Virtru Brings End-To-End Encryption To G Suite – Android Headlines

Google has partnered up with Virtru Corporation to bring customizable end-to-end email and messaging encryption, on both server side and client side, to all G Suite users. End users and administrators can choose to encrypt any incoming or outgoing message in order to help protect sensitive data. Administrators can set rules to encrypt any message that meets certain criteria, and can take advantage of advanced access controls that can grant or revoke access to a given message at any time, even after its been delivered. The goal of Virtru is not just to add an extra level of security, but to help especially sensitive data circulated in regulated industries like the medical and law fields to stay as secure as possible, making it easier than ever to keep communications compliant with applicable law.

Administrators on Virtru-enabled servers can not only encrypt or decrypt things that come and go at will, but can control the entire process from origination to endpoint, and even after. Starting at the source, administrators can set custom rules to encrypt messages based on a wide variety of criteria, such as sender and recipient, keywords in the contents, and presence or type of attachments, among other things. Virtru allows total end-to-end encryption of all messages across platforms, and for any messages that dont fall under administrator-set rules, users can encrypt them with nothing more than the push of a button in their mobile email client or browser. Decryption keys can be stored onsite, or in Virtrus cloud, or even both, ensuring maximum security for the keys and making recovery a breeze. As icing on the cake, admins will have a personal dashboard, where they can keep track of all communications within their organization, including those with participants on the outside, and can get customizable notifications of anything happening on the network.

Virtru will integrate tightly with G Suite when it rolls out. For now, only communications such as emails will be encrypted, but support for other file and transmission types could come later. Google has not revealed how much Virtru will cost when it hits G Suite, or how users can go about getting it. Instead, Virtru will be hosting a webinar on July 11, at 10 AM Pacific time. The webinar will go over the basics of getting, implementing, and maintaining a Virtru installation over a given instance of G Suite.

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Virtru Brings End-To-End Encryption To G Suite - Android Headlines

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