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Predictive Analytics: Revolutionizing Fraud Detection and Prevention – CityLife

Predictive Analytics: Revolutionizing Fraud Detection and Prevention

Predictive analytics is revolutionizing the way businesses detect and prevent fraud. By leveraging the power of advanced algorithms, machine learning, and big data, organizations can now predict and identify potential fraudulent activities before they even occur. This innovative approach to fraud detection and prevention is transforming industries and helping businesses protect their assets, customers, and reputation.

Fraud is a pervasive problem that affects businesses of all sizes and industries. In fact, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), organizations lose an estimated 5% of their annual revenues to fraud. This amounts to a staggering $3.7 trillion in global losses. Traditional methods of fraud detection, such as manual reviews and rule-based systems, are no longer sufficient to combat the ever-evolving tactics of fraudsters. As a result, businesses are turning to predictive analytics to stay one step ahead of the criminals.

Predictive analytics involves the use of statistical techniques, machine learning algorithms, and data mining to analyze historical data and make predictions about future events. In the context of fraud detection, this means analyzing large volumes of transactional data to identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate fraudulent activity. By doing so, businesses can quickly detect and prevent fraud, minimizing financial losses and reputational damage.

One of the key advantages of predictive analytics is its ability to adapt to new and emerging fraud schemes. Traditional rule-based systems rely on pre-defined rules to identify potential fraud, which can be easily circumvented by savvy criminals. In contrast, predictive analytics models can automatically learn from new data and adjust their predictions accordingly. This makes them far more effective at detecting and preventing fraud, even as fraudsters continue to develop new tactics.

Another benefit of predictive analytics is its ability to reduce false positives. False positives occur when legitimate transactions are flagged as potentially fraudulent, leading to unnecessary investigations and customer dissatisfaction. Predictive analytics models can be fine-tuned to minimize false positives, ensuring that businesses can focus their resources on investigating genuine cases of fraud.

The financial services industry is one of the sectors that has been most significantly impacted by the adoption of predictive analytics for fraud detection and prevention. Banks, credit card companies, and other financial institutions are using predictive analytics to monitor transactions in real-time, flagging suspicious activity for further investigation. This has led to a significant reduction in losses due to fraud, as well as improved customer satisfaction and trust.

The insurance industry is another area where predictive analytics is making a significant impact. Insurers are using predictive models to identify potential cases of fraud, such as staged accidents or exaggerated claims. By detecting these fraudulent activities early, insurers can reduce their losses and maintain the integrity of their risk pools.

In addition to financial services and insurance, predictive analytics is being used to combat fraud in a wide range of industries, including healthcare, retail, and telecommunications. As businesses continue to generate and store vast amounts of data, the potential applications of predictive analytics for fraud detection and prevention will only continue to grow.

In conclusion, predictive analytics is revolutionizing the way businesses detect and prevent fraud. By leveraging advanced algorithms, machine learning, and big data, organizations can now predict and identify potential fraudulent activities before they even occur. This innovative approach is transforming industries and helping businesses protect their assets, customers, and reputation. As fraudsters continue to develop new tactics, predictive analytics will remain a critical tool in the ongoing battle against fraud.

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Predictive Analytics: Revolutionizing Fraud Detection and Prevention - CityLife

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MATES helping mates in mining – 2hd

A new report suggests the rate of suicide among male mining workers may be increasing.

The Suicide in the Australian Mining Industry: A National Study report, being launched today by the Federal Government at the Ravensworth Coal Mine near Singleton, shows the mining industry has been largely overlooked by suicide research.

The report from theUniversity of Melbournes School of Population and Global Health, was commissioned by MATES in Mining, Construction and Energy and is the first national study to look into suicide rates in the mining sector.

It estimates that suicide rates among mining workers is between 11 and 25 per 100-thousand workers and that rates of suicide among male mining workers may be increasing, while suicide rates for males across most other workplace categories show some decline.

MATES is a charity that was established in 2008 aiming to reduce the high level of suicide among Australian construction, energy and mining workers. MATES in Mining has rolled out a prevention program to address suicide and has so far had more than 4500 workers trained to give workers the skills to recognise the signs a workmate might be struggling with life.

MATES CEO Chris Lockwood said the report confirms why they need to be doing the work they are in the mining industry.

Those rates are not acceptable, we need to step up and do something.

The good thing is, we know we can do something about it. Any death by suicide has a real impact in the workplace, on everyone at the site, the family, the broader community, everyone in the Hunter would sadly know someone who has died by suicide.

Its a problem for all of us to step forward and do something about which is why having this research is really important to give us the confidence that not only do we know we have a problem but its the right thing that we are stepping forward to do something about it.

Weve been lucky that Glencore and others have stepped forward and said this is something we need to do something about, Chris Lockwood said.

So far, 4500 Glencore employees have gone through the training program rolled out by MATES.

Those workers that have been trained have developed an active community of care on site, those workers are mates looking after mates and when they see someone struggling they know how to step in, they have the skills and the confidence to get someone the help they need when they need it.

10 per cent or more of the workers who undertake the program step up as volunteers and become the active advocates for the program on site.

