For centuries, cryptography was the exclusive preserve of the state. Then, in 1976, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman came up with a practical method for establishing a shared secret key over an authenticated (but not confidential) communications channel without using a prior shared secret. The following year, three MIT scholars Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman came up with the RSA algorithm (named after their initials) for implementing it. It was the beginning of public-key cryptography at least in the public domain.
From the very beginning, state authorities were not amused by this development. They were even less amused when in 1991 Phil Zimmermann created Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) software for signing, encrypting and decrypting texts, emails, files and other things. PGP raised the spectre of ordinary citizens or at any rate the more geeky of them being able to wrap their electronic communications in an envelope that not even the most powerful state could open. In fact, the US government was so enraged by Zimmermanns work that it defined PGP as a munition, which meant that it was a crime to export it to Warsaw Pact countries. (The cold war was still relatively hot then.)
In the four decades since then, theres been a conflict between the desire of citizens to have communications that are unreadable by state and other agencies and the desire of those agencies to be able to read them. The aftermath of 9/11, which gave states carte blanche to snoop on everything people did online, and the explosion in online communication via the internet and (since 2007) smartphones, has intensified the conflict. During the Clinton years, US authorities tried (and failed) to ensure that all electronic devices should have a secret backdoor, while the Snowden revelations in 2013 put pressure on internet companies to offer end-to-end encryption for their users communications that would make them unreadable by either security services or the tech companies themselves. The result was a kind of standoff: between tech companies facilitating unreadable communications and law enforcement and security agencies unable to access evidence to which they had a legitimate entitlement.
In August, Apple opened a chink in the industrys armour, announcing that it would be adding new features to its iOS operating system that were designed to combat child sexual exploitation and the distribution of abuse imagery. The most controversial measure scans photos on an iPhone, compares them with a database of known child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and notifies Apple if a match is found. The technology is known as client-side scanning or CSS.
Powerful forces in government and the tech industry are now lobbying hard for CSS to become mandatory on all smartphones. Their argument is that instead of weakening encryption or providing law enforcement with backdoor keys, CSS would enable on-device analysis of data in the clear (ie before it becomes encrypted by an app such as WhatsApp or iMessage). If targeted information were detected, its existence and, potentially, its source would be revealed to the agencies; otherwise, little or no information would leave the client device.
CSS evangelists claim that its a win-win proposition: providing a solution to the encryption v public safety debate by offering privacy (unimpeded end-to-end encryption) and the ability to successfully investigate serious crime. Whats not to like? Plenty, says an academic paper by some of the worlds leading computer security experts published last week.
The drive behind the CSS lobbying is that the scanning software be installed on all smartphones rather than installed covertly on the devices of suspects or by court order on those of ex-offenders. Such universal deployment would threaten the security of law-abiding citizens as well as lawbreakers. And even though CSS still allows end-to-end encryption, this is moot if the message has already been scanned for targeted content before it was dispatched. Similarly, while Apples implementation of the technology simply scans for images, it doesnt take much to imagine political regimes scanning text for names, memes, political views and so on.
In reality, CSS is a technology for what in the security world is called bulk interception. Because it would give government agencies access to private content, it should really be treated like wiretapping and regulated accordingly. And in jurisdictions where bulk interception is already prohibited, bulk CSS should be prohibited as well.
In the longer view of the evolution of digital technology, though, CSS is just the latest step in the inexorable intrusion of surveillance devices into our lives. The trend that started with reading our emails, moved on to logging our searches and our browsing clickstreams, mining our online activity to create profiles for targeting advertising at us and using facial recognition to allow us into our offices now continues by breaching the home with smart devices relaying everything back to motherships in the cloud and, if CSS were to be sanctioned, penetrating right into our pockets, purses and handbags. That leaves only one remaining barrier: the human skull. But, rest assured, Elon Musk undoubtedly has a plan for that too.
Wheels within wheelsIm not an indoor cyclist but if I were, The Counterintuitive Mechanics of Peloton Addiction, a confessional blogpost by Anne Helen Petersen, might give me pause.
