Addressing gaps in data on drinking water quality through data … –

Input data

The analytical framework begins with input data and continues to data preparation, modeling and application (Fig. 5). The study uses the ESS. The survey is a collaboration between the Central Statistics Agency and the World Bank under the Living Standards Measurement Study- Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) project. ESS began in 2011/12 and the first wave, ESS1 covered rural and small-town areas. The survey was expanded to include medium and large towns in 2013/14 (ESS2). The 2013/2014 sample households were again visited in 2015/16 (ESS3) during which the water quality module was implemented. The survey was fielded again in 2018/19 (ESS4) with a refreshed sample. This study is primarily based on the 2016 Survey (ESS3) and associated water quality survey18,28. In this study, ESS2 is the Earlier Survey, ESS3 is the Reference Survey, and ESS4 is the Latest Survey. ESS1 was not used because the survey did not cover medium and large towns. See the Data Availability section for further information on these data sources including metadata.

Methodological workflow from input data to model application.

ESS is a multi-topic household survey with several individual and household level socioeconomic and demographic information. These included basic individual-level demographic information on household structure, education, health, and labor market outcomes, as well as several household-level information such as household assets, consumption expenditure, dwelling characteristics, access to electricity, water, and sanitation facilities. ESS data also comes with a range of geospatial variables that are constructed by mapping the households location to other data available for the area. These include, among other things, rainfall, temperature, greenness, wetness, altitude, population density, the households closeness to the nearest major road, urban and market centers. In addition, the 2015/16 survey (ESS3) which is the main focus of this study, implemented a water quality module that included microbial and chemical tests to measure water quality. The microbial test included the presence of E. coli, WHOs preferred indicator of fecal contamination5.

The response variable in this study is the presence of E. coli contamination at the point of collection. Contaminated drinking water refers to the detection of E. coli in water samples collected from the households drinking water source.

The objective of this study was to develop a predictive model for drinking water contamination from minimal socioeconomic information. Therefore, only features that are often included in household surveys are considered. For example, the 2015/16 water quality module has some information on the chemical and physical characteristics of the water. These variables were not included in the training dataset because they are not usually available in other surveys. Therefore, the data preparation for this study considered only selected variables.

Data preparation activities included pre-processing, data splitting, and dimension reduction. The pre-processing step involved constructing some variables from existing variables, variable transformation, and treating missing values by imputation or dropping them from the analysis. Constructed variables included wealth index and open defecation in the area. The wealth index was constructed from selected assets using principal component analysis. Open defecation in the area is an enumeration area (EA) level variable and indicates the proportion of households in the EA who do not have a toilet facility. Variables that were transformed include the water source type. For example, we combined boreholes, protected springs and wells into a single category given the comparatively low number of respondents and in order to harmonize responses across the three waves of the survey. Similarly, unprotected springs and wells were combined. Consequently, the water source type list included in the model selection analysis had fewer categories than in the raw data.

To assess how the classifiers generalize to unseen data, the pre-processed data was split into training and test datasets stratified by the distribution of the response variable. Accordingly, 80% of the data is assigned to the training dataset and the remaining 20% is assigned to the test dataset. The training dataset was used to train the classifiers and estimate the hyperparameters, and the test dataset was used to evaluate the performance of the classifiers and get an independent assessment of how well the classifiers performed in predicting the positive class (contaminated drinking water source). To reduce the dimension of the processed data, the Boruta feature selection algorithm was used. The final list of features used in the analysis is presented in Supplementary Table 1.

We examined a few commonly used classification algorithms including GLM, GLMNET, KNN, SVM, and two decision tree-based classifiers: RF, and XGBoost. To obtain the optimal values of the classifiers hyperparameters that maximize the area under the ROC, we tuned the non-liner classifiers using regular grid search method.

The GLM uses a parametric model allowing for different link functions for the response variable. For classification purposes, the response values are categorical. Especially in this study, we have a binary classification problem; i.e., contaminated versus non-contaminated. Therefore, logistic regression is used as a reference model. The glm R package was used in this study30.

The GLMNET classifier uses GLM via penalized maximum likelihood. The lasso and elastic net are popular types of penalized linear regression (or regularized linear regression models) that add penalties to the loss function during training. It promotes simpler models with better accuracy and removes features that are highly correlated. We also used glmnet R package for the GLMNET classifier and tuned two hyperparameters penalty (regularization parameter) and mixture (representing relative amount of penalties).

KNN is one of the most widely used non-parametric classifiers. It defines similarity as being in close proximity. In other words, it classifies a new case or data point based on its distance or closeness to the majority of its k nearest neighbor points in the training set. We used kknn package in R and tuned two hyperparameters neighbors (nearest neighbors) and weight_func (distance weighting function).

SVM is another classification method that uses distance to the nearest training data points. It classifies data points by using hyperplanes with the maximum margin between classes in high dimensional feature space31. It works for cases not linearly separable. In this study, we used a non-linear kernel (kernlab) package in R and tuned two hyperparameters including cost and degree (polynomial degree).

RF is an ensemble method that builds multiple decision trees by sampling the original data set multiple times with replacement32. Therefore, it uses a subset of the original dataset to train the decision trees and to separate different classes as much as possible. RF combines the trees at the end by taking the majority of votes from those trees. Although large number of trees will slow the process, the greater number of trees in the forest help improve the overall accuracy and prevent the problem of overfitting. We used ranger package in R, which provides the importance of features as well. We tuned the following three hyperparameters: mtry (number of randomly selected predictors), min_n (minimal node size), and trees (1000).

XGBoost is another machine learning ensemble method which uses the gradient of a loss function that measures the performance33. Different than other ensemble methods, which train models in isolation of one another, XGBoost (or boosting) trains models sequentially by training each new model to correct the errors made by the previous ones. This continues until there is no scope of further improvements. XGBoost is fast to execute in general and gives good accuracy. In this study, we used XGBClassifier from xgboost package in R. The xgboost package has few tunable parameters and we tuned two of them: trees (trees) and tree_depth (tree depth).

The classification algorithms are evaluated using metrics that are calculated from the four predicted results of the confusion matrix: (i) true positive (TP) or correctly predicted as contaminated, (ii) true negative (TN) or correctly predicted as not contaminated, (iii) false positive (FP) or wrongly predicted as contaminated, and (iv) false negative (FN) or wrongly predicted as not contaminated. With our data being class-imbalanced, we used a combination of metrics to evaluate the models. We calculated accuracy, sensitivity (also known as recall or true positive rate (TPR)), specificity or true negative rate (TNR), F1 score, and area under the curve (AUC) of Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC). The positive cases are more important than the negative cases and the goal is to make sure the best performing model maximizes the TPR. Finally, given the data we used is of imbalanced classes we have implemented resampling techniques17. These include upsampling the minority class and downsampling the majority class (See Supplementary Tables 3 and 4). However, there were no significant improvements in the prediction results. The AUC for the RF model using upsampling and downsampling techniques is 0.90 (95% CI 0.88, 0.93). Similarly, AUC for the XGBoost model is 0.90 (95% CI 0.87, 0.92) for upsampling and 0.89 (95% CI 0.86, 0.92). These are similar to the main results reported in Table 2.

The analyses were conducted with the R programming language.

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Addressing gaps in data on drinking water quality through data ... -

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