Theyre not only working on site, they live in the community in the Hunter, theyre the mums, dads, aunties, partners, uncles, theyre the footy coaches, theyre part of the community, so the skills they learn on site they take into the broader community so the work we are doing here is helping the whole Hunter step forward and tackle real issues, Chris Lockwood said.

He said MATES would now advocate for more detail on specific industries to be routinely collected in coronial data to enable more rigorous assessment of industry as well as occupational patterning of suicide.

If you or someone you know is struggling contact LIFELINE on 13 11 14

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Governor Newsom Desperately Begs NetChoice To Drop Its Lawsuit … – Techdirt

from the this-is-embarrassing dept

Weve written a lot about AB 2273, Californias Age Appropriate Design Code (AADC) that requires websites with users in California to try to determine the ages of all their visitors, write up dozens of reports on potential harms, and then seek to mitigate those harms. Ive written about why its literally impossible to comply with the law. Weve had posts on how it conflicts with privacy laws and how its a radical experimentation on children (ironically, the drafters of the bill insist that theyre trying to stop experimentation on children).

Weve also written about how NetChoice, an internet company trade group, has sued to block the law as unconstitutional, and how I filed a declaration explaining how the law would violate the rights of both us at Techdirt and our users.

That lawsuit has continued to move forward, with California filing a pretty laughable reply saying that it doesnt regulate speech at all. NetChoice has filed its own reply as well, highlighting how ridiculous that is:

The State claims that AB 2273 regulates data managementnonexpressive conduct, Opp. 11not speech. Nonsense. AB 2273s text expressly requires services to mitigate or eliminate risks that a child could encounter potentially harmful content online. Content was the through-line in the legislative process: Defendant Attorney General Bonta praised the Act precisely because it would protect children from harmful material and dangerous online contentin other words, speechand Governor Newsom lauded the law for protect[ing] kids from harmful content. The States own expert, who mentions content in her declaration 71 times, derides preexisting laws specifically because they only cover data management, not content. Radesky Decl. 98. The State cannot evade the Constitution by pretending the Act regulates only business practices related to the collection and use of childrens personal information, Opp. 11, when the laws text, purpose, and effect are to regulate and shape online content. Like Californias last attempt to restrict the ideas to which children may be exposed, Brown v. Ent. Merchs. Assn, 564 U.S. 786, 792, 794 (2011), AB 2273 violates the First Amendment

It appears that Governor Newsom may have realized how badly this case is going to go for him. Days after NetChoice filed that reply, Newsom sent NetChoice an angry letter demanding that it drop the case.

The text is quite remarkable and bizarre. Newsom sounds angry. Perhaps because he realizes (per the above) that his own words in support of the bill and how it should be used to block content are going to make him lose this case.

Enough is enough. In light of new action and findings released by the U.S. Surgeon General, I urge you to drop your lawsuit challenging Californias childrens online safety law.

Except, as we just detailed, the Surgeon Generals report does not find that the internet harms kids, and actually makes it clear that most kids benefit from social media. Straight from the report that it appears Newsom did not read:

A majority of adolescents report that social media helps them feel more accepted (58%), like they have people who can support them through tough times (67%), like they have a place to show their creative side (71%), and more connected to whats going on in their friends lives (80%). In addition, research suggests that social media-based and other digitally-based mental health interventions may also be helpful for some children and adolescents by promoting help-seeking behaviors and serving as a gateway to initiating mental health care.

But, Newsom appears to have only read the headlines that misconstrue whats in the actual report. His letter then goes into full on moral panic mode:

Every day as our children browse the internet to connect with one another, build community, and learn, they are also pushed to horrific content and exposed to data mining and location tracking. This reality is dangerous to their safety, mental health, and well-being. Thats why, last September, I was proud to sign the California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act a bipartisan, first-in-the-nation law that protects the health and privacy of children using online platforms and prohibits online services from encouraging children to provide personal information.

Except, nearly everything in that paragraph is wrong. Embarrassingly so. There is no evidence that children are pushed to horrific content. It is true that there may be horrific content online, but the idea that companies are pushing kids to that content is not supported by the evidence. Furthermore, its rich that hes complaining about data mining and location tracking while saying that this bill prohibits companies from seeking personal information from kids when the laws age assurance requirements suggest the exact opposite. To comply with the law, websites will be effectively required to demand information from users to determine a likely age.

As I explained in my own declaration in the lawsuit, at Techdirt we have bent over backwards to learn as little about the folks who read our site as possible. But under the law, we will likely be compelled to institute a program in which we are required to determine the age of everyone who visits. In other words, the law requires more data mining, not less, and explicitly requires it for children.

Newsom continues the nonsense:

Rather than join California in protecting our children, your association, which represents major tech companies including Google, Meta, TikTok, and Twitter, chose to sue over this commonsense law. In your lawsuit, you have gone so far as to make light of the real harms our children face on the internet, trivializing this law as just being about teenagers who say unkind things, insufficiently like anothers posts, or are unhappy about the omission of a trigger warning.

