks against a cryptocurrency company.

Then, on April 11th, the CISO of 3CX summarized Mandiants interim findings in a blogpost. According to that report, two Windows malware samples, a shellcode loader called TAXHAUL and a complex downloader named COLDCAT, were involved in the compromise of 3CX. No hashes were provided, but Mandiants YARA rule, named TAXHAUL, also triggers on other samples already on VirusTotal:

The filenames, but not MD5s, of these samples coincide with those from Kasperskys blogpost. However, 3CX explicitly states that COLDCAT differs from Gopuram.

The next section contains a technical description of the new Lazarus malicious Linux payload we recently analyzed, as well as how it helped us strengthen the existing link between Lazarus and the 3CX compromise.

The Lazarus groups Operation DreamJob involves approaching targets through LinkedIn and tempting them with job offers from industry leaders. The name was coined by ClearSky in a paper published in August 2020. That paper describes a Lazarus cyberespionage campaign targeting defense and aerospace companies. The activity has overlap with what we call Operation In(ter)ception, a series of cyberespionage attacks that have been ongoing since at least September 2019. It targets aerospace, military, and defense companies and uses specific malicious, initially Windows-only, tools. During July and August 2022, we found two instances of Operation In(ter)ception targeting macOS. One malware sample was submitted to VirusTotal from Brazil, and another attack targeted an ESET user in Argentina. A few weeks ago, a native Linux payload was found on VirusTotal with an HSBC-themed PDF lure. This completes Lazaruss ability to target all major desktop operating systems.

On March 20th, a user in the country of Georgia submitted to VirusTotal a ZIP archive called HSBC job Given other DreamJob campaigns by Lazarus, this payload was probably distributed through spearphishing or direct messages on LinkedIn. The archive contains a single file: a native 64-bit Intel Linux binary written in Go and named HSBC job offerpdf.

Interestingly, the file extension is not .pdf. This is because the apparent dot character in the filename is a leader dot represented by the U+2024 Unicode character. The use of the leader dot in the filename was probably an attempt to trick the file manager into treating the file as an executable instead of a PDF. This could cause the file to run when double-clicked instead of opening it with a PDF viewer. On execution, a decoy PDF is displayed to the user using xdg-open, which will open the document using the users preferred PDF viewer (see Figure 3). We decided to call this ELF downloader OdicLoader, as it has a similar role as the IconicLoaders on other platforms and the payload is fetched from OpenDrive.

OdicLoader drops a decoy PDF document, displays it using the systems default PDF viewer (see Figure 2), and then downloads a second-stage backdoor from the OpenDrive cloud service. The downloaded file is stored in ~/.config/guiconfigd (SHA-1: 0CA1723AFE261CD85B05C9EF424FC50290DCE7DF). We call this second-stage backdoor SimplexTea.

As the last step of its execution, the OdicLoader modifies ~/.bash_profile, so SimplexTea is launched with Bash and its output is muted (~/.config/guiconfigd >/dev/null 2>&1).

Figure 2. Illustration of the probable chain of compromise

Figure 3. An HSBC-themed lure in the Linux DreamJob campaign

SimplexTea is a Linux backdoor written in C++. As highlighted in Table 1, its class names are very similar to function names found in a sample, with filename sysnetd, submitted to VirusTotal from Romania (SHA-1: F6760FB1F8B019AF2304EA6410001B63A1809F1D). Because of the similarities in class names and function names between SimplexTea and sysnetd, we believe SimplexTea is an updated version, rewritten from C to C++.

Table 1. Comparison of the original symbol names from two Linux backdoors submitted to VirusTotal

guiconfigd(SimplexTea for Linux, from Georgia)

sysnetd(BADCALL for Linux, from Romania)

How is sysnetd related to Lazarus? The following section shows similarities with Lazaruss Windows backdoor called BADCALL.

We attribute sysnetd to Lazarus because of its similarities with the following two files (and we believe thatsysnetd is a Linux variant of the groups backdoor for Windows called BADCALL):

Figure 4. Similarities between a Windows and a Linux variant of BADCALL (a list of domains used as a front for a fake TLS connection)

Figure 5. Similarities between AppleJeus for macOS and the Linux variant of BADCALL (the key for the A5/1 stream cipher)

This Linux version of the BADCALL backdoor, sysnetd, loads its configuration from a file named /tmp/vgauthsvclog. Since Lazarus operators have previously disguised their payloads, the use of this name, which is used by the VMware Guest Authentication service, suggests that the targeted system may be a Linux VMware virtual machine. Interestingly, the XOR key in this case is the same as one used in SIMPLESEA from the 3CX investigation.

Figure 6. Loading a configuration file by BADCALL for Linux, cf. Figure 8

Taking a look at the three 32-bit integers, 0xC2B45678, 0x90ABCDEF, and 0xFE268455 from Figure 5, which represent a key for a custom implementation of the A5/1 cipher, we realized that the same algorithm and the identical keys were used in Windows malware that dates back to the end of 2014 and was involved in one of the most notorious Lazarus cases: the cybersabotage of Sony Pictures Entertainment (SHA-1: 1C66E67A8531E3FF1C64AE57E6EDFDE7BEF2352D).

Figure 7. The decryption routine shared between the BADCALL for Linux and targeted destructive malware for Windows from 2014

To recap what weve covered so far, we attribute the 3CX supply-chain attack to the Lazarus group with a high level of confidence. This is based on the following factors:

Figure 8. Loading a configuration file by SimplexTea for Linux, cf. Figure 6

Figure 9. A hardcoded URL in SimplexTea for Linux

The 3CX compromise has gained a lot of attention from the security community since its disclosure on March 29th. This compromised software, deployed on various IT infrastructures, which allows the download and execution of any kind of payload, can have devastating impacts. Unfortunately, no software publisher is immune to being compromised and inadvertently distributing trojanized versions of their applications.

