Master of Science in Engineering Management | NU – National University

Academic Program Director:Ben Radhakrishnan; [emailprotected]

This specialization focuses on complex technology systems that have a far reaching effect on society and its people. These systems are comprised of three types of entities: a) complex products such as aircraft, ships, land vehicles, and military hardware; b) networks of information and infrastructure such as air traffic control, highways, and public works and environmental processes; and, c) the organizations that design, build, and maintain these products, systems and related services, i.e., businesses (public and private, for-profit and non-profit), military command, and government agencies. The systems engineering program provides knowledge in the activities related to the life cycle of systems including definition, development, deployment, and decommission

Program Learning Outcomes:Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

Specialization Requirements (4 courses; 18 quarter units)

SYE600 Introduction to Systems Design 4.50

SYE601 Systems Analysis & Design Eval 4.50


SYE602 Advanced System Design 4.50


SYE603 System Dynamics 4.50


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Master of Science in Engineering Management | NU - National University

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