Again, nothing in this law actually protects children. Instead, it puts them at much greater risk of having information exposed, as weve noted. It will also make it next to impossible for children to research important information regarding mental health, or to find out the information they need to help them deal with things like eating disorders, since it will drive basically all of that content offline (at least where kids can reach it).

As for the claim that NetChoice is trivializing this law, thats obviously bullshit to anyone who has read the filings in context (which apparently does not include this angry Governor Newsom). The references in that paragraph are in NetChoices motion for a preliminary injunction, but taken completely out of context. Theyre not trivializing the issues children face: theyre pointing out that the way the law is drafted (i.e., very, very badly), it also applies to those more trivial situations. From the preliminary injunction filing:

AB 2273 also adopts a boundless conception of what speech must be restricted, including speech that cannot constitutionally be restricted even for minors. The requirement that services enforce their own policies, id. 1798.99.31(a)(9), will lead them to suppress swaths of protected speech that the State could not restrict directly. See supra IV.A.1.b. The bar on using algorithms and user information to recommend or promote content will restrict a providers ability to transmit protected speech based on the users expressed interests. And the laws restrictions on content that might be detrimental or harmful to a childs well-being, id. 1798.99.31(a)(1)(b), (b)(1), (3)-(4), (7), could restrict expression on any topic that happens to distress any child or teen. This would include a range of important information children are constitutionally entitled to receive, such as commentary or news about the war in Ukraine, the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the United States Capitol, the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, school shootings, and countless other controversial, significant events.

More fundamentally, the harm the law seeks to addressthat content might damage someones well-beingis a function of human communication itself. AB 2273 applies to, among other things, communications by teenagers on social media, who may say unkind things, insufficiently like anothers posts, or complain harshly about events at school; the use of language acceptable to some but not others; the omission of a trigger warning; and any other manner of discourse online. See, e.g., Mahanoy Area Sch. Dist. v. B. L., 141 S. Ct. 2038 (2021) (Snapchat post fuck cheer made high school students visibly upset)

So, no. The lawsuit is not trivializing harms children face by saying that its nothing more than kids saying unkind things, NetChoice is (accurately) pointing out that the broad language of the law means that it could be applied to those situations, rather than ones dealing with actual harm.

Its pathetic and embarrassing that Newsom would imply that this paragraph was trivializing harms. His complete and total misread of whats in the lawsuit is trivializing the seriousness of his states own law that is violating 1st Amendment rights.

Anyway, Newsom goes on:

Yet at the same time you are in court callously mocking this law, experts are confirming the known dangers of online platforms for kids and teens: Just days ago, the U.S. Surgeon General issued an advisory on the profound toll that social media takes on kids and teens mental health without adequate safety and privacy standards. Your association and its members may be interested to learn of the Surgeon Generals urgent findings about the sexual extortion of our children, and the alarming links between youth social media and cyberbullying, depression, suicide, and unhealthy and dangerous outcomes and behaviors.

Honestly, this is making me wonder if Newsom ever reads anything. Because, as we discussed that is not what the Surgeon Generals report says at all. It literally says that there are widespread benefits to social media and then says we do not have enough evidence regarding whether or not its harmful. It notes there are concerns, and some correlational studies, but nothing proving a causal link. It notes that we need more research on that point.

So how the hell is Newsom claiming that it is claiming there is a profound toll from social media? The report does not say that.

As for the Surgeon Generals urgent findings about the sexual extortion of our children, again Newsom is blatantly misstating what the report says. It notes that the internet has been used for sexual extortion, which is a fact, but nothing in the AADC will stop bad people from being terrible. The report does not say anything about this fact being urgent or requiring social media companies to magically make people stop being bad. It just mentions such things as the kind of problematic content that exists online.

As for the alarming links between youth social media and cyberbullying, depression, suicide, and unhealthy and dangerous outcomes and behaviors thats AGAIN misreading the Surgeon Generals report. Again, it does mention those things, but does not discuss alarming links. It highlights correlational concerns again, and suggests further research and caution. But does not mention any sort of causal link, alarming or not.

In fact, with regards to cyberbullying, the Surgeon Generals recommendations talk about better educating teachers, parents, and children on how to deal with such things. And, its one policy recommendation around cyberbullying is not to force websites to censor content, as the AADC does, but rather to support the development, implementation, and evaluation of digital and media literacy curricular in schools and within academic standards.

In other words, what the Surgeon General is kinda saying is that our policy makers are the ones who have failed our kids by not teaching them how to be good digital citizens.

Governor Newsom, that ones on you.

So, so far we have Newsom lying about the law, lying about the filings from NetChoice, and now lying about the Surgeon Generals report. I know its a post-truth political world we live in, but I expect better from Californias governor.

But hes not done yet:

The harms of unregulated social media are established and clear.

The Surgeon Generals report not to mention the even more thorough report from the American Psychological Association literally say the opposite. They say it is not clear, and much more research needs to be done.

Governor Newsom, you should stop lying.

It is time for the tech industry to stop standing in the way of important protections for our kids and teens, and to start working with us to keep our kids safe.

Stomping on 1st Amendment rights and lying about everything is not keeping our kids safe Governor.

