Remembering ‘Doc’ Helms: beloved mentor and pioneer in architectural lighting – University of Colorado Boulder

Professor Ron Helms (right) in CU Boulder'sphoto- metric lab in 1967.

In 1973, Illumination 1, which teaches the fundamentals of illuminating engineering, became a required course for all CU Boulder architectural engineering students and has been taught ever since.

Doc nurtured and inspired so many engineers, designers, educators and manufacturing professionals, said Cheryl English, one of Helms students from 1977-81 and a retired lighting executive. We remember Doc for his keen sense of humor and dedication to his students, whom he referred to as his family.

Helms received his undergraduate and masters degrees from the University of Illinois and PhD from Ohio State University. He left CU Boulder in 1981 to become the head of University of Kansas architectural engineering program, where he established the Bob Foley Illumination laboratory in 1985. He then went on to North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University to establish a new illuminating engineering program; he retired in 2006.

Helms published many papers, authored three textbooks and presented technical programs.

"He wasa strong advocate for the recognition of architectual engineering and illuminating engineering ascredible disciplines in the industry,"English said. "Heworked to establish that recognition in professional organizations and engineeringaccreditations."

Helms leaves behind his four children, eight grandchildren, extended family and "countless lighting professionals who had the privilege of benefiting from his mentorship or attending his education programs, English said.

A memorial service was held on June 1 at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Greensboro, North Carolina.

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Remembering 'Doc' Helms: beloved mentor and pioneer in architectural lighting - University of Colorado Boulder

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