The stealthiness of a supply-chain attack makes this method of distributing malware very appealing from an attackers perspective. Lazarus has already used this technique in the past, targeting South Korean users of WIZVERA VeraPort software in 2020. Similarities with existing malware from the Lazarus toolset and with the groups typical techniques strongly suggest the recent 3CX compromise is the work of Lazarus as well.

It is also interesting to note that Lazarus can produce and use malware for all major desktop operating systems: Windows, macOS, and Linux. Both Windows and macOS systems were targeted during the 3CX incident, with 3CXs VoIP software for both operating systems being trojanized to include malicious code to fetch arbitrary payloads. In the case of 3CX, both Windows and macOS second-stage malware versions exist. This article demonstrates the existence of a Linux backdoor that probably corresponds to the SIMPLESEA macOS malware seen in the 3CX incident. We named this Linux component SimplexTea and showed that it is part of Operation DreamJob, Lazaruss flagship campaign using job offers to lure and compromise unsuspecting victims.

For any inquiries about our research published on WeLiveSecurity, please contact us

ESET Research offers private APT intelligence reports and data feeds. For any inquiries about this service, visit theESET Threat Intelligencepage.

This YARA rule flags the cluster containing both IconicLoader and IconicStealer, as well as the payloads deployed in the cryptocurrency campaigns from December 2022.

/*The following rule will only work with YARA version >= 3.11.0*/import "pe"rule RichHeaders_Lazarus_NukeSped_IconicPayloads_3CX_Q12023{meta:description = " Rich Headers-based rule covering the IconicLoader and IconicStealer from the 3CX supply chain incident, and also payloads from the cryptocurrency campaigns from 2022-12"author = "ESET Research"date = "2023-03-31"hash = "3B88CDA62CDD918B62EF5AA8C5A73A46F176D18B"hash = "CAD1120D91B812ACAFEF7175F949DD1B09C6C21A"hash = "5B03294B72C0CAA5FB20E7817002C600645EB475"hash = "7491BD61ED15298CE5EE5FFD01C8C82A2CDB40EC"condition:pe.rich_signature.toolid(259, 30818) == 9 andpe.rich_signature.toolid(256, 31329) == 1 andpe.rich_signature.toolid(261, 30818) >= 30 and pe.rich_signature.toolid(261, 30818) <= 38 andpe.rich_signature.toolid(261, 29395) >= 134 and pe.rich_signature.toolid(261, 29395) <= 164 andpe.rich_signature.toolid(257, 29395) >= 6 and pe.rich_signature.toolid(257, 29395) <= 14}























The following rule will only work with YARA version >= 3.11.0


import "pe"

rule RichHeaders_Lazarus_NukeSped_IconicPayloads_3CX_Q12023



description = " Rich Headers-based rule covering the IconicLoader and IconicStealer from the 3CX supply chain incident, and also payloads from the cryptocurrency campaigns from 2022-12"

author = "ESET Research"

date = "2023-03-31"

hash = "3B88CDA62CDD918B62EF5AA8C5A73A46F176D18B"

hash = "CAD1120D91B812ACAFEF7175F949DD1B09C6C21A"

hash = "5B03294B72C0CAA5FB20E7817002C600645EB475"

hash = "7491BD61ED15298CE5EE5FFD01C8C82A2CDB40EC"


pe.rich_signature.toolid(259, 30818) == 9 and

pe.rich_signature.toolid(256, 31329) == 1 and

pe.rich_signature.toolid(261, 30818) >= 30 and pe.rich_signature.toolid(261, 30818) <= 38 and

pe.rich_signature.toolid(261, 29395) >= 134 and pe.rich_signature.toolid(261, 29395) <= 164 and

pe.rich_signature.toolid(257, 29395) >= 6 and pe.rich_signature.toolid(257, 29395) <= 14


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Linux malware strengthens links between Lazarus and the 3CX ... - We Live Security

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The Global Digital Evidence Management Market size is expected to … – GlobeNewswire

New York, April 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Global Digital Evidence Management Market Size, Share & Industry Trends Analysis Report By Component, By Deployment Type, By End User, By Regional Outlook and Forecast, 2022 - 2028" - The discovery of vast evidence data is being migrated from spreadsheets to a centralized repository, where the chain of custody is maintained and evidence management alerts are configured.

Worldwide, law enforcement agencies have begun adopting body-worn cameras as a viable approach for enhancing evidentiary outcomes, increasing officer safety, and strengthening officer-community interactions. The cameras have also proven to be a crucial resource for problem-solving, broader law enforcement, and community involvement methods inside jurisdictions.

With millions of vehicles on the road every day, accidents are inevitable. Due to a spike in the frequency of accidents and car thefts, the government has mandated the installation of dashboard cameras, resulting in a considerable increase in dashcam usage over the past few years.

If hackers manage to gain access to the system, collected data may be compromised. Even a single piece of missing or manipulated data could provide difficulty for law enforcement. As data is created from many sources, such as e-mails, transactions, text messages, online accounts, photographs, and browsing histories, the digital evidence management system must be tamper-resistant.

COVID-19 Impact Analysis

Cybercriminals have begun targeting employees who work from home to stop the deadly virus from spreading. Several government agencies have also warned about the Internet security risks related to virtual private networks (VPN), home Wi-Fi networks, and other hardware and software infrastructure installed at residences. Yet, digital forensics businesses play a crucial part in overcoming and resolving these difficulties by providing incident response and digital forensics solutions to fight against and prevent cyberattacks. In light of these elements, the digital evidence management market has witnessed long-term growth prospects due to the pandemic.