Filed Under: aadc, ab 2273, age appropriate, data, gavin newsom, moral panic, social media, studies, surgeon general, teenagersCompanies: netchoice

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Governor Newsom Desperately Begs NetChoice To Drop Its Lawsuit ... - Techdirt

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JEE Advanced 2023: Last 5 years BTech Computer Science cut-off for admission in IIT Goa – The Indian Express

JEE Advanced 2023:The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Goa is one of the six new IITs that was incorporated by amending the The Institutes of Technology Act, 1961 by the Union Cabinet. The institute comes under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Government of India. The admissions to various BTech courses at IIT Goa are done on the basis of the ranks scored in JEE Advanced.

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First published on: 03-06-2023 at 09:52 IST

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JEE Advanced 2023: Last 5 years BTech Computer Science cut-off for admission in IIT Goa - The Indian Express

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Opinion | It’s the End of Computer Programming as We Know It. (And I Feel Fine.) – The New York Times

Programming will be obsolete, Matt Welsh, a former engineer at Google and Apple, predicted recently. Welsh now runs an A.I. start-up, but his prediction, while perhaps self-serving, doesnt sound implausible:

I believe the conventional idea of writing a program is headed for extinction, and indeed, for all but very specialized applications, most software, as we know it, will be replaced by A.I. systems that are trained rather than programmed. In situations where one needs a simple program those programs will, themselves, be generated by an A.I. rather than coded by hand.

Welshs argument, which ran earlier this year in the house organ of the Association for Computing Machinery, carried the headline The End of Programming, but theres also a way in which A.I. could mark the beginning of a new kind of programming one that doesnt require us to learn code but instead transforms human-language instructions into software. An A.I. doesnt care how you program it it will try to understand what you mean, Jensen Huang, the chief executive of the chip-making company Nvidia, said in a speech this week at the Computex conference in Taiwan. He added: We have closed the digital divide. Everyone is a programmer now you just have to say something to the computer.

Wait a second, though wasnt coding supposed to be one of the cant-miss careers of the digital age? In the decades since I puttered around with my Spectrum, computer programming grew from a nerdy hobby into a vocational near-imperative, the one skill to acquire to survive technological dislocation, no matter how absurd or callous-sounding the advice. Joe Biden to coal miners: Learn to code! Twitter trolls to laid-off journalists: Learn to code! Tim Cook to French kids: Apprenez programmer!

Programming might still be a worthwhile skill to learn, if only as an intellectual exercise, but it would have been silly to think of it as an endeavor insulated from the very automation it was enabling. Over much of the history of computing, coding has been on a path toward increasing simplicity. Once, only the small priesthood of scientists who understood binary bits of 1s or 0s could manipulate computers. Over time, from the development of assembly language through more human-readable languages like C and Python and Java, programming has climbed what computer scientists call increasing levels of abstraction at each step growing more removed from the electronic guts of computing and more approachable to the people who use them.

A.I. might now be enabling the final layer of abstraction: the level on which you can tell a computer to do something the same way youd tell another human.

So far, programmers seem to be on board with how A.I. is changing their jobs. GitHub, the coders repository owned by Microsoft, surveyed 2,000 programmers last year about how theyre using GitHubs A.I. coding assistant, Copilot. A majority said Copilot helped them feel less frustrated and more fulfilled in their jobs; 88 percent said it improved their productivity. Researchers at Google found that among the companys programmers, A.I. reduced coding iteration time by 6 percent.

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Opinion | It's the End of Computer Programming as We Know It. (And I Feel Fine.) - The New York Times

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Raj Reddy, the AI pioneer from India – Moneycontrol

The US and China as frontrunners in the battle for supremacy in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) may be leaving India some distance behind, but an Indian-born scientist is still considered one of the pioneers of research in the area. Dr Dabbala Rajagopal "Raj" Reddy, who celebrates his 86th birthday this month, is currently the Moza Bint Nasser University Professor in the Carnegie Mellon Universitys computer science department. His research interests include the study of human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence while his current research projects include spoken language systems; gigabit networks; universal digital libraries; and distance learning on demand".

Born in Katur, a small village in Andhra Pradesh with a population of 500 people who lived without water or electricity or doctors, Reddy learnt writing on sand since there was neither paper nor pencil. His father was a farmer and after going to the villages one-room primary school, the young boy became the first member of his family to attend college. After getting his bachelors degree from Guindy College of Engineering, Madras (now Chennai), and a masters degree from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, he worked for IBM in Australia for a few years before moving to the US for his masters degree followed by a doctorate, both in computer science, from Stanford University. Three years of teaching at Stanford was followed by a move to Carnegie Mellon University, where he founded the schools Robotics Institute and where he teaches till date.

At a time when AI wasnt yet a buzzword, it caught the attention of the man whose great passion has been to make information technology accessible to poorer nations. Thus began a lifelong journey during which hes pushed thinking on the subject into newer dimensions. AI's use in looking for patterns amidst large sets of data, dates back several decades. What makes recent developments in the area, including products like ChatGPT and Bard, so exciting is that they are products of what is commonly referred to as generative AI.

And it is to this that much of Reddy's work over the last 50 years has been dedicated.

