Google grows the ambit of Internet security; includes everyone from children to the LGBTQIA+ community – The Financial Express

Google rolled out a series of cybersecurity programs, under the second edition of its annual Safer With Google event, which announced the launch of a program for around 1,00,000 developers, information technology (IT) and start-up professionals across the country. Moreover, it unveiled a multilingual user awareness campaign, supported by Minsitry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) and Digital India Corporation, to encourage internet users adopt practices for safer digital transactions, and the first-ever digital safety-focused grants of two million dollars (approximately Rs 16 crore) from in India to non-profit organisations including Collective Good Foundation, Point Of View, and HelpAge India, to enable groups such as women, micro entrepreneurs, seniors, and LGBTQIA+ community leverage the opportunity of Internet.

According to Sanjay Gupta, vice-president and country head, Google India, as India aims towards becoming a digitally-enabled economy, it is critical that the opportunity of connectivity does not come at the price of online safety. We aim to strengthen our efforts towards immediate imperatives with the support of government, while partnering with the user, the industry, and the social sector. I look forward to launching an outreach for Indias developer ecosystem, and building their capacity in placing cybersecurity at the core of their contribution to the digital economy, he added.

As part of the program, Google revealed that it will be launching a child safety technology toolkit in three Indian languages such as Bengali, Hindi and Tamil, for inviting collaboration with Indian NGOs and organisations. Moreover, it will be giving digital safety training to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) board teachers across the country.

Our aim is to protect our users online safety through an approach, which is also responsive to Indias digital momentum. The focus is on strengthening our defenses against these, through safety enhancements in our products, adapting our policies to prevent misuse of our platforms, and identifying and weeding out threats at the root cause. As we go forward, we antcipate to double-down on these efforts, joining forces with industry bodies, regulators, civil society organizations, and law enforcement agencies to share our technology, insights, and experience, Saikat Mitra, senior director and head of trust and safety, Google APAC, said.

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Google grows the ambit of Internet security; includes everyone from children to the LGBTQIA+ community - The Financial Express

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