Market Growth Factors

Growing volume of digital evidence

Digital evidence is frequently used in crimes in the contemporary world. The amount of digital evidence has multiplied due to the widespread use of cameras, cell phones, laptops, tablets, and huge volumes of email, texts, social media posts, images, and other digital content. Systems for managing digital evidence have evolved into indispensable tools for forensic analysts, supporting the complete lifecycle of the evidence. Due to this increased volume of digital evidence, the digital evidence management market is predicted to witness a significant upsurge in the upcoming years.

Surge usage of emerging technologies in digital evidence management

One of the most common applications of artificial intelligence in video analysis is allocating a zone in the video frame in which any movement triggers an alert. This capability is utilized by retail loss prevention officers to draw attention to activity near high-priced products or to check archived film to establish when an item was removed from a shelf. When provided with descriptive parameters or an example, AI can locate things within a video frame. In a simpler application, AI can analyze a large volume of footage for the presence of a specific car model if it is provided with the vehicles dimensions, shape, and even color.

Market Restraining Factors

Hesitancy over sharing digital evidence

Despite the fact that digital evidence management aids law enforcement agencies in conducting investigations more efficiently, there remains a considerable gap that has law enforcement agencies concerned. These gaps comprise data tampering and manipulation, which can still be overcome with the assistance of market offerings. Still, the issue of data interchange security has not yet been handled. Due to these concerns, the legal officer hesitates to release digital evidence, which may result in lower adoption of digital evidence management solutions, thereby hindering market expansion.

Component Outlook

Based on component, the digital evidence management market is segmented into hardware, software and services. The software segment held the highest revenue share in the digital evidence management market in 2021. Police officers or criminal investigators utilize digital evidence management software to organize digital photos, body camera footage, video surveillance footage, filmed interviews, voice recordings, and physical evidence & property. Moreover, standard solutions incorporate police records, forensics or lab reports, CAD narratives, and more.

Deployment Outlook

On the basis of deployment, the digital evidence management market is divided into on-premise and cloud. The on-premise segment garnered a significant revenue share in the digital evidence management market in 2021. Users do not need an internet connection to access data, which is one of the key benefits of on-premises storage. On-premises servers are inaccessible outside the network since they do not save data online. On-premise digital evidence management firms do not need to request an upgrade to their storage plan or the addition of new capabilities from a cloud storage provider; rather, they can perform the changes themselves.

End User Outlook

By end user, the digital evidence management market is classified into law enforcement agencies and criminal justice agencies. In 2021, the law enforcement agencies segment registered the maximum revenue share in the digital evidence management market. Public safety & law enforcement agencies can use digital evidence management solutions to manage, store, analyze, and exchange a growing amount of digital evidence. It can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud. Many sources may provide the evidence, including dashcams, body-worn cameras, CCTV cameras, and phone records. The system keeps the degree of compliance at its highest.

Regional Outlook

Region-wise, the digital evidence management market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and LAMEA. In 2021, the North America region led the digital evidence management market by generating maximum revenue share. The regional market for digital evidence management has developed significantly. Since 2014, when government financing initiatives for law enforcement body-worn cameras were announced in the United States, the use of body-worn cameras has developed significantly.

The major strategies followed by the market participants are Partnerships. Based on the Analysis presented in the Cardinal matrix; IBM Corporation is the forerunners in the Digital Evidence Management Market. Companies such as Panasonic Holdings Corporation, Motorola Solutions, Inc., and OpenText Corporation are some of the key innovators in Digital Evidence Management Market.

The market research report covers the analysis of key stake holders of the market. Key companies profiled in the report include Panasonic Holdings Corporation, Motorola Solutions, Inc., NICE Ltd., OpenText Corporation, Axon Enterprise, Inc., Genetec, Inc., IBM Corporation, VIDIZMO LLC, Safe Fleet Acquisition Corp., and Cellebrite DI Ltd.

Recent Strategies Deployed in Digital Evidence Management Market

Partnerships, Collaborations and Agreements:

Feb-2023: Safe announced a multi-year licensing agreement with Rekor Systems, an AI technology company for offering insights that make cities smarter, safer, and more efficient, for Rekors AI-powered vehicle identification and LPR technology for the next-generation violation detection platform for Law Enforcement in-car Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR), Transit Automated Bus Lane Enforcement (ABLE), and School Bus Stop Arm Violation Detection. With this integration, the company aims to empower customers with new tools for accelerating roadway safety, protecting communities, and improving transit operations.

Jul-2022: Cellebrite DI Ltd. partnered with Chainalysis, the blockchain data platform, for helping customers in recognizing and assessing criminal activity involving cryptocurrency easily at the time of digital investigations for expediting their resolution.

May-2022: Axon announced a partnership with F?sus, a company focused on real-time crime centers for public safety agencies in the U.S., for expanding F?sus Real Time Crime Center in the Cloud (RTC3) and Axon Respond solutions capabilities for offering better real-time operations situational awareness to agencies. Through the agreement, organizations will be able to more easily and affordably combine live video feeds from linked drones, closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras, public and private cameras, and other sources to give first responders a uniform operating picture.

Mar-2022: VIDIZMO announced a partnership with Hexagons Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial division, for offering improved video content management and evidence to public safety agencies throughout the world. The partnership helped the agencies in better collecting, processing, and analyzing digital evidence for improving the investigation process and increasing case clearance.

