Engineering Cancer’s End: Moffitt Scientists Say Bioengineering Will Change Our Ability To Research And Treat Cancer – Eurasia Review

Bioengineering is revolutionizing cancer research, andMoffitt Cancer Centeris at the forefront of this transformative movement. Moffitt is the first National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center with a dedicated bioengineering department. This area of science integrates engineering and physical sciences with oncology to change how we understand and treat this complex disease. In anew commentary publishedinCancer Cell,W. Gregory Sawyer, Ph.D., andElsa R. Flores, Ph.D., share their visionary framework to accelerate cancer discovery and therapy breakthroughs through bioengineering.

Cancers complexity has been a formidable obstacle for researchers, said Sawyer, chair of MoffittsDepartment of Bioengineering. Traditional methods often struggle to capture the intricate interplay between cancer cells, the immune system and the surrounding environment. Cancer engineering offers a unique perspective by integrating these diverse fields, creating a powerful platform to develop next-generation solutions.

Cancer engineering blends 12 key fields, including system dynamics, nanomaterials, robotics, and biofabrication, to tackle cancer from all angles. This powerful platform could lead to advancements in early detection with microfluidic devices and advanced imaging techniques. Additionally, nanomaterials engineered on a microscopic level could revolutionize drug delivery by transporting medications directly to cancer cells with minimal impact on healthy tissues.

The potential doesnt stop there. 3D bioprinting technology offers the potential to create customized tumor models, allowing researchers to test drug efficacy and personalize treatment plans for individual patients. Sophisticated mathematical modeling, informed by engineering principles, could provide a deeper understanding of cancers intricate biological processes, paving the way for developing more effective therapies.

The possibilities unlocked by cancer engineering are truly exciting, said Flores, associate center director ofBasic Scienceat Moffitt. We envision more universities and cancer centers following Moffitts lead and creating dedicated cancer engineering programs to foster collaboration and accelerate progress in the fight against cancer.

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Engineering Cancer's End: Moffitt Scientists Say Bioengineering Will Change Our Ability To Research And Treat Cancer - Eurasia Review

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