Ethnic disparity in diagnosing asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis … –


The dataset was originally reported by Ravel et al.16. The study was registered at under ID NCT00576797. The protocol was approved by the institutional review boards at Emory University School of Medicine, Grady Memorial Hospital, and the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Written informed consent was obtained by the authors of the original study.

Samples were taken from 394 asymptomatic women. 97 of these patients were categorized as positive for BV, based on Nugent score. In the preprocessing of the data, information about community group, ethnicity, and Nugent score was removed from the training and testing datasets. Ethnicity information was stored to be referenced later during the ethnicity-specific testing. 16S rRNA values were listed as a percentage of the total 16S rRNA sample, so those values were normalized by dividing by 100. pH values ranged on a scale from 1 to 14 and were normalized by dividing by 14.

Each experiment was run 10 times, with a different random seed defining the shuffle state, to gauge variance of performance.

Four supervised machine learning models were evaluated. Logistic regression (LR), support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), and Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) models were implemented with the scikit-learn python library. LR fits a boundary curve to separate the data into two classes. SVM finds a hyperplane that maximizes the margin between two classes. These methods were implemented to test whether boundary-based models can perform fairly among different ethnicities. RF is a model that creates an ensemble of decision trees and was implemented to test how a decision-based model would classify each patient. MLP passes information along nodes and adjusts weights and biases for each node to optimize its classification. MLP was implemented to test how a neural network-based approach would perform fairly on the data.

Five-fold stratified cross validation was used to prevent overfitting and to ensure that each ethnicity has at least two positive cases in the test folds. Data were stratified by a combination of ethnicity and diagnosis to ensure that each fold has every representation from each group with comparable distributions.

For each supervised machine learning model, hyper parameter tuning was performed by employing a grid search methodology from the scikit-learn python library. Nested cross validation with 4 folds and 2 repeats was used as the training subset of the cross validation scheme.

For Logistic Regression, the following hyper-parameters were tested: solver (newton-cg, lbfgs, liblinear) and the inverse of regularization strength C (100, 10, 1.0, 0.1, 0.01).

For SVM, the following hyper-parameters were tested: kernel (polynomial, radial basis function, sigmoid) and the inverse regularization parameter C (10, 1.0, 0.1, 0.01).

For Random Forest, the following hyper-parameters were tested: number of estimators (10, 100, 1000) and maximum features (square root and logarithm to base 2 of the number of features).

For Multi-layer perceptron, the following hyper-parameters were tested: hidden layer size (3 hidden layers of 10,30, and 10 neurons and 1 hidden layer of 20 neurons), solver (stochastic gradient descent and Adam optimizer), regularization parameter alpha (0.0001, or .05), and learning rate (constant and adaptive).

The models were evaluated using the following metrics: balanced accuracy, average precision, false positive rate (FPR), and false negative rate (FNR). Balanced accuracy was chosen to better capture the practical performance of the models while using an unbalanced dataset. Average precision is an estimate of the area under the precision recall curve, similar to AUC which is the area under the ROC curve. The precision-recall curve is used instead of a receiver operator curve to better capture the performance of the models on an unbalanced dataset39. Previous studies with this dataset reveal particularly good AUC scores and accuracy, which is to be expected with a highly unbalanced dataset.

The precision-recall curve was generated using the true labels and predicted probabilities from every fold of every run to summarize the overall precision-recall performance for each model. Balanced accuracy and average precision were computed using the corresponding functions found in the sklearn.metrics package. FPR and FNR were calculated computed and coded using Equations below39.

Below are the equations for the metrics used to test the Supervised Machine Learning models:











where TP is the number of true positives, TN is the number of true negatives, FP is the number of false positives, and FN is the number of false negatives.

$${Average},{Precison}=sum _{n}left({R}_{n}-{R}_{n-1}right){P}_{n}$$


where R denotes recall, and P denotes precision.

The performance of the models were tested against each other as previously stated. Once the model made a prediction, the stored ethnicity information was used to reference which ethnicity each predicted label and actual label belonged to. These subsets were then used as inputs for the metrics functions.

To see how training on data containing one ethnicity affects the performance and fairness of the model, an SVM model was trained on subsets that each contained only one ethnicity. Information on which ethnicity each datapoint belonged to was not given to the models.

