New report on encryption in criminal matters stresses balance between security and privacy – Eurojust

The report gives an overview of the use of encrypted communication tools such as EncroChat and SkyECC by criminal networks and analyses the topic of encryption from a legal, technical, policy and research point of view. The publication also touches on specific judicial processes and court rulings.

Furthermore, the new report includes an elaborate analysis of the recent ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union of 30 April this year on encrypted communications. This ruling clarifies the conditions for EU Member States to request and transmit intercepted data from encrypted communication channels for use as evidence in criminal proceedings, in order to safeguard fundamental rights and enable continued investigations into criminal activities.

The publication also provides technical information on new developments and tools such as quantum computing, cryptocurrencies, biometric data, telecommunications and artificial intelligence. It also presents an overview of the challenges and opportunities they represent for judicial and law enforcement authorities.

The main ideas in the conclusions and recommendations are:

The report is the result of the pooling of expertise of all partners collaborating in the EU Innovation Hub for Internal Security, hosted at Europol, including the EU Agencies CEPOL, EIGE, EUAA, Eurojust, Europol, Frontex, FRA and the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union (including the EU Counterterrorism Coordinators Office), as well as the European Commission (Directorate Generals JRC and Home).

New report on encryption in criminal matters stresses balance between security and privacy - Eurojust

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