EU deals Theresa May encryption setback as MEPs propose ban on government backdoors –

After the attack the Home Secretary Amber Rudd accused WhatsApp of giving terrorists "a place to hide and said it was completely unacceptable that they could communicate in secret.

This week, Ms Mayand French presidentEmmanuel Macron vowed tougher action on tech companies applying encryption.

As well as outlawing encryption backdoors, the MEPs propose forcing communications providers that do not currently encrypt communications to do so.

Service providers who offer electronic communications services should ensure that such electronic communications data are protected by using specific types of software and encryption technologies,the proposals state.

A Home Office spokesman said: "The Government has been clear that we support the use of encryption. It helps keep peoples personal information safe and ensures secure online commerce.But we have also been clear that we must ensure that, in tightly proscribed circumstances, our law enforcement and security and intelligence agencies are able to access communications of criminals, including terrorists."

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EU deals Theresa May encryption setback as MEPs propose ban on government backdoors -

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