Applications of Semi-supervised Learning part1(Machine Learning … – Medium

Author : Hao Dong, Gatan Frusque, Yue Zhao, Eleni Chatzi, Olga Fink

Abstract : Anomaly detection (AD) is essential in identifying rare and often critical events in complex systems, finding applications in fields such as network intrusion detection, financial fraud detection, and fault detection in infrastructure and industrial systems. While AD is typically treated as an unsupervised learning task due to the high cost of label annotation, it is more practical to assume access to a small set of labeled anomaly samples from domain experts, as is the case for semi-supervised anomaly detection. Semi-supervised and supervised approaches can leverage such labeled data, resulting in improved performance. In this paper, rather than proposing a new semi-supervised or supervised approach for AD, we introduce a novel algorithm for generating additional pseudo-anomalies on the basis of the limited labeled anomalies and a large volume of unlabeled data. This serves as an augmentation to facilitate the detection of new anomalies. Our proposed algorithm, named Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Mixup (NNG-Mix), efficiently integrates information from both labeled and unlabeled data to generate pseudo-anomalies. We compare the performance of this novel algorithm with commonly applied augmentation techniques, such as Mixup and Cutout. We evaluate NNG-Mix by training various existing semi-supervised and supervised anomaly detection algorithms on the original training data along with the generated pseudo-anomalies. Through extensive experiments on 57 benchmark datasets in ADBench, reflecting different data types, we demonstrate that NNG-Mix outperforms other data augmentation methods. It yields significant performance improvements compared to the baselines trained exclusively on the original training data. Notably, NNG-Mix yields up to 16.4%, 8.8%, and 8.0% improvements on Classical, CV, and NLP datasets in ADBench. Our source code will be available at

2.Segment Together: A Versatile Paradigm for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation (arXiv)

Author : Qingjie Zeng, Yutong Xie, Zilin Lu, Mengkang Lu, Yicheng Wu, Yong Xia

Abstract : Annotation scarcity has become a major obstacle for training powerful deep-learning models for medical image segmentation, restricting their deployment in clinical scenarios. To address it, semi-supervised learning by exploiting abundant unlabeled data is highly desirable to boost the model training. However, most existing works still focus on limited medical tasks and underestimate the potential of learning across diverse tasks and multiple datasets. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce a textbf{Ver}satile textbf{Semi}-supervised framework (VerSemi) to point out a new perspective that integrates various tasks into a unified model with a broad label space, to exploit more unlabeled data for semi-supervised medical image segmentation. Specifically, we introduce a dynamic task-prompted design to segment various targets from different datasets. Next, this unified model is used to identify the foreground regions from all labeled data, to capture cross-dataset semantics. Particularly, we create a synthetic task with a cutmix strategy to augment foreground targets within the expanded label space. To effectively utilize unlabeled data, we introduce a consistency constraint. This involves aligning aggregated predictions from various tasks with those from the synthetic task, further guiding the model in accurately segmenting foreground regions during training. We evaluated our VerSemi model on four public benchmarking datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrated that VerSemi can consistently outperform the second-best method by a large margin (e.g., an average 2.69% Dice gain on four datasets), setting new SOTA performance for semi-supervised medical image segmentation. The code will be released.

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Applications of Semi-supervised Learning part1(Machine Learning ... - Medium

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