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Five Key Challenges with DeFi Solved with the Stellar Smart Contract Platform – The Defiant – DeFi News

Learn why builders are using the Stellar network to develop the next generation of DeFi applications

Stellar has made a significant move with the launch of Soroban, a new smart contract platform. As an OG Layer 1 blockchain with a decade in the space, Stellar leverages its unique position to offer fresh insights and enhancements. This strategic, late-stage entry has allowed for a complete redesign from the ground up, resulting in Soroban, integrated into Stellars Protocol 20 in May 2024. Soroban represents a next-gen platform that capitalizes on extensive industry knowledge to provide a cutting-edge user experience.

Many networks face congestion leading to transaction delays. Fundamental architectural challenges have emerged in retrofitting existing protocols, resulting in numerous compromises.

Solution: Soroban, built with WASM and Rust, offers:

Re-entry attacks, like the one that cost Fei Protocol $80M, are a significant threat. Many platforms lack adequate defenses against such vulnerabilities.

Solution: Soroban contracts prevent re-entry by default and offer comprehensive unit testing and fuzzing. Combined with the Soroban SDK, developers can create robust applications capable of handling billions of legitimate transactions.

Ethereums state bloat is a well-known issue. While solutions like sharding exist, they often serve as temporary fixes rather than permanent solutions.

Solution: Stellar introduces state expiration, akin to "charging rent," to efficiently manage data and maintain a manageable state size. Key features include:

High transaction costs can deter user adoption.Stellar offers an average transaction cost of USD $0.00000392, significantly cheaper than Ethereum, Solana, and most other Layer 1 chains. Theefficient and novel POA (Proof of Agreement) Stellar Consensus Mechanism and tunable gas model ensure low costs while maintaining strong correlations between compute resources and fees.

Many DeFi products remain inaccessible to users without traditional banking services. Lack of payment rails in regions with underdeveloped banking infrastructure is therefore a very real challenge.

Solution: Stellar boasts the second-largest network of cash on/off ramps, second only to Bitcoin. Unlike Bitcoin, Stellar supports the use of smart contracts and the flexibility to create a greater variety ofDeFi applications. This extensive network enables:

Soroban, the smart contracts platform live on Stellar mainnet, is changing the DeFi landscape by addressing these fundamental issues, while providing a robust, accessible platform for development worldwide.

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Five Key Challenges with DeFi Solved with the Stellar Smart Contract Platform - The Defiant - DeFi News

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Dr. Jordan Peterson, Notre Dame and the Upside-Down World of Culture – Daily Citizen

When you have something to say, silence is a lie, says Dr. Jordan Peterson, the renowned author, speaker and former professor at the University of Toronto.

It seems Peterson has a lot to say these days, and he has no interest in being a liar.

At the outset of June Pride Month in the United States and Pride Season (June-Sept) in Canada, the unapologetic lecturer lit up X over the weekend with a series of provocative tweets.

The celebration of casual hedonistic self-centered sex is not the celebration of love, Dr. Peterson wrote. Pride is not a festival of love. Its a festival of pride. Thats why its called Pride. I believe people when they say what they mean. And now its a whole bloody season. Not a parade. Not a day. Not a week. Not a month. A season. Why? Because self-absorbed narcissists have no limits. The outer edge of no limits is where the real monsters live. A warning.

There was more:

Furthermore, Pride is not inclusive. It excludes everyone who is not part of the bloody rainbow brigade, and purposefully

And seriously enough of the gender-affirming butchers and liars (and there are few lies currently circulating bigger than that term and everything it represents). The gender-affirming movement will be the death first of the gay community, which never was a community, by the way, so thats yet another lie. So theres no coalition at all on the LGBTETC, much less a community. There is instead an internal battle there that is far worse than anything the LG types faced back when the only thing they had to worry about was Christian conservatism. At least no one was being castrated or subjected to unnecessary mastectomies in those bad old days.

Contrast Dr. Peterson, who is neither a theologian nor pastor, nor even a Christian, with a tweet from the University of Notre Dame, purportedly one of the leading Catholic universities in the nation.

