Sarnia event aims to encourage diversity in engineering – Sarnia and Lambton County This Week

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An event encouraging girls in elementary and high school to consider careers in engineering returns Saturday to Sarnia.

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Go ENG Girl is open to Grade 7 to 10 youth identifying as girls and non-binary and is being held at the Western Sarnia-Lambton Research Park Saturday morning with hands-on activities, information for youth and their parents, and a presentation by Abbey Slawich, an engineer in training at Nova chemicals.

The events have been held annually in Sarnia for several years but switched to virtual events during the pandemic.

Go ENG Girl is being presented in Sarnia by Western University, the Ontario Network of Women in Engineering and the research park so Grade 7 to 10 girls and non-binary youth can come and explore and be inspired by the wonderful world of engineering, said Samantha Fowler, outreach equity, diversity, and inclusion programs coordinator with Western University.

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The national organization, Engineers Canada, has set a target of increasing the proportion of newly licensed engineers who are women to 30 per cent by 2030. It said female-identifying engineers accounted for 20.6 per cent of newly licensed engineers in Canada in 2020.

Fowler said shes happy to see Go ENG Girl return to an in-person event.

Theres something about the energy in a classroom when students are actually coding or building something, she said. I missed it during the pandemic.

Organizers are expecting about 50 young people, plus parents, at the Sarnia event and the program is still taking registrations online at

Grade 7 to 10, research has shown, is really the age when students are starting to make decisions about their future, including whether or not to continue taking science and math courses in high school, Fowler said.

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Its still early enough for them to get their prerequisites they require to go on to engineering.

Fowler said she believes there has been progress in the support women feel in engineering, as well as in the number of women entering the profession.

One example of that support is a Women in Engineering student club for students at Western, which Slawich was a member of.

She graduated this year in electrical engineering and completed a 12-month co-op placement with Nova while at school.

Having those supports for women going through for engineering can make all the difference in finding your community and finding your passion, Fowler said.

Slawich will provide the prospective of a recent graduate, as well as someone doing really cool electrical engineering right now, Fowler said.

Fowler said one of her favourite reactions at outreach events is hearing girls who may not have been aware how creative and collaborative engineering is say, I can fit in here.

The hands-on portion of the morning will include coding with Microbit Rovers (small, handheld computers) and building electromagnetic dancers.

The day begins with registration at 8:30 a.m. and ends at noon with lunch. The event is free.

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Sarnia event aims to encourage diversity in engineering - Sarnia and Lambton County This Week

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