Get out of hereThe Last Days of Intervention is a long and thoughtful essay in Foreign Affairs by Rory Stewart, one of the few British politicians who always talked sense about Afghanistan.
The insiderBlowing the Whistle on Facebook Is Just the First Step is a bracing piece by Maria Farrell in the Conversationalist about the Facebook whistleblower.
Go here to read the rest:
Apples plan to scan images will allow governments into smartphones - The Guardian
- WhatsApp overhauling status tab with encrypted Snapchat Stories-like feature - 9 to 5 Mac [Last Updated On: February 21st, 2017] [Originally Added On: February 21st, 2017]
- GOP demands inquiry into EPA use of encrypted messaging apps - CNET [Last Updated On: February 21st, 2017] [Originally Added On: February 21st, 2017]
- Encryption Apps Help White House Staffers Leakand Maybe Break the Law - WIRED [Last Updated On: February 21st, 2017] [Originally Added On: February 21st, 2017]
- World Wide Web Creator Calls for Internet Decentralization & Encryption - The Data Center Journal [Last Updated On: February 21st, 2017] [Originally Added On: February 21st, 2017]
- What It Means to Have an 'Adult' Conversation on Encryption - Pacific Standard [Last Updated On: February 21st, 2017] [Originally Added On: February 21st, 2017]
- Confide in me! Encryption app leaks sensitive info from Washington DC - SC Magazine UK [Last Updated On: February 21st, 2017] [Originally Added On: February 21st, 2017]
- Gmail v7.2 Prepares to Add Support for S/MIME Enhanced Encryption - XDA Developers (blog) [Last Updated On: February 26th, 2017] [Originally Added On: February 26th, 2017]
- Top 6 Data Encryption Solutions - The Merkle [Last Updated On: February 26th, 2017] [Originally Added On: February 26th, 2017]
- Your Guide to the Encryption Debate - Consumer Reports - [Last Updated On: February 26th, 2017] [Originally Added On: February 26th, 2017]
- Google helps put aging SHA-1 encryption out to pasture - Engadget [Last Updated On: February 26th, 2017] [Originally Added On: February 26th, 2017]
- Decipher your Encryption Challenges - Infosecurity Magazine [Last Updated On: February 28th, 2017] [Originally Added On: February 28th, 2017]
- How the Politics of Encryption Affects Government Adoption - Freedom to Tinker [Last Updated On: February 28th, 2017] [Originally Added On: February 28th, 2017]
- How Encryption Makes Your Sensitive Cloud-Based Data an Asset, Not a Liability - Security Intelligence (blog) [Last Updated On: February 28th, 2017] [Originally Added On: February 28th, 2017]
- Set up VMware VM Encryption for hypervisor-level security - TechTarget [Last Updated On: February 28th, 2017] [Originally Added On: February 28th, 2017]
- How The Media Are Using Encryption Tools To Collect Anonymous Tips - NPR [Last Updated On: February 28th, 2017] [Originally Added On: February 28th, 2017]
- Encryption patent that roiled Newegg is dead on appeal | Ars Technica - Ars Technica [Last Updated On: February 28th, 2017] [Originally Added On: February 28th, 2017]
- Research proposes 'full-journey' email encryption - The Stack [Last Updated On: March 1st, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 1st, 2017]
- Database-as-a-service platform introduces encryption-at-rest - BetaNews [Last Updated On: March 1st, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 1st, 2017]
- Encrypted Messaging Service 'Signal' Adds Video Call Option - Top Tech News [Last Updated On: March 2nd, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 2nd, 2017]
- Germany, France lobby hard for terror-busting encryption backdoors ... - The Register [Last Updated On: March 2nd, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 2nd, 2017]
- How to Send Encrypted Nudes, a Guide for the Discerning Lover - Inverse [Last Updated On: March 2nd, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 2nd, 2017]
- Ironclad Encryption Corporation Announces New Ticker Symbol OTCQB: IRNC - Yahoo Finance [Last Updated On: March 2nd, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 2nd, 2017]
- The Best Email Encryption Software of 2017 | Top Ten Reviews [Last Updated On: March 2nd, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 2nd, 2017]
- No, you shouldn't delete Signal or other encrypted apps - TechCrunch [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 11th, 2017]
- Best encryption software: Top 5 - Computer Business Review [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 11th, 2017]