This #PrideMonth, in keeping with our Catholic character, we seek to build a community in which all students are welcome, feel a sense of belonging, and can flourish on campus and in our Notre Dame family.

To all members of the LGBTQ+ community, including our own students, alumni, faculty and staff, were glad youre here.

Of course anyone struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction is to be treated warmly and lovingly, but Catholic teaching does not call for those living in a sin to be celebrated and left to go on sinning. Where is the call for repentance and change?

Instead, Notre Dame publishes a series of photographs of the college lit up in different colors side-by-side, an obvious nod to the co-opted rainbow symbolism.

In the upside-down world of 2024, a secular professor is speaking truth while a university run by a Catholic order is perpetuating a lie.

Images from Shutterstock and Getty.

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Dr. Jordan Peterson, Notre Dame and the Upside-Down World of Culture - Daily Citizen

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‘Pride Is Not A Virtue’: Jordan Peterson Says He Is ‘Done’ With Pride Month – The Daily Wire

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson expressed this week that he is already done with Pride Month, the LGBT celebrations that started when June began on Saturday.

The clinical psychologist and Daily Wire+ host shared his perspective with Fox News, saying Pride Month involves a dangerous lie with real monsters hovering on the edges.

Im just done with it. I dont like the flag. I think its a piece of idiocy. I dont understand why it changes every bloody week. I dont know who makes those decisions, Peterson said. I dont like the acronym and all the mystery surrounding it. I dont like the fact that the LGBT agenda, whatever that is, increasingly dominates the school system. I dont like the fact that its targeted at young people.

Peterson said he also has a problem with the idea of the LGBT community, especially in light of gender ideology and its influence on children.

Because its not a community, and its especially not a community right now, because the trans-pushing, gender-affirming butchers and liars primarily target young people whose most likely outcome on the sexual front is homosexuality, he said.

So the transgender-affirming butchers and liars are differentially destroying the youthful gay community, Peterson added. And thats not a community by any stretch of the imagination.

In recent years, a wave of seemingly gender dysphoric children in both the U.S. and Europe have been approved for drugs and surgeries to make them appear as the opposite sex. Some European countries and U.S. states have since pumped the brakes on these treatments.


Peterson added that he thinks transgender surgery is Nazi, Auschwitz level awful and such surgeries on children should not only stop, but the surgeons who performed them should be imprisoned.

Peterson also cited author G.K Chesterton, who offered a rule of thumb that you should not destroy a fence before knowing why it was put up in other words, people should not destroy an institution or tradition before understanding why it is in place.

The pride movement has torn down a lot of fences, and maybe some of those fences needed to go. But all of them didnt need to go, and theres plenty of monsters coming out to play now, Peterson said.

Thats why were seeing this butchery in the medical community, abetted by idiot allies and driven by greed. And those arent the worst monsters that exist. And so, if you tear down enough fences, youre going to find out what theyre for, Peterson said.

Keep pushing. Keep pushing. Youre going to lose everything youve gained. And Im not celebrating that at all, Peterson said.

Peterson also criticized Pride Months name.

You should be very careful what you name things, and pride is not a virtue, Peterson.

Pride is a cardinal sin, and theres a reason for that, he continued. Pride means something like stubborn refusal to change when evidence of error is accruing, and its not a good thing.

Peterson noted that some LGBT supporters may argue that they do not really mean pride, they are just trying to affirm their identities.

Fair enough, I suppose, to some degree, but that was the name that was chosen, and thats the name that stuck, Peterson said.

Theres a real tinge of narcissism, sexual narcissism, about the whole pride spectacle, he said. Do people have the right to express their sexuality the way they see fit? To some degree, if its consensual and among adults, but generally among human beings with any degree of civilized comportment whatsoever, its a pretty damn private affair.

Its also the case that identities based on something as narrow as sexual desire, lets say, arent identities at all. Theyre pronouncements of subjection to instinctual whim, Peterson said.

The rest is here:
'Pride Is Not A Virtue': Jordan Peterson Says He Is 'Done' With Pride Month - The Daily Wire

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Important Words From Dr. Jordan Peterson on the Month of June – The Transformed Wife

Dear @JustinTrudeau and @liberal_party:

The celebration of casual hedonistic self-centered sex is not the celebration of love.

