PACE Anti-Piracy launches white-box encryption protection for banks and PSPs – The Paypers

US-based licence management company PACE Anti-Piracy has launched White-Box Works, an EMVCo-evaluated code generator to boost data protection for PSPs, banks and other FIs.

White-Box Works gives the customer independent control over their protected code, ensuring their encryption keys and proprietary algorithms never leave the customers premises. White-Box Works can transform any C-code into a protected white-box variant in a single step.

This level of in-house control also promises to increase operational efficiency for the customer, since they are no longer beholden to a white-box library vendors build schedule and can develop their application in accordance with their internal schedules, the press release details. It also enables the customer to use, replace and update their deployed encryption keys and algorithms at will, with no need to re-engage PACE Anti-Piracy, or any other third-party vendor.

White-Box Works has been designed to defeat attacks involving reverse engineering, fault injection, and advanced statistical analysis (such as Differential Computation Analysis). The generator outputs code that has been designed to defeat a attacks to which many encryption-dependent financial apps remain vulnerable, including those supporting mobile payments, digital identity, self-service retail, and softPOS use-cases.

White-Box Works has also achieved an EMVCo Software-Based Mobile Payment (SBMP) security evaluation certificate, following a successful EMVCo SBMP Evaluation conducted by global security lab, Riscure.

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PACE Anti-Piracy launches white-box encryption protection for banks and PSPs - The Paypers

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