Cyber Intell Solution (CIS) Announces the Issuance of a Patent for Groundbreaking a Proprietary Randomized … – PR Newswire

ANNAPOLIS, Md., Jan. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cyber Intell Solution, LLC, a pioneer in software-defined network solutions, announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued patent No 0412583, for their ground breaking encrypted communication platform and related systems and methods, further strengthening the Company's intellectual property position in the cyber technology industry.

CISEN-SDN (Software Defined Network) is a dynamic, flexible solution that supports various network configurations and answers diverse implementation requirements. Agnostic in nature, the SDN networks can be configured as an end-to-end Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) environment or a fusion PQC environment compatible with standard encryption protocols found in most commercially available hardware.

InventorAlexander Purta is recognized for his extensive experience developing, evaluating, and operating innovative cyber technology and encryption protocols to enhance secure digital communication, data exchange, and cyber obfuscation. I am thrilled to be living in an age where every day we have the opportunity to positively impact our society by developing divergent solutions through an indirect and creative approach utilizing innovative cyber technology and encryption protocols, said Alex Purta.


Cyber Intell Solution (CIS) LLC is a cyber security business created by a former member of the UnitedStates Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). CIS offers proprietary hardware and software Cyber Security suite with dynamic, portable commercial off-the-shelf randomized, anonymous solutions for Data-in-Transit, Data-at-Rest, and secure communication to deliver unrivaled protection through multi-dimensional security.

Foundedin2015byAlexanderPurta, CIShasgrownexponentiallyoverthepastfewyears in supportofthe U.S. Military, Department of Defense (DoD), large and small businesses, and humanitarianorganizations worldwide. The issuance of the encrypted network patent represents a noteworthyachievementinthecompany's pursuitofadvancing scientificinnovations.



Ashley Kindig[emailprotected]Source: CyberIntell Solution

SOURCE Cyber Intell Solution

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Cyber Intell Solution (CIS) Announces the Issuance of a Patent for Groundbreaking a Proprietary Randomized ... - PR Newswire

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