- Encryption Backdoors, Vault 7, and the Jurassic Park Rule of Internet Security - Just Security [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 11th, 2017]
- That Encrypted Chat App the White House Liked? Full of Holes - WIRED [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 11th, 2017]
- What the CIA WikiLeaks Dump Tells Us: Encryption Works - New York Times [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 11th, 2017]
- Snake-Oil Alert Encryption Does Not Prevent Mass-Snooping - Center for Research on Globalization [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 11th, 2017]
- Customer Letter - Apple [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 11th, 2017]
- Don't Let WikiLeaks Scare You Off of Signal and Other Encrypted Chat Apps - WIRED [Last Updated On: March 12th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 12th, 2017]
- BT to offer customers encryption service for data - Capacity Media (registration) [Last Updated On: March 12th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 12th, 2017]
- Encryption - [Last Updated On: March 12th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 12th, 2017]
- Use FileVault to encrypt the startup disk on ... - Apple Support [Last Updated On: March 12th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 12th, 2017]
- Viber launches secret chats to go beyond encryption - SlashGear [Last Updated On: March 13th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 13th, 2017]
- Zix wins 5-vendor email encryption shootout - Network World [Last Updated On: March 13th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 13th, 2017]
- A lesson from the CIA WikiLeaks dump: Encryption works - The Seattle Times [Last Updated On: March 13th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 13th, 2017]
- What the CIA WikiLeaks Dump Tells Us: Encryption Works - NewsFactor Network [Last Updated On: March 18th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 18th, 2017]
- Panicked Secret Service Says It Lost Encrypted Laptop But It's Fine, Everything's Fine - Gizmodo [Last Updated On: March 18th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 18th, 2017]
- Google Cloud adds new customer-supplied encryption key partners ... - ZDNet [Last Updated On: March 18th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 18th, 2017]
- Preseeding Full Disk Encryption - Linux Journal [Last Updated On: March 18th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 18th, 2017]
- Bypassing encryption: 'Lawful hacking' is the next frontier of law enforcement technology - Boston Business Journal [Last Updated On: March 18th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 18th, 2017]
- SecurityBrief NZ - Gemalto introduces on-prem encryption key solution for 'highly regulated' organisations - SecurityBrief NZ [Last Updated On: March 21st, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 21st, 2017]
- 'Always Be Concerned': US Court Slaps Down Fifth Amendment Defense of Encryption - Sputnik International [Last Updated On: March 21st, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 21st, 2017]
- Quantum Key System Uses Unbreakable Light-Based Encryption to Secure Data - [Last Updated On: March 21st, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 21st, 2017]
- Wikileaks Only Told You Half The Story -- Why Encryption Matters More Than Ever - Forbes [Last Updated On: March 21st, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 21st, 2017]
- EPA Sued For Withholding Info On Encrypted Text Messages | The ... - Daily Caller [Last Updated On: March 22nd, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 22nd, 2017]
- Opinion Data encryption efforts ramp up in face of growing security threats - Information Management [Last Updated On: March 22nd, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 22nd, 2017]
- Bypassing encryption: Lawful hacking is the next frontier of law enforcement technology - Salon [Last Updated On: March 22nd, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 22nd, 2017]
- NeuVector Announces Container Visualization, Encryption, and Security Solution for NGINX Plus - [Last Updated On: March 23rd, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 23rd, 2017]
- Is encryption one of the required HIPAA implementation specifications? - TechTarget [Last Updated On: March 23rd, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 23rd, 2017]