The celebration of casual hedonistic self-centered sex is not the celebration of love.

Pride is not a festival of love. Its a festival of pride. Thats why its called Pride.

I believe people when they say what they mean.

And now its a whole bloody season. Not a parade. Not a day. Not a week. Not a month. A season.


Because self-absorbed narcissists have no limits.

The outer edge of no limits is where the real monsters live.

A warning.


Pride is not inclusive. It excludes everyone who is not part of the bloody rainbow brigade, and purposefully.

It excludes everyone sensible enough to keep their private lives private.


The government has absolutely no business involving itself in any of this.


Even @JustinTrudeaus almost equally reprehensible father said and so famously,

There is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation.

Enough bloody pride. Enough pride in the banks. Enough pride in the churches. Enough rainbows on the streets.

Enough of whatever the hell that flag purports to be. Who keeps designing and changing that demented rag, anyway? Who decides that its time for yet another one, even though it changed last month? Who decides where and when it flies, and why? Some secret cabal of dog-mask-wearing S and M aficionados and moralists?

And enough of the ever-extending idiot acronym that only the propagandized insiders can even remember


Enough of that

And seriously enough of the gender-affirming butchers and liars (and there are few lies currently circulating bigger than that term and everything it represents).

The gender-affirming movement will be the death first of the gay community, which never was a community, by the way, so thats yet another lie.

So theres no coalition at all on the LGBTETC, much less a community. There is instead an internal battle there that is far worse than anything the LG types faced back when the only thing they had to worry about was Christian conservatism.

At least no one was being castrated or subjected to unnecessary mastectomies in those bad old days.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another*; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. Romans 1:20-28

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Important Words From Dr. Jordan Peterson on the Month of June - The Transformed Wife

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Jordan Peterson kicks off Pride Season with a scathing critique of the movement – True North

Only one day into the Liberal governments newly proclaimed Pride Season, and renowned psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson has already had enough.

Pride is not a festival of love. Its a festival of pride. Thats why its called Pride, Peterson said on X. And now its a bloody season. Not a parade. Not a day. Not a week. Not a month. A season.

He called the event, which has been transformed to encompass almost the entire summer, a celebration of casual hedonistic, self-centred sex, which he distinguishes from love.

He said despite the stated values of the movement, Pride doesnt include those who are not part of the bloody rainbow brigade or those who are sensible enough to keep their private lives private.

Further, he criticized the governments incessant financial support and promotion of the movement and celebrations.

The government has absolutely no business involving itself in any of this, Peterson said. Even Justin Trudeaus almost equally reprehensible father said and so famously, There is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation.

Enough bloody pride. Enough pride in the banks. Enough pride in the churches. Enough rainbows on the streets, he continued. Enough of whatever the hell that flag purports to be.

Peterson questioned who makes the decisions that lead governments and activists to incorporate whatever variant of the ever-evolving Pride flag, or as Peterson called it, the demented rag, is flown.

Who decides where and when it flies, and why? Some secret cabal of dog-mask-wearing S and M aficionados and moralists? he said. And enough of the ever-extending idiot acronym that only the propagandized insiders can even remember.

According to the Canadian government website, It has currently settled on the acronym being 2SLGBTQI+. The 2S stands for Two-Spirited, for people who identify as having both a masculine and feminine spirit but is exclusive to Indigenous people, the L for Lesbian, G for Gay, B is Bisexual, T is Transgender, Q for Queer, the I is Intersex and the plus encompasses everything else.

The gay rights movement, which began as a fight for the rights of gay people to love whomever they want, now includes aromantic people who dont want to romantically love anyone, which the government distinguishes from sexual preferences.

Peterson aimed at what he called the gender-affirming butchers and liars, who advocate for life-altering transgender procedures for children and adults.

He also noted an apparent divide among those the government and activists would call the 2SLGBTQI+ community, particularly among gays and lesbians.

Theres no coalition at all on the LGBTETC, much less a community. There is instead an internal battle there that is far worse than anything the LG types faced back when the only thing they had to worry about was Christian conservatism, Peterson said. At least no one was being castrated or subjected to unnecessary mastectomies in those bad old days.

