Preclinical identification of acute coronary syndrome without high sensitivity troponin assays using machine learning … –

In the present study we developed multiple machine learning models to predict major adverse cardiac events and acute coronary artery occlusion with preclinically obtained data. We then compared the performance of these models to a modified established risk score. We found that all of the ML models were superior to the TropOut score with the LR and the VC demonstrating the best performance in identifying MACE (AUROC 0.78). For ACAO the VC also comprised the best performance (AUROC 0.81). This is not surprising since it combines and weights the output of multiple models to optimize the predictive performance.

Quick decision-making is of utmost importance in preclinical diagnostic and treatment of patients with suspected ACS. Not every medical facility is equipped with a 24-h catheter laboratory. Therefore, a qualified assessment of early need for coronary revascularization is important in order to decide which hospital to admit the patient to and thereby guarantee optimal patient care and improve prognosis2,3,4.

Several studies have been undertaken to evaluate the predictive value of the established HEART score in an emergency setting5,13. Sagel et al. 6 even modified the score to predict MACE in a preclinical setting, thus creating the preHEART score. However, one of the HEART score components is the analysis of troponin levels. Even though the authors of the preHEART score used rapid, visual point of care immunoassays, these are unfortunately not available for emergency care providers in most areas. In order to test the performance of this score without troponin, we retrospectively calculated the TropOut score, a version of the preHEART score comprising medical history, ECG, age and risk factors but without troponin analysis. Unfortunately, this the TropOut score showed poor discriminatory power to identify MACE and ACAO in preclinical patients with chest pain within our study cohort.

With the use of ML algorithms, we were able to create models with vastly improved performance. As mentioned above, the VC model showed an AUROC value of 0.78 for prediction of MACE and 0.81 for ACAO. Even though this performance cannot quite hold up to the original preHEART score (AUROC=0.85) for predicting MACE, the performance is remarkable, especially when considering that the driving key biomarker troponin was excluded in our proposed model. Since cardiac troponin has a high sensitivity for myocardial cell loss, it is very likely that its addition would have also significantly improved our models performance. Therefore, the addition of troponin essays in the preclinical setting would likely help identifying patients with ACAO or at risk for MACE even further.

We noted a significantly higher specificity compared to sensitivity for predicting both MACE and ACAO. Apparently, the model makes very reliable predictions the majority of the time but there seem to be cases which are wrongly classified as non-MACE and non-ACAO. This might be due to unspecific symptoms or atypical ECG findings which do not meet the established STEMI criteria14,15.

Multiple authors have used ML models for risk stratification in cardiology9,16. ML has been shown to identify and safely rule-out MI in an inner clinical cohort suspected of NSTEMI using multiple variables including cardiac troponin17,18,19. However, ML algorithms display limited ability to predict mortality in patients with MI20. To our knowledge, there have been two studies which used machine learning models to predict ACS in a purely preclinical setting. Al-Zaiti et al. tried to predict ACS only using data from a preclinical 12-lead ECG whereas Takeda et al. used vital signs, history and a 3-lead ECG to predict ACS and myocardial infarction21,22. Our approach is novel and different in that we chose a different secondary endpoint. MACE was chosen in order to directly compare our model to established, non-ML scores. For the preclinical management, our secondary endpoint, acute coronary artery occlusion, could be even more relevant. Myocardial infarction can be caused by different underlying pathophysiologies. Myocardial cell loss secondary to a demandsupply mismatch in oxygen not related to atherosclerotic plaque instability is known as a type II myocardial infarction3. However, those patients do not necessarily need immediate interventional revascularization and the broad definition of myocardial infarction therefore might be an improper endpoint. In the 2022 Expert Consensus Decision Pathway on the Evaluation and Disposition of Acute Chest Pain, the American College of Cardiology also notes that up to 40% of patients with ACAO are not correctly identified by using the STEMI criteria14,23. Therefore, ACAO could be a superior parameter to help decide on where to admit the patient to and whether or not to preclinically administer antiplatelet drugs. Patients with NSTEMI but especially with acute coronary artery occlusion without ST elevations on ECG have been shown to receive delayed PCI when compared to patients suffering from ST-elevation myocardial infarction and have worse outcomes24,25. As mentioned above, our model showed especially good predictive capabilities for ACAO.

Even though ML algorithms clearly have high potential to support decision making, our model heavily relies on medical expertise by healthcare providers. As seen in Fig.5, the feature ST-Elevation as assessed by the emergency physician still is paramount for predicting both endpoints in our models. Not surprisingly, similar findings have been reported by Takeda et al.21.