Jan-2022: NICE signed a partnership with Magnet Forensics, a company that provides innovative tools to investigate cyberattacks and digital crimes. The partnership streamlines investigators operations, increases productivity, and makes it easier to review more forms of digital evidence. Additionally, police departments can review all the evidence combined in one place, for facilitating case building and reach the truth faster.

Nov-2021: Axon partnered with Skydio, a leading manufacturer of drones and provider of world-leading autonomous flight technology. With this partnership, the user would be able to automatically upload videos and photos, captured through Skydio drones to Axon Evidence with an early access program. This integration will facilitate easy managing and sharing of drone-captured imagery for different agencies, alongside corresponding body camera video. This will provide a more complete picture of the situation.

Apr-2021: Panasonic I-Pro came into partnership with Genetec, Inc., a provider of unified security solutions. The partnership was aimed to provide Cloude powered by Genetec, a cloud-based digital evidence management system (DEMS) to law enforcement clients. Cloude works in direct connection with Panasonic I-Pros in-vehicle camera systems (MK3 and VPU4000) and body-worn cameras (MK3 and BWC4000). Moreover, it enables law enforcement organizations to keep complete ownership of metadata and evidence.

Feb-2021: Axon partnered with Cellebrite, a company focused on digital intelligence, for streamlining investigative workflows for investigators. Following the partnership, Axon Evidence, Axons digital Evidence Management solution integrated with the digital data gathered, reviewed and analyzed by Cellebrites platform, for delivering law enforcement with one place to control, review, and protect, all the digital evidence. Additionally, the partnership would provide investigators and agencies with a range of innovative solutions for getting a comprehensive picture to solve and close the cases fastly.

Aug-2020: Axon came into partnership with Fotokite, a provider of public safety software tools and actively tethered Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) solutions. The partnership focuses on delivering their products and services as the part of Axon Air Program. Additionally, the partnership would allow the former companys law enforcement customer to see live-streamed footage in Axon Evidence, Axons digital evidence management solution. The Fotokite Sigma UAS, situational awareness software tools, and the tools required to monitor, store, and distribute video evidence are all included in the Axon Air program.

Mergers and Acquisitions:

Sep-2022: Safe Fleet took over Kerr Industries with its subsidiaries including Crown North America. The acquisition extended companys uplift capabilities to the law enforcement sector. In addition, Kerr and Crown broadened Safe Fleets trained field installers and commercial vehicle service centers network, to better fulfilling the needs of the law enforcement industry.

Oct-2021: Cellebrite took over Digital Clues, a provider of omnichannel intelligence tools and Digital Detective services. The acquisition reinforced the companys leading Digital Intelligence platform and strengthened its position as the end-to-end technology partner that can digitize the complete investigative workflow. In addition, this acquisition would aid the companys foothold law enforcement investigation unit and intelligence throughout the world.

Aug-2020: Motorola Solutions completed the acquisition of Callyo, a provider of cloud-based mobile applications for law enforcement. The acquisition complemented the companys existing command center software suite critical mobile technology capabilities that allow information to flow seamlessly from field to command center. Moreover, with the addition of Callyos technology, organizations can expand their evidence-collection process and can improve collaboration for building stronger cases efficiently.

Product Launches and Expansions:

Oct-2022: Cellebrite made an enhancement to its investigation and evidence management solution, Cellebrite Guardian, with the addition of new features, focused on the ethical treatment of digital evidence. Cellebrite Guardian is a SaaS-based solution that can be deployed right away, is extremely secure, breaks through organizational silos, and links all stakeholders. For unrestricted evidence access and sharing as well as quick evidence sharing and evaluation for intra- and inter-agency real-time collaboration, turn to Cellebrite Guardian. Cellebrite Guardians new feature, the additional level of the visual cue, makes sure that every content is handled with the highest care.

Dec-2021: Axon unveiled Axon Attorney Premier, the first digital evidence management system created for defense and prosecutors attorneys especially. This system is the addition to the companys Justice Line, a network of interconnected systems developed for simplifying evidence-sharing workflow from prosecutors to law enforcement and defense attorneys. Axon Attorney Premier enables the defense and prosecutor attorneys to manage different forms of digital evidence easily, comprising interview room video, body-worn video, CCTV Video, in-car video, etc.

Nov-2021: OpenText released the Digital Evidence Center, a solution for solving the evidence management challenges for criminal justice and law enforcement. This solution integrates a complete evidence custody chain with evidence storage, ingestion, analysis, search, and reporting capabilities, for providing collaborative case management of forensic evidence, rich-media evidence, and document evidence.

Oct-2020: NICE announced the launch of Evidencentral Marketplace, the first open digital evidence management ecosystem for enhancing digital transformation for criminal justice and law enforcement. This is a technology vendors ecosystem developed for making it fast, simple, and cost-effective for bringing evidence together for expanding case building, addressing evidence disclosure, and unearthing hidden evidence challenges.

Scope of the Study

Market Segments covered in the Report:

By Component


o Evidence Collection, Storage & Sharing

o Evidence Analytics & Visualization

o Evidence Security



By Deployment Type



By End User

Law Enforcement Agencies

Criminal Justice Agencies

By Geography

North America

o US

o Canada

o Mexico

o Rest of North America


o Germany

o UK

o France

o Russia

o Spain

o Italy

o Rest of Europe

Asia Pacific

o China

o Japan

o India

o South Korea

o Singapore

o Malaysia

o Rest of Asia Pacific


o Brazil

o Argentina


o Saudi Arabia

o South Africa

o Nigeria

o Rest of LAMEA

Companies Profiled

Panasonic Holdings Corporation

Motorola Solutions, Inc.


OpenText Corporation

Axon Enterprise, Inc.

Genetec, Inc.