In an interview on the Shawn Ryan Show podcast, Peterson expressed his opposition to the Pride movement in another way.

The words pride. Thats the word that was chosen, and its pride in relationship, as far as I can tell, to nothing but hedonistic self-gratification. Its like your identity is going to be your sexual desire? Thats your identity? Your sexual desire? he said on the show. That means youve reduced your identity to the most immature and hedonistic part of you, the part that would exploit someone else for your gratification, for example, the part that would exploit you for your gratification.

He said its that very identity that Western society is now being called to celebrate. Peterson thinks that is a very bad idea.

True North contacted Pride Toronto and PFlag Canada to respond to Petersons arguments but did not receive a response before the deadline.

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Jordan Peterson kicks off Pride Season with a scathing critique of the movement - True North

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16 Pitt students will research electrical grid sustainability through SHURE-Grid – University of Pittsburgh

This summer, 16 University of Pittsburgh students from a variety of disciplines will perform research focused on improving electrical grid sustainability, developing verified vignettes and creating new knowledge building on cyber-informed engineering through SHURE-Grid.

The program is a collaborative partnership between the David C. Frederick Honors College, Swanson School of Engineering, Pitts Office of Research and the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) that provides students with experience solving real-world problems while engaging with one of the 17 national U.S. Department of Energy labs.

Its among 90 Frederick Honors College summer fellowship and internship awards including the prestigious Brackenridge Fellowship as well as opportunities in community research, creative arts, health sciences research and public service. Students from across all disciplines can apply by proposing a research topic, finding a faculty sponsor and committing to completing and presenting their research by the end of summer.

The sixteen SHURE-Grid participants are:

Originally posted here:

16 Pitt students will research electrical grid sustainability through SHURE-Grid - University of Pittsburgh

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Master’s student capstone spotlight: AI-Assisted Frontline Negotiation – Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Data science and computational science and engineering masters students at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) take AC297R: Computational Science and Engineering Capstone Project. Taught by Weiwei Pan, Assistant Director for Graduate Studies in Data Science, the course groups students together for semester-long research projects in which they work with client organizations to tackle real-world challenges.

AI-Assisted Frontline Negotiation

Susannah Su (AB/SM 25), Nathan Zhao (AB/SM 24)

Client: Frontline Associates

What real-world challenge does this project address?

Negotiators usually have to read through hundreds of pages of documents, extract and synthesize useful information to form their arguments and agenda for negotiations. In frontline or crisis negotiation, time is the key. Hence, how to process and analyze a large amount of documents very quickly becomes an important question that negotiators care about. This project aims to provide a solution to this question. Using the three tools that we developed empowered by ChatGPT, negotiators will be able to reduce the time needed to go through and analyze all the documents from days to just minutes.

How does this research attempt to solve that real-world challenge?

We made use of existing negotiation preparation frameworks to develop instructions for our customized GPT bot, then tested the instructions to improve the quality of the responses through prompt engineering. We found that our tools generate stable responses and very similar responses to actual human practitioners. On top of that, we also developed a crisis negotiation simulator that will help train practitioners by simulating a real life scenario. The negotiator trainer can use the voice-to-voice function in ChatGPT to actually practice negotiating with different stakeholders in the simulated scenario. We interviewed actual practitioners to get their opinions on using AI in assisting negotiations, and presented at the Berlin Moot Conference for peacemaking to other negotiators.

How did you apply the skills you learned at SEAS to your project?

We used a lot of the natural language processing and language model techniques we learned in class, as well as a technical mindset and problem solving skills that we have built at SEAS.

What part of the project proved the most challenging?

The most challenging part was working with partners that are not technical. As engineers, we talk in engineers languages. But to solve real-life problems, oftentimes our partners come from non-technical backgrounds. It is hard but impactful to be able to translate the needs of non-technical partners into a technical problem, then communicate our progress and concerns in languages that non-technical people can understand.

What part of the project did you enjoy the most?