While he was on the computer science faculty at Carnegie Mellon in the 1970s, Reddy led a project to construct a computer program that could understand continuous human speech. The difficulties were enormous because of the differences with written text. Thats where Reddy came in with his insight that the issues in speech understanding were central to AI generally.

The result of his early work was Hearsay I, which comprised a set of cooperating parallel processes, each representing a different source of knowledge - acousticphonetic, syntactic, semantic - to predict what may appear in a given context or to verify a hypothesis resulting from a previous prediction. Effectively, Hearsay I was capable of continuous speech recognition. Along with its successors, it created the underlying basis for modern commercial speech recognition technology. An indirect consequence of his work was the famous blackboard model for assimilating and deploying multiple knowledge sources to address a defined problem statement. The model is now adopted across the spectrum of applied artificial intelligence.

In 1994, Reddy received the highest honor in computer science when he was given the A.M. Turing Award (jointly with Edward Feigenbaum) for pioneering the design and construction of large scale artificial intelligence systems, demonstrating the practical importance and potential commercial impact of artificial intelligence technology. Indeed, there isnt a major award that he hasnt won - the French Legion of Honour in 1984, the IBM Research Ralph Gomory Fellow Award in 1991, the Padma Bhushan in 2001, the Okawa Foundation Okawa Prize in 2004, the Honda Foundation Honda Prize in 2005, and the U.S. National Science Board Vannevar Bush Award in 2006.

Unaffected by his success, he still dreams of a world where those at the bottom of the pyramid can benefit from the technologies that he and others are helping to create. In a speech in 2021 when he was conferred the Computer History Museum Fellow Award for his lifes work on artificial intelligence, robotics, and computer science education, Reddy said Looking further in the future I see the emergence of personalized guardian angels that will get the right information to the right people at the right time in the right language with the right level of detail.

Sundeep Khanna is a senior journalist and the author of the recently released book 'Cryptostorm: How India became ground zero of a financial revolution'. Views are personal, and do not represent the stand of this publication.

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Raj Reddy, the AI pioneer from India - Moneycontrol

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UC Davis C-STEM trains Redlands teachers on bringing computer science into math – EurekAlert

image:Twenty-five teachers from Redlands Unified School District recently completed training by the UC Davis C-STEM Center and UC Riverside on integrating robotics and computing into math classes. view more

Credit: Redlands Unified School District

Twenty-five teachers from Redlands Unified School District in southern California recently completed training in integrating computer science into math education through a joint program offered by the University of California, Davis, and UC Riverside Extension. TheJoint Computer Science Supplementary Teaching Credential Authorization Programhas helped Redlands address gaps in student opportunity and achievement, and teachers skills.

Improving math instruction for student success is the most challenging task in education. Redlands partnered with UC Davis to make math instruction with computer science a reality for many of our students who have historically disconnected from learning math, said Ken Wagner, assistant superintendent of Redlands Unified School District. More students are demonstrating resilience and persistence in their math progression than ever before, which to us, is an immeasurable outcome.

Redlands is the first school district in the nation that has 25 teachers who have gone through four college-level courses needed to earn their credential. This innovative practice is transforming public K-12 math and computer science education.

C-STEM training and use of the robotics and programming skills that are taught has been the best professional development training of my 28-year career, said teacher Roland Hosch. I am very grateful to be a part of it and my classroom is a more efficient and more effective place to learn because of it.

The UC Davis Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education, or C-STEM, program aims to transform K-12 math, computer science and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) education through integrated learning.Students learn to solve math and algebra problems through coding and by programming small, modular robots. TheC-STEM Math-ICT curriculumprovides up to 13 years of integrated math and computer science teaching from kindergarten through high school. C-STEM courses have UC A-G status, satisfying admissions requirements for the University of California and California State Universities.

Redlands USD implemented the C-STEM program in 2018 to narrow the achievement gap in math and address the opportunity gap in computing. The district has expanded from two middle school teachers initially to 35 teachers, including all the districts middle and high schools as well as six elementary schools, in 2022-23.

Redlands has seen results with the program. From the 2018-19 school year to 2021-22,average scores on the mathematics diagnostic testing project (MDTP) rose by more than 13% in C-STEM classescompared to peers in traditional math classes in the same schools. (Redlands students can choose either a C-STEM math track, plus a computer science class, or a traditional math class.)

C-STEM brings joy into the classroom, said Deepika Srivastava, STEAM coordinator for the Redlands school district. If you give a student a worksheet of math problems and they get 20 or 30% right, it tells the student Youre bad at this, she said.

But if they are trying to solve a problem by writing a program, they can get it 20 or 30% right, get some feedback, and improve. When youre solving a math problem by coding, its an iterative process, theres constant feedback, she said. It encourages students to keep trying and develops skills in critical thinking, problem solving and perseverance.

Further, she said that the C-STEM math classes have become more diverse, with more representation of girls, Black and Latinx students, and students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Perhaps most significantly, surveys of students entering and completing the program show a big swing from I hate math to I enjoy math.