IBM Corporation


Safe Fleet Acquisition Corp.

Cellebrite DI Ltd.

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The Global Digital Evidence Management Market size is expected to ... - GlobeNewswire

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IBM looks to M&As after pancake-flat Q1 Blocks and Files – Blocks and Files

IBM revenues grew just 0.4 percent year-on-year in Q1 2023, held back by its Infrastructure business unit but with storage hardware a bright spot. It sees M&A possibilities ahead and wants to boost its growth with acquisitions.

The legacy player reports revenues from four business units: Software, Consulting, Infrastructure, and Finance. Overall revenues were $14.3 billion with a profit of $927 million, an increase of 26.5 percent on a year ago.

CEO and chairman Arvind Krishna said: Our first quarter results demonstrate that clients continue turning to IBM for our unique combination of an open hybrid cloud platform, enterprise-focused AI, and business expertise to unlock productivity and drive efficiency in their operations. This gives us confidence in our current growth expectations for revenue and free cash flow for the year.

Performance was led by software and consulting as clients continue to accelerate their digital transformations, modernize their applications, automate their workflows and create flexible and secure hybrid cloud environments.

IBM is seeing customers focus on digital transformation slanted towards cost takeout and a quick ROI.

CFO and SVP James Kavanaugh explained: In the quarter, we remained focused on the fundamentals of our business, increasing productivity and generating operating leverage. As a result, we again expanded our gross profit margin, improved our underlying profit performance and increased our cash generation. We are well-positioned to continue investing for growth and returning value to shareholders through dividends.

The four segment results were:

Storage products are sold as hardware in the Infrastructure BU and also in the Software BU. The Infrastructure unit sells hybrid infrastructure products and recorded revenues of $1.7 billion. Within that, zSystem mainframe revenues were up a solid 7 percent annually but distributed infrastructure was down 3 percent. Infrastructure support revenues went down 9 percent.

IBM said distributed infrastructure performance was helped by storage growth but hindered by the larger Power10 component,wherethe high-end Power10 system launch is complete. The actual storage revenue number wasnt revealed.

The Software BUs results were sprightlier, with Hybrid Platforms and Solutions up 2 percent at $4.2 billion. This includes the main driver, Red Hat, with products up 8 percent,and three also-rans. Automation and security software were both down 1 percent while Data and AI revenues rose 1 percent. The transaction processing part of the Software BU saw revenues rise 3 percent to $1.7 billion.

In the Red Hat area, IBM is now seeing OpenShift annual recurring revenue (ARR) reach $1 billion, which helped the overall Hybrid Platforms and Solutions ARR hit $13.5 billion. Storage software revenues within the Software BU were not disclosed. Kavanaugh said that the DB2 product was included in the data and AI segment, where it serves as the underpinnings for modern AI and mission-critical workloads.

Financial summary:

On an earnings call Krisha said: Our focus remains on revenue growth and free cash flow, with Kavanaugh adding that, for the full 2023 year: [We] expect free cash flow of about $10.5 billion, which is up over $1 billion year-to-year.

And Kavanaugh mentioned: Software and consulting are our growth vectors and now represent about three quarters of our annual revenue. As the z16 mainframe cycle winds down: We expect 2023 infrastructure revenue to decline. [This] should impact IBMs overall revenue growth by over 1 point.

IBM is very pleased with its Red Hat acquisition, with Kavanaugh saying: Were four years into this acquisition. We have quadrupled the Red Hat revenue from pre-acquisition in three and half years.

That positive background was there when Krishna answered a question about IBMs merger and acquisitions activity, saying: M&A is a very definite part of our model.

He explained: As asset prices adjust, this could be quite an opportunistic time Were going to be judicious. Were going to wait for the right time. And it is going to be in the areas that we want. Those areas are going to be in our higher-value software and in areas where consulting can accelerate. We expect to remain 60 percent, maybe 75 percent of our total spend will be in software. The remaining will be in consulting. In software, were going to stick to our areas: hybrid cloud, artificial intelligence and data, cyber, automation.

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IBM looks to M&As after pancake-flat Q1 Blocks and Files - Blocks and Files

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What if cloud data was stored on floppy disks? – BetaNews

In 2020 alone, 61 percent of businesses migrated their workloads to the cloud, with 48 percent actively choosing to store their most important data in the cloud.

But because cloud storage is out of sight it can sometimes be difficult to understand just how much data there is stored out there.

By 2025, there will be an estimated 175 zettabytes of stored data in the cloud. In order to help visualize what these volumes of data mean Distrelec has created a clever infographic depicting European cloud data volumes as stacks of 3.5-inch 1.44MB floppy disks (younger readers ask your parents).

With each floppy having a depth of 3.3mm the disks for all of the nations studied would create a stack higher than the cruising altitude of a Boeing 747 (10km, or over 30,000 ft).

The largest cloud user in the study, Germanys storage equivalent in floppy disks would reach a height of 440,396 km, that's 55,996km higher than the moon and over 5,500 times the cruising height of a 747 airliner.

Italy, comes second with business storage requirements of 130,964 TB, reaching 302,854 km from the Earth or two-thirds of the way to the moon. France is third with less than half of Italy's data, but that's still a 125,417km high stack of floppies. Even tiny Malta would have a stack of disks over 4,000Km high.

You can see the graphic below.

Image credit: bepsimage/

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What if cloud data was stored on floppy disks? - BetaNews

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Why multi-cloud visibility is more vital than ever – TechRadar

Todays enterprises are increasingly multi-cloud, harnessing an average of three different cloud (opens in new tab) service providers (CSPs) to achieve flexibility, efficiency, and scalability. Alongside the growing use of containerization with technologies such as Kubernetes (opens in new tab), these expanding cloud environments are delivering huge benefits. However, this also leads to greater, more complex issues around visibility, security (opens in new tab), and cost.