We really enjoyed the day when we interviewed the experienced crisis negotiator Kirk Kinnell. We let him try the crisis negotiation simulator, and just seeing him getting so excited about AI and actually negotiating with the language model was super satisfying and fun.

What did you learn, or skills did you gain, through this project?

This project actually made us start thinking about doing research in the future. The most important lesson we have learned is that college is what you make of it. Our group included first-generation college students who never thought about studying STEM in high school, not to mention doing a concurrent master in STEM and even considering a Ph.D. We started interacting with more of the research community here because of this project, and we found it very exciting to have the opportunity to tackle problems that you really care about using the skills we have. There are so many opportunities here and so many people who are willing to mentor and help you. You have to be proactive enough to make the most out of these opportunities. We are very grateful to all of the people who have helped and guided me in the past, and now we are in a position doing something that we never thought was possible.

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Master's student capstone spotlight: AI-Assisted Frontline Negotiation - Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

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QS ranks MIT the world’s No. 1 university for 2024-25 – MIT News

MIT has again been named the worlds top university by the QS World University Rankings, which were announced today. This is the 13th year in a row MIT has received this distinction.

The full 2025 edition of the rankings published by Quacquarelli Symonds, an organization specializing in education and study abroad can be found at The QS rankings are based on factors including academic reputation, employer reputation, citations per faculty, student-to-faculty ratio, proportion of international faculty, and proportion of international students.

MIT was also ranked the worlds top university in 11 of the subject areas ranked by QS, as announced in April of this year.

The Institute received a No. 1 ranking in the following QS subject areas: Chemical Engineering; Civil and Structural Engineering; Computer Science and Information Systems; Data Science and Artificial Intelligence; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Linguistics; Materials Science; Mechanical, Aeronautical, and Manufacturing Engineering; Mathematics; Physics and Astronomy; and Statistics and Operational Research.

MIT also placed second in five subject areas: Accounting and Finance; Architecture/Built Environment; Biological Sciences; Chemistry; and Economics and Econometrics.

QS has also released a ranking of specialized masters programs in business. MIT ranked first for its program in supply chain management and second for its program in business analytics.

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QS ranks MIT the world's No. 1 university for 2024-25 - MIT News

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UMass Amherst to join $90M US National Science Foundation large-scale research infrastructure for education – EurekAlert


Andrew Lan, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Credit: UMass Amherst

June 4, 2024

UMass Amherst to Join $90M US National Science Foundation large-scale research infrastructure for education

Platform brings together institutions, digital learning and a world-class team to enable research studies to inform efficacy, improvement and innovation in teaching and learning

AMHERST, Mass. The Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst has joined thenewly announcedU.S. National Science Foundations (NSF) SafeInsights, a five-year, $90 million research and development infrastructure for inclusive education research. Led by OpenStax-Rice University, SafeInsights is a large-scale education research hub that will safely connect digital learning platforms and educational institutions to learn about learning.This initiative represents the NSFs largest single investment in R&D infrastructure for education at a national scale, and will be the first national infrastructure of its kind.

My specialty is analyzing educational data, extracting insights from it and determining what kinds of interventions lead to the best, most equitable learning outcomes, says Andrew Lan, assistant professor of computer science at UMass Amherst and the UMass lead for SafeInsights. One day, as I was looking at a batch of data from one particular learning platform, I thought: what about all the other platforms, classes and apps a student will use during their day? If were only looking at isolated snapshots of data, then were not really getting a clear picture. Getting that clearer picture is why we need SafeInsights.

SafeInsights includes a multidisciplinary network of 80 collaborating institutions and partners, including major digital learning platforms that currently serve tens ofmillions of students. Lan and UMass Amherst will join together with researchers and large-scale, digital learning platforms to enable privacy-preserving research studies to better understand student learning.

According to nationalpollsconducted by the Data Quality Campaign, 86% of teachers recognize the importance of research in effective teaching. However, the majority of teachers must individually piece together research-informed teaching and learning strategies, often with limited resources.

SafeInsights will enable research studies that help researchers understand how students learn best, no matter who they are, what they are learning, or how they are learning. The insights gained can lead to the development of better, research-informed teaching tools and practices, promoting educational equity.