Redlands is a good example of a school district working with C-STEM to address the opportunity gap in math education, said Harry Cheng, director of the C-STEM center and professor in the UC Davis Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Schools are working to get students back on track after the pandemic. The students are doing better, closing the achievement gap and teachers are learning new skills, closing the skills gap.

Srivastava, who visits all the district classrooms using the C-STEM program, said that the program also has positive effects on student behavior.

When a kid fails at math, they get the message that theyre not good at math and then they dont give 100%. But when theyre building a robot, their entire attitude changes. I truly believe this is where the future is.

The UC Davis Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education is a comprehensive program that includes the annual RoboPlay competition in which students compete with other schools to solve challenges with coding and robotics. In addition to K-12 curricula and professional development for teachers, the center also supports schools and districts to organize their afterschool and summer programs, including robotics camps, robotics-math camps, the Girls In Robotics Leadership (GIRL/GIRL+) camps, and Ujima GIRL Project for African American middle and high school girls.

Ever since the pandemic, we have been challenged to find new ways to engage our students, said teacher Noah Rosen. The investment that Redlands Unified has made in my continued training in C-STEM has provided me with a whole new treasure chest of tools that I can use to elevate the effectiveness of my classroom instruction through computer science.

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UC Davis C-STEM trains Redlands teachers on bringing computer science into math - EurekAlert

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BlueSky Thinking Ranking of Computer Science Rankings 2022/23 – Forbes

BlueSky Ranking of Computer Science Rankings 2022/23

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI received his first computer at the age of eight. He studied computer science at Stanford University, but dropped out after one year to co-found Loopt, a social networking application that was sold a few years later for $43.4 million.

He became a partner and then president at Y Combinator, the startup accelerator which has supported Airbnb, Coinbase, Dropbox, Quora, Stripe and more than 4,000 other companies with a combined valuation of more than $600 billion by January 2023.

In 2020, he left Y Combinator to focus full-time on OpenAI as CEO, and since the release of ChatGPT in November 2022 we have been talking about little else.

Now is the best time to start a career in tech, he said to an audience last week at the Technological University of Munich, Germanys top-ranked institution for computer science and engineering.

So whats the secret to kickstart your career in tech? For many the journey begins with studies in computer science, now one of the hottest majors on campus with the promise of six-figure starting salaries that used to be the preserve of MBAs.

BlueSky Thinking has compiled the Ranking of Computer Science Rankings 2023, aggregating the results of the four major global subject rankings published every year by Times Higher Education (THE), QS, US News and ARWU (Shanghai).

You can view the results for the worlds top 50 universities for computer science here.

While U.S. universities fill the top four places, and Harvard, Princeton, Cornell and U Washington also make the top 15, institutions in Europe, Canada and Asia Pacific represent close to 60% of the worlds top 50.

BlueSky Ranking of Computer Science Rankings 2022/23

Each university subject ranking uses a distinct methodology and measures different things with the inherent limitations of each assessment, so doing particularly well in one ranking and less well in another is reflected in the overall performance.

The University of Oxford is ranked #1 in the world by THE, but only #11 by US News, while Chinas Tsinghua University is ranked #1 by US News but only #15 by QS. But all four rankings consistently rate MIT, Stanford and Carnegie Mellon at the top.

However, they cannot agree on the University of Cambridge, the alma mater of Alan Turing who is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence. There are over 300 companies started by computer science and technology graduates and staff of the university, and research that continues to lead the field.

Though Cambridge is ranked #6 in computer science by THE and #7 by QS, US News has them at #41 and ARWU Shanghai only #62.

According to compensation data company, Payscale the average base salary in the U.S. with a Masters in computer science is $109k per year, quickly rising based on seniority. And demand is there. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates that the worlds tech talent shortage will swell to more than 85 million tech workers by 2030.

Thats just as well, because tuition of a Computer Science program from one of the leading schools in the US can be over $60,000 per year. In Europe salaries are lower, but beyond the elite universities there are new entrants in Higher Education, such as the Open Institute of Technology (OPIT) that have brought together faculty from the likes of the University of Michigan, Northwestern and McGill to offer a BSc in Computer Science and a MSc in Applied Data Science & AI for as little as 300 per month. As an EU-accredited institution, international students will be able to apply for jobs in the EU, with salaries to match.

The Future Of Learning - Online Innovation For A Career In Tech

So now is a great time to start a career in tech, as OpenAIs Sam Altman insists. In his case, Altman never finished his undergrad at Stanford, joining an illustrious of computer science dropouts that include Mark Zuckerburg who left Harvard in his sophomore year to dedicate his time to Facebook, and Bill Gates who walked away from devising algorithms for pancake sorting as part of his mathematics and graduate level computer science courses at Harvard to start a software company with Paul Allen that is now Microsoft.

Now is the best time to start a career in tech. Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI and founder of ChatGPT ... [+] (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)

When explaining his decision to leave Harvard, Gates said "if things hadn't worked out, I could always go back to school. I was officially on leave."

That wasnt quite the case for Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak who was expelled from the University of Colorado, Boulder for hacking the universitys computer system. He later transferred to UC Berkeley, where Steve Jobs would visit him a few times a week. Wozniak dropped out of college soon after, this time to start a business together.

