Encryption | Internet Society

U.S., U. K., and Australia: Encryption Keeps Us Secure

The Internet Society joins over 100 organizations and security experts urging these countries to rethink their calls for exceptional access.

The Internet Society LAC Bureau signed a letter on the importance of encryption produced by ALAI and co-signed by LACNIC. The letter underscores the technical and economic aspects of the matter, highlighting that encryption is an essential condition for stability and trust in the digital ecosystem.

The Internet Society joined over 110 other organizations in an open letter encouraging Facebook to continue its plans to implement end-to-end encryption across its platform.

Together with partners, we hosted a two-panel event about the technology behind encryption and heard compelling stories of its impact on marginalized communities.

On Sep 4, 2019, the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) released the statement that discusses possible unintended effects policy and regulatory proposals may have on the Internet.

The Internet Society and more than 30 organizations have signedan open letter calling on the G7 leaders to prioritize digital security.

We must strengthen, not weaken encryption.By whatever name, any point of entry to a secure service is a weakness.

Rather than encouraging Internet companies to weaken their security, global leaders should be discussing how to increase the use of encryption, make it easier to use, and harder to thwart.

The Internet Society and its locally based chapter, Internet Australia, joined 75 organizations in signing a letter urging Australia not to pursue legislation that could undermine the security of encrypted services and devices used by Australians.

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Encryption | Internet Society

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