We know research-informed teaching and learning works. Yet, its still too hard to conduct large-scale, reliable research and then apply the results for more personalized experiences when students need it most, said Richard Baraniuk, C. Sidney Burrus Professor at Rice University, OpenStax founder and SafeInsights project lead. SafeInsights will safely accelerate affordable, rapid-cycle studies across multiple digital learning platforms, leading to more effective tools, practices and next-level innovations.

SafeInsights stringently protects learner privacy.It uses a unique technique called secure data enclaves,which unlocks valuable insights without revealing any student information to researchers or moving student information from the learning tools that it safely lives in today.

Ill be leading the artificial intelligence portion of SafeInsights, says Lan. Our goal is to enable researchers to jointly analyze data from multiple digital platforms in a secure and private way, without actually seeing any data. We need to figure out how to let researchers ask questions of the data, such as how will a particular learning outcome vary by different student demographics, without leaking sensitive information.

There are so many potential advances to be made if researchers can see the whole picture of a student, says Lan. We can really help transform education so that it is more equitable and effective.

Contacts: Andrew Lan,

Daegan Miller,

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See the original post here:

UMass Amherst to join $90M US National Science Foundation large-scale research infrastructure for education - EurekAlert

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Ten with MIT connections win 2024 Hertz Foundation Fellowships – MIT News

The Fannie and John Hertz Foundationannounced that it has awarded fellowships to 10 PhD students with ties to MIT. The prestigious award provides each recipient with five years of doctoral-level research funding (up to a total of $250,000), which allows them the flexibility and autonomy to pursue their own innovative ideas.

Fellows also receive lifelong access to Hertz Foundation programs, such as events, mentoring, and networking. They join the ranks ofover 1,300 former Hertz Fellows who are leaders and scholars in a range of fields in science, engineering, and technology. Connections among fellows over the years have sparked collaborations in startups, research, and technology commercialization.

The 10 MIT recipients are among a total of 18 Hertz Foundation Fellows scholars selected this year from across the country. Five of them received their undergraduate degrees at the Institute and will pursue their PhDs at other schools. Two are current MIT graduate students, and four will begin their studies here in the fall.

For more than 60 years, Hertz Fellows have led scientific and technical innovation in national security, applied biological sciences, materials research, artificial intelligence, space exploration, and more. Their contributions have been essential in advancing U.S. competitiveness, says Stephen Fantone, chair of the Hertz Foundation board of directors and founder and president of Optikos Corp. Im excited to watch our newest Hertz Fellows as they pursue challenging research and continue the strong tradition of applying their work for the greater good.

This years MIT-affiliated awardees are:

Owen Dugan 24 graduated from MIT in just two-and-a-half years with a degree in physics, and he plans to pursue a PhD in computer science at Stanford University. His research interests lie at the intersection of AI and physics. As an undergraduate, he conducted research in a broad range of areas, including using physics concepts to enhance the speed of large language models and developing machine learning algorithms that automatically discover scientific theories. He was recognized with MITs Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award and is a U.S. Presidential Scholar, a Neo Scholar, and a Knight-Hennessy Scholar. Dugan holds multiple patents, co-developed an app to reduce food waste, and co-founded a startup that builds tools to verify the authenticity of digital images.

Kaylie Hausknecht will begin her physics doctorate at MIT in the fall, having completing her undergraduate degree in physics and astrophysics at Harvard University. While there, her undergraduate research focused on developingnew machine learning techniques to solve problems in a range of fields, such as fluid dynamics, astrophysics, and condensed matter physics.She received the Hoopes Prize for her senior thesis, was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa as a junior, and won two major writing awards. In addition, she completed five NASA internships. As an intern, she helped identify 301 new exoplanets using archival data from the Kepler Space Telescope. Hausknecht served as the co-president of Harvards chapter of Science Club for Girls, which works to encourage girls from underrepresented backgrounds to pursue STEM.