But for every entrepreneurial tech superstar who never finished school, there are plenty of others that used their computer science studies to incredible effect. While studying computer engineering at the University of Michigan, the co-founder of Google Larry Page created an inkjet printer made of Lego bricks. Meanwhile, his future business partner Sergey Brin was completing his computer science undergrad at the University of Maryland. They would both go on to get their MSc computer science at Stanford, and from there begin a computer science Ph.D., co-authoring a paper titled, The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine. Dorm rooms became laboratories and offices, and the rest is history.

Ginni Rometty, the former chairman and CEO of IBM the first woman to head the company - graduated with high honors from Northwestern University with a bachelors degree in computer science and electrical engineering. This was the same combination of majors for Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon who graduated from Princeton in 1986.

Reed Hastings, the co-founder of Netflix was rejected from his first-choice MIT, and obtained a Masters in Computer Science at Stanford in 1988, a decade before the former CEO of Yahoo!, Marissa Mayer. The co-founder and CEO of Dropbox, Drew Houston was offered a place to study computer science at MIT and it was there that he met his future business partner, Arash Ferdowsi.

But for Barbara Liskov, whose pioneering contributions to programming languages and distributed computing was recognized with the 2008 Turing Award, the highest distinction in computer science, her graduate school application to Princeton was unsuccessful as the Ivy League school did not accept female students in mathematics. In March 1968 she became one of the first women in the U.S. to be awarded a Ph.D. from a computer science department when she was awarded her degree from Stanford University.

Anita Borg is celebrated for advocating for womens representation and professional advancement in technology, and founded the Institute for Women and Technology and the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. Borg was awarded a Ph.D. in computer science by NYU in 1981.

The presence - or absence - of women in the computing and technological fields, as students, ... [+] inventors, creators and educators, will define our technological future. Anita Borg, Institute for Women and Technology (Photo by Jerry Telfer/San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images)

Outside the U.S., Ma Huateng (Pony Ma), co-founder and CEO of Tencent, one of the most valuable companies in Asia, received a BSc in computer science from Shenzen University. He is the first citizen from China to enter Forbes top 10 richest list.

And when it comes to widely-used programming languages, Python was created by Guido Van Rossum who computer science at the University of Amsterdam, while University of Calgary and Carnegie Mellon University computer scientist, James Gosling founded and led the design of Java.

And if you do fancy combining undergraduate studies with an MBA, look no further than Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft who headed to the U.S. from India to study computer science at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and then got his MBA from Chicago Booth. There is also Jeremy Stoppelman, co-founder and CEO of Yelp with a BS computer engineering from Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

And lets not forget that Jimmy Fallon, the late-night talk show host was originally a computer science major at The College of Saint Rose in Albany, New York before switching to communications in his senior year.

So what about you? Whether at one of the worlds top 50 computer sciences schools, or a more affordable online alternative, are you ready to start your career in tech?

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BlueSky Thinking Ranking of Computer Science Rankings 2022/23 - Forbes

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UC Davis C-STEM Trains Redlands Teachers on Bringing Computer … – University of California, Davis

Twenty-five teachers from Redlands Unified School District in southern California recently completed training in integrating computer science into math education through a joint program offered by the University of California, Davis, and UC Riverside Extension. The Joint Computer Science Supplementary Teaching Credential Authorization Program has helped Redlands address gaps in student opportunity and achievement, and teachers skills.

Improving math instruction for student success is the most challenging task in education. Redlands partnered with UC Davis to make math instruction with computer science a reality for many of our students who have historically disconnected from learning math, said Ken Wagner, assistant superintendent of Redlands Unified School District. More students are demonstrating resilience and persistence in their math progression than ever before, which to us, is an immeasurable outcome.

Redlands is the first school district in the nation that has 25 teachers who have gone through four college-level courses needed to earn their credential. This innovative practice is transforming public K-12 math and computer science education.

C-STEM training and use of the robotics and programming skills that are taught has been the best professional development training of my 28-year career, said teacher Roland Hosch. I am very grateful to be a part of it and my classroom is a more efficient and more effective place to learn because of it.

The UC Davis Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education, or C-STEM, program aims to transform K-12 math, computer science and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) education through integrated learning. Students learn to solve math and algebra problems through coding and by programming small, modular robots. The C-STEM Math-ICT curriculum provides up to 13 years of integrated math and computer science teaching from kindergarten through high school. C-STEM courses have UC A-G status, satisfying admissions requirements for the University of California and California State Universities.

Redlands USD implemented the C-STEM program in 2018 to narrow the achievement gap in math and address the opportunity gap in computing. The district has expanded from two middle school teachers initially to 35 teachers, including all the districts middle and high schools as well as six elementary schools, in 2022-23.

Redlands has seen results with the program. From the 2018-19 school year to 2021-22, average scores on the mathematics diagnostic testing project (MDTP) rose by more than 13% in C-STEM classes compared to peers in traditional math classes in the same schools. (Redlands students can choose either a C-STEM math track, plus a computer science class, or a traditional math class.)

