When we might meet the first intelligent machines – VentureBeat

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How close are we to living in a world where human-level intelligence is exceeded by machines? Over the course of my career, Ive regularly engaged in a thought experiment where I try to think like the computer in order to imagine a solution to a programming challenge or opportunity. The gulf between human reasoning and software code was always pretty clear.

Then, a few weeks ago, after conversing with the LaMDA chatbot for several months, now former Google AI engineer Blake Lemoine saidhe thought LaMDA was sentient [subscription required]. Two days before Lemoines announcement, Pulitzer Prize-winning AI pioneer and cognitive scientist Douglas Hofstadterwrote an article saying [subscription required] that artificial neural networks (the software technology behind LaMDA) are not conscious. He also came to that conclusion after a series of conversations with another powerful AI chatbot named GPT-3. Hofstadter ended the article by estimating that we are still decades away from machine consciousness.

A few weeks later, Yann LeCun, the chief scientist at Metas artificial intelligence (AI) Lab and winner of the 2018 Turing Award, released a paper titled A Path Towards Autonomous Machine Intelligence. He shares in the paper an architecture that goes beyond consciousness and sentience to propose a pathway to programming an AI with the ability to reason and plan like humans. Researchers call this artificial general intelligence or AGI.

I think we will come to regard LeCuns paper with the same reverence that we reserve today for Alan Turings1936 paperthat described the architecture for the modern digital computer. Heres why.

MetaBeat 2022

MetaBeat will bring together thought leaders to give guidance on how metaverse technology will transform the way all industries communicate and do business on October 4 in San Francisco, CA.

LeCuns first breakthrough is in imagining a way past the limitations of todays specialized AIs with his concept of a world model. This is made possible in part by the invention of a hierarchical architecture for predictive models that learn to represent the world at multiple levels of abstraction and over multiple time scales.

With this world model, we can predict possible future states by simulating action sequences. In the paper, he notes,This may enable reasoning by analogy, by applying the model configured for one situation to another situation.

This brings us to the second major innovation in LeCuns paper. As he notes,One can imagine a generic world model for the environment with a small portion of the parameters being modulated by the congurator for the task at hand.He leaves open the question of how the congurator learns to decompose a complex task into a sequence of subgoals.But this is basically how the human mind uses analogies.

For example, imagine if you woke up this morning in a hotel room and had to operate the shower in the room for the first time. Chances are that you rapidly broke up the task into a series of subgoals by drawing on analogies learned by operating other showers. First, determine how to turn on the water using the handle, then confirm which direction to turn the handle to make the water warmer, etc. You could ignore the vast majority of data points in the room to focus on just a few that are relevant to those goals.

The third major advance is the most powerful. LeCuns architecture runs on a self-supervised learning paradigm. This means that the AI is able to learn by itself by watching videos, reading text, interacting with humans, processing sensor data or processing any other input source. Most AIs today must be trained on a diet of specially labeled data prepared by human trainers.

Googles DeepMindjust released a public databaseproduced by their AlphaFold AI. It contains the estimated shape of nearly all 200 million proteins known to science. Previously, it took researchers 3-5 years to predict the shape of just one protein experimentally. DeepMinds AI trainers and AlphaFold finished almost 200 million within the same five-year window.

What will it mean when an AI can plan and reason by itself without human trainers? Todays leading AI technologies machine learning, robotic process automation, chatbots are already transforming organizations in industries varying from pharma research labs to insurance companies.

When they do arrive, whether in a few decades or a few years, intelligent machines will introduce both vast new opportunities and surprising new risks.

Brian Mulconreyis SVPatSureify Labs and a futurist. He lives in Austin, Texas.

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When we might meet the first intelligent machines - VentureBeat

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