SHAP analyses provides interesting insights into predictive value of symptoms, patient history and vital signs. While some features like ECG changes, age, sex and risk factor are easy to interpret, others seem more complex. In our model, diaphoresis was associated with both high and low risk for MACE and ACAO. This might be in part explained by our retrospective study design. Even though notes from the emergency protocol provide clear, dichotomous information, we cannot say if the treating physician associated the symptom diaphoresis with an ACS since the symptom can have a vastly different Clinical Gestalt. This could explain that our model performed worse when compared to Takeda et al. An alternative, provocative explanation could be a higher diagnostic skill level (like ECG interpretation and history taking) of paramedics when compared to physicians in a preclinical setting. Also, the patient collective could be different since the study by Takeda et al. was carried out in Japan.

Sensitivities for our model ranged from 0.70 to 0.77 for predicting MACE and 0.760.88 for predicting ACAO. In comparison, a meta analyzes including over 44,000 patients demonstrated a sensitivity of 0.96 for predication of MACE when a cutoff of4 points of the heart score was used. As expected, this resulted in a rather poor specificity of 0.45%26.

The ideal model would demonstrate both high sensitivities and specificities. Unfortunately, in a condition like ACS and a setting were laboratory diagnostics like troponin is not available, this seems difficult to achieve. However, we have to admitted that in a life-threatening condition like ACS, false positives (i.e. poor sensitivity) are more acceptable then false negatives (i.e. poor specificity). In our models, patients were classified as positive if the predicted probability was great or equal to 0.5, and negative if otherwise. In order to enhance sensitivity, programming of our models could be adapted. Naturally, this would result in a decline in specificity. Most importantly, clinicians using tools like the one developed in our study need to be aware of the models strengths and limitations. As of right now, our model is not suitable for excluding ACAO or patients at risk of MACE in a preclinical collective suspected of ACS. However, it could increase emergency physicians confidence in preclinically activating the coronary catheter laboratory for suspected ACAO.

In our district, preclinical documentation is carried out digitally with the use of tablets. Since patient history, vitals and ECG interpretation need to be inputted for documentation anyways, it would be feasible to integrate ML models. This way, the software could automatically calculate variables like sensitivities and specificities for endpoints like ACAO and MACE. Furthermore, ML has been used in ECG interpretation in a preclinical setting22,27. Combining those ML algorithms could potentially show a better performance and present a powerful tool in aiding preclinical health care providers on site even further.

Even in the absence of direct integration of our models into preclinical ACS diagnostics, our study has important clinical implications. Unsupervised analyses show that preclinical ACS patients are a heterogenous collective and desired endpoints are not easily identified. Even when using supervised machine learning, a high level of diagnostic skill will always be necessary since the models rely on high quality data. As mentioned before, SHAP analyses shows that out of all investigated parameters, ST-elevation is still the most important marker for properly identify ACAO and patients at risk of MACE. This highlights the necessity for a high clinical expertise and ECG interpretation skills in professionals diagnosing and treating patients with suspected ACS in a preclinical setting.

Our study has several limitations. For ECG interpretation, we had to rely on the emergency physicians documentation and were not able to manually interpret the preclinical 12-lead ECG ourselves. Therefore, the quality and accuracy of this documentation might vary. Our study design relied on retrospective data collection. A predetermined questionnaire would likely improve the quality of the data and also the models predictive power.

Since patients could present to the emergency department on their own or in rare cases might be transferred by other providers than the cooperating rescue stations, we cannot exclude missing some cases of ACS in our study. Therefore, selection bias cannot be fully excluded.

In line with common machine learning methodology, we did validate our findings on the validation cohort. However, our algorithm has not yet been validated on external data. Especially the lack of a prospective validation cohort is the biggest limitation of our study and further analysis is needed. To our knowledge, the only comparable study which used prospectively recorded data was carried out by Takeda et al. and achieved slightly better AUROC for the endpoint ACS then our study did for MACE and ACAO (0.86 versus 0.78 and 0.81 respectively)21. However, because of the different preclinical emergency systems in Japan and Germany (paramedics versus emergency medicine physician), the studies are only partially comparable. Since most countries rely on paramedics for preclinical emergency medicine, our findings might not be directly transferable to other settings. At the moment, our study can only be viewed as hypothesis generating until the algorithms are prospectively validated on another patient cohort.

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Preclinical identification of acute coronary syndrome without high sensitivity troponin assays using machine learning ... -

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