Cult of the Dead Cow Develops Encryption System for Messaging … – TickerTV News

A renowned group of technology activists, Cult of the Dead Cow, has shifted its focus towards developing a system that enables the creation of messaging and social networking apps without retaining users personal data. The group has created a coding framework called Veilid, which allows app developers to build applications for mobile devices and the web using strong encryption. Veilid aims to provide secure end-to-end encryption for messaging, file sharing, and social networking apps passing fully encrypted content between devices. Similar to decentralized networks like BitTorrent, Veilid gets faster and more efficient as more devices join and share the load.

The project aims to address growing concerns about user privacy and government surveillance. Veilid offers an alternative to apps that collect detailed personal information for targeted advertising or product pitching. However, the challenge lies in convincing developers to design apps compatible with Veilid, as the potential revenue streams from these apps are limited the absence of detailed user information.

Veilid enters a market where users are increasingly dissatisfied with platforms like Twitter and Facebook and are searching for more secure alternatives. It also provides support to those opposing governments attempts to weaken encryption with laws requiring content disclosure. Notably, tech giants like Apple, Facebook, and Signal have threatened to withdraw services in the UK if the proposed Online Safety Bill is implemented without changes.

Veilid is a significant release Cult of the Dead Cow, the oldest and most influential hacking group in the US. The group includes cybersecurity experts who have been at the forefront of discovering and addressing security flaws in widely used software. Veilids development is driven members such as Peiter Zatko, known as Mudge, and Christien Rioux, who have significant experience in cybersecurity and hacking.

The Veilid framework, developed Rioux, aims to simplify the process of using encryption for app developers and users. The project seeks to make secure messaging and social networking as user-friendly as popular platforms like Facebook, leveraging the power of mobile devices to create a decentralized cloud.

Veilids potential impact on protecting user privacy and advancing secure communications is significant. By developing apps that do not collect personal data and are encrypted from end to end, it offers an alternative to the prevailing surveillance business model.

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Cult of the Dead Cow Develops Encryption System for Messaging ... - TickerTV News

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