To increase the performance and accuracy of the model, several feature selection methods were used to reduce the 251 features used to train the machine learning models. These sets of features were then used to achieve similar or higher accuracy with the machine learning models used. The feature selection methods used included the ANOVA F-test, two-sided T-Test, Point Biserial correlation, and the Gini impurity. The libraries used for these feature selection tests were the statistics and scikit learn packages in Python. Each feature test was performed with all ethnicities, then only the white subset, only Black, only Asian, and only Hispanic.

The ANOVA F-Test was used to select 50 features with the highest F-value. The function used calculates the ANOVA F-value between the feature and target variable using variance between groups and within the groups. The formula used to calculate this is defined as:



Where k is the number of groups, n is the total sample size, SSB is the variance between groups, and SSW is the sum of variance within each group. The two-tailed T-Test was used to compare the BV negative versus BV positive groups rRNA data against each other. The two-tailed T-Test is used to compare the means of two independent groups against each other. The null hypothesis in a two-tailed T-Test is defined as the means of the two groups being equal while the alternative hypothesis is that they are not equal. The dataset was split up into samples that were BV negative and BV positive which then compared the mean of each feature against each other to find significant differences. A p-value <0.05 allows us to reject the null hypothesis that the mean between the two groups is the same, indicating there is a significant difference between the positive and negative groups for each feature. Thus, we use a p-value of less than 0.05 to select important features. The number of features selected were between 40 and 75 depending on the ethnicity group used. The formula for finding the t-value is defined as:



({bar{{rm{x}}}}_{1,2}) being the mean of the two groups. ({{rm{s}}}_{1,2}) as the standard deviation of the two groups. ({{rm{n}}}_{1,2}) being the number of samples in the two groups. The p-value is then found through the t-value by calculating the cumulative distribution function. This defines probability distribution of the t-distribution by the area under the curve. The degrees of freedom are also needed to calculate the p-value. They are the number of variables used to find the p-value with a higher number being more precise. The formulas are defined as:



$${p}=2* left(1-{rm{CDF}}left(left|tright|,{rm{df}}right)right)$$


where ({df}) denotes the degrees of freedom and ({{rm{n}}}_{1,2}) being the number of samples in the group. The Point Biserial correlation test is used to compare categorical against continuous data. For our dataset was used to compare the categorical BV negative or positive classification against the continuous rRNA bacterial data. Each feature has a p-value and correlation value associated with it which was then restricted by an alpha of 0.2 and further restricted by only correlation values >0.5 showing a strong correlation. The purpose of the alpha value is to indicate the level of confidence of a p-value being significant. An alpha of 0.2 was chosen because the Point Biserial test tends to return higher p-values. This formula is defined as:



where M1 is the mean of the continuous variable for the categorical variable with a value of 1; M0 is the mean of the continuous variable for the categorical variable with a value of 0; s denotes the standard deviation of the continuous variable; p is the proportion of samples with a value of 1 to the sample set; and q is the proportion of samples with a value of 0 to the sample set.

Two feature sets were made from the Point Biserial test. One feature set included only the features that were statistically significant using a p-value of <0.2 which returned 60100 significant features depending on the ethnicity set used. The second feature set included features that were restricted by a p-value<0.2 and greater than a correlation value of 0.5. This second feature set contained 815 features depending on the ethnicity set used.

Features were also selected using Gini impurity. Gini impurity defines the impurity of the nodes which will return a binary split at a node. It will calculate the probability of misclassifying a randomly chosen data point. The Gini impurity model fitted a Random Forest model with the dataset and took the Gini scores for each feature based on the largest reduction of Gini impurity when splitting nodes. The higher the reduction of Gini value, the impurity after the split, the more important the feature is used in predicting the target variable. The Gini impurity value varies between 0 and 1. Using Gini, the total number of features were reduced to 310 features when using the ethnicity-specific sets and 20 features when using all ethnicities. The formula is defined as:

$${Gini}=1-sum {{p}_{i}}^{2}$$


where ({{rm{p}}}_{{rm{i}}}) is the proportion of each class in the node. The five sets of selected features from each of the five ethnicities were used to train a model using four supervised machine learning algorithms (LR, MLP, RF, SVM) with the full dataset using our nested cross-validation schemed as previously described. All features were selected using the training sets only, and they were applied to the test sets after being selected for testing. Five-fold stratified cross validation was used for each model to gather including means and confidence intervals.

Originally posted here:
Ethnic disparity in diagnosing asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis ... -

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