- Paper Spells Out Tech, Legal Options for Encryption Workarounds - Threatpost [Last Updated On: March 23rd, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 23rd, 2017]
- Encryption debate needs to be nuanced, says FBI's Comey - TechTarget [Last Updated On: March 25th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 25th, 2017]
- Comey Renews Debate Over Encryption - 550 KTSA [Last Updated On: March 25th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 25th, 2017]
- UK minister says encryption on messaging services is unacceptable - Reuters [Last Updated On: March 28th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 28th, 2017]
- The why and how of encrypting files on your Android smartphone - Phoenix Sun [Last Updated On: March 28th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 28th, 2017]
- UK targets WhatsApp encryption after London attack - Yahoo News [Last Updated On: March 28th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 28th, 2017]
- Critical flaw alert! Stop using JSON encryption | InfoWorld - InfoWorld [Last Updated On: March 28th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 28th, 2017]
- SecureMyEmail is email encryption for everyone - TechRepublic - TechRepublic [Last Updated On: March 28th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 28th, 2017]
- Apple iOS 10.3 will introduce encryption which makes it MORE difficult for cops and spooks to crack into ISIS nuts ... - The Sun [Last Updated On: March 29th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 29th, 2017]
- How to Analyze An Encryption Access Proposal - Freedom to Tinker [Last Updated On: March 29th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 29th, 2017]
- Questions for the FBI on Encryption Mandates - Freedom to Tinker [Last Updated On: March 29th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 29th, 2017]
- Justice Department anti-terror chief keeps pressing on encryption - Politico (blog) [Last Updated On: March 29th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 29th, 2017]
- UK government can force encryption removal, but fears losing, experts say - The Guardian [Last Updated On: March 29th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 29th, 2017]
- Encryption FAQs [Last Updated On: March 29th, 2017] [Originally Added On: March 29th, 2017]
- Why isn't US military email protected by standard encryption tech? - Naked Security [Last Updated On: April 9th, 2017] [Originally Added On: April 9th, 2017]
- How have ARM TrustZone flaws affected Android encryption? - TechTarget [Last Updated On: April 9th, 2017] [Originally Added On: April 9th, 2017]
- Keeping the enterprise secure in the age of mass encryption - Information Age [Last Updated On: April 9th, 2017] [Originally Added On: April 9th, 2017]
- Lack of encryption led to Dallas siren hack - WFAA [Last Updated On: April 12th, 2017] [Originally Added On: April 12th, 2017]
- Internet Society tells G20 nations: The web must be fully encrypted - The Register [Last Updated On: April 12th, 2017] [Originally Added On: April 12th, 2017]
- Make Encryption Ubiquitous, Says Internet Society - Infosecurity ... - Infosecurity Magazine [Last Updated On: April 12th, 2017] [Originally Added On: April 12th, 2017]
- Can we encrypt the web while giving governments a backdoor to snoop? - SC Magazine UK [Last Updated On: April 12th, 2017] [Originally Added On: April 12th, 2017]
- Why we need to encrypt everything - InfoWorld [Last Updated On: April 12th, 2017] [Originally Added On: April 12th, 2017]
- Hacked Dallas sirens get extra encryption to fend off future attacks - Computerworld [Last Updated On: April 12th, 2017] [Originally Added On: April 12th, 2017]
- SHA-1 Encryption Has Been Broken: Now What? - Forbes [Last Updated On: April 14th, 2017] [Originally Added On: April 14th, 2017]
- Hewlett Packard Enterprise touts encryption tool for federal clients - The Hill [Last Updated On: April 14th, 2017] [Originally Added On: April 14th, 2017]
- Encryption on the Rise in Age of Cloud - Infosecurity Magazine - Infosecurity Magazine [Last Updated On: April 14th, 2017] [Originally Added On: April 14th, 2017]
- Lawmaker Pushes Bill That Requires Encryption by Pennsylvania State Employees - Government Technology [Last Updated On: April 14th, 2017] [Originally Added On: April 14th, 2017]
- Disk encryption - Wikipedia [Last Updated On: April 14th, 2017] [Originally Added On: April 14th, 2017]
- The apps to use if you want to keep your messages private - Recode [Last Updated On: April 15th, 2017] [Originally Added On: April 15th, 2017]