How automation testing stays crucial to the future of Internet of Things (IoT) – Latest Digital Transformation Trends | Cloud News – Wire19

From home appliances and cars to medical equipment, the Internet of Things (IoT) has allowed more and varying types of devices to connect remotely over networks. Quite naturally, the increasing demand for IoT devices is expected to significantly increase the scope of IoT testing as well.

As users become accustomed to connected devices, they will increasingly expect flawless functioning without any downtime. Problems in network connectivity or battery life have the potential to tank the most enterprising IoT startups. Businesses that ensure timely innovation and thorough IoT testing are likely to stay ahead of the competition and emerge as winners.

A diverse set of products entering the IoT market has brought many new challenges for IoT testing. Quality Assurance teams must follow a comprehensive test management strategy to deliver on quality standards and seamless operation.

As IoT grows rapidly, automated testing has emerged as more of a need rather than an alternative. QA teams will need time and expertise to handle dynamic aspects of subtle and varying IoT environments. Instead of looking at standard system functionality, software testers need to validate device security and operation in both usual and unusual situations.

However, test automation can add significant value and reduce time and effort in your IoT testing.

There are specialized IoT testing service providers and enterprises that deliver end-to-end QA solutions. Heres a look at two portfolios of automation testing in IoT.

While best practices will vary for different kinds of IoT testing, general principles can be drawn from common scenarios.

Choosing the right equipment that supports IoT device testing for various application use cases is no easy task. You need to evaluate hardware QA needs for each stage right from R&D to installation, maintenance and support.

Having access to the right test equipment affects test speed and coverage. One example is wireless (Wi-Fi) testing. Routing systems installed for wireless networks are verified and aligned for proper RF, reliability, and signaling performance. Service providers can plan, optimize, and benchmark entire networks using appropriate Wi-Fi test equipment.

Its entirely possible that the IoT test equipment you need are not high-end or immensely expensive; talk to your team to understand the exact need and then shortlist test equipment.

Another option is to rent or lease test equipment, so that your business does not miss out on the latest tech in the market. IoT test equipment for device manufacturers are available for simulation and design, battery life testing, signal and power integrity testing, connectivity testing, network readiness and performance assessment, security and more.

IoT applications and devices promise tremendous advancements and benefits to both end-users and entire industries. However, handling the multi-layered complexities of IoT and staying ahead in connectivity, compatibility, interoperability, and security will be no mean task.

Businesses need to be alert and prepared as IoT devices will continue being exposed to different types of security risks. IoT testing will, therefore, assume increasing significance in the days ahead the uninterrupted transmission of real-time data depends on QA that helps reduce time to market, mitigate risk, and meet ROI goals.

Read Next: IoT security comparison: Alibaba Cloud, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud

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How automation testing stays crucial to the future of Internet of Things (IoT) - Latest Digital Transformation Trends | Cloud News - Wire19

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