Problem or possibility? The shrouded secret to succeed in business – MetroWest Daily News

Paula M. Parker| Special to the Daily News

His hand goes up. The audience gasps. Simon stops the singer.

Its the wrong song, can you rehearse another one and try again, he said. And depending upon your perspective, that scenario is either a problem or a possibility.

Maybe Cowell is coaching. Dig deep, then come back and show me the vocal mastery, I know you have.

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Well, thats my interpretation. Ultimately the artist returns, and belts out a song to thunderous applause. Problem or possibility: Isit the shrouded secret to succeed in business, too? Read on.

What if a problem is really a possibility in disguise, and its inviting you to reach deep within to discover your authentic talent, like that singer?Because when you change what something means, everything changes.

Before I explain, check out the Latin root of possibility, possibilitatem. Meaning a possible thing or substance; that which may take place or come into being.

If the vocalist views Simons instruction as an inspiring possibility, she conjures her true talent into being and brings the house down. But if shes anxious andthinksits a problem, thats constrictive energy, which can constrict vocal cords.

Zero singing mastery there.

Two different outcomes. Now imagine framing a problem in business as a possibility. No,Im not suggesting that you like something you really dont. Thats when being emotionally neutral works. A possibility, when its positive, opens your mind to a realm of infinite solutions. Itll call forth your every talent, and some you dont know you have.

Accessing your talent and solutions, in business, is a success strategy, shrouded secret or not.

People think in patterns, for too many reasons to explain here. Its not always a bad thing, as songs have patterns. But what happens if the pattern isnt beneficial?

In business or otherwise, responding by thinking in limiting patterns, to new situations, when absolutely committed to change, is frustrating. Can you relate? Youre making progress in personal development.Then one day a situation crops up. Enter the old self.

Hey, Im persistent, Ill do everything in my power so youll handle this the exact same way you have for decades.

If you give in, it reinforces the old behavioral pattern. What changes?

Heres the paradox. Transforming any pattern that keeps you stuckis a contest between you and you. Because the only one telling you to think the same old way about a situationis... you.

Can you transform a limiting pattern? Yes, of course. Depending upon its strength, transformation takes patience and repetition. Results far exceed effort when clients apply these mindset alchemy principles in business. Heres why: When you become the master of your mind, you are master of everything. That's Swami Satchidananda.

No "Americas Got Talent" audition? Its OK. Youre brilliant in your own right. You have the power to turn a problem into a possibility and to transform a limiting pattern, into a beneficial one. Thats superstar talent, and wherever you go, its there.

Paula M. Parker, of Ashland, is an owners adviser preparing businesses to prosper. Contact her at

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Problem or possibility? The shrouded secret to succeed in business - MetroWest Daily News

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