If data (opens in new tab) is the new gold, enterprises need to have full visibility and full control over this precious resource. The question is, how can businesses take responsibility for their cloud-based data if they lack visibility into what or where it is? Here we explore why visibility is more important than ever in todays multi-cloud world, and why a single-view approach is needed to ensure a return on cloud strategies.

Visibility is at the core of robust data management strategies. If you cannot see data, how can you control, protect, and utilize it?

In harnessing the benefits of the cloud, enterprises want to reduce the operational complexity and costs associated with managing multi-cloud environments, while also ensuring that they own and control their data no matter where it resides. Where visibility and control are lacking, enterprises cannot realize the value of their data. They may incur unnecessary costs such as redundant storage and face greater compliance challenges. Not only that, but cloud-based data blind spots undermine data and application (opens in new tab) resiliency and cybersecurity (opens in new tab).

However, as uncovered in our latest research, four in ten organizations confess they dont have full visibility into data stored in cloud environments, and 92% said they needed to improve their ability to track their entire data footprint.

With a view and control of the entire data estateacross edge, data center, and cloudfrom a single pane of glass, organizations can realize the benefits of multi-cloud without losing control and authority over their data.

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Ian Wood is the Senior Director and Head of Technology at Veritas.

One of the fundamental reasons enterprises turn to CSPs is the perceived benefits of ease of use, flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and peace of mind in terms of core needs such as security, backup and recovery. While the public cloud does indeed offer a myriad of benefits, organizations are in danger of assuming they are getting more than they actually are.

For example, the complexity of multi-cloud environments is leading many organizations to rely heavily on CSPs standard, add-on services for data security, backup, and recovery. These basic tools can create a false sense of security because they do not provide cross-cloud visibility and observability for all data and applications, as well as continuous data protection.

And, in a world where ransomware has evolved into a sophisticated form of organized crime, CSP tools do not offer the level of ransomware resilience, immutable storage, and reliable disaster recovery todays enterprises require. As a result, companies using these native tools are more severely impacted by ransomware.

The good news is that many recognize this risk and can take action. Almost three-quarters(73%) of enterprises told us they are aware of gaps in their cybersecurity when using a native cloud security tool. And over half said their organization is at risk of being the victim of ransomware as a result of relying on native cloud security backup.

Add to this is the fact that more than six in ten enterprises rely on default settings, rather than configuring native tools to their organization's unique requirements. In most cases, these settings do not provide adequate cover and instead widen the vulnerability gap.

As The Center for Internet Security warns, To avoid a gap in protection, consider implementing third-party tools to harden systems in addition to the CSPs native security tools. Its better to have overlaps between third-party security tools and the CSPs security services than to have gaps in your cloud security.

Native tools may appear easy to implement as an add-on service and seem cost-effective at the outset, but these are dangerous and potentially costly mistakes. Until organizations reassess their reliance on multiple and disparate CSP tools, visibility into their enterprise operations will remain low, while their vulnerability to ransomware attacks, potential for data and financial loss, and downtime and compliance issues will likely increase.

The rise of multi-cloud creates a transformative infrastructure and application development platform for enterprises. Tools offered by CSPs deliver basic functionality, but mission-critical applications require enterprise-grade capabilities and cross-cloud data mobility and visibility.

There is a clear advantage to streamlining data visibility and protection with a single solution that can reduce costs and complexity, as well as provide enhanced and multiple layers of cloud data and application security.

When you are in control of your multi-cloud, you get the most out of your enterprises most valuable resources by enabling cost optimization, accelerated technology adoption, fast recovery, analytics and insights, in tandem with cyber resiliency.

We've featured the best cloud backup. (opens in new tab)

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Why multi-cloud visibility is more vital than ever - TechRadar

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Is it time to buy Bitcoin and Ethereum or is it altcoin season? – Crypto News Flash

Source: Thought Catalog - Unsplash

This week was a crucial one for the crypto market, particularly because of the unexpected highs and lows. Leading cryptocurrencies surged and dipped at different times, leading to a change in market sentiments. At this time, the entire cryptocurrency market is blinking in red, and expectations are sideways.

Bitcoin, the most valued cryptocurrency by market cap, has not been spared. The asset has been in critics books since the start of the year, as many weigh the possibility of Bitcoin reclaiming previous highs. Although Bitcoin bulls have done enough to push the asset to levels last seen in 2022, market players are divided on whether or not buying Bitcoin at this time is profitable.

Following the massive price dips from Thursday, Bitcoin slumped and lost momentum above $30,000. The big bull initially dropped to a price of $29,100, before shedding a significant number of gains. Over the last 7-days, Bitcoin has lost 10.40 percent of its value. Within the last 24 hours and 1-hour time frame, Bitcoin is down by 3 percent and 0.23 percent respectively. At report time, the apex crypto trades at a price of $27,275.

Speaking on Bitcoins current movement, Twitter user Negentropic, the co-founder of Glassnode maintains that Bitcoins price action alliance with expectations, based on the fact that implies volatility and realized volatility are still closely aligned. He claims that the recent drop in Bitcoins price was a move that was already anticipated to test the price action channel as depicted on the chart.

He also gives insight into the recent long squeeze from $30,000 to the lower $29,000 area, which led to the liquidation of $260 million worth of loan positions in the previous days.

