Coffee Talk: Getting Started with Zero Trust –

Coffee Talk: Getting Started with Zero Trust

Date: Thursday, September 15 at 11am PT / 2pm ET

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We need to talk. Those are difficult words to see in a text message or hear on voice mail. But we need to have a chat about Zero Trust and try and decern what it all means for the security team, for your organization and ultimately for the business strategy. Like most things in cyber security the sudden realization that one small team trying to secure an organization of more than a 1000+ is futile. It needs a commitment from nearly every department, management and executive support. The reality is Zero Trust is a long journey with a destination which may never be completely arrived at. The story of Zero trust is born out of frustration with traditional IT approaches built on the insecurities of the Internet. Ian Thornton-Trump CD, CISO for Cyjax UK Ltd. has been presenting on Zero Trust for the last two years and will share his observations, frustrations and what he believes are the key ways your organization can move the ball forward. For some organizations with large technical debut and legacy equipment the journey may even be nearly impossible to start and require creative problem solving. This is an open Q & A format so bring the questions and we will find the answers.

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About the presenters:

Ian Thornton-Trump, CISO, Cyjax

Ian Thornton-Trump, CISO, at Cyjax. Ian is an ITIL certified IT professional with 25 years of experience in IT security and information technology. From 1989 to 1992, Ian served with the Canadian Forces (CF), Military Intelligence Branch; in 2002, he joined the CF Military Police Reserves and retired as a Public Affairs Officer in 2013. After a year with the RCMP as a Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Ian worked as a cyber-security analyst/consultant for multi-national insurance, banking and regional health care. Today, as Chief Information Security Officer forCyjax Ltd., Ian has deep experience with the threats facing small, medium and enterprise businesses. His research and experience have made him a sought-after cyber security consultant specializing in cyber threat intelligence programs for small, medium and enterprise organizations. In his spare time, he teaches cyber security and IT business courses for CompTIA as part of their global faculty and is the lead architect for CyberTitan, Canada's efforts to encourage the next generation of cyber professionals.

Moderated by:John K. Waters, Editor at Large,

Date: 09/15/2022

Time: 11:00amPT

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Coffee Talk: Getting Started with Zero Trust -

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