Engineering Approved To Reconstruct Part Of Sand Bay Road – Door County Pulse

Stantec project manager Skyler Witalison speaks during the June 20 Nasewaupee Town Board meeting about the company providing the town engineering services to reconstruct a section of Sand Bay Road. Photo by Kevin Boneske.

The Nasewaupee Town Board last week approved paying Stantec Consulting Services $10,500 for engineering services to reconstruct an eight-tenths of a mile section of Sand Bay Road from Sand Bay Lane to Woodlane Road.

Stantec project manager Skyler Witalison said the Wisconsin Department of Transportation has agreed under the Local Roads Improvement Program to reimburse the town up to 50% of the estimated $212,000 project, which will involve milling and repaving, replacement of all culverts and a slight reduction of the curvature in the curves.

Witalison said the project requires a professional engineer to design the project, put it out to bid and then approve the design and construction for the 20-foot-wide road with 3-foot shoulders.

He said another project the town is looking at applying for under the Agricultural Roads Improvement Program (ARIP) would improve about five miles of Idlewild Road from County Road C to Neils Road, with Stantec charging a fixed fee of $3,000 to apply for a grant.

The board agreed with Witalison to hold off on applying for that grant until he knows in July whether two other municipalities in the county are successful in their ARIP grant applications.

That will give us all a really good idea whether this is a feasible thing to move forward on or not, he said.

Town Chairman Steve Sullivan said it would cost around $1 million to improve that section of Idlewild Road, but the grant would cover 90% of that cost.

Sullivan said the criteria for awarding that grant would include how many dollars of agricultural product travel along the road.

See the article here:

Engineering Approved To Reconstruct Part Of Sand Bay Road - Door County Pulse

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