Elijah Lew-Smith majored in physics at Brown University and plans to pursue a doctoral degree in physics at MIT. He is a theoretical physicist with broad intellectual interests in effective field theory (EFT), which is the study of systems with many interacting degrees of freedom. EFT reveals how to extract the relevant, long-distance behavior from complicated microscopic rules. In 2023, he received a national award to work on applying EFT systematically to non-equilibrium and active systems such as fluctuating hydrodynamics or flocking birds. In addition, Lew-Smith received a scholarship from the U.S. State Department to live for a year in Dakar, Senegal, and later studied at cole Polytechnique in Paris, France.

Rupert Li 24 earned his bachelors and masters degrees at MIT in mathematics as well as computer science, data science, and economics, with a minor in business analytics.He was named a 2024 Marshall Scholar and will study abroad for a year at Cambridge University before matriculating at Stanford University for a mathematics doctorate. As an undergraduate, Li authored 12 math research articles, primarily in combinatorics, but also including discrete geometry, probability, and harmonic analysis. He was recognized for his work with a Barry Goldwater Scholarship and an honorable mention for the Morgan Prize, one of the highest undergraduate honors in mathematics.

Amani Maina-Kilaas is a first-year doctoral student at MIT in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, where he studies computational psycholinguistics. In particular, he is interested in using artificial intelligence as a scientific tool to study how the mind works, and using what we know about the mind to develop more cognitively realistic models. Maina-Kilaas earned his bachelors degree in computer science and mathematics from Harvey Mudd College. There, he conducted research regarding intention perception and theoretical machine learning, earning the Astronaut Scholarship and Computing Research Associations Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award.

Zo Marschner 23 is a doctoral student at Carnegie Mellon University working on geometry processing, a subfield of computer graphics focused on how to represent and work with geometric data digitally; in her research, she aims to make these representations capable of enabling fundamentally better algorithms for solving geometric problems across science and engineering. As an undergraduate at MIT, she earned a bachelors degree in computer science and math and pursued research in geometry processing, including repairing hexahedral meshes and detecting intersections between high-order surfaces. She also interned at Walt Disney Animation Studios, where she worked on collision detection algorithms for simulation. Marschner is a recipient of the National Science Foundations Graduate Research Fellowship and the Goldwater Scholarship.

Zijian (William) Niu will start a doctoral program in computational and systems biology at MIT in the fall. He has a particular interest in developing new methods for imaging proteins and other biomolecules in their native cellular environments and using those data to build computational models for predicting their dynamics and molecular interactions. Niu received his bachelors degree in biochemistry, biophysics, and physics from the University of Pennsylvania. His undergraduate research involved developing novel computational methods for biological image analysis. He was awarded the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship for creating a deep-learning algorithm for accurately detecting tiny diffraction-limited spots in fluorescence microscopy images that outperformed existing methods in quantifying spatial transcriptomics data.

James Roney received his bachelors and masters degrees from Harvard University in computer science and statistics, respectively. He is currently working as a machine learning research engineer at D.E. Shaw Research. His past research has focused on interpreting the internal workings of AlphaFold and modeling cancer evolution. Roney plans to pursue a PhD in computational biology at MIT, with a specific interest in developing computational models of protein structure, function, and evolution and using those models to engineer novel proteins for applications in biotechnology.

Anna Sappington 19 is a student in the Harvard University-MIT MD-PhD Program, currently in the first year of her doctoral program at MIT in electrical engineering and computer science. She is interested in building methods to predict evolutionary events, especially connections among machine learning, biology, and chemistry to develop reinforcement learning models inspired by evolutionary biology. Sappington graduated from MIT with a bachelors degree in computer science and molecular biology. As an undergraduate, she was awarded a 2018 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and selected as a Burchard Scholar and an Amgen Scholar. After graduating, she earned a masters degree in genomic medicine from the University of Cambridge, where she studied as a Marshall Scholar, as well as a masters degree in machine learning from University College London.

Jason Yang 22received his bachelors degree in biology with a minor in computer science from MIT and is currently a doctoral student in genetics at Stanford University. He is interested in understanding the biological processes that underlie human health and disease. At MIT, and subsequently at Massachusetts General Hospital, Yang worked on the mechanisms involved in neurodegeneration in repeat expansion diseases, uncovering a novel molecular consequence of repeat protein aggregation.

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Ten with MIT connections win 2024 Hertz Foundation Fellowships - MIT News

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