Why Investing in Employee Training Think Data Science … – Acceleration Economy

In episode 72 of the Data Modernization Minute, Wayne Sadin explains why employee training is as critical for organizational success as new data tools.

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00:50 Waynes topic today is investment. Waynes looked at a lot of tools in the last few months. He recommends that organizations take some of the money theyre going to spend on tools and invest in training for their teams.

01:32 A common scenario is Were going to buy this cool tool. It solves our problem. Now weve used our budget up. How about making people better at change? How about giving teams new tools for process analytics? For data science, for statistics? Refresh old bachelors or masters degrees.

02:38 People can be taught how to learn more effectively, how to sell, and how to talk about ideas and get them across to people. These are all great skills.

03:04 What if organizations took some of that IT budget and brought an IT person and their corresponding business person or business people (their customers, if you will) together, and trained them as a team?

03:19 Tools are fun. Tools are effective, and organizations shouldnt stop investing in them. But take some of that money and think about how to upgrade peoples skill sets.

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Why Investing in Employee Training Think Data Science ... - Acceleration Economy

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