C-STEM brings joy into the classroom, said Deepika Srivastava, STEAM coordinator for the Redlands school district. If you give a student a worksheet of math problems and they get 20 or 30% right, it tells the student Youre bad at this, she said.

But if they are trying to solve a problem by writing a program, they can get it 20 or 30% right, get some feedback, and improve. When youre solving a math problem by coding, its an iterative process, theres constant feedback, she said. It encourages students to keep trying and develops skills in critical thinking, problem solving and perseverance.

Further, she said that the C-STEM math classes have become more diverse, with more representation of girls, Black and Latinx students, and students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Perhaps most significantly, surveys of students entering and completing the program show a big swing from I hate math to I enjoy math.

Redlands is a good example of a school district working with C-STEM to address the opportunity gap in math education, said Harry Cheng, director of the C-STEM center and professor in the UC Davis Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Schools are working to get students back on track after the pandemic. The students are doing better, closing the achievement gap and teachers are learning new skills, closing the skills gap.

Srivastava, who visits all the district classrooms using the C-STEM program, said that the program also has positive effects on student behavior.

When a kid fails at math, they get the message that theyre not good at math and then they dont give 100%. But when theyre building a robot, their entire attitude changes. I truly believe this is where the future is.

The UC Davis Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education is a comprehensive program that includes the annual RoboPlay competition in which students compete with other schools to solve challenges with coding and robotics. In addition to K-12 curricula and professional development for teachers, the center also supports schools and districts to organize their afterschool and summer programs, including robotics camps, robotics-math camps, the Girls In Robotics Leadership (GIRL/GIRL+) camps, and Ujima GIRL Project for African American middle and high school girls.

Ever since the pandemic, we have been challenged to find new ways to engage our students, said teacher Noah Rosen. The investment that Redlands Unified has made in my continued training in C-STEM has provided me with a whole new treasure chest of tools that I can use to elevate the effectiveness of my classroom instruction through computer science.

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UC Davis C-STEM Trains Redlands Teachers on Bringing Computer ... - University of California, Davis

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OPINION: Teaching computer science requires a new approach – The Longmont Leader

A professor of learning technologies discusses the major hurdles to teaching computer science education in K-12 schools

The following article, written by Lauren Margulieux, Georgia State Universityoriginally appeared on The Conversation and is published here with permission:

Despite growing demand for computer science skills in professional careers and many areas of life, K-12 schools struggle to teach computer science to the next generation.

However, a new approach to computer science education called integrated computing addresses the main barriers that schools face when adding computer science education. These barriers include a lack of qualified computer science teachers, a lack of funds and a focus on courses tied to standardized tests.

Integrated computing teaches computer science skills like programming and computer literacy within traditional courses. For example, students can use integrated computing activities to create geometric patterns in math, simulate electromagnetic waves in science and create chatbots for literary characters in language arts.

As a professor of learning technologies, I have been designing integrated computing activities for K-12 students for the past five years. I work with faculty and students in teacher training programs to create and test integrated computing activities across all academic subjects.

In my research, I have found that integrated computing solves three major hurdles to teaching computer science education in K-12 schools.

Fitting a new academic discipline into an already crowded curriculum can be a challenge. Integrated computing allows computer science education to become part of learning in other classes, the way reading skills are also used in science, math and language arts classes.

Teacher knowledge is another difficulty when it comes to teaching computer science in K-12 schools. While people who specialize in computer science are often recruited to more lucrative careers than teaching, integrated computing develops all teachers computer science knowledge. Teachers do not need to become computer science experts to teach computer literacy and programming skills to their students.

In fact, the most surprising result of my research is how quickly teachers learn to teach integrated computing activities. In about two hours, teachers can use a pre-made computer science lesson in their classrooms. In the future, I will teach them to use artificial intelligence to create their own lessons for their students. For example, a science teacher recently asked me how she could create a data analysis activity for her class. AI tools would allow her to quickly design the technical aspects of this activity.

And finally, integrated computing also addresses students reluctance to take elective computer science classes when they have little knowledge of computer science. In 2022, over half of U.S. public high schools offered computer science, but just 6% of students took these classes. Students who do take computer science in high school typically have had early exposure to computer science. Integrated computing can give all students early exposure to computer science, which I believe will increase the number of students who take computer science courses later in school.

Early exposure to computer science in school is especially important for students from groups underrepresented in computer science. A 2022 report from, a nonprofit that advocates for more computer science education in K-12 schools, found that students who are Latino, female or from low-income or rural areas are less likely to be enrolled in foundational computer science courses.

Teachers who want to build their computer science knowledge and apply it to their classroom can try these free self-paced, online integrated computing courses that I developed, and which are tied to micro-credentials. Also, this sortable list of integrated computing activities provides free lesson plans. The activities require only a computer no prior knowledge is needed, and young learners can complete them outside of class, too.

Integrated computing provides a path to increase computer literacy for all K-12 students. As technology advances at an increasing rate, I believe schools must take care that our young people do not fall behind.

Lauren Margulieux, Associate Professor of Learning Technologies, Georgia State University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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OPINION: Teaching computer science requires a new approach - The Longmont Leader

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