The Bitcoin Risk Signal is at 0 (figure 4) looking a bit shaky in the short run despite the recent volatility, indicating a lack of panic selling. The Fear and Greed Index retracted from the greed zone to a neutral position at 52 points. Meanwhile, the current market environment, characterized by unrealized profits outpacing unrealized losses (see NUPL on glassnode), implies optimism in the medium and long term.

Similarly, Ethereum (ETH) has been hit by the bearish wave. Ethereum currently trades at a price of $1,849, as weekly losses surge past 12 percent. There has been strong selling pressure and ETH bulls are yet to clear up 24-hours losses, which is nearing 4 percent at report time.

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However, key players like BitMexs Authur Hayes and similar crypto proponents have hinted that altcoin season has arrived. Around this time, altcoins are expected to outperform Bitcoin, and as such an Ethereum bounce back is not unlikely.

Crypto News Flash does not endorse and is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy, quality, advertising, products, or other materials on this page. Readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to cryptocurrencies. Crypto News Flash is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods, or services mentioned.

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Is it time to buy Bitcoin and Ethereum or is it altcoin season? - Crypto News Flash

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It’s Altcoin Season: Why Big Eyes Coin, Shiba Inu and Dogecoin Are … – Analytics Insight

The world of cryptocurrency is a constantly evolving landscape, with new projects and altcoins emerging every day. One phenomenon that has captured the attention of investors and enthusiasts alike is the concept of alt seasons. Alt seasons refer to a period in the crypto market where alternative cryptocurrencies or altcoins experience a surge in price and volume. This article aims to provide an analysis of the history of alt seasons, the reasons behind their occurrence, and a comparative analysis of three promising altcoins Big Eyes Coin (BIG), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and Dogecoin (DOGE). By the end of this article, readers will gain a deeper understanding of these altcoins and how they can potentially provide profitable investment opportunities.

Big Eyes is a relatively new cryptocurrency that has been gaining popularity in the crypto market. The projects primary focus is to create a fair and decentralized financial system that provides users with complete control over their funds. The platform leverages advanced blockchain technology to offer users a secure and transparent way to transact.

Big Eyes have a unique approach to liquidity, which is one of the primary drivers of alt seasons. By utilizing a novel liquidity pool model, the platform ensures that users can easily access liquidity when they need it. This model also ensures that the price of the token remains stable, which is crucial for investors looking to hold their tokens long-term.

The project has gained significant momentum in recent months, by introducing loot boxes and bonus offers, this gives potential investors many opportunities to gain extra $BIG. Use code END300 before the 3rd of June when the presale officially ends.

Shiba Inu is another altcoin that has garnered significant attention in the crypto market. The project was created as a tongue-in-cheek homage to Dogecoin, another popular altcoin. However, despite its playful origins, the project has quickly become one of the most promising altcoins in the market.

Shiba Inus liquidity strategy is unique and is based on the concept of burning tokens. The projects developers have committed to burning a significant portion of the token supply, which reduces the number of tokens in circulation, increasing their scarcity and value. This strategy has proven successful, as the tokens price has skyrocketed in recent months.

The projects success can also be attributed to its growing community, which has been actively involved in promoting the token and pushing for its adoption. Shiba Inu has also recently announced plans to launch its decentralized exchange, which could further increase demand for the token. Shib: The Metaverse is also another highly anticipated project within the Shiba Inu world thats causing potential investors to want to get involved.

Dogecoin is one of the most well-known altcoins in the market as it is one of the first meme coins to exist. The project was created as a joke cryptocurrency but has since become a serious investment opportunity for many traders and investors. The unique meme of the Shiba Inu dog giving a side eye to the camera surrounded by an array of sarcastic comments is why Dogecoin is such a memorable cryptocurrency today.

Dogecoins liquidity strategy is relatively simple, with the platform relying on market demand to drive liquidity. However, the project has a robust community of supporters who actively promote the token and push for its adoption. This community-driven approach has been one of the primary drivers of the projects success

Alt seasons have become a significant phenomenon in the crypto market, providing individuals with lucrative investment opportunities. Big Eyes Coin, Shiba Inu, and Dogecoin are three promising altcoins that have proven to be successful in the market. Each project has a unique approach to liquidity, which has played a significant role in driving its success.




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It's Altcoin Season: Why Big Eyes Coin, Shiba Inu and Dogecoin Are ... - Analytics Insight

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Mother of All Altcoin Seasons Almost Upon Us, With Dogecoin (DOGE) To Play its Part, Says Popular Trader – The Daily Hodl

A popular crypto trader says an epic altcoin season is likely to arrive this year which will probably send Dogecoin (DOGE) much higher.

The pseudonymous analyst known as Credible Crypto tells his 339,900 Twitter followers that he believes Bitcoin (BTC) will hit a new all-time high (ATH) in 2023, before altcoins enter their own euphoric phase.

Credible notes that grabbing DOGE at the $0.05 level would be a 20x return back to all-time highs.

Ive never bought DOGE before. But I do think that if my thesis plays out and BTC makes a new ATH this year, the mother of all alt seasons will follow and you can bet DOGE will have its place in that. Ill make my first buy if price comes down to my area of interest below $0.0500

Honestly for now just thinking if I can pick it up below $0.0500 at the minimum will be a 20x to old highs. Havent even thought about targets after that yet.

While many analysts are expecting a lengthy consolidation period before any real bull run, Credible has been adamant that BTC is about to go on a parabolic rally to new all-time highs by the end of this year. He says hes anticipating capital flowing out of altcoins and into BTC during its rally, before flooding back in after the king crypto breaks its new high.

I expect that as BTC keeps climbing here to $40,000-$50,000+ money flows out of alts (like DOGE) into BTC. This would lead to a slow bleed down on many alts until BTC breaks prior ATH and new money comes flowing in.

