Clark State to host engineering celebration this month – Springfield News Sun

Clark State College will hold an engineering celebration and enrollment fest later this month for current and future students.

The Engineering Summer Festival will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 29, at Shull Hall on the main campus.

At the event, students can meet the engineering faculty, network with new and current engineering students, receive assistance with scheduling, financial aid and other student services, as well as celebrate the accomplishments of the Metallica Scholars. There will also be food trucks, music, a bouncy house and other activities.

We hope to see folks from all our service community represented, of all ages and educational backgrounds, said Dr. J. Nickey Brown, assistant professor of manufacturing technology management. This is a family friendly community event for anyone curious about robotics, automation, manufacturing and welding.

Brown said the goal of the event is to create an opportunity for new and prospective students to apply for college, meet faculty, tour classrooms and labs, network with each other, and celebrate the Metallica Scholars for completing their welding certificate in one year.

We want to open our doors to those who arent familiar with some of the new technology and programs we have starting in the fall, she said. Clark State is in a great position to meet the needs of our local and national industries.

With the help of the H-1B One Workforce Grant funding, students will be able to apply for scholarships and grants towards in-demand programs such as welding, CNC machining and the laser material processing certificates, Brown said.

The college was also selected to receive $100,000 through the Metallica Scholars Initiative that will transform the future of students.

The Metallica Scholars Initiative, established in 2019, is funded by All Within My Hands (AWMH) and led by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) to provide support for career and technical education programs. This initiative focuses on enhancing skills while also providing services to students looking to enter a traditional trade or other applied learning program.

Our goal for the Metallica Scholars Initiative is to shine a light on workforce education and support the next generation of tradespeople, said Pete Delgrosso, Executive Director, All Within My Hands. With the addition of the 2022-2023 Metallica Scholars program, our grants will reach over 2,000 men and women in 32 community colleges across 27 states.

The Metallica Scholarship application is open for students to enroll in the fall. The scholarships cover tuition, books, materials, and experience with equipment for students to obtain a welding certificate. This certificate can be earned in two semesters and is stackable with an associate degree in manufacturing engineering technologies and a bachelors degree.

Those interested in attending are asked to RSVP by July 24 at

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Clark State to host engineering celebration this month - Springfield News Sun

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