Also on the crypto traders radar is Ethereum (ETH) challenger Hedera (HBAR). He says HBAR looks exceptionally bullish on the higher timeframes, and that hed be looking to stack more at the $0.05 level.

BTC must hold $28,000s for HBAR to hold this level as well. If not, may get a chance at some $0.0500 HBAR again. I wouldnt be selling HBAR at these levels for a chance at .05 that may never come. However, I would be setting bids between $0.0500-$0.0600 to add to spot holdings in case we DO get that chance. Higher timeframes still exceptionally bullish so in the grand scheme of things this is noise (unless youre actively hunting for spots to add to your holdings).

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Frank Rohde

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Mother of All Altcoin Seasons Almost Upon Us, With Dogecoin (DOGE) To Play its Part, Says Popular Trader - The Daily Hodl

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Coinbase listing roadmap fuel rallies in Ethereum-based altcoin and another Arbitrum-based project – FXStreet

Coinbase, an American exchange, has released a new listing roadmap causing these two altcoins to rally, an Ethereum (ETH)-based altcoin and a low-cap Arbitrum (ARB)-based project.

Based on the announcement, Coinbase would be integrating cross-chain bridge Multichain (MULTI) and Arbitrum-based stablecoin issuer and decentralized finance (DeFi) developer Sperax (SPA) to its listing roadmap.

Following the announcement, MULTI soared 12.6% from a 24-hour low of around $10.70 to an intra-day high of $12.05, barely hours after Coinbases Twitter post went up. However, the altcoin has since retraced to trade at $10.88 at the time of writing.

MULTI/USDT 1-day chart

The Multichain ecosystem is a cross-chain platform where users can conveniently bridge tokens across multiple blockchains. Based on latest data, the platform currently supports up to 74 chains.

On the other hand, SPA, an Arbitrum-based stablecoin issuer and DeFi developer reacted to the listing news with an uptick of around 70%, exploding from its 24-hour low of $0.00540 to an astonishing $0.00782 within minutes post-listing announcement.

SPA/USDT 1-day chart

While Sperax also pulled back shortly after, it regained momentum to secure a market valuation of around $0.00730 at the time of writing, denoting an increase of over 39% in the last 24 hours.

The Sperax ecosystem is reputed for developing a pioneer auto-yielding stablecoin. Speaking on the stablecoin, crypto analytics platform Messari said,

It combines the scalability benefits of algorithmic stablecoins with the stability benefits of collateralized stablecoins.

Securing a listing on a large cryptocurrency exchange is a big deal for any project as such events can often determine a make-or-break level for the adoption and market impact of the concerned coin. Moreover, being listed on one exchange relative to another could mean the difference between one hundred thousand and ten million customers. This explains why it is of utmost significance that a crypto project, new and old alike, secures a listing spot with top-tier exchanges like Binance or Coinbase.

Notably, a project could have a lot of potentialbut may fail to reach this potential simply because of a lack of exchange listings.

While featuring on Coinbases roadmap does not guarantee that Multichain and Sperax will be listed, it indicates that the largest crypto exchange in America has seen their potential and may support MULTI and SPA in the future.

Notably, Coinbase exchange developed a new roadmap system in an attempt to foster transparency in its listing processes while preventing inside trading.

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Coinbase listing roadmap fuel rallies in Ethereum-based altcoin and another Arbitrum-based project - FXStreet

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Ethereum Classic [ETC] leads the altcoin decline- Heres the detailed report – AMBCrypto News

The crypto market cap fell 4.48% in the last 24 hours, at the time of writing. Most of the wiped-out liquidity was from the altcoin market and Ethereum Classic was one of the coins at the forefront of the latest sell-off.

Is your portfolio green? Check out the Ethereum Classic Profit Calculator

A brief look at CoinMarketCap revealed that the top altcoins shed a substantial amount of value in the last 24 hours.

This decline was largely associated with the uncertainty caused by SEC chair Garry Gensler during a recent congressional hearing.

Ethereum Classic appears to be among the top coins caught up in the recent contagion.

Consider this- ETC fell by over 8% in the last 24 hours, wiping out all of the gains that it achieved in the second week of April.

The previous rally had resulted in a breakout from its megaphone pattern that prevailed since February. The breakout led to a stronger bullish expectation but ETC cooled down slightly since mid-February.

The selling pressure, at press time, pushed the alt below the 50% RSI level which suggested that the market favored the bears.

Switching to the 4-hour price chart revealed that the price was, at press time, oversold, but a slight recovery was in sight. This is because the price has retested short-term support near the $20.18 price zone.

While there is a significant prospect of a bounce back from the current level, it is worth noting that Ethereum Classic has so far lost slightly over $367 million from its market cap since 14 April.

However, it regained roughly $16 million from its 24-hour bottom.

Realistic or not, heres Ethereum Classics market cap in BTC terms

Furthermore, Ethereum Classics on-chain volume fell significantly in the last seven days. However, it registered a slight uptick over the last day, likely associated with the accumulation after the dip. Furthermore, the daily volume surged back above $200 million.

Current observations suggest that the initial wave of sell pressure is cooling down. The slight market cap gain indicates that some investors are already looking to capitalize on the recovery.

Ethereum Classic bulls were taking a break before the latest crash, hence many buyers may see the current drawdown as an opportunity to buy back at a steeper-than-anticipated discount.

While the current expectations are bullish, it does not necessarily mean that the bears are done with their assault. There is still a probability of more downside if Ethereum Classic fails to secure enough bullish momentum.

See the original post:
Ethereum Classic [ETC] leads the altcoin decline- Heres the detailed report - AMBCrypto News

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